How to properly clean floors with a cloth. How to wash floors correctly? General cleaning rules

Cleanliness in the house - important rule maintaining health, a friendly microclimate in the family and comfortable living. It depends on many things, but the first thing people usually pay attention to is shining windows, the absence of dust on interior items and a clean floor.

Even if the rooms are a little creatively cluttered, a clean floor will guarantee you a reputation as an excellent housewife. Therefore, you must find a solution to the question of how to properly wash floors for each of your rooms.

Hygienic floor treatment is a must for daily, weekly and spring cleaning in the room. The order of its implementation is determined by the type flooring.

In this article we will look at the rules and features of cleaning wooden floors, parquet and parquet flooring, marble, tiles, porcelain tiles and linoleum, as well as issues of caring for mop heads.

Gone are the days of scrubbing wooden floors every week with a generous sprinkling of water on the surface. Modern cleaning standards imply that it is necessary to wash floors made from modern floor coverings no more than 2-3 times a year, the rest of the time it is enough to spend wet cleaning their surfaces.

This rule is relevant for most floor coverings in rooms that are not subject to daily testing by street dirt, the consequences of cooking or children's pranks.

If there are small children, allergy sufferers or pets in the house, the floors throughout the house will have to be washed much more often and even daily.

Depending on the type of floor covering and the degree of its contamination, select the desired cleaning mode and auxiliary products - the correct cleaning chemicals and Appliances: a washing robot vacuum cleaner, an ordinary household one, a steam mop or a mop with attachments made of microfiber, cotton or materials combining both types of fibers.

The main floors, regardless of the type and condition of the floor covering, are as follows.

  • Before you start cleaning, remove all items that you can lift from the floor and put in another room: chairs, floor lamps, floor vases, poufs, flower pots. The fewer items on the floor, the easier and faster you can clean everything.
  • Remove fine dirt and dust from the floor or use a damp broom. Movements with a broom should be from yourself, short and not sweeping. Preliminary cleaning should begin under sofas, cabinets, beds and other furniture.
  • Change the water in the bucket after cleaning each room.
  • After cleaning the apartment or separate room Wash and disinfect the bucket, wash the mop cloth or mop head (MOP) on a hot cycle.

Each type of flooring requires special approaches to cleaning and washing.

Cleaning a wooden floor varies depending on finishing boards.

Painted wood floor can be wash with water adding:

  • ammonia and vinegar. This is the simplest and inexpensive way. Ammonia, as a rule, does not cause allergies, but requires careful handling when diluting and protection respiratory tract. Quickly removes any dirt without much effort;
  • most funds household chemicals alkaline type.

Lacquered wooden floors are washed using the same products as for parquet and parquet boards.

Unpainted floors are washed with a damp cloth to prevent deformation of the boards.

  • To quickly remove heavy stains from an unpainted wooden floor, the places where they appear are treated with sawdust soaked in turpentine. The mixture is rubbed into the contaminated area, left for 1-1.5 hours, and the sawdust is swept away with a soft brush.
  • A secret for those who believe in the influence of the Moon on the quality and ease of carrying out all household chores around the house. During the waning Moon in Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), you can wash the wooden floor with plain water without any detergents. The influence of the Moon will ensure easy and trouble-free removal of all impurities without much effort. At the same time, the wood will not absorb water into the cracks, and the floor, quickly and easily washed during this period, will retain its neat appearance for a long time.

Parquet and parquet boards

Before the washing procedure, it is necessary to vacuum the parquet with a soft brush attachment to avoid scratches on the varnish coating. The operating rules are as follows:

  • wet cleaning is carried out with a telescopic mop with a low-lint microfiber attachment;
  • It is also possible to use a mop with a sponge strip that retains moisture;
  • Do not use steam cleaners or abrasive cleaners.

To avoid the accumulation of dirt, you should clean it daily using a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.

Laminate is more resistant to moisture than parquet and parquet boards, but water should not be allowed to get into the connecting seams either. Need to:

  • wash laminate flooring no more than 2-3 times a week;
  • use a special mop attachment with a microfiber base;
  • take cleaning products - without abrasive particles, non-aggressive;
  • quickly remove heavy dirt from the surface of the laminate using special acetone-containing products.


Natural stone is very sensitive to detergents. Only dry cleaning is allowed - with a mop with microfiber or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Washing principles:

  • wet cleaning - very rarely and only clean water;
  • Soap and cleaning powders are prohibited;
  • alternatively, a very weak solution with a neutral pH.

Porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles

It is very good to wash such floors with a washing vacuum cleaner, a robot vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function, or a steam cleaner. Dirt, dust, and small debris that accumulate in large quantities in the tile seams are quickly, efficiently, and carefully removed.

Porcelain tiles

It is enough to wash ceramic tiles with soapy water.

Should not be used alkaline solutions. Products with pronounced abrasive properties destroy tile joints.


Linoleum is a durable floor covering if properly cared for.

  • Cleaning should be carried out quickly and carefully, avoiding the appearance of scratches and dents on the soft linoleum, which are impossible to get rid of.
  • Cleaning chemicals are of an alkaline reaction type.
  • Equipment – ​​a mop with a microfiber attachment or a rag made of bamboo fiber.
  • Do not use acetone-containing or abrasive products or use them carefully with a mandatory preliminary test on an inconspicuous part of the coating. May cause abrasion or fading of the design.
  • Do not wash hot water, do not rub with soda, do not clean with gasoline or ammonia.

Little trick! Restoring the shine of linoleum is possible by wiping it with a woolen rag soaked in water and milk mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

Don’t faint at the word “geometry” if you didn’t have a very good relationship with it at school. The question is that many meticulous advisers recommend washing the floor strictly with a figure eight, and especially enlightened ones - with an infinity sign.

They claim that by drawing figure eights on the floor with a rag, you will not smear the dirt all over the room, but will gently collect it in the center, and then dip the rag in a bucket of water or cleaning solution and wash away the dirt.

This advice was very relevant in those days when the floors were washed with old T-shirts, torn shirts and other textiles that had become unusable.

Today, when microfiber is the main material for making MOPs, you can easily draw ones, nines, and even tic-tac-toe on the floor. The dirt will still collect between the fibers of the material and can easily be removed into the bucket.

In addition, if you first vacuum the floor before washing, dirt will have no chance at all. Therefore, you can determine for yourself in which directions it is better to move the mop.

What to choose - circles, semicircles or vertical movements, how to properly wash floors will be determined by the following points: type of material, installation method, pattern, direction of grooves in a brushed parquet board or location of tile joints or porcelain tiles.

  • Where geometry is really important for cleaning the floor is that it is better to divide the entire floor area into four squares or rectangles and start the procedure from the corner of the room farthest from the door. By moving from the corner to the center of the room, you will save yourself from repeatedly washing the same area and will not miss a single section of the floor. At the end of cleaning from the center you head to the door.
  • And the second tip regarding geometry: before you start washing the floor, walk around the entire perimeter of the room along the baseboards and in the corners. This way you will prevent dust residues from getting into the cracks under the baseboard and provide yourself with guaranteed high-quality cleaning.

How to use a mop?

A common mistake is using a mop designed to absorb liquid to clean the floor. Such a mop will quickly collect and retain all the moisture, but the floor cannot be called washed.

Wiped - yes, but for washing it is better to choose a more suitable tool. A microfiber mop is most suitable. Its fibers collect dust, dirt, and small debris, and you don’t have to sweep the floor first, raising dust and spending extra time on cleaning.

Proper care of mop heads is an issue that does not seem to be directly related to floor cleaning. But a clean nozzle is the key to subsequent high-quality washing, the absence of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.

Some rules for caring for microfiber pads will extend their service life and ensure effective cleaning:

  • The nozzle must be washed by hand or in a washing machine using laundry soap or mild detergents;
  • Do not boil;
  • Do not use chlorine bleach when soaking or washing.

Choose quality cleaning products that match the type of flooring. Use proven household products, or better yet professional series, choose the right mops and other equipment, and your floors will respond to proper care perfect cleanliness, radiance and preservation for many years.

You will be surprised, but cleaning company specialists generally recommend washing the floors in your apartment no more than... two or three times a year! It’s just that “washing” and “wet cleaning”, as it turns out, are two different concepts. In the second case, the procedure is carried out regularly. But general cleaning of the floor covering using additional detergents should not be frequent so as not to damage the surface.

Optimal frequency

If we talk about the frequency of wet cleaning in the house, there are no established standards, as, for example, in a hospital, where rooms need to be washed two to three times a day. In an apartment, everything depends on the type of flooring, the composition and lifestyle of the family, and the time of year. For example, in a house with linoleum, where two working adults and a schoolchild live, the floors need to be washed:

  • in summer - every other day;
  • in winter - several times a week.

At the same time, it is advisable to treat the hallway, kitchen and children's room daily, regardless of the time of year and type of floor. To keep up with wet cleaning and not take much time, keep the equipment at hand. And teach your household to simple rules: wipe your shoes immediately upon returning home, put things on your shelves, do not accumulate dirty dishes and garbage.

Necessary equipment

Before you start cleaning the floors, you need to prepare the room, equipment and get ready for cleaning. We will need:

  • rags;
  • mop;
  • bucket;
  • brush;
  • latex gloves;
  • floor cleaning liquid.

For cleaning floors, preference should be given to rags made of synthetic and cotton fibers. For rubbing, it is better to take wool or flannel fabric. The bucket should be spacious and three-quarters filled with water.

Where to begin

Before you start cleaning, change into your “home clothes.” Your “outfit” should be soft, practical and not restrict movement. Wipe the soles of the slippers so that you don’t leave dust marks on the clean surface. Further:

  • ventilate the rooms- and also remove dust deposits from furniture and carpets;
  • free up space- carpets should be rolled up and removed, chairs, floor vases, lamps and other oversized interior items should be raised;
  • wipe the legs - these are the parts of the furniture that “catch” dust, hair, dirt;
  • remove debris with a wet broom or vacuum cleaner.

How to wash floors correctly: the intricacies of wet cleaning

After preparatory stage finished, visually divide the floor into small sections and proceed:

  • use detergents - special floor cleaning liquids such as Pronto or Mr. Proper will allow you to easily deal with dirt and leave a pleasant aroma;
  • start with hard to reach places- walk with a mop under the bed, closet, table;
  • move away from the window- towards the door, so as not to trample the washed areas;
  • wash until clean water- wipe the floor until the water becomes clear;
  • change the water often- immediately, as soon as it becomes slightly cloudy;
  • wipe dry- use a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture so that there are no streaks left and the coating is not deformed;
  • wash rags, attachments, brushes- also wash the bucket and send the equipment to dry on the balcony until the next cleaning.

Mop or hands

It doesn’t matter how you decide to wash the floor - with a mop or with your hands - you must follow the rules described above. The result will be achieved in both cases. But how to work more conveniently? Is it possible to wash floors by hand without streaks? Here you decide for yourself, focusing on the pros and cons described in the table.

Table - Features of washing floors with a mop and by hand

How to wash floorsprosMinuses
Hands- Good for your figure (more calories are burned);
- no need to spend money on a mop and attachments for it;
- convenient to wash baseboards and corners;
- the result seems to be of better quality;
- heavy dirt can only be removed manually
- It takes more time;
- difficult to process hard to reach places under furniture;
- it is inconvenient to work with gloves, and without them the manicure will deteriorate;
mop- Cleaning goes faster;
- no load on the back, arms and knees;
- convenient to treat the floor under furniture;
- hygienic;
- if the mop has an automatic spin, your hands are not exposed to detergents
- A good mop is expensive;
- skirting boards, corners and stubborn stains still have to be handled manually;
- if you just need to quickly refresh “prominent places”, it is more difficult to maneuver between carpets and furniture with a mop

Folk remedies for different floorings

Territory modern house is not always limited to one type of flooring. Often, the floors in the bedroom are covered with one material, in the kitchen with another, and in the bathroom with a third. Modern housewives know how to quickly clean the floors in an apartment, regardless of their type, using both modern and folk remedies. Such methods are especially relevant when there is a “general cleaning” and you need to wash the coating from complex contaminants. The following cleaning products may be useful:

  • powder (washing, cleaning);
  • soap (laundry, liquid);
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar (citric acid);
  • salt;
  • glycerol;
  • turpentine;
  • mastic.

Unpainted plank floor

Peculiarities . This is an environmentally friendly coating. The floor is wooden and is called unpainted due to its external characteristics. Although, in fact, the boards are always treated with oil, varnish or wax. These are, in fact, also a kind of paint, only colorless, due to which the bars retain natural look. You can remove stubborn stains from such a floor using the following method.

What to do

  1. Dilute two tablespoons of soap shavings in 6 liters of warm water.
  2. Treat the floor with the resulting solution using a brush with stiff bristles.
  3. Pour vinegar into clean cold water: two tablespoons per 6 liters of water.
  4. Wash the floor with acidified water using a soft cloth.
  5. Wipe dry.

Instead of soap, you can use a solution with bleach: you need three to four tablespoons of bleach for the same amount of water. Then you can avoid rubbing the contaminated areas too much. And in order to protect unpainted flooring from dampness and rotting, it is recommended to rub it twice a year with a rag dipped in turpentine.

Wooden painted floor

Peculiarities . He is not afraid of water. If the paint is good, it will not peel even under the influence of strong detergents. It is easy to remove dirt from such a coating. The only thing you need to do is make sure that the boards shine. Ammonia will help here.

What to do

  1. In 6 l cold water dilute two tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. There is no need to rinse off the solution additionally.

Places where oil paint has become slightly worn away over time can be rubbed with parquet mastic suitable color. This little trick will allow you to postpone repairs and keep your deck looking attractive.

Parquet and laminate

Peculiarities . Parquet and laminate are considered the most capricious types of flooring. Do not use abrasive cleaners or steam cleaners for cleaning. Do not allow moisture to get into the cracks, as this will cause the floor to swell. It is acceptable to use purchased products such as “Denkmit”. This product contains wax, carefully cares for the coating, protects it from the influence of UV rays and premature wear. If you do not use special care products, then remember: it is better not to wet such a floor too much. Just vacuum well, wipe with a damp cloth and carefully remove any remaining moisture by rubbing with a dry flannel until shiny. You can get rid of stubborn stains on the floor using washing powder.

What to do

  1. Mix one tablespoon of washing powder and a small amount of water into a paste.
  2. Apply to the stain and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse with warm water.

In the case of parquet, glycerin will help to wash the floor to make it shine. Dilute four tablespoons of the drug in a liter of water and wipe the floor with the solution. And for laminate they recommend this method: vinegar and very hot water. But do not leave puddles, work with a well-wrung out cloth.

Tile and ceramic tiles

Peculiarities . The most unpretentious floor is covered with tiles. It is easy to wash, clean from dirt, dust and stains. A smooth, glossy surface is washed as follows.

What to do

  1. Dilute four to five drops of ammonia in a bucket of water.
  2. If desired and available, add a tablespoon of dishwasher-safe brightener.
  3. Wash the floor with the resulting solution.
  4. Wipe dry.

Tiles with a rough surface are cleaned with a sponge or brush, using a soap solution or commercial products like Mr. Proper, Glorix, Cif. Heavy stains can be removed with Pemolux universal soda cleaner.


Peculiarities . Linoleum is not resistant to ammonia, soda powders, hot water, bleach and hard brushes. It is necessary to wash the linoleum covering quickly, otherwise the design may suffer.

What to do

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of soap shavings in 6 liters of water.
  2. Wash the floor with the resulting solution.
  3. Immediately run clean cool water over the top without allowing the soap to dry.
  4. If the linoleum is smooth, moisten a soft cloth in linseed oil and rub the floor.

Dark stains from linoleum are removed using a paste of ground chalk and water. The brilliant green from such a floor can be wiped off with nail polish remover or foam of laundry soap. Wiping with a cloth soaked in a solution of milk and water can add shine. Once every three months, linoleum must be rubbed with drying oil, and then polished with a soft silk cloth.


Peculiarities . This is a coating that does not tolerate wet cleaning. It is best to clean it with a special dry foam, using a vacuum cleaner to subsequently remove the product. Or use carpet cleaners. You can also use a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. In winter, the carpet, if it is possible to dismantle it, is cleaned in the snow. But how to remove stubborn stains?

What to do

  1. Mix three large spoons of rubbing alcohol with a spoon of vinegar.
  2. Moisten the stain and leave for half an hour.
  3. Remove the solution with a sponge.

Universal methods for stubborn stains

By remembering a few universal techniques, you can easily deal with stains of any complexity on all types of coating.

  • Dirt . The easiest way to wash it off is with washing powder or Fairy dishwashing detergent.
  • Fat. To remove greasy deposits from the floor, mix baking soda and sunflower oil to the consistency of thick sour cream. Rub the floor with the resulting mixture and let stand for 10-15 minutes. And then, sweep away the remaining soda with a broom and wash with cold water.
  • Mold . Washing floors with bleach can defeat it. The use of bleach requires compliance with proportions, the use of protective equipment and mandatory ventilation of the room. Add 10 g of bleach to 5 liters of water. The floor is washed at open windows when there are no children or animals in the house.

To make your floors shine, use table vinegar when washing - two large spoons per 10 liters of water. And for a pleasant aroma, you can add one or two drops of essential oil to the bucket.

Treatment after repair

The most difficult thing is to wash away traces of repairs from the floors. They remain marked by whitewash, putty, glue and paint. Before washing the floors after renovation, it is necessary to remove stains.

  • Paint and glue. They are best removed with acetone or white spirit. If the glue is wallpaper, then it is washed off with ordinary warm water in several passes. Oil paint can be easily removed with Cif cream. If linoleum is dirty, try scrubbing the stain with vegetable oil. Fresh stains from water-based paint can be easily removed with soapy water. If the “blots” are old and the coating tolerates moisture, moisten it with soapy water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Also, formic acid or isopropyl alcohol will remove stains after painting without much effort, without damaging the floor surface.
  • Hardened putty and lime. First, carefully remove the plaque with a spatula, and then rinse off the residue with hot water and vegetable oil. You need 100 ml of product per bucket of liquid. One more effective way A solution of water and salt (100 g of spice per 5 liters of water) is considered to clean the floor from whitewash.

After the stains have lifted, wash the floors clean as usual, depending on the type of coating.

When to wash - morning or evening

It is interesting that old Slavic traditions and signs, like Feng Shui, endow the process of washing floors with a certain symbolism. For example, it is believed that you cannot clean in the evening, otherwise the hostess will invite you into the house evil spirits. And vice versa, if you clear the room of debris and dust during daylight hours, a woman will allow well-being, prosperity, and positive energy into her home. They also say that pregnant women should not wash the floor, otherwise they may cause premature birth.

But real life dictates its terms. Women usually work during the day, so household chores are left for the evening. And future mothers, in order not to get tired, know how to clean the floors with a mop. Moreover, they use “smart” equipment that even “twists” itself. “Helpers” with telescopic handles (rope, microfiber, sponge) have made the life of the modern housewife much easier.

IN modern houses You can find not only standard flooring (painted wood flooring), but also various other materials – solid wood, parquet, linoleum, laminate, tile and so on. They all react differently to moisture and cleaning products. But no matter what the flooring of the house is made of, it needs wet cleaning. You just need to know how and what is the best way to wash floors.

If cleaning your floors takes up a lot of your time and effort, you're probably doing something wrong. The following tips will help make cleaning easier.

  • Get the right equipment. This could be a mop whose handle length matches your height. The material in contact with the floor surface must be soft enough and absorb moisture well.
  • Cotton rags and attachments absorb water well, but quickly lose their shape and can leave streaks when cleaning. This problem is solved by adding polyester admixtures to cotton threads.
  • Mop heads made of pure polyester are durable, absorb moisture well, do not leave lint on the floor, but are not resistant to high temperature and after them there are divorces. Acrylic rags polish well, but do not absorb moisture at all. Polyamide, on the contrary, absorbs, dries quickly, keeps its shape well, but is expensive.
  • Most mop heads and rags are made from microfiber. It can absorb a lot of liquid and release it quickly, does not leave lint, and collects dirt and dust well. Of the minuses, it should be noted that you cannot dry a rag on a radiator, since it does not tolerate heat treatment; microfiber must be washed more often, since it accumulates static electricity. And when interacting with fat, this fabric loses its advantages, so it is hardly suitable for cleaning the kitchen.
  • Wash the area along the baseboards first, then clean the main area, moving from the far corner towards the exit.

  • Mops with a sponge attachment do an excellent job of wet cleaning and collect dust well, wiping the floor without leaving streaks. But large debris like hair, crumbs, and pieces of paper will not be collected.
  • Choose a material that suits your properties and budget - and cleaning will become much easier. The technology for washing floors is also quite simple. Pick up all toys, extension cords, scattered items, roll up carpets, take out chairs. First, use a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust and large debris, especially in corners and under furniture. And only after that you can start washing the floors.
  • Wash the area along the baseboards first, then clean the main area, moving from the far corner towards the exit. To avoid water stains, wipe the floors with a wrung out cloth.


What is the best way to clean wood floors? If you have an unpainted array, it is better to prepare a solution of laundry soap.

  1. First, wet the coating with the solution and clean with a stiff brush.
  2. Then rinse off the foam with clean water and remove the moisture with a dry cloth.
  3. Painted floors also require a soap solution, but without a brush. Simply wipe the floor with a mop dipped in soapy water, and then in clean water.
  4. After this, prepare a mixture of equal amounts of vegetable oil and denatured alcohol and wipe the boards with it.


Parquet flooring only needs to be thoroughly washed a couple of times a year. The rest of the time, use a slightly damp cloth to wipe the surface - this way the coating will not absorb moisture and will not warp. To give the parquet extra shine, during regular cleaning, add glycerin to the water at the rate of 1 spoon per glass of water, or a special parquet care product. After the parquet has dried, it can be rubbed with mastic and then polished with a flooring brush.

Stains on the parquet are rubbed off with sandpaper. If we're talking about about old contaminants, then turpentine will help. When this fails, apply talc to the stain and iron it with an iron at a minimum heat level.


Cork floors can be washed with regular detergents, but without abrasives or solvents. At the same time, you need to wring out the rag as much as possible so that it is barely damp. Hard-to-remove stains from cork floors are removed with fine-grained sandpaper, and the damage is then repaired with varnish or mastic.

The varnished cork floor is wiped with water with the addition of vinegar or ammonia. Small cracks on the surface of the coating are rubbed with wax after cleaning - this way they will not become clogged with dirt. Unvarnished cork floors are washed either with clean water or a solution of washing powder. The oil-coated surface is cleaned with a regular detergent, and then with a damp cloth soaked in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per 6-8 liters of water).

Laminate and linoleum

If you have laminate or linoleum at home, then this life hack will help you during wet cleaning. Take a glass wiper (similar to a car windshield wiper) and wipe the coating with it. The scraper removes much more dirt than the best mop, in addition, it also removes excess moisture without leaving streaks. When washing such floor coverings, add a little laundry soap to the water, rinse often and wring out the cloth well, and constantly change the water.

Linoleum floors should not be washed with hot water or soda, or ammonia should be used to clean stains. But the coating will last longer if you treat it with drying oil once every 3-4 months, and if you wipe the floor with a rag soaked in milk during regular cleaning.

Does your home have laminate? Wet cleaning is permissible no more than three times a week; the rest of the time it is better to use a vacuum cleaner (but not a washing one). What is the best way to clean laminate floors? There are many special products that are sold in household chemical stores. But you can get by with an ordinary vinegar solution (1 tbsp per 5 liters of water). Wipe the floor, wrung out the cloth thoroughly. It is best to use microfiber to care for laminate flooring.

Stone and porcelain tiles

Stone floors are washed no more than once a week. In this case, you cannot use washing powder or liquid soap - such products leave whitish marks on the surface. It is better to wipe the floor with plain water and a special cleaner. natural stone. It usually has a neutral pH.

Porcelain tiles are washed with a slightly damp cloth - the cloth must be thoroughly wrung out before contact with the floor covering. Serious stains are washed off with acid-based products.


If you have tiled floors in your home, the ideal cleaning method is a steam cleaner. But you can get by with a mop and ordinary soapy water. Add a few drops of ammonia to the soapy water and wipe the surface. After cleaning, wipe the floor with a woolen cloth. If you wash your tiles less than once a week, dirt can build up in the joints and become difficult to clean.

Dirt on the floor should not be left unturned; the more regular cleaning is, the easier it will be to put everything in order. Wash your floors as often as is appropriate for your type of flooring, using a comfortable mop with a high-quality attachment or a suitable cloth. And then maintaining cleanliness will not require much time and effort.

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Maintaining cleanliness in the house is one of the main tasks of a good housewife. This article will tell you how to properly wash floors without harming the coating.


Regular full cleaning includes washing the floors.

First of all, you should prepare. Clear the area of ​​small-sized furniture standing on the floor (chairs, ottomans) and things lying on it (toys, etc.). If there is visible debris, you should remove it with a vacuum cleaner or a broom slightly moistened with water. This will make wet cleaning easier.

Start washing from the corner of the room farthest from you. This way you won't have to step on the freshly washed surface until it's completely dry. Pay attention to the corners and joints between the flooring and the baseboard.

Change contaminated water to clean water as often as possible. If the cloth is too wet and the floor remains wet, divide the flooring into zones, treating each of them first with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.

If you use a mop for cleaning, make sure its handle is at armpit level. This size of the device reduces the load on the back and makes it easy to reach hard-to-reach places.

Try to thoroughly wring out the rag each time you put it in the bucket.


To keep the floor sparkling clean and fragrant with freshness, ordinary water is not enough. There are many professional and folk remedies suitable for wet cleaning. However, when choosing preparations for removing dirt and disinfecting, it is important to consider the type of floor covering so as not to damage it.

For example, only delicate cleaning compounds are suitable for parquet and laminate flooring. The pH of the product must be neutral. Substances with abrasive particles are strictly prohibited.

Linoleum does not tolerate products containing alcohol. Powdered formulations are also undesirable. They can create light streaks on the coating.

Floor tiles should not be washed with liquid soap. Here optimal choice will be laundry soap or a special composition.

Regardless of the type of coating, it is not recommended to use bleach and other chlorine-containing substances for regular washing. A universal folk remedy is brine. It is prepared in the proportions of half a glass of product to a bucket of water. After such washing, surfaces become perfectly clean and shiny.

Another good option is vinegar. Using this solution you can clean any floor coverings, except stone (marble, granite, etc.).

Choosing a rag

Choosing the right cloth for cleaning your floor is equally important. Several options are especially popular:

  • Viscose. This material absorbs moisture well, but when in contact with water, the fabric becomes less durable. Twisting during spinning also significantly reduces the life of the material.
  • Fabric containing cellulose is more reliable. In addition, it has excellent absorbent properties.
  • Synthetic material- one of best options. These rags dry quickly and remain in good condition for a long time.
  • Microfiber fibers penetrate into the most inaccessible places and small crevices. They attract dirt, leaving surfaces perfectly clean.

How to wash?

In order to thoroughly clean the floor of your home or office without leaving streaks or damaging the coating, it is important to consider its type.

Tiled floor

For cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with cleaning function, or you can wash the floor covering in the usual way.

As for cleaning products, it would be correct to use special household chemicals intended for ceramic coatings. It will also help to quickly achieve a clean floor regular soap solution. Finally, the tile covering must be rinsed with clean water.


If the wooden floor is not painted, you can wash it from dirt with a cool detergent solution. Don't wring the rag too hard. On the contrary, wet the surface and then go over it with a stiff brush. Then wipe the soaped wood damp cloth, and finally dry.

Painted or varnished fiberboard should only be washed with a soft cloth. Cleaning agents are also acceptable here, but you should not use a brush. In this case, wring out the rag well.


This flooring is a type of varnished wooden floor. It can also be washed with a thoroughly wrung out cloth.

Although protective covering almost does not allow moisture to pass into the wood structure, It is not recommended to wet such surfaces too often (no more than once a week).

From laminate

Such flooring should be protected from stains and stains. For regular cleaning, a water solution of liquid soap is suitable. Shampoo is also good in this case. But most good choice There will be washing powder in the form of a gel. Remember to change the water regularly to thoroughly rinse the coating.

Another option for cleaning such surfaces is 9% vinegar dissolved in hot water. In this combination, moisture instantly evaporates, eliminating the appearance of streaks.

If the dirt is strong enough, you can dissolve more detergent in the water than usual. The foam composition should be applied to the contaminated area for 10 minutes. Then the foam should be washed off with clean water.


The main rule for cleaning linoleum is to be as careful as possible. The use of hot water and the use of abrasive particles are not allowed. You can use soap solutions and specialized detergents.

Such coatings are washed as needed. To maintain plasticity and prevent cracks, they are wiped with vegetable oil. You can also use drying oil.

From stone

The stone coating is easy to maintain. Once a week, wipe it with a cloth soaked in water. Use household chemicals and other products with caution. They can leave streaks. For severe contamination, you can dilute a delicate composition with a neutral pH balance in water.


Cork flooring is very hygroscopic. High humidity is contraindicated for such surfaces. They absorb moisture, which affects their quality.

The main rule in this case is Wring out the cloth thoroughly. You don't need specialized cleaning products. It is enough to dilute ordinary soap in water. Abrasive substances must not be used.

After mercury

Everyone should know how to properly clean the floor after a broken thermometer, because mercury is very dangerous. Upon impact, the substance breaks up into small drops in the form of balls, rolling around the room.

First of all, remove people and animals from the premises. Close the windows, because a draft can contribute to even greater distribution of mercury throughout the room.

Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. A gauze bandage soaked in soda solution or in clean water, necessary for respiratory protection. Attach plastic bags to your feet (if there are no shoe covers).

Collect the mercury carefully. Take a piece of paper or foil. Using it as a dustpan, sweep up drips with a soft-bristled brush. A broom is not suitable for this. Hard fibers can further crush the mercury. Another method is a cotton pad soaked in a 0.2 percent solution of potassium permanganate.

Collect the smallest particles using a rubber bulb. If such a device is not available, use tape or adhesive tape, but not a vacuum cleaner! A regular rag won't work either.

Place the mercury along with the thermometer in a jar or other glass container. First fill it with cool water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Close the container. Place it away from sun rays and heating devices (preferably on the balcony). Pack all used equipment (cotton wool, tape, rags, etc.) in plastic bag. Then hand it over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees or another special institution along with the can. Ventilate the room.

Do not throw mercury and thermometer into the garbage disposal or sewer!

Finally, you should wash the floor. To do this, apply a soap and soda solution. Leave the composition on the surface for a couple of hours. Then rinse the floor with clean water. The “Belizna” solution is also suitable for disinfecting surfaces. This composition is aged for about 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with clean water.

Repeat this procedure daily for 2 weeks. Also ventilate the room more often. Don't forget to take preventive measures to maintain your health (rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, take Activated carbon etc).

After renovation

Wash off construction dirt after repair work it can be difficult. In such cases, the floor will have to be washed three times.

First, wipe the surface with clean water to remove any major dirt.

Then treat the floor with soapy water. You can also use specialized detergents. Finally, rinse the floor again with clean water, thoroughly rinsing off the cleaning solution.

If there are traces of plaster or whitewash on the coating, you can add a little fine salt to the soap solution. If the floor has been recently painted, it is best to clean it with water and vinegar.

Vegetable oil can remove construction dust from laminate flooring. Add a couple of tablespoons to clean water and wipe the floor with the resulting mixture. Then rinse it with water with vinegar dissolved in it, and then again, but with clean water.

Another option is half a glass of kerosene per bucket of water. After treating the floor with this composition, you should wash it with detergent. Finally, rinse everything off with clean water. Get rid of unpleasant odor Vinegar will help with kerosene.

The third recipe is a solution of potassium permanganate. It copes well with construction dust, but this method is only suitable for floor coverings of dark shades.

Removing stains

Tiled kitchen floors can be cleaned of grease in several ways. If you have a steam generator, use it. Then wipe the surface with a damp and clean cloth.

Wash greasy spots You can also use laundry soap. First, treat the stains with a soapy sponge, and then rinse off the soap with water. Mustard powder also copes with such contaminants. Diluted with water to form a paste, it is applied to the stain for 10 minutes. Then the composition is cleaned with a damp sponge.

Vegetable oil and baking soda is another unusual option for removing stains. For this, regular sunflower or other oil available in the house is suitable.

Housework is a tedious and mundane process. Housewives often do it almost unconsciously, but such actions can negatively affect the health of residents. Let's take a closer look at how to properly wash floors. Even if in educational institution There are home economics classes, but they don’t teach you how to properly clean the house. Often girls who recently got married cannot cope with this work because their parents did not teach them.

There are several tips on how to properly clean your apartment:

  • Renew the water, calculating a bucket for 10 square meters. m of room;
  • Use only warm water;
  • Move chairs, mats, carpets so that nothing interferes with the normal process;
  • Before wet treatment, sweep or vacuum the room;
  • Squeeze the cloth vigorously to remove excess water;
  • Treat the floor from the corners to the center and to the door.

The first recommendation must be taken most carefully: in order for the floor to be called clean, you need to refresh the water frequently. As a result, the floors of each room should be washed with fresh water. Otherwise, germs and dirt move from one room to another. There are certain hygiene standards, according to which doctors recommend using one bucket to treat 10 square meters. m.

Such cleaning will not be quick and easy, but the housewife does not risk the health and well-being of her loved ones. When treating a very dirty surface, you will need to change the water several times in one room. The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. If it is higher, there is a risk of damaging the floor and skin, lower - it is worse to clean the coating from germs and dirt.

Wet cleaning schedule for different floor coverings

Let's look at how to clean a house or apartment using step-by-step instructions:

  1. To prepare for washing, you need to remove objects and furniture that interfere with the process. The mat or carpet will need to be vacuumed and carefully moved to an adjacent room. If this is not possible, you can roll up the carpet and place it in a corner, removing the dust before doing so. It is better to place chairs further away so that they do not interfere with cleaning.
  2. Then you should walk across the floor with a moistened broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. You need to remove dust from hard-to-reach areas (under the bed, sofa, closet). Otherwise, the essence of processing is lost. Dust and dirt in these areas are a source of germs. If you do not get rid of it in a timely manner, but when touched with a damp cloth, dirty stains will remain on the clean surface.
  3. Floor treatment begins from the far corners of the room, the baseboards are thoroughly washed. Afterwards you need to move to the center and remove dirt and dust from the area before leaving.

Important: Do not allow the rag to be too wet. On many surfaces excess water has a negative impact, in addition to this, there are still stains.

Selecting a Method

Advantages of manual processing:

  • Benefits for your figure (you can burn more calories);
  • No need to spend money on a mop and attachments for it;
  • Convenient processing of corners and baseboards;
  • With proper washing, the result will be more effective;
  • Difficult stains can only be dealt with by hand.

It is worth noting that washing floors with your hands increases the load on your back and knees.


  • A lot of time is spent;
  • It is difficult to wash areas under the closet and bed;
  • It is inconvenient to work with gloves; without them, you can damage the skin;

Benefits of mopping:

  • The process goes faster;
  • If you mop your floors correctly, there is no negative impact on the limbs, back;
  • You can easily wash areas under furniture;
  • If the mop has an automatic spin, there is no exposure of cleaning products to the skin;
  • Hygiene;
  • Easier to clean floors without streaks.

When buying a mop, you should also get replacement covers for it and change them before cleaning different rooms


  • Cost of a good mop;
  • Additional manual processing of complex dirt, corners and baseboards;
  • If you need to clean the floor quickly and superficially, it is more difficult to clean between furniture and carpets.

When purchasing a mop, make sure that the handle is located at armpit level. This size will reduce the strain on your back. With this mop you can easily reach hard-to-reach areas.

The choice of rag should also be approached carefully. The following types are common:

  • Viscose. The fabric absorbs liquid perfectly, but loses strength when in contact with water. Strong twisting during spinning also reduces the service life of the rag;
  • Rag with cellulose. This option is highly reliable. The fabric has good absorbent properties;
  • Synthetics. One of the best materials for washing floors. The fabric dries quickly and remains in excellent condition for a long time;
  • Microfiber. Its fibers get into hard-to-reach areas and small crevices. They attract dirt, leaving the floor in perfect order.

It is better to use a sponge to remove dirt and apply foam, microfiber perfectly cleans the floor from dust and stains, and flannel mop slippers will help polish the floor to a shine and remove excess moisture

Features of washing different types of floors

IN modern apartment not always just one type of floor. Often there is one material in the bedroom, another in the bathroom, and a third in the kitchen. There are household chemicals and traditional methods for any type.

Unpainted plank flooring is considered an environmentally friendly option. Often the floor is made of wood, which is usually coated with wax, oil or varnish. These are colorless paints that make the boards look natural. Let's look at how to quickly wash floors and remove stubborn stains from this surface:

  1. Mix grated soap (2 tbsp.) and warm water (6 l);
  2. Walk across the floor using a stiff brush;
  3. Pour vinegar (2 tbsp) into cool water (6 l);
  4. Treat the floor using soft cloth;
  5. Wipe dry.

Soap is replaced with a solution containing white. You will need 3-4 spoons of product. Then you can avoid rubbing the contaminated areas intensively. To avoid negative influence water on such a floor, you need to treat it twice a year with a rag dipped in turpentine.

Wood floor cleaners

The painted plank covering is not afraid of moisture. With good paint, the floor will not peel off even with strong detergents. You can easily remove dirt from this surface. To make the floor shine, ammonia is used. Processing takes place using the following technique:

  1. Mix ammonia (2 tbsp) in cool water (6 l);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. The solution does not require removal.

Note: Areas where the paint has peeled off a little are wiped with parquet mastic of a similar color. With this little trick, you can postpone repairs while maintaining an attractive appearance to the floor.

Laminate and parquet are the most capricious types of flooring. Do not use abrasives or steam cleaners to process them. If water gets inside, the floor may swell. To wash laminate floors they buy store products, such as "Pronto" or "Denkmit". The latter contains wax, which provides gentle care of the surface, protection from UV rays and early wear.

How to properly care for laminate floors

If the housewife does not use special care products, it is important to know that you should not allow large amounts of water to get on the parquet or laminate flooring. It is better to vacuum thoroughly, walk with a dampened cloth and put away excess liquid, rubbing with a flannel cloth until the surface becomes shiny. Stubborn stains can be removed using products such as Silit or washing powder:

  1. Mix into powder (1 tbsp) with a small amount of water until mushy;
  2. Apply to dirt and wait overnight;
  3. In the morning, rinse with warm water.

Glycerin will add shine to the parquet flooring. Take 4 tbsp per liter of water. l. facilities. The laminate is treated with water and vinegar. It is important not to leave excess water and to wring out the cloth thoroughly.

Ceramic, porcelain stoneware or tile- the most unpretentious option. It does not cause any difficulties during cleaning. The following method will do:

  1. Mix ammonia (4-5 drops) and a bucket of water;
  2. You can add 1 tbsp. l. shine former for dishwashers;
  3. Wash the floor and wipe dry.

Care products for ceramic floor tiles

If the tiles have a rough coating, use a brush and sponge with a soap solution or store-bought products such as Cif, Glorix, Mr. Proper", "Cinderella", "Oranit", "Sanfor", "Sodasan", "Sano Poliwix", "PassionGold", "HG", "Passiflora", "Attitude", "Orchid 5in1". For severe contamination, Pemolux is used.

Linoleum does not tolerate ammonia, soda, brushes with hard bristles, chlorine, hot water, alcohol, liquid soap. In order not to spoil the pattern and the material itself, it is important to act carefully:

  1. Mix soap shavings (2 tbsp) with water (6 l);
  2. Walk on the surface;
  3. Rinse immediately with clean, cool water before the soap dries;
  4. For smooth linoleum, lower the soft cloth into linseed oil and walk on the surface.

Dark stains on linoleum are removed with a mixture of water and grated chalk. can be removed with nail polish remover or laundry soap foam. To create shine, you can dip a rag in water mixed with milk. Once a season, you should polish the floor with drying oil, then walk with soft silk.

It is better to remove the brilliant green while the stain is still wet

Carpet does not tolerate wet treatment well. It is better to use special dry foam, then use a vacuum cleaner to remove it. There are special products for carpets, for example, “Sano carpet shampoo spray”. A steam cleaner or a vacuum cleaner can be used successfully. If the carpet is removable, you can wash it in the snow in winter. To remove stubborn stains you will need:

  1. Combine vinegar (1 tbsp) and alcohol (3 tbsp);
  2. Treat the contamination, wait 30 minutes;
  3. Remove any remaining liquid with a sponge.

Cork is considered hygroscopic. It does not tolerate high humidity. Therefore, you need to squeeze the rag firmly. No special detergents are required. A standard soap solution is enough. The use of abrasives is prohibited.

Carpet cleaning products

Universal methods for all types of surfaces depending on the type of stain:

  • Dirt. You can clean the floor from dirt with washing powder or dishwashing gel, such as “Fairy”;
  • Fat. To cope with greasy deposits, you will need to combine vegetable oil with soda. Stir until creamy. Treat the floor, wait a quarter of an hour. Remove the remaining baking soda with a broom and rinse with cool water;
  • Wine stains can be removed using meat-based soap or a solution of soda and linseed oil;
  • Diesel oil or diesel oil can be removed using professional products;
  • Mold. Bleach can deal with it. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, use protective equipment and ventilate the room. Mix bleach (10 g) with water (5 l). Open the windows and start the procedure. Please note that there should be no children or pets in the apartment.

Table vinegar is used to make floors shine. For 10 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. Essential oil (1-2 drops) will add a pleasant smell.

Types of funds

There are many products for treating floors. They are combined according to characteristics such as preparation method and composition; types of surfaces for which the product is intended; impact on health, etc. There are folk, antibacterial, disinfectant, antistatic, natural compositions.

The choice of product is made taking into account the floor covering. Let's look at what types of floor treatment products there are:

  • Antibacterial "Domestos", "Nordland2". They are good for cleaning floors, but there is a risk of harm to health. Particles of substances in the composition end up in the air, on the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to wear gauze and rubber gloves when processing;
  • Antistatic agents “Cantron”, “Multipower Neutral”. Usually used when there is a problem with static electricity, which can be flammable. They are often used in hospitals and in manufacturing, where special requirements are placed on the quality of floors;
  • Disinfecting compositions “Help”, “L.O.C.” Disinfectants are effective in combating pathogens such as influenza viruses, as well as fungi and bacteria. They should be purchased to care for the apartment, especially if small children live in it. You should give preference to the most harmless option. Some people choose a product containing chlorine if they have pets in the apartment. But for small houses this option is not suitable, since you will have to inhale chlorine until it disappears from the room, and this is dangerous.

Mr. Proper is available in a wide range for different coatings

When purchasing a product, you need to carefully study the composition. You shouldn't choose:

  • Disinfectants containing sodium hypochlorite. The surface will lose its shine over time;
  • Detergents similar in appearance to standard powder and with optical brightener in the composition. This will make the cleaning process more difficult.

Important: The composition must contain less than 5% nonionic surfactants, fragrances and preservatives. This amount is enough to keep the floor clean.

There are housewives who prefer natural floor cleaning products to household chemicals. They have no chemical components and are environmentally friendly. Cleaning is done safely and the floor is sparkling clean. This is water mixed with alcohol essential oil, vinegar. You can add mustard powder and citrus.

IN folk remedies Laundry soap and ammonia are often added. These methods are time-tested, but for modern coatings, like laminate, they are not always suitable.

Cleaning the floor after renovation

Traces of repair work are the most difficult to remove from coatings. Paint, glue, whitewash, and putty often remain on them. Before treating floors, you need to get rid of dirt:

  • Glue and paint. They are removed with white spirit or acetone. Wallpaper glue can also be removed with plain warm water if you rinse it several times. Oil paint eliminated with “Cif” cream. You can get rid of dirt on linoleum using sunflower oil. Fresh traces of water-based paint can be easily removed with a mixture of water and soap. For old stains, use a soap solution, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. The method is only suitable if the floor can tolerate moisture. Isopropyl alcohol and formic acid cope with paint without difficulty or risk to the coating;
  • Lime and hardened putty. First, you need to carefully remove the plaque using a spatula, then remove the excess with hot water mixed with sunflower oil. For 5 liters of water you will need 100 ml of oil. A mixture of water and salt too effective method wash off the whitewash. For 5 liters of liquid, take 100 g of product.

Important: Solvents can damage the floor covering, so it is recommended to test their effect first on a small, inconspicuous area.

After removing contamination, you need to treat the floors using a standard method, taking into account the type of surface.

Construction dust often cannot be removed the first time, so wet cleaning will have to be done several times

After removing the dead man

Let's look at how to wash the floor after removing a dead person. Carefully cleaning the floor where the deceased lived is an ancient ritual. With death, negative energy always penetrates into a home, regardless of the character of the deceased person. If the energy remains in the room, residents may begin to get sick.

The ritual is not performed by the relatives of the deceased; it cannot be performed during pregnancy. They often ask a stranger, such as a neighbor, to clean up. The floor is processed from the walls and threshold, ending with washing in the area where the coffin was located. Sometimes used for this purpose spring water. There is a sign that the family of the deceased should give the girl clothes as a thank you.

Floor cleaning should be done regularly, not just Maundy Thursday. Then the coating will always remain fresh and shiny. It is better to remove stains immediately after detection. It is important to consider the type of coating when processing.


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