What is the biggest problem in the world today? What is the school's biggest problem?

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  • source: ehorussia.com
  • The action of truckers who set up a camp on the Moskovskoye Highway on the outskirts of St. Petersburg ended almost before it began. According to various sources, from five to eight people were detained and taken to the police station in the city of Pushkin.

    However, truckers are not discouraged: arrests will allow more people to hear about them, although the price is high.

    Owners about 30 passenger cars planned to take part in a motor rally in the center of St. Petersburg, organized by the Association of Russian Carriers. The meeting place was a truckers’ camp set up between Shushary and Lensovetovskoye, on the Moskovskoe highway.

    People gathered with Union flags and stickers under their car windows, some had sheets of paper with printed slogans against the Platon system, as well as homemade posters.

    During the time that truckers have been standing on the Moscow highway - that is, since the beginning of the strike, on March 27 - their headquarters container with a kitchen has become a local landmark. At the entrance to it there is a “hanged” mannequin with the explanation: “Plato is strangling us.”

    Car owners passing by stop to take photos. Someone comes in to talk. They say that the policemen also came to have tea with the truck drivers, with whom the protesters developed constructive human relations.

    Headquarters staff are conducting permanent job with newly arriving traffic participants, explaining to everyone that the system needs to be radically changed. For example, one of the St. Petersburg coordinators, Vadim, told the BBC that on the eve of today's run he talked for seven hours with a new participant, explaining that the current problems are the result of complex violations in the work of authorities and an incorrectly built system.

    “Understand,” explains Vadim. “The people who come to the carriers are ordinary guys from the plow, who just the day before yesterday watched the evening news with Dmitry Kiselyov, and this is worse nuclear war: absolutely scorched mind, complete lack of understanding why parliament is needed, lack of understanding why it doesn’t exist feedback“citizen-state” as such, and hope for a bright king who will fix all this.”

    At the same time, Vadim is also dissatisfied with his colleagues: uniting people turned out to be extremely difficult.

    “The biggest problem is that there is no society, no structure of society, it has been destroyed as a class,” he argues. “What we need most now is a trade union - but no one wants to participate in it.”

    “The problem is purely social. They carefully discouraged us from gathering: the dispersed previous protests of 2011 and the absence of a normal political struggle within the system indicate that it is useless to fight,” explains Vadim. “It is useless to write a complaint to an official about him. And the level of our problems is level of the President, Federation Council, State Duma.

    “People simply don’t believe that it is possible to defeat this monster. And this follows from our television, from federal channels,” he sums up.

    According to the leader of the association of carriers, Andrei Bazhutin, almost a hundred coordinators of the association have been in courts throughout Russia since the beginning of the strike: law enforcement agencies wanted to “decapitate” local branches, finding reasons to detain people.

    In the end, everyone was released, trials took place, administrative fines were issued - but the pressure did not stop there. For example, in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region, according to Bazhutin, the police go to the houses of strike participants - despite the fact that it is “absolutely harmless.”

    Before the start of the action, Andrei Bazhutin assessed the level of pressure in St. Petersburg as low - despite the fact that he himself was detained, and they wanted to take his children into the guardianship authorities.

    The pregnant wife of the movement leader had to return home from the hospital so as not to send the children to social institutions.

    However, the situation changed just a few minutes later: as soon as the truckers decided on the route and speed and decided to drive towards Kolpino (opposite from the city) in order to turn around there and go to the center, they were stopped by the police.

    At first they were interested in the flags, then they ordered us to remove the stickers from the windshields and demanded to show documents. In response, individual truckers began to demand documents from the police, and the intensity of the conversation grew. The order was given to detain the most active ones.

    In front of the BBC correspondent, riot police immediately flew up and took away five; some witnesses say there were eight detained.

    The truckers themselves cannot say exactly how many people were taken away: they remembered five, including the leaders of the movement Andrei Bazhutin and Sergei Vladimirov by name, but those who are not part of the movement on ordinary days also came to support the participants on the day of the run - so it’s easy to count.” their own" and they were unable to check who was missing.

    Human rights activist Dinar Idrisov promised to come to the Pushkinsky district police station within a few hours. Truckers wait at the entrance to the territory: they are not allowed inside.

    However, the participants still believe that the action, which lasted so short, was in some sense a success. It is much more difficult for the media to silence the arrests of people than simply not pay attention to some kind of car rally. And this means that he will find out about the problems of truckers larger number citizens.

    Interesting article?

“Thousands of books have been written about ways to make women happy.
All for nothing. Be honest - that's enough."

- Ersin Tezcan

#I'm not afraid to say

There was a promotion on Facebook # I'm not afraid to say, where women (mostly women) shared stories of their pain, stories locked behind thousands of locks and taboos, stories of sexual violence and abuse.

Despite all the justified and not too much fears of psychotherapists about retraumatization, I consider this movement to be definitely correct and useful.

We cannot separate psychotherapy from social discussion.

Women and men need to turn to therapists and discuss their troubles in silence, in an atmosphere of trust and support, but this is not enough to change the situation in society.
If the problem does not come out of tightly closed offices in the square (online and offline), there will be no social change.

And, by the way, considering that the topic is taboo in the post-Soviet space, the level of psychological literacy is extremely low, and the services of therapists are expensive, how many of these stories still reach the ears of “healers of souls”?

The individual needs individual healing, but society needs public healing.

This healing happens through conversation, through dialogue, through opening up stinking public cesspools and cleaning them out. Through overcoming fear. Fear to say. Fear to say: “I don’t want to live like this anymore”. Fear of feeling your own pain, and fear of sharing the pain of another.

Yes, meeting even with a description of violence causes pain, but pain is a symptom calling us to change something. And I hope that this action, having caused pain, will push at least some people to go to a psychotherapist and start healing (not only victims of violence, but also the rapists themselves - also victims in essence).

And I really, really hope that it will help move society towards more just, tolerant and friendly relations.

This path is difficult and long, and it consists of small steps, like any other.

Critics of the action say that such serious problems cannot be solved by flash mobs.

Thank you for opening our eyes, otherwise we didn’t know.

Of course they don’t dare!

No problem can be solved by a flash mob. And it cannot be decided by the party meeting.

But the difference between a flash mob and a party meeting is that no one forces anyone to attend a flash mob - people come there because it turns out to be important for them. To realize a certain value. To talk about what is truly important to them personally.

When the suffragists used nonviolent methods of civil disobedience - chaining themselves to gates, sitting on the tracks, organizing demonstrations and standing in the streets with placards - when the textile workers of New York took to the “March of Empty Pots” against low wages and bad conditions labor, did anyone think that these antics of “crazy women” would solve the problem?

No, no one thought so. But women went out and took to the streets, and eventually became visible to those who were happy with everything. And we had to deal with them, we had to keep them in mind and we had to listen to their voice.

So state: “I'm not happy with this”, is the first step, the main thing is not to stop there and continue to strive to be heard and listened to.


But actually, I now want to talk about men and with men, many of whom were not ready to look into the abyss and hid behind a standard set of reactions: irritation, suppression of feelings, rationalization, generalization, withdrawal, withdrawal, sarcasm, irony, suspicion, conspiracy theory , blaming the victim...

The flash mob wave, in addition to grief, pain, words of support and condemnation, also splashed out a lot of useful materials, advice from psychologists and just thoughts.

I knew before that modern people the mind is very restless, but I didn’t think that this was a problem for all “white” people, that is, Western people. Moreover, I assumed that this was more about women, but it turned out that among “Europeans” this feature is no less developed.

At first, the Ayurvedic doctor mentioned this after testing, saying that, like all Europeans, the brain works too quickly. But Asians (not by nationality, but by environment) don’t have this, they say. I was surprised. I decided to think about it later.

Look how simple it is. Situation - you need help. For example, you are coming from the store and carrying a very heavy bag of potatoes. You really need help. And, for example, your neighbor passes nearby. It would seem - ask him to help! But no!

A war begins in our brain: to ask or not to ask? What will he think of me? What if he refuses?

It's inconvenient to load somehow. But it's too difficult to drag. She’ll say she bought it herself and take it. But in lectures they say you have to ask. Maybe try? Or is it better next time?

And even if she asked, the war does not end. If he agreed, you can rack your brain about whether he wants something for it, why he agreed, maybe what kind of views he has on me, and what the other neighbors will think when they see it. And if he refused, then you can talk about how to look him in the eyes now, and that he is not like that and good man what it seemed like.

Everything is simpler for the Indians. And not only them. Need help. Help me? Yes - great. No - good. That's all. And no complex structures, attempts to predict the thoughts and actions of other people, assessments of decency, and so on. It's simple.

This has always amazed me in India, how simple and easy it is for them to ask for help, and how easy it is to reach out to them.

Take any other situation that could be solved more simply, and see how our restless mind can make the simple difficult.

If, for example, you like another person. I like what he does, how he does it, how he looks, and so on. What's on your mind? Should I tell him about this? How appropriate and correct is this? What will he think? Won't he get proud? Won't he laugh at me? What if he imagines more to himself than actually exists? What if someone finds out that you like it? And so on. It would seem that if you like it, say that’s all. The person will be pleased, and so will you. But no.

This is how they do it in India. You're walking down the street and strangers They tell you how beautiful the sari is, how nicely you wrapped it, how beautiful the children are, what a smart mother you are. They don't want to build any kind of relationship with you, they just walk by and say what they feel. They said it and moved on, and most likely they won’t remember you after five meters.

What if you don't like what the other person is doing to you? The key here is “with you”; we are talking specifically about situations when a person acts towards you in a way that causes you pain or inconvenience. For example, someone stepped on your foot and is standing on it. You are seething internally and when a person’s conscience awakens, because he behaves this way on purpose! The further you go, the more you are able to come up with about the person and his attitude towards you. But the person simply doesn’t know that your leg is there. Doesn't know, doesn't feel. But you have already come up with something for yourself and are offended and angry.

And so in everything, in any of our relationships, the head is capable of complicating everything, inventing something that does not exist, forcing it. Remember the movie where the heroine told her beloved that they would one day have a son, and then something bad would happen to him? Here's a classic example. The son wasn't even born yet. Maybe a daughter will be born. Or no one will be born with this man. And she’s already worried about a person who doesn’t exist yet.

Our restless mind is capable of drawing us something and then being afraid of it. And instead of here and now we live in an unknown place. Not even in the past, because we see the past through the prism of our restless mind. Not even in the future, because the mind often draws us pictures that will never come true (and thank God!).

We live in these fantasies of our inflamed, restless mind.

A girl, having barely met a guy, begins to be tormented by doubts whether this is her betrothed or not, whether he likes her the same or wants to take advantage of her, what kind of children they will have, whether it is worth taking his last name, where they will grow old and what to name their grandchildren. She had already mentally married him, but she managed to quarrel and break up there. And he simply invited her to drink tea together.

I often remember different stories told by girls who healed their relationships with their parents. How, after many years, they were able to express their grievances and discovered that mothers and fathers knew nothing about their torment and did not want to inflict on their children. For example, as a child I had a terribly prickly hat that I hated. But my mother asked me to wear it, because it was very cold outside. And my mind then drew me different scenarios that my mother was torturing me on purpose. And a couple of years ago we remembered this hat, and it turned out that my mother knew nothing about my suffering, because I didn’t tell her anything. For her it was just a warm hat and that’s it. We grow up this way from childhood, we are taught this - both by people, and by our environment, and by habits.

We try in every possible way to somehow interpret any external signal in relation to ourselves. Although even the beloved Freud said that “sometimes a banana is just a banana.”

For example, if a girl behind her heard a whistle, she can often interpret this as an appeal to an easily accessible woman, project this onto herself, and as a result, become offended, angry, and begin to blame herself for what she wore today. But most likely, they are not whistling at her at all and with completely different thoughts. In the same way, when someone laughs behind your back, 90 percent of women will decide that they are laughing at her and frantically begin to check whether she forgot to wear anything, whether her legs are crooked, and so on.

And the same strange situation with clothes. We don't wear what we like, because maybe someone will think something. We wear what’s fashionable, like everyone else, even if it’s uncomfortable and we don’t like it. And we constantly evaluate ourselves in the mirror - what does it look like? What signals does it send? Should I lose weight for this dress? Or, on the contrary, gain weight? Am I a little old for these shorts? Can a mother of three children wear such a dress? What if people think it’s me? What if I step on the hem of this skirt somewhere? What if I meet a girl in the same dress? What if other mothers on the set judge me for showing off? What if my husband doesn’t like it? It would seem - put on what you like, and you will feel differently - and that’s all. But no.

Instead of stimulus-reaction, we get a complex chain of stimulus - long tossing of a restless mind - reaction - and again the torment of the mind.

We spend too much energy on this, trying to understand what they think about us, how they treat us.

We complicate own life, instead of just living, we think so much that we have no energy left for life.

In relationships, we endlessly fight with non-existent problems and make problems out of thin air. We really suffer more from stupidity than from karma. We really look like crazy people.

There are so many far-fetched problems in our lives! Because we want to be good, like everyone else, ideal, we do not accept our past and are afraid of the future. We often cannot even understand what we want, where are our desires and where are others’ desires.

An overly restless mind, fed by TV, upbringing and rules of behavior, a bunch of useless knowledge that we do not use, an education that is just for the sake of being a crust, but has frayed our nerves and filled our heads with nonsense...

In this place we have a lot to learn from the Indians or the Balinese. Yes, we sometimes evaluate them as too simple and ignorant of people. But they don’t worry about this topic and don’t even think about what we think about them. They continue to live the way they feel and remain themselves. And we should learn to calm our restless brains, and this can already bring us closer to the feeling.

P.S. As they joke there - God gave you the brains to think about what dress to wear, and you think about the fate of humanity. Don't do that!

P.P.S. And please, relax your frowning forehead, under which a war of thoughts has already begun on the topic that it is impossible to live without brains, that they are all poor, that I am doing such a fool here. Relax. That's not what the article is about.

To see the solution to a problem, sometimes you need to look at it from the outside. After all, those who are immersed in their field of activity often perceive “ sharp corners"as a given. On the other hand, an outside observer distributing proposals must still be “in the know.” Therefore, the concept of improving the content of secondary education, developed by Dr. philosophical sciences Valery Starzhinsky (pictured), was received with interest by specialists. Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Belarusian National Technical University, author of more than 230 scientific works and inventions, although he worked at school for a short time, he knows the price of a teacher’s bread, since he himself comes from a family of teachers, and secondary education - its “design”, humanization and technologization - has long been in his area of ​​interest.

Collage by Nikolai GIRGEL

The philosopher - “researcher of the nature of things,” according to Heraclitus, is obliged to critically evaluate everything that exists. What do you not like about the current secondary education system? - I ask the professor.

The main problem of a comprehensive school is that children do not want to study. And the results of centralized testing speak eloquently about this. University teachers state that students now have difficulty mastering the educational programs that were easy for their parents to master. They are often unable to solve basic problems related to basic logic skills and do not master what school was supposed to teach. School in its classical sense has long been failing - it does not fulfill its main functions: to provide basic thinking skills, to form the foundations of a scientific picture of the world and at the same time a conscientious attitude to work. It has been noticed that modern children are born with a higher level of intelligence. However, why do initially more intelligent children turn into much less intelligent graduates?

You know, perhaps I’m retrograde, but I believe that the school’s good name will only return if it is possible to revive discipline and diligence. In the proposals that my colleague Nikolai Sklyar and I sent to the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic on Education, Science, Culture and Social Development, this was noted as the first point. We believe that when admitting a child to school, an agreement should be concluded with the parents, which would stipulate the rights and obligations of the parties. There it is necessary to spell out the responsibility of the parties and measures of influence with sanctions for gross violations of school discipline, up to and including expulsion and referral to a special school. closed type. It is necessary to endow educational institution the right to impose a monetary fine on parents for their child’s offenses, unsatisfactory discipline and attitude to school.

- Won’t they say that the professor has found a new source of money for the budget?

They won't say. Because these funds should remain in the school and be used to provide educational process. But that's not all. Discipline lessons should be introduced, in which children will analyze and evaluate the activities and behavior of each student. In these lessons, students should be taught responsibility for their actions, study the “structure” of society, give concepts about subordination, the relationship between freedom and responsibility, and develop an understanding of labor, production, military and government discipline. In addition, the column “Discipline and Diligence,” as well as the procedure for assessing these qualities, should be returned to the school diary and certificate. Take this assessment into account when applying to a university. A system of schools for pedagogically neglected children should be developed, with a special program and operating hours.

They may object to you and remind you that in the bad times of our history, much was built on cane discipline, and this did not end well.

Comparing the “iron discipline” that our people have drank to excess with discipline at school is a substitute for concepts. I note that the best education is provided by closed private schools in England, where strict order and discipline reign and where everything is aimed at obtaining a decent education. As a rule, graduates of these schools become managers of the high level and always remember with warmth the years of studying in such schools.

Order and discipline - necessary condition successful development of any society. Let's take the USA as an example, where freedom and personal success as the highest value. Everyone who has been there notes that the citizens are very law-abiding.

- Discipline is sorted out. Does the school curriculum raise any questions?

I think that the content school programs should be reconsidered. To reduce the level of abstraction and isolation from real human problems. Yes, the school should keep up with scientific and technological progress, but why teach unnecessarily complex things, for example, from the field of physics, mathematics, which the vast majority will never need in life? These hours can be more usefully spent on giving schoolchildren broad cognitive information about the subject world around them and the achievements of scientists. In the end, the priority of education is not knowledge in itself, but skills and abilities in solving emerging problems, the child’s attitude towards his work and other people, that is, a value system.

As for the exact sciences, they should be taught in more depth only to those who intend to receive a university education. That is, education should be gradual. To enter the 10th grade, you must enter a mandatory passing score of at least 7 based on the results of exams for 9 grades and on annual grades. Those who are motivated to study should study in grades 10-11.

Of course, your ideas are worth at least testing them in practice. Have any attempts been made for this?

The teachers with whom I had the opportunity to communicate, including my school teacher Leonid Leontyevich Suchok, whose teaching talent I admire, share my views on education. But getting a new approach tested is not easy. Nevertheless, this was partially successful. True, not at school, but at the Educational Center of the Park high technology, for which it was not necessary to take special permission from high authorities. I hope that I can wait until the time when my ideas are accepted by secondary schools.

The need to remove 32-bit applications from Mac and look for alternatives. Apple will stop supporting such software in the next version of macOS, so now is the time.

In the comments under this topic, many questioned the quality of the company’s software, constant errors and failures in its operation. They also noted that they do not plan to rush to update to new versions of any of Apple’s operating systems.

This got me thinking, how everything has changed. Once upon a time, we never tired of writing that the key to Apple’s success is optimization and simultaneous work on hardware and software. But today even the hand does not rise to type such a phrase on the keyboard.

Today Apple's software is lame on both legs

My love for iPhone started with the 4s. Before that, I used Android-based devices, and it was the conversations about the incredible optimization of iOS that pushed me to switch to an alternative platform.

Then I was choosing between last year's iPhone 4 and the current 4s. I chose the latter only because of the camera upgraded to 8 megapixels, as well as talk about improper grip and loss of cellular network signal.

There was a time... The system worked equally well on all devices. Applications opened quickly. And in games only the graphics could differ, but certainly not the speed and smoothness.

At this time I didn’t even think, I need to update to new version iOS or is it better to wait for the first reviews - I always did it right away. Today I update only to write about the problems that get the most views.

I remember how, after Android, I was amazed at the smoothness of the iPhone. Then only for this reason I wanted to forgive the smartphone both its small screen and its enormous cost even at that time.

If my memory serves me correctly, there were no big problems with the operation of Apple smartphones until iOS 7. It was when Apple decided to change the operating system interface that it ceased to be a standard of stability. She still cannot regain this status today.

iOS 11.3 was perfected, watchOS 4.3 was ruined

I switched to iOS 11 almost immediately after WWDC 2017 last summer. The first test versions of the system worked so poorly that it was almost impossible to use them on mainstream devices.

Of course, we hoped that everything would be perfected for the final version of the operating system, but it continued to work disgustingly even after the release of iOS 11.1.

Everything got better only by iOS 11.2-11.3 - almost six months after the release. Creepy...

C Apple Watch the opposite situation occurred. When we switched to version 4 of the system, there were no problems. They only started with the release of watchOS 4.3. Now the watch strives to turn into a pebble on a fashionable strap.

On the current watchOS, the watch does not always want to turn on. They can simply freeze on the “apple” and come to their senses only after 3-4 reboots in a row. Owners of not only the outdated first, but also other versions of the Apple Watch complain about this on the Apple forums.

It turns out that for now we treat one thing, we cripple another.

And if we raise the topic of vulnerabilities operating systems the company is not even faced with malicious software, it makes you feel sick. For example, not long ago the iPhone, by simply sending one character to it.

Even Ming-Chi Kuo agrees that Apple has given up

IN lately Apple has lost a lot of ground on this issue. software. In one of the latest KGI reports, this was emphasized by the company's leading analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. He insists that even the Chinese are starting to overtake her.

The expert cites the example of Apple ARKit augmented reality engine. The company is convinced of its uniqueness and innovation, but many AR games do not include its participation Works much better on Android even on weaker hardware. That's where innovation.

And the point here is not the successful actions of competitors, but the lack of motivation for Apple to do something really well.

Apple is confidently moving forward on a cart that has been pushed forward by the company's successful moves in the past. However, at some point it will begin to stop, and that time is not far off.

Apple is on schedule and that's a problem

Apple is the most predictable company in the consumer electronics market.

We know for sure that at WWDC 2018, which will take place in early June, we will be shown iOS 12 for iPhone and iPad, as well as a set of OSes for other devices. And already in September we will see new smartphones with a stub on the back cover.

They try not to disclose the features of each product to us before the presentation, but they are precisely spelled out long before the release of software and hardware.

The company's management created innovation plan, which engineers and developers try to keep up with, but they don’t always succeed. And lately this has been especially noticeable.

We believe it's time for Apple to learn to put off decisions that aren't perfect and stop using loyal users as beta testers.

To solve the problem you need a specific kick

According to Bloomberg, Apple is well aware that iOS and other platforms are heading towards a dead end. And we intend to take the most active actions in this direction.

What is Apple's biggest problem today? In software, which from ideal turns into basement.

That's why in this year iOS 12 should receive the main innovation in recent times - speed and stability.

Everything else that was on the company's innovation schedule is postponed until iOS 13 and beyond. And we are confident that this is the right step.

If Apple doesn't change this year, the company's credibility will be completely undermined. Then we will switch to Android with a light heart and give our iPhone and Mac a real kick in the ass. And this will not be our worst decision.

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