Which staircase is better, metal or wood? What to choose - wooden or metal stairs? A metal staircase with wood cladding is the right choice

Many argue that finishing concrete and metal stairs with wood is better than making wooden ones, as it is cheaper, does not creak and is more reliable. “There are so many people, so many opinions,” so you shouldn’t argue with supporters of concrete or metal structures, you need to deal with these issues yourself.

The high cost of making wooden stairs: fact or myth?

When choosing concrete or metal structures Do not forget about the need for their subsequent finishing. There are several ways to do this:

  • Install only wooden steps - in this case, you will have to think over the appearance of the risers and select the material for the sheathing. The base itself will be cheaper, but taking into account the financial costs of finishing materials and work, the final cost will be approximately the same compared to the manufacture of similar parameters wooden structure.
  • Cover it completely with wood (from below and on all sides) - regardless of the base material, the price of such a staircase will be much higher than just a wooden one.

It is also important to take into account the labor intensity of the work - when self-finishing wood of a metal or concrete base, the workpieces will have to be adjusted locally to the existing dimensions of the structure.

The problem of squeaks

The metal stairs also creak. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • poor quality assembly and welding of structures;
  • Insufficiently rigid fastening to the walls or floor.

As a result, friction between metal parts (under the influence of loads when walking on steps) leads to creaking. Such defects occur quite often, and their elimination is a labor-intensive process. Repair will be even more difficult if the fastening points of metal parts are hidden under wooden trim.

Concrete stairs do not creak, but the situation is different with their finishing. It is not always possible to make steps perfectly even in height, so for leveling, as well as fencing wooden steps for concrete it is necessary to use plywood or OSB pads. But the more structural elements in a unit, the higher the risk of squeaks. Also the quality of the finish concrete foundations and the absence of backlash largely depends on the level of skill of the performer.

Reliability issue

The reliability and durability of wooden stairs depends on the type of wood used for their manufacture. Structures made of oak, beech and ash, which are highly hard, will last at least 50 years. And with proper care and compliance with operating conditions, their service life will be much longer.

Another feature is that the manufacture of wooden stairs is carried out in the workshop according to pre-developed drawings. This allows you to take into account all the nuances at the project development stage and guarantees an exact correspondence of the sizes of all identical structural elements in relation to each other.

There is no need to worry about wooden stairs squeaking. Structures manufactured under production conditions using fastening and gluing technology are completely free of this drawback. Backlash may appear after decades of use. But this is not a problem either, since experienced specialists know many ways that can, if not completely get rid of squeaks, then significantly minimize them.

Wood is warm, durable and natural material, therefore, according to external and performance qualities wooden stairs have no analogues.

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. If you are the owner two-story cottage, you understand that an important element of the interior in such a house is the staircase. A modern building must successfully fulfill its functional obligations and have an aesthetically attractive appearance that fits into the design of the room.

The aesthetic component is an important aspect in choosing a staircase; a tastelessly modeled design can spoil the impression of the expensive repairs or exquisite furniture decorating the personal space of the owner of a country house.

You can order a ready-made structure, which the craftsmen will deliver and install in a special place determined by the owners under the stairs. You can purchase a product that will be assembled before your eyes: specialists will build the base and install the steps and railings.

Ease of use;
A harmonious combination of the design of steps and railings with the interior features of the room.

It is often difficult for customers to immediately select the material from which stair elements will be made. You can often hear the question: “Which stairs are better: wooden or metal?” let's discuss design features, advantages and disadvantages of structures made of wood and metal structures.

Wooden stairs

Wooden stairs decorated ancient family estates and castles. And now such designs remain popular. It's all about the advantages that the material is endowed with. A wooden product may have an unusual shape. With the help of paints and varnishes you can give the stairs the necessary shade, creating a contrast with color scheme rooms or, conversely, making the passage to the second floor a harmonious element of the interior.

Wooden stairs have some disadvantages that should be taken into account when ordering a similar attribute from craftsmen. Wooden structures do not withstand the strict parameters set by the fire service (wood is a highly flammable material, and in the event of a fire in the staircase area, the evacuation of people is difficult). The wooden option does not The best decision For public buildings; they are prone to rapid wear and loss of their former attractiveness.

Thanks to the pliability of the material, the craftsman can create a product that meets your ideas of beauty. The tree tolerates various manipulations well:

Varnish treatment.

The first problem faced by the customer of a wooden lifting structure is the choice of material. The most expensive and high-quality products are mahogany structures. Clients for whom the cost of the order is not a leading indicator choose this option and decorate the path to the second floor artistic carving. The wait for a work of art takes a long time: a master cabinetmaker devotes several months to each work. Not everyone can afford such an interior element: creations made from mahogany have a high cost.

People who are wondering “which staircase is better: metal or wood” should not avoid working with companies involved in the construction of wooden samples due to their high cost.

They may offer you a budget and at the same time attractive option - lifting structures for a private house made of oak. Budget option structures will be made of larch and ash. For example, by following the link http://antey-lestnica.ru/ you can see a couple of products

Metal stairs

This option is a win-win in premises where production is established. Increased concentration harmful substances and increased load on the steps affect appearance and operational properties of the structure.

There are people who, when asked which staircases are better: wooden or metal, give preference to metal products built in private homes. Modern metal options I can be a work of art: exclusive forged samples, original bronze models will become the highlight of any home.

The most popular materials from which metal stair products are made are steel, bronze, aluminum, and cast iron. The aesthetics of the design is achieved thanks to special coatings, decoration with stone and wood. The finishing of the steps with natural stone looks impressive.

Advantages of metal stairs:

The master can work with straight and curved shapes, making a variety of shapes possible.

Reasonable prices for products.


Ease of changing decor, availability of updating the finishing of steps.

Disadvantages of metal structures:

Stairs made from these materials require regular resurfacing.

When lifting, a characteristic characteristic may be observed upon contact with metal elements.

These facts must be taken into account when deciding which staircase is better, metal or wood should decorate the house. The choice of this attribute for a home is influenced by many factors: the financial side of the issue, the taste preferences of the customer, the dimensions of the required structure.

With companies engaged in the manufacture of structures various types, available at http://stroitelstvo.org/kursk/rubric106/.

Good luck with your choice!

In addition to its main purpose, the staircase in the house is one of the main elements in the interior, creating a certain atmosphere in the home. Therefore, the choice of its design and suitable materialsimportant point. The existing variety of types of stairs allows you to realize any design fantasies. And at the same time, a large choice often confuses a person. Knowledge of the features of staircase structures and materials, their properties during operation will help to better understand.

The most common staircase models:

  • straight march;
  • two or more marches with platforms;
  • screw.

We will consider the features of each type later. Materials for the manufacture of stairs are mainly used such as wood, metal, reinforced concrete, modern durable glass, plastic, stone, etc. They are often combined. There is a huge selection of finishing materials with which you can create a unique design.

Not only a beautiful, but also a comfortable staircase guarantees your comfort and safety. The strongest and most durable structures are metal and concrete. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Metal stairs

The advantages of such structures include high performance characteristics:

  • strength, resistance to heavy loads, durability;
  • comparatively lower cost;
  • convenience and speed of installation.

Metal stairs combine well with other materials. Thanks to the combination with finishing elements made of wood, glass, stone, you can create Beautiful design. An iron staircase needs to be combined with other materials; this is required due to a number of negative consequences in operation:

  • metal steps are slippery, so it is better to make them from wood or plastic;
  • metal has the ability to make noise, so every step on the stairs will be heard and even a pet running up the steps at night will wake you up.

Concrete stairs

The only disadvantages of concrete products are their high cost and long production time. Otherwise, this option is the best in all respects. Regardless of whether it is installed indoors or outside the building, the concrete staircase is highly durable and has a long service life. Reinforced concrete withstands heavy loads, is resistant to the destructive effects of moisture, and is perfectly compatible with most finishing materials. Manufacturing technology allows you to create designs of the most unusual shapes.

Methods of manufacturing structures:

  • monolithic - created on site by pouring and are a single whole;
  • prefabricated - connected to support platforms and a march prepared in advance on site.

The BLK production company produces all types of concrete stairs. Many years of experience, use modern technologies, the creation of real architectural masterpieces attracts many clients to contact PC BKL http://www.pk-blk.ru/betonnye-lestnicy/. Package of services: from project development to installation and delivery of a completely finished facility.

Main types of concrete stairs

  1. Straight - the simplest and cheapest design. For a more functional use of space, niches and cabinets for storing things can be placed under it. Their width must be at least 1 meter. The steps are the most comfortable - slightly wider than the length of the foot.
  2. Marching ones are more convenient, they allow you to create a not too steep descent, but their installation is possible with a fairly spacious room area.
  3. Screw – the best option For small room. Save space. Their width must be at least 2 meters.

Video. Making concrete stairs

Which staircase to choose for a private house.

In modern individual housing construction, preference is given to a 2- or 3-story house. Therefore, to climb to a floor in a house, a staircase is needed. The owners are faced with the question: “Which staircase is better to choose?”

Let's consider what types of stairs exist, their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of stairs for the home.

Stairs for the home can be divided into three main types:

  • Spiral or screw
  • Marching
  • Stairs on rails

Spiral staircase

Marching staircase

Staircase on rails

Spiral staircases.

Spiral staircases are used when it is necessary to save space. They are usually made of wood or metal. Steps in the form of wedges are attached around a post or post. Typically the stand is made of metal and is a pipe. The narrow side of the steps is attached to the post, and the wide side is in contact with the wall or balusters.

prosspiral staircases are to save space and decorative possibilities.

Minuses The problem with these stairs is that they are not very convenient and difficult to manufacture.

Important points about spiral staircases:

  • To make it convenient and safe to climb such stairs, the central width of the steps is made no less than 20-25 cm. The widest part should be no more than 40 cm.
  • Basically, the materials for making spiral staircases are wood or metal.
  • Stairs can be placed either against a load-bearing wall or in the middle of the room. They take up little space, but are still installed less frequently than straight ones. This depends on convenience, since going down a screw specimen is very difficult, you need to be careful and attentive when doing this.
  • Basically, these stairs are auxiliary. They are good when the installation opening is small. But there are specimens whose diameter is more than 3 meters, of course, this is rare, experienced master such an opening is always used for a flight of stairs.
  • It must be borne in mind that the smaller the opening, the steeper the staircase.

Marching stairs.

This is the most common type of stairs in private homes. It is very convenient to go up and down, since the biomechanics of movements are taken into account. These stairs are ideal in rooms where there is enough space. The size of such a ladder and required dimensions spaces can usually be calculated as follows: measure the height of the wall where the stairs will go, and the length of the floor. Then they draw right triangle, where the legs are the wall and the floor, and the hypotenuse is the staircase. Ideal Angle stairs - 45 degrees.

Exist marching stairs various types: closed flight stairs and open ones. Closed ones require the presence of steps with risers, open ones - when there are no risers.

Closed flight staircase.

Open staircase

pros marching stairs lie in the simplicity of design and design, ease of use.

Minuses the fact is that you need a large free space of more than 3 sq.m. To save space, rotating flight stairs with intermediate platforms are used.

M Arch stairs also differ in design. There are with stringers, but there are with bowstrings. These are the types of fastening of stair steps.

The stringer design involves placing the steps in such a way that they are laid, as it were, in the so-called “saddles”. The steps are laid on top of the stringer beam, and risers are mounted at the end. The beam has a sawtooth shape.

Stringer design

Bowstring mount

Bowstrings, that is, inclined load-bearing beams, run along the entire length of the marches and are the basis, the load-bearing part of the structure. Mostly, large-scale staircases are bowstring (their width can be 2 meters or more). The so-called bowstring covers the end fragments of the marches. Here the steps are fastened into wide spaces (grooves) that are located inside the supporting beams. The thickness of the beams must be greater than 6 cm.

Stairs can be single-flight, double-flight or multi-flight. The number of flights depends on the layout and number of floors in the house, as well as the purpose of the premises.

In addition, staircases are conventionally divided for rotary And straight.

Direct ones are the simplest. Their characteristics are convenience, strength, and ease of manufacture.

Straight staircase

Rotary flight staircase

Rotary flight stairs are also divided into types.

These are curved, the width of the narrow end of which should be no less than 10 cm. This is their feature. There are curved stairs.

Also, turning staircases can be half-turn, circular, quarter-turn. The rotation angle of the latter type is 90 degrees; they are usually mounted along two adjacent walls.

Quarter turn staircase

Half-turn staircase

And for circular ones this parameter is equal to 360 degrees.

Stairs on rails

Bolt stairs get their name from the German word, which means pin or bolt. That is, a fastener with which you can attach a ladder. Steps and fencing of this design are mounted to the wall using bolts. Or the ladder rests on special steel supports in the form of rods.

The steps are attached exclusively to the wall with bolts. That is, there must be a wall on one side of the stairs. Such designs are very popular and are becoming increasingly widespread. They seem light and weightless from the outside. But this is actually not the case, of course. Such ladders are very reliable and durable; one step can support a load weighing more than 1500 kg.

pros staircases on rails - compactness, economy in the use of materials.

Minuses— the mandatory presence of a solid stone wall on one side of the stairs.

Cantilever stairs

One of the most modern staircase designs. It looks very impressive and stylish in the interior. Its steps seem to float in the air.

The ends of the steps are embedded into the wall for a length of at least 20 cm or brackets are embedded into the wall.

pros cantilever staircases - they do not clutter up the space, do not block light and air flows in the room, look impressive and stylish, and reduce the consumption of materials for the main elements of the staircase.

Minuses- require more durable fastenings, are not very convenient for movement, are complex in design and execution, and are less safe, since there is no fencing.

Materials for making stairs

Stairs can be made from various materials. Steps made of wood, concrete, plastic, marble, metal, granite, glass are no longer surprising; in conditions of diversity it is difficult to make right choice. It is necessary to pay attention to the durability of the materials from which the stairs are made. The material from which the steps are made is important, because they receive most of the load. They must be resistant to abrasion, not susceptible to shoe marks, mechanical stress, least sensitive to temperature fluctuations, sun rays, humidity. It is also important that the steps are not exposed to household chemicals, other substances, or dirt; they must be environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

  • Metal. The most durable and durable is stainless steel. Service life - from 40 to 50 years or more. Corrosion resistance. Chromed steel lasts on average 5 years, and painted steel lasts 2-3 years. Anodized aluminum is quite soft and can be deformed, but is resistant to corrosion.

  • Stone. Quartzite or granite is most preferred. Hard rocks natural stone They have a long service life of several hundred years. high strength at artificial stone on concrete base. Agglomarble and natural marble are soft rocks; after 2 years of use, the steps begin to wear out.

  • Tree. The most durable wood is mahogany, teak, doussie, wenge, walnut, ash, cabreuve, and mutiny. These rocks are resistant to atmospheric conditions, excess humidity, they are hard, and do not tolerate mechanical damage. Maple, oak, and beech are also resistant to mechanical stress, hardwoods. But light traces of oil may remain on the oak; it is very sensitive to it. Beech can become deformed and is susceptible to moisture. Maple may turn yellow and is prone to cracks.

Pine can be called the most unsuitable material for stairs, since it is soft and very susceptible to any mechanical stress. Cherry and pear have average strength characteristics and are shock-resistant. Larch does not rot and is stronger than pine.

  • The most versatile material for the construction of stairs in private homes is considered reinforced concrete. The advantages of such structures over wooden and metal ones: high strength; noise insulation; operation during construction; low cost; variety of designs, designs and cladding

How to choose a staircase

What should you first of all pay attention to in order to choose and order the right staircase?

The following criteria are important:

  • It is important to contact a staircase manufacturer at the design stage of your home. At this stage, specialists will have to recommend the openings necessary for the stairs.
  • You need to immediately choose the design of the staircase. Will it be a spiral, marching or rail staircase? The marching one is very convenient, but it requires a lot of space. The spiral staircase is beautiful, economical in terms of space, but very inconvenient when going up and down. The staircase on the rails is both aesthetic and convenient.
  • The staircase should be comfortable. The most convenient and safest stairs are marching ones with platforms, as well as rectilinear marching structures with no more than 18 steps. In second place are stairs on rails and flights with winder steps. And the honorable third place is rightfully occupied by spiral staircases.
  • You need to pay attention to staircase openings. Each opening is an individual solution, it depends on the staircase design and configuration. Engineers usually recommend the following parameters, but we must remember that this is a purely individual criterion and each room should have its own approach: if the flight is straight, then the opening should be 1.2 by 3.7 m; if the configuration is L-shaped, then the opening size is 3.1 by 1.3 m. For a U-shaped structure, an opening of 2 by 2.5 m is recommended. The main spiral staircase can have an opening of 2.2 by 2.2 m ( d 200 - 210 cm); and the auxiliary one is 1.5 by 1.5 m (d 140 cm).
  • One of the important points that should be given special attention is ladder safety. That is, there must be a certain ratio between the width of the tread and the height of the rise; the method of installing the last and first steps, which are the most dangerous places in the structure, is important. For the safety of children, the distance between fence balusters or posts should be no more than 15 cm.
  • If the staircase does not pass between two walls, then there must be guardrails. The height of the fences should not be more than 85 cm. The width of the steps is recommended from 25 to 30 cm.
  • Another safety point is load bearing capacity stairs. That is, it must withstand certain loads. For public buildings - this is no less than 400 kg per 1 square meter steps, and for residential premises this parameter is 300 kg per 1 square meter.
  • For safety reasons, the steps must be non-slip and not tilted. The railings must be suitable for any height. All this is laid down at the design stage of the stairs. Safety depends not only on the manufacturer, who must comply with all rules and regulations, but also on the installers.
  • First, the staircase is very carefully secured on the second floor or on the platform between floors. The length of the stairs must match the height of the floor. Railings are installed on the second floor. For these purposes, reliable fasteners are needed. As a result, the staircase must be strong, the railings must be tight and secure.
  • The lifting angle should not be more than 45 degrees. Most best option– this is 35-40 degrees. The width of the marches should be no less than 80 cm, it is best if it is from 90 to 120 cm.
  • The size of the opening in the interfloor ceilings is recommended for single-flight straight stairs with minimum size 100 by 250 cm. For spiral staircases that have a central post, the minimum opening diameter is 170 cm, and for U-shaped stairs - 210 by 250 cm.
  • It is recommended to break the climb into several parts with rest areas or winder steps at turns. This will be a guarantee of safety. The material from which the steps and the entire structure are made is also important. It must be non-flammable. For these purposes, for example, wood is treated with special compounds.
  • Stairs are always designed for a specific house, all its features are taken into account. The lifting step height is recommended from 15 to 19 cm, and the desired and safe height handrails – 90-95 cm.

During construction multi-storey building it is worth thinking through the entire project as a whole. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the stairs, since some models of these products are best installed as the house is being built.

In this regard, a logical question arises: “Which staircase to choose?” Thanks to modern materials You can easily build a wooden, metal or concrete staircase of almost any shape. It is necessary to take into account not only the cost of the staircase itself, but also the cost of finishing it. Therefore, we will consider all the pros and cons of products made from the most common materials, as well as the shapes of stairs.

Types of stairs

There are three main types of stairs that are built in country houses:

  • Direct. This is the simplest and cheapest option for arranging a staircase, regardless of what material it is made of. A free space is created under the stairs, which can be left unchanged or filled with niches and cabinets for storing things. As a rule, the width of such stairs does not exceed 1 meter. Also, a straight staircase allows you to build the most comfortable steps, of optimal width (slightly longer than an adult’s foot).
  • Marching. In this case, a straight zone appears between two staircase openings. Such structures are optimal for spacious rooms with high ceilings or if the house has more than 2 floors. The staircase can be L-shaped or U-shaped.
  • Screw. This is an option for small areas.

All these stairs can be made from metal, concrete or wood.

Metal stairs

Such stairs fit optimally into a design that includes forged fences, railings, etc. But they also go well with wood, glass, and stone. These are reliable, durable and very durable structures. They are able to withstand heavy loads, and installation of such products is carried out at any stage of construction or after its completion. The metal is fireproof, resistant to mold and mildew. In addition, such stairs are the cheapest.

But such designs also have disadvantages. For example, if we're talking about about a metal staircase without any finishing, its steps will be very slippery. Therefore, it is recommended to make these elements from plastic or wood. And if you think that, unlike a wooden structure, it does not creak, then you are very mistaken.

Healthy! Steel stairs coated with powder paint last the longest.

Firstly, if the metal is too thin, then the steps will bend a little under the weight of a person. Secondly, if the steps are metal, then every step will be accompanied by a hum. If the fastening to the walls was not sufficiently rigid or the welding was poor, then the steps will creak worse than any wood.

Initially, this option may seem cheaper. Concrete stairs actually cost almost twice as much as their wooden counterparts. But if you build such a structure, it will not look comfortable. This means you'll have to think about finishing. Some even completely cover the concrete with wood, which significantly increases the cost of the finished product.

If we talk about the advantages, it is worth highlighting:

  • Long service life (up to 40 years). Reinforced concrete can cope with enormous loads.

Healthy! The service life largely depends on the climate in the region of residence, as well as on the frost resistance parameters of the selected concrete.

  • Concrete is not affected by moisture. This is a fire resistant material.
  • Concrete structures are not interesting to rodents and insects.
  • Fast production. Such structures are erected directly on site in 2-3 days.

Healthy! Despite the speed of manufacturing such a staircase, experts recommend pouring concrete simultaneously with the construction interfloor covering or the so-called box.

  • No load on the wall structure. Moreover, we can say that the concrete staircase is an additional point of support.
  • No creaking. Even if wood was used for decoration, there should not be such a drawback. Creaking will only appear if the steps are too uneven.
  • Variety of forms. Concrete is a very plastic material.

Healthy! If you build a wooden spiral staircase, you will have to install a central support pillar. During production concrete structure such a need disappears.

Concrete stairs are:

  • Monolithic. In this case, they are poured in place and form a single whole.
  • Prefabricated. You can order the ladder in parts and then install it in the desired location.

But such designs also have disadvantages. For example,:

  • Concrete stairs, due to their impressive weight, are suitable only for stone, monolithic, brick, prefabricated monolithic and other houses with a reinforced structure.
  • If you cover the entire staircase with wood or “ennoble” it with marble or other stone, then its cost will be higher than its wooden counterpart.

Also for self-construction it will take a lot of effort.

Features of installing concrete stairs

First you need to prepare the formwork. After this, reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured. The first stage is considered the most difficult, and if you have planned more complex shape, then it will be easier to transfer the work to the master. Or you can make a straight single-flight structure located between two walls. In this case, the side elements of the formwork are eliminated, which greatly simplifies the work. To do this, simply draw the outline of the future staircase on the walls.

It’s a little more difficult if the structure is adjacent to the wall on only one side. To do this, you will have to think through the end elements of the formwork. If you do them incorrectly, then the entire structure will “go away.”

Many people believe that wood is significantly inferior to concrete and metal. But in reality it all depends on the quality of the wood. For example, oak, beech and ash are highly hard. Such stairs last at least 50 years. And if the owner of the house periodically takes care of the stairs and carries out treatment, then this period can be doubled.

Healthy! Thanks to light weight wooden stairs are suitable not only for concrete, but also for frame and wooden houses.

It is also not entirely true that all wooden stairs creak. If the design is made using all technologies, then there will be no such shortcomings. By the way, the highest quality stairs are made in the workshop, and not on site. First, a drawing is developed (if the elements do not correspond to each other even slightly, then sooner or later creaks and cracks will appear) and then the production process begins. On the one hand, this guarantees quality, and on the other, it brings us to the main disadvantages of such products.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Long production time. If a concrete staircase is ready in 2-3 days, then the production of a wooden structure will take at least 40 days, plus the time spent on delivery and installation.
  • Possibility of installation only after completion of capital construction and internal rough work. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the wood. In addition, it will be affected by dust and construction debris.
  • Additional load on the walls. Although wood weighs less than concrete, it does not have its own support. In addition, in load-bearing walls you will have to install special embedded elements, which will reduce their strength characteristics.
  • Fire hazard.

In addition, rodents and insects love to feast on the tree. If the room is poorly ventilated, mold and mildew will grow in it.

Features of installation of wooden stairs

In short, it all starts with drawing up a detailed drawing. After this, steps are cut, which are connected to two bowstrings. Next, the bars are installed that should support these steps.

Although the wood does not need additional finishing, it is better to paint it. To do this, you must first level the surfaces. If necessary, use a special wood putty. When the putty layer has dried, the surfaces must be sanded well. This is done in two stages.

First, the work is carried out using coarse sandpaper, then more delicate processing is carried out. The smoother the surface, the better the entire staircase will look, so much attention is paid to this stage.

After this, the wood is impregnated with compounds that will help protect it from insects, fungus and mold. At the next stage, it is advisable to cover the surface of the stairs with a primer (selected in accordance with the final color).

Healthy! Paint for wooden stairs also needs a special one. You need to buy alkyd or urethane type compounds.

If you don’t want to paint the stairs and you want to preserve the beautiful structure of the wood, then emphasize it and protect the material from external influence You can use stain.

In custody

The quality of the staircase directly depends on the craftsman who made it. It often happens that even the concrete stairs. For example, if the steps turned out to be uneven, and in quality finishing material wood is used, such products are guaranteed to have play.

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