How to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism. Installing a lifting mechanism on an Amelie bed How to assemble a bed with an Ormatek lifting mechanism

Have as sleeping place a bed is a wonderful privilege that is not available to every small apartment. But having nevertheless allocated a place for healthy rest, many families are faced with the impossibility of placing a closet, because the bed is large and takes up a significant part of the free space. To solve the storage problem in a small bedroom, you can use an ergonomic bed with a lifting mechanism. It performs several functions at once: a comfortable, orthopedically correct sleeping place, as well as a spacious box for bedding, located below and does not bother the owners in any way. Is it possible to assemble such a bed yourself or do you need the help of qualified workers? In this article we will answer your questions and provide detailed assembly instructions.

Detailed diagram for assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism

The desired bed has been purchased. How to assemble it? In fact, a berth with a lift folds up like a regular bed, only parts are added, in the form of a gas lift or a spring mechanism.

First stage involves assembling a bed frame. The facing panels are connected to each other, a central crossbar is attached, on which sheets of chipboard, MDF or wooden boards(bottom material is supplied depending on the furniture model and its price). Next, the headboard is attached, and the finished box is covered with a removable cover, most often soft (but again, it all depends on the chosen model, some budget options are not supplied with such a cover).

At the second stage The lifting mechanism is being installed. It is very important to do this correctly, because inaccuracies in placement, an error in determining the sides, can disrupt the operation of the lift and break the mechanism. Experienced craftsmen recommend ordering an already assembled lifting device, which must be attached one by one to the lower body. In this case, the lifting mechanism itself is mounted first, and gas shock absorbers are installed on it.

Third stage consists of an assembly of the upper part of the bed, most often an orthopedic base with slats. They are driven into special holders with a hammer. This takes a lot of time, because each slats need to be secured on both sides, and there are at least 15 of them for a single bed, twice as many for a double bed.

Fourth stage involves connecting the upper base to the lifting mechanism. The sequence is the same: first, the top of the bed is screwed to the lift, and then the gas shock absorber is attached to it. At the same time, all work is performed with the base raised and the mechanism folded back.

The main process is complete. If necessary, some parts are tightened, legs are installed (if they are included in the package), the mechanism is tested, and it is lubricated for silent operation.

It is possible to assemble the bed yourself or it is better to use the help of specialists

It is possible to assemble a lift-up bed yourself; this is not a super task only for the initiated. Typically, each piece of furniture is accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer, which contains all the necessary instructions for correct installation. Of course, any consultant will offer help professional craftsmen, this is his direct responsibility. But you have the right to refuse the service and assemble it yourself. There are several here important points that should be mentioned:

  • any damage incurred during the process self-installation are not guaranteed;
  • time spent on self-assembly furniture, are not compensated by anyone;
  • a failed lift, during an unexpired warranty period will not be compensated free of charge if it is proven that the breakdown was caused by incorrect independent installation.

At the same time, by paying extra for a professional assembly service, you save time and protect yourself from non-warranty breakdowns.

What difficulties may arise during the process of assembling a lift-up bed?

For experienced craftsmen Such furniture does not involve any difficulties; assembling and disassembling the bed takes an hour. Beginners will have to tinker a little longer to get the stock and lifting mechanism into working condition. The main difficulties that a person may encounter when starting to assemble a bed for the first time are given below:

  1. The presence in the design of technologically blind holes that need to be drilled. Most often they are found in the back of the headboard. An inexperienced person will be puzzled as to how to attach it to the box. The answer is simple - they need to be drilled and connected with screws.
  2. Assembly and installation of gas lift. The process is technologically complex, requiring accuracy and symmetry when placing. It is difficult to describe it; it will be more clear to watch a training video.
  3. Lack of markings on wooden frame, or its incorrect application. This is the most unpleasant difficulty, because you cannot overcome it on your own. You can ask the manufacturer for clarification or call a furniture maker who, based on his experience, will suggest the correct option.

Now you have step by step instructions to install a lift-up bed, and the question: “how to assemble?” no longer looks so daunting. With proper effort and patience, this process can be done by anyone, and choosing suitable model you can go to the website.

A bed with a lifting mechanism is the best option For small apartments, which allows you to solve several problems related to the improvement of the room at once. Practicality, reliability and versatility are its main advantages. It can act not only as a sleeping place, but also serve as a chest of drawers for storing various things and accessories. Making a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If all the requirements and recommendations of specialists are met, the bed will turn out no worse than the factory one. In order to figure out how to do this, it is necessary to divide the entire process into several stages, each of which requires special attention.

Features of such models

Beds with lifting device have a number of features that must be taken into account when making it yourself:

  • the dimensions of the bed, which mainly affect the strength of the lifting device. The larger the bed, the more weight will be placed on the mechanism. According to the standards, the bed size is 2 meters in length, the width of a single bed is 0.9 m, a double bed is 2 m;
  • beds with a lifting device can be single or double;
  • the mechanism can be mounted horizontally or vertically;
  • The height of the bed affects the capacity of the box. If the product is planned to be made with legs, then the box will be much smaller than a bed without them. A product without legs has another important advantage: the absence of dust underneath;
  • Assembling a product with your own hands requires consistent, responsible implementation of all its stages, these are drawings, preparation of materials, manufacturing of individual parts of the bed, and their assembly. On average, it will take 1-2 months to make a bed, subject to the simultaneous completion of other daily duties;
  • the choice of material should be made not only from personal preferences, but also depending on the design of the room in which the product is planned to be installed.
Bed with steel frame Diagram of a bed frame with a lifting mechanism Diagram of a bed frame with a lifting mechanism
Bed assembly diagram

Materials and tools

Any construction process or making furniture with your own hands begins with drawing up a drawing, as well as preparing the necessary tools and materials. The choice of material begins with the base of the box. The most common and inexpensive material For the manufacture of any furniture, chipboard sheets are used. But other materials, such as OSB, particle boards and others can also be used, it all depends on the preferences of the owner and financial capabilities. Next, the upholstery material is prepared, the choice of which depends solely on personal preferences and the design of the room.

The filling of the bed consists of foam rubber and upholstery fabric. Their dimensions and thickness are prepared according to the drawn up drawing.

The most accessible and inexpensive material for making a bed is chipboard

To process the material and prepare it for installation work With your own hands you will need the following tool:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver with different attachments;
  • grinder with a metal disc;
  • welding machine;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • steel strips;
  • furniture stapler.
Orthopedic base
Base materials
Elevator transformation system

Which lifting mechanism to choose

The design of modern beds allows them to be used in rooms of different sizes, while having a suitable lifting mechanism, thanks to which the bed can be reclined both horizontally and vertically. Besides this, lifting beds classified according to the type of built-in lift. The simplicity and ease of use of furniture depends on it. The lifting mechanism is divided into 3 types:

  • with manual lift;
  • spring;
  • on gas shock absorbers.
Gas lift Spring Manual

The manual lift mechanism is the most affordable device because it does not contain additional devices in the form of shock absorbers or springs. Beds with such a mechanism are mainly used for adults, since when opening the box you need to make a lot of effort, children cannot cope with such a load. But, besides the disadvantages, the manual mechanism also has advantages - strength, durability.

The spring mechanism is convenient to use, but its service life ranges from 3 to 5 years, after which it will need to be completely replaced. The main cause of failure is wear and stretching of the spring. The big advantage of the spring mechanism is its price; it is relatively small, thanks to which it is very popular and in demand.

The gas shock absorber is the most convenient, reliable, durable mechanism. The device operates smoothly, silently, with virtually no human intervention. The service life of such a mechanism ranges from 5 to 10 years, with constant use. The choice of shock absorber is made depending on the dimensions of the product and the weight of the sleeping frame. The mechanism on gas shock absorbers is expensive, but at the same time in demand.

When making a bed with your own hands, a lifting device can be bought in furniture stores or ordered online. You can make it yourself from suitable materials. But when choosing materials, you need to take into account the fact that the load from the mattress falls not only on the shock absorbers and mechanism bars, but also on the fastening points with fastening fittings.

The mechanism is fastened in the following order:

  • first, the upper strip of the device is installed, to the base of the box, the lathing of the sleeping plane;
  • to completely secure it, a bar is made from rolled iron;
  • assembly of the two subsequent strips will allow you to control the height of the rise of the grid with the mattress;
  • the lower support bar is attached to the main box; it is necessary to facilitate the sliding of the hinge supports;
  • Having finished installing the mechanism, you need to check all its fastenings.
The gas lift is mounted on a rack base
Mechanism on gas shock absorbers
Installation of gas shock absorbers

Making a lifting frame

Assembling a lifting frame with your own hands consists of two main stages, these are carpentry and carpentry work and the processing process.

Carpentry work:

  • assembly begins with the preparation of parts for the frame, according to the drawing, which indicates all dimensions;
  • Next, the base of the frame is assembled, this is a box of calibrated boards. The process must be carried out on the floor to avoid distortions. To align the corners, you must use a construction square;
  • The structure is tied using metal corners, and for strength, the joints are glued with wood glue. When fastening, you need to pay attention to the heads of the screws; they should sink into the wood, but not too much. It is recommended to immediately treat any cut areas that appear;
  • in case large sizes it is recommended to make a central partition along the frame for the sleeping place;
  • the next stage is the fastening of the slats, which are screwed using screws with inside sidewalls, aligning them along the bottom edge of the box. They are needed to attach lamellas to them. The size of the slats should be within 20 by 80 mm;
  • The same slats act as slats, only their length will correspond to the width of the bed. They are fastened to support rails along the frame, in increments of no more than 15 cm. Plywood is also suitable for slats, but in this case the installation of a central partition is required;
  • At this point the carpentry process is completed and the lifting frame is ready.

Frame processing:

  • this process involves refining wooden parts with sandpaper or a special sanding machine and coating them with varnish;
  • One of the nuances of preparing the frame is a plywood sheet, which lies on the lamellas to evenly distribute the load. Or you can lay the lamellas with a step frequency of 8–10 cm.

Frame assembly
The sides of the bed are attached using corners and screws
Finished bed frame

Making the main frame

The assembly of the frame, like all other components of the bed, is carried out in stages. First of all, to manufacture the main frame, its components are prepared. Design, height, size of backrests, presence of legs - all these nuances are reflected in a pre-drawn drawing. The main requirement in the manufacture of a product is reliability, strength and quality of the material.

As mentioned above, any material can be used, depending on financial capabilities and personal preferences. For the frame of a double standard bed (2000x1800) you will need: for the side parts - two boards 207 cm long, for the end elements you need two boards 182 cm long. They are assembled according to the same principle as the lifting frame, using self-tapping screws, corners and glue . In the assembly process, this moment is the most critical, so before attaching the corners, you need to check that all corners correspond to 90 degrees. Excess glue that has come out must be removed immediately so that in the future it does not cause difficulties when processing the frame.

When making large beds with your own hands, you need to install a stiffener in the main frame through the longitudinal axis of the product. If the bed design includes legs, then the last stage in the installation process is their installation. The simplest option for making them is to assemble two bars (40x50) and install them at the depth of two crowns of the bar. To strengthen the structure, you can also install a leg in the center. Having placed the structure in its original position, you can proceed to its processing, clean it and varnish it.

Fastening slats for plywood bottom
Bed legs
The legs are attached inside the frame
View from the outside
To prevent the floor from scratching, you can glue pieces of linoleum to the ends of the legs.

Sheathing of the product

The final step in making a bed with a lifting device is its design decoration, sheathing. Depending on the design of the room, the personal preferences of the owner, as well as banal financial capabilities, cladding can be done using:

  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • dermantine.

If the product was made from quality wood You can treat it with paints and varnishes.

For the cladding process you will need:

  • fabric (or other selected materials);
  • construction stapler;
  • sheet foam rubber.

The covering is done on the main frame and headboard. To create a small volume and airiness of the upholstery material, a pad of sheet foam rubber is made between the wood and the fabric. A construction stapler is quite sufficient for fastening fabric; its metal staples, thanks to the spring mechanism, are driven quite firmly into the wood and hold the fabric tightly.

Legs are wrapped in upholstery material
Final installation of legs
The sides of the bed are covered with foam rubber
Foam rubber is nailed on top with an overlap of approximately 3-4 mm
Leatherette upholstery
This is how the side around the leg was finished
The leatherette was lined at the bottom with a slouch, without a turn-up
The corners of the upholstery are fixed

Making a headboard

The headboard for the bed can be made of the same material as the entire product, or you can use a regular sheet of plywood. You need to take the necessary measurements on plywood or other material and use a jigsaw to cut out the shape of the back that you like best. But you need to keep in mind that during the cladding process it is easier to work with rectangular shapes.

A headboard blank is cut from a sheet of plywood
A wooden border is attached to the workpiece

The upholstery of the headboard follows the same principle as the main frame, using construction stapler, sheathing material and foam sheets. The difference is that for the headboard the covering should be more airy, so two sheets of foam rubber are laid between the plywood and the material. Depending on the design of the bed, using foam rubber and different types material, you can give a unique look to the headboard.

Fastening foam rubber
Second layer of foam Thick batting finish
Stretch the fabric Finished headboard

To summarize, we can say that when thinking about how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because it can be done with your own hands. The main condition for obtaining a good result is the sequential implementation of all installation stages, the first of which is drawing up a drawing, which indicates all the dimensions, amount of material, necessary tools. If all geometric proportions are observed, the bed will turn out to be of much higher quality and more reliable than the purchased version. The material for its manufacture is selected depending on personal preferences, financial capabilities and room design.

To save space, many people opt for beds with a lifting mechanism. These designs are very ergonomic and also serve as a place to store bulky items in the form of blankets, pillows and other things.

The bed is also equipped with a special drawer for linen, which ensures order and decoration in the room. Products of the presented type come in both single and double sizes.

Assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism is practically no different from assembling a regular bed, but it still has its own characteristics. This process requires certain knowledge and the use of professional tools, therefore better job leave this kind of work to specialists.

Bed assembly procedure

If you assemble the product yourself, we recommend following the following sequence (see drawings):

  1. After the structure has been delivered, you must first remove all parts from the packaging and check them for integrity.
  2. Then you should check the package and the presence of all components.
  3. First you need to assemble the box. The partition and front walls are attached to the side walls using 6x50 euroscrews.
  4. The side drawers are attached to the headboard and the front drawer using 6x70 euroscrews.
  5. A drawstring belt is installed on the inside of the box, and the bottom is inserted. After aligning the corners, everything is secured with screws.
  6. An orthopedic base with a lifting mechanism (the assembly diagram must be indicated in the instructions) must be installed on the bed and secured with self-tapping screws. In this case, the holes for securing the gas-lifting fastening are aligned with the pins on the box.
  7. Supports are installed on the bottom part using screws and nuts.

Good to know: Assembly must take place on a flat surface. You shouldn’t do the work yourself; it’s better to call an assistant.

Installation and securing of the lifting mechanism (see drawings):

  1. The bed frame is attached to the body by the lower section of the lifting mechanism, which is already attached to the frame. It takes two people to install the frame on the body, then fasten everything with screws.
  2. Installation of gas lifts on the mechanisms, the central leg on the longitudinal bar. The gas lift is secured with nuts and washers, and the nuts must first be tightened until they stop, then loosened by 0.5 turns.
  3. After the frame and gas lifts are securely fixed, the lamellas are installed.

Important to know: After installation, it is necessary to raise and lower the flexible base several times to check proper operation mechanism. The lifting mechanism and base are installed so that they do not touch the perimeter of the bed.

In this case, it is important not to rush, to carefully and correctly combine all the components to avoid further wobbling and creaking of the bed. For greater accuracy, you can watch videos on the Internet, which show step by step all the steps to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism.

After all the manipulations done, the mattress is laid and that’s it - the bed is completely ready for use. A correctly folded design will give its owners a complete, sound and, most importantly, healthy sleep.

How to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, see the instructions in the following video:

Bed with lifting mechanism Amelie. Supplied from the manufacturer in three packs. The accessories are inside the box.
The assembly diagram is prescribed for the installation of the bed frame, slatted base, it is also disassembled, and installation lifting mechanism beds. It is quite difficult to understand the instructions for connecting the lift to the gas cartridge; the drawing is vague. When this bed was assembled for the first time, it took a lot of time to recognize the technical details. You should pay attention to the bed frames; there are markings there for installing an iron bracket that needs to be drilled.
The base is assembled using eccentric ties, self-tapping screws and confirmations. The corners are bolted into the mortise sleeve of the panel. Initially, the frame is assembled - the drawers are connected to the headboard and footboard. The lifting mechanism is attached and the grille is applied. An economy class bed, if you use the product correctly and without maximum permissible loads, the bed will last quite a long time.

How to assemble a bed? Installing a bed with a lifting mechanism

Drill holes and insert a bolt.

We fix the nut on the bracket.

Fastening the gas cartridge to the bed frame.

Connection of internal mechanisms.

Installation of support corners for the grille overlay.

The assembly diagram is prescribed for the installation of the bed frame, the slatted base, which is also disassembled, and the installation of the bed lifting mechanism. 2018-02-18T17:01:10+00:00 , Furniture Service Masters

Many of the residents of apartments in high-rise buildings would like to buy themselves a large bed, which will allow them to spend their holidays in comfort. But at the same time, the area of ​​some bedrooms leaves much to be desired - sometimes it is simply not enough. Very often a situation occurs when a huge bed blocks access to the wardrobe or prevents the door to the balcony from opening, or even the door to the room. In such cases, there is only one thing rational decision- this is the search and purchase of furniture that would have a special mechanism. The use of such structures would save a lot of space, but, unfortunately, not everyone understands assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism. Let's look at this seemingly complex procedure and pay attention to the main nuances.

What are lift beds made of?

How to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism? In order to assemble furniture with such functionality, you will need to assemble all the available components together:

  1. Frame.
  2. Lifting mechanism. It is he who saves us space.
  3. The simplest mattress.
  4. Closet. This item is used to fold the bed in a vertical orientation.

Design features:

  • This component is made of two horizontal boards that are about two meters long. Two transverse boards are also used, the size of which is about one and a half meters.
  • Supporting strips are scattered around the perimeter of the structure in the form metal corner. These elements are attached to self-tapping screws in two rows at once - a mattress support is placed on the top one, and a pair of plywood strips or chipboard sheets. It turns out that a kind of internal box is created between the mattress and the floor surface, in which it is very convenient to store sleeping accessories.

Important! IN large beds For convenience and reliability, this compartment is equipped with a special longitudinal partition that divides the space into two parts.

  • The lifting mechanism itself consists entirely of steel, and is made of two dynamic hinges, which are firmly attached to the head of the furniture.
  • This design also includes two small lifting systems made of springs, which are equipped with special driving rods with two gas shock absorbers.

Important! The mattress included is the simplest one. Usually it is spring orthopedic.

  • The closet is made from coated chipboard with the condition that a bed can fit into it in a vertical orientation.
  • At the very bottom of this cabinet there is always a horizontal rod that secures the structure's lifting system.

Installation instructions

The assembly diagram of a bed with a lifting mechanism looks approximately as follows:

  • First, the closet itself is assembled, where the raised furniture will be put away.
  • After this, the assembly of the main part - the bed - begins. Vertical and horizontal boards are laid out, to which metal corners are simply screwed.

Important! You should start screwing the corners from the bottom row. This approach will simplify the assembly process.

  • Next, the box-shaped frame is screwed on. During installation, you should carefully check that all fastening elements are installed correctly so that the furniture fits into the cabinet.
  • A special plywood bottom is placed on the lower part, which is also bolted through the required holes in the elements.
  • Then the supporting corners are also placed on the top row and a horizontal partition for the internal space is mounted.
  • Next, the assembly of the actual lifting mechanism of the structure begins. On the transverse plane, which is located at the head of the bed, movable hinges are placed in the area of ​​the upper edge. These components will allow the entire structure, when extended, to fit into a sliding cabinet.
  • On side walls frames in the form of a box, gas-type shock absorbers are attached somewhere at a distance of one meter from the headboard.

Important! When installing, make sure that the elements are positioned strictly symmetrically, since otherwise the entire system will not be able to withstand the load for long.

  • On the opposite side of the head part, special support legs are installed.
  • Next, along the outer perimeter of the corners, the support frame for the mattress itself is installed, which is also fixed with bolts.
  • The orthopedic spring mattress itself is placed on the installed frame.

Video material

At this point, the process of assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism can be considered complete. Using the lifting mechanism, you can lift the entire bed with just one hand. The most important thing is to maintain consistency during installation. Please note that the finished structure should have a smooth lifting speed.

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