How to insulate floors using wooden beams. Options for attic floor installation - types of construction and installation rules

Living in your own cottage can be overshadowed by low indoor temperatures during the cold season and high costs. To avoid this, insulate the ceiling of a private house. Using traditional and new materials, ceiling, attic or interfloor insulation is performed.

The process of insulating floors in a frame house using mineral wool

According to the laws of physics, warm air always rises to the top. If it is not heated, the heat from the lower floor goes out through it. Heat loss can be up to 40%. Warm air escapes through small cracks in concrete and pores in wooden ceilings. Properly performed thermal insulation will prevent freezing and reduce heating costs.

In all private houses with a cold ceiling, it is recommended to thermally insulate the ceiling. Such work can be performed at the construction stage or in an already constructed house. In the second case, insulation is carried out if the coatings were made a long time ago and over time have lost their heat-insulating properties.

Insulation materials

For thermal insulation, four groups of insulation are used:

In addition to the direct function of thermal insulation, they have. In summer they protect the house from high ambient temperatures. Among the main properties of heat-insulating agents that are important for:

Before making the final choice of thermal insulation product, it is also important to analyze:

  1. Climatic conditions. The colder it is outside in winter, the thicker the insulation layer should be.
  2. Budget. Quite often the choice depends only on the availability of money.
  3. Additional work. What else needs to be done to insulate the ceiling?

Laying mineral wool into beams before covering the ceiling with clapboard

Perhaps this is the replacement of structural elements, finishing materials, the application of additional materials or treatment with fire-resistant preparations.


Sawdust can be used to thermally insulate the ceiling. This is due to its low price, availability, and low cost of work. The main disadvantage of sawdust is flammability and low moisture resistance. This leads to easy fire, rotting, and the appearance of fungus. Therefore, the sawdust is processed before laying.

The process of filling sawdust into the cavity between the beams under the flooring sheets

To reduce the moisture content and prevent mold, sawdust is dried in a special chamber for a year. Later them, fungicides.

Slaked lime will help reduce the risk of rodent infestation. To reduce flammability, they are mixed with fire retardants.

Thermal insulation using sawdust is carried out in two ways. Sawdust is simply poured onto the prepared surface.

This method is not in demand. Since the material begins to shrink quite quickly, which requires regular replenishment. For the second method, sawdust is mixed with cement mortar.


The slab is breathable, has a low price, does not accumulate moisture, and does not rot. Mold, fungi, and microorganisms do not grow on polystyrene foam. It has high thermal conductivity, resistance to high temperatures, and good sound insulation. Conducts moisture well. A light weight allows it to be laid on thin floors. Durable.

Installation of foam sheets to the ceiling

Main disadvantages:

  1. Flammability. This is the main drawback of the material. It is not installed where there is free access to air. When used for floors, they must be treated with plaster or fire-resistant preparations.
  2. Rodents. Mice love to make their nests in polystyrene foam.

To prevent the penetration of rodents, use a fine-mesh metal mesh.

Expanded clay

Bulk material is the second most popular insulation material. It has high thermal insulation properties, is always on sale, and is easy to install yourself.

It's inexpensive. Disadvantages of expanded clay:

For installation, large and small particles are mixed. This combination will fill the empty space. To protect against moisture, cement mortar is poured. Its thickness should be no more than 20 mm.

Mineral wool

It is produced in the form of a roll, rolled out over the surface, and cut. The material is inexpensive, has good thermal insulation, and is quick to install. Among its disadvantages are:

The thermal barrier decreases when the cotton wool is compressed, so you should not step on it; the flooring is made immediately after installation.

Penoizol and polyurethane foam

Insulation of this type is poured or sprayed. This material cannot be laid on your own, because... its application requires special equipment, protective suits, and professional skills.

Foam products fill all the smallest cracks and cracks. They do not attract insects, do not burn, and are safe for humans. The substance contains a large number of air bubbles, which contribute to...

  1. High price.
  2. Fragility. The material does not restore its original shape after damage.
  3. Shrinkage. Penoizol has slight shrinkage.

After complete hardening, it is necessary to replenish the settled material.

Insulation technologies

Depending on the structure, the ceiling, attic or interfloor ceilings are insulated.


This type of insulation involves three main steps: preparation, interior work and attic work. The preparatory stage begins with cleaning the surface of debris, dirt, and unnecessary objects. For insulation with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and sawdust, load-bearing beams with a cross section of 50 x 100 cm are prepared. They must be checked before installation.

Diagram with the names of the insulation elements of the attic floor in a cottage

Damaged areas are removed or replaced. Mold and mildew are eliminated using grinder or regular sandpaper. It is mandatory to treat beams with fire and bioprotection agents.
The next step is the installation of utilities.

Detailed diagram of attic floor insulation

The process of insulating an attic includes preparation, laying thermal insulation outside and inside, thermal insulation of gables, and finishing. Bulk materials are not suitable for attic floors.

Insulation is carried out using slab or roll materials. When using reinforced concrete slabs, the floors are usually insulated externally and inner part roofs.

First, remove the old flooring and check the rafter system. If necessary, parts are replaced and repairs are carried out. If the logs are thinner than the thermal insulator, they are built up with bars suitable size. All wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

A vapor barrier membrane is attached to the bars with a stapler so that the smooth surface is on the thermal insulation side. The insulation material itself is spread or laid. Another layer of steam is spread on top of the thermal insulator. insulating material. All seams are closed with tape. The insulation of the attic floor is completed by the production of wooden sheathing for attaching finishing materials.

Watch the video for the process of insulating an attic floor with mineral wool.

Interfloor overlap

Insulation of interfloor ceilings begins with checking the floor level. If differences are noted, it is better to eliminate them using a cement-sand screed. The beams are prepared, all traces of mold are removed, and treated with antiseptic and fireproofing agents. The space between the beams and the structure is filled with foam, and the remains are cut off. A waterproofing or vapor barrier membrane is attached to the beams.

Installed vapor barrier membrane before insulating the interfloor ceiling

They are wrapped in film so that the edges remain open. This will allow them to dry better. The next stage is to install the insulation. For interfloor ceilings it is recommended to use polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Waterproofing is installed on top of the insulating material and finishing work is carried out at the end.

Ecology of knowledge. Estate: A significant portion of heat loss in private houses during the cold season occurs through the roof. In this regard, in buildings with an unheated attic, thermal insulation work is carried out. In most cases, it is necessary to insulate the attic floor using load-bearing wooden beams. Let's look at the technology of such thermal insulation.

Why do you need attic insulation?

The main function of an unused attic is to smooth out temperature differences between interior spaces at home and on the street. If the attic is not insulated, on average, during the heating season, up to a third of the heat in the house is lost through the roof, and, consequently, the cost of heating the building increases by the same amount.

How does heat loss occur? The fact is that on unheated attic floors the air temperature is usually several degrees higher than outside. That is, in winter it is always frosty in the attic, but in summer, on the contrary, it is hot. Air from heating systems rises to the ceiling. If the ceiling insulation is weak enough, the heat partially escapes into the attic rather than warming the rooms of the house.

There are other problems associated with poor attic insulation. For example, when warm air comes into contact with a cold ceiling, it cools down and rushes back to the floor, thus causing increased reverse circulation and drafts. During the hot season, the opposite situation occurs - hot air enters the rooms from the attic.

Such processes, in addition to temperature discomfort, are also fraught with the formation of ceiling condensation, which significantly increases the air humidity in the house and leads to the appearance of mold. Condensation also forms inside the attic, causing rotting of wooden structures and corrosion of metal elements. Heating of the roof with air from the premises of the house through the attic in winter leads to the melting of snow accumulated on the roof slopes with the formation of icicles and freezing of gutters and ebbs.

The essence of insulation work

Thermal insulation of the attic floor is considered high-quality if it allows you to achieve certain results.

The main criteria for sufficient attic insulation are as follows:

  • temperature fluctuations are minimal;
  • the average temperature is approaching that of the rest of the house;
  • the attic protects from cold in winter and heat in summer, reducing the cost of both heating and air conditioning;
  • in a closed attic there is a small amount of condensation;
  • in winter there is a minimum of ice and icicles on the roof, the roofing materials are cold.

The principle of insulation is that thermal insulating material is laid in the plane of the floor beams between the heated rooms and the attic.

1 - sheathing; 2 - interior decoration; 3 - vapor barrier; 4 - floor beams; 5 - insulation; 6 - waterproofing

It is important to know! It is also necessary to install a vapor barrier and waterproofing, since the insulation must always be dry.

The process of insulating an attic is simple, but you can achieve good thermal insulation if you follow the most important condition- sufficient thickness of the material used. On average, the minimum value fluctuates within 300 millimeters, regardless of the type of insulation. If the thickness is less, then heat leaks are inevitable.

The procedure for insulation is simple - the material is laid at a height of about 200 millimeters between the beams. The run-up of the seams should be maximum. The remaining layer of insulation is located on top of the beams in a direction perpendicular to the bottom layer of material. This technique allows you to reliably isolate “cold bridges”.

Basic criteria for choosing insulation

Currently, the craftsman has at his disposal different types of heat insulators suitable for laying on wooden beams. Since the degree of their effectiveness is comparable, in each specific case, when choosing a material, in addition to price parameters, weight and degree of installation complexity, one should be guided, for the most part, by the criteria of wear resistance and safety of its use.

The resistance of insulation to adverse factors is determined by:

  1. Strength, resistance to creases and compression, resistance to deformation or destruction under mechanical loads.
  2. Protection from destruction due to frost and overheating.
  3. Moisture resistance, breathability - the material does not change its properties under the influence of water, but at the same time allows air to pass through to ensure a normal balance of temperature and humidity in the house.
  4. The absence of organic components that may be susceptible to mold or be attractive to rodents and insects.

The operating safety indicators of the material are as follows:

  1. Fire resistance. The insulation must be made of non-combustible material.
  2. The absence of volatile toxic substances in the composition of the material, including those formed as a result of exposure to flame.
  3. Chemical neutrality and hypoallergenic insulation.

In conclusion, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of different insulation materials. Depending on the type, heat-insulating material is supplied in the form of slabs, rolls, loose formations or briquettes.

Main insulation materials:

1. Mineral (glass, basalt) wool. Made from waste glass or gabbro-basalt rocks:

  • pluses - durability, fire, chemical resistance;
  • disadvantages - contains allergens, so installation must be carried out with eye and respiratory protection; particles of material may remain on clothing; glass wool is susceptible to creasing.

2. Ecowool (composition - waste paper and flame retardant components):

  • advantages - does not burn, does not rot, does not mold, does not contain allergens;
  • minus - requires enhanced vapor barrier.

3. Expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite (consist, respectively, of baked clay, volcanic rocks and mica):

  • advantages - the material is protected from moisture, non-flammable, does not mold, is unattractive to rodents, due to its flowability it is convenient when laying in hard to reach places;
  • minus - it is heavy, creates a large load on the structural elements.

4. Polystyrene foam (foamed plastic) and polystyrene (thermoplastic polymer):

  • advantages - the lowest thermal conductivity among all insulation materials, does not collapse under the influence of moisture, does not mold;
  • disadvantages - releases toxic substances when exposed to fire, is damaged by rodents.

Properly performed insulation of the attic floor of a house ensures that heat is retained inside the premises, rather than being wasted on heating a cold attic. Warm air, rising, will freely pass through the ceiling, which means that all expenses for heating the room will ultimately be spent on heating the street.

This means that it is necessary to insulate the attic floor using suitable thermal insulation agents at the stage of building construction or before finishing the interior.

Choice of insulation

The technological process of thermal insulation will be determined design features buildings: wooden beam or solid reinforced concrete structure.

However, in any case, thermal insulation products for insulating the attic must:

  • have minimal thermal conductivity;
  • have moisture-repellent properties;
  • be fireproof;
  • resist rotting or mold formation;
  • have light weight.

Based on this, today the following is usually used as insulation for attic floors using wooden beams:

  • Mineral wool. Inexpensive, lightweight, durable material, which is easy to work with. Typically, mineral wool is laid in the space between the beams in two layers with the expectation that the thickness of the material will be at least 20 cm. In this case, the joints are tightly adjusted, but not jammed. If you plan to further develop a living space or attic, then insulating the ceiling of a cold attic necessarily includes the installation of sheathing.

  • Expanded clay. It is a loose mass of baked clay. Suitable for all types of floors, however, it is more often used for insulating concrete slabs. However, the use of this material can only be limited by the load-bearing capacity of the building structure. The optimal layer of expanded clay when constructing a thermal insulation layer is at least 16 cm; this must be taken into account when calculating the material.

  • Styrofoam. The cheapest option used for insulating attic floors using reinforced concrete slabs or wooden beams. Its advantages include: ease of installation, light weight, excellent thermal insulation and low cost, however, polystyrene foam is not resistant to the formation of fungal mold and is susceptible to high temperatures.

  • Sawdust. Inexpensive natural insulation, often used in the attics of private houses. It has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. However, such material attracts rodents and insects, is easily flammable, is susceptible to mold, absorbs moisture, and cakes.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before insulating the attic floor in a private house, it is necessary to prepare lumber, hydro- and vapor barrier, standard carpentry and power tools. Thus, to carry out the technical part of the work, you will need:

From hand tools:

  • a pair of hammers (heavy and light);
  • rip and cross saw;
  • plane;
  • set of chisels;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

From power tools:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver with replaceable attachments;
  • Instead of a crosscut saw, sometimes it is much more convenient to use an electric cutting machine.

To fix roll insulation, it is convenient to use a special construction stapler with staples.

To create a waterproofing layer, a film made of foamed polyethylene or a vapor-permeable waterproof membrane is suitable. To seal the joints tightly, you will need foil tape.

From lumber you will need bars with a cross-section of 62x62 mm, as well as boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm. To finish the floor, each owner uses finishing materials at his own discretion.

Important! Before carrying out thermal insulation work, all wooden components of the structure must be treated with special antiseptics and, if possible, antipyretics. This will avoid the occurrence of putrefactive or moldy processes in the wood, and will also provide fire-fighting properties.

Filing the rough ceiling

During construction wooden houses the entire load from the roof falls on wooden load-bearing beams made of timber or logs, with cross section not less than 120x120 mm. Most often they are mounted on load-bearing walls the structure of the house, parallel to its narrow side and they are the load-bearing elements of the ceiling of the upper floor and the attic floor.

The insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams is called hemmed, since both the rough and finished ceilings are hemmed from below to the load-bearing elements.

Before you start insulating the attic, you need to make a rough ceiling. The main materials used here are usually edged boards and plywood. In this case, the boards are fastened tightly using galvanized screws.

Vapor barrier

For any type of floor, vapor barrier is an integral stage of roof insulation. A thin and durable film is attached to the ceiling itself, since this helps prevent vapor condensation in the heat insulator when heat enters from the heated room.

Modern vapor barrier materials can be installed under any finishing materials. They have additional functions such as protection from wind, water, and dust. Therefore, the space under the roof will be reliably protected not only from the harmful effects of condensation, but also from atmospheric influences with maximum effect.

To install a vapor barrier, it is enough to evenly distribute the film over the surface of the attic floor and secure it with metal staples, while the joints should be taped with foil tape.

Installation of thermal insulation

After installing the rough ceiling and vapor barrier layer, the ceiling beams will be located on the attic side, so the thermal insulation will be between them. Based on which insulation is chosen, the installation process itself may differ slightly.

So, for example, to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic with mineral wool, sheet or roll material laid on the vapor barrier layer without any creasing or compression. Another layer of film is laid on top of the insulation.

This entire pie is attached using a furniture stapler to beams and walls throughout the entire area of ​​the room. Joints vapor barrier membrane must be sealed with metallized tape.

When installing polystyrene foam, a waterproofing film is unnecessary, since the polymer insulation itself does not allow air and moisture to pass through.

Typically, polystyrene foam is mounted on the surface of the rough ceiling in two layers.

When using expanded clay as insulation, a two-layer vapor barrier is used. However, in this case it is necessary to fill in a mixed-fraction granular mass of baked clay. This will avoid the formation of voids in the thermal insulation layer and improve heat and sound insulation.

The technological process of insulation with sawdust is similar to the use of expanded clay. However, here very often wood chips are mixed with other binding components: clay, cement or gypsum. In any case, the sawdust must first be dried, treated with antiseptics and, if possible, antipyretics. Any mineral insulating material is capable of transmitting heat and moisture. To improve the heat-saving properties and extend the service life of the insulation, it is necessary to use special vapor-proof films.


When the interfloor pie is ready, it is necessary to waterproof the cold attic space. It will help prevent the appearance of leaks and condensation. Most often, the role of waterproofing is performed by foiled polyethylene foam.

It is attached using a stapler with the metalized side facing out, leaving ends 15-20 cm long wrapped on the walls. The joints, as in other cases, are sealed with foil tape.

A sheathing is installed over the entire surface of the resulting structure, which will subsequently serve as the basis for the final coating of the ceiling. Moreover, this is necessary to create an air-thermal floor cushion.

Installing a floor in the attic

In most cases, attics in private homes are used as utility rooms for storing unnecessary rubbish. But it is also often used to make a living room or attic. In any case, this room must have a reliable, safe floor.

The type of thermal insulation material used in a particular case will help you choose the right material for creating a subfloor in the attic. So, for example, if the attic floor is insulated with mineral wool over wooden beams or polystyrene foam is used as insulation, then the floor covering must be rigid. As rough material Thick plywood is most often used, edged board

or OSB sheets. Expanded clay insulation is covered with thick plywood. As a rough draft flooring

when arranging a living space in the attic, if the load-bearing characteristics of the building allow, sometimes a cement screed is used.

Sawdust-cement or sawdust-clay insulation after drying becomes rigid and resembles a reinforced concrete rough coating, so finishing can be done directly on it. IN modern construction different ways, and each method and type of insulation has its advantages.

Installation of an attic space with beam-type ceilings

Many residents of the upper floors of city apartments know what “poor” thermal insulation of an attic or roof is - in winter it is much colder there than the middle floors, and in summer it is unbearably stuffy. But proper insulation of attic floors easily solves this problem, and the temperature difference is not particularly noticeable when the amplitude of the external environment is large.

Having an attic space is extremely important for a home, especially for gable roof- precipitation will not accumulate on its surface, and with good insulation, less icicles will form. Enough simple design The roof assumes a well-equipped attic with thermal insulation of the floors inside.

If you do everything according to the rules, then it is necessary to provide ventilation and vapor barrier using a foil layer. Thermal insulation filler is placed between wooden beams and covered with mounting foil. A well-thought-out attic ventilation scheme is also important in order to promptly remove excess moisture from condensation, which leads to the formation of difficult-to-remove fungus on wood.

If all these points are taken into account, then it is not so important wooden house or other type of construction from modern building materials, proper heat exchange will be ensured. Wooden beams are the highest quality eco-material for attic floors, although concrete and metal structures are partially used.

Wooden beams are preferred for many reasons, for example, due to the low cost of the material, convenient processing and excellent thermal insulation properties. Therefore, no matter how far modern technologies go, we have to return to natural wood. Insulating an attic floor using beams is a relatively simple process, especially when the insulation is conveniently packaged, all that remains is to secure it between the beams. Sometimes to beam floors Additionally, small bars are nailed to secure the insulation.

Tip: Before laying the insulation, lay a layer of good vapor barrier material so that accumulating steam does not linger and destroy the wood. It is important to monitor air circulation, but it should not enter the house from the attic. The foil-coated isolate is placed with the foil layer down. Good insulation with insulation can combine several materials, slightly reminiscent layered cake, but this will be most effective for maintaining heat in a house built according to all energy saving requirements.

Types of thermal insulation materials for floors

Modern thermal insulation of floors is achieved using different methods, and experts recommend several varieties:

  • slab insulation;
  • bulk materials;
  • spraying a heat-insulating layer;
  • roll thermal insulation;
  • foil layer.

You can use only one type of material or combine them, but bulk insulation is usually laid on the logs of a flat horizontal surface, for example, expanded clay, dry organic matter, slag or a mixture.

Bulk material is laid no thicker than 4-5 cm on top of a vapor barrier material such as roofing felt. The attic requires full floors, where expanded clay logs are laid on top of a cement screed and covered with plywood or other flooring material.

Rolled products are most convenient for installation, for example, varieties of technical wool. With all the advantages of this styling, it is important to remember about the fine suspension that enters the respiratory system and onto the skin, causing irritation. Therefore, these materials are used for insulating non-residential premises or for cladding.

It is convenient to lay the tile material when thermally insulating a wooden floor, especially when installing in 2 layers. To prevent cracks, you can lay the pieces in a checkerboard pattern, but sometimes the cracks are simply filled with tow.

The insulation of the ceiling along the wooden beams of the attic is done with slab and roll fillers and the gypsum board is covered with plaster to obtain additional living space. A cold and non-residential attic space does not require finishing, so a layer of spraying or thermal insulation briquettes (slabs) is left without additional processing. Roll insulation does not require special fastening or improvement.

Tip: Remember the laws of physics - heat always rises to the top, so insulating the ceiling from the roof side always gives overall heat savings in the house.

Main characteristics of insulating materials

1. Mineral or basalt wool is a reliable and inexpensive material, but allergy sufferers need to work with it carefully; it can give a painful reaction, but during use it does not harm. Mineral wool is one of the lightweight and inexpensive insulation materials that are known for their durability and ease of installation directly in the niches between beams.

Basalt wool is made by processing rocks from dust and waste, so it has a low cost. Supply: rolls and briquettes (slabs). In the cold climatic zone In Russia, it makes sense to lay basalt wool in 2 layers, for greater thermal insulation - a layer of up to 15-20 cm. When laying, the layers of wool are cut with a knife or large scissors and fit tightly together without bending the corners and edges. The main advantage is that it does not require additional vapor barrier.

For attic premises You will need a lath for insulation with mineral wool so that it does not cake. The insulation of floor beams is laid in compliance with safety regulations. To avoid inhaling this construction mist, use goggles, a respirator and gloves.

2. Glass wool resembles mineral wool in many respects, but has a different composition. It is known for lower performance in some parameters, for example, fire resistance, and its cost is lower than basalt briquettes. The installation technology also requires protection of the skin, eyes and respiratory organs during installation; the installation process is approximately the same. Remember that small fragments of glass wool tend to cling to clothes; if they come into contact with your skin, your hands and face itch; it is better to dispose of used clothes after laying glass wool.

3. Ecowool is known for the absence of allergic reactions, since it is made from fluffed cellulose fibers. It comes in bags and is poured between the beams. Ecowool is known for the fact that it almost does not burn, thanks to special impregnations, but because of this it is a little more expensive than other isolates. It also requires a vapor barrier to insulate the floor beams, but it does not mold or rot, despite its wood origin. Ecowool does not like drafts, so it is not suitable for an open attic.

4. Bulk materials for thermal insulation, they are sometimes at hand, for example, in coastal areas, attics are insulated with algae collected on the shore, and besides, rodents do not like them. As an isolate, a mixture of slag and sawdust, expanded clay, or even hay, straw and dry leaves, which have long been used to cover the horizontal surfaces of the attic in villages, are used. When it is not possible to use high-quality insulation, bulk materials or slag are packed in a small layer under cellulose burlap and secured between the beams with lathing. However, this can be considered as a temporary measure, because there is no guarantee of fire protection with such insulation.

5. Expanded clay is also often poured onto the joists of the flat surface of the attic or mixed with bulk materials, for example, with foam granules, but rodents love these fillers, and organic matter is compressed over time and loses its thermal insulation properties. Expanded clay insulation on beams will be too heavy for roof lining. You can use perlite to fill under the beam niches, but this will cost more.

6. Polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are the most economical materials that repel moisture and have bending or compression strength. This material is easiest to cut and install, especially in 2 layers, carefully filling all the niches for thermal insulation of the attic floor. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is available in different forms; it requires good vapor barrier so that fumes from its slabs and condensation do not enter the living space. Extruded polystyrene foam is a fire hazard and rodents love it, but it is very effective as attic insulation. However, when burned, it releases toxic substances, so installation and operation of premises requires careful compliance with fire safety conditions. It is good to cut PPS with a knife or large scissors, but it is important to lay it tightly without gaps. Sometimes it is attached to polyurethane foam, which fills all the cracks.

7. Spraying polyurethane foam for insulating the attic floor along the beams is very effective, somewhat reminiscent of a snow-covered surface, and its application does not depend on the complexity of the roof structure. This is a more expensive, environmentally friendly and durable method of insulating attic spaces, which will last up to 50 years without problems, but this spraying must be done by specialists.

8. When insulating attic floor beams using a combined method, using foil vapor barrier, the most reliable heat-saving technology is obtained. The fewer cracks and areas for cold penetration, the more effective the thermal insulation of floor beams. Sometimes the entire interior of the attic is lined, including wood beams, but this is not necessary. An exception is the arrangement of the attic for a heated residential space. For this purpose, effective and expensive foam glass and other modern insulating materials are also used.

9. Modern construction works Attics of office premises are impossible without treatment with foam insulation, and this method of thermal insulation is carried out with special equipment and only by specialized companies. However, the most labor-intensive work is more than compensated for by effective insulation and economical consumption of energy resources.

General characteristics of materials for thermal insulation

The production of eco-friendly materials for thermal insulation of attic floors is moving forward as the latest scientific advances are involved in technology development. Concern for consumer health ultimately leads to the popularity of fairly expensive isolate, so when choosing a material it is important to focus not only on its cost, but also on its technical characteristics.

Important parameters:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight;
  • moisture-repellent qualities;
  • sufficient fire resistance and fire resistance;
  • toxic safety, especially in case of fire;
  • resistance to fungal and putrefactive bacteria;
  • sufficient water, breath and vapor permeability;
  • aversion to small rodents;
  • moderate density and strength against creasing and compression;
  • sorption humidity;
  • frost resistance and resistance to overheating.

The choice of material depends on the consumer, but the heat saving efficiency ranges from 15% to 35%. In a harsh climate, overpaying for heating results in high costs if the insulation of the attic floor along the beams is not done effectively, that is, the money really “flies down the drain.” The warmer the attic space, the lower the temperature difference and conditions for condensation under the roof in residential areas, as well as additional protection against bending and mold.

For most indicators, these requirements are collectively met:

  • mineral and glass wool;
  • penoizol, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam.

The materials listed earlier have their advantages and differ slightly in a number of parameters. For example, polystyrene foam and its derivatives are very good until they start to burn, releasing toxic substances. Dry bulk natural materials and extruded polystyrene foam are good as long as there are mice in the attic. Heavy expanded clay makes the overall structure heavier, which is undesirable with a weak foundation on floating soils, and spraying is not suitable for using an attic for temporary housing.

Parameters for high-quality attic insulation

1. With high-quality thermal insulation of the attic, the temperature amplitude in winter and summer will differ significantly from external parameters, approaching the optimal microclimate inside the house.

2. Modern thermal insulation of floor beams guarantees not only protection of the attic space at extremely low temperatures in winter, but also saves from the stifling heat in summer, saving on air conditioning.

3. Compliance with thermal insulation technologies is obvious from the minimum amount of condensation and humidity in a closed attic, but ventilation is necessary in all cases.

4. Good vapor and waterproofing significantly increases the service life of roofing load-bearing structures, prevents the formation of fungus and mold on wooden beams, and corrosion is less likely to destroy metal parts.

5. Properly equipped attic windows and ventilation holes help reduce humidity in the attic and do not create unnecessary drafts.

6. From the outside, high-quality thermal insulation of the attic is evidenced by the minimal formation of icicles and ice on the roof. The outside of the roofing materials must remain cool to prevent snow and ice from forming on the roof surface.

Mineral wool is an insulation material whose fibers are arranged in a certain way. It is this randomness that leads to the formation of an air cushion between the fibers, which imparts its properties to the insulation. However, this same feature of cotton wool increases its ability to absorb moisture. To avoid this, you need to know how to install mineral wool correctly.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • high density;
  • long service life;
  • Fire safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • the use of mineral wool for insulation of horizontal surfaces does not lead to caking, sliding and, as a result, the formation of cold bridges.

Among the disadvantages: the ability to absorb moisture.

There are three main ways to lay cotton wool: completely, in grooves or in cells (see photo). The choice of method depends on what load will subsequently fall on the floor. The most stable frame is obtained in the latter case.

First stage

It starts with laying a vapor barrier film. The film will allow you to remove steam that rises from a warm living space into a cold attic. To lay the film correctly, you need to carefully read the markings on it. It is imperative to maintain an overlap of 100 mm.

Technology for insulating attic floors with mineral wool. If insulation is carried out along wooden beams, then the film should go around all protruding elements. Otherwise, the beams may rot.

At the junction of the film and walls or other protruding surfaces, you need to raise it to a height equal to the thickness of the insulation plus 50 mm. and glue it with tape or wrap it on an insulation board.

Second phase

The insulation (cotton wool) is being laid. It's a pretty simple process. Plates or strips are easily cut with a construction knife to the required sizes.

When laying the sheet, you need to make sure that there are no gaps or the mineral wool material is not too compressed. Both will lead to a decrease in the quality of insulation. Typical mistakes in photos.

a) insufficient thickness of thermal insulation material;

b, c, d) the thickness of the attic floor insulation is incorrectly selected.

  • insulation with foil will increase the material’s resistance to heat loss. The sheet is laid with the foil side down.
  • the insulation should not protrude beyond the beam. If such a situation arises, the beam must be extended with a wooden beam or additional batten to the thickness of the insulation.
  • Thin insulation laid in two layers retains more heat than one thick one. In this case, the slabs must be laid in a checkerboard pattern.
  • if there are protruding structural elements in the attic, for example, a chimney pipe, you need to raise the insulation to a height of 400-500 mm. and secure it.

Third stage

Waterproofing is carried out if the attic is not intended to be used, but rafter system not protected by waterproofing film. If the roofing material is separated from the attic with film, then you can proceed with the final stage.

Rough floor. It is laid on top of the insulation and serves as the basis for the final finishing.

The installation technology process is similar to insulating an attic floor with polystyrene foam.

The advantages of these materials:

  • low cost;
  • ease of operation;
  • waterproof.

Among the disadvantages: flammability.

Technology for insulating attic floors with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

The installation process of rigid insulation based on пенопласта is more than simple and can be done with your own hands. The work can be divided into two stages:

  • surface leveling. To ensure high-quality insulation, there should be no significant unevenness on the base floor. Such differences can be eliminated by performing a screed sand-cement mortar.
  • The slabs are laid end-to-end or between beams. The presence of timber increases the strength of the floor.

Insulation of the attic floor with polystyrene foam Rough coating

Polystyrene foam must be protected from destruction with film in an uninhabited attic. In a frequently used or residential attic, you need to move somehow, so it is better to install an OSB subfloor on top of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene or use a sand-cement screed.

Sawdust is finely ground wood.


  • naturalness;
  • absence of toxic impurities;
  • light weight;
  • availability of material.

The disadvantage is flammability.

Technology of attic insulation with sawdust

  • Before you start insulating them with sawdust, you need to prepare them. Namely, mix cement and water with sawdust in a ratio of 10:1:1.
  • Pour the prepared mixture onto the attic floor and level it. It is worth noting that sawdust can only be used as insulation without using a frame in a non-residential attic. Otherwise, when walking on the floor, the sawdust will be compressed and the concrete screed will collapse.
  • build a cellular structure from timber. Pour a solution with sawdust inside each cell. The advantage of this method is that a subfloor can be laid over the timber. And the attic will be usable

Expanded clay is produced by firing clay.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease;
  • availability.

The disadvantage is associated with the difficulty of lifting expanded clay to the height of the attic.

Expanded clay is usually used when it is necessary to insulate the attic floor using slabs.

Technology of attic insulation with expanded clay

The work is carried out in three stages:

  • The slab is inspected for the presence of cracks and cracks. They are sealed with mortar or covered with thick paper. Protruding elements do not create difficulties with filling expanded clay.
  • install timber sheathing. In the future, a subfloor will be laid on it.
  • loose insulation is poured onto the slab and leveled using a regular rake. Layer thickness 250-300 mm. You can move on expanded clay without restrictions.

Insulating the attic floor with expanded clayTip: when filling expanded clay, it is better to combine granules different sizes(diameter). This way you can avoid the appearance of voids.

Finally, a subfloor is installed or filled with sand-cement screed.

Please note that insulating an attic wooden floor has some nuances:

  • the tree is susceptible to rotting, which means the steam rising to the top must pass freely. Improper installation of films or the use of non-breathable materials, such as roofing felt, will lead to the destruction of wood in the future.
  • When using foil insulation, you need to place it with the foil down. This way the wood will be protected from water and at the same time will not accumulate steam moisture.

  • The “correct” way is to use a superdiffusion membrane or vapor barrier film
  • “Wrong” is to lay a special film without taking into account the markings or even ordinary film

The attic floor insulation diagram for various types of insulation is shown below.

Attic floor insulation scheme - 1
Attic floor insulation scheme - 2

Options for insulating an attic floor using wooden beams

The design of the attic directly depends on the parameters of the building and the purposes intended for the use of this room. The under-roof space plays the role of a kind of air gap separating warm heated rooms from the cold roof.

In this case, the floor in the attic performs two tasks:

Isolating. In the attic of a house, the air temperature is almost no different from the street temperature. In this case, the floors have an insulating function, thereby preventing the penetration of cold air into the living spaces.

Carrier. In most cases, flooring on wooden beams between attic space and the upper floor of the house, like the walls, has a load-bearing function. In this regard, it must be reliable and durable, since people move along it, utensils are stored or any equipment is placed.

Therefore, in order to know the permissible load on the attic floors, it is necessary to make a calculation. Then, based on their results, draw up a project that will show how to properly insulate the attic floor of a building.

Selection of material for insulation

The technique for insulating an attic is simple, since the material is laid directly on the floor, in the gap between the rafters and wooden floor beams. If you plan to use the attic space as an attic, then you also need to insulate the roof.

To insulate the floor between the beams in the attic, several types of insulation are used:

  • Mineral wool.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Expanded polystyrene.
  • Sawdust.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Foam.

Let's take a closer look at each insulating product.

Mineral wool insulation

In order to save heat, the material must be placed between steam and waterproofing films. Vapor barrier protects against moist air masses that form in living spaces near the ceiling, especially at the junction with the walls. The second layer protects the wool from water entering from the roof through microcracks and holes in the roof.

The attic space of a house is insulated most often from the floor rather than from the ceiling of the lower floor. For this purpose, mineral wool is a reliable, inexpensive insulating material with high compression, allowing it to cover the surface of not only the floor, but also beams of various shapes. This insulation is sold in rolls or slabs of different thicknesses.

At the same time, it has the following advantages:

  • Budget cost.
  • Easy to install.
  • Rodents do not grow in such insulation.
  • High fire safety of the material.
  • Ability to isolate any uneven surface.

At the same time, when working with mineral wool, it is necessary to take protective measures: wear thick clothing, work in goggles and protective gloves, and it is also advisable to use a respirator.


Insulating an attic space with polystyrene foam is a good option for converting it into an attic, suitable for year-round use. This material has low thermal conductivity, as it is produced in the form of foamed air granules pressed into slabs.

During installation, the foam must be cut so that the plates fit tightly between the attic floors. Any gaps and cracks become “bridges” for the penetration of cold, and thereby significantly worsen the quality of insulation.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance between the foam board and the waterproofing film of at least 2-3 cm. It is recommended to use it as insulation with a thickness of 70 mm, and in regions with a harsh climate - 100 mm.

Attention! When installing a vapor barrier film, you need to pay attention to the fact that it faces the insulation with the required layer, according to the instructions. Otherwise it will be produced reverse effect: All steam will be directed towards the insulating material.

Extruded polystyrene foam

When insulating the ceiling of a living space over the attic floors for many builders this material counts the best option. This insulation does not cause any difficulties during installation; it can be laid under any beam ceiling.

It also saves space, since you can get by with two to three times less thickness than using the same mineral wool. Extruded polystyrene foam comes in different types, as it is produced by different manufacturers. To insulate attic floors, the density of such material should be about 32-34 kg/m, and its thickness should be from 40 to 100 mm.

Manufacturers also produce shaped elements from expanded polystyrene, which are used to lay out complex fragments in the attic ceiling. It is convenient to install this insulation in two layers: the first layer is laid between the attic floors, and the second layer is applied end-to-end along the bottom row, covering the wooden beams as well.

The main disadvantage of such insulation is that it is flammable. To reduce the fire hazard, you can lay mineral wool with expanded polystyrene, or add antipyrine.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay for the attic of a house is a traditional method of thermal insulation of a technical floor. This material is poured between wooden floors with a layer thickness of at least 150 mm. This mass is a universal means that can insulate floor structures, and it can also be used as thermal insulation together with other bulk materials.

Attention! Expanded clay is a fairly light insulation material, but when a thick layer is applied, the load-bearing surface of the ceiling will bear a large load.

Thermal insulation is best carried out at the construction stage of the building, since it is easy to waterproof the ceilings of the rooms under the attic and provide for an exhaust hood.

To do this, cover the ceiling with a vapor barrier film to protect the expanded clay layer from getting wet. It is not recommended to pour it directly onto the floorboards for another reason: during operation and operation of the room, a lot of dust is released, which penetrates into the living rooms.


Sawdust is a product of lumber processing in the woodworking industry. This is the cheapest insulation for attic floors, since you can buy sawdust at any sawmill for free. Thus, sawdust is still an option as a reliable heat insulator in attic spaces.

On a note! Sawdust is of organic origin, therefore, it is completely harmless to human health. Since ancient times in Rus', sawdust mixed with clay has been used as insulation in attics.

Sawdust has the following advantages:

  1. Low cost of thermal insulation. Probably, the popularity of such insulation lies precisely because of this factor: its cost is almost equal to the cost of transportation.
  2. Safety for human health. Wood shavings and sawdust do not cause skin irritation, allergies, or poisoning, which cannot be said with complete confidence about modern insulation materials.
  3. Low thermal conductivity coefficient. Unlike wood, chips have a porous structure, so they have low heat conductivity.
  4. Easy installation. To form a heat-insulating layer in the attic floors, no special skills are required. You just need to mix sawdust with clay or lime, and then pour it into the space between the attic floors.

The only significant drawback is the fire hazard of the material, despite the mixture with other non-flammable substances.

Foam Lately For insulating attic floors, two types of insulating materials have become popular: blown-in wool and ecowool. The latter material consists of 80% cellulose fibers made from waste paper, and 20% from additives, which are fire-fighting and antiseptic components.

This material has low thermal conductivity, it is very light, and looks like regular polyurethane foam. Both types of insulation are usually sprayed onto the boards between wooden beams, but sometimes ecowool is used in granules in a crumbly state. In this case, this mixture, as an option, is simply poured between the floor beams and compacted.

Vapor barrier

The vapor barrier film protects wooden beam ceilings from moisture formed in the air of residential premises. In addition, it protects floors from the appearance of mold and mildew in the insulating material.

Regardless of how the attic floor is made, the vapor barrier for the floor should form a continuous carpet that does not allow condensation to penetrate. Special attention should be applied at the joints with walls, where there is a high probability of condensation penetration. To do this, the covering film is overlapped and its edges are glued together with tape.

Insulation technology

To apply the insulation correctly, follow the step-by-step instructions:

Step #1. Carry out an inspection and, if defects are found, eliminate them. Treat boards and timber with antiseptics and fungicides.

Step #2. Lay out vapor barrier material and seal all gaps with mounting tape.

Step #3. Lay (pour) insulation into the openings of wooden floors on the floor.

Step #4. Pay special attention to the joints between slabs of insulating material. If necessary, apply additional insulation.

Step #5. Lay the waterproofing film overlapping and fasten the joints with mounting tape.

Step #6. Separately install insulation on ventilation duct, chimney pipes in the form of basalt wool, perlite, and it is advisable to install a special corrugation on top.

Installation of wooden attic beams

The attic ceilings are designed to separate the living rooms from the under-roof space. They do not allow cold air to pass through, so the main task is their thermal insulation. Various equipment is also often installed in the attic.

In this regard, another important task is to create solid foundation capable of withstanding this load. Thus, from quality arrangement wooden flooring depends on the safety of people, their comfortable living, and also the durability of the structure.

Attic flooring on wooden beams - standards, requirements

According to the requirements of SNiP 31-02, attic floors must withstand thermal, statistical, acoustic and fire conditions. In addition, they must be energy-saving, therefore, reliable thermal insulation must be installed on the floors.

When installing an attic floor on wooden beams, you must strictly adhere to all sanitary and hygienic requirements. When erecting a frame, it is necessary to construct the structure, and then insulate the attic floor. At the same time, the same temperature must be maintained between the lower part of the attic and the living room. The difference in indicators in degrees according to the standards is allowed no more than 4˚С.

For structural elements of the attic, dry, seasoned timber with a cross-section of 100×150 or 200×250 mm should be used, and the humidity in it should not exceed 20-30%. The distance between the load-bearing beams depends on the load, but usually it is taken at intervals of 3 to 6 meters. In addition to bearing the load, wooden floors require a maximum safety margin.

It must be borne in mind that the minimum load on such load-bearing beams is 100 kg/sq. m. And the period of trouble-free operation of wooden floors according to the standards is 60 years. It is due to the fact that the wood is susceptible to damage from fungus and insects, as well as a change in the strength of the beams under the influence of possible condensation.

Read more about regulatory requirements on attic floors, watch the video:

The joints between the rafter beams and the wall, as well as the load-bearing ceiling beams, should be especially protected with insulating material. If all these conditions are met, the house will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Attics and attics are not often designed for further use as residential premises. Usually, such plans leave the possibility of further alterations, the main point of which is thermal insulation. Such work, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of wooden structures, since concrete and reinforced concrete bases are initially finished with protective and heat-insulating materials. In other cases, the house, attic floor or attic can be made as an optional addition, the main purpose of which is to provide a comfortable microclimate.

Features of attic insulation using beams

The attic spaces, the design of which is presented, are rightly called “cold”. Such objects do not have high strength resistance compared to concrete platforms, but they have their advantages, many of which boil down to the wide possibilities of using insulators. Traditionally, wood insulation is carried out along the entire sheathing, which is laid on the sheathing. If in the case of reinforced concrete a special tool for installation is often required, then the equipment wooden structure insulation can be done with ordinary carpentry tools. Certainly, the best option is the initial calculation for the use of a specific insulator as an addition to the beam structure. In this case, the master will be able to perform the correct and most rational arrangement of beam elements, from the point of view of further installation of the insulator. However, foam materials are not demanding in this regard and organically fit into the power structure of any attic.

General requirements for insulation

The main task is to save heat. At the same time, attics and attics are not always insulated in order to create a favorable microclimate directly at the work site. Objects with “cold” attics, for example, should be supplemented with heat-insulating panels to maintain optimal temperature regime on the ground floor. In addition, the insulation of attic floors using wooden beams should also include a waterproofing function. The choice of a lightweight wooden structure itself implies a reduction in protective qualities, in terms of forming a barrier against moisture and steam. This function is partially performed by the outer cladding in roofing material, but it may not be enough. Therefore, the list of characteristics of the main layer of internal insulation should also include a moisture-proof function.

Insulation technology

In essence, the insulation operation is the implementation of a multi-layer flooring, which will act as a universal insulator. The work is carried out at the stage when the installation of the sheathing is completed. That is, a rough foundation must be prepared as a base, which can simultaneously represent the floor of the attic and the ceiling of the lower room. There are beams on it, the length of which can reach 4 m. It is best to use multi-tiered insulation of attic floors using wooden beams, the technology of which provides for separate installation of steam, heat and waterproofing. First of all, the film material is laid. Typically, polypropylene or polyethylene is used for this - in both cases, preference should be given to reinforced solid flooring. Next comes the main layer of thermal insulation, the options of which will be discussed separately. Here it is worth combining the function of heat and waterproofing by using a coating with a protective film layer. The final stage will be the finishing of the insulation. To do this, you can use particleboard panels or logs, depending on the requirements for the further operation of the room.

Insulation with mineral wool

Stone or basalt mineral wool is considered the most common type of heat insulator, which is used not only in attic spaces. For ease of installation, the material should be purchased in a roll. This will allow you to complete the operation without the difficulties associated with performing calculations on the size of the coating. Work also begins with the laying of a film base, on which the main insulation of the attic floor will then be formed. With your own hands and construction gloves, you should firmly compact the insulator over the entire area in the inter-beam trusses. The height of the flooring can correspond to the width of the beams - the main thing is that large voids do not form. Next, the material is covered finishing panels.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

In terms of execution, this is the optimal solution. It is beneficial both for its thermal insulation properties and as a barrier against moisture. That is, when laying, you can completely limit yourself to only foam plastic, without using auxiliary layers for hydro- and vapor barrier. As a rule, insulation of attic floors using wooden beams involves laying pre-cut panels of a suitable shape into trusses between the beams. But it is important to consider that the weak point of polystyrene foam is flammability. If in the insulation of a reinforced concrete structure this drawback is not of particular importance, then in working with a wooden attic the situation is the opposite. The inclusion of an additional fire-resistant layer, which can be represented by a thin foil insulator, will help eliminate this flaw. The fireproof layer is laid on top of the foam, and then the finishing is installed.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

This is a specialized heat insulator that is intended for use in residential premises. The advantages of polyurethane foam include hygroscopicity, resistance to moisture, non-flammability and environmental friendliness. The material is available on the market in the form of panels, which are easily processed at home, allowing you to form slabs of the desired size. As a result, with simple manipulations it is possible to perform high-quality and durable insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams. Installation is carried out without the use of auxiliary layers of fireproof and waterproofing protection, since polyurethane foam has special barrier coatings on both sides. However, for the sake of economy and if there is no need for universal insulation, you can use a simplified version of polyurethane foam without external layers of protection.

What material should not be used for thermal insulation?

Almost all bulk insulators are not suitable for insulating an attic with wooden beams. These include sawdust, expanded clay, slag, etc. The exclusion of such options from the range of suitable solutions is due to their general disadvantage. High-quality insulation in this case is possible only if a thick layer of embankment is formed. The result is heavy and not always acceptable, for reasons of structural reliability, insulation of the attic floor. Methods for forming thermal insulation embankments can be used when working with lower floors and concrete floors, but in the structure of wooden beam trusses such a solution reduces the overall reliability of the roof.

Insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams is carried out both during the construction of the building structure and after its commissioning, if due attention was not paid to thermal insulation during construction. Insulating your attic will help keep your home warm, save on heating costs, and provide shelter from the heat. Without thermal insulation, houses are much colder in winter, and unbearably stuffy in summer.

Features of thermal insulation on wooden beams

Insulation of the attic floor, in addition to installing insulation, requires the installation of high-quality vapor barrier and ventilation, which will help prevent excess humidity and the formation of wood fungus. If all these points are taken into account, proper heat transfer will be ensured. It doesn’t matter whether the house is multi-story, wooden or built according to modern technologies.

Effective thermal insulation can combine several layers of materials, reminiscent of a layer cake

For the arrangement of attic floors, wooden beams are most often used, less often metal and concrete structures. Wooden beams are preferred for many reasons:

  • low cost;
  • ease of processing;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

Insulating a roof's attic along the beams is a simple process that involves laying and securing insulation between the beams. For fastening to beam floors, bars are sometimes nailed.

What materials are used for thermal insulation

Insulation of the attic floor is carried out using different methods and materials. Builders recommend:

  • insulation in the form of plates;
  • bulk thermal insulation materials;
  • sprayed thermal insulation;
  • roll insulation;
  • foil layer.

Bulk substances (expanded clay, slag, dry organic matter or a mixture) are laid on logs on top of roofing felt or other type of vapor barrier. The thickness of the layer is no more than 4-5 cm. The attic will require the installation of full floors, when the logs are laid on a cement screed and covered with plywood or other building materials.

Slab, roll, bulk and sprayed heat insulators are widely used

The most convenient insulator for installation is roll insulation. This type includes different kinds technical wool. With its many advantages, one should not forget about the fine suspension, which causes irritation when it comes into contact with the skin and respiratory organs. Cotton wool is recommended for use in non-residential premises or under cladding.

For wooden floors convenient option are slabs. When installing two layers, they are laid in a checkerboard pattern. This prevents gaps between sheets. If cracks do form, they are filled with tow.

Note! According to the laws of physics, warm air is lighter than cold air, which is why it rises. Thermal insulation of the attic floor will prevent it from escaping and help keep the house warm.

Characteristics of different types of insulation

  1. Mineral or basalt wool is a lightweight, durable, inexpensive and easy-to-install insulation, a product of processing rock waste. Supplied in rolls or slabs (briquettes). In cold climates it is laid in two layers. Cut with scissors or a knife, the edges are tightly joined. When working with the material, you must be careful, since basalt wool can cause allergies, but it is safe to use.

To prevent the construction suspension from getting into the respiratory system and mucous membranes, it is necessary to follow safety precautions: work with goggles, a respirator and gloves

  1. Glass wool is similar in basic parameters to mineral wool, but it has a different composition, lower fire safety ratings, and is cheaper than basalt briquettes. Installation and safety requirements are the same as when working with mineral wool. Glass wool fragments cling to clothing and are difficult to remove, so it is better to recycle work clothes.
  2. Ecowool is made from fluffed cellulose fibers. Thanks to special processing, it is resistant to burning. It is more expensive compared to other materials. Wood-based insulation does not rot or mold, but does not like drafts, so it is not recommended for use in open attics. During installation, a vapor barrier is required. Sold in bags.

Ecowool – cellulose blown fiber with low thermal conductivity

  1. Bulk materials are the most affordable insulation for attic flooring. For example, residents of coastal areas insulate their attics with dried, rodent-resistant algae. In villages, hay, straw and dry leaves are often used. For fire protection purposes, such insulators are recommended for temporary use. A mixture of sawdust and slag, as well as expanded clay, became widespread. Expanded clay is used alone or in a mixture, for example with foam granules. Thermal insulation with expanded clay creates additional load on the roof lining. You can put perlite under the beam niches, but it will cost more.

Important! Most organic fillers provide food and shelter for rodents. In addition, over time they become compressed and lose their properties.

To temporarily and free of charge insulate a house, you can use dry leaves

  1. The most economical and effective thermal insulators are polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. They repel moisture and have good compressive and bending strength. They lend themselves well to cutting and are easy to install. Insulation with expanded polystyrene requires the installation of a vapor barrier.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam is an effective thermal insulator, but it has disadvantages - a fire hazard and susceptibility to rodents. When burned, toxic substances that are dangerous to life are released. Cut the PPS with large scissors or a knife. The installation must be tight, without gaps. Sometimes foam is used to fix the slabs and fill the cracks.
  3. Insulation with polyurethane foam effective method performed by spraying. Outwardly it resembles a snow-covered surface. This is a more expensive, environmentally friendly and durable method of thermal insulation, which can last up to 50 years. Used for spraying technical means, so the work is done by specialists.

Polyurethane foam is a modern, expensive and durable heat insulator for the home

  1. Combined thermal insulation using foil vapor barrier is the most reliable heat-saving technology. Its use allows you to achieve a minimum number of cracks and areas that allow cold to pass through. If the attic is being converted into a heated living space, it is recommended to use expensive foam glass and other modern insulation materials.
  2. Penoizol is an effective insulation used by specialized companies using professional equipment.

Penoizol is sprayed using special devices

Note! The resistance to heat loss will be increased by a foil-coated heat insulator, which is placed with the foil down.

What should a heat insulator be like: general characteristics

Today, eco-friendly materials are a priority, so their production is constantly being improved and bears fruit. Parameters that high-quality insulation must have:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture-repellent ability;
  • light weight;
  • air and vapor permeability;
  • fire resistance and fire resistance;
  • toxic safety;
  • frost resistance and resistance to overheating;
  • resistance to fungi and bacteria;
  • sorption humidity;
  • moderate density and compressive and crease strength;
  • aversion to small rodents.

Depending on the choice of material, heat saving efficiency ranges from 15% to 35%. The best heat insulators for most indicators are:

  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;

Each of the materials has its own advantages, but they differ in a number of parameters. For example, polystyrene foam and its derivatives have excellent thermal insulation characteristics, but when they burn, toxic substances are released.

Extruded polystyrene foam and organics are good until mice start chewing on them. Expanded clay creates additional load, which is undesirable if the house stands on floating soil and has a weak foundation. Spraying technologies are not used in premises intended for temporary residence.
Signs of high-quality thermal insulation

  1. With high-quality insulation of the attic along the beams, protection is provided not only from extremely low temperatures, but also from the stifling heat in summer. The microclimate inside the house is approaching optimal.
  2. Minimal amount condensation and humidity in a closed attic.
  3. Increased service life of carriers roofing structures, absence of fungus and mold on wooden elements and corrosion on metal.
  4. Minimum amount of ice and icicles on the roof.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool

The thickness of the insulation in the attic is standardized according to SNiP II-3-79 “Construction Heat Engineering”. The document contains detailed recommendations on the choice of product and formula for calculating thickness. The calculation also takes into account the wall material of the house, the duration of the heating season and the average annual temperature.

Advantages of using mineral wool

Mineral wool is an effective heat insulator, consisting of randomly arranged fibers that form an air cushion, which determines the properties of the insulation, being both its advantage and disadvantage. Mineral wool has excellent thermal insulation properties, but absorbs moisture. To protect it during work, you must adhere to the installation rules. Advantages of mineral wool:

  • has high density;
  • fireproof;
  • durable;
  • easy to install;
  • on horizontal surfaces it does not cake, does not slide and does not form cold bridges.

Technology for insulating attic floors with mineral wool

Mineral wool is laid in three ways: continuous flooring, in cells or in grooves. The method is chosen depending on the expected load on the floor. Installation in cells allows you to get the most stable frame.
Stages of work:

  1. A vapor barrier film is laid. To install the film correctly, you need to read its markings and follow the instructions. An overlap of 100 mm must be maintained. When insulating along beams, all protruding wooden elements must be bent around. In places where the film adjoins the walls, it must be raised by the thickness of the mineral wool plus 50 mm. The edge is glued with tape or wrapped on an insulator plate.

Vapor barrier will protect mineral wool from steam coming from a warm room

  1. At the second stage, cotton wool is laid. The slabs or unfolded roll strips are cut into the required pieces with a construction knife. When laying, you need to make sure that there is no strong squeezing of the wool and no cracks are formed - both of these reduce the quality of insulation.

Mineral wool is cut with a knife or large scissors into pieces of the desired configuration and size

Installation tips:

  • mineral wool should not be higher than the beams, which, if its thickness is greater, are extended using an additional strip or wooden beam;
  • two thin layers retain heat better than one thick one, and the slabs are laid in a checkerboard pattern;
  • on protruding structural elements (chimney pipe, etc.), the mineral wool is raised by 400-500 mm and secured.
  1. If the ceiling of a cold attic is insulated with mineral wool, and the rafter system is not waterproofed, it is necessary to put a waterproofing flooring on top of it, and a subfloor on it.

High-quality waterproofing will protect mineral wool from condensation

Thermal insulation with polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

When laying slabs on a reinforced concrete or panel floor, the surface is first leveled

Work order:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the surface so that there are no unevenness on it. Typically, this is done by screeding with sand-cement mortar.
  • Insulation boards are mounted end-to-end or between beams, which increase the strength of the floor.
  • A subfloor is constructed from OSB or sand-cement screed.

Advice! Seams and joints with beams must be carefully sealed. When going around protruding surfaces, cut holes with maximum precision.

Expanded clay insulation technology

Expanded clay is a material in the form of granules obtained by firing clay. Thermal insulation with expanded clay is carried out in three stages:

  • the base is inspected for the presence of cracks and cracks, which are sealed with mortar or covered with thick paper;
  • install a timber sheathing on which the subfloor will be laid;
  • expanded clay is covered with a layer of 250-300 mm and leveled with a regular rake;
  • install a subfloor or pour a screed.

Video: insulating the attic floor with polystyrene concrete

By following the advice of experts, when insulating the attic in a private house with your own hands, you can avoid mistakes, reduce heat loss and save on heating. Technologies that require special knowledge and specialized equipment can only be implemented by professionals. To ensure effective and durable insulation, contact experienced and trusted specialists.

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