How to make beds with your own hands, not like everyone else? Interesting ideas and photo examples. Vegetable gardening is a joy, or how to create ideal beds Oxygen and nutrients

Every owner of a house with a garden plot or a summer cottage wants to make this place as comfortable as possible. Regardless of the size of the free land, the plot can be designed in several ways, the main thing is to correctly develop the design of the vegetable garden.

Regardless of size, making a beautiful vegetable garden is not difficult

The design of the garden needs to be developed correctly

There are several options for planning landscape design, they reflect the main purpose of the land.

  • Rest area. If the owners are not summer residents and growing plants is not part of their plans, then the entire area is a place for rest and relaxation. If the footage allows, you can allocate a few meters for a garage, gazebo, or bathhouse. Fresh air conducive to picnics. Therefore, opposite the main house, or on the side, build a playground, patio, artificial pond.
  • Area for work. Suitable for those who like to grow, care for, collect and preserve plants. Here the main part of the territory is intended for beds, the rest for shrubs, garden trees. If the size of the plot allows, you can create a small recreation area, for example, a bench under a canopy.
  • Combination. The most current garden design option. You can work, then have a good rest. The main footage is allocated for beds. They can be combined. It is possible to plant berry bushes along the perimeter, fruit trees. Leave the rest of the space for a recreation area. This is a canopy, a gazebo, small pond, flower beds.

You can decorate your garden in different ways, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

Everything on the work site is suitable for growing

In fact, if you take your landscaping seriously, you can create a small, free-standing oasis for relaxing with friends or family. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.

  • Think about your style in advance.
  • Choose the right landscaping method necessary plants, trees, shrubs.
  • Arrange everything correctly.

The result will not take long to arrive; the garden design will amaze the imagination.

When creating a garden design, you need to think through everything in advance.

A vegetable garden can perform different functions; if it is a place for relaxation, then it is better to plant flowers there

If everything is done correctly, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Basic styles

If the site is designed by the owners themselves, then it is not necessary to comply with all design canons. This makes the atmosphere seem warmer and more homely. But you still need to have an idea of ​​style.


Vegetable garden design, for which adherence to geometric lines and general style. Lawns should be located evenly, flower beds should be symmetrical to each other. An original statue or fountain will look unusual


More calm and natural design garden When decorating, shrubs and spruce are preferred. You can build an artificial pond or stream


For it, it is better to buy wild flowers, from which you can build multi-level flower beds. You can place stones and pebbles around the perimeter


With good imagination, this landscape design will require minimum quantity investments. This style is characterized by a wicker fence, clay accessories, and standard flower beds. To enhance the style, you can build wooden structures with your own hands

There are many smaller styles for decorating a dacha and garden: oriental, Mediterranean, exotic, French, English. If the family could not find a solution that would suit everyone, you can use a combined garden and vegetable garden design.

When creating a design on your own, the atmosphere will be more homely

A rustic garden will be a great place to relax

Techniques for decorating a site with flowers

It is rare when there are no flower beds on a personal plot or dacha. They are the main decoration of the entire perimeter and landscape design in general. So that they please the owners all year round, it is necessary to choose the right seasonal plant species.

Flowers come in annuals, biennials, and perennials. Depending on the specific species, they can spread out as a carpet or create a hedge. Majority experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant mainly bulbous, perennial plants on your site and dilute them with annuals. The compositions will always be different and unique.

It is advisable to plant flowers in the garden; they will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

You can choose plants that will delight you all year round

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways.

  • Rabatka. Strip of flower plants, located around the lawn. For this design method, carpet varieties of flowers are preferable: chistets, echeveria. Due to the high density of the cover, you can make a composition of any complexity and color.
  • Border. Plants are arranged in the form of a border, preference is given to low-growing specimens: aster, Iberis, marigolds.
  • Mixborder. In this case, several types of flowers are used; the flowerbed can be made multi-level, of various shapes.

Besides various kinds flower beds, vertical gardening can be used to decorate the garden design. It will help hide an old, ugly fence, a blank wall, play the role of a living fence, or run along a gazebo.

IN vertical gardening are used climbing plants: hops, grapes, clematis.

With the help of flowers you can hide some of the imperfections of the area

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways

Techniques for decorating a site with trees and shrubs

As a rule, at all dachas, personal plots Several trees and shrubs are planted. The design of a garden at the dacha allows this. Trees can be both fruit and ornamental. Between them you can safely place beds with vegetable crops, the main thing is that they have enough sunlight.

The first ones are planted from the north so that they and the adjacent beds have enough sunlight.

A wonderful decorative element are coniferous trees. They make amazing hedge, which gives coolness in summer, and in winter pleases the eye with rich green. Conifers are unpretentious in care and fit organically into any type of landscape design.

In most cases, thuja, spruce, pine, and juniper are used.

Usually several trees and shrubs are planted on the site

Trees can be fruit and ornamental

Coniferous trees will look very good in garden design

Basic rules for designing a small plot

Areas with small footage can also be decorated beautifully and unusually. In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: “Massive elements have no place here.”

All buildings, except the main one, should not be large. They can be hidden behind hedges or plantings. Even small buildings should be single, it is imperative to alternate the recreation area with decorative elements, gazebo, benches.

Areas with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually decorated

In small areas it is better not to use massive elements

deaf, high fences prohibited by garden design. On small space they will create the impression of a cage, narrow the space even more, and air circulation will be disrupted. Can be replaced with a mesh fence and a picket fence.

You should not plant trees that can grow “to the skies.” It is better to replace them with stunted ones.

To visually expand the space, it is necessary to avoid strict lines and angles. Everything should be streamlined and neat. Flower beds with plants should be oval or rounded. It is better to plant trees not one after another, but scattered, in different parts plot.

To save money, it is better to plant perennial plants diluting them with annuals

You can decorate your area beautifully without much effort.

It is better to plant short trees

Design of beds, entrance and exit from the green zone

Before you start forming beds, the area needs to be cleared and divided into zones. If the place is on a hill where the wind often blows, you can build a low fence. But there is no need to block sunlight from the plants.

To make the beds different from each other, they are delimited by boards laid in different shapes. You can play with these figures. For example, plant one type of flower in the center, then another and a third around it. The space between them can be filled decorative stones, green grass, gravel.

The landscape design of the garden looks amazing, where the compositions of vegetables and flowers are correctly selected. For example, calendula + garlic, basil, tomato, lettuce; marigolds + bell pepper, dill; peony + beans, peas; poppy + garlic, carrots; rose + beets, cabbage, lettuce; cloves + onion, cabbage.

Before you start, it’s worth dividing the area into zones

It is best to delimit the beds

How to save on design

You can beautifully decorate any area without putting in much effort and with minimum costs. When developing an original design, the main expense column is the purchase of seedlings, seeds, and decorative elements. A mixed-grass lawn will significantly reduce costs. You can buy inexpensive varieties and mix them with natural, naturally occurring weeds.

A beautiful flower garden is the result of a gardener’s creative imagination. To save money, it is better to plant in perennial plants, diluting them a little with annuals.

Climbing plants can be used. They are perennial, easy to care for and can change the direction of growth every year.

Video: Beautiful garden with your own hands. Landscape design

Probably every owner of a summer cottage wants his garden to bring not only a harvest, but also aesthetic pleasure. At first glance, it seems that such concepts as a vegetable garden and landscape design have nothing in common.

However, if you move away from the traditional forms of arranging beds and make an interesting layout of the vegetable garden with your own hands, then as a result the plot at the dacha will not be inferior in beauty to the garden. This will not require special costs and effort. All you need is available materials, skillful hands and creative thinking. Examples of beautiful beds can be seen in the photo gallery below.

Layout of beds for a beautiful vegetable garden

To have an idea of ​​the scale of work on arranging beds, you should determine the location for them and sketch a diagram or drawing.

At the same time, it will be immediately clear how much material will be needed for their arrangement.

The planning of the garden is carried out in accordance with some recommendations:

The shape of the beds can be any. It all depends on your imagination! They don't have to be the right shape. They can be made rectangular or square, in the form of a trapezoid or in the form of some animals and objects.

You can arrange the beds with your own hands in accordance with the natural forms of the relief. This will give the garden not only an aesthetic effect, but will also allow you to use the garden soil to greater advantage. In the photo you can see how original and beautiful they look in landscape design beds of unusual shape.

If the garden is planned to be built along the fence, then interesting solution may become located next to paths narrow beds in the form of ridges. You can plant fluffy greenery on them in one row, and plant low-growing flowers below.

At the corners of the site you can create triangular beds and plant vegetables or herbs on them in layers. That is, place tall crops closer to the fence and gradually reduce the height.

Beautiful vegetable garden in the center of the plot

At a dacha, where the vegetable garden will be located in a place visible from all sides, the center of the composition can become spectacular round bed. To create it yourself, you first need to make markings:

When planting vegetables or green crops in a round bed, it is necessary to take into account their similar growing conditions and favorable proximity.

Beetroot will look best in such a flower bed, carrots, cabbage and various greens. You should not plant zucchini, cucumbers and other climbing crops on it. They grow to the sides and look ugly among orderly rows.

DIY raised beds for the lazy

A beautiful vegetable garden can be created using high beds, fencing them decorative sides. Tillage and care of plantings in such structures is reduced to a minimum, and the harvest exceeds all expectations.

The first layer is placed in them with cleaning materials, kitchen waste, etc. Then everything is covered with a layer of chopped grass or leaves, which is covered with earth.

The resulting “pie” will gradually decompose, releasing a large amount of heat. Therefore, even on cold days, root crops and plant roots will feel comfortable.

To decorate the sides of high beds you can use:

  • painted boards;
  • ready-made plastic fences;
  • empty bottles;
  • old plastic boxes;
  • large stones that are held together with concrete mortar;
  • paving stones or bricks;
  • a decorative fence woven from willow or vine;
  • slate cut into strips and painted.

To make the landscape look complete, self-created beds should be decorate with paths. They can be sown lawn grass or line it with geotextiles, cover it with painted sawdust, bark or decorative gravel.

French beds

Often in dachas you can see symmetrical beds correct geometric shape . They are called French and are most often made in the form of a rectangle, which is divided into four squares using rocky paths.

A composition or sculpture is placed in the middle of such a garden. The French vegetable garden, as can be seen in the photo, is distinguished by its clear lines, well-groomed and absolute harmony. If you wish, you can build it on your summer cottage with your own hands:

  1. French beds can be made flush with the rest of the plots or raised to the desired height. The second option will be more difficult to implement, but will look more beautiful. And it’s much easier to care for raised beds.
  2. Metal, wood or stone can be used as borders.
  3. It is best to locate the garden in a well-lit area with fertile soil.
  4. The dimensions of the paths depend on the irrigation system, which can be either manual or automatic. Their width is usually from 60 to 80 cm.

You can plant any crops in French beds. To make them bright, you can plant along their edge beautiful low growing flowers or several varieties of salad.

Vertical beds for a small vegetable garden

On small plots of land, home craftsmen build with their own hands vertical beds. However, it should be taken into account that not every crop can grow in such conditions.

Will grow well on vertical structures spices, onions, salads, strawberries. Under conditions of constant watering, zucchini and even cucumbers can be grown in them.

You can make it quite easily with your own hands wooden fence or an ugly outbuilding with a green wall. For this you will need:

  • Nail plastic boxes onto a vertical surface, fill them with soil and plant them vegetable crops.
  • Screw on plastic bottles, first cut a hole in them at the top and fill them halfway with soil.

It will look very beautiful in such containers and grow well. remontant strawberry . It produces a lot of downward-hanging mustaches decorated with flowers and berries.

Beds made from car tires

You can make a garden bed with your own hands in the form of a pyramid using tires. The rubber needs to be painted first. To car tires did not get too hot in the sun, they are recommended paint in light colors.

When constructing a pyramid, the lower tier is first installed and immediately filled with soil. The second tier is installed on it and filled with earth, then the third, etc. The seeds are sown in free spaces with earth. Radishes and greens will grow best in them.

Arch of weaving vegetables

For registration beautiful vegetable garden you can create with your own hands decorative arch , on which cucumbers or other climbing vegetables will grow (see photo). If there is no suitable structure for this at the dacha, then an arch or pergola can be welded from thin pipes.

Next to the arched structure are placed plastic containers in which vegetables are planted. Each bush should be planted in a separate container. As the plants grow, their vines will need tie to a structure.

Caring for cucumbers planted in containers is very easy. They only require watering and fertilizing. In this case, spraying against fungal diseases and weed control is not required.

To give your garden some personality, you can use some tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. On a site with a slope, beds in the form of terraces or tiers will look effective. By growing only one crop on each tier, the result can be a picture similar to the Gardens of Babylon.
  2. Various low-growing crops can be used as fences. Skillfully chosen planted plants will delight you with a combination of different shades and colors. Such bosquet beds can be from rectangular to zigzag shapes.
  3. A pyramidal bed can be created from boxes various sizes, placing them on a pipe dug into the ground. By first making holes in the pipe and pouring water into it, you can get an irrigation system.
  4. Small vegetable crops, strawberries and herbs can be grown in hanging bags or half plastic pipes. You can plant plants in them early spring, and after warming up, take it outside and hang it almost anywhere on the site.
  5. Trellis, which can be various options. Climbing plants or tall tomato bushes are planted near them. Tomatoes on a trellis will receive maximum sunlight and will delight you with a bountiful harvest.
  6. Flowers can be used to decorate not only flower beds and the area around the house. Using perennial flowers that suit your design style, you can easily create beautiful beds.
  7. When choosing plants for your beds, don’t be afraid to experiment. For example, climbing plants and tied tomatoes can be complemented with large watermelons and zucchini that are contrasting in color and shape.

By using your imagination, looking at photo examples, and spending a little effort, you can turn an ordinary summer cottage plot into a beautiful, harmonious, well-groomed and unique vegetable garden. At such a dacha you can fully enjoy your well-deserved rest and the fruits of your labors.

The productivity of plants depends not only on the time of planting the seeds and their germination, but also on the planting location and the height of the embankment. We hope that our tips for building garden beds at the dacha with your own hands will be useful not only to novice gardeners.

Selecting a location

Some vegetable crops, for example, peas, dill, sorrel, lettuce, can grow in partial shade. But most plant species are not able to fully ripen in the absence of light.

Therefore, when placing beds on garden plot First of all, they focus on their illumination - it is advisable that they are warmed by the sun from early morning until 6-7 pm.

Decorative garden plantings

When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:

You should not plant plants in lowlands or on northern slopes, where the soil freezes deeper than on flat areas; the yield in these places will be low; plus the water in this place will constantly stagnate, which can lead to rotting of the roots

The site should not have a strong slope, otherwise water will simply drain from it when watering, and the plants will not receive enough moisture

There should be no large trees, buildings or fences near the plantings that could shade the plants.

It is advisable to place them north to south so that they are evenly illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

To grow vegetables for a family of 3-4 people, about 1 hectare is enough; the rest of the territory can be planted with potatoes, berry crops and flowers

To make the plot look neat, try to make “correct” beds of the same width and length; standard sizes– 3.5x0.8 m

Don’t forget about plant compatibility: some of them don’t get along well with each other


In principle, you can make a bed of any length - up to 10 m. We agree, such beds look original. But constantly bypassing them when watering is very inconvenient. It is better to prepare an embankment 3.5-4 m long. This size is considered optimal. Or break a long bed into two using a small path. This will make it much easier for you to move around the area.

Standard width 0.8 m. Do not save space (!) and under no circumstances make it wider. You may be able to reach the center of the bed when planting and scatter the seeds, but weeding will turn into a real pain. Don't believe me? Try an experiment and prepare a small but wide mound. Believe me, on next year You will lose the desire to make beds of this size.

More compact option, only 0.45 m wide, made for carrots. This crop does not like dense plantings - the sprouts must be well ventilated. For the same reason, try not to place tall plants next to carrots. Otherwise, you will significantly reduce its yield. In dense plantings it will grow small.

Shape and height

When designing a plot, we can decorate it with beds different shapes, from standard rectangular to triangular, trapezoidal or oval. There are plenty of ideas for unusual garden beds online. The main thing is that it is convenient to approach them from either side for watering and weeding.

The height of the embankment depends on many factors, including the type of site. In most cases, it is enough to raise them to a height of 35-50 cm. This will be enough to prevent the roots of the plants from rotting. Too high beds - up to 0.8 m - are usually made in very swampy areas.

But such structures are very labor-intensive. Plus, they will need to bring at least a couple of KamAZ trucks of fertile soil to the site. For one small bed you will need at least half a ton of it.

Raising beds is often required for growing heat-loving crops, for example, cucumbers. After all, in high beds the earth warms up much faster. It is often impossible to get an early harvest without this.

Sometimes they raise beds just for their own convenience.

In this case, caring for plants is much easier. Just keep in mind that in high-altitude beds the soil dries out much faster, so you will have to water the plants more often. Experts also advise raising the planting area in areas located in the shade. The optimal height of the embankment in this case is 50 cm.

To prevent water from rolling onto the path when watering, the bed should be slightly concave inward.

Arrangement of a high bed

A box for it can be made from available materials: boards, plastic, metal or stones:

It is better to put a metal mesh at the bottom - it will protect the plants from the ubiquitous rodents.

Crushed stone, expanded clay or broken brick are used as drainage. The thickness of this layer is 10-15 cm.

It is better to pre-treat the prepared soil with agents against pathogenic microbes and insect pests. If you don’t want to use chemicals, mix the soil with a small amount of wood ash - it will protect the plants from harmful bacteria.

You shouldn’t fill the garden bed with soil right up to the edges - it will constantly spill out onto the path. You need to leave about 5 cm.


When the site is located in a lowland or swampy area, growing many types of crops on it becomes a problem. Even if vegetables and berries ripen on it, due to excess moisture they quickly deteriorate during storage.

Their taste also changes - much less sugar accumulates in them. To prevent this from happening, take care of the drainage of the wetland.

Most gardeners know that cabbage, melons, zucchini and cucumbers require to grow more moisture than other crops. But it turns out that it is also possible to grow massive heads of garlic only in areas rich in moisture. On dry soil, even with abundant watering, it is rarely large.

For the above types of plants, drainage is not required (unless, of course, the stagnation of water in the beds is insignificant). It is better to drain the area for growing other crops.

To build multi-tiered beds, you can knock down special boxes from wood. It is highly undesirable to use metal - it heats up quickly in the sun, and the soil in them will dry out even faster. If necessary, paint metal containers with light paint - light surfaces heat up less.

Ready-made boxes, racks or containers are often used for such structures. suitable size. You can also place large containers filled with soil on the shelves.

Lazy beds

Such mounds are used when planting a large number of plants. They are small in height and externally look like bulk trapezoids without the use of a box. True, such embankments will have to be made every season - they settle during the winter.

Make a shallow ditch in the area of ​​the path, throwing the earth onto the ridge. Level the soil with a rake. The bed is ready.

Let us repeat - the drier the soil on the site, the lower the height of the embankment should be. In swampy areas, dig paths as deep as possible and make the bed higher. On sandy soil You don’t even need to do this - just trample the paths well on the dug up ground with your feet, thus marking the location of the paths.

Boxes for beds

Decorative options, limited to a box, are a favorite technique of many gardeners. After all, caring for them (watering and weeding) is greatly simplified. Using boxes is a good way to protect against soil erosion. In addition, the paths between them will always be clean, without streaks and puddles.

As a rule, paths are covered with wood, tiles or concrete so that grass cannot break through the ground.

Before you begin installing the box, the place for the garden bed must be prepared by digging up the ground, carefully removing all weeds. Level it carefully with a rake so that water can be evenly distributed over the entire surface when watering or raining.

When digging, you need to cover a slightly larger area. Otherwise roots perennial plants will again break out of the ground. Getting them out from under the box will be problematic. It is better to first dig up a neglected area twice in spring and autumn.

It is simply unrealistic to get rid of the roots of perennial plants in one go. To make the job easier, simply turn the sod over with a shovel so that the plant roots are above the ground. Gradually they will dry out under the sun's rays and die.

Wooden box

Wooden box

The simplest wooden box is assembled from 4 long and 8 short boards of suitable size. They are connected in pairs using bars. Nails, screws and metal corners are used as fastening elements.

You will also need 4 pegs or cuttings of reinforcement 0.6 m long - they are driven into the ground from the outside to enhance the strength of the structure. To ensure that the bed is perfectly level, its walls are aligned building level horizontally and vertically.

Stone or concrete box

Stone or concrete box

Such designs are characterized high strength and long service life. However, they will not be cheap.

Plus, the procedure for their construction requires a lot of time. And moving the bed will be a serious problem - the structure will have to be broken up.

Metal boxes

Metal boxes

If you have scrap metal on hand, you can make beds from it. Similar structures have light weight and if desired, they can be easily moved to another place. They can be easily painted in any color, so they look quite decorative.

However, to create such products requires the ability to work with welding machine. You can cut the metal at your nearest scrap metal collection point.

Slate fencing

Slate fencing

It is quite resistant to rotting, even when buried in the ground, and can last a long time.

The disadvantages of slate structures include increased fragility - when assembling and cutting them, high precision and accuracy.

Plastic structures

Plastic structures

If you have several left after repair plastic panels, you can make a fence out of it. Bright, they stand out against the background of plants.

Moreover, plastic can lie in the ground indefinitely - it is not afraid of moisture. However, under the bright rays of the sun, this material quickly fades and loses color.


Weeding often takes gardeners a lot of time. If the area is large, this becomes a serious problem. You just have to spend the day and night in the garden.

To reduce the time spent on endless weeding, prepare so-called smart beds. The principle of their manufacture is simple. To protect plants from weeds after planting, cover the gaps between the sprouts with sawdust, pine needles, straw or dried last year's tree leaves.

Mulch the soil and cover it with a dark film. It is spread out before planting, making small holes for the plants. Transparent film is not suitable for these purposes - weeds will continue to develop when exposed to light.

It has been proven that mulching significantly (almost 30%) increases productivity

After all, covering the top layer of soil protects the fertile layer from weathering and rapid drying out. Plus under layer organic matter Beneficial microorganisms and earthworms multiply faster.

Using this method, you can quickly put even abandoned areas in order - just cover the weed-overgrown ground with mulch for a couple of years.

Unfortunately, in wetlands, mulching often leads to a sad result - covering the soil leads to stagnation of water in the beds, and as a result, rotting of plants. But even in this case, mulching can be useful.

The only difference is that you should not cover the ground for the winter and early spring. Wait until the soil dries well.

Mulch should not be used during rainy seasons. If the summer turns out to be hot, with the help of mulch you will get rid of not only weeding, but also frequent watering. The moisture underneath will evaporate much more slowly. In wet areas, be sure to prepare drainage around the perimeter of the beds to remove excess water.

Warm beds

Achieving an early harvest in our climate is not so easy. At the very first return frosts, tender sprouts planted in open ground, they will simply die. Surviving plants will be stunted and diseased. The ideal solution for growing in this case is warm beds.

They can be used for many types of crops: first greens and radishes, heat-loving cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, etc.

Let's look at the basic rules for creating warm beds and how to grow each crop on them:

They can rise above the ground or, on the contrary, be built below ground level.

They are buried no more than 0.5 m into the ground. This is quite enough to protect the sprouts from spring frosts. At greater depths, the plants will be in the shade and will be pulled together.

They are raised to a height of up to 0.5-1 m. In principle, they can be made even higher - caring for them will only be simplified.

The first layer to be laid is a drainage layer of fine crushed stone and sand. You can replace it with broken brick, but remember that over time this material can decompose when exposed to moisture.

Next layer - vegetable waste. The heat released during their decay will serve as natural heating. It is better to prepare such a bed in the fall, during harvest. As a “warm layer” you can use cut tops or any weeds, remaining after weeding. The most important thing is that it does not have time to form seeds.

For cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini, manure is often used as a warm layer. When overheated, it heats up much more. For crops such as tomatoes, manure, as well as pure humus, is contraindicated. The plants on it will only increase their green mass. You may simply not be able to wait for a harvest made from manure - the ovaries will immediately fall off. Therefore, to warm up tomatoes, use ordinary vegetable waste.

The last layer is fertile soil. It is poured at least 30 cm thick.

Novice gardeners sometimes complain that their neighbors have high yields in their warm beds, but for some reason nothing grows in theirs. Indeed, if a layer of grass or manure is only slightly sprinkled with soil, it will simply be impossible for the plant’s roots to gain a foothold in it. And the food for the sprouts will clearly not be enough. Overheated plants serve only as a layer of insulation. Therefore, without a solid layer of soil, you will not achieve a harvest.

Next, arcs are placed over the bed and covered with film. Covering material such as spunbond (agrofibre) should not be used for these purposes. It can be spread directly on the ground in case of return frosts or used as additional shelter. Unlike polyethylene, agrofibre has many holes through which precious heat will freely escape.

This bed “works” for about 4 years. After it is completely depleted, a new one is prepared, and the rotted plants are used as fertilizer when digging up the beds. The first two years, the most heat-loving crops are planted on a warm bed - cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants, etc.

In the third or fourth year, any garden crops can be planted in this place - from carrots, beets, onions to potatoes.

When it gets warm plastic film in the daytime, they are folded back on both sides so that the plants have a little air. Otherwise, they will simply “burn” from the heat. At night, the plants are again completely covered with film.

Read also:

Paths between the beds

The French way of planting crops

French version- one of the ways to decorate a site. Unlike traditional ways planting, such a garden always has a strictly symmetrical shape. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to make the beds rectangular. They can have the shape of rhombuses, ovals or semi-ovals, etc. The most important thing is that each of the segments is strictly symmetrical to the neighboring one.

As a rule, for ease of caring for crops, French beds are located at a certain height.
It is advisable (but not necessary) to plant plants symmetrically. For example, radishes are located along the edge of all the beds, lettuce is in the center, and red cabbage is on the other edge.

How to build universal warm beds

How to make and decorate beautiful garden beds with your own hands: simple, tall, smart. For flowers and vegetables. Original ideas(80+ Photos & Videos)

Most often, a dacha is not only flowers and relaxation, it is also a harvest. These are seedlings in the spring, seedlings, transplanting into the ground and other concerns. If you are one of the summer residents who care not only about the harvest, but also about a neat, well-groomed area with fences, then you have probably wondered more than once how to create beautiful beds at your dacha with your own hands?

Beautiful garden at the dacha with your own hands

If you started a dacha not only for flowers and fruit and berry trees, then you definitely have beds. And usually the hardest work is their improvement. Because you need to provide so much important nuances so that you can fully enjoy the harvest. That is why we want to figure out with you how beautiful and beautiful they are. proper beds?

Vertical beds - how to create, what are their features, pros and cons

If you have a small area and want to use it to maximum advantage, then you should think about creating vertical beds. Thanks to them, with small areas you can get an excellent harvest, only once putting in enough effort.

These beds are great if you want:

  • save space,
  • grow more in a limited area,
  • grow in open ground,
  • simplify your care and reduce the number of possible weeds,
  • make watering and harvesting easier.

Thanks to their simple design and mobility, such beds are easy to assemble and move. And at the same time, you can choose how many bushes or seeds you need for seedlings.

Varieties of vertical beds

There are several types of vertical beds:

ladder type– created from boxes different sizes, stacked on top of each other like a ladder,

tubular– represent plastic pipes of selected diameter, filled with soil, with holes for seedlings,

hanging– where the beds are located one above the other, being suspended or installed on a structure similar to a stepladder,

pyramids- are created according to the principle of stairs, but each new tier is smaller than the previous one on all sides and is located in the center, ultimately creating the appearance of a pyramid.

Clear instructions for creating different types of vertical beds

Creating a vertical bed is not difficult, but it all depends on your skills, the tools in your arsenal and the materials you have at your disposal.

Most often they are made from boards in order to extend the life of their structure and get maximum benefit. After all, wooden beds last longer, are more stable and harmless to future seedlings. But their arrangement requires more knowledge and experience in using tools such as a drill, screwdriver and jigsaw (if you need to cut the boards to the intended size).

In general, the basic set of materials for creating a wooden vertical bed is the same:

  • boards,
  • beam,
  • nails,
  • screws,
  • priming,
  • seedlings or seeds.

First, decide on the size of the largest and smallest beds. Saw the boards into the sections you need, and then assemble them into boxes, stack them on top of each other and fill them with soil.

Don't forget that even experienced craftsmen use a pencil and tape measure so as not to make a mistake with the size. And to protect your hands, wear thick gloves.

Take advantage of the very clear, step-by-step master class by Ekaterina Komkova, who talks about how to build a very neat pyramid for your seedlings.

And if you like a place near a fence or wall country house, then it will be more suitable for you, as in the master class by relena75:

They take up little space and fit perfectly into small areas, and due to their design they are also very mobile. After all, they are so easy to move from place to place or put away for storage at the end of the season. And they are made no more complicated than their more massive friends. See for yourself by following the instructions from the video tutorial by the Country Expert:

However, a pallet can also become a bookcase.

Tubular beds do not require much effort to make at all. And they take up much less space compared to the previous ones. And the harvest will be worthy of a full-fledged garden bed.

To create it, just cut pipes of a suitable diameter, make holes on them using a special drill attachment, dig into the chosen place, fill with soil and your garden bed is ready!

They are great for growing strawberries or cucumbers.

If you want to understand the intricacies of creating such compact beds, then you should pay attention to the master class of a country craftsman with the nickname Adek.

Disadvantages of vertical beds

But, like everything else related to the dacha, vertical beds are not a panacea. After all, due to the same design features, they also have disadvantages.

  • the soil in them is quickly depleted,
  • the soil has to be watered frequently due to drying out and the volume of the bed itself is small,
  • if your region has harsh winters, the ground will freeze, which has a bad effect on perennial crops,
  • you will need effort and patience, as well as tools to create them.

Moreover, due to limited space Not every crop will take root in a vertical bed - plants with a strong root system will not be able to fully develop.

Therefore, it is best to grow in such beds:

  • salad,
  • basil,
  • cucumbers,
  • strawberries,
  • dill.

Warm and high beds - basic requirements, pros and cons

As you can see, vertical beds are not suitable for pumpkins, corn and potatoes. Therefore, it is worth thinking about other options for growing garden crops. For example, if you have enough space, but the ground is cold, then you will like the option of raised, warm beds, perfect for delicate, heat-loving crops.

Essentially high bed It is an embankment of fertile soil, limited on four sides by a fence. She:

  • easy to assemble and disassemble,
  • does not require much care and attention,
  • well suited even for rocky terrain,
  • gives an excellent harvest.

In addition, due to the closedness of the ecosystem, there are many times fewer weeds in such a bed, which means weeding will require less effort.

They are divided into permanent and temporary. And, as the name implies, some can be used for several years in a row, while others are more often collected for growing seedlings. But both of them essentially remain ordinary garden beds.

And most importantly, if you have the idea of ​​creating warm bed for a DIY garden, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort.

Very impressive and convenient...

...and can be made from scrap materials!

General rules for designing and assembling raised beds

The optimal height is considered to be 15-50 cm from the ground (depending on the root system of the crop you want to grow.

The width varies from 90 to 120 cm.

The required composition of each bed includes soil, drainage and biofuel (which will become humus, which provides the main fertilizer for the root system).

But fencing materials can be completely different:

  • boards,
  • plastic boxes,
  • pallets,
  • metal profile,
  • wooden boxes.

Everything will depend only on your idea and what is currently at hand.

The most common and stable are beds made of boards. If you line them with roofing felt before covering them with soil, they will last a very long time, since they will be insulated from moisture and rot.

Fencing with boards...


...and again with boards

And creating them is quite simple if you follow detailed instructions Evgeny Afanasyev, given in the master class.

If you are not comfortable with tools or do not have enough time to organize a permanent garden bed, then you can solve the issue differently. After all, such beds are good because they only require a high fence. Plastic vegetable crates or pallets stacked vertically and hastily nailed together to form a square, and even concrete blocks may be the best solution.

Pallet fencing…

... and concrete blocks.

Yes, you don’t need to have a carpentry background to organize a garden bed. It can even be made in a used barrel.

Or even weave it altogether!

If you want to plant a couple of seedlings as an experiment, then you can get by with pocket beds.

Here you don’t need to be able to saw and plan, but the skill of sewing and stitching will come in handy. After all, such a homemade product for the garden and garden, created with your own hands, will appeal to every needlewoman.

Take an old organizer for small items, combs or other household items, put film, soil and fertilizer into the pockets, sew on strong loops so that it can be hung on any wall or fence, and that’s it – your miniature garden bed is ready!

As you can see, do-it-yourself garden beds for the garden and garden are created from a variety of materials and of varying complexity. For some, you will need an impressive set of tools, but the results will also give good harvest or, for others, only a few boxes and a couple of barrels will be enough, although the result will also be joyful and very pleasant. The main thing you should know at the beginning of the season is that any idea for a summer house can be brought to life with your own hands - from a garden bed to a personal garden with the most exotic flowers.

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