How to get on the right path in life. How to choose your Path of life and not let the ego lead you astray

Numerology has been known in Western culture for a long time. This teaching can be traced back to the famous Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras: he used it 2500 years ago.
He even built a special numerological scheme, according to which everyone should live the life prepared for them by numbers. Like, if you don’t do this (due to ignorance or inability to hear your heart), your life path is simply doomed to failure!
It sounds kind of crazy, but try it. And tell us if Pythagoras was right about your natural talents!

So here's a 60-second test to help you find out if you're on the right path in life.

Step 1: Add all your birthday numbers together. Don't forget to write full year your birth (for example, 1969, not 69).

Step 2: If the number turns out to be two digits, add the numbers from it. For example, if you get 27, then 2+7=9. Continue this until you end up with one number from 0 to 9.

Let's take for example March 29, 1969. Suppose one of you was born on this very day. It turns out that the full date looks like this: 03/29/1969.

2+9+0+3+1+9+6+9 = 39
3+9 = 12
1+2 = 3. So your life path is number three!

Step 3: find your number on this list and find out what you need to do in life!

Life path #1:

People-units- these are, first of all, original thinkers and creative minds. They often make excellent goal-oriented leaders who prefer to do everything themselves or be responsible for everyone at once.

Occupations that suit you: Freelancer/Independent Contractor; Business owner; manager; Sales Manager; marketer; advertising specialist; designer; quality engineer; trainer-consultant; politician; developer or broker; Financial Consultant; creative director; athlete.

Life path #2:

Two people Primarily detail oriented. They love to notice and see what others do not see and do not notice. They usually make great friends and caregivers because no one is as supportive as they are.

They usually manage life quite deftly because they are used to trusting their intuition. They also often fight to empower others.

Professions suitable for you: Teacher; psychotherapist; healer; cook; negotiator/diplomat; politician; musician; artist; designer; Social worker; administrator; therapist; alternative medicine specialist; accountant; masseur; actor.

Life path #3:

Three people They are used to speaking for themselves: they love to express themselves and have a creative nature. That's why they're usually so pleasant to talk to!

They can infect anyone with their passion for beauty. And the main thing for them is to reveal their “I”: be it in creativity or in sports. at least in oratory; at least in the scientific community.

Here are the professions suitable for you: entertainer; artist; journalist; designer; cook; musician; dancer; trainer; writer; photographer; salesman; architect; Graphic Designer; hairdresser; cosmetologist; visagiste; art specialist.

Life path #4:

Four people- these are those who, of all of us, value details and a systematic, methodological approach more strongly. If you want to do something desperate and quick with them, such people will not agree: they like it when their plan is thought out to the smallest detail.

That is why they make such highly professional managers and organizers. Wherever a four-man appears, stability and order reign for a long time.

Professions suitable for you: director; manager; Business owner; editor; auditor; accountant. doctor; engineer; military or law enforcement officer; personal trainer; analyst; architect/urban planner; advocate; official, business consultant; banker or finance and investment specialist.

Life path #5:

Fives- these are people who value variety, novelty and the excitement of uncertainty above all else in life.

Of course, they are naturally gifted with communication skills and strong analytical thinking. Friends appreciate them for what they always give good advice, know how to advertise and promote unpopular ideas and can be even the devil’s advocate!

Here are the professions that are suitable for you: Project Manager; manager-consultant in a travel agency; organizer of festive events; investigator; advertising and marketing consultant, promoter, PR specialist, hairdresser; athlete or TV presenter.

Life path #6:

People born under the sign 6, most often choose to work in the service sector. They enjoy helping, advising and supporting others. They make excellent advisors, consultants and managers.

Here is a list of the most suitable professions for you: hairdresser; fashion consultant; interior designer; therapist; teacher; healer decorator; chiropractor; model. visagiste; medical worker; cosmetologist

Life path #7:

Seven people have a contemplative character. They are not very active, they like to think about everything thoroughly: this is the nature of their analytical mind.

They learn quickly and well and are able to develop complex strategies to solve complex issues. They also love technology and are always on a spiritual quest. Their favorite science is psychology.

Here are the professions that suit your soul: researcher/scientist; analyst; IT consultant; philosopher, psychologist. journalist. quality engineer; programmer; accountant. spiritual teacher; doctor; naturopath; biographer.

Life path #8:

Eight people- these are talented innovative leaders born to solve big problems. They rarely like to work for someone, especially if that someone is a dictator. This is why these people are most successful when they start their own business.

Accordingly, here are the professions suitable for you: business owner; independent contractor; Project Manager; banker; business consultant; broker; advocate; surgeon; politician, high-ranking official.

Life path #9:

Nines- unique people. Because they combine both creativity and the ability to work for the benefit of others. Therefore, they most often choose to work in the service sector.

Such people often become talented teachers (those whom students remember for the rest of their lives), healers, and leaders. Your opinion is usually listened to, isn't it?

Here are the relevant industries and professions for you: healthcare or education specialist; artist; professional writer; human rights activist; advocate; actor; politician; civil activist; human resources specialist (HR); PR specialist, energy engineer, graphic designer; fashion designer; photographer.

“Any path is just one of a million possible paths.”
Carlos Castaneda

There are a great many ways... which one to choose? Speaking about purpose and its search, one cannot ignore the whole human life path. This is a more capacious and long-lasting concept that spans the entire human life. Someone lives by the inertia of “let everything go as it goes”, rejoices in successes and is upset when they bypass him, saying that this is fate... And someone is looking for the right path for themselves - their own path. So, what should you prefer? Choice life path or let your life take its course?

Faced with another failure in their life, probably every person has wondered, is it possible to change anything at all? As a rule, we attribute all problems and consequences of mistakes to fate. And we chalk up every success to our own account. But maybe, it is worth analyzing failures as well? See your mistakes and wrong actions in them? Watch the children: one, having tripped over a stone, will look at it, draw conclusions and avoid it next time, while the other will constantly fall in the same place. Such an ingenuous example can be applied as a stencil to any human action. And this is not the ability to think logically - it is, first of all, the desire to understand “why I fell.” It is unlikely that any adult will seriously think that fate placed this stone under his feet. And perhaps choice of life path and lies in first learning to analyze what consequences will follow what actions.

After all, few people think that human life path The path he walks on is not only the presence or absence of work, income, success. This includes a worldview, the ability to build harmonious relationships both in the family and with business partners, the ability to be happy and constructively sad, and the ability to LIVE. Agree, our perception of everything that happens depends on our attitude to the world around us. You can create, but you can destroy everything . Obviously, these are two opposite poles, but the road between them is very short, since it depends only on our thoughts and feelings. And we know how to control these matters, or at least we can learn.

Do choice of life path yourself, compare:

  • Destruction - this is irritation, fear, melancholy, dissatisfaction with oneself, disappointment, jealousy and even a feeling of guilt, which entails punishment (of oneself). All this not only forces a person to destroy relationships, his life, but also himself, since thoughts and feelings tend to materialize.
  • Creation - this is responsibility for your actions, feelings and thoughts. This is the understanding that our own subconscious mind is in control. human life path. This is the road of development.

Some will say that the answer is obvious, but how to find yourself your path, and not the principles of life, even after making the right choice of life path? After all, the feeling of unfulfillment is also a destructive force.

“Each of us has only one true calling -
find a way to yourself"
Hermann Hesse

Find yourself like No matter how it sounds to skeptics, people have strived at all times. But in the entire history of mankind, no one has ever found an answer to the question, how to find yourself, your own life path. A person thinks about this all the time, although it is difficult to solve the issue by reflection alone.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"
Lao Tzu

As with achieving a goal, you need to be able not only to think/analyze/draw conclusions, but also to act. You have already taken the first step - you have decided what you need find yourself. How you will do it - that's another question.

“Either I will find my way, or I will make it myself.”
F. Sydney

Finding yourself means feeling fulfilled, in demand and, as a result, happy. The components of happiness for many are health, family and, of course, success at work - in a job that gives pleasure. It is precisely the last component that is the most difficult for most: how to find yourself- your place in life, your calling, your business. Returning to the question of how to find your calling, you should understand that no one can answer it unequivocally, but a number of specialists offer trainings and various exercises that help you find tips, responses within yourself to what really, perhaps, will become your business. life.

You will find how to take the next step in finding your calling, your life path, in the next article, in which we will talk about.

How bad it is for a person to live without understanding his life path. The unknown and ignorance of the right path in life is a direct road to a dead end. It's like wandering in a thick fog - walking and not seeing the road. Numerology will help clear the fog on the road of life.

He who hobbles along a straight road will outpace a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)

The straight road is to know your path in life. To find out your calling in life, let's use numerology. The initial data will be the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. The sum of all numbers will give us important number, which determines the path of life. This number is a waybill on the road called Life.

This is a waybill, which indicates the direction of the route and indicates the limits of possible and impossible deviations. It is this number that will explain to us who we are and answer the question: why are we exactly like this?

The path of life is the mission with which we were sent to planet Earth and what we need to do here. Our inner nature and the abilities we possess will also become clearer.

Rule for determining the life path: the Life Path number is determined by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. Then we reduce everything to one number. Exception: 22 and 11.

Numbers 11 and 22 are dominant in numerology and cannot be shortened unless their fluctuations complicate a person’s life path.

The Life Path Number (LPN) can be easily determined by three addition methods.

Illustrative examples

Example: 1. Date of birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy 09.09.1828

  • 0+9+0+9+1+8+2+8=37=3+7+10= 1+0=1
  • 1828+09+09=1846=1+8+4+6=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
  • 1828=1+8+2+8=19=1+9=10=1+0=1; 0+9=9; 0+9=9; 1+9+9=19; 1+9=10=1+0=1

Different methods of addition are needed in order to check whether double numbers 11, 22 and 33 are hidden behind 2, 4 and 6, which deepen the meaning of our number.

This is how difficult it is for the brilliant writer Pushkin.

Example 2. Date of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 06/06/1799

  • 0+6+0+6+1+7+9+9= 38= 3+8=11
  • 1799+ 06+06=1811; 1+8+1+1=11
  • 1799=1+7+9+9=26=2+6=8 0+6=6; 0+6=6; 8+6+6=20=2+0+2

As you can see, Pushkin hides 11: The dominant number. If the Dominant number does not suit you, then there is an alternative, such as Pushkin’s number 2.

Life Path Numerical Value: 1-3

  • The key here is individuality. If you have 1, then you are the first, the creator and the original. A leader, not a follower. You will succeed as a craftsman, manager or director. Orders are not for you. Ambitions overwhelm your soul and you have a very active life path.

Honesty and loyalty are your character traits. A good sense of humor helps in the most difficult situations.

Self-confidence and pride, coupled with willpower, will help you complete any task you start.

Beware of negative emotions: arrogance, selfishness, as well as boasting, laziness and instability

  • Cooperation. You are better at creating in pairs, in a group or in a team. Two needs cooperation. You are sociable, kind and do not forget other people. Your success is to help others without reward, then it will find you. Just be careful about volunteering.

You are a good diplomat and peacemaker. There is an excellent sense of tact. Love family - home and your family are very important in your life. Punctual in work, picky about details. You are shy and often prefer to stay in the shadows.

Numerology warns to beware of negative vibrations: excessive sensitivity, refusal to help others, fearfulness, inability to take risks and self-destruction. Find strength and courage.

  • Self-expression. You are happy, creative and multi-faceted. An enthusiast by nature, who is energetic, intellectual, optimistic - a born leader.

Have an excellent sixth sense and you will achieve triumph in mental work.

They are friendly, and the word friends is not an empty phrase for you. You want beauty, happiness and fun for all people and for all living things that surround you. Original ideas so they fight with the key. Follow your instincts - they are true.

Beware of: haste, uncriticality, excessive talkativeness, as well as jealousy, loss of self-esteem and intolerance.

ChZZH for 4-9

  • The key words are practicality and organization. You are sincere and honest, serious and patient - conscientious. Your work is long-lasting and thorough. Your motto is responsibility, which is why many people ask you for support and protection.

By nature you are a master; you strive for regularity at work and orderliness at home. Details have great value in your life – you overdo it with precision.

An intellectual activity is suitable for you, but you can also work well with your hands. Hard worker. Save money and love your home. You work for money, but forget about gambling.

Your talents are far from home troubles and work routines

Negative emotions that you need to beware of: the desire to command, great criticism, laziness, intolerance, workaholism.

  • Freedom. You cannot be controlled, come and go as you please. Activity, tirelessness and variety. Luck comes in working together with people. New things simply attract you: friends, wardrobe, unfamiliar lands. Monotony quickly leads to boredom.

They are sociable and easily make new friends. Undiscovered facets attract you, you want to experience everything yourself. Order and discipline come first for you.

Beware of irresponsibility, excessive indulgence in alcohol, sexual games and drugs.

  • Responsibility. Learn to serve others, create good for others, while forgetting your selfish intentions.

You adore comfort, idealism, musical creation and beauty. You are attractive in appearance, idealism and justice are in your blood. Peacemaker.

You close your eyes to the mistakes of your loved ones. You think you can re-educate others. Many of you are getting married, but there are people who set exorbitant criteria for the second half. That’s why they start a family at a late age or not at all.

Love to enjoy beautiful landscapes. Fair. You have increased concern for people who need protection: children, the elderly and the sick.

Humanitarian professions are suitable for you. You often choose to be a doctor or a teacher.

Beware of: callousness, pride and unreasonableness.

7. Wisdom. You are constantly learning. Knowledge is everything to you. Do you want to discover the secrets of the Universe? You don’t trust others, you constantly collect information.

This is the number of loners who read, reflect and discover. You must learn the mysteries from the mouths of the world's thinkers. You can be a teacher or a writer. Learn, share your knowledge with others. Master your skills and luck will come to you.

Patience is one of your best qualities.

Beware of: melancholy, alcohol, laziness and secrecy.

  • Movement. The hard way. According to numerology, triumph comes with the help of knowledge, equality, both spiritual and material.

Eliminate making money from the first place - this is not the main thing in life. Learn to work more for the common good, then the reward will come.

Leadership is not alien to you. Management and your own business are more to your liking. Big business and great projects beckon.

Numerology advises: learn to be firm in principles, strengthen your courage and common sense.

You may be lucky in education, trade, consulting. Are you interested in metaphysics?

Beware of: stinginess, selfish motives and extravagance.

  • Compassion. Tolerance and understanding are your qualities. Receive a reward when you realize that your calling is to serve people. Try to help them, inspire them. You risk defeat if you want power.

You have developed intelligence and insight. Your prospects: charity, work in hospitals. You make the World a better place.

Vibrations to watch out for: stinginess, cowardice and indecisiveness.

Mainstream numbers

  • Inspiration. According to numerology, a lot is expected of you. The path of life is associated with the Dominant number. You are in the midst of reverence.

Professions in which you can succeed: ambassador, diplomat, minister, critic. You can be a spiritual advisor. In life, you are a philosopher who believes in ideals. Personal ambitions can be harmful because your goal is to transfer knowledge to other people. You have a responsibility to lead other people.

The way you live inspires others. Live your life right. You can become an actor, writer, physician, psychologist - succeed in any field that is aimed at helping others.

Beware of: dishonesty, cunning, aimlessness.

This is a strong number and is not suitable for all people. If it works, it means the number is yours. If not, then there is an alternative -2. Don’t strain the dominant numbers, don’t adapt to them.

  • Versatility. The number of creators, creators and architects. Everyone who takes risks for the sake and benefit of other people.

World problems and global enterprises are your interests. Leadership and management come easily to this number.

You can work as a teacher, in government and public structures. All your views are universal, because you must work for the public good.

Beware of such vibrations: nervousness, laziness, boasting and indifference. If the number does not work, then there is an alternative to it - the number 4.

Knowing our life path, we can determine our main goals and protect ourselves from rash projects. Numerology will help you find a profession - your true path in this world.

It happens that at the end of life a person regrets wasting his best years, buried his talent in the ground, missed the opportunity to fulfill his dream. It seems that you haven’t lived your own life at all, but someone else’s. To prevent this from happening, we offer some tips on how to find your path in life.

Listen to yourself

Many of us make irreparable mistakes by blindly following the opinions of others. We study where our parents want; choose a job that your spouse approves of; We do the hobby that our friends recommend. We are subconsciously afraid of making a mistake, and we place responsibility for our actions on other people. As if those who advise do not know how to make mistakes. You need to finally become bolder and listen to your own opinion.

Only by knowing your true needs can you understand how to find a path in life. To do this, try to question every advice from others. Not to ignore, but to question it, so that later you can personally think about it, weigh it, and understand for yourself that the advice is really useful. Even if the advice is given by a loving and wise person, you still need to approach it constructively and not follow it blindly. This will teach you to make decisions on your own.

Start small. Realize what exactly you want from life. If you have disturbing thoughts that life is passing you by, try to analyze the moment when it began. Perhaps you are not satisfied with your job, lifestyle, environment.

Remember your old dreams, youthful hobbies. If you understand that this life does not coincide at all with your past aspirations, then it’s time to change something immediately. It is important to understand in which direction you want to develop, what to achieve, how to live.

Don't hold on to things that make you unhappy. For example, it is very difficult to give up a job you hate if you have spent many years on it. However, by being honest with yourself, you can make a firm decision to change jobs.

Rely on your own abilities

Many people set the bar high for their life goals, and then spend their entire lives suffering failures and disappointments instead of successfully doing what they love. This occurs due to the fact that a person is guided in choosing an activity not by his own abilities and desires, but by other people’s experience, fashion and stereotypes.

Do not forget that it is better to be a good potter than a bad lawyer. Especially when you consider that a good potter, improving his craft, can receive much greater profit and social recognition than a lawyer with a bad reputation. Remember that success can only be achieved in what you love. Don't chase prestige, but improve in activities that suit you.

Don't be afraid to start life again

At a certain point, it may seem that it is too late to change anything in your life. After all, education has already been received, a job has been found, and the circle of friends is stable. And even if all this does not suit you, even if it contradicts human nature, nothing can be changed.

This opinion is wrong. It's never too late to start life again, make new acquaintances, get a second education, or do what you love. The main thing is desire and determination.

Be responsible

Don't forget that freedom is, first of all, responsibility. By independently choosing the path you want to follow, you will no longer be able to blame someone else for your failures. It is important to understand that your life is in your hands. Realizing this is one of the important stages turning a person into an architect of his own happiness.

Believe in yourself

In order to find a path in life and successfully pursue your goal, it is very important to believe in yourself. This is more difficult than it seems, since many of us have been accustomed since childhood to take a passive position, expecting changes and pleasant accidents from life, without daring to take active action.

In order to get rid of the oppression of your own complexes and insecurities, you need to learn to think positively.

  1. Trust yourself. Accept the fact that when you decide to take a new path in life, you inevitably lose your old one. Avoid feeling guilty about this. Understand that this is not a loss, but getting rid of unnecessary things.
  2. Respect yourself. Try to get rid of the internal inhibitions that stand in your way. Remember that you deserve to be happy and don’t let others force their opinions on you.
  3. Frame your tasks positively. To achieve the best results, you need to, having outlined a plan of action, instead of the burdensome “I must,” tell yourself: “I want.” This psychological technique gives a lot of enthusiasm and encourages action.

Having managed to find your way, do not be afraid of new difficulties and be ready to overcome new obstacles. The main thing is to clearly outline your goal and truly want change.

Many people day by day wonder what the goals of the Universe are, what is the meaning of life. In this regard, difficulties arise in choosing a life path. It's about not about work and profession, but about worldview.

The path of life is not only about what job you choose, what kind of person you want to have next to you. This concept also includes inner world, attitude towards everything that surrounds you. There is a popular misconception that a person cannot regulate his desires and his attitude towards the world. You choose yourself - this is the law of psychology, the law of the Universe.

Where to begin

First, it’s worth noting that even without choosing anything, you are already making a choice. The essence of this statement is extremely simple - your life path has already been chosen by default. All you need is a desire to correct it. If you want to go with the flow, then this is your choice. If you don’t want to choose anything, then no one has canceled this path either.

You can be a rebel calm person, gray, bright, gloomy, cheerful, dreamy. One thing you need to understand as soon as possible is that if you don’t want to decide something, then the Universe itself will decide everything for you. As statistics and common sense say, those who avoid choosing sides in psychological warfare lose early. You need to decide for yourself who you are, as early as possible. Usually, this is done for you by your parents in childhood or by people with whom you closely communicate, but, contrary to any laws, any adult can change himself, starting from the very bottom - from consciousness.

Step two - find a hobby

As they say, your work should not determine your interests, but your interests should determine your work. Already from the very early years all children do something special: some draw, some attend wrestling lessons, some delve into old electronic devices, some like to study the culture of other countries and peoples. Growing up, we forget that each of us deserves to lead the lifestyle that he likes, within reasonable limits.

If you are a fan of sports or art, then why should you go to work in a factory? You don't have to do what society tells you to do. You must follow the voice of your heart, correcting the path with wisdom and life experience, as well as common sense.

Find something that will make you forget about everything in the world. Become experts in this matter. Only then will you be able to make money from it. Don't forget that it's never too late to start looking. Someone understands that his calling is writing, drawing, sports or something else only at the age of 30 or 40, or even later. Even in this case, you should not give up, because the power of thought and self-confidence are the two main conditions for obtaining the magic key to the gate leading to the world of happiness.

Step three - communicate with people

There are already almost 8 billion of us. We are all different, so we need to communicate without stopping. Study languages ​​or, if you don't want to, communicate with people from your country, but do it constantly. You need this to find inspiration. As psychologists say, we take the vast majority of ideas from other people and then adapt them to suit ourselves.

A hermit lifestyle is not an option in our world, because there are practically no places on Earth where you could go or leave without anyone bothering you. Now there is Internet, and most territories are already open. A warm and pleasant place is never empty, so everywhere you will meet either like-minded people or enemies.

So, main question is initially set incorrectly. Ask yourself not how to find your calling and path in life, but when to do it. Try to step outside your comfort zone and look at the world from a different angle - the idea for choosing a life path will come by itself. Don't stop searching and then you can live life to the fullest. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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