How to delete contacts from google. Contacts in Google account

Nowadays, it is impossible to live without contacts on the Internet. Whether it’s business, communicating with friends, romantic acquaintances, it’s much more comfortable to establish communications through an online web service account. It’s no joke, because access to your Google account can be organized even in the Himalayas, on Mount Everest. There is, no less, Wi-Fi - the Ncell company and investors from Nepal did their best. So, dear reader, the ability to use contacts in a Google service account is a very useful skill. And it can be very useful to you, no matter where you are in the world.

From this article you will learn where contacts are stored in your Google account, how you can synchronize them, delete them, and transfer them to your computer.

Contact information on Gmail

To view contact information in your Google mailbox, log in and go to the Gmail service. Click the “Circles” section in the options column on the left, and then select the desired subsection (Friends, Family, Acquaintances, etc.), depending on what kind of contact you want to find (personal correspondence, work, etc.).

If you need to add user data to one of your communication circles, follow these steps:

1. Open a message received from your interlocutor or any service.

2. Hover over the address area mailbox sender.

3. In the panel that appears, move the cursor to the inscription “Add to...”.

4. In the list, click on the social circle to which you want to transfer the address.

Note. You can create a new circle of virtual interlocutors. To do this, click the “Create…” link, then enter a name (for example, “Services”) and confirm adding data.

Also, saved addresses can be “pulled out” directly during the process of sending a message in order to indicate the recipient’s email. This is done like this:

1. At the top of the vertical menu of the mailbox, click the “Write” button.

2. In the form for sending a message, click “To”.

4. In the submenu, install the add-on:

  • “My contacts” - addresses you have saved;
  • “All contacts” - all contact information available in the profile.

5. In the list that opens, click the box next to the recipient to whom you want to send the letter. You can mark several or all recipients if you need to send a mass mailing.

Google Contacts service

The Contacts web service, compared to Gmail, has more settings and functions for working with address data. It can be used not only for private needs, but also to coordinate the work process in production, in a company, or in an organization.

To go to “Contacts”, log in to the system and go to the page - Or, if you're in your mailbox profile, open the Gmail drop-down menu (it's in the top left corner) and select Contacts.

On the page that opens, click “More” in the left column to fully open the functional menu.

Let's look at performing the most common tasks in this service.


1. In order to copy contact information from other services, click the “Import” item in the menu.

2. In the modal window, specify the import source. The data transfer algorithm varies depending on the selected method (account).

If you need to restore contacts from a vCard or CSV file, go to the previous version of the service (click in the "Go..." panel).

In the top panel, click “More…” and select “Import” from the list. Accordingly, if you need to save contacts on HDD computer, in the same list click “Export”.

And then set the export settings:

  • indicate any individual circle of contacts or all contacts;
  • select the file format (CVS or vCard).

And click the "Export" button.


To remove a contact from a circle or group, click the “three dots” icon in its field (row) and click the “Delete” mini-panel that appears.

How to sync contacts?

Synchronizing contact information on your computer and mobile devices(Android, iPad and iPhone) is performed automatically after logging into your profile.

Enjoy your communication and fruitful work in the Google system!

Name (required) 11/01/2016 / 21:20

How can I see contacts copied from an Android phone? I synchronized my contacts, but they are not in my account.

Larisa 08/05/2016 / 17:01

Thank you very much for the detailed instructions for dummies! One more question. I have an ASUS PadFone 2, but I think many people have the same problem: phone numbers are stored on the SIM card, device, Google, etc., when synchronized on the phone, contacts appear in plural. Those. When calling, the same number is duplicated on the screen several times. Very tiring... how to fix it? I read somewhere that in the phone book you need to check the box - display only... But, as such, the book (unlike old phones) I don’t know how to look at.. In addition, if you look at the screen, there are two types of contacts and who is who? unclear. The question is probably stupid from the point of view of advanced people, but you explained the previous topic so simply!!! And as in the joke: an appeal on the Internet - a 55-year-old woman, the mother of three programmers, asks someone not crazy to teach her about the Internet.... Thank you

Yulia 08/04/2016 / 23:44

Why does it only synchronize 750 contacts when I have 2500. Is there some kind of limitation?

Lisa 03/09/2016 / 13:44

How can I see contacts copied from my Android phone? I synchronized my contacts, but they are not in my account.

Svetlana 05/07/2015 / 15:49

In my contacts there is a “Friends” section, I can’t delete old contacts from there. I tried to move them to the my contacts folder and then delete them, but only the transferred contact is deleted, but it remains in my friends, what should I do?

Vladimir 04/23/2015 / 19:23

NTS this evening all my contacts disappeared, I can’t understand what happened and new completely unfamiliar contacts appeared; what is this please explain what happened, although when I bought the phone I loaded the old numbers without problems.

Alexander 04/22/2015 / 7:57

I repeatedly ask the question Goolge: Why, when registering on the Tambov collectors website (tambovrar) - the diamond is HVAUS, I CAN’T BUY AND CAN’T VIEW INFORMATION ABOUT THE LOT. Does this site actually work? Help me to understand. Please!!!

Ivan 03/11/2015 / 5:43

Everything is clear here. How can I transfer contacts from one Google account to another Google account, just so that the photos are also transferred?

Suleiman 02.02.2015 / 12:56

Good afternoon When adding an E-mail address, a button appears to add to circles and invites you to Google/ if I don’t click on this button, saving is impossible. How to avoid being invited to google.

Victor 12/22/2014 / 14:44

Adding to my previous comment. Everything is fine. I specified export in vCard format, and a vcf file was created. Help needs to be improved so that it is clear in what format to export, and that this export is intended for a phone.

Victor 12/22/2014 / 14:12

I want to transfer contacts from Google to Savsung SM-G7102 phone. Plan: export contacts to a file on your computer, connect your phone via a USB cable, transfer the file to your phone’s memory, and do “Import from memory” on your phone. But the phone needs a *.vcf file. But Google does not create such a file when exporting - only csv and vCard. What should I do?

Marat 11/22/2014 / 20:08

My NTS does not want to copy new contacts to the SD card, but only copies old ones. Tell me, maybe I’m not copying correctly myself.

Sergey 07.11.2014 / 2:19

Thank you very much, it helped a lot.

Lily 07.27.2014 / 17:04

Thank you very much for the information. Very detailed and clear. But I figured it out on my own. But now the question has arisen: How to import the corrected contact list from Google into a mobile device? The problem is this: the old, uncorrected list of contacts (which was previously exported from the phone) is imported into the phone; the impression is that the new/corrected one is not saved in the “Contacts” section, although it is the one that opens. Help me to understand. Please!!!

Today we will talk about deleting contacts on an Android device (phone/tablet). The process itself is extremely simple, but some users, especially those who have not encountered this before operating system, they simply don’t know how to delete contacts. Let's begin.

An example will be shown on the device Samsung Galaxy, but this does not play any role, since the essence of the removal process does not change at all.

Open Contacts on your device.

Select the desired contact. If you have many numbers, use the contact search. By going to the profile of the specified subscriber, you will see information about him. Open the context menu (Menu button on the front panel of your device) and select Delete.

Additionally, you can delete a contact without going to their profile. To do this, tap on the contact's profile and hold your finger for about a second until a menu appears. Click “Delete” there.

In order to delete several contacts at once, go to “Contacts”, call up the context menu, and then select “Delete”.

Alternatively, you can use various applications from the Play Market that work with the phone book. Whether it is worth using such an application is up to you to decide.

If the contact is not deleted

Some users complain that they deleted a contact, some time passes and by chance you find the same one remote contact. Why? In fact, everything is simple - it’s automatic synchronization, which synchronizes with the server when the Internet is connected. Contacts are also saved (and replaced).

To prevent this from happening again, go to the “Accounts” section Google Play» in the device itself.

Select your current account.

Uncheck the contact synchronization box.

True, it is still undesirable to do this in order to avoid losing contacts. After this procedure, when you delete contacts, they will not appear again in your address book.

Removing someone from your contact list is the same as removing them from your life. But sometimes it is necessary. It doesn't matter if it's an ex-boss or an ex-partner, anyone you don't want to talk to or keep in touch with. wikiHow can help you with this. This article describes two ways to delete a contact from Gmail.


1 Removal from contact list

  1. 1 Sign in to Gmail. Type in your browser's address bar. Once on home page, enter your email name and password. Click on the ‘Login’ button.
    • If you have forgotten your password, click on the ‘Need help?’ button. Next, you need to choose one of three options: ‘I don’t remember my password’, ‘I don’t remember my username’ or ‘I’m having other problems logging in to the system’. Select the option that suits you and follow further instructions.
  2. 2 Go to your contact list. After logging into your email, click on the red “Gmail” sign located at the top left of the screen, directly below the “Google” sign. From the drop-down list, select "Contacts".
    • Depending on your settings account the inscription 'Gmail' may be a different color.
  3. 3 Find the contact(s) you want to delete. All your contacts will be listed under "New Contact" on the left side of the screen. Click the name of the contact group you want to view. For example, by clicking on the "Frequently used addresses" group, all contacts in this group will be presented in a list in the center of the screen.
    • If you don't have a contact group, your contacts will be listed in alphabetical order.
  4. 4 Delete unnecessary contacts. Mark the contacts you don't need by checking the box to the left of the contact. Once you have selected the contacts to delete, click on the ‘Advanced’ button at the top of the screen, next to the ‘Add to my contacts’ button. In the drop-down menu, select ‘Delete contact’ (2nd menu line at the top).
    • If you want to delete all contacts in a group, check the ‘Check all’ box at the top of the screen. By checking the box, all contacts should become marked.

2 Deleting a contact via a letter received from him

  1. 1 Sign in to Gmail. Type in your browser's address bar. Once on the start page, enter your email name and password. Click on the ‘Login’ button. If you have a problem logging into your email, click on the ‘Need help?’ button and follow the further instructions.
  2. 2 Find an email from the contact you want to delete. After logging into mail, all your emails are displayed in the center of the screen. In the list of letters, find the letter from the unwanted contact. If you cannot find a letter in the list, then there are two ways to find a letter from a specific contact:
    • Method 1: Search for a contact. Type the contact's name in the search bar at the top of the screen and click on the search button (in the form of a magnifying glass). All emails sent and received from this contact will be shown.
    • Method 2: Click on the "Inbox" or "Sent" button. Emails will be filtered and only those sent or received from the contact will be shown. This will help you find the letter if you have recently corresponded with this person.
  3. 3 View the contact's business card. After you open an email from a given contact, hover over their name in the email header. Open a pop-up window with contact information (image, mailbox, etc.). In the lower left part of the pop-up window, click on the "Business Card" button.
  4. 4 Delete the contact. After clicking on the "Business Card" button, it will open detailed information about contact. Then click on the ‘Advanced’ button at the top of the screen. A pop-up menu will open with ‘Delete Contact’ at the top.
  • You can restore a deleted contact. To do this, click on the "Advanced" button at the top of the screen. Then select "Recover Contacts" from the pop-up menu. After that, select the approximate time of deletion of the contact and click "Recover".
  • After deleting a contact, Gmail provides the ability to recover immediately after deletion, within a day or a week. If you accidentally deleted the wrong contact, the “Cancel” button will appear at the top of the screen immediately after deleting the contact.

By registering a Google account on your Android phone or tablet, you agree to one implicit condition: you will be let in, but not let out. No, someone won’t take your account captive and pin it to your device forever; simply registering a Gmail email and making it your account is a much clearer and more obvious operation than deleting it. However, there are plenty of ways to remove a Google account from an Android device. They just don't catch your eye.

This method is included in Android features. It will suit you in the following cases:

  • You have decided to transfer ownership of your gadget loved one and you don’t mind that he will have access to your data, contacts and applications, because you trust him.
  • You need to delete your account to fix some glitch on your device.
  • You want to log in with a different account.

You don’t have to worry about the data on your tablet or smartphone. After deleting the account, all information belonging to it - applications, files, contacts, personal settings, etc., will remain in place. If you're happy with that, let's go:

  • Launch the Settings app.
  • Go to the “Personal” -> “Accounts and Sync” section.
  • In the column on the right, select the desired Google account (address Gmail).
  • Tap the menu button in the top right corner of the screen and select the “Delete account” option.

  • Confirm your consent to deletion, enter a password if necessary, and after completing the operation, reboot the device.

Something went wrong and the account is not deleted

I had to deal with this error several times - when I tried to delete the only Google account on Android (the owner of the gadget), the operation froze and did not complete until you stopped it manually. The account remained in place.

One of the solutions turned out to be extremely simple. It is for the case when you want to log in to the device under a different account, make it the owner, and delete the old one.

  • Launch the Gmail app by tapping this icon.

  • Open the menu hidden behind the “hamburger” button in the top left corner of the screen and click “Add Account.”

  • Select Google.

  • If you already have another Gmail account, click Existing. If not, “New”. If you choose the second option, follow the instructions for registering a mailbox that you will receive next.

  • Next, go to the settings of the Gmail application again. Now there are 2 users there - old and new. One (usually the old one) is loaded as the main one, the second is simply present in the list. Switch to the user you just added by tapping their icon.

  • After that, click “Manage accounts” and repeat the operation of deleting the old one. Most likely, this time there will be no problems. The second account will remain the only one and will become the owner of the device. All files, contacts, settings and applications of the old account will be in place.

On different gadgets and in different versions On Android, individual points of this instruction may not be performed as described. But the principle is the same everywhere.

Deleting Google Accounts app data

On some devices, you can delete your account with another in a simple way. Launch the “Settings” system utility, go to the “Applications” section and go to the “All” tab. Find “Google Accounts” in the list and click the “Erase data” button.

On some firmware, you should erase the data not of this application, but of Google Services.

Removing your Google account and all user data (returning the device to its original state)

This option is applicable in the following cases:

  • If the owner does not remember his account password and cannot recover it.
  • If the above methods for deleting an account do not work correctly or the function is blocked by malware.
  • Before selling a gadget and in other similar cases.

There are different ways to delete all accounts and all user information from your phone. The easiest way to do this is through the menu of the same “Settings” application. In my example, the reset button is located in the “Personal Data” - “Backup” section.

On other firmware, both the subsection and the button may be named differently and located in a different location. In particular, on Samsung it is located in the “General” menu and is called “Backup and Reset”, on some Lenovos it is in the “Backup and Reset” section (the “Reset” button). On other devices - anywhere else. Check this in your user manual.

After you press the reset button, Android will warn you that all apps, settings, and accounts will be completely removed from your tablet or phone. If you agree, click "Reset Settings" again and wait about 5 minutes. After restarting you will get a pristine device.

If your device is protected with a password that you don’t remember, you can reset it in a couple of other ways:

  • Via the Recovery menu (Wipe Data/Factory Reset option). How to get to this menu, read the instructions for the device.
  • Long press the recessed Reset button located on the body of the phone or tablet. On some models it is hidden under the back cover.

An even tougher method of deleting an account, when absolutely nothing helps, is to flash the device through a computer, which is similar to reinstalling Windows on a PC. Of course, there will be no user data and applications left after this either.

Warning: some tablets and phones are so tightly tied to the owner’s account that they require authorization under it even after resetting and flashing. And bypassing this request is very, very difficult (there is no single solution, each brand of device has its own). So while you have access to your information Google account, write down your username and password in notebook or file on another device and store it in a safe place.

For those who have root rights

Those who managed to obtain superuser rights on their device have one more opportunity to delete their Google account than others. You can simply delete the accounts.db file where Android stores account information. To do this, you will need a file manager with access to protected service data, such as Root Explorer, and... nothing else.

So, launch Root Explorer, go to the /data/system folder (on some firmwares - to /data/system/users/0/), open the accounts.db context menu with a long touch and select “Delete”.

How to log out of your Google Play account, mail and other applications without deleting your account on Android

Some users are wondering if it is possible to remove your account only from the Goolle Play store, Gmail and other applications that use authorization, but keep all files, programs and settings on Android. I answer: it is possible. If the method of adding a second account through the email program did not help, you can do this by changing the password of your current Google account.

For this:

  • Go through any web browser to the “My Account" section on Go to the “Security and Login” subsection.

  • On the next page, click the "Password" button.

  • Enter your current password to confirm that it is you. Next, you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

If your gadget is connected to the Internet, the next time you log into Google Play and your email program, the system will ask you to log in. All you have to do is enter your new account information

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