How to properly glue wallpaper in uneven corners of a room, saving money and nerve cells. How to glue wallpaper in corners: practical tips and tricks with photos Gluing non-woven wallpaper in corners

Wallpaper is one of the most common types decorative finishing walls For wallpapering walls no need for perfect alignment. This advantage sets wallpaper apart from other materials.

Paintable wallpapers are especially versatile. But when gluing them to walls, some problems may arise. finishing of internal and external corners.

To glue the wallpaper on the corners evenly, you need strictly adhere to the recommendations of the masters. You need to start joining and pasting wallpaper in the corners by taking measurements at the bottom and top of the walls.

Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular and affordable material for wall decoration. They can hide small irregularities wall surfaces. If the walls have small flaws, it is possible that The corners may also have some unevenness.

To properly cover the corners with non-woven wallpaper, necessary:

  • Measure distance from the last glued strip to the corner. To this distance you need to add about 15mm. stock;
  • From the prepared strip of wallpaper cut off the resulting size when measuring the wall. After this, glue is applied to the wall and the resulting piece of wallpaper is applied;
  • Now wallpaper smoothed along the wall towards the corner. Then we wrap the edge of the wallpaper onto the other wall, and also smooth it out so as to avoid unevenness or swelling of the material;
  • If the strip is skewed, there is no need to re-glue it. You can safely measure out the next strip and overlap it. This operation will hide the resulting distortion;
  • If the picture does not match, move the wallpaper as far as possible up or down, left or right, as far as the distance allows, to approximately align the pattern;
  • Paste over the corner a whole strip is highly undesirable.

Today, wall coverings vinyl wallpaper is a fairly common way to decorate an apartment. The peculiarity of this wallpaper is that they can be washed, do not wrinkle and do not lose color or texture over time. Non-woven wallpaper has the same properties.

Vinyl wallpaper has its own features and requirements for pasting. Despite this, the methods for gluing non-woven and vinyl wallpaper are approximately the same.

To get it right cover corners with vinyl wallpaper, need to:

  • Do measuring the distance to the corner and choose the method and orientation of the wallpaper stripes on the wall. You can start wallpapering from the corner, but this is done only by experienced specialists;
  • Based on the result start gluing the strips wallpaper so that there is an overlap of 3 cm around the corner. After this, lubricate the wall with glue and place strip after strip up to the very corner;
  • Smoothing the pasted part of the walls in the direction of the corner;
  • On coal you need to be careful grease the wallpaper and bend a piece of wallpaper, smoothing them out thick fabric to avoid folds and irregularities;
  • On the other hand, overlap joining another part of the wallpaper;
  • After this, we lean the ruler or level against the overlap and cut with a sharp knife;
  • Cuttings should be removed;
  • Generously coat the wallpaper with glue and lean the joint against the wall. In this case, we get an evenly covered corner with vinyl wallpaper.

Pasting external corners is a very difficult task. But you shouldn’t panic that you won’t succeed. Just you need to know some tricks and methods pasting the external corners of a house or apartment.

The process of sticking strips of wallpaper on external corner, is no different from methods with internal corners. This process includes several actions:

  • Need to start from withdrawal required sizes . We measure the distance from the corner to the last glued strip. You need to measure from above and below to determine the evenness or unevenness of the angle. We also take into account the size of the overlap at the corner of 2.5 cm;
  • After that transfer the resulting size to the roll web. Having drawn the cutting lines, we cut the wallpaper and get a strip of the desired size;
  • Apply glue to the wall;
  • Let's take strip and apply to the wall, smoothing it with a rubber spatula or soft cloth. We also do the same with the overlap area;
  • Then the next piece is cut from the roll and glued overlapping from the corner along the wall. This method of pasting will allow you to hide possible uneven corners and stripes of wallpaper.

Also watch a master class from a specialist on how to glue and cut wallpaper in corners

Wallpapers represent one of the most available materials for finishing even not quite high-quality and smooth walls. They can perfectly hide uneven spots and even distortions. But gluing them on a completely crooked surface is not easy, inconvenient, sometimes even impossible. Therefore, the first step is to maximize, and the corners should be given the greatest attention. If in other areas of the wall the wallpaper became elastic from being impregnated with glue and could stretch, then on crooked corners, both internal and external, surprises in the form of distortions and large folds are not excluded.

Even at perfectly straight corners, difficulties sometimes arise. Therefore, before starting work, you should be well prepared for gluing wallpaper in the corners.

Where to start gluing?

Many recommend from the window, and some from the door. In reality, there is no difference, unless you take into account past trends when wallpaper had a special edge for overlap. Because of this, they had to be glued with an overlap of at least 1 cm. In this case, the best option was to glue them exactly from the far wall with the window. So the seams were not visible when entering the room. Today, wallpapers are produced without this edge, and it is recommended to glue them end-to-end. Wallpapering corners is no different from flat spaces.

The first step is to decide what kind of wallpaper there are and how much glue is required to impregnate them:

  • Paper ones require moderate impregnation and pre-coating of the wall.
  • Vinyl ones require good impregnation, especially when pasting them in corners, since they are quite thick and dense.
  • Non-woven wallpaper requires impregnation of only the wall.

Tools used for wallpapering.

Often the wallpaper has a pattern on it that is not resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, a special rubber roller or brush is required to smooth them out.

Finishing internal corners

Having figured out the types of canvases and the amount of glue, you can get to work. If the wallpaper started to stick from the corner, then it is imperative to apply a marking in the form of a vertical line using a long level and a metal ruler.

It should be positioned so that when gluing, the sheet lies with a fold at an angle of 2-3 cm. The inner corner is the least noticeable, so even if a small overlap forms there, it will not be very noticeable.

If, when gluing the canvas, the edge of the sheet is not straight, then it can be trimmed using a wallpaper or mounting knife. It is recommended to break off the blade after each cut. Otherwise, the next time you use it, scuffs and tears will occur.

The corner is where the wallpaper is most susceptible to peeling off the wall. Therefore, you should not skimp on glue here; the best option would be to pre-impregnate the surface in several layers.

To reliably glue the corners, use special glue. PVA glue is perfect.

Wallpapering the outer corners

The rules for wallpapering on outer corners are to fit the canvas perfectly. The option with an overlap will not work here, because it will be clearly visible. The best option will be "Cutting". But in order to beautifully design the outer corner, its surface is necessary.

Next, it is recommended to pre-coat the wall surface with several layers of glue. If necessary, you should use a brush because it is often impossible to get into small cracks with a roller. The pre-impregnated sheet is glued to a corner with a 2-3 cm bend on the second wall. In this case, an uneven edge of the sheet is almost always formed. This is due to the geometry of the walls and their imperfection. The second sheet of wallpaper is pasted with an overlap of 5-8 cm over the previous one. This is necessary so that it can be comfortably grasped when removing it.

Then, using a plumb line, or better yet, a long level, cut both panels with a new blade of a mounting knife.

You should not save money here, because when the blade becomes dull, nicks can form on the surface, which will become very unattractive.

After making the cut, the excess piece is removed, and the edges of the joined sheets are carefully peeled off. The cut residue is removed from underneath and the wallpaper is glued in place. If necessary, you can add glue.

The most in a simple way updating the interior of the apartment is wallpapering the walls. However, many people face some difficulties when performing work. The greatest difficulty is caused by gluing wallpaper in the corners. In these places, when carrying out repairs, many people make mistakes that spoil general form updated finish. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the algorithm, which suggests the correctness of performing such actions, and such problems will no longer arise during subsequent repair work.

Wallpapering in corner areas

The main difficulties faced by apartment owners when gluing walls finishing material, are uneven external and internal corners, often having uneven geometry. All this not only complicates the gluing process decorative material, but also significantly increases the repair time, which is unlikely to be included in the plans of any person.

Ultimately, the owners of the premises are forced to additionally treat the surfaces of the walls. Moreover, even subsequent use quality materials does not guarantee that the corners will be perfectly straight. This gives the impression that the work was done unprofessionally and spoils the overall appearance of the room.

Few people know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room. In order to correctly complete this process, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Before doing this, you need to remember the following:

After the work approaches the next wall joint, the strip of wallpaper is trimmed so that it is glued to the adjacent wall only a few centimeters. Then the wall processed with adhesive solution. After the strip is fixed on the wall, it needs to be ironed with a rubber spatula or pressed with a roller. It is important that there are no folds left at the junction of two walls, even if there is an uneven bevel of the edge of the strip on the adjacent wall. If the material is very dense, then shallow cuts can be made with inside finishing paper material. In this case, the canvas will better adhere to the joint surface of the walls.

Then, on the wall where there is a smaller part of the wallpaper strip, using a level or plumb line, draw a straight line from floor to ceiling. In this case, you should retreat from the corner by the width of the roll. Next, the glue is applied to the wall, and a piece of strip is applied to the existing line. In this case, its edge will overlap the uneven edge of the previous piece of wallpaper.

When both stripes are fixed, it is necessary to determine the place of the smallest overlap. It should be divided in half and a straight line drawn from the middle along the entire height of the corner, then cut through it with a sharp knife or blade.

The top piece of material must be carefully removed, folded back and the cut part of the bottom strip removed. Then both edges of the wallpaper are coated again glue, close and carefully smooth with a roller. The result should be a perfectly even angle, and there will be no sagging or cracks at the joint.

When gluing wallpaper in the corners, you need to wait some time after fixing it to the wall. Otherwise wet from adhesive composition The material cannot be cut smoothly. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process if you follow the algorithm


Such angles are much less common indoors. Wallpapering them is done in a similar way:

It must be remembered: even in the case of perfectly even corners, there is no need to try to wrap the whole canvas. This is most often leads to the appearance of wrinkles and unevenness, and there is also a high probability that the material will swell and bulge unsightly. As a result, it will be necessary to carry out renovation work again, which requires financial costs. The whole canvas is wrapped only when wallpapering on window or door slopes.

Cutting off part of the canvas will not lead to a large consumption of wallpaper, so gluing wallpaper on the corners will not require an increase in expenses. Overall the job is not difficult, but there are minor nuances. If you take them into account, everything will be done correctly in accordance with your own requirements. If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, it’s better to entrust the work to professionals.

Wallpapering walls is not a difficult task if the work is done on a prepared, flat surface. But difficulties often arise with gluing the material to internal and external corners. To avoid common mistakes, you need to become more familiar with the process technology of how to glue wallpaper and prepare necessary tools for fast work.

Necessary materials

Often, before wallpapering walls, you need preliminary preparation surfaces.

After preparation, the wall should be covered with putty (read how to choose putty) followed by sanding (read how to properly sand walls). If the wall is already prepared, then materials for rough work will not be required.

You only need to have:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Glue.
  • Primer.

Main material - wallpaper, it is recommended to purchase one that is not very dense so that it is easy to glue. This is especially important when gluing corners. Before purchasing wallpaper, you need to calculate its quantity. To do this, the perimeter of the room is determined, the perimeters of window and doorways and a small margin is added (5-10%).

When choosing glue you need to be guided by the type of wallpaper. Therefore, when purchasing them, you must immediately take the appropriate glue. Primer will be required to ensure adhesion of the surface to the wallpaper.


The materials you need to obtain are:

  • With a pencil.
  • Metal ruler.
  • With a tape measure.
  • Painting knife.
  • Plumb.
  • With a sponge.
  • With a brush.
  • With a brush.

Where to start

After preparing the surface (cleaning it from dust with a brush and applying a primer), you can begin gluing the walls.

Pasting begins from the part of the room that is most visible. To do this, using a plumb line, you need to make the appropriate marks on the wall so that the canvases are strictly perpendicular to the floor. Then the distance from the ceiling to the floor is measured and pieces of wallpaper are cut to the required length with a small margin.

You cannot start gluing the first canvas from the corner.

You need to retreat a small distance (half the width of the wallpaper). Then paste wallpaper on the entire wall.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, the methods of applying glue differ. Some types involve applying an adhesive to the wallpaper, which must be absorbed within 5 minutes. After this, you can glue the canvas to a wall previously coated with glue. But other types of wallpaper should be glued dry, and only the wall should be smeared with glue.

External and internal corners should be pasted last.

Internal corners

Pasting an internal corner on 2 converging walls is done using the following technology:

  • The distance from the corner to the glued strip on one wall, then on the other, is measured.
  • Pieces are cut, the width of which has a margin of 2 cm.
  • Carefully coat 1 piece of canvas with glue.
  • Apply glue to the inner corner.
  • The first canvas is pasted.
  • The remaining strip is glued to the second wall.
  • The wallpaper is being trimmed.

When gluing the first strip to one corner wall, you need to make sure that one side of the strip is flush with the wallpaper that was previously glued to the entire wall.

When applying the canvas, you need to carefully expel the air from under it. To do this, use a soft sponge to make smoothing movements from the center to the edge, moving from top to bottom.

The first strip for the corner is glued so that it extends 2 cm onto the 2nd wall. The canvas is ironed well in the very corner so that there are no air bubbles left there either.

After this, the 2nd strip is glued to the 2nd wall. It is glued using the same method as the 1st one and overlaps the already glued strip by 2 cm.

After this, you need to trim off the excess wallpaper. First of all, the wallpaper is cut at the top near the ceiling. To do this, apply a long spatula to the wallpaper at an angle to the ceiling and draw a strip along it with a sharp construction knife. After this, the excess part of the wallpaper is removed.

Then the same spatula is placed with the end part against the first wall that was glued, after which the spatula is slightly turned towards the corner. Then take a knife and use it to make neat cuts on the 2nd piece of canvas (it was glued to the 2nd wall).

You need to make light movements with a construction knife in order to make a cut only on the upper sheet without damaging the lower one.

Such movements must be done from top to bottom. Lastly, the part of the wallpaper at the bottom, which will be located under the baseboard, is trimmed.

But this was a presented method for gluing wallpaper on a corner in the case when wallpaper was already glued on 2 adjacent walls. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the wallpaper to the edge of the last strip on one side and the other. But you can do it in another way: adjusting it to only one wall covered with paper.

The second way is as follows:

  • The first strip is glued at an angle butt to the last strip.
  • The excess part is placed on the second wall. On the second wall, 2 cm are measured from the corner in several places, and a vertical line is drawn.
  • A construction knife is used to cut off 2 parts of the canvas.
  • The same part is immediately applied to the corner with an overlap.
  • Using a spatula and a knife, remove excess parts of the wallpaper that extend onto the first wall.

After gluing the second part of the canvas, you need to ensure that there are no distortions. After all, subsequent strips will be glued to this strip end-to-end and a misalignment may occur. Therefore, you need to constantly use a plumb line and a building level.

You can learn more about the process of gluing wallpaper on an inner corner in this video. Advice and recommendations from experts on each stage of work are presented.

External corners

The technology for gluing wallpaper on external corners is also based on butt technology. In order for the external corners to be ideal you will need:

  • Glue the first strip, one edge of which will join the main panel on the wall, and the other edge will extend to the outer corner by 2 cm.
  • Level the canvas.
  • Glue the 2nd strip of wallpaper, one part of which will join the wallpaper of the 2nd wall, and the other part will overlap the first strip.
  • Carefully level the canvas.
  • Apply a long spatula to the glued 2nd sheet and cut off the excess part with a construction knife.

Do not forget about timely trimming of excess parts of the canvas from above and below. Often, when gluing the first canvas to the outer corner and extending it onto the second wall, folds appear.

To avoid this, you can use scissors to make cuts along the entire length of the canvas in the section of wallpaper that goes to the corner.

This will allow the strip to lie as flat as possible.

If wallpaper needs to be glued to an arched structure, then the technology is slightly different from pasting external corners. First, the strips extending onto inner part arches by 2 cm. You need to immediately remove the excess parts of the approaches. Then the width of the inner part of the arch is accurately measured, and a strip of the required length is cut out and glued. In this case, there is no need to trim the glued strip because it was previously cut straight.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners. Step-by-step instruction

Working with plain wallpaper is much easier than with patterned ones. But to liven up the room and get unusual design you will have to complicate the task and work with the selection of the pattern.

To apply wallpaper with patterns to external or internal corners, you need to adhere to the following technology:

  • Take measurements of the first strip and cut it off.
  • Measure 2 cm from the cut edge of the first strip and draw with a pencil thin line. Fold the fabric along the marked line.
  • Do the same work with the second piece that will be glued (also make a margin of 2 cm and bend the fabric along the line).
  • You just need to first adjust the pattern, which will match in both canvases if they are bent along the lines.
  • Then glue 2 strips on converging or diverging walls.

When gluing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to match the pattern as accurately as possible. Despite the fact that the corner is pasted over, all errors will be clearly visible.

To make the work easier, you can follow the advice of professionals:

  • Buy wallpaper that is plain or has a small pattern. Due to this, you won’t have to spend a long time selecting a pattern on the corners.
  • Using wallpaper with a large relief pattern, you can hide minor unevenness in the walls (or prepare the wall in advance and level the walls with plasterboard).
  • For work, use only a sharp construction knife, otherwise it will be difficult to make an even cut on the canvas.
  • Be sure to use the technology of wallpapering overlapping corners. If the canvases are glued end to end, they will separate over time.
  • If, after gluing the canvas, excess glue passes through the joints, it must be immediately removed with a clean cloth. It is not recommended to use a hard brush, which can damage the top layer of material.
  • Carry out the work carefully, because some types of wallpaper are afraid of getting glue on them.

Anyone can master the technology of wallpapering corners. If you follow the instructions, be careful and take your time, you can easily paste wallpaper not only on internal and external corners, but also on arched structures and around window openings.

In the article you can find the answer to the question of how to glue wallpaper in the corners. It is worth treating the finishing process with all responsibility; unevenness can be obvious, thereby spoiling the impression of a freshly completed renovation.

Step-by-step instructions for gluing internal corners

When finishing main problem I can be uneven walls and the resulting folds in the wallpaper. You also need to take into account that with curved walls, the joints of the wallpaper may diverge.

How to glue an external corner (external)?

The protruding corner must be pasted over in the same way as the internal one, however, there are small differences that also need to be taken into account when working.

What to do if the corners are uneven?

Uneven walls are a common problem in old houses. Before you start gluing finishing coat, it is advisable to carry out preparatory work and put the surfaces in order. If the corners are visually smooth and do not require overhaul, it will be enough to walk with a hard cloth, removing small irregularities and dust. If the unevenness is noticeable to the naked eye, then it is better to do a little work before you start gluing the wallpaper.

Features of gluing meter wallpaper

Wide canvases are convenient because they allow finishing with fewer seams on the surface. Gluing them is more difficult, but the result is worth it.

How to join in corners?

It would seem that such a trifle as gluing corners in a room can completely ruin the entire job if done incorrectly. And if the wallpaper also has a pattern that needs to be adjusted, then you should approach the finishing responsibly.

How to adjust the pattern in the corners?

It is important that the pattern is continuous and even around the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to correctly combine the pattern and trim off the excess.

  1. The strips are also glued overlapping. An allowance is left on both walls.
  2. Using a plastic spatula, press the wallpaper to the corner.
  3. After gluing the second sheet, the wallpaper is trimmed according to the pattern. This method applies to wallpaper with small patterns. Larger designs may require trimming along the edges.

Before gluing, you must first prepare the material for work by spreading the coating on the floor and studying the pattern. The segments are cut off after selecting the pattern in height.

Features of trimming wallpaper in corners

In order to get a perfectly even seam in the corner, you need to properly trim the excess.

  1. After the wallpaper is pasted to the wall, a straight metal ruler is applied, it can also be a spatula or a rule. You can use a level to keep the cutting line straight.
  2. Using a sharp utility knife, cut off the excess along the edge of the ruler, after which the top layer of wallpaper will come off.
  3. Carefully pry up the bottom layer of wallpaper and remove it in the same way.
  4. The canvases are coated with glue and pressed tightly to the corner. As a result, the coating fits tightly against each other.

Gluing wallpaper in corners is not that difficult, but it requires special care and precision. Today there is a finishing method that allows you to do the job without any joints at all, namely liquid wallpaper. They are applied in an even layer and do not require such difficulties as adjusting the pattern, width, accuracy in rounded places and other nuances.

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