How can you tell by behavior and other signs that a Virgo man is in love with you? Man - Virgo: scientific approach.

The Virgo man is handsome, calm, reasonable, reliable, thoughtful, caring. He is successful in business, sweet, smart, he always has money and most often expensive car. He knows how to adapt, his friends love him. He has a subtle sense of humor and will be able to make you laugh even when tears are welling up in your eyes. His will is so strong that he can easily make all his dreams come true. He's usually a great cook - take note of that. However, there is also a negative trait in his character. The Virgo man is nervous, picky and selfish.

August 22 – September 23

Virgo zodiac sign

Virgo men are characterized by reliability and commitment, so you can rely on them without a doubt. They consider it unacceptable for themselves to be late and always comply with agreements. Having once made a decision, Virgo will not change it. A man born under the sign of Virgo can safely be called a man of duty. These are disciplined, hardworking and at the same time highly intelligent people, whose minds have a pronounced practical orientation. For them, the meaning of life lies in work - a source of not only moral satisfaction, but material security.

Character of a man - zodiac sign Virgo

Being representatives of an earth sign, Virgo men do not allow themselves to publicly express emotions, avoid situations in which they can become emotional and reveal their inner excitement more than they think is acceptable. You can communicate with such people without fear that they will easily lose their temper. The main thing is not to criticize Virgo, especially publicly, otherwise he will unleash a torrent of causticity and bile on the offender, remembering everything to him. Relationships with others are also complicated by qualities that are often found in Virgo, such as meticulousness and pettiness. These men really don’t like it when people are careless and indiscriminate, and this applies not only to their appearance, but also to their way of thinking and actions. They cannot be indifferent to any manifestations of vulgarity or vulgarity; in such a situation they are unlikely to remain silent. On the other hand, Virgos are very committed and reliable, you can always rely on them. An agreement is sacred to them; they do not irritate with delays or missed deadlines. Virgos usually do not change decisions once made.

Virgo Man Virtues

When love comes into the heart of a Virgo man, from the outside he may look indifferent: this is his kind of defensive reaction. Such a man can spend many years waiting for reciprocal love, but he will not give up on his dream. When a Virgo man proposes marriage, his chosen one can be sure: all the pros and cons are scrupulously weighed, the decision is made once and for all. It is rare that someone is as devoted to their other half as the Virgo spouse. The Virgo man looks after beautifully, and not only according to the standard “flowers - compliments - restaurant” scheme, but with the help of chivalrous deeds and real help. In addition, he is usually hardworking, has a good income and will honestly give you your official salary (just don’t ask him to give it to a “leftist” either - he won’t understand and will be offended). He has golden hands, and with proper motivation, you won’t need to call specially trained people to hang a shelf or install a faucet.

Weaknesses of a Virgo man

The Virgo man does not know how to keep his mouth shut: “The man said, the man did, the man did and told everyone.” If you want all your friends to know about your secrets, share your “secret” with Virgo, and he will not let you down. In addition, he is disgustingly disgusting, so, as a rule, expecting from him such joys as oral sex or even just a cozy drink of tea from the same cup is a futile task. He also often “forgets” about his promises if fulfilling them is inconvenient or unprofitable for him.

Man - Virgo in love

When he is in love, he looks shy, with an air of coldness and indifference, but at the same time his heart glows with passion. The Virgo man strives for material wealth through physical labor, working hard to earn comfort and coziness for his home. The Virgo man has a hard time deciding to talk about his feelings. However, he is not afraid to tell his partner what he wants from love. In love, he most likely strives for quality and devotes a lot of time to finding the object of his love, since he is very picky in choosing his woman. Don't try to lie to him, he wants your relationship to be decent, clean and honest. Sometimes he makes very strange requests in love. Once you have won him, he will rarely give cause for jealousy. He will not be wildly and unbridledly jealous, but remember that the Virgo man is an owner! His love will burn with an even flame, without any flare-ups, and it will give you a feeling of warmth and reliability for many years. You will always be surrounded by his attention and care.

Man - Virgo in marriage and family

He approaches the issue of marriage with reluctance. The Virgo man is content with his bachelor status until adulthood. Suggestions from relatives can lead to marriage, either because it is necessary or due to serious circumstances. Virgo is an attentive and caring husband who you can rely on in everything. He is smart, intelligent, reliable and, although he himself is completely devoid of sentimentality, for your sake he will remember everyone important dates, be it your wedding anniversary or your mother-in-law's birthday. Next to him you will always feel comfortable and protected, just like in childhood. Or like in that safe cave where the prince who killed the dragon brought his beautiful princess to protect her from the storms and hardships of this crazy world. Virgo is not too keen on fatherhood, however, once in this role, she devotes a lot of time and attention to the child. Responsibility is one of his main traits, and in fatherhood it manifests itself in the Virgo man in the best possible way. The Virgo man is somewhat cool about fatherhood. At the same time they are caring loving fathers. People tend to feel happiness from fatherhood a little later, after the birth of children. However, they are patient and strict with children. They instill in them a love of hard work and the desire to become purposeful people.

Man - Virgo zodiac sign

The Virgo man is overly straightforward and very pedantic. He may require some effort from you in order to build a relationship with him. However, despite its shortcomings, the attractiveness of representatives of this sign is high, since they are the standard of reliability and stability.

If you need support in life and a person who strives to make you happy, a Virgo man will be for you the best option.
He may not blow your mind at first sight or admit his feelings on the first date.

However, if he commits such an act, then be sure that he will not betray you. There is an opinion that the Virgo man has some “feminine” traits, which, however, is not without meaning.

Many representatives of this sign have a sharp mind, which helps them to understand life situations and people well. By the way, Virgo will judge the latter by their ability to earn, spend and accumulate money. A person who does not know how to handle finances causes rejection and reluctance to communicate closely.

In the eyes of a Virgo man, littering with money is the most serious crime. Because it is by their presence or absence that one can judge how successful a person is and what heights he has reached.

Such a thorough approach to the financial sphere is the reason for stability and balance in the life of such a man. Natural inner instinct allows him to avoid adventures and dangerous situations.

Although in essence it can be compared to real intuition. After all, a strong mind and extraordinary analytical skills help to calculate any situation several steps ahead.

And if you ever hear “no” from such a person, then know that it is categorical and final.

Friendship with a Virgo man

It is very difficult to calculate and guess compatibility, especially friendly, with such a man. He chooses his friends carefully and rarely makes mistakes in them. If a Virgo man encounters betrayal on his way, he will not allow such a mistake again. The excessive criticality of this sign is also not conducive to making friends.

The Virgo man is confident in his own knowledge and experience. This leads to the fact that he expects others to act in accordance with his expectations. It is difficult for him to resist pointing out his shortcomings to someone, and the “art of compliments” is very difficult for him.

Representatives of this sign take care of their health and appearance. They love to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and take long walks in the fresh air.

This behavior helps them cope with the internal state of nervousness that is often present in Virgos. This same correctness applies to appearance in men of this sign. They are always clean-shaven, neatly dressed, and their wardrobe is in complete order.

In the lives of such people, the compatibility of impulsiveness and professionalism is excluded. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, which allows them to occupy fairly high positions. However, excessive modesty will prevent them from reaching the very top. As employees, they are valued for:

  • methodical
  • responsibility
  • reliability

They are able to cope with almost any task assigned to them. They know how to handle the money they earn wisely and prudently.

“An even and unquenchable flame” - this is how one can describe the feelings experienced by a Virgo man in love. Not being a naturally emotional and impulsive person, he may not show his interest in a woman for a long time. After all, before becoming a “hostage” in the “chains of love”, it is necessary to calculate the feasibility of such a relationship.

An intelligent and thoughtful Virgo man in love is also guided primarily by logic. He is also very goal-oriented and capable of solving the given problem.

For gentlemen born under this sign, a woman is an interesting object that needs to be studied. His advances will definitely not turn your head, and there is no point in expecting romantic and desperate actions from him. By allowing him to show his interest, you will immediately feel yourself in caring, affectionate and reliable hands.

Women who are able to take initiative will have good compatibility with this sign.

Upbringing and good manners, as well as natural shyness, will not allow such a suitor to show excessive persistence on the first date. Even on the threshold of your bedroom, he can turn around and leave if he does not receive your consent to further actions.

Remember this characteristic of Virgos, and your relationship with this reliable and caring gentleman will move in the right direction. And further little advice: Never be late for a date that a Virgo guy has arranged, otherwise it may be your last.

The Virgo man treats marriage, as well as everything in his life, thoroughly. He chooses his chosen one for a long time, and having outlined a goal that interests him, he can wait long years to get what you want.

Of course, the steps he takes will not be painted in the dramatic colors of passionate feelings. After all, romance and beautiful relationships are not their strong point. But with a strong desire to conquer impregnable fortress The Virgo man will show such care that it will be very difficult for you to resist her.

Even if you already agree to go to the registry office, the marriage proposal may be lost in your conversations for a long time. Because it is difficult for those born under this sign to make such decisions. Proof of this can be found in statistics, which claim that the majority of bachelors are among those born under the sign of Virgo.

A marriage concluded with a Virgo will be a quiet and safe haven in which storms and bad weather will rarely occur. After all, a man in love will try to surround you with care and do everything to make you happy. He will not become a domestic tyrant who will require you to radically change your own interests and lifestyle.

His courtesy and friendliness will allow him to cope with any situation. It’s also very difficult to piss him off, even if you try hard. Virgo will have excellent compatibility with a woman who needs a patron, protector and father who gives wise advice.

In the sexual sphere, the Virgo man will also wait for the first step from the woman. He will prepare for the act itself carefully, taking with him everything necessary to make him and you feel comfortable.

You shouldn’t expect aggressive actions and “animal sex” from him. If you like this, then your physical compatibility will be low. Such a partner will not show imagination and come up with anything new. After all, for him, sex is just one aspect of a relationship and far from the main one.

The whole process, starting with foreplay, will be monotonous and familiar. However, such a lover will do everything possible to ensure that you get pleasure in the end. Surely he knows female anatomy by heart. Habitual postures and sequence of actions - here short description normal sex for such a partner.

If you want to improve your compatibility and renew your relationship, you'll have to be adventurous to make it happen in bed.

Before you invite a man born under the sign of Virgo to your place, take the trouble to clean up the house perfect order. Carelessness and lack of cleanliness may scare off this pedantic suitor, and pleasant plans for the evening may not come true.

In choosing a woman, the Virgo man will first weigh all the pros and cons and only then begin active courtship. And the main indicator that his compatibility with a particular woman is possible is that the chosen one has high level intelligence. Therefore, if you decide to win such a gentleman, try to develop intellectually without stopping there.

In order for a union in the future to be possible for such a man, the woman must be a little like him. She must be restrained and disciplined, responsible and collected, and of course not stupid. In addition, a trait that Virgos value is the desire for purity (both body and soul).

A Virgo man cannot have good compatibility with an overly emotional woman. Besides, she doesn’t know how to handle money.

Moving from one extreme to another will distract him from the path of self-improvement and knowledge, and therefore are undesirable for his chosen one.

You should show reciprocal care, keep the house clean, always think about what to say and praise your companion more often. In this case, your beloved man will never betray you and will become a reliable support for the rest of your life.

Virgo Zodiac sign video

This article was written by a man with the zodiac sign - “Virgo”. Therefore, you can be confident in the truthfulness of the information presented, at least in relation to one person)) By the way, hello everyone!

When wondering how to accurately understand a Virgo man’s attitude towards you, you need to competently analyze his behavior. This zodiac sign is distinguished by its secrecy and peculiar slowness in love affairs. The Virgo’s personal feelings are not shown off. A girl must be perceptive in order to immediately consider her lover’s attitude towards her person. Born between 23.08. to 22.09. not very inventive in courtship, but will do everything to make the chosen one feel comfortable.

Understanding the attitude of a Virgo man towards a woman is really not easy, because his emotions are hidden behind seven locks. But what to do in this case? Don't lose heart. This representative of the stronger sex expresses his feelings with daily attention and actions, which for the “Virgo” is a true manifestation of love.

Men of this zodiac sign are shy by nature and are reluctant to open up even to close people. They think a lot and they are not lonely even when alone with themselves. Their natural restraint can at first be mistaken for indifference. But rest assured, if the chosen one has opened his soul wide open and is very frank, then he is really interested in the woman.

The “Virgo” simply idolizes the object of her affection and tries in every possible way to show this through deeds. Doesn't have to be expensive gifts or “broad gestures”, but it is quite possible to limit yourself to simple and constant attention. For a man, the comfort of his other half is important. These people help sincerely and from the heart, without demanding anything in return, which is in their blood.

The Virgo man approaches any matter carefully, especially matters of the heart. Gradually he takes a closer look and decides whether you are suitable for each other or not. A short relationship will not suit him. The decision to take a break for a while does not mean that he decided to break up in a good way. Most likely, he needs to think it over carefully. But if he returns and you wait for him, then rest assured that this is a balanced decision, made not with the heart, but with the head.

There is another side to the coin here. Thinking about your personal life can drag on for a long time and someone more agile will take the girl away from under her nose. Then the “clumsy” groom withdraws even more into himself and puts an end to his personal life. In principle, loneliness is not a burden for them, but a reason to reflect and work on themselves.

Try to push your chosen one if he is dear to you and hint at the protracted decision-making process. A slightly prim gentleman will change before our eyes and will happily show the other side of himself.

Having fallen head over heels in love, a girl changes before her eyes. Your new behavior may even shock you. If other zodiac signs speak passionate speeches and swear to eternal love, then this one begins to criticize. You might think that love has passed and the lover is ending the relationship. But in fact, he wants to change his soul mate and bring it to his ideal.

When choosing a soul mate, Virgos are very pedantic and critical, which is why there are a lot of bachelors among them. But once the choice is made, it is for life. Most often they are devoted to one person. But there are situations when something is missing in the family. Well, it didn’t work out to suit my wife. And as we remember from what was described above, they strive for their ideal.

For example, if a Virgo man is married, but at the same time he shows special interest in you. ? What is this really, simple politeness or something more? This zodiac sign loves well-groomed and smart women. Noticing Special attention On the part of such a man, do not rush to rush headlong into the pool. First figure out what place is destined for you in his life.

Virgos are very careful and carefully cover their tracks. For a long time may not reveal the secret that he has a stamp in his passport. Secret life gives emotions and thrills that he lacks in a quiet family life.

But a Virgo man in love will try to think through everything carefully in order to get out of the relationship with the least loss for himself. He will do his best to push “stagnant” relationships towards divorce, but with maximum benefit. And a man caught cheating and kicked out by his wife will act more decisively. They rarely repent and ask for forgiveness. Divorce may not lead to a new marriage - a Virgo man may prefer a free life. It is worth repeating that this sign is still monogamous. But there are always exceptions to the rules.

A man’s character is comprehensively shaped by life experience, the upbringing laid down by his parents and the education he receives. His behavior is also influenced by his social status, financial condition and even your zodiac sign. You can rely on advice regarding Virgo, but you also need to trust your heart. Especially in such serious things as starting a family. Virgos are smart and pedantic optimists, but they need to be helped to open up and encouraged in every possible way.

Bright relationships to everyone! And remember the name of the site - there is a lot of useful and interesting information here.

Answer from Elena[guru]
Virgo is characterized by composure and a love of order in relationships with women. Some timidity makes love relationships a little more difficult, and Virgo strives for clarity and simplicity, trying to explain everything ordinary logic. His amorousness hinders him. His idea of ​​a woman is somewhat romantic, somewhere ideal. His sexual capabilities are high, but his partner is struck above all by his tenderness, which is rare in men. But he is able to satisfy the most sophisticated needs of his partner. However, betrayal can dramatically turn his character around and turn his thirst for love into a thirst for revenge.
The development of his individual sexuality is often slow and delayed. He begins his sexual life quite late. In early youth it is often a type young man, putting girls on a pedestal, prone to platonic love.
It happens that his first partner turns out to be his wife, since he did not fully realize his sexual capabilities and needs before marriage. He is material suitable for a devoted husband and father.
First adultery he commits for sure as late as he knows the first woman. After forty years, it happens that he begins to fully understand his biological vocation, which was known to his friends back in his school years. From this moment on, his life can go in two completely different directions. In the first case, he. discovers sex, notices that the idealism of his youth was pure self-deception. And at the age when his peers begin to drop out of communication one after another, he begins a long and interesting sex life, without age restrictions.
However, it may also happen that his extraordinary temperament is the same. will not be able to throw off the shackles and prejudices, stiffness and inhibition.
Virgo will be a wonderful husband and father if he is given not so much support as a friendly disposition in the family.

Answer from hospitable[guru]
Finding an approach is very difficult. BUT it's interesting. You read the guy like an interesting, exciting book written in a complex literary style.
You need to constantly vary with him, intrigue him

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Acquaintance and communication with a Virgo man will only continue when, by your calm behavior and even disposition, he understands: you have a reliable character and you are not one of those who only knows how to make all sorts of claims.
If your behavior convinces him that you can be relied upon, you will not let him down. Hard time and you will always be his support and support in life, he will undoubtedly show interest in you. In addition, it is useful for you to know: for him great importance have details and little things that another man would not pay any attention to.
Do you like to do household chores, make sure that everything around you is clean and tidy, and even iron or knit in your free moments? Then he will come to the conclusion that you can make a good wife. Why exactly the wife? It’s just that in every woman he looks for traits that, in his opinion, determine whether she is suitable as a wife or will not be able to claim this honorary title.
Also try to understand and remember what can touch him - this information will be useful to you when you want to stir him up emotionally. A man born under the sign of Virgo values ​​simplicity most of all in people, good character and organization. He will be attracted to a woman who radiates calm, who does not have her head in the clouds, but who is engaged in specific earthly matters, for example, cleaning the apartment. However, you should not specifically demonstrate to him that you possess all these qualities - this may scare him away. He must be convinced of everything himself, and at this time you need to be restrained in expressing emotions. If you act skillfully, if you can evoke his feelings, remaining at a distance and maintaining equanimity and calm, then you will quickly achieve your goal.
In an intimate setting, he will be happy to hear from you what a wonderful man he is. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to think for even a minute that he does not live up to your expectations. Let him feel that everything suits you! In return, your partner, even if he is not as exemplary as you try to convince him, will strive with all his might to get closer to your ideal. Believe in him, and he will try so that you are not deceived in him!
You must never come across as frivolous! He can't stand flirts, especially those who behave provocatively. He, without any doubt, will not like a woman who does not pay any attention to the cleanliness and order in the house. In this regard, he is a terrible pedant: he gets annoyed if something is out of place, he collects specks from the floor, blows dust off the furniture, he needs everything in his house to shine and sparkle! With a woman who is a slob, he will be truly unhappy; sloppiness simply drives him crazy. The same applies to the unreasonable, in his opinion, management of money: he does not accept squandering.
If your chosen one is dear to you, try not to make him angry at you. If he feels hurt, he may lose trust in you, and this will once and for all put an end to your relationship in the future. Never bring things to a situation where you are forced to ask for forgiveness: in this case, the relationship between you will deteriorate hopelessly.
He will consider any injustice or negative act towards himself a great insult and will remember it for a very long time, especially if this blow was caused by close person, whom he trusted. Feeling humiliated and insulted to the depths of his soul, he will carry the resentment within himself for a long time, so that later, on occasion, he can take revenge on the one who neglected his trust. Therefore, be constantly attentive to your words and actions; there should not be even a hint in them that could hurt him. Praise him often, not exaggerating his merits, but giving him credit if he really deserves it. Let him know: you notice everything, you are not indifferent to him. Allocation

Serious and practical, smart and gallant, cultured and pedantic - this is all he, the Virgo man. He never allows himself anything unnecessary, his every step is thought out and calculated. Virgos are not risk takers. At the slightest doubt and premonition of danger, he will step back and not at all because he is cowardly, he simply does not see the point in empty risk.

Characteristics of a Virgo man

The Virgo sign is ruled by Mercury. Those who are at least a little knowledgeable in astrology know that this is the planet of thinkers. This explains the love of representatives of this sign for thinking and analyzing absolutely everything.

He stands firmly on his feet and always takes a practical approach to solving any problem. The main factor by which he evaluates people is their position in society and the availability of finances. And the point here is not at all about self-interest, but about the fact that if a person has status and good earnings, then he is not lazy, and with such comrades there is always something to talk about.

Virgos are very good at asking for advice. Their analytical mindset allows them to look at the situation from a different sides and calculate several steps ahead, predicting various options development. A man born under this sign is the master of his word, therefore he does not make promises left and right. If he failed to contain it, then you can be 100% sure that there is force majeure. He does not like ambiguous statements and chatter over trifles; his words are clear, straightforward and logical.

A whole arsenal positive qualities allows such men to achieve a good financial position. In general, it is difficult to imagine a Virgo who would be left without money. Firstly, all his expenses are planned for several years in advance, secondly, he always saves for a rainy day, thirdly, he is used to making do with only the essentials, without frills.

Virgos do not know how to flatter, so a compliment from him is worth its weight in gold. But he is open to criticism, but he does not accept any comments in his direction at all. This is probably due to their vulnerability and low self-esteem, which they hide so carefully. Virgos are very critical of themselves. Having made a mistake once, such a man will reproach himself to the end.

We can’t call them pessimists, rather down-to-earth, but in people, first of all, they look for negative qualities. But it is precisely this property that helps them refrain from participating in dubious activities and, as a result, avoid unnecessary problems.

Almost all Virgos try to adhere to healthy image life, eat right and exercise. And if they need the help of a doctor, they will prefer traditional medicine to clinics.

Virgos are workaholics and have little interest in anything other than work. But if he rests, he does it in a decent place and a noble establishment.

They are great husbands. Attentive, caring and loving. Such men are in no hurry to have children (all for the same reason that everything needs to be calculated), but if they become fathers, they are the best. Good upbringing, confidence in tomorrow, a good education and strong fatherly love - the baby will receive all this under the auspices of Virgo’s father.

Virgo man: how to understand

They simply cannot sit idle, for them it is akin to a disaster. They solve all their problems systematically, relying on common sense and cold calculation. Relying on intuition and relying on the fact that the situation will resolve itself is not their method. To begin to understand a Virgo man, you should know their character well.

Despite good intelligence and erudition, Virgos really lack self-confidence. They constantly doubt something and take a long time to decide on some action. This makes them unable to share their plans even with their closest circle. As they get closer to the goal, their confidence that everything will work out increases, and then they can explain what they are moving towards. They need the help and support of family and friends to raise their self-esteem.

Virgos love to criticize everything and everyone. It’s generally difficult for them to live in this imperfect world. But comments in their direction are taken very painfully. In fairness, it is worth noting that it is still worth listening to their comments, since every word they say has a weighty basis.

Virgo men love order in everything: in their heads, at work, at home and in relationships. Any chaos begins to knock them down and they begin to turn into a nervous humanoid creature. He can sometimes grit his teeth and tolerate a little chaos, but if this “sometimes” becomes constant, then the relationship is over.

What else Virgos can’t stand is bad habits and the same way of life. They themselves are accustomed to monitoring their health and demand the same from their other half. So even if he “turned a blind eye” to your addictions, get ready to listen to many hours of lectures about the need to change them to healthy ones.

How to please a Virgo man

If you do not even slightly correspond to the ideal that Virgo has long built for himself, then it is unlikely that you will be able to interest him, although you can try.

  • Since Virgos are intellectuals in their own right, they choose a life partner to match themselves. Intelligence is the first thing such men pay attention to. Therefore, if you liked an individual, then re-read the books, broaden your horizons as much as possible in order to be more confident in communicating with him.
  • Virgos value everything practical. You must show him that you share his point of view. He does not accept extravagance and waste of money.
  • First of all, Virgos evaluate women as potential wives. Therefore, they try to discern the qualities that are inherent in this category. Virgos are not interested in one-night stands.
  • When communicating with a man of this sign, try to follow a logical chain. Abrupt shifts from the material to the intangible can push him away.
  • Do not brag in front of him, and in general, wean yourself from this habit if you are planning a relationship with him, since Virgos do not like this quality in people.
  • Become kind and insightful, sensual and feminine. In general, femininity is the main quality that Virgos value in the weaker sex.
  • You need to gain trust on his part, and only after that can you count on something more.

This is very small list, which included only the necessary things that need to be worked out in oneself, or nurtured in order to simply attract Virgo’s attention to oneself.

How to Deal with a Virgo Man

Since Virgo men are rather shy and modest in nature, the first rule that you need to understand when communicating with them is don’t push. Even if you like him very much, let him make his own decision.

Like any other man, Virgo loves when people consult with him. In fact, they are capable of giving exclusively practical advice, which can really turn out to be a way out of even the most difficult and confusing situations. This is all thanks to their analytical mind.

Praise him in moderation, do not overdo it, as it will look like flattery, and they do not like it. Virgos are very clean, so in front of him, do not allow yourself to make gestures of a different nature that may disgust him. Otherwise, you can forget about the relationship with him.

How does a Virgo man behave?

Even after observing such a man for a little while, you will notice that everything in his life is organized and debugged. He has everything on schedule, even sex. Any, even the slightest change in the schedule that has been established for years is perceived painfully by Virgo. But this predictability in life gives him a sense of stability. And this is what makes such men wonderful husbands and responsible fathers.

In general, Virgo is a born family man, although it takes him quite a long time to decide on marriage. This is due to the fact that before any important action he always carefully weighs everything. However, if he gave his word to be faithful, he will keep it to the end.

Virgo man in love

Unfortunately, this is the only sign that is not inclined to express their emotions and feelings verbally. Even if he experiences the strongest love that he has never felt before, he will never speak about it openly. For the sake of the person he loves and dear to him, he is ready to do a lot, but he expresses all his feelings exclusively in actions. And don’t even try to get a word out of him on this topic, it will only irritate him. Speaking about the topic of love, in this case an anecdote is appropriate, which fully reflects Virgo in warm feelings:

An old man and an old woman are sitting on a bench and then the grandmother asks:

- Darling, why don’t you tell me that you love me anymore?

- Since I already told you this, if anything changes, I will let you know.

But instead of eloquent words and serenades under the window, you will feel tender care. He will wake up at night to check how you are sleeping, cover you with a blanket if you are sleeping, and adjust the pillow to make it more comfortable. If you catch a cold, he will make every effort to help you get better. He will cook broths and measure the temperature, inquire about your well-being. In this case, you will not have to ask him for anything at all. He knows what and how to do, and does it. This is a manifestation of love from the position of men under the sign of Virgo.

Virgo man in sex

There are a lot of timid Virgo men, so by nature few of them can attract women. The entire initiative passes into the hands of women, right down to pastels. Such men are very serious not only in Everyday life, but in sex. They won't start intimate relationships until they fully recognize their partner. Sometimes the period of such “cognition” drags on for a long time.

When the hour “X” arrives, Virgo, who loves plans, will begin to act according to schedule. It will seem that he has sex according to the textbook. But this is only at the very beginning, while he is studying his partner. It is important for him to please a woman, and in order to do this, he must study the body of his beloved. Help him with this and don’t rush him, then you will get the ideal lover in the person of a faithful and reliable husband.

But for the most part, among Virgos there are individuals who are cold in bed. There are so many thoughts going on in their heads every second that they simply have no time to think about sex. Therefore, being the girlfriend or wife of such a responsible person, he needs to be reminded from time to time of the importance of periodic release.

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