How to plant an olive tree from a branch. Olive tree: care, watering, photo, propagation

Olive- this is related to olive family. Its homeland is Africa, Australia, southern parts of Europe and Asia. In the world, the olive tree is famous for the fact that it is used to make healthy oil, and the fruits - olives - are pickled. There are many legends about its origin. Despite the fact that olive grows only in warm countries, it can also be grown at home. This can be done from a seed - a seed. However, you won’t be able to enjoy tasty fruits like this - they will be tasteless and will appear only 10 years after planting. This way can only be grown for decorative purposes. Read our article about how to grow an olive tree at home.

Requirements for planting material

If you were already planning to place in a bone from something you just ate canned olives, then we hasten to disappoint you - such planting material will not germinate. You will only need fresh fruit seeds, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

When choosing seed method When planting, you should know that the germination process will be quite long - about two and a half months. And the germination rate in this case is quite low - for example, out of five planted seeds, only two, or even one, can sprout. Typically germination is no more than 50%.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks revered the olive as a tree of life and longevity. It was considered such because it was almost impossible to destroy. Even split by lightning, it could still live for a long time. If you need to uproot a tree, then to do this you need to remove its roots within a radius of five meters, otherwise even from a small remnant it will grow again. In the wild, an olive grows on average for half a century.

Preparation: germination

To begin with, the bones should be placed in alkaline solution(10%) for 18 hours. This is necessary in order to somewhat soften the shell, which in this state can already be broken through by hatching sprouts. After processing, the seeds are washed and dried. They must be placed in the soil only when completely dry. The sharp end is cut with a knife, pruning shears or filed before planting.

You can also place the seeds in a damp bowl for germination for several weeks. The container will need to be kept at a warm temperature, constant humidity and with sufficient sunlight. This procedure can help increase the germination percentage.


The best composition for planting olives will be the following:

  • river sand - two parts;
  • turf land - one part;
  • garden soil - one part.
You will also need to add a little dry slaked lime powder (20-25 g per 1 kg) to the soil for the olive tree.

If you use a purchased substrate, then you need to mix the growing soil (three parts) and ordinary soil (one part), diluting the mixture slightly with sand.


Container for planting olives should initially be large– at least 60 cm in depth and width. A prerequisite is drainage holes, which will allow excess moisture to pass through well or take the required amount of liquid from the pan. The main enemy of the evergreen tree is high humidity soil, death is like its stagnation.

At the bottom of the pot you need to place a layer of fine or brick chips.


The seeds should not be planted too deeply in the prepared soil - at a distance of 2-3 cm.

For successful rooting and germination indoors, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at +20°C. You also need to maintain high humidity and proper lighting.

The appearance of sprouts should be expected after two to three months.

Conditions and care of seedlings

The best place to grow olives will be a windowsill located in the south or southwest. This is where she will do enough sunlight. If there is not enough of it, the plant will signal you about this by dropping leaves. In this case, you will need to look for a brighter place for the pot or additionally install a source of artificial lighting.

Caring for an olive tree at home is simple and no different from caring for most trees. It will consist of watering, spraying when the air is dry, pruning and replanting.

Regular watering is needed as the top layer of soil dries. The plant does not tolerate drought well - its leaves begin to dry out and fall off. However, the tree will react even worse to constant waterlogging - even to the point of complete death.

Important! Watering the olive tree should only be done with tap water at room temperature that has been standing for several days.

During the growing season (from April to September) the tree needs to be fertilized. should be alternated with It is recommended to do this once every two weeks during the period of active growth and weekly during the spring-summer period. Starting from October, all feeding should be stopped, otherwise the plant will have difficulty surviving winter period, and in the end it will not bloom.

In summer, it is necessary to periodically wipe off dust from olive leaves. In winter, when the heating is turned on, they will need to be sprayed.

IN winter time The olive should be left alone - water as little as possible, do not feed it and move it to a cool place (+10-12°C). Only under such conditions will it be able to bloom.

When flowering has occurred, the tree must be placed in a room with a temperature of +18-20 degrees.

A year or two after planting, the plant should be replanted. To do this, use the transshipment method (together with an earthen lump, without opening root system). Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The olive tree is replanted annually until it reaches five years of age. Then the intervals between transplants should be increased to two to three years.

Important! Soil acidity is important for olives. She prefers an alkaline substrate and cannot tolerate overly acidic soils. Thus, when replanting, peat should not be added to the soil.

After replanting, as a rule, the tree grows quickly. After two or three years in spring period or at the beginning of summer, an olive tree in a pot sheds its leaves and acquires new ones.

Sanitary pruning of dry branches should be carried out annually. You can also carry out a formative haircut - it is not difficult for the plant to recover after it. Olive is great for bonsai lovers because its crowns can be used to form a variety of miniature trees.

Lower branches and leaves should be removed regularly - this will help the plant grow better.

Because this evergreen tree has fairly tough foliage, it is not damaged.

An ancient Greek legend says that the olive tree is the creation of the hands of Athena herself, the patroness of peaceful labor and just wars. She stuck her spear into the ground, and an olive tree immediately grew from it, and new city was named Athens.

European olive

Olive is an evergreen plant (tree). Its leaves are dark green on the outside and silvery on the inside.

The flowers of the tree are very small and fragrant, they are collected in brushes, and the crown is wide and spreading, the branches and trunk are curved. The bark usually has gray, it is covered with scales and forms peculiar nodules.

The fruit of this plant is probably familiar to everyone; it is pulp with a stone. The tree blooms from May to June, but the fruits ripen from October to December. The plant grows quite slowly, but it is very drought-resistant and durable.

It must be said that the European olive is noble tree With interesting story. Each leaf of a plant lives for one year, sometimes two. At the base of each leaf there is a bud that remains dormant for a long time; it begins to grow only when absolutely necessary. For example, when pruning or some damage. This amazing property makes the olive very resilient, it is capable of complete restoration.

Useful properties of wood

European olive all year round is under the influence of the hot rays of the sun and healing sea air. This is probably what gives its fruits and leaves unique properties. Archaeologists say that beneficial properties leaves were known to people several thousand years ago. They have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and therefore are used as an antifever agent and for treating purulent wounds. In addition, a decoction of the leaves helps normalize blood pressure.

The leaves of the plant release many phytoncides, which is invaluable in medicinal practice. Decoctions of them are used as a diuretic for edema, as well as for preventive purposes against atherosclerosis and obesity.


Harvesting from trees begins at a time when most of the fruits have become purple shade. On the one hand, they are not yet completely ripe, but it is at this moment that they contain the highest percentage of oil, with a strong aroma and very little bitterness. Before the harvest begins, canvases are spread under the trees, on which the olives will actually fall. The fruits are knocked down with a special rotating device, but they are not damaged, but remain intact. There is another way to harvest. They pass through the trees with a special “rake”, as if combing them. Ripe fruits fall to the ground.

After the fruits are collected, the crown is pruned. This is a very important and responsible job, because olives are formed on two-year-old branches. Therefore, the procedure itself is carried out by a special specialist - a circumciser. This profession is passed down from generation to generation. As a rule, the crown is formed in the form of a bowl, this is done in order to ensure good penetration of sunlight.

Olive europaea: home care

In principle, olives can be grown at home in our latitudes. To do this, the tree needs to be properly cared for.

European olive tolerates our climate well. But still, trees need to be watered quite regularly, and moderately. This is best done with water. During active growth, the plant must be fed. European olive loves sunny places. IN summer time It is better to move it to the balcony or terrace. In winter, it is better to place the plant in a cool place, and from February begin to increase the temperature. In spring, trees need to be moved to the brightest places where they feel best. They begin to bloom in May and June, when the temperature reaches eighteen degrees.

In spring, trees respond well to fertilizing complex fertilizers with nitrogen. Thanks to this, flower buds form earlier.

Flowering and pollination of plants

Small white or a little yellow flowers with gentle subtle aroma appear around mid-June. At home, European olive blooms a little longer than usual, about several months. The flowers are pollinated by the wind and insects, but if there is no wind at all, then the branches need to be shaken daily. During self-pollination, fruits may set different sizes. But cross-pollination significantly improves the yield and quality of olives. European olive in room conditions produces approximately two kilograms of fruit, and in garden conditions - up to twenty kilograms.

To get a harvest, you need to know how to care for European olive. In principle, this tree is very drought-resistant, but if there is no obvious growth of branches, you need to understand that it lacks moisture. In addition, the plant is very light-loving (branches become exposed in poorly lit places); it does not tolerate acidic and waterlogged soils. Liming the soil can significantly increase the yield.

Olive propagation

European olive is propagated by cuttings, seeds and grafting. Just before planting, the seeds are dipped in a 10% alkali solution for 18 hours, then they are washed and the nose of the seed is cut off with pruning shears. Next, they are planted to a depth of about two to three centimeters. The first shoots appear after two to three months.

When using grafting, the original wild tree is used. The first fruits from such a tree can only be seen after 8-10 years.

For cuttings, they use cut 2-4 year old branches, the diameter of which is 3-4 centimeters. The sections are processed and then buried horizontally in March in sand to a depth of ten centimeters. Since there are many cuttings, the first shoots will appear within a month. Before planting, cuttings must be treated with a growth stimulator.

  1. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees.
  2. Good lighting, but without direct sunlight.

To maintain high humidity, the box with cuttings must be covered with film. Seedlings are sprayed (sprayed, not watered) with water at room temperature at least once a day. Plants are replanted after two to four months. They will begin to bear fruit only in the second or third year.

The best time for planting is autumn (for regions with mild winters). The trees are fed with manure, adding superphosphate to prevent soil oxidation. And in the spring the earth is limed.

At home, you need to carry out formative and health-improving haircuts of the crown. To do this, remove weak, dry and unnecessary branches and give the crown the desired shape.

Since ancient times, olives have been grown for their fruits, which were soaked and then salted, after which they acquired a very pleasant taste.

Very often, crops in our latitudes are grown exclusively in decorative purposes. Therefore, you can safely form a bonsai. Olive europaea has irregular shape trunk, few branches on which dense leaves with contrasting colors are located. In general, the plant is quite beautiful, interesting and perfect for forming into a bonsai.

Such a tree will decorate not only the room, but also the garden. According to reviews from knowledgeable gardeners, we can say that this plant is not very demanding to care for, and therefore you can safely start growing it at home, at least for decorative purposes.

How to form a bonsai?

To form a bonsai, you need to pinch out new shoots throughout the entire growth period of the tree. This will give impetus to the appearance of many buds throughout the tree. However, the process cannot be carried out at temperatures from 10 to 35 degrees. This can lead to a reduction in the size of the leaves. Young plants are pinched to 1-3 leaves.

When large branches are pruned during the growing season, numerous, vigorous growth occurs in the pruned areas. Therefore, you need to remove unwanted buds, otherwise there will be too many shoots. Large branches are best removed in autumn or winter, when growth is significantly slower. Olive reacts quite unpredictably to pruning large shoots.

When forming a bonsai, you need to be careful, since the plant is quite fragile and the bark and wood are very easily damaged. Therefore, you need to wrap the tree with wire very carefully; you should not touch young branches less than three years old.

Absolutely any style of bonsai can be obtained from the European olive. Vertical and broom-shaped ones are preferred. Very dangerous for the plant spider mites, they are completely invisible on the tree. They severely deform the leaves, they begin to curl and fall off green.

Instead of an afterword

What is European olive? First of all this is wonderful beautiful plant which produces wonderful results. In addition, it is used for decorative purposes to decorate the home and garden. If desired, European olive can be grown at home and even produce fruits. The tree is valued not only because of its tasty fruits, but also because of its medicinal properties, which have been known to people since ancient times.

Olives are now grown all over the world for both trade and personal consumption. Although the olive tree can live for more than 1000 years, it, like most other plants, requires certain conditions for growth. If you want to grow a small sprout into a mature olive tree and skillfully use the various techniques that farmers use to obtain delicious fruit and oil, read this article.


How to create the right conditions

    Determine if your climate is suitable for growing olives. Olive trees do best in climates with mild winters and long, dry summers. For example, olives grow well in the Mediterranean region of Europe and in the coastal valleys of California. At the same time, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to grow olives in tropical climates.

    • If not properly taken care of, frost can destroy many olive trees. Temperatures of −5 ºС are harmful for small branches, and at −10 ºС large branches and even entire trees die. Even if the branches and trees survive the cold, the flavor of the olives and the resulting oil may deteriorate. Do not attempt to grow olives if your region is prone to these types of frosts.
    • However, olive trees require a little cold. For proper development of flowers, a cooling of approximately 7 ºС is necessary, although this temperature is slightly different for different varieties olives This is why olives are so difficult to grow in the tropics and other hot climates.
    • The flowering season should be fairly dry and moderate. Olives bloom from April to June, and this period should be fairly dry and not too hot. Olives are wind-pollinated plants, so wet conditions can prevent fruit set.
  1. Check the soil pH level and adjust it if necessary. The soil should be moderately acidic or moderately alkaline, so that the pH level lies between 5 and 8.5. Many people believe that the ideal pH level is 6.5. Test your soil's acidity using a test kit, available at your local garden supply store. If the pH level is below 5 or above 8.5, change it.

    Look for areas with good soil drainage. Check how water affects the soil in the area where you plan to grow olive trees. Olive trees need soil with good water drainage. Inspect the soil after rain. Do not plant olives in a place where puddles form after rain. You can also dig a hole in the ground about 50 centimeters deep and pour water into it. If the water sits in the hole for a long time and does not absorb into the soil, look for another place.

    Give preference to areas where olive trees used to grow. This is the best evidence that a particular area is suitable for growing olive trees. If you know that a place used to have olives, plant trees there. You can also plant them near already growing olive trees.

    • If you know other gardeners or farmers in your area, ask them - they may know where olive trees used to be grown.
  2. Find a place that gets direct sunlight. An area not shaded by other trees is best. It must be illuminated directly sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Olive trees are not suitable for shady areas.

How to plant olive trees

    Plant olive trees in the spring. The main danger for olive trees is frost. Generally, they should be planted in the spring after they have established warm weather and the danger of night frosts has passed. Olive trees are most often planted in April or May, although this depends on the specific region.

    • The more time trees have to grow before winter sets in, the better. Try to plant trees as soon as possible after the danger of frost has passed.
  1. Start with potted trees. Potted olive trees can be purchased at your local plant nursery or ordered online. Olives have enough tender seeds, which do not germinate well. You will need trees 1.2-1.5 meters tall with branches about 1 meter high.

    Dig a hole approximately the same size as the pot. Measure the diameter and height of the pot the tree is in. Dig a hole of approximately the same depth and diameter. There is no need to observe the dimensions with great precision - the hole should be approximately the same size as the pot so that the roots of the plant fit well in it.

    Remove the tree from the pot and inspect the roots. Remove the olive tree and roots from the pot. Trim or untangle the tangled roots, but do not disturb them near the root ball or you may damage the plant.

    Fill the hole. Use the soil you removed from the hole to fill it. Cover the ball of roots with a layer of soil 2–3 centimeters thick. There is no need to add fertilizer or compost to the soil at this stage. First, the tree must be properly settled in natural soil.

    Install a drip irrigation device near the tree trunk. Drip irrigation will provide the olive tree with enough water. For the first year, it is necessary to install a drip irrigation device in close proximity to the trunk of each olive tree. On next year these devices should be moved away from the trunks at a distance of 60 centimeters. In addition, you will need to add a second device (also at a distance of 60 centimeters from the tree trunk).

    Water the trees and mulch the soil with straw. Water your olive trees using drip irrigation devices.

    • Instead of coarse straw, you can use other material for mulching. For example, nitrogen and other important for trees nutrients rich mulch of alfalfa, soybeans or pea hay.

How to care for trees before they mature

  1. Water and irrigate olive trees sparingly and as needed. With a drip irrigation system, trees should be watered every day in the summer. Water the olive trees for an hour. You can also use small sprinklers (spray guns), which should be installed at a distance of at least 60 centimeters from the tree trunk. Find sprinklers with a flow rate of 2.5 to 5 millimeters per hour and install them between the trunks of olive trees.

    • The frequency of watering depends on whether you intend to consume the fruits or make oil from them. If you are growing fruit, water the trees more often - about once a week or every 2-3 weeks. If you are going to make oil, water the trees less often to make it more concentrated and flavorful.
  2. Trim trees regularly. Don't prune young trees too often. For the first four years, simply remove side branches that grow below 1 meter. As the trees mature, they will take on the proper shape and weak and unwanted branches can be trimmed. However, try to trim trees as little as possible. early stages, as this may slow down their growth.

    Control pests and other diseases. Like most other plants, olive trees are sometimes attacked by pests, especially the oleaginous scale insect ( Saissetia oleae). If you are growing olives, you need to find a balance between natural methods And effective protection plants from pests and diseases. Sometimes you have to treat trees with insecticides. It is best to consult with professionals about this.

  3. Use fertilizers in moderation. Olive trees usually only need suitable soil and normal watering. However, you can stimulate their growth by adding a little fertilizer. Choose a fairly mild fertilizer and sprinkle it lightly on the soil during the growing season. The packaging should indicate the appropriate dosage and when and how the fertilizer should be applied (usually applied on top of the soil). If you are in doubt about the exact dosage, choose a smaller amount.

    Decide when to harvest. Green olives appear first and turn black as they ripen. When picked, green olives will have a sharp and grassy flavor, while ripe olives have a milder, butterier flavor. Often the oil is made from a mixture of green and ripe olives, which are picked just when they change color. Determine which type of oil is right for you and wait until the olives are the right color before harvesting them.

    • Remember that olives are not eaten raw, straight from the tree. As a rule, before consumption they must be treated with brine, that is, kept in salt water.
  • The olive tree can be grown indoors in a fairly large pot.
  • Olive trees can grow up to 15 meters high and their canopy can extend up to approximately 9 meters wide.
  • An olive tree can be planted on a slope or terrace, but in this case it will be more difficult to care for and harvest.
  • To prevent fruits from appearing in undesirable places, prune appropriate flowering branches in early summer.


  • Use clean tools when pruning olive trees during the rainy season, otherwise they may develop growths due to bacterial contamination.
  • Olive trees grown in California may be affected by fungal disease"verticillium wilt". Remove diseased trees and branches and do not plant trees in infected areas.
  • In the Mediterranean region, olive trees can be attacked by pests such as the Mediterranean fruit fly and the olive fly.
  • If you are going to make olive oil, try not to spray the trees chemicals, as they can give the oil an unpleasant odor.
  • Ripe olives become soft, so pick them with care.

European olives (Olea europea) are a type of evergreen tree belonging to the Oleaceae family. Historically, the olive tree is the oldest cultivated by humans and one of the most cold-resistant plant species of this type. In human culture (not only culinary and agricultural), the plant plays an important role.

Historical information about the plant

Some archaeological evidence suggests that olives may have been domesticated in the eastern Mediterranean region 10,000 years ago. Other evidence suggests that Olea europaea was first cultivated in Crete and Syria over 5,000 years ago. Around 600 BC e. there is an active spread olive oil in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. It has been closely associated with the religion, culture, medicine and culinary traditions of peoples for thousands of years.

Since ancient times, the oil of this plant has occupied a special place in people's lives. In Christianity, the liquid is used in the sacrament of anointing. In fact, there are many cultures in which the dead body was anointed with oil before being buried. Prophet Muhammad also encouraged believers to use olive oil.

Colonizers and settlers brought to New world two important things for them - grapes and olives. However, the purpose of bringing olives was not so that they could serve as food, but for use for ritual purposes. This is one of the reasons that California is another of the major suppliers of olives today, but the olives produced there are not that good.

Olive is one of the oldest and most common plants. It is even mentioned in the Bible (a dove brought an olive branch to Noah to show that the flood was over). For many years, the plant has been a symbol of peace, wisdom, glory, fertility, strength and purity.

Ancient Greek mythology tells how the goddess Athena and the god Poseidon argued over who would give their name to a new city in Attica. Almighty Zeus, seeking a solution to the dispute, decreed that the city would be named after the one who provided best gift residents of Attica.

Poseidon hit the rock with his trident, a spring appeared from there, but the water was sea water. Athena struck the ground near the Acropolis with her spear and an olive tree grew there. It was accepted as a gift with greater value, since its fruits provide food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. To this day, the city bears the name of the goddess Athena, and is still the capital of Greece. According to tradition, the tree that still grows there is the first gift given by the gods to the inhabitants of the Earth.

The tree can be grown directly from the seed. To do this, it is placed in water for a day, and then planted in a small pot with a mixture of sand and soil. A new seedling should appear in about 3 months. Most often, olives are propagated by separating stem cuttings. This is done in the summer. The best soil for this is acid-alkaline. If it is enriched with vitamins and minerals, the tree will have more foliage. The plant is fertilized once a month in spring and summer with nitrogen fertilizer. Each spring, the tree's crown can be trimmed and shaped. Irrigation is important for the proper development of the tree.

In spring and summer it should be watered regularly, after waiting for the soil to dry out a little. In autumn, irrigation is gradually reduced, and in winter the ground should be dry most of the time. Since the tree comes from the Mediterranean region, where the weather is drier and hotter, it needs a lot of light and warmth. It is good to plant where the sun does not shine directly all day. Winter temperature must be at least 0 degrees. These trees are strong and resistant to disease, but among dangerous pests Mites and aphids should be noted.

Olives are used to strengthen health. Symptoms and diseases that are positively affected by the consumption (internal or external) of olives and oils:

  • headache;
  • heart pain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • asthma;
  • eye diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • skin damage and rash;
  • spasms and nerve diseases;
  • herpes;
  • hives.

Olive oil is classified according to the method of production and the content of oleic acid in it. Cold-pressed virgin oil contains up to 2% oleic acid. Refined oil is obtained using heat or solvent and requires additional processing to obtain a product containing up to 3.3% oleic acid.

Olive pollen is one of the most important causes of seasonal respiratory allergies in Mediterranean countries. Contact dermatitis and food allergies to olive tree and olive oil have also been reported.

The tree grows very slowly, so some people consider it immortal. Some trees are believed to be over 1000 years old. There are now trees in the world that, according to official data, are more than 3,000 years old. The olive is often called the “eternal tree.”

For Avicenna, olive was a cure for almost all diseases. The hot temperament of the Mediterranean population, according to their beliefs, depends on the consumption of olives, which are present almost daily on their menu.

These trees are planted with decorative and practical purposes, such as use as a wind barrier and to control soil erosion in the Mediterranean region. Wood is used in the production of furniture in South Africa. She and olive pits are excellent solid fuel.

Today the total number of trees in the world is about 800 million. Approximately 150 million of them are in their historical homeland of Greece, where olive trees grow, cultivated, harvested and processed using methods known since ancient times. A very interesting fact is that almost all the land allocated for olive cultivation (98%) is located in the Mediterranean Sea.

More than 100 are grown in Greece various types olive production, the country is known for its hot summers and mild winters. The unique combination of this climate with dry and rocky soil contributes to the production of exceptionally high quality olive oil, as well as olives with large fruits and great taste.

To grow olive trees you need temperate climate. If you live in a region where the weather for this plant is unfavorable, then planting can be done even in an apartment, providing the necessary temperature regime. How to grow an olive tree at home? Detailed instructions.

Choosing a variety

First you need to choose a variety of olives. This condition is important because they have different purposes:

  • for food consumption;
  • for making oil;
  • for any purpose.

When planning to grow an olive tree at home, use dwarf plants. They are designed specifically for this.

Olives are a dioecious species. This means that both male and female cells are needed to produce fruit. Pollination in natural conditions produced by the wind. You will have to do this yourself at home, using a brush or a piece of fur.

Olive propagation methods

Seedlings can be obtained in three ways:

  • using seeds;
  • planting cuttings;
  • through vaccination.

1. How to grow an olive tree from a seed

This method differs in duration. It takes 10–15 years from planting to fruiting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove pits from fresh olives.
  2. Soak them in a 10% lye solution overnight.
  3. Rinse with warm water.
  4. Dry with a paper towel.
  5. File away the hard layer of the seed (to facilitate germination).
  6. Plant the seed in the ground to a depth of 2–3 cm.
  7. Expect germination for approximately 3 months, maintaining an optimal temperature of + 18 C heat.

Important Tips:

  1. For the soil, use a mixture of sand, turf and garden soil in a ratio of 2:1:1 with the addition of a small part of peat and lime (in total 25 g per 1 kg of soil).
  2. The pot is chosen to be small in size. As the plant grows, it increases. This makes it easier to control watering. Olive does not tolerate excess moisture.

The seedling is replanted every year until it reaches five years of age. Then after 2 - 3 years.

2. Vegetative propagation

It's more quick way, demonstrating how to grow an olive tree at home. Such a seedling will begin to bloom faster, inheriting everything varietal characteristics. For vegetative propagation Cuttings or root suckers are used. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Annual cuttings are prepared.
  2. The cut site is treated with a preparation that promotes rooting.
  3. The cuttings are planted in wet sand (March), ensuring an optimal temperature of + 20 C. If you plant the cuttings in a transparent container, you can control the root formation process.
  4. The sand is regularly moistened.
  5. With the help plastic bag A greenhouse is created above the cuttings. After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into the soil.
  6. On permanent place The seedling is planted in autumn (August - September).

To shorten the period until the olive begins to bloom and bear fruit, it can be grafted using varietal plants.

3. Olive grafting

Reproduction is carried out by budding. An erupting eye is cut from the stem and placed in a split in the bark. The first fruits appear after 8–10 years.

Olive tree care

Caring for a young plant involves removing lower leaves and new shoots. This will help give the plant a tree-like appearance. Shrunken, weakened or heavily vegetative shoots should also be removed.

The plant should be in the brightest place in the apartment, and in winter it needs additional lighting. Water it daily, but in small quantities. In the spring, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is necessary. In winter, water less and do not fertilize. Transfer to another place (less warm + 10–12 C). During this period, they are laid flower buds. In spring the plant blooms.

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