Chinese rose (Hibiscus) - planting and care. How to grow a Chinese rose at home Red Chinese rose

Houseplants are a very popular hobby for many people. If all care conditions are met, many types of plants can bloom all year round.

The choice of a particular flower depends on taste preferences, and also often on weather conditions and characteristic features growing the plant itself and caring for it.

A very popular plant is hibiscus or Chinese rose, numerous photos of which are posted on the Internet. This flower is perfect for beginner gardeners and lovers of such indoor plants. The main quality is its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. There are a lot of representatives of this species. They differ in size, color, shape of flowers and leaves, as well as in the method and place of cultivation.

Species range from single annual flowers to large shrubs that can bloom for several years in a row and decorate garden borders, act as hedges or envelop the facades of buildings. This is due to the fact that in the natural environment the size of the plant can reach up to 20 meters in height and 3-5 in width. In addition, this type of flower is very resistant to weather conditions, especially frost. In winter, Chinese rose tolerates temperatures below 20 ° C. You just need to cover it with plastic wrap.

Growth conditions

Homemade hibiscus varieties are, of course, more modest in size - up to 2 meters in height. This mainly depends on the conditions for caring for the Chinese rose. The most common species are the Chinese rose, as well as Sudanese rose. They are also called Chinese and Sudanese hibiscus, respectively. The main difference between them, like other varieties of flowers, is in the shape of the leaves and their color.

As for anyone indoor flower it is important to create the most comfortable conditions for its development. The main care occurs in the spring - autumn period. In winter, the Chinese rose is left dormant, sometimes monitoring the condition of the soil and leaves. Basic procedures provide full growth and flowering of the plant in spring and summer. Mainly these are:

By fulfilling all these simple conditions, you can admire a beautifully blooming and healthy plant for a long time.

Chinese rose blossom

The flowering period of hibiscus usually occurs in the summer, approx. from late May to September. But experienced gardeners recommend doing a few simple actions, which will allow you to prolong it and please the eye with sulfur and cold winter. It’s always nice to enjoy such a spectacle; hibiscus flowers are quite large, from 8 to 12 cm. And the variety color range affects: purple, pink, red, orange, white.

  • For flowering the plant needs to be pruned. The flowers themselves grow precisely from the shoots that form after pruning. If you do not do it, in addition to the lush crown, such a rose will not be able to please you with “fruits”. In the summer, it is necessary to cut off 1/3 of the branches; new shoots will form at the cut points, on which buds will appear just in time for the fall. They will bloom magnificently in mid-winter.
  • Limiting watering. Moistening the soil in the spring to get flowers in winter costs a little less. Optimal conditions keep a cool place in which the hibiscus remains until the beginning of May. These actions will help shift the flowering period from autumn to winter.

How to protect a flower from pests and diseases

An important stage of care is also the prevention and control of pests that can “settle” on your plant. Most common diseases and this flower are:

  • ​Bronze leaves.
  • Whitefly.
  • Spider mite.

Each disease must be fought so that the plant does not die. You can see how the plant disease progresses in the photo. There are times when an infected plant needs to be removed from the rest and even destroyed, since the spread of the disease cannot be stopped.

Among the so-called folk remedies, the most common is soapy water. You need to thoroughly rinse the affected areas with it and spray the leaves.

It helps fight aphids and mites at a mild stage, especially effectively. The best time for treatment is evening or morning, especially after the soil is well moistened. Many people make a special solution from pepper, also with the addition of soap. Dry pepper is boiled and infused in a cool place for 24 hours, then squeezed and filtered. This ready-made concentrate is diluted with water and the leaves are cleaned.

Causes of leaf falling, their wrinkling or falling flowers may not only be a disease. The conditions for plant development described above must be met as much as possible, although it is believed that the Chinese rose is a very unpretentious flower. Failure to comply with them or regular violation of all or one condition will lead to the withering of the flower.

If the Chinese rose has grown and there is a desire to plant several flowers in the apartment, doing this at home is quite simple. Hibiscus can be propagated by sowing seeds or cuttings. In the first case, it is best to do this from January to May, and in the second, at the end of summer. At home, you can set up mini-greenhouses using small pots and cover them with a glass jar. It is important to prepare moist and fertilized soil, with the addition of sand and peat.

Beautiful Chinese rose flowers

Almost any plant can be turned into a beautiful and well-groomed tree, with a lush crown of leaves and flowers, and Chinese will be no exception.

An unpretentious and pretty Hibiscus tree (another name is Chinese rose) will decorate any apartment. The Chinese rose attracts with its long flowering, charming single or double flowers that resemble a blooming rose. Flowers can have a variety of colors and shapes, depending on the type of hibiscus, of which there are about three hundred.

This tree or tree-like shrub in nature grows up to 5 meters, but at home it reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. Today, low plants - hibiscus hybrids - are also popular.

The glossy leaves are oval in shape and serrated along the edges. The colors of the flowers can be very different: from light pink or yellowish-white to fiery red or purple-violet.

Hibiscus flower shades

Simple varieties of hibiscus have flowers similar to mallow flowers. IN natural form The flowering period is winter; in cultivation it can bloom for almost a whole year.

The Chinese rose is native to southern China and northern India. Here it is bred everywhere, but it is no longer found in the wild. Hibiscus in Russia is known as a very popular indoor plant.

Useful properties and uses of hibiscus

  • Few people know that such a popular and beloved indoor plant has a wide range of beneficial properties. It has long been used in the treatment of skin inflammation, gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, and dysentery.
  • The leaves and flowers of Chinese rose contain flavonoids, which improve the metabolic process and cleanse the body of harmful and excess products. Hibiscus also has antihelminthic properties and helps cleanse the body of helminthic infestations. Using the leaves and flowers of the plant in medicinal purposes protects the liver from harmful influences, improves metabolism, stimulates bile production.
  • Widely used in folk medicine hibiscus flowers. They have anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, hemostatic, choleretic and diuretic effects.
  • Hibiscus flowers contain ascorbic acid, malic acid, citric acid, which give them a sour but pleasant taste. The absence of oxalic acid in flowers allows them to be consumed by people with kidney disease, since it prevents the formation of stones in them.

Home care for indoor Hibiscus

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For those who want to have a home beautiful plant, but does not yet have experience in caring for indoor flowers, Hibiscus is ideal. Despite its beauty, this plant is very unpretentious.

It can easily withstand low lighting, sudden temperature changes, and treacherous drafts. It won't go to waste even if you miss watering time.


It is thanks to this unpretentiousness that hibiscus is often placed in offices, living rooms, in the halls and corridors of various institutions.

Hibiscus is called the “Chinese rose”, and this name perfectly conveys the beauty of this plant. However, in order for hibiscus not only to live, but also to delight you with its bright blooms, you need to remember a few tips.

Location and lighting

The first thing a novice gardener needs to learn is that hibiscus is a light-loving plant. Place it near a window or any other well-lit place.

Also remember that hibiscus grows very quickly and reaches quite large sizes. In a small room there may be problems with its placement: this flower does not like being cramped.

The pot in which the hibiscus will live also plays an important role: the tighter the pot, the slower it will grow.

What should the temperature be?

The optimal temperature for Chinese roses in summer is 20-22 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be lowered to 14-16 degrees. Decrease in temperature winter period will have a positive effect on future hibiscus flowering. If you do not have the opportunity to keep the flower in low temperature conditions, do not worry - the Chinese rose can grow in winter even at room temperature.

Air humidity

Hibiscus needs frequent spraying because the flower loves high humidity. If you keep hibiscus in a room with dry air, there is a high probability that the flowers will not be able to fully open. Spraying should be carried out as carefully as possible - water should not get on the flowers, otherwise the buds will become stained and fall off.

To increase humidity, you can use a tray with expanded clay or pebbles filled with water. But remember, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water!

How to properly water a Chinese rose?

Chinese hibiscus loves moisture. It needs to be watered abundantly so that the soil in the pot is completely saturated with water. But you shouldn’t water the Chinese rose too often - the top layer of soil should have time to dry out. In autumn and winter, watering should be moderate, after about 2-3 days after the top layer has dried. For irrigation, it is better to use standing soft water at room temperature.

The soil

The soil for growing hibiscus should be nutritious and light, it should be close to neutral (pH approximately 6).

The ideal soil composition would be a mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 4:3:1:1. Pieces of charcoal can be added to the soil composition.

A simplified soil composition is also suitable: turf, humus soil and sand in proportions 2:1:1.

Do not forget to take care of good drainage, the flower does not tolerate stagnant water in the pot!

Feeding and fertilizers

Feeding plays a big role in caring for indoor hibiscus. It is very important not to overdo it with fertilizers.

In the spring, when the Chinese rose is preparing to start growing, it is worth feeding it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. For other fertilizers, the optimal time would be summer, when the flower grows most actively.

But it’s better to avoid nitrogen-containing fertilizers - hibiscus doesn’t like them too much.

How to transplant a Chinese rose?

Young plants need to be replanted every year. To do this, mix 2 parts garden soil, 1 part sand and 1 part peat in a pre-prepared pot or tub. If you are replanting a large plant, then you should prepare a heavier mixture.

From the age of three there is no need for an annual transplant: mature plant need to be replanted every 2-3 years.

How to prune Hibiscus correctly?

Formative pruning must be done annually; only under this condition will the Chinese rose delight you with its flowering.

Each time after flowering, the tips of the shoots need to be trimmed, then they will grow side shoots, on which, in turn, buds will form.

Please note that hibiscus flowers appear only on young shoots, so every shoot that is not trimmed on time is another flower that you will miss next year.

In early spring, it is very useful to pinch all shoots, including young ones. Although indoor hibiscus can be pruned throughout the year, it does not harm it at all.

Shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk (they are called “tops”) must be trimmed. The same as those of the branches that grow inside the crown. Don’t worry about the flower, regular pruning is only good for it, ensuring healthy growth and abundant flowering.

Reproduction of indoor hibiscus

Indoor Chinese hibiscus propagates both by seeds and cuttings. However, the seeds are too much trouble for a novice plant grower - this method is quite labor-intensive and is more suitable for those who are engaged in the selection of indoor hibiscus.

And propagation by cuttings has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, this method preserves all varietal characteristics inherent in the mother plant.

And secondly (which is especially important for an amateur plant grower), with this method the plant begins to bloom in the first year.

Propagation by seeds

It is better to sow seeds from late January to mid-March. Before planting seeds in the ground, they should be soaked for 12 hours in Epin. The seeds need to be planted in a mixture of peat and sand.

After planting, the pot is covered with glass or film to create greenhouse conditions. It is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature within 25-27 degrees.

Also, do not forget to periodically ventilate the pot and spray the soil with the seeds.

When the young sprouts have 2-3 leaves, they can be transplanted into a separate pot. Hibiscus grown from seeds will bloom only in 2-3 years.

Propagation of Chinese rose by cuttings

Young cuttings are best suited for propagation. To root, place them in water or soil. In the first case, you will need a vessel, preferably made of dark glass, filled with water. Place a Hibiscus cutting in it and cover it with a “cap” - for example, a glass jar.

This is necessary to increase humidity. The cuttings will take root in about 25-30 days. When the roots appear, the cuttings will need to be transplanted into an earthen mixture containing a large amount of peat.

It is advisable to add sphagnum moss there - this is especially useful for a young plant.

When rooting directly in the ground, you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before this you must remove all leaves from the cutting except the top two.

Difficulties in growing Hibiscus

  • Buds appear, but do not open and soon fall off - insufficient watering; drying out of the soil; a lack of nutrients in the ground; low indoor air temperature.
  • Fall off lower leaves, new leaves grow yellow - increased content calcium and chlorine in the soil; lack of iron and nitrogen; indoor air is too dry; abundant watering cold water; low temperature.
  • Lack of flowers when the crown is too lush - an excess of fertilizers containing nitrogen; the flower does not have enough light, the temperature is too high in winter.
  • Pinkish spots appear on the leaves - lack of light; excess fertilizer.
  • Leaves wilt and become limp - lack of moisture.
  • The roots dry out - the soil temperature is too low.
  • The leaves dry out - the air in the room is too dry; high temperature in winter.

Diseases and pests

The greatest danger to indoor hibiscus is the scale insect and spider mite. To get rid of these pests, you must first wash the leaves with a soapy solution, and then spray them with Actellik solution.

Types of Chinese rose

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, attracts gardeners with its beauty and very tempting large inflorescences. Caring for a Chinese rose at home is somewhat easier than growing a similar shrub outside, but you still have to put in some effort.

One of distinctive features This plant is absolutely unadapted to growing independently in dry times - in the summer you will have to constantly look after the bush and carry out all the necessary manipulations.

Otherwise, the risk of the plant being damaged by pests increases, which can destroy a Chinese rose in just two days. First things first.

It is extremely difficult to understand the types and varieties of this attractive plant, since there are about 300 varieties of roses.

Moreover, there are varieties artificially bred in the 40-50s of the last century that do not fit into the total number of varieties. To simplify the difference at least a little, a certain classification of the plant should be highlighted:

There is a division of the Chinese rose according to the form of growth, they distinguish

  • herbaceous hibiscus,
  • shrubby,
  • tree hibiscus.

Herbaceous includes varieties:

  • swamp,
  • hybrid.

The herbaceous species is an annual - its faded buds completely disappear in the autumn, capturing part of the root system. In spring, new buds appear on the lower part of the stem. Flower growers prefer to grow perennial varieties, why a shrub variety is planted at home, and on summer cottage tree-like.

There is also a division according to the shape of the flowers - here they distinguish:

  • terry, presented in the form of multilayer flowers. Despite their beauty, they are quite unstable for growing in the Russian climate;
  • simple.

Hibiscus varieties are divided into three types:

  • original (capable of growing only in their homeland due to acceptable climate),
  • frost-resistant (allowing you to use yourself for growing in open ground V temperate climate),
  • indoor (only for growing in an apartment).

If we consider the varieties of Chinese roses suitable for cultivation in the Russian climate, the following are distinguished:

How to properly care for hibiscus at home?

If you have ever tried hibiscus tea, then most likely, no, no, but you wondered: what is it made from? It is clear that tea leaves are not capable of providing such a rich taste or such a bright shade. The secret of red hibiscus tea is in the dried flower petals.

This drink is obtained by brewing the petals of a beautiful decorative exotic hibiscus with boiling water. True, to make oriental tea they take a specific type of flower - Sabdarifa, otherwise - Sudanese rose.

Today we will talk about representatives of this genus of plants in general.

Hibiscus, as a botanical group of flora representatives, belongs to the Malvaceae family. Its homeland is tropical regions and temperate regions of Eurasia, Africa, as well as the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

To be more precise, the main growing area of ​​hibiscus covers Southern China, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, and Indonesia. Plants of the genus have several life forms: they can be shrubs, trees, herbaceous crops.

Moreover, among them there are both deciduous and evergreen species.

Hibiscus is capable of reaching a height of 3 m, without necessarily being a woody form. It has petiolate leaves located alternately on the central shoot.

The plant is beautifully flowering, as it produces large reproductive organs from 10 to 16 cm in diameter. Hibiscus flowers are formed at the top of the stem and are always solitary.

Their interesting feature is that the long stamens grow together into a tube.

The decorative crop is very popular among flower growers, despite the fact that the flowers of most species bloom for only a day, after which they fade, and are replaced by new, no less charming reproductive organs. But the flowering period lasts more than six months.

Types of hibiscus with description

Hibiscus is cultivated as a garden and indoor plant. The first in our country is possible only in the southern and southeastern regions, where the climate is as close as possible to the tropical. Here garden hibiscus pleases the eyes of those around with gorgeous flowers from June until the frosts.

If you live further north, do not despair: indoor plant options are always at your service. As a rule, three types of exotic shrubby forms are suitable for cultivation at home: Chinese hibiscus, Syrian hibiscus and dissected hibiscus.

Chinese hibiscus is the most popular variety of this plant.. It is also called Chinese rose. Just don’t confuse it with a real Chinese rose: these plants have nothing in common. The native range of the Chinese city is East Asia and the Pacific Islands. It came to European territory at the end of the 17th century. Represents evergreen shrub up to 3 m in height.

But this applies to the wild form. Indoor and greenhouse options are much more compact. In the arsenal of the Chinese plant there are oval or ovate-elongated leaves of a dark green color with a glossy surface, a serrated edge and large flowers different colors, mostly orange, red, pink, yellow; semi-double or single. The plant blooms from March to November.

Syrian hibiscus or Syrian rose - deciduous species with smaller flowers, similar to the reproductive organs of mallow, that is, having petals of a silky texture with darkening at the base and a “shaggy” center formed by stamens. The color of the flowers is also different: pink, variegated, purple, white, lilac - it all depends on the variety. There are varieties with simple and double flowers.

Dissected hibiscus. Homeland of the flower - central Asia. Has a high tendency to grow. Is the owner scarlet flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, the petals of which are bent and look like ostrich feathers. This is an evergreen plant.

How to properly feed Hibiscus?

Throughout the growing season, the crop is provided with abundant watering. The drying of the top layer of the substrate signals the need for regular soil moisture. In winter, if the room temperature does not rise above +14º, or is even at lower positions, the soil is kept in moderate moisture mode.

Active growth phase – beautiful time and for regular feeding. They are carried out using mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen once a month. Good and special complex fertilizers. The frequency of their application is once every 3 weeks. In winter, the soil under the plant is also fertilized, but exclusively with phosphorus-potassium complexes in half the dose, monthly.

Transplantation of Chinese Hibiscus is carried out in the spring, at the end of April - beginning of May. This usually involves transferring adult specimens into a larger pot. The substrate is formed from 2 parts of turf, 1 part of humus soil and 1 part of sand. It is not forbidden to add a small amount of peat and bone meal. A good drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot.

The plant is propagated mainly by cuttings. They are separated with a knife, noting that the shoot is about 10 cm, with 2-3 leaves. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container. After planting the cuttings in the ground, cover it with film. After 2 weeks the shoot should take root.

Hibiscus is susceptible to attacks by spider mites and aphids. They should be combated using special preparations.

Plant of the mallow family. A shrub with dark green jagged leaves, simple or double flowers of various colors. Homeland India, China. In summer it needs abundant watering and spraying. In winter it should be watered sparingly. In spring... ... Concise Encyclopedia household

Chinese rose

Chinese rose - ornamental shrub of the malvaceae family, cultivated indoors; belongs to the genus Hibiscus... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

hibiscus chinese rose- kinrožė statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Hibiscus rosa sinensis engl. China rose; Chinese hibiscus; shoe flower vok. chinesische Rose; Rosen Eibish rus. hibiscus Chinese rose; Chinese hibiscus; Chinese rose lenk. ketmia róża… … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIA L. - HIBISCUS CHINESE ROSE- see 620. Shrub. Tree. N. rosa sinensia L. G. Chinese rose (1753) 694. Burkill (1935) 1168. Berland (1936) 180. Village. and bush. IV (1958) 737. Wealth of India 5 (1959) 91. S y n. H. javanicus Mill.; H. festalis Salisb.; H. rosiflorus... ... Plant Directory

Hibiscus Chinese rose- ... Wikipedia

Sabdariffa - Sabdariffa, Hibiscus-sabdariffa, Chinese rose, Red mallow- From the mallow family. Grows in the tropics (Sudan, Egypt, Ceylon, Java, Mexico, Thailand, China). Often divorced as ornamental plant. The genus Hibiscus includes about 250 species. All of them are deciduous or evergreen, beautifully flowering herbaceous... ... Handbook of Homeopathy

ROSE- female rozan husband bush and flower Rosa, south. erysipelas, zap. ruzha. Wild rose, wild rose; garden, centifolia, terry. Chinese rose, Hybiscus. Countless breeds of garden and pot roses have been bred and cared for. Be pretty, like a face, zap. | Cake,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Rose is a plant from the Rosaceae family.

Rose, a plant from the Rosaceae family- (Rosa Tournf.) a very large genus of plants from the Rosaceae family, embracing more than 100 well established species, growing wild only in the northern hemisphere, namely in temperate climates and on the mountains under the tropics. Types of R. are diverse: some of them ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Hibiscus or Chinese rose has been known to flower growers since ancient times. Already in the 18th century it could be found in many European botanical gardens. Today it is a popular indoor plant, with which many legends, signs and superstitions are associated.

In the plant's homeland, Malaysia, there is beautiful park Hibiscus, there are about 2 thousand specimens of plants of this genus. The plant is so revered in this country that the national coat of arms is even decorated with it.

In the Hawaiian Islands, girls weave hibiscus flowers into their hair as decoration, which is why it is also called “the flower of beautiful women.” And in India it is added to wedding wreaths. It is believed that he is capable of storing tender feelings lovers.

But esotericists believe that hibiscus can predict future troubles and misfortunes. If a flower blooms at the wrong time or unexpectedly drops its leaves, there will be trouble. Perhaps someone in the household will get sick soon. But, as a rule, those who have hibiscus growing at home do not get sick, since this plant has a huge positive influence on the human body.

And to confirm my words, I’ll tell you one beautiful legend about hibiscus. Thus, in East Asia you can hear the story of how a lonely traveler lost his way, but with the help magic flower I found the strength to find my way home. The wanderer had been making his way through the jungle for many days; the long journey had tired him. He was hungry, but he barely had enough strength to fill the pot with water and start a fire. There was only one thing left to do - trust in God's providence. Suddenly, red hibiscus flowers fell into his bowl of water, turning the water ruby ​​red. And although the traveler did not know what kind of flowers they were, he decided to try the resulting drink. Literally from the first sip, the person felt that his fatigue had passed, and his feeling of hunger had dulled. And it was a very pleasant drink to taste.

The traveler picked flowers for the road and moved on. When he got out of the jungle, he generously shared the scarlet buds with passers-by and talked about their amazing properties.

Much time has passed since then, and hibiscus tea- one of the most popular tonic drinks in the world. Moreover, the petals Sudanese rose strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, cope with colds no worse than raspberries, and they can also normalize arterial pressure.

Hibiscus flowers contain beneficial substances such as anthocyanins, pectins, lemon and acetic acid, vitamin C.

Anthocyanins act as an “interceptor” of harmful substances in the human body. For example, a free radical (OH*, nitrogen free radical and others) appears in the human body; natural antioxidants attach it to themselves, thereby stopping the oxidative process. They are what give hibiscus tea its rich ruby ​​color. Anthocyanins prevent inflammatory processes and have an antiviral effect.

Flavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse them of cholesterol plaques, and normalize blood pressure.

The removal of toxins and harmful substances is due to the pectin content in hibiscus. It plays an important role in stabilizing metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the entire intestine.


Chinese hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis)

The genus Hibiscus is very diverse. According to various sources, it contains from 100 to 300 species, among which there are evergreen and deciduous shrubs, as well as trees and herbaceous plants. It grows in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Eurasia, Polynesia, but is also found in countries with a sharply continental climate. For example, swamp hibiscus (h.moscheutos) And northern(h.trionum) grow in European countries and in Russia.

The genus contains edible plants.

Okra(h.esculentus). The leguminous fruits are used in cooking. Salads are prepared from them, and they are also fried, boiled and canned. The unripe pods are used as a seasoning, and the roasted beans are used as a coffee substitute.

Hibiscus sabdariffa (h.sabdariffa). Its dried fruits are the main component of the hibiscus drink. Jam and jelly are also made from it.

Popular among gardeners hybrid hibiscus (h.hybridus), which was developed by the Russian scientist F.N. Rusanov by crossing several species (red, pink and holly). The hybrid is distinguished by large flowers (up to 25 cm in diameter), and the plant is also adapted to the conditions of the Russian winter, withstanding temperatures down to -30o C.

Cooper's hibiscus (h. rosa-sinensis var. cooperi)

Most often grown as a houseplant Chinese hibiscus (h.rosa-sinensis) (Chinese rose or Sudanese red rose). Despite the spectacular appearance, this plant is also suitable for a beginning gardener. It is easy to grow at home, you just need to know a few subtleties.

(h. rosa-sinensis var. cooperi) is a pinnate variety of Chinese hibiscus, which received its name in honor of Daniel Cooper, who brought it to Europe.


When placing hibiscus in an apartment, do not forget that the plant grows quickly, does not like close quarters and needs light. But straight Sun rays can burn its succulent foliage, so the best option is eastern and western window sills. In warm weather summer days It is advisable to take the plant out into the air.


In summer - +18-25o C. In winter it is lowered to +15-16o C. Temperatures below +10o C are detrimental to the plant.

How to water?
Water abundantly, but only after the top layer of soil has dried. Drying out has a bad effect on the development of the plant.

Do I need to prune my hibiscus?
Chinese hibiscus is a shrubby, fast-growing plant. If you do not perform formative pruning, the plant will take up a lot of space and will also stop flowering. New buds appear only on new shoots, so faded shoots need to be pinched.

Hibiscus is suitable for creating bonsai (), but due to its large leaves it is not often used.

What fertilizers should I use?
During the flowering period, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied (once a month), which stimulates the duration of flowering. The rest of the time they feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. When grown in a cool place and in winter time do not fertilize.

Replanting and soil composition
Hibiscus is replanted every 3-4 years, carefully transferring the earthen ball into a new pot. An adult plant is not replanted; the top layer of soil is renewed once a year. The soil should be light with a neutral pH environment. A mixture containing turf soil (2 parts), humus and sand (1 part each) is suitable.

How to propagate hibiscus?
Hibiscus is the easiest to propagate cuttings. Cut off shoots of young growth are rooted in water or in a mixture of peat and sand. For more quick effect a greenhouse is created.

Seeds sown in a mixture of peat and sand in the spring. Pre-soak for (12 hours). Create a greenhouse and ventilate it regularly. The temperature should be maintained at + 24-26o C, then seedlings will appear faster. After the first two leaves have appeared, the seedling can be planted in another container.


Hibiscus sheds bud

- Why does a hibiscus drop its buds? Hibiscus sheds buds quite often. This could be due to several reasons. The plant lacks nutrients sunlight or watering is irregular. When planting buds, you cannot turn the pot; it must be in one position. Also, water should not get on the buds when spraying.

- Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? Yellowing of foliage often indicates the presence of a disease, which occurs due to errors in care. The flower does not have enough sunlight, and it also does not like hard water. Soften the water and add iron chelate to it, and the hibiscus will recover.

It could also be a reaction to hypothermia. When watering is plentiful and the room temperature is low.

-Why do the edges of leaves turn yellow? This may be due to the air being too dry and high temperature in room.

- The hibiscus is not blooming, but looks healthy and has lush foliage. Why? Perhaps the plant is overfed with fertilizers containing nitrogen, growth goes to the foliage, and buds are not formed.

Chinese rose (hibiscus) is popular with early XIX century. This plant decorated many gardens and greenhouses in Europe. Its homeland is the tropical zone: Asia, India, China. Grows and blooms well in the subtropics. Science knows more than 250 various types plants of the mallow family.

Chinese rose

Hibiscus is an evergreen tree or shrub. In nature, the Chinese rose grows from 3 to 6 m in length. The leaves are dark green, corrugated, with serrated edges. All leaves are shiny, elongated, oval or ovoid.

Luxurious flowers appear from graceful thin buds; the diameter of the calyx becomes 8-14 cm. The flowers bloom one by one. Regular ones have 5 very paper-thin petals. Also popular are plants whose flowers have double petals. Petal colors can be red, pink, yellow, purple or white, and bicolor varieties are also grown.

Chinese rose photo

The plant does not bloom for long, only 1-2 days, but if you care for it carefully, it will bring joy with its exquisite beauty almost all year round.

The unpretentious plant cannot live without bright, but not scorching, sunlight; it loves spacious rooms and abundant watering. In summer, in the midday heat, it is best to create shade over it. At good care the flower can also bloom on a window located on the north side.

Chinese rose flower

Hibiscus is so beautiful that in Hawaii it is called “the flower of love” or “the flower of beautiful women.” Hawaiian girls create spectacular hairstyles by decorating their hair in such a way that bright flower Chinese rose is woven into a braid or ponytail. Decorated with Chinese rose wedding ceremonies and rooms for large celebrations.

For a long time, beauties have been using decoctions of dry petals to improve the condition of their hair, skin, and complexion. Rubs are made from fresh flowers. Also, one of the components of the flower is used in perfumery to create perfumes with a romantic and sensual note.

Chinese rose photo

In Malaysia, hibiscus is minted on coins because this plant has become one of the symbols of the country. And in its capital there is a beautiful Hibiscus Park, where you can admire more than 2000 different varieties and species of this plant.

In Brazil, hibiscus with separate petals are called “princess earrings.” Swaying on a long stalk, the bright flower truly resembles an elegant earring.

The Chinese rose flower is used in production. Black hair dye is made from it. Purple dye is used in the food industry.

Passionate hibiscus lovers make jellies, compotes, rose syrups, and some pickle them.

Chinese rose domestic

At home, hibiscus is propagated in the following ways:

  • germination from seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • by dividing the bush.

From seeds

This method is suitable for professional gardeners, as it requires a lot of work with seeds.

Before planting, seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and kept in a solution that stimulates growth for one day. Prepared seeds are wrapped in damp gauze for germination, not forgetting to ventilate occasionally. To keep the future plant warm, it is placed in plastic bag having holes. After about three days, shoots form. They are placed in half-liter cups, which are pre-filled with peat, sand and ash, and covered with paper. Maintain moderate watering, remembering that the domestic Chinese rose loves bright light, but not direct rays of the sun.

The remaining methods are easy to use and suitable for both beginning flower growers and amateurs.

flower chinese rose


The domestic Chinese rose is propagated by cuttings left after spring pruning. Cuttings from the top of the head, cut in the summer, are also suitable. All cuttings are treated with Kornevin or Heteroauxin (growth stimulants), placed in water or a mixture of peat and sand, and then covered with glass.

After about 3-4 weeks, they are transplanted into the ground; you can lightly pinch it. With sufficient lighting, the young cuttings will bloom within 2-3 months.

hibiscus or Chinese rose

Chinese rose at home

To ensure that the Chinese rose always blooms at home, select a pot for it that will be a little cramped. The fact is that in free soil only foliage will grow intensively. Every year, the young hibiscus is transplanted into another pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger. After five years of growth, it is recommended to replant the plant every 3-4 years. An adult rose They don’t touch it anymore, but only change the top layer of soil by 3 cm.

A Chinese rose is replanted at home as follows: prepare an earthen mixture of leaf soil and turf, 1 part each, sand and humus, half part each. To a young plant 1 part of peat should be added. Expanded clay, clay fragments or broken bricks must be lowered to the bottom of the pot. This is done so that moisture does not linger in the roots and cause them to rot. In order not to harm the hibiscus root system, they use the method of transferring from an old pot to a new one.

There are times when a flower needs to be put into a dormant state. The Chinese rose does not have a pronounced rest period, so the conditions for it are created artificially. Start by gradually reducing watering until the leaves fall off. Then the hibiscus is cut 15 cm from the root and moved to a cool room, which must have partial shade and temperature regime about 10-12 degrees. But even during this period, the plant continues to be watered little by little, and after watering it is covered with paper or a mat. This way the soil stays moist longer.

With the arrival of spring, the Chinese rose needs bright light. To stimulate the growth of young shoots, the watering level is gradually adjusted to the required level.

Chinese rose care

In order for the Chinese rose to produce flowers one after another from March to November, simple conditions must be observed:

  • Protect from scorching sun rays.
  • Bring the rose to Fresh air on warm days.
  • A comfortable temperature in winter should be at least 15 degrees, in summer - 18-25.
  • If the temperature is higher than comfortable and the room is dry, then the flower is thoroughly sprayed with water (both summer and winter).
  • Arrange for the plant warm shower, but do it carefully so that the water does not touch the flowers and buds.
  • Air humidification - a wide tray with expanded clay or pebbles filled with water. The pot is placed so that its bottom does not touch the water.
  • Abundant watering only with room-settled water.
  • Proper application of fertilizers.

flowers Chinese rose hibiscus

Growing in the shade, hibiscus will never bloom. If the room temperature drops below 10 degrees, the plant may lose all its foliage. Chinese rose requires proper input of fertilizers. From April to September inclusive, fertilizers are applied to flowering plants. There is another option when mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones. In winter, the plant needs feeding only if it blooms. He is given a quarter dose of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Caring for a Chinese rose is not at all difficult; it will always delight you with regular flowering and will become a beautiful addition to the interior of an apartment, house, office, or hall.

Hibiscus or Chinese rose - signs

Ironically, it was in Russia that the cultivation of Chinese roses acquired numerous signs. People's observations are often contradictory. For example, it is believed that a hibiscus or Chinese rose growing in the house of a single woman attracts many admirers to her. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the plant is capable of “fighting off” men from hibiscus owners; they think that the flower destroys strong relationships.

If a rose blooms during an unusual period, this may mean near death one of the relatives. Leaves fall off - this means a serious illness for the owners of the flower.

In Feng Shui philosophy, hibiscus is the only rose that is extremely undesirable to keep in a room. The plant is believed to absorb energy. However, this is not a good reason not to keep a Chinese rose at home. If certain fears exist, then it is best not to place pots of roses in the bedroom and nursery. The living room and hall will be transformed with the presence of a magnificent flower. In addition, a large, mature plant will effectively destroy harmful substances from the air and actively release oxygen.

Chinese rose photo

Naturally, you should not believe unfounded signs. Instead, you need to focus on proper care for a Chinese rose, then there will be no troubles associated with falling leaves or sudden flowering.

In other countries and even in the plant’s homeland, there are no beliefs associated with the cultivation of hibiscus. Hibiscus or Chinese rose is perceived as an ordinary plant, giving the interior a fresh and unusual look.

According to astrology, this flower is the sign of Leo, a strong masculine principle, a symbol of fire. Rose is able to charge the atmosphere with the energy of movement, so it will be useful passive people, often feeling tired and lethargic. Hibiscus also turns laziness into creativity, increases efficiency, and helps people with heart disease and those who have problems with blood pressure.

Chinese rose home care

In addition to fertilizers, the domestic Chinese rose needs pruning. This is necessary so that there are more flowering shoots, to form a lush, voluminous bush and so that the rose blooms faster. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring when replanting the plant and before the formation of buds. Making the cut correctly:

  • shoots that are bare, stretched, weakened are cut off;
  • healthy ones are shortened by half;
  • rejuvenation: all shoots from the base and 15 cm in height are cut off, leaving one bud;
  • garden varnish is applied to the cuts;
  • young shoots that have been pruned can be used as cuttings.

In summer, domestic Chinese roses are pruned again to prolong flowering until spring.

Chinese rose care

Flowers Chinese rose hibiscus

Few people know, but Chinese rose hibiscus flowers are used in medical purposes. At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists discovered that the flowers contain ascorbic acid, riboflavin, flavonoids and polyphenols, thiamine, and B vitamins.

The bright red flowers are suitable for making tea. However, it is customary to brew not flowers, but a calyx, which grows wildly after flowering, and it becomes very juicy and soft. Aromatic tea has significant medicinal properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • copes with insomnia;
  • cleanses the kidneys and liver;
  • diuretic effect;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels (drinking chilled tea can lower blood pressure;
  • mild pain reliever.

Usually, 1-2 teaspoons are brewed per glass: pour boiling water and after 5 minutes the tea is ready, or pour cold water over the flowers and boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

In the area where Chinese rose hibiscus flowers are found in natural environment, residents prepare vegetable dishes from the young shoots and leaves of the plant.

A mass of leaves and flowers relieves malignant tumors; flowers in the form of a paste are used for carbuncles.

Like everyone else medicine, Chinese rose has contraindications. The plant should not be consumed by those who have problems with high stomach acidity, gastritis, duodenal disease, or ulcers.

Chinese rose care at home

A novice gardener should know that all diseases and pests appear in plants due to improper care. Most often the reason lies in dry air.

Frequent guests of the plant are aphids and spider mites. Aphids consume young shoots and buds, multiply quickly, and are afraid of nicotine sulfate (dilute 1 g per 1 liter of water). The mite weaves a web on the underside of the leaf. It is very small, you can only see it under a magnifying glass.

homemade Chinese rose

Yellowness of leaves

If the plant's leaves turn yellow, it may be due to chlorosis. The disease occurs if the water contains a lot of chlorine and calcium. In such cases, iron chelate is added to the water for irrigation. In this case, the proportions specified in the instructions should be observed.

Sometimes the leaves turn yellow from excess moisture. In this case, the amount of water for irrigation should be slightly reduced or replaced by spraying. If yellowness is widespread, it is recommended to transplant the plant into another pot. In this case, you need to carefully examine the roots and remove rotten parts.

Leaf loss

The plant regularly sheds 1-2 leaves, but if leaf fall has begun, then it is worth reviewing the rules for caring for Chinese roses at home. The cause may be constant drafts and sudden temperature changes. Treatment is the elimination of unscrupulous care.

Chinese rose home care

Drying leaves

One of the reasons that a Chinese rose begins to dry out is a change of location or, perhaps, the plant is frostbitten. In this case, he is simply given time to get used to the new place and warm up.


If the rose leaves noticeably wither, most likely they lack moisture or the plant has not yet recovered from the transplant. It is important to carry out preventive actions with roots. They are cleared of soil and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then transplanted into another pot with lighter soil (vermiculite is added).

Chinese rose at home

Hibiscus doesn't bloom

Possible reasons:

  • excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • little light;
  • insufficient soil and leaf moisture;
  • high temperatures in the winter months.

In order for the hibiscus to begin to gain color, it is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings of home care. The best option– bring hibiscus cultivation closer to a tropical environment.

Chinese rose care at home

Scientists and breeders have currently developed quite a few varieties and hybrids of Chinese roses. The following varieties are popular among gardeners:

  • Hamburg – red double flower;
  • Rose – flowers are semi-double, pink;
  • Florida - the variety has ordinary large red-orange flowers.

Hibiscus is grown in the garden in the form of shrubs and standard trees. For landscaping home or office interiors, Chinese roses are grown in large pots.

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