When is the best time to dig a well at your dacha? Winter, summer, spring, autumn And why? When is the best time to dig a well in a country house or countryside - time of year When is it better to dig a well in winter or summer.

Your own well is clean water all year round without shutting down for maintenance, the ability to use water for food and for watering plants, without paying a penny for the cubic meters of liquid spent. This is especially true during a crisis. If you have a plot and have a choice between running a water supply and installing a well, then definitely choose the latter.

Despite the apparent ease of the task, it should be approached responsibly. Before you begin, you must determine the location of the well. The volume of water that can be obtained, as well as the quality of the liquid, depends on its choice. Where should you never build a well?

In order to find a place for a well you need a real “dog’s” sense of smell.

If you want to obtain water suitable for drinking, then the well cannot be placed in the following places:

In marshy areas and near ditches ( dirty water from the surface will mix with clean water);

Near toilets, deep pits and warehouses with fertilizers (if they are on the site, then the distance to them should be at least 10 meters);

Close to composts and garbage dumps (if there are any, remove the place for the well by at least 12 meters);

Near residential buildings/houses (to avoid dirt getting into the water, remove the well at least 10 meters);

Near burials (it is better not to build a well at all, but if there is a need, then you need to remove it 50-100 meters);

Near buildings where small livestock or birds are kept (also at least 10 meters to the well, and better yet further);

Near baths or showers (if you do not want water from your body to return to you through a well, then build it at least 8 meters from such buildings);

Near places for parking a car (if you do not want to get water containing motor oils or gasoline, then the well should be at least 10 meters from the parking lot);

Near major highways (the less pollution on the surface, the cleaner water);

In low places of the site (there will be constant formation of rainwater which may collect contaminants).

As you can see, the list of exceptions is voluminous, but it should not upset you. Even if the area is small and a lot of things are concentrated on it, then in such cases it is recommended to dig a deep well.

Where to choose a place to dig a well?

Ideal place for a well is the elevation of the site (the highest point). This will avoid contaminants derived from waste water through the rings, and will also make your water as clean as possible.

The most favorable location for a drinking well is a hill of sandy soil

Good option, if you plan to place the well on sandy soil. In this case, there will be no problems with digging. Clay will be more difficult, but it can also be dug manually, without the use of machinery. If there are a lot of stones in the soil, then it is better to involve specialists in digging a well - digging a deep well with your hands will be extremely problematic.

When is the best time to dig a well?

The well is very sensitive to the seasons. If you build it in the spring, then in the summer you may be left without water, since initially you may confuse the good aquifer with melt waters. The best time to build a well is from December to March and from June to September. It is better not to carry out work in April, May, October and November.

For those who are accustomed to checking all their affairs with the clues of the stars and planets, we give this hint: it is best to start digging a well when the Moon enters the signs of the water element. The most favorable time in this regard is considered to be the time when it is in Pisces, and even growing. The rest of the advice will be purely “earthly”, practical.

How to choose the time to arrange a well on a summer cottage or in a private household, and whether it is worth choosing it specifically at all, depends on how you intend to dig this very well. If you are going to use the services of a specialized organization from start to finish, then by a certain time the start of the “well” operation may not be predicted. As a rule, such organizations have powerful special equipment and experienced specialists. Therefore, even if you start work at the wrong time, the equipment will help you cope with the problems, and the specialist will determine to what depth the well really needs to be dug, even if the “first water” appears very quickly.

Checking the area for water

Exploratory drilling can be carried out to determine whether the selected location is suitable for a well in any season. You won’t be able to do this on your own; you need to call a specialist with a portable geological drill. Such a device can drill a well more than seven meters deep. What does this give? Exploration will not only show whether there will be water in the well, but will also indicate the composition of the soil and its bearing capacity(if this indicator is insufficient, then the rings installed in the well may simply drown and go into the ground). Exploration using a drill can be done in the spring, summer, autumn, or winter, and the process of constructing a well in the chosen location can be postponed until a favorable time.

Groundwater is going down - it's time to dig a well!

The ideal time to dig a well is considered to be the time when groundwater go from the surface of the earth into the depths. A well dug at such a time will always be full. The logic is simple: if you got to the water at a time when it was most difficult to do so, then in “wetter” times you will have it even more so! If you start building a well when the waters approach the surface, there is a risk of making it not deep enough. Especially if you are new to this business. As a rule, inexperienced people believe that the work is finished when the well begins to fill with water. If you started digging when the groundwater was high, then there is a high probability that such a well will simply stand without water for about six months and the work will have to be redone, deepening it perhaps two meters (these are seasonal fluctuations in the water level).

Groundwater is “hidden” during dry periods and in winter, when frost hits. But in winter it can be difficult to dig. Despite the fact that in most of Russia in winter the ground rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 meters, you will still have to spend additional effort - clearing snow, warming up the ground, it will be more difficult to deliver necessary materials. Therefore, the best time to dig a well is considered to be the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, before the rains begin. The groundwater already goes deep, and no additional difficulties arise during the digging process. The end of winter, before the snow begins to melt, is also considered a good time.

By the way, if the well shaft runs through quicksand, then such a well can only be dug in winter (a period of summer drought is also suitable, but there may or may not be drought, and winter happens every year). At other times, laying a well through quicksand will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

Water abundance has increased - it’s better not to dig!

The worst time you can choose to build a well is early spring and the rainy period of autumn. However, if prolonged rains suddenly strike at the end of summer, this is also a signal that it is better to abandon the idea of ​​digging a well. Increasing water abundance can play a cruel joke on you and, as mentioned above, create the illusion that the well is ready, while the installation of one or two more rings is required to complete the work. Read about it here.

Go on vacation!

If you decide to dig a well yourself, then you need to take into account that digging it slowly on weekends is not an option. Having started this work, you need to continue it without interruption until it is finished. Therefore, having determined what time will be best to dig a well, coincide with your vacation or take time off. Timing the process of digging a well with your vacation is risky - what if it happens during the rainy season?

Equipment of a permanent source for water supply summer cottage it is advisable in cases where there is no water supply connected to it; there is no lake, pond or stream nearby; aquifers lie close to the surface. After the owner of the site decides that he needs to build a well, it is time to think about when it is better to dig a well in the country.

If groundwater lies in close proximity to the surface (no more than 10 meters), you can handle it yourself. If the layers with life-giving moisture are located deeper, it is better to turn to professionals. You shouldn’t risk being buried over your head because of a couple of tens of liters muddy water. Specialists will determine what time of year is best to dig a well on your site, and will carry out the work in accordance with the norms and rules for the construction of hydraulic structures.

Construction of a country well

The simplest form A country well is an ordinary narrow hole in the ground with reinforced walls. Traditionally this log house. IN lately The walls for the well are predominantly reinforced concrete rings. An electric pump is connected to the lower levels, so there is no need to manually scoop out water with buckets using a winch or a “crane”.

The construction of a conventional well with a straight shaft does not cause difficulties during construction

When to dig a well in the country

To begin working directly with the soil, you need to find out where the water is and where in the area you should dig a hole. Exploration methods boil down to dowsing and the study of geological maps of the area. It would also be useful to draw a diagram of the future structure.

Soil assessment

The fundamental factor in determining the exact period of work is the assessment of the soil. Sandy soil allows you to work in spring, winter, autumn, in extreme cases even in summer. Clay soil will be an obstacle in winter. The best period for digging is autumn or mid-spring, when the soil has already “thawed out”. The situation is similar with loam. If you plan to get to deeper layers, excluding perched water, you cannot do without the use of special equipment.

For a well, groundwater, the so-called “overwater”, is used as a source of water.

Determining the time of year

There is still debate about when it is better to dig a well - in autumn or spring. Experienced craftsmen claim that there is no particular difference. Below we list all the pros and cons of all seasons of the year.

In winter, in severe bitter frosts, it is hard to work. Every decimeter of soil has to be won back in battle. And here you can’t guess exactly how deep the hole should be dug - the water goes to depth. Winter wells have to be dug up often if the work is carried out by shabats and not by an experienced crew.

In spring the snow melts and seasonal fluctuations in the level of high waters are unstable. Sometimes the water is almost at the surface, sometimes it disappears completely. This affects the quality of the soil; subsequently, the walls of the structure may “float” or simply warp.

If the summer is rainy, groundwater comes close to the surface, and work to deepen the hole looks like wallowing in dirty slurry. The dry season, on the contrary, removes moisture so deeply that there is practically no chance of digging it out on your own.

The end of August and early autumn is the optimal time to dig a well on the site. The well is dug to its full depth. Be sure to check the water levels in your neighbors' wells before you dig your own. This way you can quickly determine the scope of work.

Determining the date using the lunar calendar

If you still have doubts about when to dig a well and why, turn to the experience of your ancestors. Take advantage lunar calendar. Construction of a water source can begin when the Moon is in the constellation Pisces. You can accurately determine the phase of the night star on special websites.

"Moon in Pisces" - best period for digging a well. Cancer and Capricorn also promise good luck in building your own hydraulic structure

Setting the start date for work according to schedule

The agricultural work schedule will help determine what time to dig a well. A gardener who is serious about growing crops always has a work plan for the year. The time for digging must be determined by referring to this schedule. Offhand, there is a free period in the spring, before planting, and in the fall, after harvesting.

After reading the tips on choosing the time to set up a source, you will be able to determine the date when to dig a well in your dacha. An easier way is to turn to professionals. The well will be dug with high quality, with a guarantee, and its construction will not take much effort and time.

If you need to dig an effective well that can last for decades, then our company is a leader in this matter and it is best to order the service from us. We take care of creating a deep and reliable source of water on your site; all you have to do is choose the time.

If you can't decide what time to dig a well, there are several factors that you should pay attention to, namely: soil type and time of year. Next we will talk in more detail about choosing the ideal time.

Choosing the time to dig a well based on the type of soil

Most often in our regions there are two types of soil: sandy and clayey. The complexity of the work depends on the soil, so it is worth considering both options in more detail.

  • Sandy. This type of soil is ideal for quickly digging a well, if your site has sandy ground, then you can start work at any time of the year.
  • Clayey. In such soil it is better to dig a well in winter or spring period. In winter it can become a serious problem and slow down digging work. IN clay soil better to choose.

If you are going to dig a well without using any equipment, then it is very important to take into account the type of soil in which the work will be carried out. When hiring a specialized company that has everything necessary to work in any type of soil, you should pay more attention to the time of year.

What time of year to dig a well?

There is constant debate regarding when it is best to dig a well. However, it is fair to say that any time of year has both its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, you need to choose the time when the water goes deep underground. Those who carry out digging work early spring When meltwater raises the water level quite high, there is a risk of seeing an empty well during periods of drought or severe frost.

It is high frosts that lead to the fact that water goes deep underground. This is main reason, why it is better to dig a well in winter. Our company recommends this time of year to create deep wells that will provide water to a large area. To work in frozen soil, special drilling machines are used, for which the hardness of the earth is not an obstacle. If you choose this particular time of year, then water will gradually accumulate in the frozen well, depending on the intensity of thawing of the soil, and you will never have the problem of water shortage.

Also, good time Dry summer periods are the best time to dig a well. Firstly, at such a time the moisture goes deep enough, having dug in, you will always be provided with water. Secondly, when you install a well in dry ground, you make it more stable and durable. These two factors explain why it is better to dig in the summer, but in this case it is very important to have experienced craftsmen from our company, who know exactly what depth is most appropriate for water to be in the well all year round.

If you do not take into account the dry and frosty periods of the year. It is best to dig in late August, early September. Do not start work after heavy rains, it is necessary for the earth to dry out a little.

The cost of creating a reliable well

Many people try to save money on a well and try to do everything themselves, starting from buying all necessary materials and ending with digging work. As a result, such a well can not only float, but also quickly dry up. With this approach, within a few years it will be necessary to think about creating a new source of water.

Our company offers a full range of works to create a deep and durable well. The price in Moscow for such work depends on several factors: the depth of the well and the method of digging the shaft (by hand or by machine).


The presence of a suburban area sooner or later prompts its owners to equip a well to ensure water supply. And one can hardly envy the residents of holiday villages that have a centralized water supply: we all have an idea of ​​the quality of water that flows through it. That is why many people prefer not to risk their health by abandoning water that is too hard or too soft, sometimes rusty or simply undrinkable, in favor of natural well water.

Among other things, in a huge number of SNT and cottage villages, there are simply no communications. In this case, digging a well is simply necessary. Also, we are regularly contacted to install septic tanks made of reinforced concrete rings on the site, for the same reason.

Having decided to equip an underground water source on their site, the owners are immediately faced with the following question: “when to dig a well?” Only specialists can answer this, since the time to construct an underground source on a site and its choice depends on many factors, which will be discussed in this article.

If you are going to entrust this important task to a specialized organization, then you will not have to guess the time to start the work process. In this case, qualified specialists and professional special equipment will instantly cope with unforeseen problems if the construction of the well occurred at an inappropriate period. Professionals will masterfully determine to what depth you need to dig.

When is the best time to dig a well on your property: time of year

In the case of a well, there are no time restrictions - drilling can be done at any time of the year, but approaching equipment on soft ground can cause it to get stuck and damage the road. Construction of a well is also possible all year round, with the exception of a short period of 2-3 weeks during spring floods. There is no ideal time of year for this work, but if carried out in winter or dry summer, you can be 200% sure of sufficient water levels. As a rule, seasonal fluctuations in water levels reach one to two meters. Digging a well in winter is also possible, and does not seem to be as difficult a task as it might seem from the outside.

If you decide to ask different companies when they dig wells and whether they do it in winter, then remember that some specialists are not mentally and physically ready to work in cold weather. Although this particular period and the time after it is the ideal time to “reconnaissance” for the occurrence of groundwater, the level of which is close to what happens only in extreme heat. And if water is found in frost or heat, then it will always be present on the site.

Considering that well digging must be done continuously, we try to complete all the work in one day or, at most, two days. The work is carried out directly by our teams, without any intermediaries, so we can agree on any day convenient for you, on weekdays or weekends. You do not need to take a vacation that you will completely devote to arranging the well - just entrust this task to professionals with relevant experience. This way you will be absolutely calm that everything is going according to plan and you won’t have to redo anything.

By ordering the installation of an underground source from the Kolodtsy-Kopaem company, you will save yourself from enormous hassle and avoid additional financial and time costs for organizing the water supply of your site. We will provide you not only with clean and truly tasty water, but also with maximum freedom of movement around the site, as well as a convenient location of the well.

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