How to do the abdominal vacuum exercise correctly. Vacuum exercise technique: simple loads for a flat stomach

Miraculous effect famous for weight loss physical exercise Vacuum for the abdomen, based on the correct technique for retracting the latter. It is practiced in yoga, from where it migrated to bodybuilding. What makes magic training successful?

The exercise is considered an effective method for reducing the waist. Many male athletes struggle with this, dreaming of getting a classic trapezoidal figure, characterized by wide shoulders and a narrow waist.

For women, the question of whether it is necessary to reduce volumes is not even worth it; all representatives of the fair half of humanity dream of a wasp waist. This exercise is not new, and the “abdominal vacuum” reached its peak of popularity in the 60–70s of the twentieth century thanks to the famous American athlete, actor and then future politician Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Many people have appreciated the use of the “Vacuum for the Abdomen” exercise to get the desired proportions. For the best effect, it is recommended to control the tension of the abdominal muscles.

At first, this will require endurance and full attention on your part, but then the muscles will become toned, and a flat stomach will delight you. Although such training is not suitable for everyone, since there are a number of conditions and requirements for the initial physical training of a person.

Benefits for the stomach and contraindications

An exercise called the “abdominal vacuum” aims to increase the tone of the internal transverse muscles and give the tummy a flat shape. By strengthening the muscles, the waist decreases by several centimeters. The abs will become flatter.

But if you want relief cubes to appear on it, then you need to additionally do abdominal exercises, since the “abdominal vacuum” will not provide them for you. For many men and women, an added bonus is that narrowing the waist makes the chest appear larger.

There are also medical indicators that this exercise improves. In particular, regularly performing “abdominal vacuum”:

  • strengthens the spine;
  • reduces pain in the lower back if it bothers a person;
  • prevents prolapse of internal organs;
  • helps stabilize intra-abdominal pressure.

Separate positive quality it can be considered simplicity of execution and the fact that it can be freely performed in any conditions: even at home, even in gym, even at work during lunch break. For this you will not need any additional equipment, because only the abdominal muscles and proper breathing will be involved.

Experts say that the transverse abdominal muscles are characterized by a deep location, and they are responsible for ensuring that our waist is narrow and our abdomen does not protrude. They represent a natural body corset with the ability to tighten the abdominal wall.

But remember: this exercise alone cannot burn the fat that has accumulated around a person’s waist. Therefore, it is recommended to start losing weight, which will be helped by various cardio exercises that effectively burn fat deposits.

It is also important to review your diet. Proper diet is the cornerstone for weight loss. You can do a “stomach vacuum” even before the fat deposits leave the waist, but the result will not be visible for much longer than when you start practicing with an already prepared body.

There are a number of contraindications for which experts do not recommend performing vacuum exercises for the abdomen:

  1. All people, without exception, cannot perform it if they have diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Women should not engage in this type of activity during their period.
  3. If internal organs, such as kidneys, have prolapsed, you should also refrain from using a “abdominal vacuum.”
  4. A number of contraindications clearly include pregnant women, since such a load can harm the fetus.
  5. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, performing this exercise is permissible only after prior consultation with your doctor.

People suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers especially need to be extremely careful with such training. After undergoing operations, you can start active exercises no earlier than two months later!

Workout Options for Beginners

At its core, a vacuum for the abdomen is breathing exercise, aimed at isometric contraction of the transverse muscles. Similar loads, which include the well-known “plank”, consist of expending maximum effort to complete them for six to twelve seconds.

Isometric exercises cause muscle tension, while isotonic exercises cause muscle contraction to change their length. When performing it, the athlete feels that his abdominal muscles are literally burning, while no joint movements occur.

According to the conclusions made after the studies, the transverse muscles respond best to muscle contractions, accompanied long period their voltages: in the range from one to two minutes. The most effective is to do a series of two or three such approaches.

It is optimal if you do the vacuum exercise five times a week. The abdominal muscles are slow twitch fibers that respond well to daily training.

There are four options for performing the exercise:

  • standing;
  • sitting on a chair or sitting on your heels;
  • standing on all fours;
  • lying on your back.

The standing and lying exercise options are considered the most suitable for beginners. As you gradually develop your muscles, you can move on to more difficult versions. The main thing is perseverance and the desire to achieve slim figure.

  1. In order to correctly perform a “stomach vacuum” in a standing position, you must:
  2. Accept starting position. To do this, stand up, straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your hips.
  3. Then inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, trying to take in as much air as possible.
  4. After this, quickly release the air, exhaling powerfully. When exhaling, you need to retract the abdominal walls as much as possible, bringing them towards the spine. Stay in this position for 15–20 seconds.
  5. Then inhale slowly and return to the starting position.

The movements need to be repeated several times to achieve a good result.

There is a slightly modified version of this exercise, when a person rounds his back and rests on slightly bent knees. Everyone can try different variations to find the position in which they will be most comfortable training.

To perform a “stomach vacuum” in a lying position, you need to lie on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees. Stretch your arms along your body or place them on your hips, whichever is more convenient for you.

  1. Exhale slowly, feeling your lungs empty of air.
  2. When the lungs are completely free, then begin to tense your abdominal muscles, pulling them towards the spine as much as possible.
  3. Anchor at the bottom point for 10–15 seconds.
  4. Take a small breath and continue to draw in your stomach.
  5. Tighten his muscles for another 10-15 seconds, then slowly relax them, taking small breaths of air.

How to technically correctly do a stomach vacuum?

For more physically fit people, exercises in a sitting position and on all fours are suitable. Inhalations and exhalations are performed in exactly the same way as in the examples described above, only the position of the body changes.

You can sit in a chair for comfort, or do an “abdominal vacuum” by resting your buttocks on your heels and aligning the backs of your thighs and shins.

Sitting on a chair, slightly round your back, bend your knees and raise them on tiptoes, place your hands on your kneecaps. While sitting on the floor on your heels, choose a more convenient execution option for you.

You can either sit completely on your heels, or keep your pelvis raised above them. In the second case, the load on the muscles of the legs and lower abs will increase.

To perform the exercise on all fours, take the starting position. Make sure your knees are directly under your hips and your hands are directly under your shoulders. Keep your back slightly rounded, with your shoulder blades outward rather than compressed.

Breathing technique as in bodyflex

Make sure that your back does not round too much and does not sag in the middle and lower part. The spine should straighten.

For permanent job transverse abdominal muscle During the entire exercise, when inhaling air, do not sharply relax your stomach, throwing it down. On the contrary, release the muscles slowly and not completely. Try to hold the abdominal walls against the spine during the retraction period for at least ten to fifteen seconds. The number of approaches must be at least two.

More experienced athletes can try combining the plank exercise with an abdominal vacuum.

This can be like a classic plank, when a person rests on bent arms and toes, or a variation of the plank with outstretched arms. In this case, it is possible to work not only the stomach, but all muscle groups of the body as a whole.

Another interesting variation is the reverse plank, when a person holds his weight on outstretched arms in a chest-up position.

In this case, you need to ensure that your back and legs are straight, creating a single line. It is recommended to perform all vacuum exercises for the abdomen in the morning on an empty stomach. And in the evening it can be practiced three hours after the last meal.

Impressive weight loss results before and after

With the help of abdominal vacuum exercises you can achieve excellent results enough short time. Many people testify that in just two weeks of regular training it is possible to significantly reduce inches at the waist and tighten the stomach.

But such brilliant success awaits those people who initially have only a small tummy, and not a serious “life preserver” at the waist.

It was with a slightly hanging belly that 25-year-old Irina began to perform this exercise (see photos Before and After). Despite her overall slimness, she still had a small belly. And there was no way she could defeat him.

“Slender people have no way to lose weight, but, trying to overcome my stomach, I started actively working out my abs, but in the end I got the opposite result. Instead of being slim, my waist only became wider, and my figure began to resemble that of a teenager. The abs may have been pumping up, but they weren’t visible because of that hated belly.

Overweight people also face this, their belly becomes even larger. The muscles increase in size and begin to protrude fat deposits. Then my coach recommended the “vacuum” exercise to me. He explained that this way I could strengthen the muscles of my lower abdomen and reduce my waist size.

This was exactly what I was missing. The advantage is that I didn’t have to go on a strict diet. I just stuck with it healthy eating and regularly performed this exercise,” Irina said about how she came to the decision to try the “abdominal vacuum.”

The girl started with the option of practicing in a lying position. At first, she managed to keep her stomach pulled in for only five seconds. Then she switched to the exercise in a standing position and began to gradually increase the time she spent in a static position.

Now the girl has already achieved that she can withstand up to ten seconds with her stomach retracted.

“My lower abs have strengthened and my muscles have tightened. Even when I completely relax my body, my stomach remains flat. Of course, it was not possible to pump up the cubes, because this exercise is not designed for such an effect. But the volume has gone from the waist.

Before I started training, my volume was 60 centimeters when I measured my waist in the morning on an empty stomach. And with the help of a vacuum for the abdomen, it was possible to reduce this number by four centimeters. And this despite the fact that I was not on a diet. The weight remained unchanged,” the girl shared her results.

In some cases, people encounter unexpected problems, which, however, are quite easily resolved. For example, 30-year-old Victoria began to experience discomfort in her stomach at the beginning of classes. Here's what she wrote in her review:

“When doing the abdominal vacuum exercise, I began to feel strange tingling sensations in my stomach. The trainer advised me to change the rule of working out on an empty stomach and throw in something light first. I started eating one apple before training, and after that the problem disappeared by itself,” Victoria said about her experience.

Impact on the figure of women who have given birth

The abdominal vacuum exercise is often used by women who want to restore their figure after childbirth. With the birth of a baby, the weight usually goes off within a few months. But returning the anterior abdominal wall to its former shape presents particular difficulties.

“I’m losing weight and losing weight, and therefore I allow myself to relax a little during the holidays, and my belly grows again, as if I were five months pregnant again. My stomach became mine main problem: even when I’m thin, it sticks out treacherously. At the same time, I initially have a weakly defined waist, which adds another reason for sadness. Then I decided to do the “stomach vacuum” exercise to kill two birds with one stone,” says 27-year-old Alena.

When starting new classes, the girl did not have much faith in the success of this enterprise, because the exercise itself seemed ridiculously simple. But this opinion was destroyed already in the first minutes of performing the initial approach.

A beautiful and slender waist with a flat stomach is a source of pride for many women. Regardless of how the canons of beauty changed in different eras, a flat stomach could adorn any lady. Today, women are once again puzzled by how to keep their abs in good shape. To do this, they often do massages, body wraps, and follow all sorts of diets for flat abs. However, physical activity is unrivaled in terms of effectiveness. To make them work, you can do the most different exercises. But in Lately Abdominal vacuum is becoming increasingly popular. It is its implementation that has a beneficial effect on the waist and abdominal definition.

What is a belly vacuum?

Today, the abdominal vacuum exercise is becoming increasingly popular. This technique was used during training by Schwarzenegger himself. The attractiveness of the vacuum is that it affects the abs from the inside, since it simply power training often do not give the desired result.

The peculiarity of the abdominal vacuum is that the exercise helps eliminate fat. Charging is also great for those who do not have problems with excess weight. In this situation, a vacuum will allow you to get rid of flabbiness in the abdominal area and achieve pumping of the abs, as well as various muscles in the abdominal area.

At its core, abdominal vacuum is a combination of several techniques. This kind of training is done even in yoga. However, you can do the exercise at home. The technique is to pull in the stomach as much as possible. It must be held at this tension for 30 seconds. But here another very important nuance arises.

On a note! Training must be accompanied by proper breathing technique. This only enhances the weight loss effect.


The attractiveness of the exercise is due to the fact that it allows you to transform the abdominal area. Thanks to vacuum you can achieve:

  • flat stomach;
  • strengthening the transverse muscles;
  • losing weight;
  • strengthening other muscle groups;
  • burning excess visceral fat;
  • normalization of digestion.

It should also be noted that such exercises are an excellent prevention of prolapse of internal organ systems. The vacuum for the abdomen promotes proper operation intestines.

Exercise starts the process of burning fat, including abdominal fat. The exercise is aimed at creating sculpted abs and a flat waist. The lower abdomen is tightened, as when pumping the abs and transverse muscles.

Another exercise helps to straighten your posture and is an excellent preventive measure and a way to reduce pain in the lower back. After all, not only the transverse abdominal muscles work, but also breathing.

Abdominal vacuum exercises for abs

Performing this exercise has a number of features. But the technique is quite easy to learn. It is enough to perform a few repetitions of the exercise and everything will become clear. In order for a vacuum for the abdomen to give positive results and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the figure (in particular the contours of the abs and waist), internal organs, it must be done correctly. So, how to do a stomach vacuum correctly so that the exercise benefits the waist and the entire body as a whole?

Exercise 1

A vacuum for the abdomen can be done while sitting. It is quite difficult to perform the exercise in this position, but it is very effective, since the so-called stabilizer muscles that support the back begin to work.

You should start the exercise by sitting on a fitball, a hard chair, or, if possible, cross-legged. You need to rest your palms on your knees. The legs are placed at an angle of 90 degrees. The feet should be in direct contact with the floor surface. Now you need to exhale. The navel should be pulled as close to the spine as possible. It should be fixed in this position for at least 30 seconds. Only then the air is exhaled.

This approach is done 3 times.

On a note! If dizziness occurs when performing a vacuum, then the period of holding your breath should be shortened.

Exercise 2

A vacuum for the abdomen can also be done while lying down. This is the simplest version of the exercise. It is recommended to do the first training sessions in front of a mirror while lying down. This will allow you to monitor the correct execution of the exercise.

So, first you need to lie on the floor. Hands should be placed freely along the body. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. The back should be in contact with the hard surface as evenly as possible. At the same time, you need to try to relax. Exhalation should be done very slowly. When you feel empty in your lungs, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles. It is very important to take a deep breath. You must now hold your breath.

You should imagine that the navel is in contact with the spine. This is especially noticeable if you do repetitions on all fours or standing. You need to stay in this position for 20 seconds. Then a small breath is taken. You should stay in this state for the same amount of time.

Then you need to exhale, relax and normalize your breathing rhythm.

When the body and the human body as a whole get used to such loads, you can abandon the mirror and the lying position, and begin performing the vacuum from a position on all fours.

Exercise 3

No less effective for the abdominal muscles, transverse muscles, internal organs and weight loss in general is performing a vacuum for the abdomen from a standing position. This option is most often used by professional bodybuilders to outline the abs and other muscles. This exercise gives excellent results. To perform it you need to stand up straight. Your shoulders should be straightened and your arms should be lowered. The head should be kept level. The legs will need to be spread wide, according to the parameters of the shoulders.

Note! Sometimes a standing abdominal vacuum is performed using a support. You need to tilt your body a little forward.

To make a vacuum for the abdominal area while standing at home, you first need to take the correct position. You need to use your mouth to get as much air out of your lungs as possible. You should exhale smoothly and delicately, slowly. The lips should be relaxed. It is not recommended to hold them with a pipe: this will only complicate the exercise.

Now you need to make sure that there is no air left in your lungs. To do this, you need to pull your stomach in very tightly. The body should be fixed in this position for half a minute. Optimally, achieve a delay of 1 minute. The more “powerful” the approaches, the more prominent the abs.

How often should you train?

To lose weight with the help of a vacuum, reducing volumes in the waist area, it is very important not only to do this exercise correctly, but also regularly. You can choose the technique yourself. It is optimal to train every day. If possible, it is worth doing a vacuum several times a day. The exercise works best in the evenings and mornings, even before breakfast.

It is equally important to remember: the first workouts, regardless of the chosen position, should be performed in 5 approaches. Each of them is oriented for 10-15 seconds. Once the habit and slight addiction develop, you can prolong the time of performing the vacuum. Gradually you should increase the time for performing the exercise to 30 seconds. This is the optimal duration.

By the way, you can do this kind of exercise at any convenient time of the day: on vacation, in line, at the computer, at work. This will allow the muscles to get used to the load. Thanks to this you can achieve excellent results. The muscles will acquire tone and will independently support the stomach. The main thing is not to be lazy, adhere to the rules of the breathing regime (alternate inhalations and exits correctly) and constantly work.


Despite all the benefits of a vacuum for the abdomen, performing such exercises is not useful for everyone. There are also some contraindications. Such charging is prohibited for those who have problems with:

  • lungs;
  • vessels;
  • heart;

Pregnancy is also a serious contraindication. You should not do the workout during menstruation.

Video tutorials: how to do a stomach vacuum correctly

To effective exercise vacuum for the abdomen has really brought benefits, it must be done correctly. At home, the videos below will be an excellent guide:

Abdominal vacuum exercise will help reduce your waist size in 3 weeks. And if you combine this technique with regular abdominal muscle training, then with adequate nutrition you will get sharpened abdominal muscles.

Exercise effectiveness and muscles involved

Consider the athletes of Arnold Schwarzenegger's time in the 1970s. Abdominal vacuum was widely used at that time to obtain a thin waist and sculpted abs with an appropriate amount of body fat.

This exercise will help strengthen the inner abdominal wall, create toned stomach and add explosive power to your training.

The abdominal area includes internal and external muscles.

  • The external abdominal muscles—the rectus abdominis and the obliques—are developed during crunches.
  • The internal abdominal muscles - the transverse and psoas - are located under the external muscles. They often receive less load during abdominal exercises and are weaker in their external muscles.

However, the internal abdominal muscles maintain posture and control breathing during a strength exercise such as deep abdomen.

The abdominal vacuum exercise refers to isometric contractions of the transverse abdominal muscle. Regular use of this technique provides the following benefits:

The abdominal vacuum exercise should not be performed by people suffering from an inguinal hernia, as this increases intra-abdominal pressure. It is recommended to do the abdominal vacuum on an empty stomach to create maximum compression of the transverse muscle.

For all variations of the exercise, always inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Execution technique

IN initial position stand up straight. Place your hands on your hips and straighten your chest.

  • Slowly inhale as much air as possible. Begin to exhale air from your lungs as much as possible, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Imagine as if you want to touch your navel to your spine.
  • Hold this position. One isometric contraction is approximately 20 seconds, try not to hold your breath.
  • As you inhale, bring your stomach to its original position.

Repeat several times. Once you have mastered doing this technique for 20 seconds, try doing it for 40 to 60 seconds. Do the exercise three times a week, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • Week 1: Do 3 sets of 20 seconds.
  • Week 2: Perform 3 sets of 40 seconds.
  • Week 3: Do 3 sets of 60 seconds.

Do not hold your breath while performing the exercise; take small breaths as necessary. Start with three sets of 15–20 seconds, and over time work your way up to 5 sets of 60 seconds.

Exercise options

There are several variations of this exercise:

  • in a standing position;
  • on the knees;
  • sitting;
  • and lying down.

It is convenient to do the abdominal vacuum on your back, lying in bed after waking up. To perform it correctly, bend your knees.

The advantage here is that this exercise is done on an empty stomach, maximizing the amplitude of abdominal retraction, which ensures complete contraction of the transverse muscle.

Performing the exercise on all fours is the most difficult because in this case you are working against gravity. The vacuum of the abdomen while sitting involves other back muscles. To enhance progress, sit without leaning on anything, or use an unstable surface such as an exercise ball.

Mastering the exercise in a sitting position is very practical - you can use it even while in a traffic jam.

Abdominal vacuum can be used as endurance training. The following factors influence the increase in the strength of the internal abdominal muscles:

  • range of motion (amplitude of abdominal wall retraction);
  • traffic intensity;
  • execution duration.

It is possible to increase the effect of this exercise by varying intra-abdominal pressure, bending the body at a certain angle, or simultaneously performing an exercise that involves the transverse abdominal muscles. For example, start with a vacuum exercise, then add a crunch, row or press as you contract the transverse muscle.

Millions of people work out their abs every day, and they may even get six-packs, but in a relaxed state, the belly still sticks out. Or it hangs on very thin people, which cannot be attributed to fat. The fact is that all training for the press is aimed at pumping up the external muscles, and a completely different muscle is responsible for a thin waist and flat tummy - the transverse one.

In addition, the more you pump your abs, the larger the muscles become, especially the side muscles, and as a result, your waist size increases. The effect is exactly the opposite of what you wanted. For a flat stomach you need to do separate vacuum exercises.

Their technique is not new: vacuum belly breathing was once very popular in yoga, and in the 60s and 70s it became a godsend in bodybuilding. For the first time, bodybuilder Frank Zane, who was interested in yoga, told the general public about it, and especially popularized it by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose V-shaped figure became the standard for many.

Until now, at demonstration performances, it is the thin waist that is valued, against which the shoulders visually appear wider. For some time, even doctors recommended vacuumization for weight loss, then the popularity subsided, and in last years came back again.

Operating principle

The Abdominal Vacuum exercise strengthens the surrounding muscle, which is responsible for its tightness and supports the internal organs, preventing them from sagging. At the same time, other muscle groups also work, there are four in total:

  • Straight;
  • External obliques;
  • Internal obliques;
  • Transverse.

During any training, they are all involved, it’s just a matter of emphasis and strength of development. The rectus and oblique muscles are responsible for the cubes, and the transverse muscle is responsible for reducing volume abdominal cavity.

This does not mean that regular abdominal exercises are not needed for the waist, they form a beautiful relief, but in order to remove the belly, you need to pump up the transverse muscles. They do not give any relief and are invisible on the body, but you will see the effect yourself.


It would seem, what does a simple retraction of the abdomen give? Much depends on how you do it, how much, how often, but in general, you can soon count on the following effects:

  • Getting rid of prolapse of the abdomen forward;
  • Noticeable narrowing of the waist;
  • Reducing the layer of visceral fat that envelops the organs;
  • Strengthening the transverse abdominal muscles;
  • Reducing back pain and improving posture;
  • Prevention of hernias and organ prolapse;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and getting rid of constipation;
  • Accelerates metabolism and effectively removes toxins from the body.

When should you not exercise?

We have already figured out how vacuum is useful, but like any exercise, it has some contraindications:

  • Lung diseases;
  • Exacerbation of a chronic or infectious disease;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Inflammation or ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important points for girls and women

Doctors categorically prohibit doing the exercise during menstruation and pregnancy, since the uterus is already in good shape. There are often questions about whether a girl can have a vacuum in her stomach during her period.

But after childbirth, vacuum gymnastics is even useful, as it allows a woman to quickly restore muscle tone and strengthen the muscles of internal organs. Of course, you need to start simple and small, only in a lying position and with your arms outstretched to the sides, and monitor your condition, but if everything is in order, your stomach will tighten in a short time.

Not everyone does a stomach vacuum correctly. Consider these tips to learn and do it with maximum effect:

  • For beginners, it is best to start by performing the exercise while standing, then you can make it more difficult when you master the technique.
  • It is important to master the correct breathing process: exhale, then inhale briefly and deeply through your nose, and exhale sharply through your mouth, completely releasing all the air from your lungs.
  • You may find it difficult to hold your breath for a long time: no problem, you can take small breaths through your nose while you hold the vacuum.
  • Try to pull your stomach not only straight, but also upward, pulling it towards the diaphragm.
  • Retraction is always done while exhaling.
  • To maximize tension on the transverse muscle, as you inhale, release your stomach slowly, and preferably not all the way.
  • The exercise is always done on an empty stomach, in the morning - immediately after sleep, and in the evening - before going to bed, or at least two hours after dinner.
  • If something hurts after pulling in, stop and rest. Perhaps you are doing something wrong. Like any other exercise, it can bring not only benefits, but also harm, so carefully study the technique. It shouldn't hurt a healthy person.
  • Try to hold the vacuum in your stomach for 15 seconds, do 10-15 repetitions, 2-3 approaches.

Execution options

You should always start standing or lying down, and then you will move on to other variations of the exercise. Why change position? Under the influence of gravity, the organs tend downward, and working out from different poses allows you to massage them qualitatively. So, let’s figure out how to do vacuum abdominal exercises at home:

In a supine position

Vacuum lying down is one of the simplest options, accessible even to beginners. Lie on the floor, bend your knees so that your feet are firmly on the floor. Your hands either lie on the floor or are placed on your stomach so that you can feel the retraction. As you exhale, pull your stomach towards your spine so that it sticks. Hold it and try not to breathe for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times. But don’t torture your body, and if you don’t have enough air, breathe. It will get better over time.


Same good way, which is suitable for beginners. You can do it with a chair. Lean against a chair and bend over slightly. As you exhale, draw in your stomach. The back will most likely be slightly rounded, this is normal. Once you have mastered the chair technique, learn to do the exercise while standing up straight and then raising your arms up to engage your upper abdominal muscles. Start with 10 repetitions, and then do 15 or 20, increasing the number of approaches.

On the knees

Sit on your knees, put your hands on them. Try to keep your back straight, your body should be slightly tilted forward. Inhale and pull your stomach towards your spine.

You can modify this exercise by doing it on all fours, it's relatively difficult option, since you have to fight with gravity, which will require greater effort than in other options.

In a sitting position

Having learned how to perform a vacuum while sitting, you can train anywhere: at home at the computer, at work, in public transport. This kind of physical education does not attract attention, but is very effective. Your back should be straight and your chin should be lowered towards your chest, otherwise you may experience a cough. If you want to make it more difficult, use a fitball or fitness ball instead of a chair.

How quickly will your stomach tighten?

The answer to the question whether a vacuum helps get rid of a tummy is clear: it will help 100% if you don’t feel sorry for yourself and master correct technique. Practice and reviews on forums show that on average, one month of daily exercise is enough for the results to be clearly noticeable.

It's hard to believe that such a simple exercise can transform your figure so much, but it's a fact. The Internet is full of before and after photos in which people with initially quite large, saggy bellies happily show off their toned abs, and say that they achieved such impressive results at home, without any equipment, using just one movement.

Read the reviews and you will no longer doubt whether vacuum gymnastics helps. Try to personally hold out for just one month, and then you won’t leave her. Because you are guaranteed to notice a decrease in waist size and an increase in the overall tone of the abdominal muscles.

It's very easy to get started: you don't even need sportswear, just work out in what you're wearing. Stand up or lie down to try more simple options movements, and do at least 5 repetitions.

Watch the video tutorial from YouTube:

Emphasized abdominals without fat deposits make a person’s figure beautiful and graceful. How to achieve perfection? The well-known and undeservedly forgotten for some time vacuum exercise will help with this.

The main goal of the exercise is to strengthen and work the internal transverse muscles in the abdominal area; achieve flatness.

Using vacuum exercises you can achieve a flat stomach

The abdominal vacuum exercise or uddiyana bandha has long been practiced in yoga, and then came to bodybuilding.
The best time to exercise the abdominal vacuum is early in the morning, before breakfast and before going to bed, a few hours after eating. It is allowed to take a few sips of water. The exercise is preceded by Surya Namaskara.

How is a stomach vacuum useful?

With the help of uddiyana bandha, internal organs are massaged, better blood supply occurs, and the body is renewed.

With regular training, the abs acquire a beautiful shape, a person is no longer bothered by constipation, and sleep improves.

Vacuum abdominal retraction can be done as an independent exercise, in addition to the main training on various groups muscles.
Abdominal vacuum will be an excellent addition to basic training.

You might also be interested in learning about the exercise. A correctly performed plank stance helps strengthen muscles, improve and stabilize posture, and as a result, eliminate back problems.

How to do the vacuum exercise correctly?

  • We take the starting position: put our feet shoulder-width apart, hands on our hips;
  • We fill our lungs with air as much as possible. We inhale through the nose. Exhaling, we strive to bring the anterior abdominal wall closer to the back;
  • We perform for about 20 seconds, then inhale and bring the stomach to the starting position.

To enhance the effect of the exercise, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • For beginners, it is better to do the workout standing or lying down;
  • During the exercise, you can use breathing according to the bodyflex program: powerful exhalation, rapid inhalation through the nose, exhale again through the mouth;
  • When exhaling through the mouth, we free the lungs from oxygen;
  • We help ourselves by taking a series of breaths through the nose;
  • We visualize our navel and spine, strive to connect them;
  • We do the retraction while exhaling;
  • When inhaling, do not lower your stomach sharply down, perform the action at a slow pace and not all the way;
  • Muscle contractions must last at least 15 seconds;
  • You can perform uddiyana bandha both in the morning, before the first meal, and before bed;
  • During the lesson, perform 2-3 approaches, repeat up to 15 times, the isometric contraction time is from 15 seconds.

You will learn all the details of the technique for performing this exercise from the video:

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Uddiyana can be practiced in the following positions:

  • standing;
  • sitting or half-sitting on a chair;
  • standing on four points;
  • lying on your back.

How to do a stomach vacuum at the initial stage of training?

It's easier to start practicing with vertical position or horizontal (on the back), the remaining options are best performed after successfully mastering these basic positions. In a lying position, natural gravity facilitates the correct actions of the practitioner.

How often should you do a stomach vacuum?

The first positive changes, both external and internal, are a good incentive for further studies. In order to improve the abdominal area and improve the condition physical health, vacuum should be practiced 2 times per day. for several months.

The result is achieved only by systematic and painstaking work on oneself and correct technique. Its development provides a complete vacuum in the stomach.

Vacuum breathing with the stomach gradually develops poorly developed transverse muscles.
Vacuum retraction of the abdomen will help develop the muscle frame

Contraindications to abdominal vacuum

The practice of abdominal vacuum has an impact on the functioning of the internal organs of the body, which in addition to benefits for healthy people, can negatively affect health if a person has problems with the kidneys and digestive organs, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, or in the presence of ulcers.

Women during pregnancy will have to avoid the vacuum exercise until delivery.

Is it possible to do a vacuum during menstruation? Before the start of your critical days, the practice of this exercise, like other physical activities, should be suspended.

What does a stomach vacuum give us?

By practicing the vacuum exercise for a flat stomach systematically, you can:

  • develop the transverse abdominal muscle, thereby tightening the stomach;
  • minimize fat deposits around the abdominal organs;
  • quickly reduce waist size;
  • Find wasp waist you can also use . Myostimulation is essentially a massage performed using special devices. They directly affect the muscles through current pulses, thereby forcing them to contract.

  • the chest area will look larger;
  • increase endurance of the transverse abdominal muscles;
  • increase the power of forced exhalation;
  • improve the abdominal area;
  • eliminate the manifestations of a sagging abdominal cavity, while the muscles will be pumped up moderately;
  • the spine will be in the correct position, the discomfort in the lower back will ease;
  • The tone of the internal organs will increase, they will “fall” into place.

No additional equipment is required to perform the exercise.
To perform a abdominal vacuum, no additional equipment is needed.

If you look at the dynamics, what the athletes looked like and ordinary people before starting the practice of abdominal vacuum and after a set of training, you can see a significant difference.

The stomach looks toned, without excess fat, the whole body is noticeably transformed.

Before starting training, you need to remember that in addition to the obvious benefit, vacuuming the abdomen, this exercise can also cause harm in the presence of the conditions and ailments mentioned above.

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