DIY metal house frame. Frame houses made of metal profiles - quick assembly, light weight

  • Best price
    from 2000 RUR/m2
  • Work guarantee
    5 years
  • Project development
    up to 15 days
  • Project documentation
    not paid
  • Your decision
    turnkey tasks
  • Manufacturing
    structures up to 15 days

The Swedish technology for building prefabricated houses from metal structures has gained great popularity, since such houses and cottages have many advantages compared to houses built from brick or concrete.

The StalProfilGroup Group of Companies produces load-bearing frames of houses and buildings from galvanized profiles on a turnkey basis. As walls interfloor ceilings lungs are used building profiles, rack and guides. At a construction site, the installation of a metal frame can be carried out by a small team of semi-skilled workers, without the need to use heavy equipment.

Prefabricated houses made of metal structures are lightweight, so they do not need a thoroughly buried heavy foundation. As a result, inexpensive prefabricated houses made of metal structures allow you to significantly save on metal and concrete.

Prefabricated frame-panel houses are built much faster than houses from other building materials. LSTK technology - the construction of houses from a metal frame without the use of liquids, solutions, mixtures - allows you to build low-rise houses from a thermoprofile in any weather. Finishing interior walls You can start immediately after the construction of the main walls is completed. Houses made of metal frames do not require shrinkage and can withstand heavy loads. All internal communications are located within the walls of the building.


  • strip shallow - monolithic reinforced concrete
External walls:
  • supporting frame – galvanized steel thermal profile 150/200-2.0 mm
  • cladding - siding
Internal walls:
  • load-bearing – galvanized steel thermal profile 150/200-2.0 mm
  • partitions - galvanized steel thermoprofile" 100/150-1.0/1.2 mm
  • sheathing – SML boards or plasterboard
  • insulation – mineral wool board based on basalt fibers (at the customer’s request - monolithic foam concrete)
Floors with subfloor:
  • light beams - galvanized steel thermal profile 200/250-2.0 mm
  • moisture-resistant plywood or OSB-3
  • insulation – mineral wool board based on basalt fibers (at the customer’s request - monolithic foam concrete)
  • light beams - galvanized steel thermal profile 200-2.0 mm + lathing
  • cladding – moisture-resistant plywood FSF
  • insulation – mineral wool board based on basalt fibers + wind insulation
  • covering (finishing) - bitumen shingles

Metal profiles are usually used as insulation in prefabricated frame houses. mineral wool, and for wind protection, frame houses made of LSTK are sheathed with glass-magnesium sheets (GSM) or cement-bonded particle boards (CSP). All other finishing of prefabricated houses is carried out taking into account the tastes and wishes of the Customer. The choice on the building materials market is huge. By using your imagination and common sense, you can build for yourself a unique prefabricated house from LSTK - warm, versatile, spacious, and most importantly, inexpensive!

Buy a prefabricated metal frame house on a turnkey basis

“Whatever they can come up with!” – perhaps this is the first thought of most readers who first encountered the concept of frame houses made of metal profiles. The use of metal as load-bearing structures It seems like a rather strange decision, but do not rush to conclusions - study all sides of the issue.

Metal houses – do you have any experience?

Metal products have been used as load-bearing structures for a very long time, numerous shopping centers, skyscrapers are prime examples of this. True, the technologies and materials used in the construction of such large objects do not justify themselves at all in private house construction - rolled metal products are very heavy, bulky, special welding and riveting technologies are used to connect individual elements; you cannot build such a house with your own hands.

Everything changed when lightweight steel thin-walled structures—hereinafter referred to as LSTK—were invented. For such structures, only thin steel sheets are suitable, formed into a Z-shaped profile with through grooves or perforations, which should retain the cold. This type of LSTK is also called a thermal profile, and if we talk about private construction, then it is advisable to use only it.

Of course, no matter what tricks manufacturers come up with, metal remains a material with high thermal conductivity. This fact in most cases scares away people who are looking through options. frame houses. The problem is solved by high-quality thermal insulation, which is a multi-layer cake. Calculation of insulation and determination of dew point should only be carried out by specialists with extensive experience, otherwise you risk getting many problems when operating the house.

The second point that scares consumers away is metal corrosion. Without going into details of chemical reactions, we all know that metal rusts, including steel. The formation of rust directly affects the strength of the metal structure, in our case, the strength of the “skeleton” of the house. This problem was solved using hot galvanic treatment, thanks to which metal structures get containment 20 microns thick. At correct installation and provision reliable protection from moisture it can extend the life of metal up to 100 years!

Advantages of a metal frame – does the tree rest?

Metal frame houses are a technology that is unlikely to replace wood. The maximum that is destined for them is to develop in parallel. And this is completely justified - both metal and wooden frames there are disadvantages and advantages. Perhaps, it is in this comparison that it is best to consider metal-frame houses - why are they better and worse than wooden ones?

Metal, as mentioned above, has high thermal conductivity - wood is much better in this regard, it itself is a heat-insulating material, participating in general scheme insulation of the house. In a metal frame structure, there is no hope for the frame - all thermal protection tasks fall on the insulation and sheathing.

In full wooden house built with your own hands, life is more comfortable. The tree breathes, filling the air with aromas. However, this living material has a lot of enemies - wood-boring beetles, moisture, fungus. Of course, today there are many ways to protect yourself from all these factors, but this comes at a high cost. These enemies are not terrible for metal, except, perhaps, moisture, although the processes in both cases will proceed at different speeds in favor of the metal.

True, there is another side to the issue - in modern house too much household appliances, which affect the frame, magnetizing it. This may affect the well-being of particularly sensitive residents. The light weight of LSTK (up to 50 kg per m2) allows you to build a house with your own hands on the lightest foundation. Even on heaving soils that do not allow the use of buried foundations, you can build a large, spacious house. The metal frame is free from such disadvantages of wood as drying out and shrinkage.

The accuracy of installation of metal frame elements is always at its best. Thanks to this, time, labor and, as a result, finances are saved - construction from LSTK is cheaper. The cost of the elements themselves is also cheaper.

Disadvantages of a metal frame - forewarned is forearmed!

Oddly enough, but metal frame during a fire it behaves much worse than wood. Don’t think that by using metal in construction, you will protect yourself more than with wooden beam- fires in most cases start outside (arson) or inside the house (malfunction of household appliances), where there are many materials that will catch fire and burn out - furniture, things, decoration.

The main thing is that during a fire all residents can evacuate successfully - the more time they have before the house collapses, the higher the chances! So, a metal frame significantly reduces evacuation time - with high temperatures the skeleton of the house loses its rigidity, which is why the house spirals, falls, and warps. During the combustion process, wood keeps the house from collapsing much longer - the timber becomes charred, but keeps its shape inside.

Another drawback that is discovered almost immediately during the design and operation process is the difficulty in installing built-in furniture and appliances. By default, the metal frame does not have a rigid, reliable base to which you could attach shelves with your own hands, or install massive cabinets and pencil cases on top. So the builders, together with the owners of the house, must determine in advance the places that will need to be strengthened additional profiles and platforms made of boards.

The load-bearing capacity of LSTK significantly limits the number of storeys and the use of heavy building materials. Cannot use heavy ceramic tiles, install a fireplace on the upper floors. In the latter case, it is generally difficult to combine steel profiles with structural materials (brick, cement).

An important point is the protection of the house structure from industrial currents and atmospheric discharges. Metal profiles are excellent conductors of electricity, and therefore can pose a danger to the inhabitants of the house. This problem is solved by a potential equalization system, the calculation and installation of which is the job of professionals.

Installation of LSTK - assembling the constructor!

Building a house from LSTK is really like assembling a construction set for children. Before installation, a project of the future house is created - all the little details are thought out in the project, right down to where the furniture will be installed and household appliances. It is very desirable that, in addition to the drawing, a 3D design of the house is also developed - this way the customer will see the house with his own eyes.

After registration project documentation The drawings are transferred to the production line. Frame parts are manufactured individually, numbered, packaged and sent to the construction site. Ready-made profiles already have holes for fastenings and engineering communications. Connecting elements also come as a set.

It’s more difficult with a thermal profile - in most cases, builders are offered ready-made sizes and shapes that should be taken into account when designing. It is best not to change the existing length, cut or shorten anything. In any case, each part is packaged and labeled according to the house design drawings. Builders do not have to select parts - they only need to fasten the profiles with their own hands, according to the markings of the individual parts. This approach significantly speeds up the construction process.

Construction from LSTK is of increasing interest to modern consumers, thanks to one important advantage - the possibility of an open layout. Lightweight trusses allow you to create spans up to 14 meters long without additional elements responsible for support. The rooms inside the house are very spacious, free, and filled with air.

It should be remembered that what more room, the more difficult it will be to heat them, accordingly, the better you should insulate the walls with your own hands. Non-flammable mineral wool boards, as well as moisture-resistant polystyrene foam and ecowool, have proven themselves to be the best. Although LSTK are not very friendly with other structural materials, they are easy to finish, be it a block house that imitates a rounded log, or porcelain stoneware, which will give the building the appearance of a solid structure.

Subject to availability suburban area There is a need for a residential building where you can not only take a break and drink a cup of tea, but also spend the night and live for several days. Of course, everything depends on many criteria, where a very significant part falls on the material aspect, because we have to agree that many people have a very limited budget.

We will help you deal with available options construction projects that you could implement yourself.

Options for building a country house

The first thing you need to start with is to decide on the material from which the building will be built. The choice is quite diverse, so you will also have to try to determine the most suitable one from among the dozens of possible options.

At least two factors may influence the choice:

  • Possession of certain construction skills and abilities:
    • A person who is well versed in welding and knows how to work with metal will undertake to build country house from metal structures.
    • The master carpenter will choose wood.
    • A bricklayer decides to build a country house from aerated concrete with his own hands(foam concrete, brick, cinder blocks - various options are possible).
  • Availability of certain building materials in a particular region.

Now let’s look at a few examples visually, in comparison, to make it easier for you to navigate the construction market.

Cottage made of foam blocks

Beyond any competition there have always been and remain capital buildings made of various types masonry materials.

However, in lately Relatively new materials made using modern technology have gained the greatest popularity. In short, the creation process is carried out by foaming concrete mixture and its subsequent formation into blocks of various calibers.

Foam and aerated concrete products have a number of advantages over their classic counterparts - brick and cinder block:

  • The block is light in weight, which makes it easier to lay walls with your own hands for your home and garden.
  • Lightweight walls made of foam concrete do not require the construction of powerful ones.
  • The porous structure of the products provides high thermal insulation and allows the walls to “breathe” and maintain the humidity in the house at a normal level.
  • Using special glue for laying foam blocks also increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the house as a whole, which gives you energy saving advantages.
  • The masonry mixture for aerated concrete products is applied in a thin layer, which, together with the ideal geometry of the blocks, gives an excellent aesthetic result. Finished wall It turns out even and smooth and requires minimal finishing in the future.

Only reliable manufacturers can maintain ideal shapes; cheap products, often offered at reduced prices, do not always meet the standards.

  • Price cubic meter foam block masonry is much cheaper than a brick wall of the same volume.

That is why many private developers prefer to build a structure from foam concrete building materials.

Metal dacha

Over the past decade, the popularity of construction from metal structures has greatly increased.

Everyone has long been accustomed to:

  • Metal garages.
  • Fences and barriers made of profiled thin-walled sheets.
  • Canopies and gazebos.

But frame construction of houses, where metal is used as a replacement, is not yet very popular. Metal has always been wary of its high thermal conductivity, which can lead to the formation of cold bridges.

However modern technologies allow the production of lightweight thin-walled steel structures, called thermal profiles. The tricky part of this type of metal is that it is perforated (usually in a checkerboard pattern). The perforations significantly increase the path of cold flows through the structure, excluding their direct penetration into the premises and, accordingly, the appearance of cold bridges.

Thermal profiles are produced from galvanized steel using the method of cold profiling in a U-, Z-, C-shape.

Despite the graceful appearance, these metal products have sufficient rigidity to create load-bearing structures from them:

  • External and internal walls.
  • Rafter trusses.
  • Interfloor ceilings.

Benefits frame construction Modern metal structures include:

  • Galvanized thermal profiles are lightweight and do not require the use of heavy lifting equipment during construction.
  • They are not subject to corrosion.
  • Building a frame house-dacha with your own hands is extremely simple and does not require any special skills. Thermal profiles are assembled using a screwdriver, since the fastening material is self-tapping screws.
  • Precise production of profiles in the factory makes the process of constructing the frame very fast.
  • Countless options for interior and exterior finishing, non-traditional architectural solutions and the simple ability to add to the finished building.
  • The ability to build a summer house with your own hands in regions with difficult soils, since a lightweight superstructure does not require a complex and powerful foundation.

Prefab house

If you are interested in this particular solution option, then you have only one task, this is to correctly formulate a request-order for assembling blocks for a manufacturer of such structures. Upon arrival of the finished compartments, all you have to do is, so to speak, assemble the house with your own hands at the dacha using technology.

For your information!
Detailed instructions for installing and connecting the blocks into a single unit using special connecting fittings will help you with this.
All necessary documents are attached.

As a result, without much effort, in a fairly short time, you will receive a finished, functional and comfortable home.

It’s also worth mentioning country houses made from modular containers, which, although not so popular in our country, are gradually gaining momentum. The main advantage of this option is turnkey finishing of external and external walls. On the other hand, many doubt that such technology is not suitable for regions where winter temperatures drop below -30 degrees.

During the construction period on a site that is not provided with a centralized power supply, it is advisable to purchase or rent a diesel generator for the dacha. It will also be useful for the uninterrupted operation of lighting and electrical appliances in the house during a power outage, which, unfortunately, occurs in our real life.

The price of a generator depends on its power. To maintain the functioning of the electrical network country house and performing simple construction and repair work, a unit with a power of up to 150 kW is sufficient.


As you can see, you will definitely find something interesting and affordable for yourself and will not only be able to save your cash, but also in as soon as possible provide yourself with a residential home. If your goal is to build a temporary shelter in which you can hide from the rain and nothing more, then you can purchase sheets of plywood and beams with a section of 50x50 mm. But more on that in another article.

In the photos and videos presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

A house made of metal profiles is a profitable option for building a living space. With such construction, you can save 15-20% of the total estimate, starting from the stage of laying the foundation. In this material we will look at the main types of metal profiles that are suitable for residential construction, as well as the advantages of prefabricated technology and its comparison with permanent structures made of stone and concrete.

Metal profiles for the home: is it worth trusting?

Many people know what a metal profile is; for those who hear this word for the first time, we inform you that this is a rolled metal product intended for the installation of prefabricated residential and industrial structures, which is also called a LSTK profile.

The LSTK profile is made of galvanized high-strength steel and has several types of execution (depending on the architecture of the future building). LSTK profiles are produced by metal rolling plants using special roll forming equipment.

Profile manufacturing stage

The rolled steel is unwound and fed to a cutting machine, after which a special device forms the profile itself, or rather its shape. At the output, the machine cuts the required length according to the specified criteria. That's it, the profile is ready. Everything is packed and sent to the warehouse, then to the customer.

Houses made of metal profiles

The construction industry is developing rapidly. LSTK and LMK, since they came to Russia, have already managed to gain some trust from the consumer. Thus, many, following the Western vector of development, adopt experience and begin to build frame houses from metal profiles, the price of which is 15-30% cheaper than building brick or wood.

Obviously, the prefabricated LSTK technology, which has existed since 1950, now makes it possible to introduce metal profiles not only into warehouses or hangars, but also into country houses and cottages.

Interesting fact: LSTK technology was developed in the middle of the last century in order to eliminate the shortage of residential real estate.

Building a house from metal profiles

Before starting construction or design, it is important to determine the feasibility and necessity of using lightweight steel frames as a tool for the construction of a residential building. To answer this question, let's take a look at the advantages of LSTK technology:

  • A frame house made of metal profiles will be strong and reliable (if installed by professional workers).
  • Houses made from LSTK and LMK have proven themselves to be seismically resistant structures.
  • The LSTK profile is coated with a layer of zinc, which reliably protects it from aggressive environmental influences.
  • Installation at any time of the year, the so-called “wet installation” technology.
  • Affordable price and constant availability of consumables.
  • Easy to assemble and install.
  • The highest environmental safety of the building.
  • No shrinkage on the foundation and savings on foundation construction.

This is far from full list positive characteristics that prefabricated buildings have.

Saving time and money

LSTK is affordable construction. Starting from the design stage, you can start saving big by choosing standard solution(project) that suits your climatic conditions. You can also save on pouring the foundation, because... Even a shallow foundation is suitable. It is recommended to invest all funds in insulation, vibration insulation and fire protection of these insulation materials.

Conclusion: build!

Definitely, the answer is clear and obvious. A house made of metal profiles, the price of which is clearly lower than a standard brick or wooden one, will always weigh in its favor. And not only the price, but also the advantages described above. The main thing in construction is a reliable team of professionals who can quickly and on time implement any of your ideas. The quality of workmanship plays the most important role, because a house is everyone’s personal fortress and it must be built according to state rules and standards.

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