How to replace a gas meter in an apartment. Free replacement of gas meters: myth or reality

Any device has its own service life - we periodically check cold and hot water, the inspector systematically comes to check electricity, heat and gas meters. If problems are detected or the expiration date has expired, the device must be changed - its further use is unsafe and unprofitable.

Because we're talking about about the metering device for housing and communal services, it will not be possible to simply replace it on your own - there must be permission from the utility service, and the procedure itself must be carried out by a specialist who is authorized to carry out such operations.

According to Government Decree No. 824, replacement gas meter carried out if:

  • Its service life has expired.
  • The device is faulty and cannot be repaired.

Who should be responsible for changing the device and who is responsible for paying. Everything will depend on where the meter is installed:

  • If this a private house– payment for the new device and its installation must be made by the property owner.
  • If it is an apartment, but not privatized, that is, municipally owned, replacing the appliance is the responsibility of the state.
  • If this is an apartment that has been privatized, replacing the meter is within the competence of the owners of the premises.

But, replacing the meter can be free for privileged categories of citizens. In this case, these include:

  • WWII veterans.
  • Large families.
  • Low-income pensioners.

Only an employee has the right to change the device or seal it. gas service- he must have access to such operations and a certificate of the established form.

Be sure to check the employee’s documents before letting him into the premises!

How much will it cost?

If a citizen does not belong to the preferential category of citizens, he will have to pay for the procedure for replacing the meter himself. You will also have to buy a new gas meter - its cost will depend on the model and manufacturer, up to 30,000 rubles.

The replacement procedure itself varies depending on the following factors:

  • Region.
  • Rates.
  • Condition of the gas pipeline.
  • Pipe length for meter output.
  • Difficulty in carrying out the work.

On average, you will have to pay 900-3000 rubles to install a meter. In the capital, the amount can reach up to 4,000 rubles for replacing a gas meter.

The subscriber will have to pay for the following services (except for purchasing a new meter):

  • The work of a master dismantling the old meter and installing a jumper pipe.
  • Installation of a new meter.
  • Checking the new meter.

In general, the procedure for replacing and verifying a new meter can reach up to 15,000 rubles. You cannot do this on your own, even if you know exactly how to do it and have the relevant experience - unauthorized connection will result in a fine.

What documents need to be prepared?

The standard package of documents includes:

  • Passport for the old meter.
  • Civil passport of the property owner. A copy is acceptable.
  • Meter installation project.
  • Information about the last verification of the meter.
  • Agreement on technical VDGO.
  • House plan.

You will also need to write a statement containing the following information:

  • Passport and contact details of the subscriber.
  • The address where the meter needs to be replaced.
  • Registration number and meter model type.
  • Indicators of devices before replacement.
  • Date of the first and last meter verification.

The application can be written at the territorial office of the service.


According to Government Decree No. 354, the period for replacing a gas consumption meter should not exceed 30 days. After new counter will be installed, within 3 days the management company must contact the subscriber and agree on a date for sealing the meter.

During the time until the new meter is suitable for use, charges for gas use will be charged according to the standard established by law.

How to replace the meter

An approximate algorithm is:

  • Completing an application and submitting documents to management company.
  • On the appointed date, a specialist comes to the site - he inspects the site, draws up an estimate, and finds out what model of the meter should be.
  • The meter itself is purchased.
  • The meter is installed and the work certificate is signed.
  • Putting the device into operation, sealing.

There is no charge for sealing the gas consumption meter - it is a free procedure.

Every property owner is interested in the high-quality performance of the gas meter. If you do not replace it in time, then there will be no point in relying on the readings of a faulty device, and paying according to the standards established by the state will be incredibly expensive.

Gas meter replacement law

With regard to compliance with the legislative part of the Russian Federation, there are a number of regulations that should be referred to so that there is no conflict situations with specialized services for hazardous gas work.


  • The law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” states that all gas consumption measuring instruments must be delivered on time for verification, and the responsibility for this lies with the owners. For more details, see article No. 13.
  • Various instructions, for example, or in labor safety instructions, state that any gas hazardous work can only be performed by employees who have undergone special training and confirmed their qualifications. However, such instructions are mainly relevant for specialized organizations.

At whose expense is the gas meter replaced?

The subscriber is primarily responsible for the following items:

  • Contents of the measuring gas equipment:
    • Delivery of the device for verification;
    • Payment for verification;
  • Correctness of gas meter readings;
  • Gas meter performance.

The first point is confirmed by a document approved by order of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1994 No. 125.

Thus, it is the primary responsibility of the owner of gas equipment to send the device for verification on time for reliable readings of gas volumes consumed.

According to reviews, the cost of replacement can cost from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles (depending on the specific city or region). Average prices are from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Gas meter service life, rules and replacement procedure

The service life of a gas metering device is determined by its manufacturer. The figure may vary between 12-20 years. The time frame established by the state for operating the meter is 20 years. Everything that is stated in the instructions for the device above the established standard is an outright lie.

The need to replace a gas metering device may arise when the verification period or its service life. The procedure is not easy, but if you follow a number of rules it should go much faster.

Replacing a gas meter in apartment buildings

If the gas meter is located outside the apartment (namely, in the basement), then any provisional measures for the device must be carried out by municipal services.

Moreover, it is absolutely free, because in this case none of the owners is the owner of the device.

Replacing a gas meter in private homes

Necessary measures to replace gas equipment:

  1. Project documentation, which can be ordered from a specialized company.
  2. After consultation with the gas supply organization, the owner is obliged to independently purchase a meter of a certain brand, as well as pay for services for designing its installation.
  3. Payment de installation work previous equipment.

How much does installation cost?

The cost of installing a gas meter varies between 1000-4000 rubles, depending on:

  • complexity of the work performed;
  • type of work;
  • meter brands;
  • place of its installation (apartment or private house).

What will happen if the meter is not changed? Will gas become more expensive without this device? Read: gas tariffs for the population of the Russian Federation; board with and without counter. ⇐

But what can happen if you act independently: etc. ⇐

What documents are needed for verification, installation, replacement of a gas meter

  1. Passport of the owner of the property;
  2. Passport for the meter;
  3. Certificate confirming ownership;
  4. House plan;
  5. Passport for other gas appliances;
  6. Agreement on technical VDGO.

Application for gas meter replacement

It's very easy to fill out. You just need to change the data in the header. You can find out exactly what to write in it by calling the company responsible for supplying gas to your home.

Positive sides - high accuracy readings, small size, silent, easy setup, repeatability of testing every 10 years, convenient to disassemble in case of breakdown or replacement. Price from $35 to $170. Suitable for domestic and industrial use. Negative aspects are the relatively high price, which will not allow everyone to purchase it.

  • Rotary counters.

Rotary meters are small in size, affordable in price and have low noise levels. In Russia, their price ranges from $25 to $105, depending on the characteristics and additional modules for it. Negatives not very much, but you can add to them the repeatability of testing every 5 years plus frequent errors after long-term operation. Such meters are replaced only with a special tool, so as not to damage the passing pipes.

Free replacement of gas meters: myth or reality

It is the date of issue that is considered the meter reconciliation interval, and not the installation date. The reconciliation period for the counter of the old issue is five years, and the new issue is twelve years. Rules for installing a gas meter in an apartment If you want to install the meter where it is convenient for you, this is not always possible, since there are special rules for choosing a place to install a gas meter:

  1. It is prohibited to install a meter above a gas stove;
  2. Its placement should be on the left or right side above the stove;
  3. Distance from gas stove there should be more than 40 cm to the meter, one meter and sixty centimeters from the ceiling;
  4. Can be used kitchen cupboard in order to hide the meter from view, but this must be agreed upon with gas service specialists.

The location for installing the gas meter must be chosen carefully.

Prices for installation and verification of meters

But here's what you need to do before installing this meter for a fee:

  1. Pay off all debts public services, not only for the provision of gas.
  2. Purchase a suitable meter and make sure it is in good working order before installation in order to protect yourself from defects;
  3. Prepare the required location for installing the meter;
  4. Submit an application to request the installation of a meter from the Housing Office;
  5. On the day scheduled for free installation, be present at home and provide the technician with necessary tools, counter and installation location.

If the meter breaks down, will there be a free replacement or not? The law prohibits replacing a gas meter yourself without the knowledge of the relevant authorities. Behind this action, the violator faces from a fine to imprisonment.

Replacement of gas meters

It is possible to work in installments, please check with dispatchers about discounts and promotions for pensioners. Prices can be significantly lower! Competitive price policy— what helps keep our company afloat. Taking into account the interests of the client, we inform him about each item in the invoice for our services.

Transparency and accessibility are the core principles of pricing in our organization. INSTALLATION OF A WATER METER No. Name of the meter / city of manufacturer Cost (included: installation, meter, filter, connection kit, package of documents, sealing) 1 Norm / St. Petersburg 1600 rub. 2 Guerrida/ Kazan 1950 rub. 3 Itelma/ Germany 2500 rub. REPLACEMENT OF WATER METER No. Name of meter / city of manufacturer Cost (included: installation, meter, filter, connection kit, package of documents, sealing) 1 Norm / St. Petersburg 1300 rub.

The procedure for replacing a gas meter in a private house

But here’s what can happen if you act on your own: a fine for unauthorized connection of gas and equipment: stoves, water heaters, etc. ⇐ What documents are needed for verification, installation, replacement of a gas meter

  1. Passport of the owner of the property;
  2. Passport for the meter;
  3. Certificate confirming ownership;
  4. House plan;
  5. Passport for other gas appliances;
  6. Agreement on technical VDGO.

Application for replacement of a gas meter Download a sample application for replacement of a meter. It's very easy to fill out. You just need to change the data in the header. You can find out exactly what to write in it by calling the company responsible for supplying gas to your home.

Replacing a gas meter and rules for its installation

The fact that meters that were produced for installation outside will cost much more than meters for installation inside is evidence of the need to move the meter from the street to a warm room. Naturally, you can do the opposite: move the meter from the house to the street so that the not particularly attractive device does not spoil general view. For all owners of cottages or private houses, installing a gas meter involves certain expenses.
In order to do everything properly, you need to put in a lot of effort. First of all, you need to choose the right counter. Today there are a huge variety of models, each model has its own price.

It is worth noting that the time has long passed when energy resources were issued according to standards.

Timing for replacing a gas meter and basic rules


Moreover, during the procedure, payment for consumption occurs according to the standard. The service life may ultimately be shorter. There is a technical possibility for verification at home without removing seals and dismantling.

But this is immediately accompanied by additional costs. The consumer's choice between verification and purchasing a new device is mandatory. And it has been regulated by the Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” since June 2008.

The powers of control and implementation of measures are fixed by the Metrology Rules No. PR 50.2.006-94. Cost The cost of installing a gas meter includes an understanding of how much the gas meter itself costs and the price of the work associated with its installation. If the prices for devices are more or less the same across the country, then the calculation of the cost of work by region varies greatly.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter in an apartment?

In this case, they are guided by factory standards (usually indicated in the device passport).

  • There should be no devices that generate moisture or heat (radiators, sinks, etc.) within 2 meters.
  • After installation, the device must be sealed by an employee of the housing organization.
  • The need for replacement is determined by the serviceability of the device or the operating period (registered in the passport). At whose expense is it produced? The gas meter is the property of the owner of the house, therefore he is considered responsible for its condition. According to Gosstandart order No. 125, the owner of the house bears full responsibility for:
  • maintaining the meter in proper condition;
  • verification of the device;
  • the correctness of the device readings and its performance.

In other words, the property owner is obliged to ensure that the meter is in good condition.

However, such instructions are mainly relevant for specialized organizations. At whose expense is the gas meter replaced? Do you need help? Consult our lawyer for free! Laws in our country change very often! Get the most up-to-date information by phone! Just call from any region of Russia: Or contact our online consultant! The subscriber is primarily responsible for the following items:

  • Contents of gas measuring equipment:
    • Delivery of the device for verification;
    • Payment for verification;
  • Correctness of gas meter readings;
  • Gas meter performance.

The first point is confirmed by a document approved by order of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1994 No. 125.
Created with Sketch. Step Installation of the meter Installation or replacement of the meter is carried out on the day agreed with the applicant Created with Sketch. Step Payment for completed work After completing the work, the Mosoblgaz employee issues a receipt for payment (BO-1). Payment is made in cash Created with Sketch. Information on the need to install gas meters in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation» In accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” property owners are required to install gas meters.

Any measuring equipment has an operational period. Replacement of the gas meter must be carried out according to established rules. Otherwise, his testimony will be considered invalid, and the person will have to pay according to the accepted average standards, and this is quite expensive. Next, we will talk about all the legal nuances.

Rules for replacing a gas meter

Gas supply lines are high-risk objects. Installation errors can lead to fatal consequences.

Therefore, various government acts state that the installation of metering devices should only be carried out by organizations with the appropriate license. If you violate this rule, you can run into hefty fines, because such actions do not comply with safety regulations. When installing gas meters in a private home, be sure to follow:

  1. Before installation, the specialist must make sure that the gas equipment is working properly and inspect the area.
  2. Minimum distance from the counter to gas technology- 1 meter.
  3. The minimum distance from the opposite wall is 5 cm (this measure prevents corrosion).
  4. If the meter is installed outside, it must be placed in a metal cabinet or under a canopy.
  5. In the room where the meter will be installed, there must be natural ventilation.
  6. The minimum distance from the floor is 160 cm. Some models may have their own requirements. In this case, they are guided by factory standards (usually indicated in the device passport).
  7. There should be no devices that generate moisture or heat (radiators, sinks, etc.) within 2 meters.
  8. After installation, the device must be sealed by an employee of the housing organization.

The need for replacement is determined by the serviceability of the device or the operating period (registered in the passport).

At whose expense is it produced?

The gas meter is the property of the owner of the house, so he is considered responsible for its condition.

According to Gosstandart order No. 125, the owner of the house bears full responsibility for:

  • maintaining the meter in proper condition;
  • verification of the device;
  • the correctness of the device readings and its performance.

In other words, the property owner is obliged to ensure that the meter is in good condition. If necessary, he must carry out verification and subsequent replacement of the device at his own expense. This is stated in Article 158 of the RF Housing Code.

The only exception is municipal buildings - in them, replacement work is carried out at the expense of the state, that is, the local administration. On average across the country, the cost of replacing a meter is in the range of 3-4 thousand rubles.

List of required documents for filing an application

In order to order the installation of a new meter, you must provide the following list of documents:

  • passport of the owner of the house (in its absence, it is permissible to use another identification document);
  • technical passport of the meter;
  • documents confirming the rights to real estate (purchase/sale agreement, house register, etc.);
  • if the applicant rents housing, then a rental agreement is provided;
  • technical plan of the building;
  • application (written in free form is acceptable);
  • approved house gasification project.

Important: the application must indicate all the characteristics of the device (serial number, model, etc.).

After the meter is replaced, to undergo the sealing procedure you will need to provide:

  • technical passport of the new device;
  • certificate of completion of installation work;
  • a document confirming the commissioning of a new meter.


Having prepared the list of documents, you need to do the following:

  1. Submit an application to a company that installs gas meters and conclude an agreement with it.
  2. After some time (the period depends on the workload of the company), a specialist will arrive to check the equipment and take the necessary measurements.
  3. After making preliminary calculations, the employee will announce the cost of the work. The service is usually paid for immediately (since you need to buy a meter).
  4. Then, on the appointed day, a specialist arrives and replaces the metering device. After that you need to take everything from him Required documents(certificate of installation work, contract and certificate of putting the device into operation).
  5. After which you need to contact the management company with an application and the necessary papers to seal the meter. This procedure is carried out within 3 working days. If the Criminal Code has violated the established deadlines, the citizen can file a complaint with the housing inspectorate.

Important! Such procedures should only be carried out by organizations with the appropriate license. Contacting a private specialist is unacceptable.

Video about choosing a gas meter

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