How to make an asphalt path. Everything about asphalt crumbs in simple words

Nowadays, the most popular road surface is asphalt. This is due to its high physical and chemical characteristics and features.

Advantages of using asphalt pavement for paths and driveways:

- resistant to natural factors;
- resistant to loads from pedestrians and vehicles;
- easy to clean.

Properly performed asphalt laying will serve you faithfully for many years. And if you apply a little imagination, it will also play a decorative role.

Do-it-yourself paving of paths and driveways to a house can be divided into several stages:

- preparing the base for laying asphalt;
- laying asphalt pavement on the base;
- asphalt compaction;
- maintenance of asphalt pavement.


First of all, it is necessary to assess the amount of work, draw up a diagram of the location of the paths and the entrance to the house. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of underground communications and the terrain in order to correctly develop drainage system, vegetation. Big trees have huge roots, which over time can damage the integrity of the coating.

Asphalting paths and the driveway to the house begins with removing the top layer of soil. Excavation can be done with a shovel or specially designed equipment (bulldozers, excavators, etc.). The depth of the excavation may vary - it all depends on what your asphalt surface is intended for:
- if this footpath, then it is enough to remove only the top layer of soil (approximately 10-30 cm);

If it is an asphalt driveway to the house, then it is rational to calculate its weight truck(up to 10 tons), in case you need to bring something to the site or to the house. Therefore, for such a case it will be necessary to dig deeper.

It is also necessary to ensure that during rain, water flows past the asphalt part into the drainage system, and does not accumulate under or on it. The removed fertile soil layer can be used to fill flower beds and beds. Excess soil must be removed from the site (the area near the house), and not left in a heap near the finished road. The soil may be washed away by rain into the drainage system or washed onto the asphalt.

The prepared area for asphalting must be compacted. You can use a soil roller for this.
Preparing the base for laying asphalt

To carry out high-quality asphalting of paths and the entrance to the house with your own hands, you need to lay a solid, reliable foundation for the future coating. The base for asphalt can be:

Non-rigid (sand, crushed stone, gravel);
- rigid (concrete slabs).

Since the loads on the coating will be non-intensive and small, then as a base it is necessary:

For the entrance to the house, pour crushed stone of a fraction of 40-70 mm with a thickness of 10-15 cm;

To pave the path, add crushed stone of 40-70 mm fraction, 5-10 cm thick.

You can add more, but this is not practical. After pouring large crushed stone, it must be leveled evenly over the entire area, and also compacted.

After this comes the second stage of bedding:

Crushed stone (fraction 20-40, you can also add another layer of screenings; the smaller the fraction on top, the lower the likelihood of cracks forming on the asphalt) 10 cm thick;

Sand flooring 10 cm thick.

This layer also needs to be distributed evenly and compacted. It is recommended to spill sandy flooring with water, this way it will settle better and the base will be stronger. Compaction can be done with rollers or vibratory compactors. The better the compaction is done before paving the paths and the driveway to the house, the stronger the base will be and the longer the asphalt surface will last.

The second option for the base under asphalt is to use reinforced concrete slabs or fill concrete base manually. But this method is expensive and impractical.

Another option is also possible - laying a base of broken stone. To do this, fairly large pieces of stone are used, which must be laid tightly together on the ground, forming an even area of ​​laid stones on the surface (reminiscent of laying paving stones). Such a base will also be very strong and can withstand heavy loads. The disadvantage of this method is that the process is very labor-intensive and requires patience, since the stones themselves are heavy, and they still need to be firmly fixed in the ground and adjusted to each other as firmly as possible, laying out a stone area.

At the same stage of asphalting, it is necessary to install the side stone. It is extremely necessary for the longevity of the asphalt pavement - it prevents spreading and maintains the integrity of the pavement within the limits of its installation. Borders play an excellent decorative role. When paving paths with your own hands, you can use small curbs - the aesthetics and convenience of such a solution are beyond doubt.
Laying asphalt pavement on the base

It is very difficult to prepare asphalt correctly so that it does not lose its advantages and retains its characteristics. That's why best choice- this is to purchase ready-made hot asphalt concrete at the nearest highway or asphalt plant. The advantages of purchasing ready-made asphalt are obvious:

You will receive high-quality prepared material, which will be delivered directly to the work site;

A ton of finished asphalt will cost about 860 hryvnia including VAT (1 ton of asphalt when laid 5 cm thick is approximately enough to pave 10 m2 of territory).

It is worth noting that if all previous work could be carried out at any temperature, then the asphalting of paths and driveways to the house must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5-10 degrees Celsius, preferably in the absence of precipitation. The presence of these factors leads to the fact that the asphalt will cool very quickly and it will not be possible to compact it properly. This may subsequently result in premature destruction of the coating.

There are different types asphalt:

Coarse grain;
- fine-grained;
- sandy.

Most the best option There will be a choice of fine-grained or sandy asphalt concrete, since the surface will be smooth, less dirt from shoes and car wheels will settle on it, and cleaning will take less time. Crushed stone and gravel mixtures, in turn, are divided into types: A, B, C, D, D (per GOST 9128-97).

Let's look at paving paths and driveways to a house with our own hands, using G-4 asphalt concrete as an example. It is a modern smooth road surface. Consists of crushed stone fraction 5-15 mm, sand, mineral powder and bitumen. These materials are mixed at 175 degrees Celsius and delivered to the job site.

Once the hot asphalt is delivered to you, you need to start laying it immediately. For this purpose, an asphalt paver can be used at the entrances to the house. It is convenient to lay out the asphalt on the paths with a regular shovel and level it evenly over the entire area. Depending on the thickness of the asphalt, it is immediately necessary to compact it using manual or self-propelled mechanisms. Since the loads on the surface will not be large, it will be enough to lay one layer of asphalt. Optimal thickness for an asphalt driveway to a house is 5-7 cm, and for asphalt paths - 3-4 cm.

Asphalt compaction

The quality and timely compaction of asphalt determines its service life. The compaction process can be carried out using:

- compaction;
- vibrations.

To compact your asphalt pavement yourself, you can use:

Vibrating plate;
- two-drum manual roller;
- lightweight vibrating tandem roller.

The optimal temperature of asphalt for compaction is 105-120 degrees Celsius. The lower the mixture temperature, the more roller passes required. For example, when the asphalt temperature is 70 degrees Celsius, 3 passes of the roller are necessary. This is due to an increase in the compaction force of the coating.

To avoid sticking of the mixture onto the roller, it is moistened with water. The roller must move smoothly, avoiding reverse movement and the same number of times on all paving strips. When there is a large cross slope, compaction should always be carried out from bottom to top. Stopping the skating rink while paving paths and driveways to the house with your own hands on an uncooled asphalt concrete mixture is prohibited. When compacting with a roller, transverse seams are inevitable. They must be leveled, compacting perpendicular to the direction of laying the asphalt concrete mixture. The protrusion of the roller beyond the hot, uncompacted coating should be 10-20 cm.
Asphalt pavement care
Asphalting paths and driveways to the house
Properly laid asphalt pavement will serve faithfully for many years. In order to maximize the service life of the coating, you must adhere to some operating rules:

1 - do not drive onto the asphalt with equipment that can damage the road surface (for example, crawler tractors);

2 - during extreme heat, the asphalt heats up and can become deformed under the weight of a heavy car. The result is swelling, sagging, waves.

3 - it is necessary to monitor the condition of the coating. Cracks and small holes must be repaired as quickly as possible using bitumen, cement or cold asphalt. This type of asphalt is very convenient for repairing asphalt paths and driveways to the house, since work with it can be carried out at temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees, in all weather conditions. The repaired area will meet all the parameters of strength and endurance. The only negative is that such asphalt is more expensive.

Asphalt paths and driveways to the house have the following advantages:

This is a reliable coating;
- has a good aesthetic appearance;
- ease of cleaning;
- Relatively low costs for materials and work are required.

Therefore, asphalt is competitive today, and will compete in the future with other methods of landscaping.

Road repair is a burning topic that affects absolutely everyone. Drivers complain about the lousy surface that ends up ruining their cars prematurely. Passengers public transport- on the quality of transportation and schedule violations. Officials blame the lack of funding, which makes it impossible to carry out high-quality repair work.

You can look for the culprits for a long time or try to find an economical and effective solution problems. A step forward in resolving the current situation will be the use of recycled materials, namely the laying of asphalt chips.

What is asphalt crumb good for?

Roads at all levels are in dire straits - from federal highways, where replacement of the coating is necessary, to local roads. The latter often remain deprived of the attention of the authorities and over the years become completely unsuitable for traffic.

Recyclable materials obtained after recycling old asphalt are a universal resource for highway construction. The technology of laying asphalt chips allows you to solve a number of problems, spending a minimum of cash. Crushed asphalt is suitable for both the construction of new modern roads and those with low traffic loads.


Crumbing is a simple process, and in operation it performs better than crushed stone. Such raw materials retain all their driving properties. Mechanical grinding of large layers does not affect the fact that the composition contains bitumen - a substance that is both astringent and creates additional density. This significantly extends the life of the road.

Another advantage of laying asphalt chips is that over time the quality of the road only improves: fragments of the old pavement are crushed and compressed so that a fairly smooth and durable coating is obtained. This makes asphalt chips a real panacea for villages, dacha cooperatives and other places where new roads will not be built in the foreseeable future.

Laying asphalt chips yourself

The undeniable advantage of this raw material is that you do not need special qualifications to work with it. The product of processing removed asphalt is becoming an increasingly popular material every day. The popularity of the raw material is also added by the fact that it has become possible to lay asphalt chips with your own hands.

If we're talking about Since the area is small and there are no time restrictions, even one person can cope with such a task. In the case of a large area, it is better to hire a team of workers.

Work order

So, you don’t need a builder’s qualifications to lay asphalt chips. All you need to know before starting work is calculating the material. Taking into account the terrain, the consumption of raw materials will be approximately 15 tons per 100 square meters. m. You need to rent a roller weighing 10-14 tons from a company that supplies asphalt crumbs.

The preparatory activities required for laying asphalt chips include removing bushes and grass and leveling the road topography. If possible, it is better to cover a prepared, flat surface. bitumen mastic. This way you will secure the material and prevent the crumbs from scattering at first, until they are compressed under the constant pressure of the wheels.

The technology for laying asphalt chips with your own hands is not complicated: the work is carried out in 2 stages, pouring each layer of raw material and pressing it with a roller. One layer should be approximately 10 cm thick. After final compaction, the road is ready for use.

Working with asphalt crumbs is easy. In comparison with other loose coatings, it wins because over time it becomes stronger and holds better, while sand and crushed stone scatter along the roadsides. In addition, the advantage of recyclable materials is its low cost. And although it's not that good operational characteristics, How new asphalt, this is a real salvation for roads that have not been able to wait for funding for many years.

Thus, in the case of building roads from asphalt crumbs, a very dense and strong surface is formed, which is subsequently rolled by car wheels, becomes harder, and does not collapse or erode.

Garden paths should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have high strength so that a cart with building materials, etc. can be moved along them. Today there is a wide range of materials for paving paths, but most of them have a high price. That is why it is often best to asphalt a garden path, because asphalt is one of the cheapest building materials. Read on to learn how to properly pave a driveway!

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The advantage of asphalt paths

Speaking about asphalt, I would immediately like to say that this building material has more disadvantages than advantages in relation to a summer cottage.

Asphalt pavement has only a few main advantages - low cost, high strength, simple technology creation and versatility. Often asphalt is chosen only because it has the most low price, compared to such paving materials garden paths, How paving slabs, paving stones, decking, etc.

The disadvantages of asphalt are very significant factors that affect not only landscape design garden plot. Among the most significant disadvantages are:

  1. In hot weather, asphalt evaporates and exposes the human body to harmful substances. Besides this myself bad smell will not allow you to have a rich rest in the garden, which is what we need.
  2. Asphalt coating has practically no decorative ability, so it is not only not suitable for decorating a site, but on the contrary, it will worsen the situation. Asphalt paths practically do not fit into garden styles, which is also very bad. The only exception is colored asphalt, to which various pigments are added, so that the coating can be not only the usual gray, but also green, pink, blue, etc.
  3. If laid poorly, asphalt quickly deteriorates winter period: water gets into the cracks, freezes, and when it freezes, it destroys the coating.
  4. During the heat, the asphalt melts.

As you can see, the disadvantages of asphalt pavement are more significant than the advantages, but despite this, it is recommended to build asphalt paths at the functional nodes of the garden: for example, between and. It is strictly forbidden to build asphalt paths nearby, due to the harmfulness of asphalt.

How to lay asphalt with your own hands?

In order to lay asphalt at your dacha with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare the area, know the technology of laying asphalt, and have at least a homemade manual roller for asphalt paving.

You should immediately draw your attention to the fact that it is very difficult to make asphalt yourself, because... it is necessary to heat up the bitumen, mix it with crushed stone and additives and know correct proportions. Since asphalt is not expensive, it is best to order a ready-made mixture from a road repair company. In this case, you will not lose a lot of money, but the asphalt will be delivered to you directly to the installation site hot, all that remains is to quickly level it, compact it and roll it.

So, let's get down to business!

First of all, we mark the boundaries of the future asphalt path. At this point, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil (at least 30 cm, it all depends on the purpose of the path) and make sure that no tree roots pass near the future path, otherwise they will soon begin to destroy the asphalt. If there are roots, cut them out with an ax. After this, we install curbs along the entire perimeter of the path, which will be the boundaries. The role of the curb is not only to prevent the spread of asphalt, but also a decorative function. To install borders, we dig a small, level trench and plant them on cement mortar into this trench. To create an even border, we stretch the rope from the beginning to the end of the sides of the path and guide ourselves along this rope. Bricks can be used as a border, laid not only on the side edges, but also at an angle.

Next, we begin to create a cushion under the asphalt. We thoroughly compact the bottom of the trench for the path, fill it with the first layer of crushed stone (10-15 cm thick, coarse fraction) and compact it again. On this layer we pour another layer of crushed stone, but only of a finer fraction, the layer thickness is no more than 10 cm. Well, the last layer is sand, about 5-10 cm. As soon as the pillow is created, fill it with water and, using the roller, carefully Let's roll away.

To prevent water from collecting on the asphalt path, make a small drain in advance: build the path at an inclination of 1-2 degrees and equip it with small drainages that direct the flow of water into the soil.

As we said earlier, it is more advisable to order asphalt from the factory. After the asphalt is delivered to your site, you must immediately proceed to laying it, because the solution hardens quickly.

First of all, we spread the asphalt with a shovel over the entire area of ​​the path, making an even filling. Next, using a motor mop, we level the asphalt along the entire path, adding asphalt into the holes and leveling the bumps. It should be noted that minimum thickness The asphalt surface must be at least 5 cm to ensure strength, so this requirement must be observed.

As mentioned earlier, asphalt hardens quickly, so to create a path it is better to invite several assistants to make the process faster.

As soon as part of the path is planned, we take a hand roller and begin to roll this section, while the rest plan the path further.

Mandatory requirement: before rolling the path, lubricate the roller with diesel fuel so that the asphalt does not stick to it and the path is perfectly level. You can also lubricate shovels with diesel fuel to make it easier to throw asphalt onto the path.

Another option is to pour it over the asphalt surface. concrete screed. This option is simpler, but at the same time concrete path will be a far from ideal addition garden decor, unlike a path made of paving slabs.

This is all I wanted to tell you about how to properly lay asphalt with your own hands, as well as how to repair or replace it. We hope that our article will help you create an asphalt path with your own hands!

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