How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks. How to properly wash suspended ceilings from dust and dirt

Suspended ceilings look great in any interior and combine practicality and sophistication at the same time.

According to their design, suspended ceilings are:

  • Hard– plasterboard and lath.
  • Softsuspended ceilings. Made from polyester fabric or PVC film.

Dirt and dust accumulating on the ceilings from time to time spoil the entire appearance housing. Therefore, ceilings need regular cleaning. Depending on the type of ceiling and the material from which it is made, different cleaning methods are chosen.

At proper care depending on the ceiling material, it will serve its owners for many years. The main thing is to know how and with what to wash a suspended ceiling.

Over time, all owners of such ceilings have a question about how to wash suspended ceilings and how to do it.

To care for the ceiling surface, you can resort to dry or wet cleaning.

Dry cleaning can only be done with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.

Important! When removing suspended ceilings, you should be especially careful. Excessive pressure on the surface should be avoided. Cleaning can be done using a soft cloth or using a vacuum cleaner with a special soft attachment.

Sometimes it happens that dry cleaning is not enough, then you should resort to washing the ceiling surfaces.

Before you wash suspended ceilings, you need to take into account that the material from which its finishing is made has different level resistance to mechanical stress, so the following should be avoided:

  • Aggressive detergents (contains acetone, alkali and acids).
  • Materials with high hardness and rigidity (this should be taken into account when choosing sponges and cloths for cleaning).
  • Knives, spatulas and other sharp instruments.
  • Cleaning products with solid particles.

How to wash suspended ceiling

Caring for suspended ceilings itself will not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing to remember is the rules of washing and the choice of cleaning products.

Tools and products for cleaning ceilings

A huge selection of cleaning liquids and powders, as well as cleaning tools and accessories are sold on store shelves.

Advice. When choosing a product, carefully study its composition. Not all detergents are suitable for ceiling surfaces. The product should not contain acetone. It can ruin the appearance of the material.

Tools that can be used:

  • Special products for cleaning ceilings. They are more expensive, but easily cope with dirt, do not harm the surface and do not leave streaks.
  • Liquids for washing glass and mirrors and PVC products, which includes ammonia.
  • Any dishwashing detergent that does not contain granules or abrasive particles.

Advice. Before using any detergent, test it on a small, inconspicuous area.

When cleaning, remember that you cannot apply strong pressure to the surface of the ceilings, as the material may be deformed.

Ceiling cleaning tools:

  • Dry cleaning can be done using a vacuum cleaner and a special soft bristle attachment.
  • Washing is carried out using a mop, soft sponges, suede or microfiber cloths, fabrics and soft rags.

Sequence of work

Before work, we prepare the necessary equipment:

  • ladder;
  • soft napkins;
  • soft sponge;
  • vacuum cleaner with nozzle;
  • special detergents.

Depending on the degree of contamination, use different ways cleaning. The most difficult thing to clean is the ceilings in the kitchen, as a large amount of grease and soot accumulates on them.

Minor dirt, stains and dust can be easily removed damp clean cloth, then wipe it dry in a circular motion with a dry cloth or rags.

Can be used to remove dust and cobwebs vacuum cleaner. The brush should be at a distance 2-3 cm from the ceiling and do not touch the surface.

Heavy stains can be removed using a soft sponge and detergent diluted in slightly warm water. The surface is cleaned in a circular motion without using excessive force.

Then the ceiling is washed clean water.

After all procedures, the surface is wiped dry and polished with special means, glass cleaning liquid or 10% ammonia solution.

Glossy surface of the suspended ceiling

It is best to wash such ceilings using glass cleaner or special cleaning products for ceilings with glossy and mirror surfaces. To carry out the work you need:

  • Use soft suede or microfiber cloths or special cleaning wipes.
  • To achieve the original shine of the ceiling, after cleaning it can be rubbed with ammonia in a circular motion.
  • After treatment, wipe the surface dry with a dry, clean cloth.

Matte surface of suspended ceiling

It is much easier to care for such ceilings, because after wet cleaning there are no streaks left on them.

Can be used for cleaning steam or wash with any detergents, approved for use on suspended ceilings.

After washing, the canvas should be wiped dry and polished if necessary.

Fabric ceilings

The most fragile and capricious suspended ceilings are fabric stretch ceilings.

For cleaning such surfaces Do not use glass cleaners, since the dyes included in the composition can spoil the color and structure of the fabric.

Fabric ceilings Do not brush in a circular motion. There will be many divorces.

Ceilings are cleaned with a dry cloth; heavy stains can be wiped with a powder solution or a special product.

Cleaning the suspended ceiling in the kitchen

Ceilings most often get dirty in this room. Added to regular dust greasy spots and soot.

The surface of the ceilings in the kitchen is washed in the same way as in other rooms.

They will help clean the ceiling from grease and soot regular dishwashing liquid and ammonia.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video on how to clean ceilings:

All higher listed methods It is suggested to be used by both manufacturers of special detergents and professional washers. When installing suspended ceilings, the manufacturer usually leaves instructions for cleaning and caring for the canvas.

The most important thing is that if you handle suspended ceilings with care and carry out regular cleaning only with approved products, they will serve their owners for many years.

Stretch ceilings are beautiful, but demanding structures to maintain. Before washing suspended ceilings, you need to understand the characteristics of the coating: fabric, glossy or matte. Depending on the type, care also varies. Thus, glossy materials require more delicate cleaning.

Regularity of washing

Stretch ceilings do not require weekly maintenance; they need to be washed when they become dirty. In the kitchen, washing is done more often than in the living room or bedroom. This is due to the fact that fat and fumes from cooking settle on all surfaces, even if the ceilings are quite high.

Various stains often appear in the kitchen - an unsuccessful opening of a can or bottle, a strong swing of a spoon or spatula with remnants of sauce, food, which as a result ends up on the counter.

Fact! Kitchen surfaces need wet cleaning, and usually matte or glossy stretch ceilings are installed there (fabric ones are absolutely not suitable for this area).

In other rooms, the main type of pollution is dust. Cobwebs appear a little less frequently. Glossy ceilings require more frequent maintenance than matte ones. They require regular polishing, as the shiny surface can become dull over time.

Rules for caring for suspended ceilings

Before you start washing suspended ceilings at home, you should learn the rules for handling detergents and tools. With their help you can get rid of possible problems and damage:

  1. Avoid hard brushes. Only soft sponges and lint-free cloths can be used. Hard surfaces of sponges and abrasive brushes can scratch and destroy not only glossy, but also matte finishes.
  2. Get rid of scratchy objects on your hands. Remove any jewelry, including wedding rings. Even a simple decoration without sharp corners may severely scratch the thin coating film.
  3. Pastes and creams with abrasive particles cannot be used. They are especially dangerous for glossy coatings. Sprays can be used to treat stains and marks.
  4. Before washing the suspended ceiling, carefully study the composition. The product should not contain acetone, even at the very end of the list. Acetone can smear colored coatings, cause glossy or matte surfaces to wrinkle, and bleach fabric items. You can test the product before use by applying a small amount to the ceiling area above a cabinet or other inconspicuous area. For any changes in matter, it is better to refuse to use the selected product.
  5. Do not press on the cloth or sponge while washing. Stains should be cleaned with enhanced cleaning agents and not with excessive pressure on the sponge. You can also use mops with special attachments (lint-free rags) to wash ceilings.
  6. Careful use of the vacuum cleaner. There are nozzles for delicate cleaning, but even they cannot be leaned against the ceiling. You should not use the most powerful pressure.

For each type of suspended ceilings there are special care rules.

What not to wash ceilings with

Regardless of which ceiling you will wash - fabric or PVC - you should avoid certain products:

  • any powders, including soda - powder products will not leave streaks, but in 100% of cases they will cover the delicate fabric with small scratches. Powders have a particularly bad effect on glossy coatings;
  • highly concentrated chemicals - almost all gels contain a large number of active ingredients; they must be tested before use. However, when using sprays, it is better not to ignore this rule;
  • products containing glycerin should be used with extreme caution - they are included in recipes for eliminating yellow spots, but can negatively affect the matte and fabric coating;
  • products containing chlorine are dangerous even for snow-white stretch ceilings, as they can destroy the texture of the coating;
  • tar soap and mustard are dangerous for any type of coating, as they leave marks and yellow spots.

Special mention should be made about the use of mops. Due to the highly elongated handle, there is a risk of damaging the surface. If this is your first time washing a suspended ceiling, do without such tools to feel the delicacy of the coating.

The glossy surface is the most difficult to maintain when it comes to maintaining stretch ceilings. Even plain water leaves stains on it, but there are a few secrets that will help prevent their appearance.

Advice! Use microfiber or suede instead of foam sponges for washing. Similar napkins are sold in stores.

To add shine to the surface, use a mixture of ammonia - 1 part of the product to 9 parts of water; this procedure completes the washing of the suspended ceilings. Here are some washing rules:

  • To remove large and small stains, use the soft side of a foam sponge;
  • It is necessary to wash with light circular movements in the direction from the seam;
  • After using a spray or soap solution, be sure to use a mixture with ammonia; apply 3 sprays of it from a spray bottle and wipe with a dry cloth;
  • If stains remain after using a cloth, then you should again apply 2 times less of the product with alcohol and wipe the surface paper towels, leaving no lint;
  • Grease stains should be removed with soapy water and a cloth - a foam sponge will work worse here;
  • Do not use a vacuum cleaner, even with delicate attachments, to care for glossy surfaces if you are washing the ceiling for the first time;
  • You can wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks only if the final procedure is dry wiping the surface with a soft cloth (flannel, suede).

In the future, you should be extremely careful in caring for the suspended ceiling using a long mop and a vacuum cleaner. These are the most dangerous tools for processing sensitive coatings.

Important! Cannot be used hot water for washing any stretch ceiling, it can lead to surface deformation.

Detergents for glossy ceilings

Before you start caring for your suspended ceiling, you need to choose suitable detergents: without abrasive particles and acetone. Products with alcohol are suitable for washing - sprays or special means for washing.

A solution of washing powder(it is important to dilute it well) or hand soap. Here are examples good funds for washing glossy stretch ceilings:

  • The cleaning spray “Mr. Muscle” removes dust and various stains well, and removes traces of soot from the canvas;
  • Dishwashing detergents such as “Fairy” and “Pril” quickly remove grease, but cheap analogues may not be suitable (for example, “Biolan” dishwashing gel does not dissolve grease well on kitchen ceilings);
  • Glass cleaning solution - you can use the same “Mr. Muscle”, but only diluted with two parts of water.

When choosing products designed specifically for washing suspended ceilings, it is necessary to test them on a piece of the surface being treated. This is relevant for all designs that have photo printing.

Step-by-step washing of suspended ceilings

If a lot of dust or cobwebs have accumulated on the ceiling, then first you need to very carefully collect it with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, use the minimum mode, and the nozzle should be 5 cm from the coating. Do everything very slowly and carefully.

In the bathroom and kitchen due to high humidity Plaque forms on the coatings, in this case you should proceed as follows:

  1. First, apply soapy water to the surface and wait a few minutes.
  2. Then, using circular movements, begin to lightly scrub away the plaque.
  3. After this, wipe the treated surface with a dry cloth.
  4. If there are stains left, you should use a solution with ammonia and paper towels to wipe it off.

If there are stubborn stains, leave the detergent solutions on after lightly rubbing the surface with a cloth. 5-10 minutes is enough for most types of stains.

How to care for matte ceilings

Properly cleaning matte stretch ceilings is much easier than glossy ones. Their texture is impregnated with polyurethane, they are practically scratch-resistant and attract dust less, due to which they are considered more durable products.

There are no stains on matte stretch ceilings, but any grease is dangerous for them: on a matte surface it looks distinct and is absorbed much more readily than on a glossy surface. But matte ceilings can be treated with hot steam.

Advice! Use weak detergent solutions or window aerosols to wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks.

A steam cleaner can help remove heavy stains. After treatment, wipe the surface dry with lint-free cloths.

Care of fabric ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings look very beautiful, but require careful care. They are extremely sensitive to any mechanical stress; maintenance of fabric stretch ceilings should be done without unnecessary pressure. Before washing suspended fabric ceilings, you should consider their features:

  • have an antistatic effect, but can attract dust particles and absorb them when carrying out construction work indoors;
  • when it gets very wet, noticeable stains appear on the surface;
  • fabric fibers are impregnated with polyurethane, but have micropores through which air can pass;
  • fabric structures are durable, but do not have much elasticity;
  • their use in houses and apartments is the most environmentally friendly and safe approach to interior design; such structures do not have foreign odors;
  • may have a relief texture, but even perfectly smooth surfaces are very sensitive to any carving tools;
  • Some fabrics can be dyed.

In order for a fabric stretch ceiling to please the owner of the room for a long time, it must be properly cared for.

Fabric stretch ceiling

Rules for caring for fabric stretch ceilings

For washing fabric ceiling adhere to the same rules as when caring for tension structures made of other materials. An important advantage of the fabric construction is the possibility of dyeing. It is this that allows you to get rid of accumulated stains with a simple procedure - using any acrylic paint.

Remember! You can paint a fabric stretch ceiling an average of 10 times, each time choosing a darker shade.

However, the procedure is not carried out once a month or year. Sometimes coloring once every 3-5 years is enough. If the fabric is used in the kitchen, then this period may be slightly reduced. Here are the basic rules for caring for a fabric ceiling:

  • Using a vacuum cleaner with a delicate attachment to remove dust and cobwebs, you can use washing vacuum cleaners. The use of detergents to remove dust is inappropriate - they can “drive” dirt particles into the pores of the fabric;
  • Stains are removed with soapy water and a sponge, as when caring for glossy ceilings; it is ideal to use kitchen detergents;
  • Ammonia removes greasy and other stains, except rust;
  • Light rust can be removed lemon juice, but this procedure is not always effective.

The entire surface of the fabric ceiling can be washed only after using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. For washing, it is enough to use clean warm water without adding chemicals.

Stretch ceilings should not be washed every month; excessive wet and mechanical treatment can ruin them. But there are some tips you can use to protect tensile structures and reduce their need for regular cleaning:

  1. In the bathroom, be sure to use a horizontal splash curtain.
  2. In the kitchen, you should install a high-quality hood above the stove to minimize splashes and the effect of hot steam.
  3. Don't forget about ceilings during the holidays. Champagne is the main “culprit” in the appearance of stains on the ceiling in the hall, living room or bedroom.
  4. In a nursery, suspended ceilings can be damaged by markers if they are not high enough or the baby has access to a bunk bed.

Caring for suspended ceilings at home is simple if, when deciding to install such structures in the house, the importance of handling them delicately is taken into account. Remember that these coatings do not tolerate too intense mechanical impact and super-effective, concentrated products with abrasive particles.

How to wash suspended ceilings more and more interested modern people, since almost every fourth family who dares to repair decides to install such a ceiling sheet. Sooner or later, they will all have to think about how to preserve and not spoil this beauty in the house. If these thoughts have crossed your mind, then we will be happy to tell you and show you on video how to properly wash and clean suspended ceilings so that they always look like new.

The material used for suspended ceilings is not durable. Much, of course, depends on the quality of the canvas itself, but no matter what the ceiling is, its structure is very delicate and therefore requires especially careful care.

If there are children in your house, then it is better not to bring pistols with small bullets or arrows into the house, because when playing with them, it will not be difficult to leave a hole in the suspended ceiling.

And the celebration of any occasion can turn into a big nuisance: you just have to open a bottle of champagne carelessly - and you are guaranteed a hole in the stretch ceiling. Therefore, you should be careful if you have such ceilings in your home. They will have to be handled more carefully than conventional plastic coverings.

Before the advent of suspended ceilings, just the thought of perfectly cleaning the glass without streaks made you feel uneasy, but with ceilings the situation is much more delicate. If stretch ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride or film, then it will be much easier to remove dirt from such a surface than from a fabric cloth. But if, God forbid, your neighbors flood you, the troubleshooters will just drain the water from the fabric stretch ceiling - and you’re done.

It is worth remembering the main reasons that contribute to the contamination of ceilings made of tension surfaces and polyvinyl chloride. Fortunately, the need to wash them does not arise so often, but There are special places in the apartment where you can easily contaminate the ceiling surface. One such place is the bathroom. It is enough to take a careless shower once and you are guaranteed to have drips on the ceiling. If the child always actively bathes in the bathroom, we advise you to think about a horizontal curtain: this will be very good protection to prevent contamination of the ceiling. In the summer, the surface of the stretch ceiling becomes dirty due to excessive dust in the apartment, and the kitchen is especially polluted, where all the soot accumulates on the ceiling. That's why It is better to refrain from installing suspended ceilings in the kitchen, otherwise you will have to wash them regularly.

When washing suspended ceilings, experiment with which detergent is more effective, as this is fraught with disastrous consequences for the ceiling material. The material may even sag in some places, become lighter or become wrinkled, so first Before washing the ceiling, it is better to try the detergent on a small area of ​​the surface: if after 15 minutes no changes have occurred to the ceiling, you can safely begin treating the entire surface.

To carefully wash a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to use detergents that do not form thick foam and do not contain abrasive particles. Even the use of ordinary baking soda may significantly compromise the integrity of the surface.

For washing, you can use foam, not a concentrated solution. Before starting this important procedure, it is better to remove all rings, bracelets and all kinds of jewelry, so as not to catch the smooth surface of the stretch ceiling and damage its structure. Apply the resulting foam to a soft sponge and carefully remove contaminated areas of the tension surface.

It is important to remember that to wash a stretch ceiling hot water cannot be used: You can only take something warm enough, with a maximum temperature of 35 degrees.

It is recommended to wash the stretch ceiling either with a very soft sponge or with a small piece of flannel fabric. Fiber fiber material is perfect because it will remove all dirt from the stretch ceiling and will not leave streaks. These materials are very gentle; using them, you can gently wash the stretch fabric without damage.

After wet creasing of the ceiling, it is necessary to use a dry flannel cloth or fiberglass material for polishing; you can also use delicate paper napkins. They will carefully absorb remaining moisture from the stretch ceiling and rid the glossy surface of streaks.

For more effective and quick cleaning of stretch ceilings, you can purchase special sprays that are designed specifically for tension surfaces; they can be easily found in any household chemical store. Products containing ammonia or ammonium hydroxide are at the moment the most effective for washing suspended ceilings.

For delicate and thin surfaces of suspended ceilings, any store sells special polishes; they are excellent for washing smooth surfaces. Products containing alcohol will do a great job of removing gloss. You can also use sprays glass surfaces, but you need to carefully study the composition or instructions on the packaging, since these products may be different, and many are not suitable for treating the surfaces of their polyvinyl chloride.

Based on personal experience, I can recommend the universal detergent from Amway. I used it to wash the matte kitchen stretch ceilings, which already had a thin layer of grease on them. It is necessary to dilute the product according to the instructions, then pour it into a container with a spray bottle and apply it to the surface of the stretch ceiling for 20 minutes. Then, easily and without much difficulty, wipe off the remaining product with a soft flannel cloth or dry wipes.

In rooms where there is no particular dirt on the ceilings, for washing stretch fabrics You can use clean warm water without any detergent. But getting rid of divorces is quite difficult. That's why You need to add a little alcohol or vodka to the water. And then there will be no trace left of stains on the surface.

Now, when creating a stretch fabric, a product that has antistatic properties is immediately applied to it, so that dust practically does not stick to the stretch ceiling.

Features of cleaning at home

Washing suspended ceilings at home will not be difficult if you periodically rub their surface with a soft flannel cloth or paper towels. But this is not enough to maintain the beautiful appearance of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, you cannot do without other procedures that will restore the stretch fabric to its former beauty.

  1. Control the force of pressing on the surface of the tension fabric with a mop, cloth or sponge. The force of impact should be minimal, but still sufficient to remove contaminants. You can practice a little on a small area in the corner of the ceiling so as not to harm the main canvas;
  2. If you have high ceilings, then when washing them at home you will need a stepladder or a long mop with fiberglass. Before climbing under the ceiling, you need to make sure that the stepladder does not wobble, so that if you fall, you do not tear the tension fabric with a mop or hurt yourself;
  3. Remove all decorations from your hands so as not to damage the delicate structure of the fabric.

So let's get started. Let's start with recommendations for the bathroom. Often condensation collects on the ceiling in the bathroom, which can be easily removed using a fiber cloth or dry towels. If it was not possible to wipe off the condensation while it was still wet, then as it dries, stains will form on the stretch fabric that cannot be removed with a regular rag or towel. In this case, it is necessary to use a soap solution or a solution with the addition of ammonia. You can prepare it by adding a tablespoon of ammonia to one liter of water. The method of preparing a product for removing stains from a stretch ceiling at home is up to you. You can remove dirt by soaking a rag in any of the solutions and wiping the tension fabric, and then drying its surface with a soft paper towel.

You can wash a kitchen suspended ceiling at home, as well as remove greasy stains and a layer of kitchen soot from it using dishwashing liquid. To do this, take a small container, add warm water to it and lather a teaspoon of detergent. It is important for us to achieve exactly thick foam, as it is not recommended to treat the tension film surface with a solution. Take a soft sponge or fiber, apply a little foam and wipe the surface of the stretch ceiling. After this, wash off the remaining product with clean water, soaking another rag in it. You can also use an ammonium hydroxide solution to remove greasy stains from a stretch ceiling. If there are stains left on the glossy ceiling after such cleaning, you can use a special polish or make a mild solution of alcohol and warm water at home. But Under no circumstances should you use acetone-containing products, as well as products that contain abrasive particles or kerosene solution. This will only spoil the stretch ceiling fabric.

You are lucky if the surface of your stretch ceiling is matte. In this case, you can deal with contamination problems using a regular eraser. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as you can damage the surface of the canvas. When caring for a matte stretch ceiling at home, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but the brush should be as soft as possible so as not to harm the surface. If, however, a disaster does occur and you accidentally damage the canvas, then you need to carefully seal the area with tape and call a professional installer. They can easily replace the entire structure with special tools.

Caring for a fabric stretch ceiling at home is also not difficult. To do this, you need to take a slightly moistened fiber or flannel fabric and slowly walk along the surface of the ceiling. Soapy water is good for this type of surface, but products containing ammonium hydroxide or alcohol-containing substances cannot be used in this case. Spray for glass surfaces may contain dyes, so if you use it on a fabric stretch ceiling, the canvas can easily change its color, and alcohol solutions can destroy the structure of the fabric impregnation. Therefore, carefully choose care products for your suspended ceiling at home and check what material yours is made of.

How to wash properly?

Every owner knows how to properly and carefully wash a glossy ceiling. It's no secret that when washing a glossy ceiling, you should not use any brushes, pricking or cutting objects, since even the softest brush in texture can leave traces of lint on a glossy polyvinyl chloride ceiling.

Any cleaning company or specialists who install suspended ceilings, first of all, when washing a glossy ceiling, recommend removing all decorations from your hands. Scratching the gloss membrane is also not recommended, as you can easily leave small scratches on it. Even if you simply intensively polish glossy PVC, there is a possibility that the canvas will be deformed.

So, to carefully wash glossy fabric, you cannot use brushes, even the softest ones, scrapers or hard sponges. Your choice should be a soft sponge, delicate fiber or flannel fabric. No products that contain acetone or abrasive particles (even harmless soda is not suitable for delicate cleaning of a glossy membrane).

Basic rules for washing glossy stretch ceilings boil down to the following:

Stretch ceilings, especially with a glossy surface, require careful handling and delicate care. Therefore, when using glossy stretch ceilings, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to use excessively heated objects to avoid softening of the polyvinyl chloride and deformation of the ceiling structure;
  • need to refrain from indoor plants ceiling height and poultry;
  • in order to open a bottle of champagne, it is better to go into another room;
  • It is advisable not to bring children's toys with darts and plastic bullets into the house.

In order not to spoil the beauty of your stretch ceiling and not damage its surface, in situations that you cannot handle on your own, it is better to contact a specialist cleaning company. They have special professional products for removing dirt from suspended ceilings and necessary tools for dismantling some sections of the tension fabric.

Detergents for suspended ceilings

In order to keep the suspended ceiling clean, there are more than enough detergents available today. Manufacturers of suspended ceilings add special components to the fabric that have an antistatic and antibacterial effect, so much less dust settles on modern polyvinyl chloride, and the ceiling itself is protected from the formation of mold and the development of other microorganisms. But, despite these improvements, the day comes when it is necessary to refresh the membrane surface of polyvinyl chloride. Therefore, now we will look at what detergents can be used to refresh the cleanliness of your ceiling.

The most common means for refreshing the appearance of stretch fabric are a porous sponge and soap and water. You can use a soft flannel or fiber cloth to clean the gloss. The main thing is that there are no small fibers left on its surface.

Depending on the texture of the stretch fabric and the material from which it is made, the detergent is selected individually for each type of surface:

  1. Alcohol solutions are ideal for removing dirt from a glossy membrane and giving it a special shine and reflection. This solution is prepared as follows: it is necessary to dilute one part of ammonia or ammonium hydroxide in 10 parts of warm water.
  2. If the ceiling is a little dusty, then just wipe it with a dry paper towel.
  3. The fabric ceiling can be cleaned using a soft, long-bristled brush, first moistened with soapy water. You can also safely use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from this type of surface.
  4. Professional aerosols, which are designed individually for each type of ceiling, are an excellent cleaning agent.

If during the repair process the suspended ceiling was stained with glue, you can wash it with dishwashing detergent.

The main criterion when choosing detergents for washing suspended ceilings is the absence of abrasives in them. Small cleaning particles can damage decorative look coating, and then all the beauty of the glossy ceiling will disappear.

After installing a stretch ceiling, almost everyone is left with small scraps of material, so whether this detergent is suitable for your type of surface or not, you can check on them.

What properties does your tension material, you can check directly with the professionals who installed it. They will also advise which detergent is suitable for your type of surface.

Let's sum it up

You have already become familiar with the basic means of cleaning the ceiling surface from dirt. Now it’s worth summarizing the main measures to prevent contamination of polyvinyl chloride film:

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that caring for stretch ceilings and washing their surfaces will not cause any special effort for any of us. Thanks to delicate and timely cleaning of the surface and careful care for it, you can admire the attractiveness of suspended ceilings for many years.

The matte textures of stretch fabrics look impressive in the interior. But sometimes stains and other contaminants appear on the surface of the decorative ceiling. To return the canvas to its original appearance, you need to know how to clean matte stretch ceilings and what products to use when working.

Let's start washing

How to wash matte stretch ceilings: methods for removing contaminants

Before you start washing the fabric, remove dust from the coating. Stretch ceilings are cleaned in different ways:

It is important not to forget that an incorrectly selected method for cleaning decorative surfaces can not only be ineffective, but also hopelessly damage the canvas.

When caring for stretch ceilings, follow these rules:

  • apply to clean the surface only soft foam sponges, flannel fabric flaps, suede napkins;
  • don't use knives, brushes, scrapers to remove dirt;
  • remove before washing from fingers rings, bracelets. Any sharp object will damage the coating;
  • if the room is spacious, use a mop for cleaning. Handle the tool carefully, wrapping the sharp edges soft cloth.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling: nuances

Choosing a detergent for washing ceilings

First pick safe remedy for care. It is better if these are compositions intended for such surfaces, produced in the form of sprays or aerosols.

For film ceilings, the use of other cleaners is allowed:

  • weakly concentrated soap solution. Use water or dishwashing gel. The main thing is to dissolve the components well;
  • glass cleaner or ammonia diluted with water.

White matte ceiling in the bedroom

To clean the ceiling faster and get a good result, do the cleaning in several stages:

  • wipe off the dust with a dry cloth;
  • fill the container warm water(35-40°C), add detergent, stir well until abundant foam appears;
  • soak the cloth in the solution and wipe the ceiling surface;
  • change the water. Wash the ceiling again to remove stains;
  • Wipe the surface of the canvas with a dry cloth.

Glossy ceiling in the hall

The glossy canvas has a mirror surface that reflects light and interior items in the room. To ensure that the decorative coating is always clean and shiny, follow the following rules when washing:

  1. Use glass cleaner or ammonia. They leave no streaks;
  2. instead of ammonia, use compositions for cleaning shiny surfaces, which are dissolved according to the instructions;
  3. when cleaning of the glossy fabric is completed, wipe the ceiling with a dry microfiber cloth, which also effectively removes stains;
  4. It is prohibited to use abrasive cleaners or compositions containing solvents in the care and cleaning of glossy textured surfaces.

Satin ceiling in the hall

Pollution prevention

To avoid having to wash matte fabrics frequently, follow these recommendations:

  • use the shower in the bathroom carefully so that splashes of water do not fly off to the ceiling, or buy a curtain;
  • install a hood in the kitchen that will prevent grease and soot from getting on the canvas;
  • Regularly ventilate rooms with suspended ceilings. Especially in those rooms where condensation often forms.

Cleaning the ceiling after renovation

Cleaning the ceiling from dust after repairs with a vacuum cleaner

To remove debris and dust remaining after repairs, use a vacuum cleaner and a soft-bristled brush. It is strictly forbidden to use hard brushes, as they can damage the surface.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner to the minimum operating power mode, but do not press the brush tightly to the coating, move it at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the ceiling. When you remove the dust, evaluate the result. If everything is in order, gently wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth. If stains remain, wash the canvas.

Stretch ceilings are a common finishing method. The coating looks impressive and provides opportunities for experimenting with design. But the surface needs regular cleaning. Quality care will extend the life of the decorative structure and preserve its appearance.

Video on how to wash a suspended ceiling from grease

At the stage of choosing the structure of a stretch ceiling, matte is often preferred, since it is undemanding in maintenance, and dust and dirt almost do not settle on the surface. But even such material requires from time to time special care. If you have a question about how to wash a matte stretch ceiling at home without streaks, then the following: simple tips will help you.

Before answering the question of how to wash stretch ceilings if they are matte, you should figure out what material they are made of. Typically the material is presented:

  • cloth;
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

In the first case, the canvas resembles a huge canvas and has excellent moisture resistance, but does not tolerate all chemicals. In the second, the choice of detergents will be much more diverse.

At the same time, you should be especially careful with the fabric and avoid repeatedly wiping the same place, as this can damage the surface or create unsightly sagging. With the exception of these points, the process of washing fabric and PVC ceilings does not differ significantly.

Cleaning Rules

Begin to wash the matte stretch ceiling with a soft sponge or microfiber. Hard brushes can scratch the surface, so you should avoid them. A piece of lint-free fabric, preferably white, will also work.

Observing simple rules, you can achieve excellent results:

  1. The detergent is diluted in a small amount of water. You can buy a special one, but a regular one for washing dishes, windows or mirrors is also suitable. This household chemicals also copes well with the task; it will help remove grease stains and dust from the ceiling;
  2. How to wash suspended ceilings so that there are no streaks left? Ammonia should be added. Its concentration is required to be small, and the result will please you after the first use;
  3. it is necessary to avoid the use of powder compositions and products with acetone, as they will damage the surface and spoil the appearance of the stretch ceiling;
  4. laundry soap is excellent for cleaning any material, and is used if there is no other product at hand;
  5. Even if the color of the ceiling is white, you cannot add bleach to the solution, as it will permanently ruin the appearance of the coating.

If the ceiling is very high, then you can use a construction stepladder. In this case, you need to make sure that the chosen ladder is stable enough. A mop will also help you reach the surface, but a new paint roller is the best tool.

Grease stain or heavy pollution It can be easily cleaned with a steam generator, provided that the suspended ceiling is fabric.

Washing process

The washing process should begin from the far corner, and the pressure should be careful not to damage the surface, especially if a mop is used. This is usually enough to remove stains and moderate dirt.

If the surface is washed by hand, you must first remove the bracelets and wrist watch, rings and other jewelry that may leave scratches on the ceiling.

  1. you need to start washing the surface from the farthest section, if the ceiling is complex design, gradually moving from one corner to another. In the case of single-level options, start from the corner that is farthest from the window;
  2. The easiest way to distribute the detergent is to pour it into a spray container. 2-3 sprays are enough, and any dirt can be easily removed with circular movements;
  3. a greasy stain can become a real problem on a stretch ceiling. How to clean it without damaging the surface? It is enough to moisten a sponge in dishwashing detergent and apply it to the stain, leaving it for a while. Then rinse carefully. There is no need to scrub the stain or use a wire brush;
  4. You should move gradually along the seam.

After finishing cleaning, wipe the surface with a dry cloth, collecting all the moisture with smooth movements. In this case, dust will not accumulate, and the cleaning result will last longer.

Ceilings can be different, so housewives may have additional questions regarding the nuances of caring for such structures. The following professional recommendations will help you figure it out:

  • washing process suspended ceilings with a photo print is no different from the usual one, except that you use a very diluted detergent and you can only use a soft cloth, avoiding strong pressure and intense movements;
  • Traces of tape, dried glue and rust cannot be removed from the surface. Even products containing acid cannot help; they will only worsen the situation and irrevocably damage the ceiling;
  • if the surface is matte, then paint stains will be perfectly removed by car paint solvent;
  • yellow discoloration on the kitchen ceiling is formed due to exposure to steam. It cannot be washed, so initially you need to select a color that will hide it as much as possible;
  • You can only use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment and if the device has the ability to regulate the traction force. But usually it only removes dust, and in the fight against stains it turns out to be ineffective;
  • If the detergent is used for the first time, it must first be tested in the most remote area. If in doubt, it is better to replace it with a regular soap solution;
  • It’s better to wipe up splashes in the bathroom right away - then they get eaten and will have to be removed with soap;
  • dried pieces of food are pre-soaked.

To make cleaning easy, everything should be prepared in advance. The cost of the ceiling does not in any way affect its resistance to certain detergents, and even if a special cleaning agent for tension structures is purchased, it also requires testing. Then you can avoid unwanted consequences and the formation of irreparable defects.

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