How to create an English garden on your own site. English style garden design

All over the world, England is considered the birthplace of the landscape style, so when you visit the garden plot of English gardeners, you get the impression that nature itself created such a style. landscape design, and the designer's hard work goes unnoticed.

English gardens are attractive because the entire decor of the composition consists of skillfully decorated elements. If it is a fence, then it is painted in pleasant bright colors. Shrubs and trees are planted in such a way that they appear as if they were naturally found in this place. There is no need to level the flower bed “to a line”; on the contrary, natural, relaxed groups of plants are created. The lawn testifies to the care the owners take towards the garden, so it is always trimmed evenly and clean. It is customary to make the paths winding in order to enjoy a walk through the picturesque English garden longer. Do you want your garden to be peaceful for relaxation and at the same time delight you with its incredible landscape? An option for creating an English garden combines both with its design of garden paths, flower beds and flower beds, lawns, shrubs and fences.

The English garden is a reflection of the village life of the English

The entire composition of the English garden is built in such a way as to show the simplicity and at the same time richness of life of English citizens. Let's consider the “highlights” of the decor of this garden style.

Features of English garden fencing

Pictured is for an English garden.

Unlike our population, who are accustomed to hiding their homes behind high, powerful walls, the British build low, neat fences. Picket fences and openwork grilles, which are often complemented by small brick columns or natural stone masonry, are considered popular.

To make the fence even more beautiful, gardeners decorate fences, which completely cover the fence for several years. Among such plants, it is especially popular girl's grapes, ivy, climbing rose.

Shrubs in an English garden

It is customary to plant ornamental shrubs immediately after the fence. These decorative elements include:

  • Garden jasmine
  • Lilac
  • Flowers are perennials

Lawn in an English garden

As for the green cover of an English garden, it is, of course, a lawn. English gardeners spend a lot of time caring for their lawn. The edges of the lawn are often decorated with a mixborder, and ornamental shrubs such as daphne, rhododendron and dwarf sakura are planted in the center of the lawn.

Creating the natural beauty of an English garden

In order for the English garden to seem like a natural creation of nature, it is decorated with special design techniques, which we will now consider.

Mixborders for the English garden

The photo shows good example using mixborders - flower beds, from combinations of different colors.

From a combination of different plant species. The difficulty of caring for such flower beds is justified by the beauty that gives in return. It should be noted that mixborders are a classic of the English garden. Various ornamental shrubs act as the background, and in front there is a wide ribbon of flowers, which is separated from the lawn by a small border. As for, it should not be strictly even; on the contrary, it is better to use a curly border. Decoration with mixborders is carried out along the contours, which leads from the gate to entrance doors to the house.

Climbing and climbing plants

It is customary to decorate the facade of the house and fence with such plants. Also, the arch above the gate is often decorated with climbing plants. It is best to use flowering vines and climbing roses.

English garden paths

The photo shows an example of a garden path in an English garden, paved with natural stone and concrete.

TO garden paths should be given special attention, because They are the ones who give us the pleasure of comfortable movement around the garden area. very simple, because The material for the paths of an English garden is wild stone, gravel and, in rare cases, . As for the shape of the paths, there is no need to make them smooth and wide, everything is just the opposite. For comfortable movement around the garden, small winding paths should be made. Watch us, the noise of which will clearly relax you.

Video example of an English garden for all times

These, in fact, are all the components of an English garden, which you can implement in your dacha, with your own strength and hands. If you like it, then try to do it yourself, especially since you can do without the help of specialists. And do not forget that the English garden does not have strict criteria, so it can easily be supplemented with your own national features.

The British are considered to be the best gardeners. It was they who founded a new landscape style in the field of landscape design in the 18th century. Today, the English garden is finding more and more adherents. And this is no coincidence, because when you look at such a beautiful landscape, you get the impression that all this was done by nature itself, and not by human hands. In fact, this is the painstaking and fruitful work of a professional artist. This can be seen if you look closely.

The English garden is characterized by the absence of neglect and negligence, as is the case in other styles (country). But also strictly straight lines and sharp corners not here either, the garden looks well-groomed and somewhat resembles a corner of wildlife.

Characteristic features of an English-style garden

Before you decide to create an English garden in your dacha, you should take into account some features. First of all, you need to strive for maximum naturalness. This means that the planted plants, shrubs and trees should look as if they themselves grew in their places.

You need to take care of the garden unnoticed, as if everything goes by itself. But you can’t leave the garden unattended. It is necessary to trim the lawn regularly to maintain the garden area in good condition.

As experts in the field of landscape design note, a full-fledged English garden can only be created on a large plot. But don’t give up right away if the area is not large enough. Small natural and cozy corner can be created in this case as well.

To create an English style you need a pond, even if it can cost a lot of money. Water lilies, duckweed or other similar plants must float on the pond.

The English style is characterized by the use of a large number of colors. By choosing unpretentious varieties, you can provide yourself with more or less easy care.

Ways to create a corner of untouched nature

To create a landscape style on your site, you need to imitate nature itself as naturally as possible. This is not as easy to do as it might seem; it is much easier to plant the plants in a row. Therefore, you need to be especially persevering and patient.

An English-style garden involves a free arrangement of trees and shrubs in groups. There is no way to do without paths; in addition, they must fully comply with the landscape design. A pond or stream will be a wonderful addition to the landscape. This way you can create a good atmosphere village life in the English manner.

However, it’s worth taking a little closer look at how you can arrange English beauty in your dacha. To do this, let's look at several interesting ways.


Traditionally garden style the British are not welcome high fences. The British are building a small and neat fence in this regard. While a good half of domestic gardeners, if not all, prefer to hide behind a high fence.

Since an English park is being created, the fence must be of the appropriate style.

The most common fencing option is the use of wooden picket fences or openwork latticework. You can resort to combined option, combining with each other various materials. For example, stone or brickwork combine with metal arrows. If funds allow, you can make a fence in the form of forged patterns.

To create even greater beauty, you should use climbing plants, which in a certain time will completely hide the fence underneath. Good candidates for this purpose might be:

  • ivy;
  • honeysuckle;
  • decorative grapes;
  • climbing rose and others.

You can make the fence even more beautiful if you use a hedge. They not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also able to protect against street noise and dust. In addition, it is an excellent background for planting different flowers.

If you don’t have enough money, you can make an English garden budget option. For this you can use such modern artificial materials, such as glass fiber reinforced concrete or polyceramics. They can perfectly imitate the structure of natural stone or wood. Significant advantages are low cost, ease of maintenance and rich color palette. Of course, such materials are significantly inferior to natural ones, but if you have a small budget they are quite suitable.


It is impossible to do without paths in any garden. The English park is no exception and they need to be given special attention. In addition to the fact that they look beautiful, the paths are functional, dividing the area into several zones.

Paving paths with your own hands is not so difficult. For this it is advisable to use natural materials. Basically it's natural stone, gravel, in some cases wood is used. The main thing is that the shade of the material used fits organically into the surroundings of the site.

Anyone can probably make such a path in the English style.

As for the dimensions, you should not make them too wide and strictly straight. To make it comfortable to move around the garden, it is enough to make them small in width and winding.

Paths in the garden should have a culmination, that is, not end suddenly, but lead to a house or some building. Sometimes in such cases steps are made.


The basis of an English garden is plants, so they should be selected with special care. There is no need to chase foreign varieties of flowers, even if they are very beautiful. Native plants are already adapted to the climate and are therefore practically easy to care for. There are no specific restrictions on the choice of plants, but it is better to use flowers with bright colors.

Typically, any English garden begins with a lawn, along the edges of which you can create various compositions of shrubs, meadow plants, trees and flowers. It is the group arrangement of plants that creates all the splendor. The central part of the garden can be decorated ornamental shrubs like daphne, rhododendron and dwarf sakura.

Since the English style is characterized by an abundance of vegetation, as mentioned above, it is desirable that the house be immersed in greenery. For this purpose, the façade is entwined with climbing plants. climbing rose or a liana. If there is an arch in the garden, then it can also become a support for such plants. And if there are several arches, then in this way you can create a whole green tunnel.


An English garden can be decorated with mixborders, which, in fact, are traditional attributes. When creating them, they are used various types plants. Of course, they require difficult care, but this is compensated by the beauty emanating from them. On background Mixborders are usually concentrated with various shrubs, and the foreground is given to low-growing flowers, separated from the lawn by a winding border.

Often such a wide strip of vegetation stretches along a path. For example, the one that leads from the house to the entrance gate.


It’s good when an English garden is created on a site where there is already some kind of pond. In this case, a certain area of ​​work can be skipped. Otherwise, it’s worth taking care of its arrangement. Since a corner of living nature is being created, there are no correct geometric shapes, the contour of the pit should be done as naturally as possible. Preference should be given to a round or oval shape. The banks of a pond or stream can be decorated with sand, gravel, or planted with flowers.

If you want to make a fountain or spring, then they should not be the central objects of attention. Of course, all these water decorations are only aesthetic, rather than practical. Therefore, you should not take water from here for irrigation.

Place to rest

With all the splendor that an English-style garden has, it would be a sin not to allocate a small place for a comfortable rest. Here it is advisable to install a bench or arrange a small gazebo. If necessary, this place can be fenced off from the rest of the area using a hedge of bushes medium height. In that case good wall obtained from cotoneaster, yellow acacia, and currants. Climbing plants such as wisteria, honeysuckle, and liana are also suitable as screens.

In such a place, in any case, it is advisable to plant roses. They allow you to create a romantic atmosphere when couples need to be alone. The atmosphere will be more relaxing if there is a small stream flowing in this recreation area.

But the sight of roses alone is not conducive to romance, because an English park should be varied. Therefore, it is advisable to add some types of small perennial flowers to roses. Deciduous plants will not overshadow the beautiful view of roses, but rather, on the contrary, will make them the epicenter.

Landscape style in landscape design imitates the natural landscape. Therefore, at first it may seem that when creating such a park there will not be any special difficulties, but in fact, here you need to take into account and know a lot: the local flora, landscape features, have a sense of proportion and artistic taste. All elements placed in a landscape garden should look natural, the lines of the natural park should be soft and smooth. The English style in landscape design is in many ways the opposite of the regular one. If in a regular park symmetry, regularity and clarity of lines and geometric shapes predominate, in a landscape park the compositions are asymmetrical, straight lines are replaced by winding ones, and you won’t find geometric shapes in a park of this type either. We invite you to understand these intricacies in more detail.

The romantic style in art and the landscape style of landscape design developed in parallel, because... The natural world has served as a source of inspiration for artists and writers.

A typical English garden - a perfectly manicured lawn, flowers and trees planted to create the most natural impression possible

The English-style landscape allows you to be in the lap of nature right outside your home. The landscape garden will help recreate the atmosphere of ancient landowners' estates, noble nests of the romantic 19th century. A natural park has always been a source of inspiration and harmony for people, where you can listen to birdsong, the quiet murmur of a stream, fall in love and write poetry.

Main features of landscape style

The reproduction of the natural landscape should be natural - the paths have a winding shape; if there is a pond with a bridge on the site, it should form a single whole with the natural landscape of the site.

Of course, an English-style garden requires the same care as any other, but traces of care should be invisible. This has nothing to do with lawns, since the tradition of mowing lawns and constantly maintaining their neat appearance in England has been observed for more than one century; people from Foggy Albion also brought it with them to America and Canada.

Well-groomed lawn, bench, natural composition - a typical English landscape

Plants for an English garden must be chosen carefully; it should be based on plants from your region that are well adapted to the given climate. They will look good in the garden at any time of the year - even in the summer bright sun, and in winter under a blanket of snow, delight with bright colors in autumn and fresh greenery in spring.

Advice. If you want to create an English garden in your country house, start with a lawn. Various compositions should be located around it - lawns, groups of bushes and trees, flower beds.

A full-fledged English landscape garden can only be created on a large plot. If the area of ​​your site is small, you can recreate the natural landscape in one of its corners.

In both English and Russian estates of the 19th century, the park always had a pond in which water lilies grew, duckweed floated, and thin picturesque willow branches bent over its surface. If your pond is small, plant one or more dwarf weeping willows near the edge.

If there is a natural pond on the site, you only need to clear its banks a little, you can plant plants according to your taste and care for the grass carpet

A small pond in the English style - the banks are lined with gray stone, there are no clear outlines, the plants near the shore look like a natural composition

Various areas of the garden are combined with the help of winding paths, which are created using natural materials– sandstone, saw cuts, cobblestones.

English houses are surrounded by greenery and flowers. Therefore, in order to recreate the English style in landscape design, you can plant many unpretentious flowers in the garden and directly near the house. In our conditions, hollyhocks, roses, pansies, delphinium. In spring - crocuses, tulips, daffodils.

This is how you can create an English flower garden - the flowers are planted in dense groups, the flower garden smoothly extends onto the porch of the house

Flowers in flower beds are planted in groups and very densely, so that areas of flowers on high and low stems are beautifully combined. In English flower beds the plants are lush, as the climate in England is humid.

Selection of decorative elements

The landscape garden will be perfectly complemented by arbors entwined with ivy and grapes, trellises and arches for flowers and climbing plants, benches installed in recreation areas.

Materials that will help create a garden in the English style - wood, natural gray stone and various forged items. Forging elements can be widely used everywhere - benches, a gazebo, a bridge over a pond, a fence made of graceful curls forged metal in combination with wood they form a complete ensemble in the English style.

At the entrance to the house and directly in the garden, you can place tubs and ceramic pots with small trees and ornamental shrubs.

The original composition near the house looks quite English; the British love bicycles. On old bicycles there are flower boxes from which climbing plants grow

Today there are a wide variety of hanging flower pots, with which you can decorate the English garden and courtyard of the house. Pots are hung from the porch, eaves, and gazebos. And you can plant hanging petunia, geranium, and pelargonium in them.

This variety of petunias hanging pot will turn any place in the garden into a beautiful corner

Walls English home often covered with ivy. There are different types ivy - with pure green and variegated leaves, a combination of a couple of views on the wall of the house will add English flavor to your garden.

When creating a landscape garden, try to ensure that each of its elements is part of nature, does not catch the eye, but forms a single harmonious whole with the overall composition.

The English garden is a harmonious fusion of landscape and pristine nature. This design direction is perfect for spacious areas, for gardens with a free layout, without burdens and unnecessary buildings. All buildings on the territory should not be pretentious or bright. When thinking about how to create an English garden on a site, you should remember that the landscape design is organic with the overall style of the house, which should give the impression of solidity and reliability.

Key Ideas

The main principle of organizing a landscape in the English style is the maximum naturalness of garden compositions, plants and decorative items. The layout of an English garden should resemble natural landscapes, without clear transitions or active elements. Priority is given to green shrubs, neatly trimmed lawns and carefully thought-out combinations of a wide variety of colors.

Professional landscape designers and experienced gardeners note several main trends that any owner of a suburban area must take into account before creating an English garden on the site with their own hands. English style in landscape is:

  • Free layout of the territory, with preference for asymmetrical and smooth forms.
  • Maximum open space on the site, naturally merging with the natural landscape.
  • Ideal harmony of the style of the house and other buildings with the landscape ensemble of plants and decorative elements.
  • The lawns are short-cropped, without excessive pretentiousness or bright accents.
  • Winding, randomly located paths made of natural surfaces: wooden cuts or natural stone.

On the one hand, English gardens are associated with extreme closeness to naturalness, on the other hand, some are distinguished by their obvious laconicism and obligatory originality, dissimilarity from neighboring areas.

When designing an English manor garden plot visually divided into several zones. The perimeter of the suburban area itself can be surrounded by a hedge, even if there is already a fence or other enclosing structure. To hedge did not look artificial and did not contradict the designs of the landscape; continuous planting was interspersed with tree compositions. In this form, the finished site will look like a natural forest clearing or natural lawn.

Before you create an English garden on your site, you need to know that the beauty of such a landscape will require significant effort and constant care from you. Exquisite lawns require regular mowing and watering for perfection and longevity, without reference to poor health and days off. The English garden is great result large volume of work and high professionalism.

Landscape design

In the temperate climatic latitudes of England, vegetation brought from various countries peace. However, traditionally, the main accent, active background and main pride of a landscape made in the English style is the lawn, continuous or in the form of several lawns, gracefully interconnected. Low shrubs and berry bushes complement the green palette of the lawn. A striking element can be a pond, made with maximum authenticity to a natural reservoir, with fragrant lilies and luxurious water lilies. Near the pond you can plant a spreading weeping willow.

The color palette of the English garden is made in green colors with minor fragments of bright colors. Gazebos and large recreation areas are not built in such landscapes. As a rule, long benches and special open areas for temporary spending time outdoors. For the English style in landscape design, traditional elements are widely used: wooden pergolas entwined with vines and roses, sculptures against the backdrop of flower beds and small ponds. On the open veranda of the house or under a stylish canopy, a classic garden furniture made of wood or openwork forging.

The English usually decorate the entrance to the garden ornamental plants or a composition from coniferous trees, miniature or dwarf varieties. This important condition, since such plants will not close even after a while beautiful view in the garden or on the façade of the house. And on Christmas or New Year the family will be provided with their own spruce, pine or fir, which will be the main decoration of the holiday.

For stylization when decorating a suburban area, you can organize a sundial, which is traditionally associated with old English gardens. You can make a high-quality copy of any famous watch or independently develop original elements of the mechanism.

The choice of this style will be organic if you have a site in the forest or on the edge of a forest, or if it is a damp lowland area, there are large forest trees, and also if the site is predominantly shady. The shape of the plot can be any, but the most best option– if some of the boundaries of the garden are “wrong”. Best size plot for this style - 10 acres or more.


A house on a plot of this style should not be conspicuous; its walls would be good for vertical gardening. Maiden grapes are perfect for this. The basis of an English garden is a lawn, or several lawns connected to each other. Lawns are so popular that they are even used to make paths. Naturally, for such paths it is necessary to sow a grass mixture that is most resistant to trampling.


Along the perimeter of the lawn they are usually planted ornamental trees and shrubs, but there may also be fruit trees. A traditional element is a landscape-looking pond; an overgrown one looks especially beautiful. A weeping willow will look best next to it. Well, in addition, it is better to decorate the pond with perennials growing near the coastline: cattail, forget-me-nots, swimsuit or marigold. The styling will be perfect Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.


The most suitable trees for an English garden are those with a weeping and pyramidal crown. There are few flowers in the English garden. The basic principle is bright flowers are planted only near the house, and in the rest of the territory discreet ones are preferable, and these are mainly perennials, appearance reminiscent of “natural” plants. However, an English garden is unthinkable without roses - a whole collection of them would be quite appropriate here, including ground cover and climbing roses, and delphinium and foxglove would be suitable companions for them.

There is a lot of paving in this style. For some of them, for more complete styling and decoration, you can use ceramic tiles " self made", which you will paint yourself with ceramic paints. Place it in some places among the brick or stonework. If you want to spruce up such a heavily used walkway, you need to use floor tiles.


Features of the English garden layout:

The house is located deep in the plot or hidden behind trees.

Sculptures should be clearly visible.

Gazebos are located at the intersection of paths.

The entire garden is not visible at once.

Decorative and fruit trees planted along the perimeter of the lawn.


Bright flowers are planted only near the house; in the rest of the territory, discreet ones are preferable.

The lawn should be visible from all “viewpoints” of the site.

Careful treatment of old trees is included in the layout.

Color solution:

The main color of the garden is green, and as many shades of it as possible. Use plants with silver, salad, light green and dark green foliage.

English style plants:

Trees: hazel, larch, chestnut, birch, oak, rowan.

Shrubs: lilac, mock orange, derain, euonymus.

Perennials and flowers: Rogersia, ferns, hostas, rhubarb, bergenia, columbine, roses, delphinium, foxgloves, phlox, giant onion and common wormwood, cattails, forget-me-nots, bathwort, marigold, Siberian irises, sedges and reeds.

Style Accessories:

Benches: wooden, forged or stone.

The location of benches under trees, on podiums, on retaining walls.

Small and low podiums made of stone or stone-like tiles.



"European" handmade products.

Interspersed ceramic tiles- for decorating paths.

Containers are flowerpots on one leg.


Isolated large stones and boulders.

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