How to use baking soda for bee and wasp stings. How to make a soda solution for mosquito bites for children and adults Soda solution for mosquito bites

Almost every mosquito bite ends in itching, redness and pain, which really poison the lives of both adults and children. Remember simple steps how to heal quickly and easily mosquito bites, creatively using household products.

What you need to heal mosquito bites with baking soda

  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • pen or marker

Instructions on how to treat mosquito bites with baking soda

  1. If you have multiple mosquito bites, ask a relative or friend to help you find them all. Make a light mark around the bite with a pen or marker so you know exactly where to apply the medicinal soda mixture.
  2. Mix 3 tablespoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon water in a small container. You can stir the baking soda and water using your finger or a small spoon.
  3. Once the baking soda and water are mixed together, you will have a light paste.

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  5. Take a small amount of the paste on your finger and apply the baking soda paste to all your mosquito bites. You don't have to rub the paste in - just make sure it's on the top of each of the bites.
  6. Sit quietly for at least 15 minutes until the paste becomes dry. Try to keep all clothes free from the paste. Not only will the baking soda stop the itching immediately, it will heal the bites and draw out toxins.
  7. You should not remove the paste unless you want the mosquito bite itch to start again. Try leaving it for as long as possible until the baking soda paste naturally wears off on its own.

Tips and warnings about treating mosquito bites with baking soda

  • This paste works well on other bites too!
  • Do not apply baking soda paste right before going to bed. In a dream it will be erased.

Most of us associate the onset of warm seasons with pleasant feelings. With the surrender of the frosts, nature finally opens its eyes, fully coming into its own, and with it its numerous creations - beautiful and not so beautiful. And it’s no joke, some of them can spoil the blood not only in a figurative sense: we are talking, for example, about mosquitoes.

These insects pose a particular danger to humans due to their ability to transmit diseases such as yellow fever and malaria.

In this article we will talk about methods for treating mosquito bites that traditional medicine offers.

Repelling mosquitoes with herbs and plants

Clove oil must be mixed with cologne and applied to exposed areas of the body.

In order to ward off these annoying insects, it is not at all necessary to turn to expensive chemicals. Use, for example, clove oil: it is very effective if you mix it with cologne in a ratio of 1:10 and spread the resulting product on exposed areas of the body.

You need to squeeze the juice out of the wormwood and mix it with drops of vinegar.

Wormwood is also a popular remedy for repelling mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures. Squeeze the juice from the plant and mix it with a few drops of vinegar (9%) - and you can forget about mosquitoes.

Poppy juice can also help avoid mosquitoes.

Few people know, but poppy, or rather the juice of the plant, which should be used to treat the skin, allows you to avoid collisions with mosquitoes.

Just rub the bird cherry leaves with your hands to get the juice.

You can do the same with bird cherry leaves; you can get juice from them by simply rubbing them with your hands. In general, for those who go into nature, it makes sense to set up camp under a bird cherry tree - this will reduce the likelihood of a vacation spoiled by mosquitoes.

The scent of chamomile will also repel mosquitoes.

The smoke of chamomile (which is used to fumigate, for example, a tent) or wild rosemary can also boast a similar effect. Mosquitoes and other insects avoid the smell of camphor.

Only female mosquitoes hunt for blood, and only a small part of it is used by them to maintain their own vital functions - the rest is necessary for the maturation of eggs. Male mosquitoes, at the same time, feed on plant sap and, in essence, are absolutely safe for humans.

Herbal remedies for sting

St. John's wort decoction has a good anti-inflammatory effect

If the mosquito does bite, use a decoction based on St. John's wort - it has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Take the flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, oak bark, and mint leaves in equal proportions and pour 200 ml of the mixture. water. Bring the mixture to a boil and after a quarter of an hour remove from heat. Cool the product and, after straining, make lotions with it.

Lotions made from a decoction of the plant will relieve itching and pain from the bite.

Tansy leaves will also help relieve pain and itching from a mosquito bite. Prepare a decoction based on the plant similar to the previous recipe and use it for lotions.

Parsley decoction has a good antihistamine effect

A decoction of parsley has a good antihistamine effect. Take 2 tablespoons of plant roots and pour 500 ml of them. hot water. Let the drug brew for 8 hours and take 150 ml orally three times a day.

You can also treat the affected areas with garlic.

You can also treat the mosquito bite with garlic. Chop a clove of garlic and, diluting the resulting pulp with water, treat the affected area with it.

Perhaps even cockroaches can envy the habitat of mosquitoes: mosquitoes are common on all continents of the planet, except for the South Pole.

Treat a mosquito bite with soda, salt and laundry soap

A compress of soda also helps against mosquito bites

Or you can use regular baking soda. Don't stir it a large number water to form a homogeneous mass and apply to the bite site. Fix the compress and make a new one three hours later.

Iodized salt can also help relieve inflammation

Or use iodized salt. Gently wipe the bite area with salt - this will relieve inflammation.

Laundry soap can effectively treat a bite.

You can do it even easier by lubricating sore spot laundry soap. It is better if it is as dark as possible, and the solution based on it is quite concentrated.

Today, the supply of mosquito repellents is very high, as is the demand for them. However, there are many nuances in their use - some are harmful to children, some are not suitable for indoor conditions, and others may even be ineffective. If it has already happened that a child has been bitten by mosquitoes, then the most difficult period is yet to come - small and seemingly harmless swellings are about to begin to itch, and children's skin can react many times more actively than the skin of an adult. A proven folk remedy – baking soda – will help reduce the intensity of itching and relieve swelling.

The specifics of the child’s body’s reaction to a bite and the benefits of soda

The season for the active spread of mosquitoes depends on the specific region and the climate that has developed in it, usually this is the period from May to October. They almost always give preference to children - this is due to the fact that the metabolism in their body is faster, the skin is thinner, and the body is not yet polluted by various external factors.

Only female mosquitoes bite humans, since they need the protein of human blood to lay eggs - if the insect does not eat, then there will be only about 4 dozen eggs, but if it “drinks” blood, then the number of offspring can reach two hundred. Males eat exclusively plant nectar.

Are mosquitoes poisonous? Contrary to popular misconception, this type of insect does not have poison. During the bite, only an anticoagulant remains in the wound, which is used by mosquitoes to prevent blood clotting during the “meal”. And it is precisely this substance that has a lot of side effects for humans - the skin turns red, swelling forms, which is accompanied expressed feeling burning and severe itching. And if an adult can control himself and does not scratch the swelling, it is difficult for a child to control himself.

Another important question is why do children have a more pronounced reaction to a bite? The answer lies in the structure of the skin - the epidermis is thin, the skin has a looser structure, which means there are all the conditions for the formation of larger and more pronounced edema. Sometimes the itching can be so severe (especially if we're talking about about numerous bites) that the child cannot even sleep.

Baking soda is very often used to reduce intensity skin reaction in children. This powder can affect the human body in several vectors:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • antihistamine effect;
  • helps thin mucus in the lungs;
  • used to treat fungal skin infections;
  • and, most importantly, for insect bites, it kills pathogenic bacteria and produces a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Baking soda is used very often as a remedy for insect bites, and this is explained by its effectiveness. Let's look at how to use this powder correctly to get the best effect.

Using baking soda for mosquito bites

It is believed that soda is almost the only product that produces a good effect and is at the same time safe for small children and people with sensitive skin. There are two main ways to use the powder:

  • cooking pasta. You need to take three teaspoons of baking soda and pour them into a small container. Add just one teaspoon of water there and mix everything together well. This paste is applied directly to the bite site and left there until completely dry. You can use the product as needed;
  • baking soda solution. To prepare, use a glass of water, add a teaspoon of soda to it and mix well. In this solution, you need to generously moisten a cotton swab or a piece of gauze and apply it as a compress to the bite site.

In order for the soda to dissolve well, we recommend taking warm water, but before making lotions, it is advisable to cool the solution well. In this case, the compress will have a double effect, combating the symptoms of the bite even more actively.

Remember that if after an insect bite a child’s general health has deteriorated significantly, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Existing restrictions on the use of the product

Soda is considered a safe product, of course, if you do not overdo it with its use. There are a number possible consequences excessive use of the product and some contraindications, however, they relate exclusively to the use of the powder internally for various purposes.

Mosquito bites can ruin the whole impression of outdoor recreation, fishing, dacha work or a simple walk around the city or park. sometimes it prevents you from falling asleep and torments you for several days. The simplest, most effective, safest and cheap way Ordinary baking soda will cope with the problem.

Applying baking soda to bite sites

Many who have not yet tried this method doubt whether baking soda helps against mosquito bites. To answer this question, let’s first understand what a mosquito bite is and why it causes so much trouble. Firstly, only female mosquitoes bite humans. They need protein to lay eggs, and human blood contains a lot of protein. Therefore, the female looks for a place on the human body with thin skin, where the capillaries are located close. But it happens that a mosquito bites anywhere. So, the mosquito pierces the skin with its proboscis and injects an anticoagulant. This is a special substance that prevents blood from clotting. The human immune system, in response to the intake of an unknown and hostile substance, that is, histamine, produces a reaction in the form of swelling, itching and redness. If you scratch this area immediately after a bite, then the histamine can be spread under the skin to a larger area, which means further aggravating the discomfort. By the way, after being bitten and receiving a dose of blood, the mosquito lays eggs and dies, and the male mosquitoes at this time simply feed on plant pollen.

But, back to the bites. To relieve itching and an allergic reaction, you can use an antihistamine - take a tablet or apply a local remedy, for example, a special gel or cream. But it is not entirely correct to smear each bite with a medicine, and even more so to put a strain on the liver by using tablets. Even the most unpleasant and painful bites can be treated with sodium bicarbonate, also known as sodium bicarbonate or simple baking soda.

And for adults, it’s hard to find better and safer remedies. Everyone is familiar with soda, this fine white, slightly salty, soapy-tasting powder in red and yellow boxes has been used in households and kitchens for decades, how does it help with mosquito bites? The fact is that soda neutralizes the effect of histamine introduced by insects, so the skin quickly stops itching and swelling, which is how soda works against mosquito bites.

How to dilute and how to use soda

Since you can’t pour soda powder on the bite site itself - it’s inconvenient and not so effective, it’s better to make a lotion with it. You need to dilute soda in clean water, this can be done in different proportions. By the way, you can take cool water, then wiping or a compress will quickly relieve swelling, especially if the bite site has been scratched.

So, in what proportions and how to make a soda solution for mosquito bites:

  • Compress - add a small amount of water to a teaspoon of soda to make a fairly thick paste. Apply the resulting cake to the bite and wrap it around damp cloth. Keep the compress for three hours, repeat if necessary. This method is suitable for single, but extremely painful or scratched bites, in places where a particularly severe allergic reaction has occurred.
  • Soda lotion - soak well in boiled water cotton pad and dip it in soda, apply the pad to the bite site and hold. You don’t have to remove the remaining grains of soda on the skin; let it do its job and neutralize toxins at the site of the bite.
  • Rubbing - suitable for cases where there are a lot of bites. Dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the skin. Do the rubbing several times a day until the itching stops; baking soda with water for bites at night, before bed, also works well so that you can sleep well and avoid scratching the bites.

Specifics of use in children

Since soda is absolutely harmless and does not cause allergic reactions, it ideally solves the problem of bites in children. For delicate children's skin, a weak solution of soda is best suited for mosquito bites and wiping with it. Do this several times a day until the redness and swelling subsides. But it is better not to apply compresses to a child, and it is difficult to force him to walk for several hours with a damp cloth on his skin. It is better to avoid scratching the bites and spreading histamine through the delicate skin.

Rubbing with a soda solution also helps very young children under one year old. They themselves cannot yet scratch the bite sites, but they experience considerable discomfort. Wipe the child's skin with a soda solution, briefly holding the cotton pad on the bite sites so that the soda has time to act against mosquito bites.

Soda against mosquito bites for children and adults is used as a disinfectant. Folk remedy, eliminates inflammation, accelerates healing and restoration of the epidermis. It is used in different variations - paste, compress, lotion, wiping solution.

First aid after a bite

Baking soda remedies for mosquito bites should not be used in severe cases. In this case, antihistamines and antiallergic ointments are required. In the presence of a secondary infection without signs of allergy, soda is the first remedy for therapy.

Other recipes for mosquito bites

To reduce the aggressive effect on the skin and expand the abilities of the medicine, other ingredients are added.

  • Sodium bicarbonate is not dissolved in water, but in fresh milk. In this case, soda does not cause irritation, peeling, and acts more gently.
  • Mix with toothpaste that contains menthol. After application, a slight cooling sensation is felt, the skin calms down, and unpleasant symptoms disappear faster.
  • chamomile decoction, but if you add a little soda, the remedy will be more effective.

If there are multiple bites, if it is not possible to wipe the wounds in inaccessible places, take a soda bath. Take warm water, throw in soda, and immerse for 15 minutes. For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of soda, the same amount of kitchen salt or sea salt.

Side effects

Sodium bicarbonate is not a toxic substance, but quite aggressive towards the epidermis. With frequent use, redness, peeling, and increased itching appear at the application sites. For this reason, do not apply to sensitive skin. Infants use a weak solution for wiping. You can dilute it in a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and mint. It starts helping within 5 minutes.

The effectiveness of baking soda against insect bites, including mosquitoes, has been proven in practice. Rubbing solutions, lotions and soda cakes help to quickly relieve itching, remove redness and swelling at the bite sites. External use of soda is allowed for children of any age.

Tireless researchers from the scientific world have found that mosquitoes, or rather blood-sucking mosquitoes, prefer women, especially those with white skin and fair hair. But when a piercing “singing” is heard in the bedroom at night, everyone loses peace: both women and men, regardless of color and presence of hair. The situation becomes critical if you find yourself in a mosquito forest, and it’s really bad when you have children with you who scratch the bites and can get sick. There are repellents and fumigators that repel insects, but they cannot always be used. It's better to contact safe means. Soda for mosquito bites is one of the most reliable and harmless methods that help you get through the season with minimal losses.

Only female mosquitoes bite people; blood is a source of protein for them.

We cannot truly love blood-sucking mosquitoes, but understanding the reasons for their behavior somewhat softens our attitude towards mosquitoes. Carefree males are vegetarians; they feed on pollen and plant sap. Females are concerned with procreation and continuously lay eggs. They need enhanced nutrition, and we are a source of precious proteins for them.

  • Mosquitoes gnaw not only people, but our thin skin, of course, is preferable. If given a choice, bloodsuckers choose victims with the first and third blood groups, and those with the second are attacked last. It has not yet been possible to find out the reasons for such food addictions.
  • There is a version that insects fly on the carbon dioxide exhaled by a person: the more intense the breathing, the higher the probability of being selected. For this reason, children are always targeted.
  • Another mosquito delicacy is the smell of sweat and ammonia, enhanced by lactic and uric acids. Active metabolism increases blood temperature and enhances body odors.
  • Alcohol also raises the temperature and attracts mosquitoes.
  • Women are also at risk during pregnancy. The volume of blood increases, it flows faster through the vessels, the woman breathes frequently and generates more heat.

Thus, elderly, non-drinking and physically inactive men have minimal success with insects.

A blister forms at the site of the mosquito bite and the skin itches

What is the danger of mosquito bites

If the only nuisance from mosquitoes was the unpleasant sensation of being bitten, this could still be tolerated. But the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

When the skin is damaged, the insect injects saliva into the wound, the composition of which anesthetizes and prevents the blood from quickly clotting. Therefore, a person does not immediately notice the mosquito, but it manages to “refuel” with blood. The protein contained in the saliva of insects is foreign to our body - when it is quickly eliminated, itching occurs, and the bite site turns red and swells.

If there were several mosquitoes, and after their attack severe itching occurred, and the blisters merged into a common spot, an allergic reaction can be assumed. Nervous system adults in severe cases may react with nausea, vomiting and even anaphylactic shock. In children, such manifestations are extremely rare, but they are not excluded.

If the acute reaction does not stop after a couple of days, you should consult an allergist, but first try to eliminate the discomfort with simple and available means, for example, ordinary baking soda, which is found in every kitchen. Sodium bicarbonate removes itching and swelling at bite sites no worse than pharmaceutical ointments and solutions, and side effects from application practically does not happen.

How does baking soda help with bites?

The consequences of mosquito bites are itching and red, swollen spots on the skin. Both phenomena cause discomfort, especially when the bite sites are located on open areas skin. Developments in scratching cannot be ruled out. bacterial infection, and this is fraught with dermatitis and suppuration. Baking soda helps get rid of itching and redness and disinfects wounds.

Advantages of use:

  • Quickly relieves itching and swelling.
  • The substance is safe and does not cause skin irritation or other adverse reactions.
  • After healing, there are no scars left at the bite sites.
  • Baking soda is affordable and easy to use.
  • Does not leave marks on clothes and does not smell.
  • Allowed for children, pregnant women and those who suffer from allergies.
  • Disinfects and prevents the development of bacteria.

The effect of rubbing, lotions and other soda treatments occurs quickly, the bite sites remain uncombed and heal quickly.

Children often scratch mosquito bites until they are wounded.

If a mosquito bites a child

Even adults cannot always resist scratching bitten areas, and it is simply impossible to keep an eye on a child. Infection that penetrates the wounds causes suppuration and even abscesses.

The soda solution is absolutely safe even for infants, but it should be applied carefully so that the alkali does not get into the eyes. If splashes of sodium bicarbonate do end up in the eye area, they should be rinsed with water. White plaque Any remaining on the skin after the solution has dried, shake off with your fingers.

Soda does not irritate the baby’s delicate skin, quickly relieves itching and does not damage the respiratory mucosa. In the evening, lubricate the bite areas to prevent your baby from scratching the skin in his sleep.

Video: baking soda for mosquito bites

Recipes for insect bites

The effect of using sodium bicarbonate occurs almost immediately. First of all, the itching goes away, and soon the redness and swelling disappear. The wound heals quickly without inflammation and leaves no marks on the skin.

Flatbread and soda solution

  1. Add a little water to a spoon of baking soda. Pour in small portions until the consistency is paste-like.
  2. Apply soda paste cakes to the bite areas.
  3. Cover with a damp cloth or cotton pad and leave for several hours.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure. If swelling is severe, the baking soda cake can be left on for 10 hours.


  1. Prepare a solution of one to two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate and a glass of warm water.
  2. Wet a cotton pad and wipe the skin every 30-40 minutes until the itching goes away.

Soda-ammonia slurry

  1. Mix a teaspoon of soda with a teaspoon ammonia(ammonia).
  2. Use a cotton swab to apply the paste to the bite areas.
  3. Leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse with water.

Lotions from herbal infusions with soda

  1. Prepare an infusion of chamomile or calendula. These plants have anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of infusion. Refrigerate.
  3. Wet cotton pads. Wipe the skin and apply several times a day to damaged areas.

To enhance the effect, use for rubbing and compresses. cold water– it will relieve swelling faster.

Video: how to relieve itching after mosquito bites

Contraindications and precautions

Baking soda will not cause any harm when applied externally - the substance very rarely causes allergies and inflammation. However, some precautions will not be superfluous:

  • Avoid contact of alkali with eyes and other mucous membranes. If the concentrated soda solution does end up in your eyes or mouth, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • Be careful when treating your child's skin. Baking soda can dry out your skin a little. Once the bite problem is resolved, apply moisturizer.
  • An allergy to soda is rare, but if it exists, you will have to stop using sodium bicarbonate.

There are many ointments, solutions and even tablets in pharmacies to help you survive the mosquito season. These remedies act quickly, but the secret of effectiveness is in the harmless composition. You should not use hormonal ointments and medications that are potentially dangerous for certain diseases. Soda is universal and safe way, which has virtually no contraindications.

Works on summer cottages, staying at a campsite, walking within the city and beyond, visiting reservoirs and other options for staying at fresh air marred by mosquito bites.

The unbearable itching does not allow you to relax and torments you for several days. In children, the problem may be accompanied by mechanical damage to the skin due to scratching.

The solution to this problem is elementary. To do this, you need to stock up on baking soda.

Effect of soda

Folk method combating itching from mosquito bites based on sodium bicarbonate is characterized by practical effectiveness and has scientific explanation.

Expert opinion

Did you know that...

Females bite. The reason for this behavior lies in the need for protein. It is necessary for the process of laying eggs. The source is human blood. The insect makes a puncture in the skin with its trunk and receives nutrition. In the process, the mosquito releases an anticoagulant. This is necessary to prevent blood clotting. In response to the intake of an unknown substance (histamine), the body's protective properties appear. The affected area turns red and begins to itch.

Scratching movements lead to the distribution of the foreign component under the skin. The result of these actions is an increase in the size of the inflamed area.

It is possible to suppress the sensation of itching and relieve allergic inflammation with the help of various pharmaceutical drugs:

  • tablets, ointments.

But this approach to solving the problem will require financial costs and time spent on going to the pharmacy, which will negative impact on the liver (when using oral medications).

Baking soda can eliminate the discomfort from mosquito bites of varying intensity.

This happens due to the features of NaHCO3:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • antihistamine property (the substance dulls the effect of the irritant);
  • suppression of the inflammatory process.

The undeniable advantages of this approach are in the following aspects:

  • accessibility;
  • cheapness;
  • relative safety;
  • simplicity;
  • high efficiency.

Preparation and use of soda compositions

Sodium bicarbonate is a common agent in cooking, cosmetology, disinfection, and medicine. In dry form, it is familiar to every housewife.

However, in this form it is inconvenient to use against itching at the sites of mosquito bites. For this purpose, they prepare using baking soda. various means.

The most popular recipes are:


  • take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate;
  • add water until a thick mass forms;
  • apply the composition to the inflamed area;
  • moisten a handkerchief/piece of cloth in water;
  • use it to secure the pulp on the body.

The duration of one procedure is up to three hours. If the result is insufficient, it can be repeated.

If possible, staying still for a long time does not require the use of material. In this case, the composition is applied to the skin and left until completely dry.

Applying such compresses is advisable in the presence of one/several bites and intense pain.


  • take a piece of matter ( alternative options– cotton wool, cotton pads);
  • soak in water;
  • dip in sodium bicarbonate;
  • apply to the problem area;
  • hold for a few minutes;
  • Leave the remaining NaHCO3 on the skin to extend the exposure time of the substance.


  • combine water and sodium bicarbonate (required proportions - one tablespoon of powder per glass of liquid);
  • mix thoroughly;
  • soak cotton wool / piece of gauze / handkerchief / cotton pad in the solution;
  • wipe the inflamed areas.

Acceptable frequency is up to 5 times a day. The duration of the course is until the itching stops. Rubbing are convenient option with the simultaneous presence of a large number of bites.

The procedure can be performed immediately before bedtime. This will muffle the unpleasant sensations and fall asleep.

Getting the maximum effect is possible if you follow following rules:

  1. In the process of preparing the selected product, it is used warm water. This allows NaHCO3 to dissolve well.
  2. The pre-cooled composition must be used. The result is an acceleration in the removal of swelling and inflammation.

Application for children

Compared to adults, children are bitten by mosquitoes more often. The reasons for this are:

For an adult, mosquito bites cause noticeable discomfort. In a child, inflammatory processes, swelling and itching manifest themselves with even greater intensity.

Explanations for this have a scientific and practical basis:

  • loose structure of the skin;
  • inability to refrain from scratching (resulting in massive release of histamine).

Baking soda is a hypoallergenic and safe product. Its use is acceptable for infants and women during pregnancy.

When choosing a recipe, preference should be given to a low-concentration wipe. Bites are treated with a cotton pad several times a day.


Sodium bicarbonate has no contraindications and does not cause serious side effects. This statement is valid when used correctly.

  • frequency and duration of the procedure;
  • the ratio of ingredients in the product used.

Expert opinion


Harm is possible if the product gets on mucous membranes. This situation must be avoided. This is especially true for infants. The solution to this problem is to rinse your mouth, eyes, etc. with plenty of running water. In relation to small child A medical examination may be required.

Minor possible harm from soda treatments can manifest itself in drying of the skin. Therefore, after using it on your face, you should use the existing moisturizer.

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