What are the best cucumber seeds? The best cucumber seeds - personal experience Which varieties of cucumbers are best to plant

Cucumber is an important vegetable on our table. Cucumber contains a lot of potassium, and potassium, in turn, strengthens the walls of the heart and all blood vessels, and also removes excess water from the body. This is why, after eating a cucumber, we run to the toilet, and not because the cucumber contains only water.

Now, having understood beneficial properties, let's try to choose best cucumber seeds. The choice of cucumber seeds should also be based on your preferences and requirements. So, it's time to talk about how I choose cucumber seeds and which ones turned out to be the best for me.

My requirements when choosing cucumber seeds:

— Firstly, as you already understood from previous articles, I prefer to choose hybrids that give their maximum yield, regardless of weather conditions.

— Secondly, I make sure to choose cucumber seeds, where it says: seeds genetically without bitterness I want to enjoy the sweet taste of a cucumber at any time and in different situations: a small cucumber, or an overgrown one; the garden bed was watered abundantly, or not very much.

— Thirdly, I choose cucumber seeds intended for pickling, not salad ones. This is an old tradition: when pickled, salad cucumbers form voids inside, and when you eat this cucumber, it splashes water into the different sides. Cucumbers intended for pickling are almost all without bitterness, which is why they are bred so that they do not become bitter when pickled.

— Fourthly, I choose parthenocarpic cucumbers. These cucumbers have female flowers and do not require pollination. Why exactly like this? Because cucumbers bloom still under the film, when it is cold, and it is too early to open the cucumbers, and also subsequently the weather may not always be favorable for the flight of bees. And I want to have a guaranteed harvest of cucumbers.

Another reason why I don’t like salad cucumbers: at the end of July or August, when you no longer run to the cucumber patch every day, if you only hesitate for a few days, the salad gherkins turn into round yellow “balls.”

The problem with water is also very acute in summer: last years in summer the air temperature rises above +36 0 C, sometimes reaching +40+42 0 C, and there is no water at all. There can be no talk of any watering. In such a situation, pests quickly develop; for example, last year, after prolonged June rains, heat set in. Some cucumber bushes were badly damaged by spider mites: should I spray them with chemicals and eat them? Was under the attack of a spider mite Bush cucumber. But some hybrids turned out to be great. Especially the hybrid Well doneF1. He turned out to be a real good guy! The very first of all the hybrids began to bear fruit, the harvest was stable throughout the season. He bravely endured the drought and was least affected spider mite, after the drought, the vines quickly recovered and continued to bear fruit, as if nothing had happened. The cucumbers are all aligned, and even when they outgrow, they do not turn yellow. And even in September we picked fresh cucumbers.

I do the same with cucumber seeds as with tomato seeds: after buying several bags, I plant only half of the seeds. If I like the cucumbers, I plant the remaining seeds. I simply discard the seeds of cucumbers I don’t like and throw them away. And, naturally, I buy several bags of new products.

Don't plant cucumber seeds too close in the garden. Previously, I planted cucumbers at a distance of 30 cm. Now I have come to the conclusion that the larger the feeding area of ​​a cucumber bush, the higher the yield per plant. Now I try to leave about half a meter between two plants. At the beginning of summer, when the cucumber seedlings are still small, the bed with them seems half empty. A neighbor, looking over the fence, laments: “Fathers, are the cucumbers missing? And mine came up like a brush!” However, when it comes to the harvest, I harvest it in buckets, and she just asks: “Do you have cucumbers? But I don’t have it yet.” Now, with fewer bushes planted, I get a guaranteed stable and high yield of cucumbers. Enough for food, salting, and for the neighbors!

Want to have cucumbers all season long? Plant cucumbers in two stages: the main sowing in early May, and 2-3 seeds in early June. Late cucumbers will begin to bear fruit in August-September. In September, when it gets colder, feed the cucumber bed and cover it with agrospan and polyethylene film. (This option is suitable for those who do not have greenhouses.) Until the end of October, you will be able to enjoy fresh cucumbers from your garden.

Description of some cucumber seeds

Cucumber HomerF1: parthenocarpic, with a bouquet type of fruiting, early ripening, for greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground. Cucumbers have a high taste and are recommended for pickling. Resistance to diseases such as peronospora, bacteriosis, root rot. The cucumbers are all aligned, 10-12 cm long.

Well done cucumberF1: early ripening, high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid. During the test, it showed its resistance to sudden temperature changes and to major diseases of cucumbers. Fruiting lasts until late autumn, and as the temperature drops, the cucumbers become denser and crispier. (And they weren’t fooled!) And the taste of the cucumbers remained sweet throughout the season!

Ginga cucumberF1: parthenocarpic, early, high-yielding hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. Cucumbers are genetically without bitterness, there is no hollowness, the seed chamber is small. The cucumbers are small, with tubercles, up to 11 cm in length. Also a great hybrid! I recommend.

Cucumber Little Humpbacked HorseF1: early, parthenocarpic with bunched ovaries. The cucumbers are tuberculate, up to 10 cm in length, without bitterness, taste both fresh and canned cucumbers excellent. I have had these seeds for three years now. I also really liked it, so I’m not throwing it away!

Cucumber BeeF1: parthenocarpic high-yielding hybrid, bouquet fruiting. Cucumbers are small, up to 10 cm in length, with high taste and pickling qualities. Resistant to cucumber diseases and pests.

Cucumber MashaF1: the earliest of all existing parthenocarpic hybrids. Extremely productive hybrid! Fruiting is bouquet. Cucumbers with good density, consistency, without bitterness, are intended for both salads and pickling. The hybrid's resistance to major cucumber diseases is also very high. I bought these seeds this year. Even if last year’s seeds don’t sprout, I hope that this one bag of cucumbers will be enough for me.

Wish you good choice cucumber seeds!

Many people love cucumbers. Therefore, even if there is no greenhouse with cucumbers, garden plot There are beds with this vegetable and trellises. Any variety of cucumbers can be planted on them, but summer residents prefer to purchase self-pollinating ones.

Self-pollinating cucumbers are popular among gardeners

Why choose self-pollinating cucumbers

Pros of self-pollinating cucumbers

If you are thinking about which cucumbers to buy, then it is worth studying the advantages of self-pollinating cucumbers:

  1. They do not need bees for pollination.

There are fewer and fewer bees, insects die in families, and without them it is impossible to carry out pollination for the bee-pollinated ones.

  1. They will produce a harvest even in rainy summers.

If during flowering cucumbers there is rainy weather when insects do not fly out for honey. As a result, the flowers will fall off, while self-pollinating cucumbers will provide you with crispy cucumbers in any conditions.

  1. These cucumbers have an excellent taste, without bitterness.
  2. Productive.
  3. Resistant to diseases and adverse conditions.

As we can see, self-pollinating cucumbers are the best among representatives of their species. Although a lot depends on the specific variety.

Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers form an ovary regardless of weather conditions

Self-pollinating or parthenocarpic

Even experienced gardeners They believe that there is no difference between self-pollinating and parthenocarpic cucumbers, because both of them produce crops without the participation of insects. But there is a difference. Parthenocarpic or self-fertile cucumbers do not require pollination. They don't have seeds.

And in self-pollinating plants, pollination occurs, but independently, with the help of the pistil and stamen. You can recognize such cucumbers by the seeds they contain.

Which seeds to choose

Which cucumber seeds to choose for open ground, which ones are the best and most productive? The choice is huge. Each variety has its own advantages that are worth considering. Let's talk about some popular varieties for planting.

This is one of the best early ripening varieties. The first fruits will appear 47-50 days after planting. You can grow Koni using trellises, because... Vigorous liana. It has bunched ovaries, which is why the yield of this variety is record-breaking.

The fruits of this cucumber are small (7-9 cm), but very dense and crunchy, bright green. They are without bitterness and tasty. They are salted or eaten fresh. Another advantage is its resistance to disease.

Cucumber Koni F1 - early ripening variety

For the past few years, this variety has been the most sold variety for planting. Its fruits have an excellent presentation. These cucumbers will not grow to gigantic sizes, a maximum of 10 cm, but more often than not more than 8. Therefore, they are suitable for preservation. Cucumbers can be stored for a long time (several weeks) without worrying about them turning yellow.

You will receive the harvest very quickly, within 36 days after planting. If you grow it in a greenhouse, cucumbers will appear in mid-spring. It has a pleasant taste, without bitterness. Not susceptible to diseases, resistant to them.

They are grown using a trellis, because it grows up to 4-5 m. If you sort out the varieties of cucumbers for open ground, then this one is one of the best. This is very productive varieties: from 1 sq.m. pick 25 kg of cucumbers. If the plants are well looked after and fed, the yield increases to 35 kg per square meter.

But this variety does not tolerate frost well. In addition, the seedlings of these cucumbers do not take root well, so they are first grown on a windowsill, and only when the temperature is at least 17 degrees they are planted in open ground. It gets rust easily ( fungal disease). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out treatment on time, otherwise the plants will die.

Cucumber Herman F1 is very thermophilic

This is also an early ripening hybrid, the fruits of which appear 42-45 days after planting; these are productive varieties. Cucumbers grow small - 6-8 cm. Distinctive feature This variety has friendly fruiting. On a small bush without additional shoots, 11-12 cucumbers ripen at once. They are small, only 60-75 g, good for pickling and pickling. It is this variety that is recommended to be grown in open ground using trellises. It is resistant to many diseases and tolerates heat well. These cucumbers never become overcooked, with no bitterness.

Cucumber Ecole F1 is suitable for open ground

Zozulya F1

This is a favorite variety of cucumbers; it is partially self-pollinating. Zozulya F1 will bear its first fruits in just a month and a half, and you will try your first cucumber.

Pros of this variety:

  1. Not afraid of temperature changes

Its most important advantage is that it is not afraid of sudden temperature changes. . The weather can be unpredictable, today it’s hot, tomorrow it’s suddenly cold, such changes are typical for the beginning of summer and throughout spring.

  1. Can grow in low light and produce crops.
  2. The side branches hardly grow, so the plant does not need to be pinched or pinched. It will easily master trellises; there is no need to form a bush.
  3. Gives fruit for a long time
  4. Yield varieties

Up to 30 kg of cucumbers are harvested from one square meter.

  1. It doesn't taste bitter.
  2. High quality fruits.

Zozulya F1 cucumbers weigh about 300 g and grow up to 24 cm. They are used for pickling and for making salads. If desired, this variety can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home, on the windowsill.

These are not all the best varieties of cucumbers; you can buy other cucumber seeds for open ground. But these are favorites among experienced gardeners.

Suitable for planting, and listed for open ground.

Hybrid or variety?

Before you figure out which is better, you need to define each concept.

Variety usually represented by a group of plants that have their own characteristic features. In addition to external similarities, plants have different genotypes. This suggests that they are able to retain the characteristics of their parents, that is, they can reproduce annually with their own seeds.

Hybrid bred by crossing different ones. This is necessary to obtain plants with certain characteristics. Hybrids are bred if it is necessary to increase keeping quality and immunity to diseases. Such plants have one genotype, and their seed material is not suitable for propagation.

Everyone knows what hybrids have advantages. They have the ideal size and shape of the fruit, have excellent transportability, bear fruit well, and are resistant to. However, all their positive traits the hybrid is capable of displaying only when proper care and creating appropriate conditions for growing: fertile, required air temperature, and absence must be ensured. Since hybrid plants are bred artificially, it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Good varieties do not have such exaggerated requirements, are less picky and independent of agrotechnical measures: one missed one will not affect the harvest.

A huge advantage of the varieties is their high content nutrients, vitamins and microelements, since these plants are much closer to wild ones than artificially bred hybrids.
The advantages of varieties include:

  • more pleasant taste;
  • the ability to reproduce using its own seeds;
  • low maintenance;
  • the ability to adapt and adapt to changes in the external environment and climate;
  • high content of vitamins and other useful substances.
They also have disadvantages:
  • bee pollination, which causes certain inconveniences;
  • lower fertility than hybrids.

Each gardener must choose for himself what is more convenient for him - to purchase seed material annually, or to choose seeds from and not pay too much attention to their care. However, it is always worth remembering that if you plan to plant for yourself and your loved ones, it is better to give preference to varietal ones.

The best varieties for open ground (by ripening time)

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most the best varieties for open ground, depending on the timing of their ripening.

Early ripening

Important! When purchasing seed material, pay attention to the prefix to the name “F1” - it is a kind of marking of hybrids.

Early ripening

Did you know? The vegetable has its own holiday: July 27 is International Cucumber Day.

  • "Muromsky 36". The fruits ripen within 35 days. more often used for. They have a smooth surface and small bumps. They are approximately 8 cm long, pale green in color, and ovoid in shape.
  • . The growing season lasts 45 days. Cucumbers are dark greenish in color, shaped like a cylinder, and have a small number of tubercles. They don't taste bitter. They have strong immunity to various. They have a pleasant taste, both in form and pickled.
  • "Bush". The growing season is approximately 45 days. Cucumbers are green, length - 10 cm. They have a slight bumpiness. The vegetable tastes good and is resistant to many ailments. Has good productivity.


The most popular among mid-season adults:

  • "Erofey". One of the popular bee-pollinated varieties. Applies as in fresh, and as pickles. The plant is branched, the fruits are small - their length is only 6-7 cm. The shape of cucumbers is ovoid, slightly elongated and lumpy. Is immune to powdery mildew.
  • " 12". Easy to care for, resistant to bacteriosis. Cucumbers are green, with large tubercles, pleasant to the taste. Their length is 11 cm, the weight of one fruit is 80–110 g.
  • "Far Eastern 27". Tolerates drought well. Fruits with white stripes, large pimples and excellent taste. Cucumber length - 11-15 cm, diameter - 4-5 cm, weight - 150 g.
  • "New Phoenix". Resistant to cold and dew. Tolerates any climatic conditions. Cucumbers are dark and have short, blurry stripes.

Let's consider popular late-ripening varieties of cucumbers.

  • "Chinese miracle". Ripening occurs in 70 days. The fruits are cylindrical, thin-skinned, and have virtually no bumps. Length - 5-9 cm.
  • "Phoenix". A variety with good yield, the growing season is 64 days. Fruiting continues until cold weather arrives. The fruits are crispy, length is about 16 cm, weight - 220 g, do not contain bitterness.
  • "Winner". Able to tolerate drought, coolness and fungal infections. Cucumbers resemble cylinders in shape and have large bumps on them. yellow color. Often used for.
  • "Chinese climbing". Fruits in 55-70 days. The length of the fruit is 12 cm, weight - 130 g. It is immune to low temperatures, the fruits look beautiful.

Other selection criteria

There are many other criteria by which seed material is selected.

To avoid problems with growing crops, so that all the work is not in vain, and it is of high quality and rich, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of varieties and hybrids. Is the variety you like suitable for the conditions that will be provided to it? Very often, gardeners sow varieties that are intended for planting in a greenhouse directly into open ground and are left disappointed. If there are no shoots, you should not blame the manufacturer - you should carefully study the recommendations on the bag.

The best cucumber seeds in the photo for open ground and greenhouses

You can select the best cucumber seeds that will delight gardeners with a high-quality harvest.

Hybrids that do not require formation are well suited for greenhouses, i.e. there is no need to pinch their lashes.

The best hybrids that are capable of producing crops already in the first month of fruiting are Temp and Bouquet.

Early triple hybrids:

They are capable of producing early harvests and bear fruit in bouquets - several greens from each bosom. Their advantage is that they can set fruit in poor lighting and at low temperatures.

The following are distinguished by long-term fruiting:


Hybrids for open ground:

The following can be distinguished from parthenocarpics:

Bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids for growing in a greenhouse:

For covering soil you can choose:

Worthy varieties and hybrids:

Choosing a variety to grow is a responsible matter. Some are suitable for open ground, others only for greenhouses. In addition, you need to pay attention to what area the variety was bred for. If you make the wrong choice, the vegetables may not grow at all. Not many varieties can grow well in both the south and the north.

In the southern regions of Russia the best varieties are considered:

In the Far East and Siberia:

Altai, Dalnevostochny 27, Vladivostoksky 155, Cascade, Dar of Altai, Universal, Dalnevostochny 6, Avangard 121, Kit.

In the European part of Russia, the following are popular: Altaisky early 166, Nerosimy 40, Muromsky 36, Izyashny, Vyaznikovsky 37.

In Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, in addition to varieties of European origin (Donskoy 175, Vyaznikovsky 37, Nerosimy 40, Nezhinsky 12, and others), local varieties are grown - Pervenets Uzbekistan 265, Tashkentsky 86, Kuilyuksky 262, Uzbek 40, Margelansky 822,

The following are most often grown in greenhouses and under film: Altaiskiy early 166, Muromskiy 36, Izyaschny, Nerosimy 40, Kharkovskiy 6, Vyaznikovskiy 37.

Exist different kinds cucumbers They are usually divided according to storage method or application. These are salad cucumbers for pickling and canning.

You should not grow different species nearby. As they grow, they will all get mixed up with each other in the beds. If you preserve together species suitable and unsuitable for this procedure, then soon the jars will have to be thrown away.

Short fruits are used for pickling:

For pickling, vegetables are grown in the open ground and picked very small. These are Delicatessen, Regia F1 and Leandro F1.

The best cucumbers for salad:

The following are considered universal varieties:

Dutch cucumber seeds

Dutch cucumber seeds are quite popular. They are resistant to various diseases, perfect for canning, not bitter. Hybrids Masha and German are popular. They both give high yields. They are usually sown at the end of March.

Growing cucumber seeds

Growing cucumber seeds has its own characteristics. This is a heat-loving crop. Seeds ripen at temperatures not lower than 12°C. Shoots may appear after ten days at a temperature of 18°C. If the temperature is 25-30°C, then after 3-6 days. When the temperature drops below 10°C, the seedlings turn yellow and rot. If the temperature is below 6°C, then physiological processes are disrupted.

If the nights are too cold in summer and early autumn, the number of female flowers on the plant is reduced. In addition, there is a risk of the formation of ugly fruits and the development of diseases.

How to collect cucumber seeds

Not all gardeners know how to collect cucumber seeds. Harvesting cucumber seeds is a simple procedure. The main caveat is that you should not collect them from hybrids - they will not produce a harvest. The F1 inscription on the bag means that it is a hybrid.

You should take ripe fruits. They are yellow, brown or brownish in color. Cucumber fruits are heterogeneous. It is believed that the female fruit gives the greatest yield. The male has three sides, the female has four.

A ripe cucumber is cut, the seeds are separated and washed. Then pour into an enamel bowl saline solution. And they put the seeds there. After a few days, they are washed again and begin to dry.

They will germinate somewhat earlier than purchased ones, and besides, they will not get sick. The ovaries on the plants are in no way inferior to those purchased. To prevent the harvest from being bitter, harvesting should be done from the front of the fruit.

However, there is a risk that if they are put on next year, then a lot of barren flowers will grow. For this reason, they should be planted only after three years.

It is better to store them in paper bags. In the refrigerator or in the cellar. For convenience, the bags should include the year of collection and a description of the benefits of the variety.

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