What kind of lumbar spine corset. Orthopedic lumbosacral corset: nuances of choice

Special devices are sometimes required to support the back muscles. The lumbosacral corset belongs to the corset-bandage line of products for strengthening the ligamentous apparatus, bones and muscles. Such an orthopedic belt can create a massage effect and stabilize the lower back during regular physical activity.

Many models have stiffeners made of metal or plastic. This allows them to follow the curves of the body.

Typically, a lumbar corset has a height of 16–35 cm. The material used for such belts is hypoallergenic and breathable. Rigidity is fixed by 4–6 metal inserts, and the reliability of fastening depends on elastic ties.

Another option for semi-rigid fixation is a lumbar belt with a warming effect. Beneficial features are as follows:

  • It stimulates blood circulation and activates muscle function.
  • The back muscles are strengthened due to plastic tires.
  • The warming effect reduces pain.
  • By unloading the lumbosacral region, the corset promotes sensorimotor control by restoring muscle function.
  • The design itself is successful. It does not restrict movements and has a flexible massage splint in a soft lining (pelot), which allows you to keep muscles and blood vessels in good shape.

Lumbar brace for mild pain, myostatic changes and symptoms of degenerative changes in the lower lumbar region.

Wearing time during the day is strictly regulated. After wearing a corset to support the spine, it is prescribed to strengthen the muscular corset of the spine.

A semi-rigid corset is required for people whose activities involve prolonged driving or excessive physical exertion. Athletes use corsets for rehabilitation treatment.

Rigid fixation

A lumbar fixation corset is indicated for significant pain, or if there is a tendency or suspicion of compression fracture, in the postoperative period. It helps to completely limit the lumbar region, but it is recommended to wear it no more than 6 hours a day. After major surgical interventions on the spine, corsets for a sore lower back shorten the rehabilitation period and increase the duration of remission.

Any therapeutic belt firmly fixes the back muscles and minimizes the mobility of the vertebrae. Usually it is equipped with metal tires on the back side and spiral springs on the stomach side. This allows, in addition to stabilizing and unloading the lower back, to increase intra-abdominal pressure and reduce painful sensations. Design features in the height of the belt - up to 17 cm in front, up to 28 cm in back. Such a corset is prescribed for:

  • Osteoporosis L3–S1.
  • Mild form of spondylolisthesis L3–L5.
  • After discectomy at L4–S1.
  • Also used in the rehabilitation period after treatment of an osteoporotic fracture L3–L5.

A corset with a special support element on the abdomen and a special plastic frame on the back can provide maximum stabilization of the lumbosacral region. There are models that are especially lightweight (about 500g) and transmit x-rays. Such belts for a painful lower back can replace a plaster corset.

Its use is relevant for:

  • Significant pain.
  • Disorders of the articular apparatus.
  • Treatment of hernia with root compression.
  • Disintegration of vertebral bodies, muscular dystrophy.

Typically this belt is adjustable big amount puffs (4–6). This is necessary for complete fixation of the spinal column at the level of Th8–S3.

The design of the belt will always be made of fabric high density, reinforced with special rigid metal inserts, plates, frames. This is in common system and forms a lumbosacral rigid bandage.

Universal belt

There are universal orthopedic models. This lumbosacral corset will be comfortable at any stage of treatment. The kit usually includes a bridge frame and several stiffening ribs of two options - rigid and flexible.

Without additional details, a belt worn on the recovering lower back will prevent unconscious loads. Flexible ribs will ensure stabilization lumbar region. Hard ribs will limit motor activity and mobility of the spine. And when equipped with rigid ribs and a frame, the movement of the lumbar part of the back will be limited as much as possible.

The corset is equipped with gel pads for bony protrusions to prevent skin damage. It controls loads at the Th10–S3 level.

How to choose?

It is very important not only to decide on the product model, but also to choose it correctly. After all, your health depends on it.

Useful tips on how to choose a corset:

  1. The belt is tried on before purchasing. It should not put pressure on the spine - this can lead to swelling. But he cannot be too free either.
  2. The effectiveness of the corset lies in its tight fit to the body and the repetition of the correct anatomical shapes. That is why the fabric should be soft, natural, breathable.
  3. Each package must indicate certificates, manufacturer, and recommendations for careful care.

They are released various sizes and colors. Neatness and compactness make it invisible under clothes.

Only a doctor can tell you how long you will have to wear an orthopedic product. You can also ask him about the wearing rules.

Some rules of application:

  1. They wear a corset mainly when they are in a vertical position.
  2. It is not recommended to sit, lie down, or even sleep for a long time.
  3. It is important to ensure that the fastener is fastened correctly. If it is fixed too tightly, blood circulation may be impaired and swelling will appear.
  4. It is very important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations on when to wear a corset. If it says for pain, it means you need to put it on only when pain occurs.

The corset is always worn over thin cotton underwear. The plates are placed at an equal distance from the spine line. The belt is placed in the middle of the lumbar region. The main clasp is fixed on the abdominal area. All additional ties regulate the degree of fixation.

Standard care requirements are as follows:

  • It is recommended to fasten the product.
  • Wash separately with detergent for delicate fabrics.
  • The water temperature is not higher than 30 degrees.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
  • Do not deform or squeeze.
  • Dry flat at room temperature.
  • Do not bleach, do not iron.

The spine is the basis of the entire skeleton and accumulates all the energy and vitality of a person. Any functional deviation or injury leads to negative consequences.

Modern science and medicine take advantage of all progressive developments and offer various ways and means for correcting and restoring spinal health. Orthopedic products for the spinal column are sufficient effective means stabilization of the musculoskeletal system, posture correction, recovery muscle mass all parts of the spine.

Back pain plagues many people. Medical companies offer a large number of products to combat such ailments - among them ointments, medicines and even vaccines.

However, the most popular, harmless and at the same time very effective item that eliminates pain is the lumbar corset.

Indications and contraindications for use of the product

The use of a lumbar corset is indicated in a number of complex diseases that cause great pain and inconvenience to the patient, among them:

  • rehabilitation and post-traumatic period;
  • and acute pain in the lumbar region;
  • minor fractures of the spinous and transverse processes of the vertebrae;
  • prevention of back and spine diseases in people leading a sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, placing increased stress on the back;
  • formation on the spine;
  • , spondylosis and.

Wearing the product has virtually no medical contraindications (the exception is a lumbar extension corset, the wearing of which is prescribed with caution).

The only case when it is prohibited until consultation with an appropriate specialist is the presence of active skin infections on the patient’s body.

Types of back bandages

Depending on the indications for wearing and the area of ​​application, there are several types of products to support the vertebrae. If we divide the bandages according to what the lumbar corset is chosen for, we can distinguish:

  • for the lumbosacral region;
  • supporting lumbar belt-corset.

All materials for the treatment and support of the lumbar region contribute to the stable functioning of the spine during various diseases and deviations, relax muscles, evenly distribute the load, relieve pain and spasms, and support weakened muscles.

Products are also conventionally divided according to their level of rigidity:

  • reinforced bandages – provide less load on the spine, support the back muscles, relieving their spasms, and are recommended to be worn during complex forms diseases;
  • soft products– used more in cosmetics than medicinal purposes, most often for visual correction of the figure;
  • elements of medium hardness - significantly relieve pain in the affected back, while supporting the muscles and vertebrae, but allow you to maintain fairly high mobility of the body as a whole.

Based on the principle of impact on the spine, there are also several types of bandages:

  • preventive bandage – used several hours a day to relieve the load on the spine and prevent its diseases;
  • medical corsets, which are used for the treatment of already developed diseases or rehabilitation after them;
  • immobilizing – used in patients with complex spinal injuries.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases musculoskeletal system rigid and semi-rigid medical models are prescribed.

What you need to know when purchasing a bandage

How to choose a thoracolumbar or sacrolumbar corset is best told by your attending physician, who will draw conclusions based not only on the characteristics of a particular model, but also on the individual needs of the body, as well as on the stage of the disease.

It is absolutely forbidden to purchase any item you come across to eliminate back pain or straighten the spine. An incorrectly selected bandage can cause much more harm than good.

For example, it is not always possible to wear a lumbar corset, and its incorrect use can lead to deformation of internal organs.

In addition to selecting the product, a qualified medical specialist will also tell you how to properly put on a lumbar corset and how to wear it.

A preventive device should also be purchased only after consultation with a specialist, since a remedy aimed at eliminating the wrong ailment can lead to the appearance of new pain.

You need to purchase a bandage for the treatment of problems with the spine and back in general at a pharmacy or from a medical representative.

It is not recommended to make a purchase from an unverified seller, since the product may be of poor quality or counterfeit, which will lead to aggravation of the disease.

Wearing rules

To ensure that the bandage does not cause harm to health and fully copes with its functions, you should immediately learn how to wear it correctly.

Some details may vary depending on the product. At the same time, there are a number of points that are identical for all corsets:

  • You can wear the device for no more than 5-6 hours a day, and leaving it overnight is strictly prohibited - in addition to skin problems, this can lead to a final loss of muscle tone, and then they will not be able to support the back.
  • It is important to ensure that it does not tighten the lower back too much, but is also not too loose. In the first case, the item will only cause harm to the body, and in the second there will be no effect from wearing it.

The doctor usually tells you how to put on a lumbar corset the first time you use it, but if you need to perform the procedure yourself, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • the corset device is put on only in a horizontal position;
  • It is not recommended to wear it on a naked body - this way you can protect yourself from diaper rash and chafing, as well as extend the service life of your purchase;
  • Squeezing should not be allowed; if after putting it on you feel a pulse in the navel area, the clamps need to be loosened;
  • It should fit equally over the entire area.

In order for the treatment to be effective, in addition to wearing bandages, it is also necessary to follow other doctor’s prescriptions, monitor your daily routine, perform regular exercises and follow all safety rules.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Of all the sections of the spine, one of the strongest, but also the most vulnerable is the lumbar spine. It bears a significant load, both dynamic and static. To prevent the development of spinal diseases or to treat existing ones, a corset is needed.

Let's look at what it is, how to choose the right lumbosacral corset and how to put it on.

Purpose of the product

An orthopedic product (orthosis) is prescribed on the recommendation of the attending physician and in agreement with the orthopedist. The lumbosacral corset is used for the following purposes:

  • rehabilitation after injury (reduces recovery time, prevents displacement of damaged vertebrae);
  • fixation for diseases (, etc.);
  • reducing pain in the back, relieving muscle strain in people engaged in physical labor, athletes, drivers, etc.

Semi-rigid and rigid

Corsets for the lumbosacral region are usually classified according to their degree of rigidity.


The most popular type of corsets. Fixes the lumbar and sacral region, does not restrict freedom of movement too much, but at the same time effectively relieves tension in the paravertebral muscles. Recommended:

  • to reduce pain;
  • for recovery after injury, surgery;
  • for prevention;
  • as a female orthosis (with significant divergence of the pelvic bones).

Many models are distinguished by convenient “settings” - they can be adjusted. In addition, such orthoses are quite compact and lightweight, they are not noticeable under clothing. You can choose any size - both adult and .

Among the disadvantages of medium-hard corsets, only a few difficulties in care can be noted: the corset can only be washed by hand, do not twist it when wrung out, and dry it in a special way.

It may also cause an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin.


This type of lumbosacral orthosis is recommended for use after major spinal surgery.

Such a corset, selected by a rehabilitation doctor, may well replace the supporting function of the affected area and prevent displacement of the vertebrae.

Just as with semi-rigid models, you can choose an individually suitable orthosis thanks to the wide range of models.

It should be noted that the use of rigid models requires particularly careful adherence to medical recommendations so that no complications arise.

Fixation degree

According to the degree of fixation of the lumbosacral region, corsets of full, strong and medium fixation are distinguished (light fixation is achieved by using warming belts, which are not considered corsets).

  1. Full fixation. For rehabilitation after injuries without the ability to move freely.
  2. Strong hold. Prescribed for severe pain (irradiation to the groin, buttocks, with loss of sensitivity in the tips of the toes). Orthoses made of dense fabric, knitwear with transversely located elastic belts for greater effect. On the back there are usually 4 metal inserts that follow the contours of the lower back and sacrum.
  3. Medium hold. Recommended for mild exercise, during physical activity, as well as at the late stage of rehabilitation. The models are softer, made of elastic material, with 4 flexible stiffening ribs.

Nuances of choice

Before choosing a corset, it is important to consult a specialist, as there are some contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • abdominal wall hernia;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • local dermatitis;
  • using a gel or other product;
  • individual intolerance.

To choose the right orthosis, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • type of corset;
  • size (waist circumference or lower back circumference (8 cm below the waist) different manufacturers) - you need to take measurements without clothes;
  • material - knitwear, thin or mesh is considered the most successful;
  • additional parameters, such as a warming or massage effect (to improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension);
  • special requests - for example, models with “suspenders”, which drivers are dressed in: when unfastened at the belt, the corset remains on the shoulders.

Wearing Features

The effectiveness of treatment of the lumbosacral region directly depends on how the orthopedic device is used and how correctly it is worn:

  • An orthopedic device is worn only when necessary - in case of pain, during stress (as the muscles “wean” from working independently).
  • To avoid discomfort, the orthosis is worn on cotton underwear.
  • Do not tighten too tightly so as not to impede blood circulation. The correction must be carried out by a doctor.
  • It is recommended to use the orthosis for no more than 6 hours (for models with strong fixation, longer periods are used, but only after consultation with a doctor).
  • You can't sleep in a corset.

Let us remind you once again: a product for correcting the lumbosacral spine can only be purchased on the advice of the attending physician and orthopedist. You should not try to make it yourself or buy what your friends recommended.

There are no identical medical histories, so the corset must be chosen strictly individually. In addition, the device itself does not cure, but only makes life easier for the patient to a certain extent.

It makes sense to use it only in combination with other methods of therapy: therapeutic exercises, medications, massage, in a healthy way life in general.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Dear friends, hello!

We continue our orthopedic educational program. We have already talked about products for and thoracic spine. Were there any sales? What about the difficulties? If anything, write, don’t be shy. Let's figure it out!

Today we will “go down” to the most problematic area of ​​the spine - lumbosacral. Why the most problematic? Yes, because he has to support the entire upper body: head, chest, shoulder girdle, arms... And also because we don’t walk on all fours. In this case, the load would be distributed evenly across 4 legs.

And also because we lift weights incorrectly and don’t even think about the fact that our dear and beloved lumbar vertebrae are experiencing colossal loads at this moment. To alleviate their plight, weights should be lifted with legs slightly bent at the knees.

And although this section of the spine has the most powerful vertebrae, this, alas, does not save it.

That is why there are more orthopedic lumbosacral corsets. This means that you have the most questions about this group of products: “How to understand them? They all look the same!” “When to offer what?”

Calmly! Just don't panic! I'll explain everything now.

Please tell me what customer needs you had to deal with when selling a lumbosacral corset? Probably with these:


And this is not a complete list of buyer needs.

In general, for some it’s ordinary, and for others “with mother-of-pearl buttons.”

What types of lumbosacral corsets are there?

They come in hard and semi-hard.

But I prefer the classification according to the degree of fixation. It is the most understandable, and many doctors use it. See:

Full fixation corsets used immediately after injuries and operations. They almost completely eliminate movement in the damaged segment.

Strong corsets fixations are used for severe pain.

Medium corsets braces are used for moderate pain.

Well and light degree of fixation- this is, as a rule, some kind of warming belt. It is not a corset, so we won’t talk about it.

Since you most often have corsets with a strong and medium degree of fixation, I will dwell on them in more detail.

How to choose an orthopedic lumbosacral corset?

Strong hold corset

How to find out?

The main thing in such a corset is the powerful, usually metal inserts in the back area.

Most often, they are already bent in a factory manner along the curves of the lumbar and sacrum. And they can be moderately elastic. In this case, they will “sit” according to the figure when the patient puts on the corset and fixes it on the stomach. If there are additional elastic straps, they will tighten the corset even better to the body, providing a strong hold.

The material of such corsets can be different: thick fabric or knitted fabric.

To whom and when to offer it?

When the doctor writes this on the prescription sheet: strong fixation corset.

When the patient experiences pain in the lower back so severe that he cannot even straighten up.

When this pain radiates to the leg, buttock, groin area.

When the tips of the toes feel nothing, or there is severe weakness in the legs.

How does it work?

Fixes and unloads the damaged segment. That is, it reduces movement in it, which means it creates favorable conditions for recovery. Sometimes our body just needs to get out of the way. Only peace and care.

By fixing and protecting the lower back, the corset takes on most of its work. Again, there is unloading and a reduction in recovery time.

What's better?

Favorite question from our customers. That's why I can't ignore it.

A fabric corset is cheaper.

A corset made of knitted fabric is more comfortable. Thanks to it, the skin “breathes”; it is not hot in such a corset. In addition, knitwear fits better to the figure. This means that the therapeutic effect is higher. And it comes faster.

Such corsets usually look more aesthetically pleasing. They can be worn on a naked body (fabric ones on a T-shirt). They are thinner, which means they are invisible under clothes.

Medium fixation corset

How to find out?

Unlike the previous one, this corset has softer, that is, more flexible, stiffening ribs. Thanks to them, movements in the lumbosacral region are possible to a greater extent than in the case of strong fixation corsets.

The material is most often elastic. Its degree of elasticity varies in different models.

If there are additional belts, then, firstly, they enhance the fit. Secondly, they help regulate the degree of fit when changing body position.

To whom and when?

When a patient experiences dull aching pain in the lower back.

When you need a corset to protect your lower back when performing household work (repairs, cottages, etc.).

When the doctor prescribed a medium fixation corset.

For follow-up treatment after injuries and operations at the late stage of rehabilitation.

How does it work?

The corset reduces the range of motion of the problem area of ​​the spine. And if so, it means that it is unloaded, and it recovers many times faster than without a corset.

Warming corset

Perhaps you have these in your assortment. If not, be sure to order it, as the pharmacy often asks for something warming for the lower back. By offering an ordinary belt made from the fur of some animal, we deprive the buyer of the opportunity to purchase a more effective product that will reduce pain in the first minutes of wearing.

So, a warming corset. It would be more correct to say “heat-saving”. Because there is no battery in it.

How to find out?

Firstly, the packaging may say that this is a warming corset.

Secondly, it may be indicated that it has been completed made of neoprene - a material which does not allow air and moisture to pass through. Due to this, it conserves its own body heat.

Sometimes these corsets have a special cushion to “fill” the lumbar curve for maximum fit. If the bend is not sufficiently pronounced, the pillow is removed.

To whom and when?

For those who ask for a “warming” belt. In this case, you offer a corset and explain that it not only “warms”, but also quickly eliminates pain due to its design.

For those who complain of constant aching pain due to osteochondrosis, spondylosis, that is, diseases associated with malnutrition of the spine.

For those who work in the cold and want to get rid of back pain. For example, security guards. Moreover, we're talking about about work not related to active movements.

Will explain. If you give this corset to some construction worker who is constantly on the move, he will sweat in it. This may cause skin irritation.

Neither the buyer nor we need this.

How does it work?

Due to the fact that the material does not allow air and moisture to pass through, it retains body heat, warming the problem area of ​​the spine. This improves blood circulation, nutrition, and the patient recovers faster.

In addition, heat relieves muscle tension, which is often the cause of back pain. Tension goes away and pain decreases.


There is a rule in medicine: Do not heat inflammation!

If you do not know what process this is, focus on the time period from the onset of the disease (it is better to abstain from such a corset for the first 3-5-7 days).

What's better?

Everyone has their own understanding of “better.” Here are a few nuances:

Corsets made of knitted fabric are more comfortable. All their advantages - see above. Some of these models may have a minimum of hard elements, but there is a massage pillow.

Thanks to her, in the process of movements sore spot massaged, which means muscle tension and pain are relieved, blood circulation improves, and the recovery period is reduced.

If the corset has suspenders, it is convenient for motorists. The man got into his car, unfastened his corset, it rested on his shoulders and did not fall off.

If the material in the corset is thin, it means that it is not noticeable under clothing.

If the material is mesh, it means that the skin under it will not sweat.

Selecting the size of a lumbosacral corset

As a rule, to select the size you need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips. They are added up and the resulting figure is divided in half.

But there may be nuances: in some models only the waist is measured.

How long to wear a corset?

Strong fixation corset - how much the doctor will prescribe. In some cases, the duration can reach 12 hours a day.

Medium fixation corset - depends on the purpose for which a person buys it.

If it is for protection during loads, then the product is worn only during the period of loads.

If there is pain, then wear it during the day for 6-8 hours (unless the doctor prescribes a different wearing regimen).

How to care for an orthopedic corset?

If the stiffeners are removable, they must be removed before washing. Next, fasten the Velcro fastener.

When selling which pharmacy products can you offer a corset:

  • NSAIDs internally and externally.
  • B vitamins.

Of course, first clarify why the client is buying this drug.

And also don’t forget to offer a corset if they ask for something for lower back pain.

You ask, I answer:

Well, now, it seems, that's all. Again a huge lesson learned. Well, what can you do, I want to chew you through everything thoroughly. Did I succeed?

What questions do you still have? Misunderstandings? Be sure to write in the comments.

You can purchase a complete basic course in orthopedics for pharmacy employees.

See you next time on the blog for hard workers!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

One of the most problematic areas human body is the lower back. It is in this area that the spine experiences maximum stress, supporting the upper body. And although the skeleton in this zone is the strongest and most solid, unfortunately, it often fails to cope, which leads to acute pain and the development of chronic diseases. To correct the situation or prevent it, orthopedic lumbosacral orthopedic corsets are used. But how to choose the right product? Who will be comfortable in it and who will not? And are there any rules for wearing it? We suggest that you thoroughly study the issue.

Why do you need an orthopedic lumbar corset?

You should buy a corset for the lumbosacral spine at the rehabilitation stage after complex operations and injuries, as well as to reduce pain of varying degrees: from mild to very strong. Experts recommend using them for radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, myositis and other diseases of the lumbosacral spine.

The corset can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes only after consultation with the attending physician and on the basis of the expert opinion of an orthopedist.

In addition, the semi-rigid lumbosacral the corset can be worn by people whose work involves heavy physical exertion and long periods of driving, as well as by athletes.

The products perform the following functions:

  • fix the spinal column;
  • unloads muscles, removing unnecessary stress;
  • during rehabilitation, they shorten its time, compensating for the capabilities of the injured area and preventing damaged vertebrae from moving.

Types of corsets for the lower back

There are several classification principles, with one of the most common being the degree of rigidity.

This type is one of the most popular. With its help, the lumbar region is fixed, while it restricts movements to a lesser extent. Recommended for reducing pain in various diseases and when it is necessary to speed up the process of restoring body functions after injury or surgery. They are used both during rehabilitation, when the load on deformed areas of the spine is reduced, and for prevention. In some cases, wearing semi-rigid corsets is indicated for women in the postpartum period with severe divergence of the pelvic bones.


  • provides reliable support for the lumbosacral region, relieves muscle tension, reduces pain;
  • The stiffness of many models can be adjusted individually by adjusting the ribs;
  • a large size range allows you to choose a product for both adults and children;
  • compactness and lightness do not reveal the presence of a corset under clothing.


  • delicate care of the product requires washing them only manually and do not twist when doing push-ups, and also follow other rules, including drying;
  • may cause allergies in people with sensitive skin.

One of the popular models on Russian market is a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset rwa 2200 orto professional. It has flexible stiffeners and is made of innovative bamboo fiber that does not cause allergies.

Rigid corsets are usually prescribed to people who have undergone major spinal surgery. The products help shorten the rehabilitation period and increase the duration of remissions.

Other advantages:

  • replace the supporting functions of the affected part of the spine;
  • eliminate displacement of the vertebrae;
  • wide the lineup allows you to select a product for the individual physiological characteristics of the patient.

The “cons”, or rather warnings, include:

  • an incorrectly chosen corset can lead to serious health complications and expand the list of existing diseases;
  • Violation of the rules for wearing the product, as well as ignoring the doctor’s recommendations, will lead to the same sad consequences.

Rigid corsets can only be prescribed on the recommendation of a rehabilitation doctor.

Besides, models are distinguished by the degree of fixation, which can be complete, strong, medium and light. Last option represented by warming belts, which by definition are not corsets, so we’ll talk about them next time.

Lumbosacral corsets with strong fixation are made of dense fabrics or knitwear and have metal inserts on the back that follow the contours of the sacrum and lower back. For maximum fixation, they are complemented by elastic straps. Wearing is prescribed for severe pain.

Medium fixation corsets are softer and have flexible ribs. The degree of elasticity of the material may vary in specific models. It can be recommended for aching, mild pain in the lower back, during physical activity, and in the later stages of rehabilitation.

One of the most recognizable brands on the Russian market is Orlett from the German manufacturer Rehard Technologies, which offers more than 70 models and modifications of orthoses for various parts of the skeleton.

Indications and contraindications for use

We have already named the main cases when an orthopedic corset for the lower back may be recommended. The main ones are these are diseases of the spine and heavy physical activity. Let's take a closer look at the contraindications.

Semi-rigid and rigid corsets cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • for purulent skin diseases and local dermatitis,
  • after applying warming agents, as well as in case of abdominal wall hernia;
  • You should also remember about individual intolerance.

How to choose a product

When selecting a corset for the lumbar spine, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • rigidity: in case of severe pain that radiates to the buttocks and groin area, and the fingertips lose sensitivity, the doctor’s choice is made in favor of a lumbosacral rigid corset with strong fixation, and for rehabilitation after injuries, a full fixation corset may be prescribed;
  • size: the problem arises due to differences in the size range of different manufacturers: in some cases the waist size is indicated, in others - the circumference of the lower back, which is 8 cm lower. That is why any corset must be selected individually. When going shopping, do not forget to take body measurements without clothes;
  • type: this parameter can only be recommended by a specialist who will directly indicate in the patient’s card that he needs, for example, a corrective, that is, a supporting corset for the lower back;
  • material: a knitted corset is considered the most comfortable, and if the material is thin, then the product will not stand out under clothes, and if it is mesh, then the skin will not sweat.

Some models have an additional massage effect, which relieves muscle tension and improves blood circulation, thereby relieving pain.

How to wear a corset correctly

The effectiveness of therapeutic effects and prevention will depend on how correctly the corset is used. And although the main positions are again indicated by the doctor, there are several general tips:

  • It is not recommended to wear a corset for more than 6 hours (in some cases, strong fixation corsets can be worn for up to 12 hours, but this requires consultation with a doctor);
  • You can't go to bed in a corset;
  • due to the fact that the muscles in a corset often hardly work independently, you need to put on a corset when necessary - during stress or pain, then the muscular system does not atrophy;
  • It is better to wear cotton underwear (T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts) under the corset to avoid chafing the body;
  • You should not fasten the corset tightly so as not to interfere with normal blood circulation in organs and tissues.

It is best to try on a new corset for the first time under the supervision of a doctor, who will help you adjust the parameters.

When choosing a lumbosacral orthopedic corset, let’s not forget the main rule: do not buy products that were recommended by neighbors, colleagues, girlfriends, etc. Only a competent specialist who is familiar with your medical history can take correct solution about the use of one model or another.

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