How to find out frequent queries in Yandex. Statistics of search queries in Yandex

Greetings, dear reader. In this article we will look at the topic of what products are sold on the Internet, what people are interested in this moment time, and learn how to do express analysis of various goods and services.

Why might this be useful to us, you may ask? Good question, let's look at all this with live examples.

A certain Artem, an aspiring entrepreneur who previously worked in one small companies sales manager, wondered own business. Artem decided to sell new technology, starting his business by selling Google Glass (smart glasses that recognize voice commands).

First of all, he concluded an agreement with the supplier, purchased the first batch, launched a website and an advertising campaign. Artem was sure that such a cool new product would definitely be popular and would bring good money from sales.

As some have already guessed, Artem forgot to analyze the market. The demand for these glasses began to dry up, at least in Russia. The majority already bought these glasses immediately after the release + due to the sharp rise in the dollar at the moment (02/23/15), the glasses began to cost more than 100 thousand rubles, which further reduced the likelihood of their purchase.

What tool can you use to learn how to analyze demand?

How to find out the current demand for a product or service

The Keyword Statistics service on Yandex will help us with this; we will focus on this service, because The Yandex search engine in 2014 occupied and now occupies approximately the same amount in 2015 - 58.4% of all search queries on the Russian Internet, which means it contains the maximum information.

Let's take the same example with Artem and the new Google Glass.

To determine the current demand for glasses, enter the phrase “google glass” (without quotes) into the service search window.

8910 impressions per month were recorded by Yandex for a request containing the words google glass; in the screenshot you can see the most frequently clogged phrases. The data is for the previous month.

Please pay attention to this indicator: SHOWINGS. Many people mistakenly believe that impressions are based on the number of people, but this is not true.

P impressions are not the number of people, since 1 person can score 2, and 3, and large quantity once google glass +[additional word], the search engine eventually sums up all impressions.

I will give an example for easier understanding:

When searching for a supplier of his goods, Artem entered the following phrases:

  • Google Glass;
  • Google glass price;
  • google glass buy in Russia.

As a result, Wordstat will display 3 positions:

1. Google glass - 3 impressions;

2. google glass price - 1 display;

3. google glass buy in Russia -1 show.

The essence, I think, is clear, if it is not clear, ask in the comments.

Earlier I said that in 2014, 58.4% of users used Yandex, respectively, in order to calculate a more accurate number of impressions in all search engines, follows the number 8910 impressions /58.4%*100%= approximately 15257 impressions were registered in all search engines.

This calculation is very rough, but allows for maximum short term assess the current demand for a product.

For more accurate calculation You can use keyword statistics from other major search engines.

As a result, we can conclude that people are interested in this product. For more accurate conclusions, you should pay attention to commercial words, such as: buy, price, cost and so on.

To consolidate the material, indicate in the comments which topics you checked.

How to find out what people buy online in winter, summer or holidays.

Still, the Yandex Keyword Statistics Service can help us in this matter.

To analyze seasonal goods, I propose to consider the situation using the example of a tire store.

In order to see when people are looking for tires, just enter the request “buy tires” into the search bar and switch the checkbox to the “Request History” tab (see screenshot, indicated by an arrow).

Looking at the above graph, we can conclude that people actively start looking for tires during certain periods. March-April (summer tires = when the snow melts) and October-November (winter tires = when the snow starts to fall).

By analogy, you can analyze queries and understand what they buy in winter, what they buy in summer, as well as what goods they buy on New Year, with the exception of the Christmas tree and New Year's toys.

We use this method to determine seasonality.

How to identify future demand and analyze demand for the previous period

To analyze this issue, 2 tools will help us:

From Yandex. We are already familiar with Wordstat, I’ll show you with an example how best to carry out the analysis.

Suppose we want to find out the demand for the service “breast enlargement” and take the second request “breast plastic surgery” for a better understanding of the situation. We enter both phrases one by one into the Wordstat search bar, check the “Query history” checkbox, and finally look at the statistics for the previous 2 years.

We see that the demand for the service “breast plastic surgery” is falling. My guess is that artificial breasts no longer in fashion. Let's check the request for breast augmentation to more accurately confirm our guess.

The same thing, demand is falling, although the graph shows that there is a certain seasonality at the end of the year, due to New Year holidays. Apparently someone wants to give themselves a gift. =)

Let’s go to the Google Trends service, the interface is not complicated, enter the request “breast enlargement”, select a comparison by Countries and Regions - I select Russia.

The output is a graph with results for the previous few years. The graph clearly shows a gradual decline in interest in this service. One can draw a superficial conclusion that this direction is not very interesting in the future.

But for example, the request “fitness”, on the contrary, is only becoming more popular every year.

The graph clearly shows how its popularity is growing. Also in Google Trend, there is a “Forecast” checkbox; when activated, Google completes the chart for the year ahead; this happens on the basis of previous data if there is enough of it for analysis.

A quick question: do you think the demand for the service is growing? plastic windows» based on the data in the graph below? Give reasons for your answer.

Write your answers and arguments in the comments, after 10 answers, I will give my comment.

Additional information and a hint for you to help - pay attention to the growth of the Internet audience over previous years and correlate the data with your query history.

What do they buy in the online store in my region?

In order to find out, we will need to open our favorite Wordstat service.

We can look this information 2 ways:

1. by turning on the checkbox - “by region”

2. specifying the search region

Let's consider both options using the example of our hero Artem. Artem realized that it was most likely not profitable to sell glasses from Google, because... The market is very limited by high price and low demand. So he decided to start working on smart watches.

Let's analyze this request.

Method 1

Step 1 - Turn on 1 checkbox “By region”;

Step 2-Select the “Cities” tab.

Now we see that the greatest demand for this product is in Moscow, then St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.

Method 2

Step 1 - Click on the choice of region, the default is Russia;

Step 2 - Select the desired region, in my case it is Moscow and the region;

Step 3 - Click the Select button.

As a result, we see all the statistics on the number of requests and key phrases. We can also look at statistics on request history, etc.


While reading this article and completing the tasks, we know and can give answers to the following questions:

1. What they look for on the Internet. How, based on this, with the help of commercial words you can understand what people want to buy.

2. What phrases do people use to search for our services?

3. How to find out the seasonality of a product.

4. We know how to identify future demand for a product and how to analyze the future period.

5. How to find out the exact situation for each region.

Bonus for pinning

Based on statistics, write which brand of car people are most interested in at the moment in Russia, give your answer in the comments:

1. Lada (Vaz);

2. Toyota;

3. Nissan;

6. Mercedes.

In which region is this brand most often searched for?

Analyze the future demand for Lada (VAZ) for the coming year.

The reason for writing a new article about the most popular word selection tool was its recent global update, which led to a number of innovations and improvements. In addition to a short story on this topic, I will dwell in detail on correct use Wordstat operators and other features of the service.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

First, a little information: Yandex Wordstat( is a tool for selecting keywords based on user queries, which displays statistics on the frequency of use of the specified word (first column), as well as on words from similar topics (second column). With the help of Wordstat, both advertisers and SEO specialists can find out the number of queries in Yandex.

The principle of operation is that you indicate the word or phrase for which statistics are of interest. Next, the system shows everything key phrases, in which the word you specified is used, and its frequency is located next to it. Each of the following phrases aggregates information. The minimum frequency is 3.

Information is updated once a month. The update date is indicated in the upper right corner.

New Yandex Wordstat. Update from 08/07/13

If you have previously used Wordstat to check queries in Yandex, you have probably encountered wild problems with the speed of the interface. I think there have been a lot of complaints written to support about this. IN new version This is not the only thing that has changed:

  1. The speed of the service has been increased - according to my feelings, the service has become several times faster.
  2. The architecture of the service has been changed - previously, when using the service, the URL changed and you could go to page 20 in one click by replacing one of the parameters. Currently there is no such possibility.
  3. Certain parts of the interface have been revised - the summary table by region has been combined with data on the map, and Yandex query statistics by month and week have been grouped on one tab.

About automatic Wordstat parser programs

As they say, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. And this time, the fly in the ointment was the complete ban on access to the interface for checking key phrases by third-party programs, which are very popular among context and SEO specialists. We all sincerely hope that our favorite services will resume operation as soon as possible. Here I provide a summary table that shows data for popular Wordstat parsers as of the moment. Information will be updated as services are restored.

Service nameStatus
Word fuckerWorks
SiteAuditorDoes not work

How to use Wordstat?

Most people make mistakes when using the service, as a result of which incorrect data appears in the statistics, and further actions for promotion in search engines are completely pointless. In addition, there is often an artificial increase in the number of requests for keywords. Below I have collected basic recommendations for working with Wordstat with detailed comments that will be useful for both beginners and professionals:

Refine phrases using operators

The operators for Yandex Wordstat are the same as in Yandex Direct. I talked about them in more detail in the article ““. Main operators:

OperatorA commentExample
< — >Minus signRequest frequency excludingBuy a moped – used – Moscow
< «» >Double quotesPhrase match statistics for a word or phrase"modem cost"
< ! >Exclamation markFrequency for a given word form!vase price
< + >Plus signForced accounting of prepositions+ how Yandex Direct works
<(|)>Parentheses and forward slashGroups statistics by queriesAir conditioning (car | car)

While the first four operators are popular because they are very often used in Direct, almost no one uses the fifth. Although in in capable hands it brings more benefits than others, and the speed of selecting words with it increases significantly. Let me give you an example: in order to collect statistics for advertising a bow tie store, you can use the following query:

As a result, we will receive information simultaneously about such requests as:

  • order a men's bow tie;
  • bow tie price;
  • how much does a woman's bow tie cost, etc.

Thus, using the grouping operator, statistics are collected in one click. The range of applications is quite wide; for example, in the example above, you can check the frequency of transactional key phrases.

Choose the right keywords

Don't forget to indicate region to check request frequency and do not focus on the frequency of words by broad match, i.e. without using operators. Look at the huge difference:

  • Buy online store - 811 430
  • “Buy!online!shop” – 1,362

When you select keywords for a site, each word must be further clarified to check the frequency by exact match, since dummy phrases are very common.

Analyze request statistics by month

Using the “Request History” tab, you can evaluate the seasonality of demand, as well as see its dynamics depending on the time of year. Also statistics by month helps to determine with a high degree of probability the naturalness of the frequency of a word. The naked eye will notice a sharp jump in the graph of words with artificial boost, while the number of low-frequency speakers will remain at the same level.

Use automatic word selection (parser programs)

Automatic services for keyword selection I listed above. Their use allows us to significantly reduce the amount of monotonous work and time spent checking frequencies with and without operators. In the near future I will publish an article about my favorite program for Wordstat - Slovoeb. In order not to miss the release of the article, I recommend subscribing to my updates!

Best regards, Alexander Golfstream!

We only need what we need.

Anton Chekhov

Probably many people are interested what people most often ask for in search engines, what are the most popular search queries? and in demand.

Errors and typos in queries, activity by geographic and time parameters, the most popular search engines and questions..

Yandex itself provides answers to these questions:

Interesting figures and facts on the Runet sector:

According to Yandex statistics, the monthly viewing of search results pages by Runet users is more than 3.1 billion times.

Every day more than 100 million requests.

Approximately half of all requests (~ 45% - 48%) come from residents of just ten cities:

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Voronezh
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Samara
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Omsk
  • Novosibirsk
  • Khabarovsk

Every day the residents of these cities spend 18.5 million. search sessions, the total duration of which is - 100 years.

Search session- this is the sequence of queries with which the user solves one search problem.

Search session duration- time from the first request to the last.

The average number of requests to Yandex per person is 6 - 7 within 2 - 3 search sessions.

On average, a person spends about two minutes to ask one query and view the search results.

Quantity single word queries on Yandex fell almost four times, while queries of three or more words, on the contrary, increased by almost 80%.

The most verbose queries are asked by Yandex and search users - about 5 words

When searching on and, about 4 words are entered.
- QIP users - on average 2 words.
- The length of requests for [email protected] and differ very rarely.

Google refused to research TNS.

Ten most popular queries

The most popular queries are queries asked by users of all regions, with the same search wording.

It is worth understanding that, despite numerous repetitions, frequently asked queries are only a very modest part of all requests to Yandex. Even all taken together, the first hundred popular queries make up no more than 5% of the total, and the first ten make up less than 3%.

Also, in different cities and regions, the list of popular queries often includes large regional portals that are not interesting to users of other remote cities.

The first step of the most popular queries asked to search engines [email protected], Yandex And QIP, are still occupied by queries related to social networks. The bulk of the people “hang out” there.

The next most popular are queries with the word " porn", number of lovers" strawberries"and peeping in" keyhole"is clearly not decreasing.

Another interesting pattern is observed:

  • The top 10 Yandex requests include the request ""
  • The top 10 requests from include the request "Yandex"
  • The top 10 QIP queries include both of these queries "Yandex" And ""

If we discard “concerned” users, then the following most popular questions for search engines are distributed approximately as follows:

Distribution of the most popular queries on different sites
(orange - Yandex, blue -, green - QIP)

The number and popularity of these queries in percentage, are almost the same in all ten cities.

  1. in contact with
  2. classmates
  4. porn
  5. in contact login to the site
  6. in contact input
  7. auto RU
  8. porn online
  9. my world
  10. games for girls

Most popular questions:

Approximately 2.5% of all entered requests for [email protected], usually formulated as a question. For Yandex, this figure is even more than 3%.

Most questions start with:

  1. Which
  2. How many

Yandex considers the following queries to be the most popular and frequently repeated questions asked daily to all search engines:

6. Frequently used qualifying words

IN Lately more and more requests (about 10%) began to contain clarification - a direct indication - to buy, sell or receive something.

The most common clarifications today are download And for free. Requests to Yandex and with words download And for free- approximately 4% of all available requests.

The most common clarifications

7. The most common mistakes and typos:

Despite the fact that the number of errors and typos in queries has generally decreased, 12% of all queries are written illiterately.

The most typical mistakes are errors that occur due to incorrect keyboard layout. So, the most common are the following Yandex spellings: "nftvuchyukg", "nfyukg", "zyltrc"..

Unfinished queries (for example, "vko" or "is familiar with") occupy a solid second place.

Every tenth request for [email protected] looks like a website address (well, people confuse the browser address bar with the search bar).

- The most common erroneous request - "classmates ", with one letter "c". (from 3% to 5% of users).

- Second place among misspellings confidently keeps his word "agency" . For every 100 correct queries with this word, more than 30 queries are misspelled - "agency" , without the letter "t".

According to (April - May 2010), the most errors are in popular queries, except " classmates " And "agency" , come from the words:

  • russifier (russifier)
  • cribs (cribs)
  • Toyota (Toyota)
  • video (video)

85% of search queries contain a noun as the first word, which is 25% more than last year. Most often, the question is formulated as follows: nouns, adjectives, verbs. - "Hot tour package buy"

And finally, obscene language:

Surprisingly, there are very few such requests - much less than one percent.

The same minimum percentage requests containing obscene and obscene language come from users; people respect their language and do not want to pollute it.

Continuing the topic What is most often searched on the Internet. Popular queries, It will be interesting to see statistics on regional features and Geo-dependent search queries.

But about this and about Yandex statistics comparing user activity in different cities -

This article is intended for beginners in SEO, as well as for website owners who have chosen queries for promotion, but do not know whether these are frequent queries.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency- this is the number of queries or phrases typed by a user in a search engine in a certain period of time. The methods for determining the frequency of a query in search engines differ. In this article we will look at the frequency of queries in the most popular search engines - Google and Yandex.

From this article we will learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of requests in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of queries in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient “Word Selection Service in Yandex” or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

Entering the request into the selection line, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture of impressions per month, but you can look at the request frequency separately by type of device (tablets, Cell phones, computers) from which users searched for the query.

So, we see that 269,733 of the total impressions were on phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we found out that the query [plastic windows] had 1,006,660 impressions per month - this will be the base frequency of the query.

In total, Yandex Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequencies:

  1. Base frequency- indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the desired key query. In our case, this is the request [plastic windows]. When collecting the base frequency for this request, all possible word forms were taken into account, as well as variants of the requests [buy plastic windows], [prices for plastic windows], etc.
  2. Phrase frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks. This will allow us to find out the request frequency for the phrase we are interested in.

As you can see from the screenshot, the phrase frequency is significantly lower than the base one, since the phrase frequency can take into account word forms, cases, and different endings, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Exact Frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word in the query.

In this form, we will find out the number of impressions per month specifically for this request.

1.3. Geodependency

In addition to different request frequencies, we can find out the frequency from requests in different regions. To do this, instead of the “By words” item, check the “By region” item.

The screenshot shows total number requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the Moscow region there were 13,847 impressions, regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex answer:

“Regional popularity” is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not distinguished by anything in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that there is increased interest in this word in this region; if it is less than 100%, it means decreased interest. For statistics lovers, we can note that regional popularity is an affinity index.

You can also set the region when collecting frequencies. By default, the fee is set for all regions.

Select a region.

Thus, when searching for the exact frequency of a query in a specific region, you can find out how many people are searching for the query you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of a request

Yandex Wordstat has another function that interests us. To use it, you need to check the “Query history” checkbox.

Thus, we see what the request frequency was by month during different periods. Using this information, you can roughly predict drops/rises in traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for ease of use of the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to make my life easier, when working with it I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

This is how it looks in the Wordstat window:

The first thing that catches your eye is the advantages around requests. By clicking on them, we add queries to the column on the left:

This is very convenient, since you usually need to highlight each request and its frequency in order to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of queries added to the column will be saved.

This plugin also allows you to sort queries directly in a column by frequency or alphabetically, and then copy these queries with frequency into the document you need. I recommend using the plugin for Chrome browser, since there are more latest version, which is constantly updated. There is also a plugin for FireFox, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of queries on Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then finding out the frequency of a request on Google will be more difficult. Google does not have a service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the contextual advertising service Google AdWords. You will need to register in it. After registration, a panel will appear in front of you.

Open the “Tools” menu tab and find “Keyword Planner” in the drop-down menu.

This will open the scheduler page. On this page you need to select “Get query statistics and trends”. There, enter the query you are interested in and indicate the region.

Click on the “Find out the number of requests” button. You will get this result:

Due to AdWords limitations, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1,000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run a campaign.

When a paid campaign is running, the request frequency will look like this:

3. Software collection of request frequency

Methods for manually collecting request frequency were described above. With a large number of requests, collecting their frequency manually is very inconvenient, so I use special programs.

3.1. Program "Slovoeb"

After setting up the program, you need to launch it and, as in the case of “Slovoeb”, add queries, specify “Region” and click on “Collect Yandex statistics. Direct".

Key Collector, unlike Slovoeb, parses data using Yandex. Direct, which significantly speeds up the parsing process. Click “Get data” and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency for Google using Google AdWords. To do this you need to configure it. The settings can be viewed on the official Key Collector website. Then you will need to click on the “Collect Google Statistics” button. Adwords", which is located next to the "Collect Yandex.Direct statistics" button.

4. Online collection of request frequency

Sometimes there are situations when your favorite instrument is not at hand, but you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services to collect frequencies. I will look at 2 services that I use myself. One will be for Yandex, the other for Google.

4.1. Online frequency collection tool from SeoLib for Yandex

All you need to do is open the “Key phrase analysis” tab and copy the list of queries you are interested in into the request form or attach as a separate file. After this, you need to select the required frequency and region, if necessary, specify Extra options. Then click on “Start Analysis”.


The tool is paid, but the prices are reasonable. For example, a list of these 7 queries for all types of frequency cost me 5.3 rubles.

4.2. Ahrefs Online Frequency Collection Tool for Google

The service has a Keyword Analysis tool.

In the form you need to add keywords separated by commas and indicate the region near the “Belts” button.


Go to the “Metrics” tab:


Work with Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can view them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it significantly simplifies the process;
  2. If you have a list of queries and need a quick one-time check, use SeoLib's online Keyword Tool;
  3. If you constantly work with requests, I recommend purchasing Key Collector. Although Slovoeb is free, it parses too slowly, and the time you save on parsing queries in Key Collector will more than offset the costs. “Slovoeb” can be used if you work with a small list of queries and use it infrequently. I used it myself when I started working in SEO, but when I purchased Key Collector, I regretted not buying it earlier.

Work with Google:

  1. If there are several requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of queries, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or set up Key Collector.

I have listed the services that I myself use to collect request frequency. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to read them!

That's all for now, I wish you good positions in frequency queries!

The Yandex search engine receives more than one hundred million requests every day. What are they looking for on the Internet? About half of these requests are entered in ten cities of Russia: these are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. Users of the listed cities launch 18.5 million search sessions, the duration of which, in general, would be 100 years.

On average, a person spends two minutes creating a query and viewing search results. Queries consisting of three or more words have become more popular; queries consisting of one word are much less common. The most verbose Yandex queries are those with five words.

Most often, users turn to the Yandex search engine - 82.7%, then to Search Mail - 36.3% and Rambler - 20.3%. Users from different cities and regions most often request large regional portals that are unknown in other cities.

What is most often searched for on the Internet? In the search engines Yandex, QIP and Search Mail, the most popular queries remain queries on social networks. The majority of users visit them regularly. Next in popularity are queries with the word “porn”; the number of such queries is clearly not decreasing.

Top 10 search queries on Yandex:

  1. In contact with
  2. Classmates
  4. Porn
  5. In contact, login to the site
  6. In contact login
  7. Auto RU
  8. Porn online
  9. My world
  10. Games for girls

Google also has its own TOP 10 search query:

  1. Download
  2. Classmates
  3. In contact with
  4. Download for free
  5. In contact with
  6. Yandex
  7. Weather
  8. Translator
  9. Programs

There are resources Yandex.Wordstat and Google.Adsense, where you can view and estimate the number of ad impressions in Yandex.Direct; all information is based on user requests. The service works to identify popular topics: the more popular the topic, the more users will be interested in it.

What people are looking for on the Internet now

What questions are asked most often? Most often, users begin interrogative queries with: how many, which or who. These are the most commonly used questions, they are asked every day to all search programs: why do we need men, how to kiss correctly, where to go to study, what is love, where do children come from, where to buy, whose phone number, when will they open, how much does a wedding cost, why is Putin a crab? , what holiday is it today, who wants to become a millionaire.

About 10% of requests have clarifications or direct instructions - to sell, buy or receive something.

The most common clarifications today are requests for download and free.

Every year the number of Internet users is growing inexorably, so the question is always how to interest and attract people, what resources are popular and in demand. Studies have shown that, first of all, queries in various search engines depend on the age of the user.

What is often searched on the Internet

For example, young people 12-17 years old are most often interested in programming, computer equipment, games, payment systems, cars, cell phones, various possibilities modern technologies and earning money from home. In the age category 18-24 years old, added to all this social media, chatting, website development and optimization, games (strategies, quests), music and mobile devices.

Unlike guys, girls are interested in educational programs, fashion, music, social networks, cosmetics, TV series, television projects, nail extensions and other things.

In older age groups, the Internet is used as widely as among young people. What are people looking for on the Internet? Many people are interested in dating, with the help of which they are looking for a partner for Serious relationships. Some are looking for new movies, listening online music, online shopping is also popular.

Regardless of their position and age, users often request the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

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