What kind of fish are marine? Selection of sea fish in stores: edible and dangerous species

The main argument is the high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): omega-3 and omega-6. The body does not synthesize them itself, needs input from outside. These acids play a vital role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cells, improve the condition of the joints and brain, and stimulate reproductive function.

The second reason is the presence easily digestible protein, building element for all fabrics. Finally, the content is relevant. A, E,D And iodine, the deficiency of which is experienced by every fourth person in our country.

! Good news for residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Siberian scientists have found that the leaders in polyunsaturated fatty acids in the region are the Yenisei omul(1.76 g per 100 g) and whitefish from Lake Sobachye (1.66 g).

Of all the living creatures on our planet, only unicellular algae. They serve as food for invertebrates, which in turn are eaten by larger fish. None of the plant species can synthesize acids in the same volume and, accordingly, cannot meet the daily human need for omega-3. Therefore, fish is a must on the weekly menu.

Rules for choosing a fresh product

Here are some important signs of quality fish:

  • The gills are pink in color and have a fresh cucumber smell;
  • The eyes of the fish are shiny, not cloudy or dull;
  • After pressing on the carcass, the dent quickly disappears, no water is released;
  • The color of salmon fish fillets is not bright, and the veins are white (not orange);
  • Glaze in frozen raw materials does not exceed 5% or is absent.

Rating of the most necessary fish

The opinion that the fattier the fish, the healthier it is (more vitamins, microelements, omega-6 and omega-3), is not entirely correct. Judging by our table, the maximum essential acids are contained in relatively low-fat sockeye salmon.

An adult's need for polyunsaturated fatty acids, according to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, is 0.8-1.6 g per day. Therefore, you will receive the maximum daily dose from 40 grams of sockeye salmon steamed. At the merciless prices of 2018, such a piece will cost 38 rubles.

As for heat treatment, it cannot disrupt the structure of omega-3 and omega-6 acids. In fish fillets they are included in cell membranes, protecting them from degradation during cooking, . However, steaming remains preferable from a nutritional point of view.

The healthiest fish

Name Proteins* Fats* Calorie content PUFA**
1 Red salmon 20.3 g 8.4 g 150 kcal 4.4 g
2 Mackerel 16.8 g 13 g 192 kcal 4.3 g
3 Salmon 20.8 g 12.9 g 200 kcal 3.9 g
4 Atlantic herring 18.8 g 11.9 g 147 kcal 2 g
5 Trout 18.4 g 4.5 g 121 kcal 1.9 g
6 Tuna 22.6 g 2.5 g 115 kcal 1.8 g
7 Whitefish 19 g 7.5 g 144 kcal 1.5 g
8 Sardines in their own juice 8 g 2 g 210 kcal 1.5-2.3 g
9 Halibut 13.3 g 12.3 g 160 kcal 1.4 g
10 Pink salmon 21.8 g 6.7 g 145 kcal 1 g
11 Chum salmon 22.6 g 6 g 132 kcal 0.9 g
12 Pollock 16 g 1 g 72 kcal 0.6 g
13 Flounder 17.9 g 3.1 g 101 kcal 0.4 g
14 Cod 17.3 g 0.8 g 77 kcal 0.2 g

*Per 100 grams of product.

Fish, or the edible part of fish, is not inferior in protein content to meat. It also contains fats, 86% of which are polyunsaturated omega-3 acids, necessary for brain function, vitamins A, D, E, and microelements. The composition of the product is determined by its type: there is freshwater and sea fish, white fish, red and brown fish are distinguished by color. The taste of different fish is also different.

Scientists are constantly studying the effects of this product on the human body, thanks to which it has been found that fish protects against cardiovascular diseases, and if they already exist, mitigates the symptoms. In people who eat it regularly, good vision

, good physical and mental health: scientists who conducted a study in Mauritius proved that children whose diet regularly includes fish are less likely to end up in prison (by 64%, as they feel calmer and happier). Tumors and osteoporosis are rarely found in fish lovers; they remain active and young longer (according to nutritionists, the low life expectancy in the country is precisely because people rarely eat fish).

White shark

Everyone knows what a great white shark is, but few know that it has another name, namely Carcharodon.

Anchovy is a small, schooling sea fish of the herring family, with slightly oily flesh and a specific taste reminiscent of sardines. It reaches a length of 20 cm and weighs up to 190 grams. The habitat of anchovies is marine and fresh waters of temperate and tropical latitudes, including the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov and the Sea of ​​Japan.

In places where anchovies are harvested, they are eaten fresh and are widely known in canned form.

Red mullet (sultana) A genus of fish from the red mullet family. It can reach 45 cm in length. Two long antennae that hang from the red mullet’s chin serve it to stir up sea sand and extract food. The fish lives in the Black, Mediterranean, Seas of Azov , as well as in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The mullet tastes like a delicious and tender fish, the meat is excellent taste qualities

. It is also valued for its special fat with which it is soaked. It is very delicate, unique in taste and has a wonderful aroma.


Fish of the carp family. It reaches a length of 80 cm and a weight of 5 kg or more. It is found in rivers with fast and medium currents, riffles, whirlpools and fairly cold water. The chub stays on the rapids - under breakers, behind ledges of stones, under sunken logs, cliffs, overhanging bushes and trees, collecting insects that have fallen into the water; loves whirlpools. It is distinguished by a thick, wide, slightly thickened head (for which it received its name), an almost cylindrical body and steep scales. The back of the chub is dark green, almost black, the sides are silver with a yellowish tint. The chub feeds on aerial insects, young crayfish, fish, and frogs.

Pink salmon
Fish of the salmon family. The second name of this fish is pink salmon.
Pink salmon got its name from the hump that appears on the backs of males during the spawning period. It is found both in seas and in fresh water in cold climates. Average length 40 cm, average weight 1.2 kg.

It is not advisable to spawn pink salmon during the spawning period, since its meat is tasteless. If pink salmon is caught on time, then its meat has amazing taste. Like all salmon, pink salmon is considered a red fish. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and microelements.

Dorado (coryphaena) is a rather strange creature, with a blunt head, a long dorsal fin and a clearly divided caudal fin. Coryphen is often called dolphin fish, and in most Pacific ports - mahi-mahi. One of distinctive features

- spectacular blue-green and yellow coloration that quickly fades after the death of the fish. Coryphaena migrates over long distances and can be found in temperate and tropical seas around the world. Record weight 39.4 kg.

It belongs to the perch family and is the closest relative of the perch. The name of the ruff was given because it ruffles all its fins when it senses danger. It belongs to a species of fish of the perch family, soft and spiny, the fins are fused into a single one.

The body of the ruff is short, small, compressed at the sides. The scales of the ruffe are very small. The skin contains a large amount of mucus.

Grayish-green back, yellowish sides, belly - whitish. The fins are gray, only anal and paired with a reddish tint.


Fish of the family of marine fish Anarhichadiae of the order Perciformes, which live in the northern waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where the water temperature does not rise above 14 degrees. Off the coast of North America, from California to Alaska, catfish are found; in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Far Eastern catfish is common; blue catfish (or "widow catfish") can be found in the North Atlantic Ocean; Striped catfish are caught in the Barents and White Seas, off the coast of England and Ireland (rarely in the Gulf of Finland).


Crucian carp is a fish of the carp family. The dorsal fin is long, the pharyngeal teeth are single-rowed. The body is tall with a thick back, moderately compressed laterally. The scales are large and smooth to the touch. Color varies depending on habitat. Golden crucian carp can reach a body length of more than 50 cm and a weight of over 3 kg, silver crucian carp - usually a length of 40 cm and a weight of up to 2 kg, but there are individuals up to 60 cm long and weighing up to 7-8 kg, it depends on the habitat and conditions fish nutrition. Golden crucian carp reaches sexual maturity at 3-4 years.

They spawn in spring and early summer, eggs (up to 300 thousand) are deposited on vegetation. In places with a harsh climate, crucian carp hibernate during the winter, while at the same time withstanding complete freezing of the reservoir to the bottom.

Carp Carp is a bit like crucian carp, especially in at a young age

. But as they grow, the differences become more and more obvious - carp are thicker, wider and longer fish. An adult carp has a cylindrical shape.

The lips are similar to bream, thick and active. The color of the river carp is very beautiful - the scales are dark gold, often with a bluish tint near the fin, and light gold below. The fin is wide and stretches along the entire back. The tail of the carp is dark red, and the lower fins are usually dark purple.
Chum salmon

Chum salmon is an anadromous red fish, spawns once in its life, and after spawning it dies on the way back. In most cases, chum salmon come to spawn at the age of 4 to 6 years.

Chum salmon can reach a length of 1 meter and a weight of 15 kilograms. Its caviar is the largest, with a remarkably beautiful orange-red color.


Mullet is a small (about 60 centimeters) commercial fish of the genus Mugilidae, living mainly in marine and brackish waters of all tropical and warm seas; several species of mullet are found in the fresh waters of tropical America, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, where mullet is caught mainly off the coast of Florida, the most common are two varieties: striped mullet, which in Russia is called mullet, and white mullet.


Smelt is a fish of the salmon family, which is distinguished by a rather large mouth, a longer lower jaw, numerous and large teeth and very delicate scales; the dorsal fin does not begin in front of the ventral fins, as in whitefish and grayling, but behind it; the lateral line is incomplete. Both fish differ from each other almost only in size, and belong to the same species.. He is very thermophilic and inactive. Tench grows quite slowly and most often sticks to the bottom. Its habitat is the coastal zone. Tench is not just a name, it is a characteristic, since this fish was so named due to its ability to change color when exposed to air. It seems to shed, the mucus covering it begins to darken, and dark spots appear on the body. After some time, this mucus peels off, and yellow spots appear in this place. It should be noted that in the world there is also a decoratively bred species -.

golden tench

Bream Family fish. Walking bream always resembles a flock wild geese
, led by an experienced leader.

Bream belongs to the carp family. The body of the bream is high; laterally compressed, with long anal fins. On the belly, between the anal and ventral fins, there is a keel not covered with scales.

Glo teeth are single row, five on each side. The caudal fin is rather strongly cut out; the lower lobe is usually longer than the upper one. The mouth is semi-inferior.


It is extremely popular among gastronomic gourmets all over the world. It is known that already in the Middle Ages, salmon was popular on European, Scottish and Australian shores. It was prepared in the summer and dried and smoked for the winter. They say nothing tastes better than wild salmon, but farmed salmon is more affordable and therefore more widely available. Wild salmon is available from February to August, while farmed salmon can be purchased year-round.


Bluefish is the only representative of the bluefish family of the perciformes order. The body is elongated (up to 115 cm), laterally compressed; weighs up to 15 kg. Scales are cycloid. Bluefish are found in tropical and temperate seas; schooling fish; in the USSR - in the Black and Azov Seas. Makes significant seasonal migrations. Spawning is portioned, in summer. Pelagic caviar; fertility is from 100 thousand to 1 million eggs.

Predator, feeds on herring, anchovies and other fish. Fishing object.

Pollock lives in cold waters (from 2 to 9 °C), preferring depths from 200 to 300 meters, although it can migrate to depths of 500-700 meters and deeper. Pollock lives about 15-16 years.

During spawning, pollock approaches the shores, swimming into shallow waters 50-100 m deep. Spawning aggregations of pollock are very dense.


A type of smelt that is found in the Arctic, Atlantic (Atlantic capelin) and Pacific oceans (Pacific capelin, or uyok). Belonging to the salmon family, capelin is smaller than its relatives. The body length of capelin is up to 22 cm, weight up to 65 g. Capelin has very small scales and small teeth. The back is olive-greenish, the sides and belly are silvery. Males are distinguished by the presence of a strip of scales on their sides, each of which has a semblance of lint.

Sea bass
Sea bass is a genus of bony fish, of the scorpionfish family, suborder percoid, equipped with poisonous glands on the sharp rays of the fins, the injection of which causes painful local inflammation.

There are about 90 species in the genus sea bass, of which 4 live in the northern waters of the Atlantic, and almost all the rest live in the temperate waters of the northern Pacific Ocean, and there are twice as many of them near the American coast as near the Asian coast.

Among these species, the smallest barely reach 20 cm in length, and the largest exceed 1 m, surpassing in size all other species of the entire family and reaching a mass of 15 kg. In terms of body shape, sea bass actually resemble river perch, but nevertheless they are so different from it in many features of the external and internal structure that they belong not only to another family, but also to another order of spiny-finned fish. Sea bass live up to 15 years. Burbot Burbot is the only representative of the cod family that lives in fresh waters. This is a cold-loving fish that is active at water temperatures no higher than +10°C, therefore

summer time

Fish of the perch family. The body of the perch is oblong, moderately compressed laterally. It is covered with small, tightly fitting scales, the edges of which have spines. There are also scales on the cheeks. The mouth is wide, on the bones of the oral cavity there are several rows of bristle-like teeth. There are sharp spines on the posterior edge of the gill covers. The first dorsal fin has only spiny rays, while the second has mostly soft rays. The pelvic fins also have spiny rays. The lateral line is complete. The body color is greenish-yellow with dark transverse stripes.

The back is dark green, the belly is white. The spiny dorsal fin is bluish-red in color with a black spot on the membrane between the last two rays.


A genus of fish in the sturgeon family. Freshwater and migratory fish, reaching up to 3 m in length and weighing up to 200 kg (Baltic sturgeon).

There are 16-18 species, some of which are listed in the Red Book. The sturgeon is characterized by the following characteristics: longitudinal rows of bony scutes do not merge with each other on the tail; there are splashing holes, the rays of the caudal fin go around the end of the tail.


Halibut is a sea fish of the flounder family. The peculiarity of this fish is that both eyes are located on the right side of the head.

Its color varies from olive to dark brown or black.

The average width of a halibut is approximately one-third its body length. The mouth is large, located under the lower eye, the tail is crescent shaped. The length of an adult specimen of this marine fish ranges from 70 to 130 cm, and weight – from 4.5 to 30 kg.


Roach is a fish from the carp family and has a very wide habitat. It is found in rivers and lakes of Europe (except Western Europe), Siberia, and there are also subspecies that can spend some time in brackish waters, where rivers flow into the sea. And also, a special type of roach is known that lives in the reeds along the banks of the Aral Sea. In various regions, roach is known under the following names: soroga, chebak, Siberian roach (Ural and Siberia), taranya (Black Sea and Azov region), roach (lower Volga).


Carp is a large freshwater fish, similar to carp. This fish lives in almost all bodies of water. Looks for wide and deep areas with weak currents or standing water, with a soft clay or moderately muddy bottom. It does not avoid the hard bottom, unless it is rocky.
Carp loves warm water and prefers overgrown reservoirs.

Stays deep.

Carp meat is dense, juicy, there are not many bones, so it is suitable for any method of culinary processing. It can be fried, baked, stewed, and delicious meatballs and cutlets are made from the minced meat. The domesticated form of carp is carp.

Salaka, a subspecies of fish of the herring family. Length up to 20 cm (rarely up to 37 cm - giant herring), weight up to 75 g. Herring differs from Atlantic herring in having a smaller number of vertebrae (54–57). This is the Baltic form (subspecies) of the Atlantic herring.

Herring is a typical pelagic fish, living in the water column and feeding on zooplankton, mainly small crustaceans, but does not reject fish larvae or fry. Giant stremlings eat not only herring, but even spiny sticklebacks.

A small sea fish, 15-20 cm long, less often up to 25 cm, from the herring family. Sardine is somewhat thicker than herring. Its back is bluish-green, its sides and belly are silvery-white. The operculum has a golden tint and grooved dark stripes radiating from its lower and posterior edges.

Herring is a genus of fish from the herring family (lat. Clupeidae). The body is laterally compressed, with a jagged edge of the belly. Scales are moderate or large, rarely small. The upper jaw does not protrude beyond the lower jaw.

Mouth is moderate. Teeth, if present, are rudimentary and falling out.

The anadromous fin is of moderate length and has less than 80 rays. The dorsal fin is above the ventral ones. The caudal fin is forked. This genus includes more than 60 species, distributed in the seas of the temperate and hot, and partly cold, zones. Some species are purely marine and never enter fresh waters, others belong to migratory fish and enter rivers to spawn. Herring food consists of various small animals, especially small crustaceans.


Salmon is an anadromous fish of the salmon family. Dl. up to 1.5 m, weight up to 39 kg. The scales are small, silvery, there are no spots below the lateral line. It lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the southwestern part of the Arctic Ocean, as well as in the Baltic Sea. Sexual maturity at 5-6 years of age. It goes into the rivers into mist. time (in autumn and at different times in summer). Spawning in September-November. During spawning, red and orange spots appear on the head and sides of the salmon. Fertility 6-26 thousand eggs. The caviar is large and orange. Juveniles live in the river for 1-5 years, feeding on invertebrates and small fish. In the sea it feeds on fish and crustaceans. Lives up to 9 years. Valuable fishery object.


Whitefish is a genus of fish from the salmon family, identified by some researchers, together with white fish and nelma, into a special family of whitefish (Coregonidae).
Mackerel is a pelagic, schooling, heat-loving fish. Swims quickly (in a throw - up to 77 km/h). Schools usually do not contain any admixture of other fish (rarely with herring) and consist of individuals of the same size. Mackerel lives at a temperature of 8-20 ° C, which is why it is forced to make seasonal migrations along the coasts of America and Europe, as well as between the Marmara and Black Seas. These migrations are of a feeding nature (mackerel feed on small fish and zooplankton).


Catfish is the largest freshwater predator. It lives in whirlpools and littered river holes, and can weigh up to 300 kg! Such giants, scientists believe, are usually 80-100 years old! True, I haven’t heard of any fishermen being so lucky. More often you come across catfish weighing 10-20 kg. In terms of its external characteristics, catfish are easily distinguished from all other fish. It has a huge, blunt head, a large mouth, from which extend two large whiskers, and four chin antennae.

Whiskers are a kind of tentacles with the help of which the catfish finds food even in the dark. And what is surprising - with such large dimensions - are very small eyes. The tail is long and not much like a fish. The body color of the catfish is variable - almost black on top, but the belly is usually dirty white. His body is naked, without scales.

Horse mackerel
Horse mackerel is a fish of the order Perciformes. Body length up to 50 cm, weigh up to 400 g. The largest horse mackerel, measured by specialists, weighed 2 kg. They live up to 9 years. Horse mackerel feed on zooplankton, small fish, and sometimes bottom or benthic crustaceans and cephalopods.
The body is oblong, fusiform, with a thin caudal peduncle, slightly laterally compressed. A characteristic feature of true horse mackerel is bony scutes along the lateral line, sometimes with spines directed backwards. . Lateral line with bony scutes along its entire length. Horse mackerel - this name is associated with the Black Sea, with tyrant fishing. In fact, this fish is quite widespread. The horse mackerel family (Carangidae) includes 140 species of fish different sizes

In order to have a great mood and good health every day, every person must carefully monitor what they eat. To this day, no product has yet been invented that could bring greater benefits to the human body than fish. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial microelements, but its main advantage is the presence of protein. Of course, by eating vegetables, you can also get this useful element. But a person simply cannot do without the animal component.

All useful microelements contained in fish are quickly absorbed into the body. To always feel great, you need to eat seafood at least once a week. But what kind of fish is good to eat? What type of it is the most useful for humans? Let's look for answers to these questions.

Benefit for health

Regular consumption of fish:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Blood clotting is stabilized.
  • The functional capacity of the human thyroid gland is significantly increased.
  • The health of hair, nails and skin improves several times.
  • By eating fish, you will be able to remember more and retain all the information in your head for a long time.
  • The mood is noticeably lifted.
  • Metabolism improves its functioning.
  • The condition of the human cardiovascular system improves and blood pressure normalizes.

Benefits of sea fish

Which fish is the healthiest? This is a question many gourmets ask. One of the most popular is the fish that lives in the seas. It tastes very pleasant and contains many useful microelements that are necessary for normal human development. Sea fish contains calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and other components. This is the most suitable dietary food that you can think of. The only disadvantage of sea fish is that it is much more expensive than, for example, river fish.

Which sea fish is the healthiest? Salmon, capelin, dorado, butterfish, halibut, salmon and others are excellent to eat. Dishes made from these types of fish turn out to be truly tasty and healthy for humans.

River fish varieties

What fish is the healthiest for humans? River underwater inhabitants are the most accessible today, especially since the price for them is not very high. They can be caught in almost every body of water, which is located near villages and cities. River fish is very useful for humans. It can be used by those people who often go on diets and need to replenish the body with proteins and minerals. The disadvantage of such fish is that no one can ever give you a guarantee that it was caught in clean ponds and reservoirs, and is not harmful or poisoned by toxins. The choice of such products should be treated with the utmost caution.

What fish is the healthiest and tastiest? Excellent dishes will be made from carp, crucian carp, pike, etc.

What are the benefits of Omega-3 in fish?

Which fish is the healthiest? Why does it bring such great benefits to the body? If you have problems with your mood, your heart function is impaired, and races are very common. blood pressure, then mackerel, herring or sardine should be a must-have product in your diet. After all, they contain the most useful medicinal substance Omega-3, which helps to cope with many ailments. The presence of saturated acids in this fish has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, and also improves human well-being.

Eating fish prevents heart and vascular problems

It has long been proven that if you eat fish about three times a week, you can reduce or even avoid the risk of myocardial infarction and heart problems. After all, oddly enough, the residents of Japan and Iceland, who consume seafood in various forms the most, are much healthier, and their life expectancy is significantly longer than ours.

Fish is the healthiest food

Such products are often used to prevent cancer. Research has long been conducted on the effect of fish on the course of cancer. Omega-3 has been proven to be the most good remedy for the prevention of many ailments. Beneficial substances that are part of saturated acids remove radionuclides from the human body. As a result, cancer in its early stages can be treated more easily, and a person’s well-being remains at a high level for a long time.

However, you should not overuse fish products. This can disrupt the production of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant for the human body. The best option eating fish is two to three times a week.

Red fish - great benefits for the body

Which red fish is the healthiest? Any seafood brings extraordinary benefits to the human body. No matter what form it is used, it still retains all the useful microelements and proteins that each of us so badly needs.

What fish is the healthiest, and how often can it be eaten? To improve metabolic processes, lift your mood and normalize blood pressure, you can cook pink salmon, trout or chum salmon several times a week. Regular consumption of red fish will strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels and relieve frequent headaches.

And if you eat, for example, canned red fish, then the amount of calcium that enters the body is much higher.

A small portion of this product contains the daily requirement of vitamins B and E. When buying fish, it is very important to pay attention to the color of its meat. It must have a light orange tint, and the body itself must be elastic and not have unpleasant odors. It is not recommended to store red fish. After purchasing it, it is better to immediately start cooking.

The benefits of fish for children

Consumption of fish is an integral part baby food. Just like milk and cottage cheese, this product contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for the normal growth of a child and strengthening his skeletal system.

It will be very easy for a child’s body to digest fish, so it can be prepared in any form. The main thing is to choose a dish that your child will eat with great pleasure.

You can start giving your baby fish at nine months; in this case, it is best to boil it. The weight of the finished product should not exceed fifty grams. For older children, you can cook baked or stewed fish. It will also contain large amounts of iron, iodine, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the growth of the small organism.

What fish is the healthiest for children? Both sea and river gifts of nature are in great demand. It is very important to be sure that you purchased a fresh product and it will not harm children's health.

We looked at which fish is the healthiest for humans, and found out that this product is the basis of dietary nutrition. Therefore, you should not neglect them.

White fish is one of the main habitats not only of the sea, but also, in particular, of fresh water bodies in Russia. IN Ancient Rus' White fish meant all especially valuable species of fish, for example: vendace, white fish or omul. Fishing for white fish was very developed among our ancestors.

Fishing villages and hamlets were located everywhere, the main source of income for which was catching and selling white fish. Currently, white fish is still a popular main fish for preparing various dishes.

This is a tasty and healthy delicacy. In addition, the prices for it are much cheaper than for the “competitor” - red fish. And fishing for it is very exciting and interesting activity! Read more about the beneficial properties, composition and fishing of white fish in this material.

What types of white fish are there?

Sea white fish has a characteristic light color. Based on their appearance and belonging to any family, the following types of white fish are distinguished:

Flat fish

This variety includes, for example, flounder, halibut, whitefish, and tilapia.

This fish has a two-sided appearance. This fish has bones that radiate from the ridge into different sides like rays. The size of the flat white fish can vary: for example, a large individual can reach a length of up to two meters.

Below we provide information about several representatives of this species.


Scientists identify up to 30 species of this fish. The body of individuals is very flattened, and the upper side, where both eyes are located, is usually brighter in color. on seabed, found, in particular, in the Azov, Cherny, Bering,

the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Mediterranean, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Spawning of this fish begins in the spring and takes place at a depth of up to 150 meters. The weight of an adult reaches three kilograms.

How to catch more fish?

Over 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the appropriate manuals for the specific type of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Halibut (or sole)

The habitat of this fish is the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In Russian territorial waters, halibut, in particular, lives in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Barents Sea. There are black, common, Asian arrowtooth and American halibut.

This is a predatory fish that feeds on cod, flounder, pollock and a variety of shellfish. Some individuals can live up to 30 years. Halibut is considered a particularly valuable commercial fish.


This freshwater, bottom-dwelling fish lives in water spaces with a tropical climate. She is indiscriminate in her eating - she can eat various organisms contained in rivers and lakes.
Tilapia is bred artificially in Asian, African and North American countries. Because of its good taste, it is sometimes called “king perch.” Its meat is rich in protein and quite lean.

round fish

This species includes, for example, the following fish: monkfish, grouper, striped bass, red snapper, burbot, hake, cod

This fish is round in shape and thick. Her eyes are located on both sides of her head. The rib bones are curved and extend from the spine downwards.


There are several subspecies of this. The largest specimens reach a length of more than 1.7 meters, but most fish of this species are less than a meter.

Cod fishing is usually carried out in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans; it lives exclusively in northern latitudes. This fish is schooling and prolific.

The best prey is considered to be individuals that have reached the age of 3-7 years and weigh no more than 10 kg. At the same time, cod can also be a long-liver - some specimens live up to 100 years and grow to quite large sizes.


Freshwater fish silver color, which is part of the salmon family. Nelma is a fairly large fish with a long body: individual nelma reach a length of one and a half meters, and their weight can reach up to 50 kilograms.

It feeds mainly on small fish: smelt or vendace. This fish spawns in early autumn and it is worth noting that nelma is very prolific: it can have up to 400 thousand eggs.


This commercial fish is found in the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. It is one of the top three fish species in terms of catch volume - over half a million tons are caught annually. The average weight of this fish is 20-3 kilograms, but there are some that weigh more than 15 kilograms.

A distinctive feature of this fish is the presence of a dark oval-sized spot on both sides of the head. Interestingly, it is precisely by this sign that haddocks recognize their relatives and gather in flocks. is a low-fat fish recommended by nutritionists. It can be purchased at almost any retail outlet.


This freshwater fish is very similar in appearance to catfish. It lives in water bodies of both Europe and Asia, but prefers cool water - no higher than 25 degrees, choosing bottom water layers for its habitat.

During the summer months, the fish usually hide under snags or in holes. Burbot is not accustomed to light and is active mainly at night, so it is at this time that fishing for it is most relevant. This fish can be caught using lures or lures.

Is a representative of cod, lives in salty sea ​​waters and is caught in shallow water. Usually the length of the hake does not exceed 40-50 cm, but large, one and a half meter individuals are also found.

Europeans gave this fish the palm among other cod fish - the taste of hake is very impressive. The meat of this fish is recommended by nutritionists: it contains many useful microelements, vitamins and very little fat.

Striped bass

It is a valuable commercial fish and has excellent taste. The habitat of striped bass is the Atlantic Ocean, where the fish actively spawn at fairly cool temperatures. In Russia it is often found, for example, in the Sea of ​​Azov.

This predator is the most popular fish among sports fishermen. However, catching a “minke whale” is quite difficult: it constantly moves and behaves extremely unpredictably.


Otherwise, this fish is called the “European anglerfish”. This is a large and sedentary fish that lives at a depth of up to 200 meters. The monkfish got its name because of its appearance - a flattened head, which occupies almost two-thirds of its body.

This fish lives in the Atlantic Ocean; in Russia it can be found in the Barents and Black Seas. This marine predator feeds on small fish, and the fishery for it is quite developed: monkfish, despite its unattractive appearance, has excellent taste. In rare cases, attacks of this fish on people have been described.

Fishing for white fish

White sea fish prefer cold water, so it is caught in northern latitudes. In this case, the processing of fish for further marketing usually begins right on board the fishing schooner: the fish is gutted and deep-frozen.

The population of sea white fish is large and, despite active fishing, can be restored quite quickly. Quotas for its catch are practically unlimited.

Taste and beneficial properties of white fish

White sea fish is famous for its excellent taste. It usually has a fresh sea aroma and fairly dense meat. Also, fish of this type is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

In addition, such fish is dietary because it contains very little fat. Fairly fatty varieties include greenling, herring, halibut, catfish or mackerel. All other fish of this species are quite a dietary product.

How can you cook white fish deliciously?

White fish is very tasty in almost any prepared form. However, there are recommendations for preparing each type. Thus, halibut, dorado or cod are best fried or grilled, as this fish has dense flesh and will not fall apart.

Sea tongue, or

Ecology of consumption. Informative: A whole segment of defrosted products has appeared on the Russian fish market, which are sold under the guise of chilled...

A whole segment of defrosted products has appeared on the Russian fish market, which are sold under the guise of chilled ones. To see this, let’s take a look at one of the most expensive and prestigious chain supermarkets.

And you don't need to go to the circus. The specialist has something to laugh at here: we enter one of the most expensive and prestigious chain supermarkets. We move to the fish department. Beauty! It's quite elegant here. A spacious counter with a wide assortment attracts attention. 27 types of fish and seafood are neatly laid out on ice. This is where the pleasant impressions end.

First of all, let me remind you that the phrase “chilled fish” is a very specific commodity term, a technical condition with a very specific GOST 814-96. That is, this is one of three in general possible options fish sales.

In the store it can be either live in aquariums, or frozen in freezers, or chilled on so-called glaciers.

Chilled fish is called fish whose temperature in the thickness of the meat ranges from -1 to +5 and is constantly maintained at this level. Only live, freshly caught fish are suitable for cooling. It is very important! That is According to GOST, it is impossible to produce chilled fish from frozen fish.. Only from the living! Transport and store small chilled fish in a designated temperature conditions within 7-9 days and up to 10-12 days, gutted and large.

Chilled fish is an extremely delicate product and only under such conditions does it make its short journey from catch to sale within a matter of days.

To ensure the quality of chilled fish, it is not at all necessary to ask a question to the seller, who will most often answer that “the fish was brought in the morning.” He will not say exactly how long the fish spent traveling from the place of catch to the counter. Moreover, you will not understand this even if you look at the documents accompanying the fish. But a superficial knowledge of geography and fishing will help you avoid running into falsification. It is enough to look at the fish itself and touch it.

Professional advice: the simplest and most obvious signs of how to distinguish fresh fish from stale fish

1. The surface of the fish must be clean, without damage, only slight bruising of scales is allowed.

2. The scales on the body of fresh fish are naturally colored, shiny, hold tightly, and there is no mucus.

3. The body of stale fish is dull or completely dull, the scales are knocked down in places, do not hold tightly, and fall off easily.

4. An unpleasant fishy smell should also alert you. Fresh fish normal quality smells of the sea, fresh clean water or ozone, or has no smell at all.

5. We look into the mouth, eyes and under the gills of the fish. The mouth must be closed. If it is slightly open, or even more so, the fish is not fresh.

6. The eyes should be protruding, with a transparent cornea. Sunken, dull, or worse, sunken, cloudy eyes indicate that the fish is no longer fresh.

7. In fresh fish, the gill covers fit tightly to the bright red gills without odor. If they are not tightly covered, gray with mucus and a pungent odor of dampness or a sour odor, and even more so dark brown in color with mucus with a musty, putrid odor, such fish are usually called rotten.

8. The back and muscles of fresh fish are dense to the touch, the hole quickly evens out from finger pressure, leaving no marks.

9. The meat of stale fish is darkened, easily separated from the bones, the pit is sluggish under finger pressure and slowly levels out.

10. We look at the abdomen. It is not swollen in fresh fish. In stale ones, it is more often bursting with or without prolapse of the insides.

And now the simplest thing is to put the fish on your hand or lower it into the water. If the fish does not bend in the palm of your hand and sinks in the water, it is fresh. If it does not sink in the water, but when placed on the hand it bends in an arc, then the fish has gone rotten. You can use a spatula instead of your palm.

It is from this absolutely precise point of view of GOST that we continue to examine and feel the product.


"Sea bass (sea bass) Mediterranean Sea."

"Dorado (sea crucian) Mediterranean Sea."

Great choice! Well, let's consider it.

Firstly, according to all the above signs, this chilled fish laid out on a glacier is not fresh.

Secondly, it is not from the Mediterranean Sea. Remember, neither wild sea bass nor wild sea dorado are imported into Russia! They bring us exclusively fish grown in aquaculture farms, which are much smaller in size and significantly cheaper.

For example, the length of wild sea bass reaches 1 meter and weight - 12 kg. Such fish cost five times more than artificially grown ones.

I repeat once again, not a single kilogram of sea bass, not a single kilogram of dorado caught in the Mediterranean Sea, has been imported to Russia over the past 23 years, according to the Federal Customs Service.

"Chilled ice fish. Arctic Ocean" 149 rubles per 100 grams.

Everything on this price tag is a lie except the price. This may sound like a revelation to product experts at other supermarkets, but Russian fishermen do not catch ice fish. And it is mined mainly by fishermen from Spain, Australia, Canada, and not in the Arctic Ocean, which is actually called the Arctic Ocean, but on the opposite, south side of our planet, in distant Antarctica, in the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.That's why, ice fish comes to Russia exclusively in frozen form.

In the old days, when Soviet fishermen fished throughout the World Ocean, ice fish was very popular among us and, along with pollock and blue whiting, belonged to the lowest price category.

But never, n-i-k-o-g-d-and ice fish lay chilled on the shelves of our stores. This cannot happen by definition. Due to the geographical remoteness of the fishery and the impossibility of supplying it chilled according to standards. Even if the traders called their chain “the best grocery supermarkets in the world.”

Attention! Chilled shrimp fish from New Zealand cannot be sold in Moscow. There can't be any chilled Indian Ocean tuna fillet here. Can't have chilled catfish.

Imagine a technological cold chain according to standards from fish catching to sale with strict deadlines... Now tell me, maybe in Moscow there is a chilled halibut fillet lying on a glacier? Considering that this fish is caught in the area of ​​the Spitsbergen archipelago, from where does the ship take four days to Murmansk?! Fishermen generally go out fishing for a month or two...

There cannot be in our capital, even if it is called the port of the seven seas, no chilled turbot from the Atlantic Ocean, no perch, no red mullet, no swordfish from the Indian Ocean, no coho salmon from Chile, no barramundi from Vietnam, no mackerel from Iceland , no black cod from the Far East.

Especially for the commodity experts of this market, I will inform you that yellowfin flounder is not caught at all in the Barents Sea. All this is a lie, falsification. The scale of which is difficult to imagine.

I invite readers to independently evaluate this problem, and if something happens, do not be lazy, but send your application to Rospotrebnadzor.


German Zverev, Chairman of the RSPP Commission on Fisheries and Aquaculture:

On the Russian fish market, a whole segment of defrosted products has emerged, which are sold under the guise of chilled ones. A careful study of Rosstat reports proves that approximately 350 thousand tons of fish sold chilled are not confirmed in origin. A significant amount of “chilled water” is nothing more than former frozen fish, which has increased its status at the behest of the seller.

Most of the fish adulteration comes from importers. For example, in 2013, a unique phenomenon arose on the Russian fish market: the production of chilled fish increased, despite the fact that external supplies of chilled raw materials decreased, and its internal supplies remained almost unchanged.

The question arises: where do the raw materials for a significant increase in production come from? The answer is simple - frozen fish.


Valentin Balashov, Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Association of Coastal Fisheries of the Northern Basin:

In Moscow, at the Danilovsky market, I was praised for a chilled squid fillet encased in ice, produced on a ship that I know very well. I know that this vessel fishes for squid... in the Bering Sea, about three days' sailing from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and a week's sailing from Vladivostok.Whatever you think, the chilled squid fillet could only be delivered from there by helicopter.

And next to it lay chilled cod fillets, which, according to the seller, were prepared at sea, right on the ship. It would be better if he did not say this, because all cod fillets produced on board fishing vessels in the Northern Basin are immediately frozen.

I declare responsibly: most of those who like to buy chilled fish and seafood and enjoy their consumer properties and high quality do not even realize that they are buying frozen fish at the price, as they say, of a cast-iron bridge.

Greedy traders earn enormous money from total fish falsification and, at the same time, promote the brand of imported, mainly Norwegian fish. Unfortunately, in Russia, most often under the guise of chilled.

NUMBER: According to the Fisheries Agency, 80 percent of fish sold as “chilled” are counterfeit!

After the introduction of retaliatory sanctions, Muscovites began to be more picky about food, including seafood - fish. They look at prices with distrust and increasingly ask “Where does the catch come from?”

But our conversation is not only about prices, but also about the quality of the fish that we buy and eat.

After analyzing the nutrition of Muscovites, doctors came to the conclusion that the townspeople are not eating enough fish. Nana Pogosova, Chief Specialist Moscow City Health Department preventive medicine, explains that due to the lack of the required amount of this product in the diet, residents do not receive enough omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for our body.

What is the reason for this situation? Muscovites don't like fish? Are the prices steep? Or is the whole point that it’s not so easy to find this product of excellent quality on the capital’s shelves?

We tried to catch the freshest fish in a separate area.


Cheryomushkinsky market. Fish of all kinds and colors are laid out on the counter on shallow ice. There are golden trout, a green and blue parrot, which received its bird name because of its color, and a red and white sea ruffe. The prices are as unusual as the fish itself: here and there the astronomical 1700–1800 per kilo flashes.

Why are you surprised? She was caught in the Indian Ocean! Every fish is caught by hand, using a fishing rod! - the seller praises his product.

And how often do they bring such overseas fish to you? - I insinuatingly start the conversation.

Yes, planes fly every day! - the lively man vouches without blinking an eye.

Yeah, that's what I believed. Even the capital's fish restaurants receive fresh catch by plane twice a week. I'm moving on.

Girl, take the pike perch, fresh, the day before yesterday! - they call me in local Russian.

This is the advantage of the market over the store, where you don’t call a sales assistant, but he lures you. I stop to find out other secrets. It turns out that chilled ice fish at a thousand a kilo actually comes frozen. And the vaunted chilled food is just a freshly defrosted product. And when I tried to find out where the salmon came from, the seller honestly threw up his hands:

Don't know. The invoice says that it is from Belarus.

But the box says Murmansk. Believe it or not.


Right there at the market I go fishing. Behind another counter, a fisherman in an oilcloth apron and a shirt with rolled up sleeves uses a net to catch a mirror carp from a huge aquarium and, without removing it from the net, lowers it onto the scales. Karp performs breakdancing on the scales - and splashes fly on the customers standing nearby. Dissatisfied customers rush to another aquarium with live fish. And the unlucky fisherman comes to me for interrogation with bias.

How long does your refrigeration last? - I take, as they say, the bull by the horns.

Not long, a month.

No, 14 days, - the seller and the owner who arrived in time differ in their testimony.

And, without being embarrassed at all, they call a specialist girl who knows everything about chilled fish.

I’ll give you today’s, not yesterday’s, don’t be afraid,” the pretty young girl vouches.- And I’ll even tell you the secret of how to choose. Look, The belly is white, the gills are red, which means the fish is fresh. But, look, the yellowness has gone. This means it has already started to deteriorate. Surprisingly, she shows different categories of freshness on her own product.

Should there be a fishy smell? - I continue the interrogation.

- A good fish smells like the sea, and only a lost one smells like the fish spirit, the seller teaches me. - Look the fish in the eye! If the look is cloudy, it means it’s not fresh...

Where does the product come from? Surely this salmon is from Norway?

Yes, from Norway,” the girl continues. - After the sanctions, it only became more expensive and the origin changed.


Promising to definitely return, I went to the Victoria supermarket, not far from the Novye Cheryomushki metro station. As soon as I walk up to the fish section, I smell the fishy spirit.

There is a promotion for seven out of nine types of seafood. And no wonder: fish with a smell should be sold as soon as possible.

Two picky young ladies take pangasius fillets for 298 rubles per kilo. A more attentive shopper appearance Pisces confused:

Oh, why is that green one there on the side? When was it delivered? - the woman is puzzled.

I'm not from this department. I don’t know, is the laconic answer.

Why does it smell like that? - the lady continues to ask.

Do you want her to smell sweet? It's a fish!

After such a rebuke, the woman demands an administrator. To hear the conversation, I follow.

We get fish every night. All fresh! It doesn't get any fresher! Our customers sort everything out and the goods don’t linger. And the prices are low. Compare with market ones. And no one has yet complained about the quality of the fish.

I return from fishing with an empty bucket. Where else can I replenish my body with such essential omega-3? I pass by the pharmacy. Maybe buy fish oil the old fashioned way: one hundred capsules for 23 rubles? Or should I cast the bait again?

I walk through the fish rows of the Domodedovo agricultural market. Against the backdrop of a rich selection, stunning names catch the eye: hare fish (as written by the hand of the Caucasian seller), sunny, snowy, talisman fish...

Do you even understand that such a fish does not exist? – I ask the owner of one of the tents.

“I understand,” he says sadly, “but pensioners come and demand: where is the hare fish!”

In fact they exist. More than 33 thousand species of fish are known in the world. About 3 thousand species live in Russia. This enormous fish diversity, from 8mm specimens to 20m whale sharks, has hundreds of thousands of names ranging from scientific Latin to rare dialects.

Naturally, there are names that are, let’s say, curly to the Russian ear: flute fish, cleaner fish, rooster fish, and even Picasso fish. However, fishermen catch no more than 800 “classic” species. A little more than half of this goes into food. Our country is home to 240 commercial fish species. There are about 50 on the shelves. This is approximately the breakdown.

It must be kept in mind that there are trade names for fish. For example, under the name sardines, not only sardines themselves are sold, but also sardinops, many types of sardinella, and grenadier is also sold under the name grenadier. In general, fish of dozens of species are called sea bass, as is sea crucian.

All flounder-like fish have only 4-5 trade names, while in the Pacific Ocean alone, fishermen catch more than 30 species of fish, which go under one name: Far Eastern flounder and two trade names: halibut.

Under the cod label on the shelves you can find haddock, pollock, navaga, and even pollock. All this fish is cod, but still. There is only one price. It was not for nothing that experienced housewives previously identified higher-quality haddock with black lateral lines in a cod mixture and asked the seller for cod with a black stripe. Of course, cod is a very good fish, but when haddock is sold at the same price, connoisseurs will prefer it for the consistency, taste and aroma of the meat.

In fact, a seller from the Domodedovo market, like any other, can call his product whatever he wants, be it a hare, a hare, a fox, a leopard, a nazran fish or an evening fish, for example. The main thing is that we, the buyers, correctly identify this fish and understand what we are eating and what we are paying for.

I will never forget how, at a market near Moscow, I met a middle-aged woman who was selling fish. On the price tags it is lazily written: “White pollock – 65 rubles”, and next to it “Polaka M – 78 rubles”. It was the same headless and gutted frozen fish - pollock. However, even the village saleswoman realized that English name Pollock can add 13 rubles to the price. So, whatever you call the fish, that’s how it will be sold.

Perhaps the most successful fish branding can be called penetration into Russian market in the 90s, dorado and sea bass. Dorado or golden spar is sea crucian carp, and sea bass or sea wolf, laurel is sea ​​bass. Greedy importers immediately realized that neither crucian carp nor perch would attract attention in Russia. Overseas dorado and sea bass are another matter. Now no one is even interested in the fact that this is not a sea fish, but artificially bred in cages with the addition of growth hormones, antibiotics and dyes.

The most cynical thing about all this is that this aquaculture fish is sold many times more expensive than high-quality wild Russian fish with homespun names, etc.

The other side of the golden names was total falsification. Under brilliant names they often sell outright rubbish, especially when skinned, dressed fish or especially fillets, when even an advanced ichthyologist cannot determine what kind of fish it is. Such tricks are often performed with Chinese tilapia and. Both of these fish are extremely unpretentious in artificial breeding, reproduce quickly and grow by leaps and bounds in warm climates.

The local folk saying is indicative: “If you have an old shoe, don’t throw it away, it’s better to give it to tilapia... and in a year you will have tasty meat.” Pangasius is called channel catfish and is bred in the channels of the Mekong, where all the sewage of the surrounding cities and villages flows. To make matters worse, a recent Bloomberg investigation found that tilapia and pangasius grow most efficiently on pig manure under appalling sanitary conditions.

So, this import is sold here under the most incredible names: chicken of the sea, river chicken, and sole. This is not to say that such fish does not exist, but this is not tilapia and pangasius, which are offered to us for the price of a cast-iron bridge under a bright name. The same sole is an expensive and pure salt fish, so named because of the shape of the body.

In the end, the problem lies in the plane of taste habits, culinary traditions and financial capabilities, and not in what this or that fish is called. Or they call it.

Also interesting:

Let's say, perhaps the most popular salmon today in past centuries in England had a completely different reputation. When concluding a contract with an employer, an employee often stipulated that the owner undertakes not to feed him salmon more than twice a week. Salmon in those days was abundant in the coastal waters of England and was one of the cheapest foodstuffs. NUMBER: 240 species of commercial fish live in our country. But only about 50 end up on store shelves.


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