How to defrost a lock in a garage in winter. Garage lock frozen

Winter is a rather unpleasant period, which is characterized by many unpleasant factors. Car owners especially dislike winter, as they need to take a number of steps to avoid becoming a victim of harsh weather. One of the common problems that garage owners have is a frozen lock. It is used to protect property from thieves, but in winter the lock freezes so much that even the owner himself cannot enter the garage. And if you are reading these lines, then, undoubtedly, you have also been in such a situation. How do you get to your vehicle? How to open a frozen garage lock? What can I do to prevent it from freezing in the future? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

We'll look at a few effective ways, thanks to which you can solve the problem without calling specialists.


How does it happen that metal lock might it freeze? Everyone knows that objects cannot just freeze. The liquid freezes, and under the influence of low temperature it also expands. If a castle freezes, then it is logical to conclude that there was water in it. But where did she come from? There are several reasons.

As you can see, the liquid turns into ice, disrupting the operation of the lock. Knowing the reason, we can find correct solution. The main task is to remove all the ice so that the lock mechanism works again. It is important to know the correct course of action so as not to worsen the situation.


First, let's look at what not to do if the lock doesn't want to open. After all, the first reaction can be disastrous. In fact, a frozen castle is not fatal, but you just need to avoid making the situation worse. Often, angry car owners begin to try with all their might to turn the key in the lock in order to open the garage door with brute force. Is it correct? Not at all! Doing this is highly not recommended. Why?

The thing is that when the lock is frozen, you cannot open it by force. He's unlikely to give in. However, you can make things worse. With the way keys are made these days, it might just break inside the keyhole. Now things are bad. You can’t just get the key, so most likely you will have to change the lock completely. This extra costs, time and effort. What then should be done? let's consider the right ways solutions to the lock problem.


This phenomenon is not critical, because there are many proven and good ways. Some are simple, others are complex. But, thanks to them, you can open the lock and get to the garage. We have already learned that your task is to unfreeze the mechanism. Here are the tricks to help you:

Advice! Alternatively, use brake fluid. It is poured inside the castle and waited for about 10 minutes. The mechanism will immediately open.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are also special pocket defrosters. To prevent a frozen castle from taking you by surprise, buy this product in advance and carry it with you. Thanks to such a variety of methods, you will definitely be able to open your lock and get to the garage.

How can you prevent the castle from freezing at all in the future?


If you don't want the problem to happen again, there are a number of steps you need to take. If your lock is a padlock, then cylinder models will not work well on the outside and will often freeze. Ideally, use a lever lock. As practice shows, they tolerate temperature fluctuations well and cope with their task.

Another way is to insulate the castle. Then condensation will not form in it. And to prevent dripping water from getting inside, it should be protected with a box. Then external factors they will not be afraid of him.

Finally, the device should be lubricated with silicone grease. It will help prevent moisture from freezing inside, so there won’t be any problems. After such manipulations, you will forget about what a frozen castle is.


Today you learned that the problem of frozen garage locks is quite common, but not critical. If you follow the rules and don't act rashly, the solution is quite simple. These methods will help you cope with the problem if it arises, and also protect yourself from it in the future.

Exist Various types locking mechanisms:

  • No moisture should penetrate into the street lock mechanism, otherwise it will rust or freeze and stop opening.
  • It is desirable that the castle be streamlined. This is better for drainage (moisture will not collect around the holes for the temple)
  • The all-weather model should have rubber O-rings on the holes for the shackle, as well as a curtain or cap that protects the well from moisture and dirt.
  • Locks made of cast iron and carbon steel rust in aggressive environments, so they must be protected with a plastic casing.
  • one or two holes at the bottom of the lock with a diameter of 3 to 10 mm. They are needed to instantly remove moisture that flows into the housing.

But moisture will get inside the lock anyway. There is a simple word: Condensate (lat. condensatus - compacted, condensed) is the product of condensation of the vapor state of liquids, that is, the product of the transition of a substance during cooling from gaseous to liquid form. In other words, condensate is the liquid formed when steam condenses.
Result: Small code parts (spring-loaded pins) quickly rust and the lock fails. And if you bring sand or dirt into the well, the lock may not open next time.

The main conclusion: it is better not to use locks (mortise, overhead, padlock) with a pin, balance or frame type of mechanism on the street. Simply because of small coding details, and as a consequence more problems with moisture, dust, ice and dirt.

1. Special level series of KERBEROS locks for working in hard climatic conditions, including for locking ship doors.
For outdoor operating conditions, the plant produces a special lever series of KERBEROS locks, where the parts of the all-weather lock mechanism are made of stainless materials (only materials are used: LS62 (brass) and 12Х18Н10Т (stainless steel)).

The lock is designed to work in harsh climatic conditions, including for locking ship doors.

The locks are manufactured in accordance with TU 4981-001-77675263-2014 and using only materials: LS62 and 12Х18Н10Т, which protects the locks from corrosion.

The lock is spark-proof.

2. Screw padlocks (simple mechanism, no small code parts)

Locks are designed for locking premises that do not contain valuables: transformer and distribution substations(KTP, TP, RP), cable wells, electrical cabinets, sheds, boxes, containers, etc. Manufacturing material: steel, zinc coating, brass locking screw.

Probably every garage owner has encountered the problem of frozen garage door locks. Sometimes there are cases when the door freezes constantly, and the owners of the garage do not know how to solve it. this problem. In addition, there are many tips on the Internet on how to protect the lock from freezing.

But as experts say, some of this advice can only do harm. The lock in the garage freezes, we will look at what to do, videos, photos and much more in this article.

Why do castles freeze?

If your lock freezes, it is not enough to simply defrost it. It is necessary to find the reason for this in order to prevent such problems. There are three most common reasons that cause locks and doors to freeze:

  • dirt;
  • moisture;
  • lubricant

The most common cause of freezing is that dirt, grease and moisture are present in the lock at the same time. If the inside of the lock is in a perfectly clean condition, in most cases it will work perfectly, even in the most severe frosts. It should be understood that there are different types locks with different design features. Therefore, some types of locks will withstand frost well, while others will not. For example, cylinder ones work very poorly on the street. Such products are made with increased manufacturing precision and are therefore resistant to even small grains of sand. The code elements and the small spring stick together in the cold and it becomes impossible to open the lock. If in addition to this a drop of water gets inside, the problem will become even more serious. When purchasing a lock, you must immediately clarify whether it can be used outdoors. Some manufacturers indicate whether their products are suitable for outdoor use.

Lever locks are better suited for garage doors. They tolerate aggressive environments better than cylinder ones. Unlike small and very delicate code elements cylinder mechanisms, levelers have fairly large plates and a reliable spring, which better tolerate dirt or lag. A deadbolt lock is also often used for garages. Although the mechanism of this lock is quite durable, it is not recommended for use to protect expensive property. In most cases, it is quite easy to open it, so this option can only be used in conjunction with other types of locks.

How to lubricate a door lock

There is an opinion that lubricant will help the lock resist sub-zero temperatures and extend service life services. But that's not true. In most cases, lubricant will only harm the mechanism. Why? It collects dirt and dust, and also thickens in the cold. It would be best to avoid lubrication completely. A more suitable option is to disassemble the lock from time to time and clean it of dirt.

How to protect a lock from freezing

The first thing you should do to prevent the lock from freezing is to choose it correctly. You should only buy mechanisms that are intended for outdoor use. As we have already discussed above, lever locks are better suited for this task. It is even better if this mechanism has a closed key window.

In addition, the mechanism should be protected as best as possible from moisture. If the castle is constantly exposed to rain or snow, it will constantly freeze. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the mechanism from snow and rain.

Another problem is condensation. Some people decide to properly insulate their garage doors and the lock itself. You can also make a so-called “pocket”. This is a metal box that is welded on all sides. Only one edge is not welded, for installation in the lock pocket. After this, the made “pocket” is welded directly into the door. In addition, this technology can even be used to install a lock on a wicket or gate without fear of it freezing.

How to defrost a lock in a garage in winter

There are some ways to open your garage door if the lock is frozen. But before that, I would like to mention that in such a situation you cannot use force, because this can lead to the key breaking and the situation will be even worse.

Most in a simple way will pour boiling water over the castle. This method is very simple and does not require much effort. But, after this procedure, the mechanism must be completely dried. Otherwise, the problem will be repeated and will quickly disable the mechanism.

The next method will be the method using fire. To do this, simply set fire to the newspaper and bring it to the key hole. The fire will quickly melt the ice and most likely help open the door. This method is very common, but it is worth paying attention to its disadvantages. For example, after use, the paint on the doors burns or black spots appear that cannot be washed off. Therefore after use this method The garage door needs to be repainted.

If the newspaper does not help to defrost the locks, and there is very little time, then you can use blowtorch or gas burner. This method is better than boiling water for the reason that after using the burner the mechanism does not need to be dried. But the disadvantages of the method remain the same as those of the newspaper. Although some gas burners have flame adjustment, so if used carefully, the burner will not cause damage to the doors.

The next method is to pour antifreeze, alcohol or antifreeze into the lock. When interacting with ice, they loosen it, restoring the functionality of the mechanism.

The easiest way is to buy a special liquid, with which you can quickly defrost this mechanism. You can buy defrosting liquid at almost any big city at an affordable price.

Photo No. 1. Icing of the lever lock.

Probably every driver at least once in his life has encountered a situation where it is impossible to open a garage in winter due to a frozen locking mechanism. Apply forceful methods in this case it is strictly not recommended, since the mechanism can easily be damaged garage lock and be left without a means of transportation for a long time. The only way out is to try to defrost the garage lock and free it from the ice trap.

There are several options for “defrosting” that help solve this problem with varying degrees of success. The effectiveness of each method largely depends on the air temperature and the degree of icing of the mechanism. One thing can be said with certainty: if your garage lock is frozen, you should not despair and hope for an early onset of spring, because you can free your car much earlier. The main reason why the lock freezes in winter is the large temperature difference between the garage room and the street. As a result, condensation forms on the inside of the gate, which subsequently turns into frost. In this case, the ice crust can be everywhere, including the bolt and the locking mechanism. In order to get rid of it, you need to try to warm up the lock. One of the main mistakes that garage owners make in this situation is using hot water or boiling water. If it can still help in case of slight frost, then in case of excessively low temperature the problem will most likely only get worse. Therefore, in order to open the lock in the garage in winter after it has become icy, you must rely on common sense and have patience.

Methods for defrosting a garage lock

To raise the temperature in the lock area, you can use a blowtorch or gas torch. However, you should not bring the flame too close to the gate or door, even if the garage lock is very frozen and the ice crust is quite thick. The lamp or burner must be kept at such a distance that only heat touches the lock and the flame is at safe distance from the outer surface of the gate. The heating time will, of course, increase, but you will be able to preserve the sheathing and paintwork of the canvas. If you urgently need to go on business, but the garage lock is frozen, do not neglect the rules fire safety and try to speed up the process. In a situation where a frozen lock does not open, it is better to postpone all attempts for a while and later approach the solution to the problem with a cool head.

Photo No. 2. As an option, you can use a lock defroster from the XADO-Technology company.

Usage special liquids, such as WD-40, is less effective, but more safe way. This remedy helps if the garage lock is not too frozen and the ice thickness is minimal. For the same purpose, you can use brake fluid, antifreeze or medical alcohol, which should be used to treat the internal locking mechanism with a syringe. When the garage lock is frozen, but the listed remedies do not help, you should not make excessive efforts to open it garage doors. High-quality repair or full will cost much more than a call professional help. In any case, if the castle freezes in winter, you should calmly approach the solution to this issue and not take drastic measures that can only harm your property.

Article date: 12/21/2015

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A lock on a door, gate, gate lock or garage lock should work well in any weather, winter or summer. However, in practice it happens that the castle freezes in winter. Is this a normal situation, can this situation be considered an inevitable evil associated with our climate, or can this phenomenon be combated? This situation is common; locks can indeed freeze in winter, but it cannot be considered normal. It is possible and necessary to take some “preventive” preventive measures. What should I do to prevent the garage lock, the lock on the entrance door, the gate, and the street gate from freezing? There are two measures, the use of which will reduce the risk of the lock freezing to a minimum.

1) Lubricate the lock with a high-quality lubricant, such that it is designed for use at low temperatures, without significant thickening and hardening of the lubricant in the lock. Locks should not be lubricated with grease. It is better to use thinner lubricants, such as oil for sewing machines. But all oils and lubricants tend to get dirty and leave greasy spots, and besides, there is never a guarantee that if you buy a lubricant for a lock that says that it can be used in winter, at low temperatures, then it will actually be suitable. I would recommend lubricating the lock with HP fluid, antifreeze or antifreeze to prevent the lock from freezing. These liquids are both a lubricant (even if not the most effective, but quite suitable for a lock), a rust solvent (also not the strongest) and an antifreeze liquid that is not prone to hardening at low temperatures.

2) Lubrication to prevent the garage lock from freezing is more of a fight against the effect than an elimination of the cause. Yes, you need to lubricate the lock in winter, but it would be more important to prevent moisture from getting into the lock mechanism. And if we cannot fight the moisture in the air in the form of vapor, it will still fall out in the form of condensation on the metal when the temperature drops sharply, then we must “fight” rainwater and prevent it from getting into the lock mechanism on the gate, doors or gates. Very effective means To prevent the lock from freezing, it turns out there is a way mechanical protection locks from rainwater. This refers to various canopies, canopies and roofs. For example, a roof over a gate or a canopy. You can also install a canopy over the gate. Well, about the benefits of awnings over the entrance to the house and canopies over entrance doors and there is no need to talk. Installing a canopy or canopy is the best thing we can do to prevent the castle from freezing.

Many car enthusiasts have at least once needed to open a frozen garage lock in winter. Usually it all starts with a positive morning.

Dressed warmly, we go to the garage and rejoice that the sudden frost has turned the slush into ice and turned the trees, wires and bushes into fairy-tale decorations decorated with frost. Experienced car enthusiasts, barely looking outside the window, stock up on some necessary items that will help open a frozen car. But we have no time for that; in our pockets we only have the keys to the house, garage and car, a driver’s license, a wallet and gloves.

We approach the garage door, admire how beautifully the door is frozen, and try to insert the key into the lock. It happens that the key is inserted into the hole, but does not turn, and sometimes it is not inserted at all. Surprise! This is, of course, a literary formulation. In fact, usually completely different words come to mind.

So, the beauty around is no longer pleasing. The question arises in your head: “Who is to blame and what to do?” It’s generally clear who is to blame, but let’s show tact and diplomacy. Let's go. What we shall do?

How to open a frozen garage lock

So, we are trying to open the frozen garage lock. First, let's focus on what we won't do. We will not put significant effort into the secret of the lock, we will not struggle to push the key in there and break it in an unsuccessful attempt to turn it using brute force.

You can try knocking on the lock (if it is a padlock) or on the place where it is attached to the gate. Perhaps the vibration will destroy the ice that has formed inside and you will be able to open the frozen garage door. However, if you can’t even insert the key into the hole, you shouldn’t hope for it.

  • Industrial hair dryer – perfect! Warms and dries the lock. But you need a hairdryer and an outlet.
  • A blowtorch or a can of gas and a burner - you can try, but be careful! It's an open fire! It is not fire that should reach the castle, but hot air. And make sure it's safe! It's in your garage good ventilation, and there are no sources of gasoline vapors or flammable gases, right?
  • Burnt newspaper - see previous paragraph. The difference is that in severe frost the newspaper option is practically useless.
  • Matches, lighter, warm up the key - maybe it will help.
  • A mug of boiling water poured onto the lock - there are two options: the lock will either shrink or freeze even more.
  • WD, antifreeze, antifreeze... You'll have to wait, but after some time the lock should open.
  • Liquid for defrosting the lock – you won’t have to wait very long, it’s a good option.

The door was opened. We're already late! We run out of the car, close the gate, lock... STOP!!! The lock needs to be dried and lubricated! Otherwise, in the evening we will have to repeat the morning procedure.

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