Why do you dream about water? Why do you dream of muddy, dirty water? The meaning of dreams about water for girls

Water is the simplest and most familiar substance for all humanity. Water - why do you dream about this liquid? In fact, it can hide a lot of mysterious and unusual things. The human body is eighty percent water, we cannot for a long time live without her. It’s scary to imagine if the water disappears, what will happen to us? If you dreamed of water, the dream book says that this substance is a reflection of your inner world, emotions and feelings. This dream can tell you a lot about your inner world.

Why do you dream of water: dream books say that the meaning of the dream depends on its appearance and condition.

Why do you dream of water in a dream? If you saw water in a dream, try to remember what emotions you experienced after waking up. Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation; everything also depends on the circumstances. Water in a dream serves as a relation to your inner world, your feelings and emotions, so such a dream should be treated carefully.

You dreamed of a lot of water: sea, ocean, flood

Why do you dream about a lot of water: it means that pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps you will soon receive a long-awaited gift that you have dreamed of for a long time, but you did not have enough money to purchase it. Bad sign, if in a dream the sea was noisy and raging. Such a dream symbolizes that a person should start changing inside. You have a very bad character, you don’t always know how to control your emotions, which results in conflict situations with others. Look at yourself from the other side, start analyzing your actions.

If in a dream you saw, in real life something is bothering you. Most often, this anxiety is unfounded; fear appears from within. Don't take it to heart negative emotions, otherwise health problems may begin. There are times in every person's life when it is difficult to find a way out of a situation. At such moments, you should not isolate yourself; spend more time with your family and friends. Remember, all bad things will end sooner or later.

— incoming water has an ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, such a dream symbolizes a new stage in a person’s life. Most likely, in the near future you will be given a lucrative job offer; you should not refuse it. Thus, you will be able to improve your financial situation. On the other hand, such a dream symbolizes a calm and measured life. You've worked hard enough, it's time to rest and relax. Now is the time to plan long trips with family and friends.

Seeing a river, stream, pond or lake in a dream

What she saw suggests that a person is able to cope with any difficulties on his own, without resorting to the help of others. Why dream of water in a river means that you are used to relying only on yourself, no matter how difficult it may be at this stage. You know how to analyze your actions so as not to repeat the mistakes you have made in the future. You try to avoid conflict situations and know how to control your emotions. You develop smooth relationships with others, you are respected, your opinion is listened to, and you often seek advice and help.

It’s a bad sign if you dreamed of dirty river water; the dream encourages you to pay attention to your surroundings. You should not let others close to you, keep them at a distance, do not talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true.

The stream you see symbolizes a new stage in life, pleasant surprises, and perhaps meeting interesting personalities. Now is the time to plan a long trip with your family. For unmarried girl such a dream is a sign: she will meet a person who can influence her future life. At first glance, you won’t pay attention to him, but don’t rush to conclusions, look at him from the other side.

If you dreamed of a small pond, try to remember what emotions you experienced in the dream. Did the water in the pond cause you negative emotions? Problems and failures await you, which are almost impossible to cope with alone. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for help, they certainly want you to do well. If you liked the pond, and the water in it was clean, then pleasant surprises await you in reality, you will begin to look at the surrounding reality from a different perspective.

Did you see lake water in a dream? This means that in reality you have a quiet and measured life. You look confidently into the future, step towards your dream, no matter how difficult it may be at this stage. You prefer to spend your free time with your family and friends, organize dinners together, go out into nature, and attend cultural events. Conflict situations practically do not arise, you skillfully control your emotions, and do not demonstrate your superiority over others. People often envy you, so you shouldn’t let people get close to you, keep them at a distance so as not to experience a feeling of disappointment sooner or later.

Use running water at home

Why do you dream of water in the house? If you dreamed of water in the bathroom, you should pay attention to your surroundings. There are people next to you who, at first glance, seem to be loyal and devoted friends. In fact, this is not so; they communicate with you only because they benefit from it. Try to limit your communication with them, or better yet, refuse it altogether.

  • Was there clean water in the sink? You can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort.
  • If the toilet fills with water and it is dirty, in reality you may encounter problems and failures that fall like a snowball. At such moments, do not be afraid to ask your family and friends for help.
  • Why do you dream of clear water in a bottle - it is a symbol of a new stage in life. You've worked hard, it's time to relax and enjoy life.
  • You open a saucepan in a dream, and in it dirty water? In reality, you will be able to cope with problems and failures on your own, without resorting to the help of others.
  • If you pour this into a glass and it becomes transparent, pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps you will soon receive an offer that is difficult to refuse.

Flood in an apartment - what does it mean?

If in a dream you return home and, try to remember what emotions you experienced. Most often, seeing a lot of water in a dream means that in reality problems and failures await a person. Unfortunately, as the dream book warns, a lot of water means that it will be almost impossible to cope with them on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for help, they are ready to help at any moment.

Why do you dream of water pouring from the ceiling: you should pay attention to your behavior. Look at yourself from the other side, whether you are doing everything right. Conflict situations often arise with colleagues, family and friends. You have a very bad character, do not know how to control your emotions, and are accustomed to being the center of attention. You should not impose your point of view, learn to listen and hear.

Why do you dream of water on the floor - you should give up bad habits, otherwise health problems will arise. Start eating right, go jogging in the morning, take up cycling. IN Lately can remind oneself of the heart. Go to an appointment with a specialist, get the appropriate tests, and undergo treatment. Do not ignore this dream, otherwise it will get even worse.

Clean and clear water in a dream is always a good sign.

It means that a person can achieve success in any endeavor, he just needs to put in a little effort. Try not to let others close to you, do not talk about your plans for the future, because in this case they are unlikely to come true.

Want to talk to someone? Go to your parents, they certainly want everything to be fine with you.

If in a dream there are people floating in water, you are able to cope with problems and failures on your own, without resorting to the help of others. There are difficult moments when everything seems lost. You shouldn’t give up and fall into a depressed state, avoiding communication. This won't fix the situation. Start analyzing your actions, look at yourself from a different perspective. Remember, all bad things will end sooner or later.

Why do you dream of holy water - in reality you have a calm and measured life. You know exactly what you want, look confidently into the future and move towards your goal, no matter how difficult it is. You know how to analyze your actions so as not to do them again. As the dream book says, holy water can also mean that a meeting awaits you that will affect your future life. Soon you will meet a person who is ideal for the role of a spouse. Don't miss your chance, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Seeing dirty and muddy water in a dream

  • - it symbolizes not best time in life. Problems and failures await you. Finding a way out of a situation can sometimes be quite difficult, but do not become discouraged and give up. Don't be afraid to ask your family and friends for help. They will be happy to help you.
  • suggests that in real life you can cope with failures, you just need to put in a little effort. Know how to analyze your actions so as not to repeat mistakes in the future. It's also worth paying attention to your surroundings. Do not let others close to you, keep them at a distance, do not talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true.
  • Why do you dream of black water? It symbolizes health problems in reality. Try to give up bad habits, start eating right and exercising. Lately you have often been tormented by headaches, go to a specialist, get the appropriate tests and undergo treatment.
  • Why do you dream rusty water- You should pay attention to your surroundings. There are people next to you who, at first glance, look like loyal and devoted friends. They can listen and give advice, but behind your back they say not very good things about you, they rejoice at failures and problems. It’s worth limiting your communication with them, because you have a couple of time-tested friends, you can certainly rely on them in difficult times.

Temperature: cold, warm, hot

  • Icy water seen in a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. As the dream book says, ice water may mean that you have a calm and measured life, you know exactly what you want. Look forward with confidence and move towards your goal, no matter how difficult it may be at this stage. Negative emotions experienced in a dream indicate that it is time to pay attention to your health. Try to give up bad habits, start eating right and exercising.
  • Why do you dream cold water- a person can achieve success in any endeavor, he just needs to put in a little effort. As the dream book says, cold water indicates the fact that you are a fairly purposeful and persistent person who knows how to analyze your actions. Relationships with others are smooth, you try to avoid conflict situations, and skillfully control your emotions.
  • If in a dream you saw warm water, in real life you start good period, in which there will be many pleasant surprises. Now is a good time to plan a vacation trip to the sea or to a resort. A dream in which warm water brought negative emotions means that you need to pay attention to your health. Go to an appointment with a specialist, get the appropriate tests, and undergo treatment. Do not ignore this dream, otherwise it will get even worse.
  • Why do you dream hot water- in reality something is bothering you. But, as the dream book says, hot water means that the anxiety is unfounded, fear comes from within, and sometimes it is very difficult to cope with it. You should not take your experiences to heart, otherwise you can fall into a depressive state, which is very difficult to cope with.
  • Boiling water seen in a dream symbolizes a not very good period. Why dream of boiling water means that you are constantly faced with problems and failures, and it can be very difficult to cope with them.

Have you seen water in a pool or swam in it?

If, such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation:

  • Have you swam in it and liked it? Such a dream could have been dreamed by a person who has a calm and measured life, he knows exactly what he wants, and looks confidently into the future. You are respected in the team, your opinion is listened to, and they often turn to you for advice and help. Do you prefer free time spend time with your family, have dinners together, watch exciting films, go out into nature.
  • , but at the same time this process does not give you pleasure? It's worth paying attention to your surroundings. Don’t let people get close to you, don’t talk about your plans for the future, otherwise they won’t come true. Do you want to tell someone? Go to your parents, they will be able to give you the advice you need, because they really want you to succeed in life.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

If in a dream you saw the purest water, in real life everything will turn out the way you want. You look confidently into the future and are moving towards your goal. You should not tell others about your plans, otherwise they will not come true. Try to spend more time with your family, have dinners together, go out into nature, watch exciting films.

Each dream book interprets what water means in a dream a little differently.

Miller's Dream Book - you will succeed

The dream in which you saw water is worth trying to remember as best as possible after waking up. It gave you a hint; if you can use it correctly, problems and failures will pass by.

Most often, such a dream indicates that in real life a person is beginning a good period. You can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort.

Vanga's dream book - reward for work

On the one hand, such a dream symbolizes unexpected changes in life. Soon you will receive a long-awaited gift that you have dreamed of for a very long time, but could not afford. On the other hand, you will receive a bonus for your work. Management sees you as a promising employee and often gives you a responsible job.

If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, she will soon meet a person who will influence her future life.

Freud's Dream Book - you are a popular person

You should pay attention to your behavior. You have a very attractive appearance and are popular with members of the opposite sex. You often have fleeting romances and engage in promiscuous sex. This behavior will not bring anything good; there is a high probability of contracting some disease. Be careful not to ignore your sleep.

Modern dream book - many problems

If in a dream you saw a lot of water, which is becoming more and more abundant, it means that in reality problems and failures await you. It’s quite difficult to cope with them on your own; don’t be afraid to ask others for help. You take failures to heart and analyze your actions several times in order to avoid problems in the future. You have conflict situations with others because you do not know how to control your emotions.

Some dreams seem insignificant, but in reality they are simply great value. So, for example, with water - everyone is familiar with it, and when they dream about it, it rarely evokes surprise or strong emotions.

But if you look, it is difficult to find a more ancient, powerful, complex and comprehensive symbol than this element. And when someone dreams of water, it is always a clear sign, a message from higher powers. And what water is meant for in dreams is not always easy to understand correctly.

As a rule, it is a symbol of emotions. It is this element that is associated with the feminine, intuitive, changeable principle; it is the most fickle, it can change its states and store information.

This means that in a dream, especially for a woman, water is an important sign. It can mean love, and difficulties, and great changes, and great happiness. It all depends on many details that need to be taken into account. There are a number of descriptions in dream books, including:

  • Dreaming pure water, fresh and transparent.
  • I dream about water being dirty, stale, cloudy or black.
  • She is in the sea, lake, river or pool.
  • Household dreams - why do you dream of water on the floor at home, in your house or apartment, pouring in the bathroom, flowing from the ceiling or dripping from the tap.
  • Icy or hot.
  • Walk on it, sink or swim.

This is just a general overview of scenarios and plots; in fact, there are, of course, much more. Remember sequentially - what it was like, whether you dreamed of dirty water or clear, blue water, whether it was in the sea, in the river or at your home, what you did and what happened. And then you will reliably decipher what water is meant for in dreams - specifically in your unique case.

What interpreters are talking about

It is not always easy to understand objectively and correctly what water means in a dream; it is a rather vague symbol that rarely means something simple and material. First, let's try to understand the subtext of this symbol.

1. According to Miller's dream book and other authoritative sources, it means the sphere of emotions and feelings. Based on this, we can decide that any “watery” dreams are dreamed to indicate the dreamer’s vivid and strong experiences, his emotional nature. There may be events ahead that will cause a flood of feelings. Often water dreams dream of love.

2. You can also interpret why you dream about a lot of water - floods, streams, or when it is simply everywhere, around. This is an allusion to the spiritual realm, spiritual growth and transformation of personality and soul. Great internal changes, events associated not with the material world and things or events, but rather with the spiritual, esoteric aspect of life. Understanding something higher.

3. If you look for the interpretation of dreams with streams, strong waterfalls, natural phenomena, here you can consider a metaphor - a flow of feelings. You will be overwhelmed with emotions, feelings will begin to change and even overwhelm you.

4. In general, make associations if you see such dreams. Is there a stream flowing in a river or stream? There will be some variability, feelings will change each other. Stable waters - in a lake, sea, pond? Something calm, eternal, big. Use your intuition, it will tell you a lot.

5. Each dreamer himself can understand and guess what transparent, clean, blue water means, and why he dreams dark water, cloudy or even black. Of course, the first option always means everything good - joy, health, pure and happy love.

The second option cannot be interpreted fatally. Don’t be afraid to consider what dirty water means in dreams - dreams of this kind do not promise trouble or bad incidents. This is a hint of sadness, sadness that you can handle yourself.


In order to clearly consider what water is meant for in dreams, separately, in each specific case, we need to remember exactly what it was like. The interpretation will depend on its type, condition and properties.

1.It is quite clear why you dream of clean water - it is a symbol that a bright, good period awaits you. The dream book, alas, won’t say anything specific. However, if you have such dreams, then you should confidently expect prosperity.

If you are sick, you will soon be completely healed. If there is melancholy, problems, difficulties, they will soon end. For young people this is - sure sign clean and happy love which is coming.

2. But you should be careful when interpreting what dirty water means in dreams. There will be no trouble in reality! Miller's dream book, for example, indicates sadness that will soon pass. Other interpreters give a similar meaning.

Emotions are not always bright and joyful, sometimes sadness comes - even for no reason. The main thing is not to get “stuck” in it and tune in for the best. By understanding correctly what dirty water means in dreams, you can avoid sadness. Try to have a positive and wise attitude towards everything and remember that everything is for the better.

3. But why do you dream of muddy water, opaque and dark? This is a sign that you will find yourself in an unclear situation; something will not be clear to you. Perhaps dishonest people, some kind of insincerity. But you will be able to figure everything out.

4. There is also an interpretation of why holy water is dreamed of - this beautiful, bright symbol. Such dreams are rare; they are dreamed of with great happiness and spiritual renewal. Wherever it is, it always means that you are under reliable protection higher powers, you have nothing to fear.

5. As the dream book says, cold water, especially ice water, is a wonderful symbol of health. For a sick person or someone who is in anguish, ice water promises healing. For healthy people, ice water portends longevity and a surge of strength.

6. Such a dream, in which the water was hot, especially boiling water, promises happiness. A hot spring, or just a glass of boiling water, is a wonderful sign.

7. An unusual, frightening symbol - black liquid. It means your fears and empty worries and nothing else! They envelop your soul, swarm around you and interfere with your life. Fight them!

Where were you?

Everyday stories are common. Let's see what home floods mean, what dreams of rusty water dripping from a tap mean, and everything else.

1. If you dreamed of a flood in your own home or room (apartment), a stream that pours from the ceiling or from somewhere else, then in reality you will literally be overwhelmed by emotions. Your house in a dream is a symbol of your inner world. And it will simply be filled with a strong feeling. Stand on your feet and soberly assess the situation, do not forget about reason.

2. If in a dream rust is pouring or dripping from a tap, this clearly indicates that old, unfinished things are haunting you and preventing you from doing something important and relevant. Do this, get old projects in order, set aside a separate day for this and finish everything that is “hanging.” This will make your life much easier, you will feel how easy it is to plan and implement new things!

3. Intrusive dripping in the bathroom or in the sink is a symbol that someone wants to “leak” into your life, find out something, or simply be closer to you. What kind of person (or people) is this, what he wants - find out for yourself, be careful.

4. If a stream comes from the tap in the house, there will be changes in your family. The time has come for them, and there is no need to resist them - they are for the better! Change of residence, renovation or addition to the family - it can be anything.

5. If you heated a kettle or boiled something, great joy will certainly await you. The dream book promises that there are many wonderful events ahead, fate is preparing good surprises. If now the period is not particularly joyful, believe me, this will change very soon. Your life streak will become brighter!

To obtain full interpretation When dreaming about water, one should consider not only its properties, but also where it was. Whether at home, in the bath or in the pool, it matters.

If you found it on the floor and had to walk on it, then you will have to overcome minor everyday difficulties. But nothing fatal will happen. Just some obstacles that you can overcome. In addition, small trials always make us stronger, more resilient, and teach us to approach life wiser.

Did you see yourself in or next to the pool? This is a wonderful sign, promising joy, carefree days, fun. Especially if the pool was clean, pleasant to look at and beautifully decorated. If in this successful dream you felt good and pleasant, confidently expect great joy in reality. Believe me, there will be a reason for her, and more than one!

As the dream book says, the water in the lake, especially clear and blue, is a symbol of pure, calm happiness and harmony. There will be stability in relationships and family, you will feel peace, harmony and tranquility around you, you will understand that everything in your life is exactly as it should be.

A river or a large stream, any moving stream is a symbol of change. Moreover, not so much external as internal. Personal and spiritual transformation, change of feelings, transition from one state to a completely different one. Maybe your feelings for some person will change a lot, or for yourself. Your emotional sphere will be different.

Seeing something big and powerful is a strong sign. A great feeling awaits you ahead! If the sea was calm, the feeling will gradually “cover” you, and will be very strong, stable, and real. If there were waves, you will begin to “storm”, you will experience changes and excitement. Maybe there is great love ahead?

A full bath is a symbol of relaxation and bliss. It's time to rest, relax, let your body and thoughts come to a state of peace. Take a vacation or spend a weekend in peace, enjoy blissful idleness and relaxation. This will do you good!


Now remember, did you just see the sea, a bath or a flood, or did you do something? If you swam, drowned or drank, these actions should also be deciphered in order to understand and interpret what water means in dreams as fully as possible.

1.Swimming in a body of water, especially clean and transparent, is a wonderful symbol. Joy, carefree life, fun - all this awaits you ahead. If in your dreams you swam in a cold pond or even under an ice-cold shower, your health will be excellent and you will begin to feel a surge of strength.

In addition, much in the interpretation depends on emotions - by the way, if you felt joy and pleasant feelings in a dream, in reality everything will turn out very well, and pleasant events await you.

2. Why do you dream about water, any body of water in which you drowned? You are about to fall in love! This is exactly what dream books indicate. A trembling feeling will cover you, as they say, completely and turn your reality upside down. And don’t resist, love is stronger than reason!

3. If you swam and dived, the interpreter predicts a love date for you. Someone will invite you to meet and perhaps confess their love! Don't be surprised if you are a family man. This is also a good sign for you - renewed feelings for your partner, a new stage of love. You will remember the romance and seem to fall in love with your soulmate all over again!

4. Drowning in a dream is scary, but it is not a bad or ominous dream. He only hints to the dreamer that strong emotions will overwhelm you very soon and you will lose control. It is sometimes so pleasant and dizzying! But do not forget to use reason so as not to make mistakes. Being in the grip of a strong feeling is a rare happiness, but you always need to stand on your feet and analyze your actions soberly, as well as evaluate the situation with your mind.

5. As the dream book describes, the water you drank cold portends strong, good health. You will recover very soon and feel great. And if you are already healthy, you will feel an influx of new strength to achieve great goals. Take advantage of this, don’t sit still, you can do a lot!

6. If you scooped or collected water from somewhere, then great success is planned on the personal front. The person you like will reciprocate and you will be happy. You will have to forget about loneliness!

7. An unusual dream in which you happened to walk on a water surface symbolizes victory. Over enemies or competitors, over melancholy or depression, problems and difficulties, even over yourself. A big, unquestioning victory! Brilliant success awaits you. You can do anything!

8. As the dream book writes, holy water with which you performed any actions - scooped it up, consecrated it, sprinkled something, and so on - is a symbol highest protection and blessings. Only the best awaits you in reality in the near future.

Listen to yourself - your heart can tell you a lot, and your intuition will tell you what times are coming. There are not only bright spots in life, but everything in it is harmonious and correct. Expect the best and know that only the brightest dreams will come true in your reality!

In many famous dream books water represents vital energy. In the real world, it is a necessary element to maintain human strength. In the interpretation of dreams, it symbolizes existence, its quality. Therefore, water in a dream always reflects your current state, and also foreshadows certain qualitative changes in life.

Decoding dreams for ladies has its own characteristics, and some meanings differ from the generally accepted ones. When a girl dreams of dirty water, it always means failure, illness, doubt and discord.

Let's look at the main interpretations of what a woman dreams of about clean water:

Clear water– pleasures, joy, health; swimming in it means early conception; splashes of drops fall on the head of a sleeping woman - she will awaken passionate love, which will make this person happy.

To see a pond or lake in the middle of a field in a dream, with water flooding the shore - you can lose your money and health;

An ocean or sea in a dream means peace, endless possibilities and a bright future. However, if you dreamed of a storm, then get ready for a turbulent period in your life.

Drink clean, cool water - all endeavors will end successfully; Greedily swallowing a cloudy liquid means illness;

For a woman, standing in opaque, dark water means that she is about to become the center or cause of some kind of conflict.

Diving headlong into a river, lake or sea - for unmarried girls, portends a passionate love that will make you forget about everything. Drowning - sudden passion can break your destiny. For married women this dream means family stability, favorable period for new beginnings - now your relationship with your husband is stronger and more trusting than ever. If you are in a quarrel, know that such a dream foreshadows reconciliation and oblivion of all old problems and grievances. If you dream that while swimming a seaweed clings to your body, it means troubles and intrigues; It may also mean that your current relationship is burdening you and may need to end.

For an unmarried girl, seeing a pond in which a variety of fish swims means many suitors, crushes and petty romances; For a married lady, such a dream can promise pregnancy in the near future.

splash on young man water means that in reality you are trying in vain to win the affection of some man. Splashing water on your spouse or partner may indicate disagreement with him. However, if such splashing is of a playful nature, and the young man does the same in response, then there is no need to be afraid of such a dream - it means that everything is fine in your relationship. For an unmarried girl, this dream promises a new interesting acquaintance.

Dreaming about dirty water

Most often, muddy water portends troubles and illnesses in real life. But a lot depends on how dirty you see it and what you do. All of this can be interpreted differently depending on different circumstances.

If in your dream you see a quiet and calm, but dirty river, this foretells troubles in the near future.

Raging water indicates that you have little control over any unpleasant situation. If in his dream the sleeper fell with someone else into a pond, lake or pool with dirty water, then perhaps he is about to make an irreparable mistake in a real situation, which could negatively affect the rest of his life. The same is true if you saw a puddle of dirty water in a dream or fell into it.

Drinking cloudy liquid most often indicates the approach of a serious illness. If you dreamed that you drank dirty water, you should pay close attention to your health, especially the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking warm, cloudy liquid is a sign of a serious illness; it is better to see a doctor now.

Swimming, bathing, or, even worse, drowning in a dirty pond means futile attempts to get out of failure, an omen of accidents and various hardships. Wash in a shower from which muddy water flows - your rivals and ill-wishers will defeat you.

If you dream that dirty liquid is approaching a house or apartment, or that your home is in danger of flooding, then this is a warning about the upcoming struggle with troubles that will surround you and your family.

Why do you dream about muddy water?

Muddy water dreams of a streak of failures, deterioration of mood and despondency. A rapid flow of contaminated liquid in a dream means that troubles will be fleeting. Not very clean water in a cup or glass means quarrels and disagreements in the family.

Swimming in a muddy sea body in a dream foreshadows health problems and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Why do you dream about clean water?

This is always a sign of a bright streak in life; good luck will accompany you, problems will be resolved, and what you want will become closer.

Drinking clean water in a dream means your dreams will come true and your goals will be achieved. Swimming in a clear liquid - in the near future, problems in your life will disappear, your soul will become joyful and quite carefree. If the water is warm and gentle, then circumstances will begin to develop only in your favor.

If you dream of clear liquid from a spring or well, you will soon become rich and receive income from where you did not expect. If the well is deep and full of water, then you will receive an unexpected source of regular income.

If you see a filled clean water a bath or swimming pool - to a successful completion of affairs. A bathtub half filled with liquid means expectations will not be fully met.

Drowning in clear, clean water, choking - you are resisting some situation in life, rebelling against it, afraid that it will completely take over you.

If a believer dreams of holy water, this means that he is under the protection of divine powers. Peace and tranquility await him.

To plunge into clean water in a pond, to swim - such a dream foretells that in business and in family relationships everything will become calm and stable. You will be satisfied with life and nothing can shake your positive attitude.

Wash or shower clean ice water means that in reality you will see the light, throw off the shackles of wrong views on life, get rid of guilt and begin to grow spiritually. This dream also portends recovery and restoration of health. Swimming in an ice hole - something will greatly surprise you.

Dream of flood and advancing water

The interpretation of dreams in which the sleeper dreams of a flood, deluge or advancing water is ambiguous.

When a person dreams of a flood, rising water, houses collapsing, and panic reigns around - in a word, a catastrophe has begun - such a dream foreshadows a natural disaster. Heavy losses and hardships are also possible. But there are also more favorable interpretations - if a person dreams of a flood, then a long-awaited sexual partner will appear in life, capable of giving pleasant erotic adventures.

If during sleep water is already approaching the sleeper’s feet, there may be problems in the future that are somehow related to real estate.

Dreaming of water on the floor in the apartment

If during sleep you find water on the floor in your apartment, then you need to try to more accurately remember what kind of water it is - clean or cloudy, a lot or a little, where it came from - from the street, from a tap, from the ceiling, in which room it was spilled. These points affect the interpretation of the dream.

If the liquid on the floor is clean, then favorable circumstances await you, success at work and in your personal life, and also the possibility of starting a family soon (for those who do not yet have one). Dirty water indicates the opposite - troubles, disagreements, and illnesses are possible.

The more liquid on the floor in a dream, the larger the scale of pleasant or unpleasant events that such a dream portends. A small puddle indicates small, insignificant changes.

If water gets on the floor from the street, this portends problems from outside, Negative influence from colleagues or acquaintances. Gossip and slander against you or your family are possible. If you dream that the taps in the apartment are open and water, filling the bathtub or sink, falls on the floor, this means that one of your family members will make a new endeavor that will affect his entire future life. If the water is cloudy or the tap itself is rusty, the undertaking is unlikely to lead to success, and negative consequences can affect the whole family. If you try to turn off the tap or turn off the pipe, but the water continues to flow, you will not be able to influence the changes that are taking place, it is better to accept them and try to adapt to them.

What is important for interpretation is which room the water was in. If this is in the bedroom, then men dream of such an event as a sign of a decline in sexual activity, and women, on the contrary, dream of new adventures on the love front. Clean water in the kitchen is a sign of success, while dirty water is a sign of poor health. Liquid in the hall means guests, and the larger the volume, the more important the guests will come.

If the apartment in which the water is spilled does not belong to you, this may portend the dreamer to take on someone else’s responsibility. Perhaps in the near future you will significantly help someone.

  • Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in whatever form, it is vital to understand its role.
  • Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.
  • At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and stormy seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.
  • Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.
  • If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?
  • If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water.
  • Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water.
  • The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.
  • Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself.
  • Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.
  • Exception to the above statements general are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Dreams about water often reflect a person’s well-being; these visions are associated with thirst or general fatigue of the body. If the dreamer is thirsty, and upon waking up, the first thing he does is pour himself a glass of water, there is no point in interpreting what he saw. A tired person may dream of diving underwater, during which he will feel relaxation in his muscles. This dream also does not require interpretation unless it is accompanied by strange and unexpected additions. When what you see is alarming, causes negative or positive emotions, you need to remember the details of the dream and interpret its meaning.

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    General interpretation

    Water can appear in different ways:

    • rivers;
    • endless seas;
    • oceans;
    • rushing waterfalls;
    • heavy rains;
    • floods, storms, tsunamis and other disasters associated with water flows.

    In many dream books, such a vision is interpreted as a symbol of imminent changes in life. Whether the changes will be favorable or negative depends on the amount and condition of the water:

    • pure - a harbinger of positive turns of fate;
    • cloudy - a warning about something bad, the dreamer is in danger;
    • dirty - a symbol of diseases and ailments;
    • cold – a reflection of the internal state, alienation and detachment in society;
    • hot is a sign of violent emotions and unexpected conflicts.

    Much water

    Seas, oceans and other huge bodies of water mean stable prosperity and peace, which will soon come in the dreamer’s life. When you dream of a lot of water, the vision predicts the end of a dark streak in a person’s destiny; in the near future, all worries and sorrows will dissipate, and success and good luck will take their place.

    If the dreamer finds himself in a stormy stream and is carried away despite resistance, this is a sign of illness. This vision also indicates the emergence of obstacles in important matters. When the stream carries away other people, this is a harbinger of heavy losses. Such a dream indicates the death of loved ones, situations in which it is impossible to change anything.

    Flooded cities or other populated areas are a sign terrible disaster, which will entail many negative events and misfortunes. Floods and floods warn of the onset of an unfavorable period in life; such a vision predicts separation from loved ones or a deliberate change of partner.

    A lot of clear and clean water around a person means wealth and luxury. If streams approach the feet of the sleeper, and it is impossible to escape or hide, such a dream is a harbinger of real estate fraud. It is worth abandoning any transactions with the sale of houses and apartments in the near future, otherwise the dreamer will face major troubles, entailing losses and loss of invested funds.

    Falling into a pond means unfulfilled desires and hopes. Current affairs will end in failure, and all undertakings will only bring problems and unnecessary troubles, but the expected result is unlikely to be achieved. If you dreamed of falling into a cloudy, dirty liquid, such a vision warns of taking wrong steps. You should not commit rash actions in the near future, otherwise their negative consequences will seriously spoil the dreamer’s life for a long time. To dream of falling into a pond from a boat or other vessel is a warning about a long and serious illness that threatens the sleeping person. It cannot be avoided, but treatment must be started in a timely manner. An exception is falling into a well; this dream promises unexpected news that will pleasantly surprise and bring a lot of joy to the dreamer’s life.

    Drowning or choking in water is unlucky. Such a vision warns of possible injuries. If you managed to escape, then this dream predicts career growth and increased profits. Saving a drowning person - fortunately, this vision promises good luck in all matters. But when a girl dreamed of her lover floundering in the water, what she saw foreshadows troubles and disappointments in life. love relationships with him. A drowning friend, oddly enough, is good luck. If the dreamer’s enemy is drowning, one should expect unprecedented joy that will unexpectedly burst into a person’s destiny.

    I dreamed of walking on the surface of water - this is a good sign. Such a dream predicts the fulfillment of cherished desires. Soon everything planned will come true in the best possible way. But if there is a lot of water under your feet, and it takes a long time to get to your goal, then the path to your dream will be thorny. Walking barefoot along a stream means quickly achieving results, while wading through an endless river promises a long-term solution to minor problems. Crossing a seething, noisy river means overcoming barriers and obstacles. When you manage to reach your goal, then everything will end well; if not, you should be patient and persevering.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    The dreamer's actions

    Often people's dreams contain the same visions of actions with water. The most popular ones are interpreted as follows:

    • Drawing water with a bucket means financial profit, which will be attracted with your own hands, with the help of personal efforts and diligence. The amount of liquid collected indicates the amount of cash receipts. The fuller the bucket, the higher the amount you can expect. The heaviness of the container indicates the effort that will have to be made.
    • Someone gives a vessel of water - unexpected help in business.
    • Swimming in a calm body of water means success and a favorable turn of events. The larger the body of water, the greater luck awaits the dreamer. Swimming in a raging sea or a raging river means troubles and insoluble problems. Sailing in a boat is a sign of a pleasant and cloudless life.
    • Watching the flow leads to a measured way of life.

    Water color

    Transparent water is a symbol of well-being, but liquids of various shades are interpreted in accordance with the color seen:

    • blue - to material wealth and well-being in life;
    • black is a harbinger of depression, negativity and gloomy thoughts;
    • red is a symbol of passionate desires that will soon fill the dreamer’s life;
    • green - to melancholy and sadness, the near future will be filled with troubles and disappointments;
    • yellow is the personification of the sun and light, fate is favorable to the sleeper, soon everything in his life will work out, sadness will go away, and joy and complete satisfaction will come in its place.

    In the dream books of various interpreters you can find detailed transcripts taking into account the details of the dream. Below are the most popular meanings for dreams about water.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Transparent and clean water is a dream of tempting prospects that will open to the dreamer in the near future. This is a symbol of increasing prosperity and the appearance of happy moments on life path. Soon a person will receive a lot of pleasure from a pleasant pastime.

    Drinking clean water means positive changes and pleasant events. Such a sign predicts the speedy fulfillment of cherished desires. An old dream will finally come true, and the troubles of life will recede and will not overshadow the joy of what has happened.

    If you dreamed that someone splashed clean water on a sleeping person, or that random splashes from rain or sea surf hit a person, this is a harbinger of a new love affair. Soon the dreamer will begin a sensual affair with a like-minded person, and the relationship will develop in the best possible way. The same applies to sports exercises in a pool or pond.

    A puddle of muddy liquid on the street or on the floor, dirty streams or stagnant water with sediment warns of imminent troubles and a person is in danger. Falling into such water is a sign of mistakes that the dreamer will make himself, and then will be painfully worried about.

    If you dream of sailing on a ship that suddenly begins to fill with muddy slurry, according to Miller’s dream book, this means solving very difficult problems. A person faces a difficult choice, but he will definitely cope with all problems thanks to his ingenuity and prudence.

    Drinking a dirty, cloudy drink will make you feel worse. Such a vision may warn of a hidden disease, so it is recommended to Special attention on your own health in order to prevent the development of the disease in time.

    If you dreamed of a flooded room where the dreamer lives, and the incoming streams are inexhaustible, this is a harbinger of unpleasant circumstances that are inevitably approaching. Attempts to get rid of water, to stop flooding are a symbol of the upcoming struggle with something, resistance to negative influences. If the water decreases, this means that the person will give up and stop fighting, surrendering to the will of fate.

    Interpretation of Vanga

    The famous soothsayer interpreted the water she saw as a radical change in fate, considering this vision a symbol of strength that helps to renew itself and get rid of sins.

    If in a dream a person gets caught in the rain or water jets fall on him, this is an indicator of the strongest influence from space, which does not need to be resisted. Such a vision foreshadows harmony with the Universe in reality; great achievements await a person. Streams of water falling on the head represent glory that will fall unexpectedly. Success awaits a person in all endeavors and accomplishments.

    Seeing turbidity and dirt in reservoirs means troubles and misfortunes awaiting the dreamer at every corner. A person’s relationships with others will deteriorate, and life situations will present more and more obstacles and failures. To mitigate the negative consequences of the upcoming period, you need to show angelic patience and be kinder to people, otherwise problems can unsettle you for a long time.

    A flooded house portends a huge amount of news. This vision warns the dreamer of the need to reconsider his views on life. Some news should become an impetus for changing your worldview and relationships with others.

    If in a dream a person drowns or chokes in streams of water, an unequal struggle awaits in real life. The dreamer will have to show all his strength and stamina in order to cope with the troubles that have befallen him. The next period of life will significantly undermine your health, so you need to be patient and try not to pay attention to troubles in order to avoid nervous breakdowns.

    Circles spreading across the water surface, small ripples and inclusions of drops foreshadow negative changes in life. If, seeing such signs, a person is in a reservoir, and streams of water knock him down, this symbolizes bad influence someone close to you. When you managed to resist, you don’t have to worry about the consequences of this dream. A person who remains on his feet symbolizes power and invincibility. Therefore, in real life he will cope with all problems. If the water knocked the dreamer off his feet, difficult period in fate, it is unlikely that you will be able to change anything, so you just need to wait until everything ends on its own.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The famous predictor associated water in his interpretations with feelings, manifestations of mysterious elements and energies.

    Stormy streams personify explosions of emotions, sensual impulses and manifestations. If an obstacle arises on the path of the water element in a dream, this indicates that the person is hiding his feelings in vain. He needs to open up and let his emotions come out. This is especially true for the flow, which in a dream is dangerous. Such a dream warns the dreamer about possible diseases related to nervous system, due to excessive restraint.

    A transparent and crystal clear spring indicates the truth of feelings. This vision reveals to a person his inner doubts, which are groundless. The dream shows that own feelings can trust. The dreamer's intuition works best during this period.

    Stale, stagnant liquid warns of the depravity of the sleeper. You need to change your line of behavior with others, limit communication with bad people, give up scams and unnecessary adventures, otherwise things could end very badly.

    A vision of a ball filled with water indicates the approach of good weather. If the dreamer was going to make a foray into nature, now is the most successful period for achieving this goal.

    If you dreamed of an insect floundering in a jug or glass of water, such a vision foreshadows a lengthy legal battle. The dreamer has been slandered, but one can prove one’s truth only with the participation of third parties.

    Boiling water symbolizes innovation in the field of science. Seething streams represent new ideas and discoveries.

    The meaning of sleep according to Freud

    Logical interpretations of dreams compiled by Freud very accurately show the internal state of a person, his hidden thoughts and feelings. The scientist interpreted dreams from the outside intimate relationships, considering various liquids a symbol of sexuality and the birth of new life.

    A dream about bathing shows the passion of a person’s nature, his skill and burning desire to enjoy sexual intimacy. If the dreamer gets splashed while swimming, this is a sign of vicious fantasies.

    Diluting wine with water means disappointment, and drinking such a drink means betrayal of a loved one. This dream lifts the veil of secrecy over what a person tries not to notice in real life. The subconscious persistently tells you about deception in a relationship, so you should listen to such a dream.

    Swimming in clean and pleasant water is a sign of imminent motherhood for a woman, and for a man the dream speaks of his hidden desires. If you dream of swimming in dirty water, then this vision indicates a dream of pregnancy, procreation.

    A dream in which a person fills a vessel with liquid shows the desire to make someone fall in love with him or to fall in love himself. Admiring one's own reflection in water determines a high degree of egoism. A person does not take into account the opinion of his partner, ignores his wishes, but at the same time feels that the chosen one lacks love and affection. Therefore, it is worth distracting from personal interests and paying attention to the other half.


    Although the details of the dream are important, the general interpretation should always be based on the quantity and quality of the liquid. Good signs are:

    • clear and clean waters;
    • cool bodies of water;
    • calm surface.

    It is worth paying attention to your health and taking care of safety in cases where you dreamed about:

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