How to calculate volume in liters. How to calculate the volume of containers of various shapes Box volume in liters

All values ​​are indicated in mm

H— Liquid level.

Y— The tank is tall.

L— Length of the container.

X— The reservoir is wide.

This program calculates the volume of liquid in rectangular containers of various sizes; it will also help calculate the surface area of ​​the reservoir, free and total volume.

Based on the results of the calculation, you will learn:

  • The total area of ​​the tank;
  • Lateral surface area;
  • Bottom area;
  • Free volume;
  • Amount of liquid;
  • Capacity volume.

Technology for calculating the amount of liquid in tanks of various shapes

When the capacity is wrong geometric shape(for example, in the form of a pyramid, parallelepiped, rectangle, etc.) it is necessary to first measure the internal linear dimensions and only then make calculations.

Calculation of liquid volume in rectangular container small sizes, you can do it manually as follows. It is necessary to fill the entire tank with liquid to the brim. Then the volume of water in this case will become equal to the volume of the reservoir. Next, you should carefully drain all the water into separate containers. For example, in a special tank of the correct geometric shape or a measuring cylinder. Using the measuring scale you can visually determine the volume of your tank. To calculate the amount of liquid in a rectangular container, it is best for you to use our online program, which quickly and accurately performs all calculations.

If the tank large size, and it is impossible to measure the amount of liquid manually, then you can use the formula for the mass of a gas with a known molar mass. For example, the mass of nitrogen M = 0.028 kg/mol. These calculations are possible when the tank can be tightly closed (hermetically). Now, using a thermometer, we measure the temperature inside the tank, and the internal pressure with a pressure gauge. Temperature should be expressed in Kelvin and pressure in Pascals. The volume of internal gas can be calculated using the following formula (V=(m∙R∙T)/(M∙P)). That is, we multiply the gas mass (m) by its temperature (T) and gas constant (R). Next, the result obtained should be divided into gas pressure (P) and molar mass (M). The volume will be expressed in m³.

How to calculate and find out the volume of an aquarium by size yourself

Aquariums are glass vessels that fill clean water up to a certain level. Many aquarium owners have repeatedly wondered how big their tank is and how the calculations can be done. The simplest and reliable method, is to use a tape measure and measure all the necessary parameters, which should be entered into the appropriate cells of our calculator, and you will immediately get the finished result.

However, there is another way to determine the volume of an aquarium, which involves a longer process, using a liter jar, gradually filling the entire container to the appropriate level.

The third method for calculating the volume of an aquarium is a special formula. We measure the depth of the tank, height and width in centimeters. For example, we got the following parameters: depth – 50 cm, height – 60 cm and width – 100 cm. According to these dimensions, the volume of the aquarium is calculated by the formula (V=X*Y*H) or 100x50x60=3000000 cm³. Next, we need to convert the resulting result into liters. To do this, multiply the finished value by 0.001. From here it follows - 0.001x3000000 centimeters, and we get that the volume of our tank will be 300 liters. We have calculated the full capacity of the container, then we need to calculate the actual water level.

Each aquarium is filled significantly lower than its actual height, in order to avoid overflow of water, and closed with a lid taking into account the screed. For example, when our aquarium is 60 centimeters high, then the glued ties will be located 3-5 centimeters lower. With our size of 60 centimeters, slightly less than 10% of the volume of the container falls on 5-centimeter ties. From here we can calculate the actual volume of 300 liters - 10% = 270 liters.

Important! You should subtract a few percent, taking into account the volume of the glass; we remove the dimensions of the aquarium or any other container from the outside (without taking into account the thickness of the glass).

From here the volume of our tank will be 260 liters.


How much will it cost to send your cargo to its destination? To answer this question, you need to know its volume in cubic meters, because transport companies Most often, the price list indicates the cost of services in precisely these units of measurement.

Cardboard boxes are the most profitable and convenient type of packaging for most goods. When choosing corrugated packaging for your products, you need, first of all, to calculate the volume of boxes and order the required number of boxes so as not to transport air and not overpay for transportation services.

If, as a result of the calculation, it turns out that you require corrugated packaging of individual sizes, our company MS-PAK will produce the required quantity to order. Let's look at how to correctly calculate the volume of a cardboard box.

Step-by-step calculation of the volume of a cardboard box

To calculate you need:

  • Measure length A and width b, if the bottom of the box is square, then a=b;
  • Measure height h as the distance from the bottom to the top flap of the box.

Formula for calculating the volume V in m 3 of a box with a rectangular or square base:

where a is the length of the base (m), b is the width of the base (m),
h – box height (m).

If the base of the box is not a rectangle, but a triangle, pentagon or hexagon, then the formula for calculating the volume will be:


where S is the area of ​​the base of the box, and h is its height.

Volume occupied by the workpiece (box)(taking into account wall thickness) is calculated for proper placement inside a vehicle or storage in a warehouse.
Formula for calculating the occupied volume:

Multiplying the obtained values, we obtain the volume of the box in cubic meters. To get the result in liters, you need to multiply the resulting value in m3 by 1000.

In order to calculate the volume of a body or substance in liters, you need to know its volume, expressed in other units of measurement. If the volume of a body is previously unknown, then it can be calculated through mass and density. There are special methods and tools for measuring mass and density.

You will need

  • calculator, scales, substance density tables


1. If the volume is given in cubic decimeters (dm?), then the volume is in liters expressed by the same number. Therefore, is it easy to change the unit of measurement dm? per liter (l).Vl=Vdm? To convert a volume given in cubic meters (m?) into liters, multiply the given numerical value by 1000.Vl=Vm?*1000To convert a volume given in cubic centimeters (cm?) into liters ) or milli liters(ml), divide the given numerical value by 1000.Vl=Vcm?/1000=Vml/1000.To calculate the volume in liters, if it is set in deka liters(dl) or buckets, multiply the number of deciliters by 10: Vl = Vdl * 10

2. If the volume is specified in non-metric units of measurement (national or household), use the following instructions: If the unit of measurement of the famous volume is the overseas gallon, then in order to calculate the volume in liters, multiply it by 3.7854. Do the same with other units of volume: overseas quart - multiply by 0.9464; overseas gallon - 3.7854; overseas dry barrel - 115.6270; overseas bushel - 35.2391; overseas liquid barrel - 119.2400; oil barrel - 158 .9873; imperial gallon - 4.5461; imperial quart - 1.1365; imperial pint - 0.5683; imperial ounce - 0.0284; overseas pint - 0.4732; overseas ounce - 0.0296; imperial bushel - 36, 3687; teaspoon - 0.005; tablespoon - 0.0148; mug - 1.23 (relatively); glass - 0.2; cubic inch - 0.0164; cubic foot - 28.3168.

3. If the volume of a body or liquid is unfamiliar, then calculate it using the following formula: V = m*p, where: V is the desired volume, m is the mass of the body, liquid or substance, p is its density. If the mass of the body is unfamiliar, then determine it weighing. Find the density of the substance in density tables. The resulting volume value will be in liters, if the mass is given in grams (g) and the density is given in grams per liter (g/l). In other cases, convert the volume into liters using the instructions above.

When working with small volumes, a unit of volume measurement such as milliliter (ml) is often used. A milliliter is a thousandth of a liter. That is, one liter contains one thousand milliliters. To convert liters to milliliters you don’t even need a calculator - just the simplest knowledge in mathematics.

You will need

  • - pencil,
  • - paper.


1. In order to convert liters to milliliters, simply multiply the number of liters by 1000. That is, apply the following primitive formula: Kml = Kl x 1000, where Kml is the number of milliliters, Kl is the number of liters. So, say, one teaspoon contains approximately 0.005 liters of liquid. Consequently, the volume of a teaspoon, expressed in milliliters, will be: 0.005 x 1000 = 5 (ml).

2. If the number of liters is an integer, then to convert liters to milliliters, simply add three zeros to the number of liters on the right. Let's say that one bucket holds approximately 10 liters of water. This means that the volume of this water in milliliters will be: 10 x 1000 = 10,000 (ml).

3. If the number of liters is given in the form decimal, then move the decimal point three places to the right. Let's say a kilogram of gasoline occupies a volume of approximately 1.316 liters. Consequently, in milliliters a kilogram of gasoline will have a volume of 1316 (ml).

4. If there are less than 3 digits after the comma, then fill in the missing digits with zeros. So, say, one glass holds 0.2 liters of liquid. In milliliters it will be 200 (ml) (officially it turns out to be 0200 ml, but the insignificant zero on the left can be discarded).

5. If all the initial data of the task are given in liters, and the result needs to be presented in milliliters, then carry out all intermediate calculations in liters, and convert to milliliters only after all calculations are completed. For example, if 1.325 liters of black paint were mixed to prepare paint of the required shade, 0.237 liters of red, 0.587 liters of green and 0.54 liters of blue, then to calculate the total amount of paint in milliliters, add the indicated numbers in liters, and multiply the total by 1000.1.325 + 0.237 + 0.587 + 0.54 = 2.6892.689 x 1000 = 2689 (ml).

Pay attention!
Converting liters to milliliters is often used in calculations related to the preparation of medications and other energetic solutions. When making such calculations, be very careful - if each error is one decimal place, the result will change tenfold.

Useful advice
Please note that the density of water is 1000 g/l or 1 kg/l or 0.001 t/l. Consequently, in order to calculate the known mass of water in liters, it is easy: divide the mass in grams by 1000; multiply the mass in tons by 1000; take the mass of water in kilograms equal to the volume in liters.

Enter the dimensions in millimeters:

X– The width of the container, the transverse distance between the walls.

Y– Tank length, i.e. its length, greatest linear dimension in the longitudinal direction.

L– The height of the container is determined by the height of its walls.

h– The height of the liquid level, it is determined with a measuring ruler (the so-called meter rod); if such a tool is not available, a regular rod of wire or wood of suitable length will do. Observing safety precautions, lower the rod strictly vertically into the tank to the bottom, mark a level on it, remove it and measure with a tape measure. Also define h you can measure the distance from the top point of the tank to the surface of the liquid and subtract this indicator from the height of the tank L.

The online calculator will help you calculate the total volume of the container and find out the maximum capacity of the tank (in m 3 and liters). Find out how much substance is already in the container. The free volume value will give you an idea of ​​how much liquid can still be poured into the container. The program will also calculate the bottom area, side surface area and total area containers, which will help you easily calculate the required amount of materials for finishing the entire tank or its parts.

An aquarium is a glass vessel filled with water in which fish and plants live. When looking at an aquarium, a question spontaneously arises for the owner of an apartment or office - how many liters are in this aquarium?

The same question arises when you read the instructions for preventive and curative medications. Therefore, a very interesting and ambiguous question - “How to calculate the volume of an aquarium?”.

Of course, you can calculate it by pouring water out of it liter jar, but it is much easier to do this using a formula, and measuring in jars can be reserved for small round aquariums.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating the displacement of your aquarium:

First, we measure the dimensions of the aquarium being measured, for example: the width of the aquarium is 100 cm, the depth from the front to the back wall is 50 cm, and the height of the aquarium is 60 cm. That is, it turns out:

- 100 cm * 50 cm * 60 cm = 300,000 cubic centimeters;

Now, to get the number of liters, multiply this value by 0.001:

- 300,000 cc. * 0.001 = 300 liters;

As a rule, the height of the filling part of the aquarium is less to avoid water overflows and to take into account the aquarium ties that are closed with a lid. With an aquarium height of 60 cm, as a rule, the ties are glued 3-5 cm lower and the height of the filling part is the same. 5 cm to the screeds at a height of 60 cm is less than 10 percent: Total: It turns out that the estimated volume of the measured aquarium is 300 liters. But this volume is literally calculated - and we need real volume.

– 300 liters – 10% = approximately 270 liters;

We subtract another couple of percent for the volume of the glass, since we measured the aquarium from the outside without taking into account the thickness of the glass.

Total: There are approximately 260 liters of water in the aquarium.

In fact, after placing soil, decorations and fish in the aquarium, they will displace a little more water with their weight, but this is little taken into account, since without decoration and fish the aquarium will not be an aquarium.

And yet, in my opinion, the volume of the aquarium is not so significant if it gives you real pleasure. If you need our help in any matters related to aquarium maintenance in Kyiv, or on other issues, please contact us. You will find contact information for contacting us. Waiting for you!

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