When a supervolcano explodes. Why is there black smoke coming out of the Yellowstone Volcano geyser? What volcanologists say

In the depths of the North American continent, a few kilometers from the surface, a hidden threat lurks. A huge volcano has awakened and is ready to destroy the entire continent. When? The US government is hiding the truth, scientists remain silent, but the fatal deadline is steadily approaching.

When will the mega-volcano erupt?

It's clear, the exact date no one knows these events. But scientists are constantly monitoring the Yellowstone Caldera and making some predictions. Periodically, one of them tries to speak. Just... don't believe everything they write on the Internet. Everyone gives different dates:

The eruption will begin in the next two weeks or right now. Such sensational news occurs regularly, almost every month. In this case, everyone refers to the words of specific people, including:

Henry or Hank Hessler (Hank Hessler) - such a geologist really exists, he has been working in the park since 2002. True, he never said when Yellowstone would explode, but it is he who is most often credited with making such predictions.

Jamie Farrell is a professor and researcher at the University of Utah. He studies seismic, volcanic and tectonic processes in Yellowstone, but he also never promised imminent eruption. Once, however, he said that this could happen, but when exactly is unknown.

Howard Huxley is an American scientist and journalist who has been working at the reserve for 30 years, is connected with the CIA... and he figured it all out! This is what is referred to most often. Only... There is no such scientist. And it never was.

The volcano will explode in the very near future with a 10% probability. Yellowstone poses a greater threat than nuclear war asteroid collision with Earth And global warming. So, supposedly, it is written in special report European Science Foundation. True, few people here have read it; everyone refers to the Daily Express, where a brief and inaccurate retelling was published:

If anyone is interested, the Extreme Geohazards report itself can be read on the European Science Foundation website. Yellowstone is mentioned there only once, by accident and in a completely different context.

Yellowstone will explode in the next 20 years or in 2075. These figures are given by our geophysicist, professor, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A. Gorodnitsky with reference to the Geological Survey of America. Here is a quote from his book “Secrets and Myths of Science. In search of truth":

The eruption will take place in 2012-2016. These data are also attributed to scientists from The Geological Society of America. Like, they double-checked everything again, and the following numbers turned out. But there is no evidence of this. But we managed to find old publications where 2011-2012 appeared in the same texts:

But time ran out, the volcano never exploded, so new dates had to be set. When 2016 ends, they will write that the eruption will begin a little later, for example, in 2017-2020.

Indirect signs of an imminent eruption

And yet, events can go according to the worst scenario. Perhaps empty chatter, fake news and gossip are just a way to hide the terrible truth. Here are some facts that indicate that Yellowstone Volcano may explode earlier than scientists say:

Back in 2004, the US government restricted access to national park. And some areas were completely closed to visitors.

Then there was information about the creation of a special Scientific Council under the Office of the President of the United States. And the source is the same Howard Huxley, who, however, does not exist... but he writes his own blog:

In the spring and summer of 2014, first in Burzhunet, then in our RuNet, the following messages began to appear:

Finding the original source was difficult. Most sites link to the Daily Mail or Howard Huxley, which is confusing. Who knew that the original article was on the South African news site Praag.co.za? It's called "African National Congress Refuses R1000 Billion for Fear of Too Many Whites":

That is, perhaps all this is true, and the US government really made such a request to them. It is impossible to verify the competence and awareness of the author. And the fact that the press secretary of the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs was already Nelson Kgwete, and Sipho Matwetwe is highlighted only in connection with Yellowstone - these are the costs of translation.

On March 4, 2014, information appeared on intellihub.com that, by order from the White House, USGS (United States Geological Survey) employees were prohibited from disclosing information about swarms (groups of earthquakes) in the Yellowstone caldera area. In this case, the source was a letter received by a fairly well-known blogger Tom Lupshu (he often provides information about this volcano):

It is a fact that data on earthquakes is indeed suppressed. Those who periodically monitor the readings of seismic sensors (which simply turn off when strong tremors occur) know this. I don’t know whether there was an order from Washington, or whether the USGS is acting on its own initiative.

The information background has changed. TV channels show popular science films about Yellowstone. The media has become more frequent in rumors that the volcano is about to explode. The Internet is full of videos where it is recorded the roar of the earth, which many consider a harbinger of future disaster. Ordinary Americans are building bunkers to wait out the eruption. And authorities are purchasing coffins that can accommodate millions of victims when disaster strikes.

It turns out that the eruption is cancelled? Or is it simply postponed indefinitely? Not necessarily... And scientists are clearly hiding real facts. So it’s too early to discount the Yellowstone volcano. It could explode at any moment. When? The question remains open for now.

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I read that scientists said that the explosion will definitely happen before 2016. Since the end of March 2014, there has been an increase in seismic activity. In addition, local geysers have become noticeably more active. From the territory national park large ungulates began to scatter. According to scientists, the force of the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano will be 2500 times stronger than the eruption of Etna 8 thousand years ago, when the resulting tsunami distorted the coasts of three continents in a few hours. When Yellowstone explodes, its consequences can only be compared with the explosion ten at once atomic bombs. The earth's crust will rise several meters, and the soil will warm up to a temperature of +60 degrees. Pieces of earth rock will be thrown to a great height, and then they will cover a huge part of the earth. Then the atmosphere itself will change - the content of helium and hydrogen sulfide will increase. Within a few hours after the explosion of Yellowstone, an area of ​​about 1000 km2 will completely burn out. It's about about the northwestern United States and a small part of Canada. More than 10 thousand sq. km. will be buried under streams of hot mud, or as it is also called a pyroclastic wave, it will burn everything in its path with a powerful avalanche. It is this that is most deadly during an eruption.
A few days before the explosion Earth's crust above the supervolcano will rise several tens, or even hundreds of meters. The soil will heat up to 60-70°C. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium in the atmosphere will increase sharply.
The first to erupt is a cloud of volcanic ash, which will rise into the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 km. Then lava will begin to erupt, pieces of which will be thrown to great heights. As they fall, they will cover a gigantic area. The explosion will be accompanied by a powerful earthquake and lava flows reaching speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour.
In the first hours of a new eruption in Yellowstone, an area within a radius of 1000 kilometers around the epicenter will be destroyed. Here, residents of almost the entire American northwest (Seattle) and parts of Canada (Calgary, Vancouver) are in immediate danger.
On an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. kilometers, streams of hot mud, the so-called, will rage. “pyroclastic wave” This most deadly product of an eruption will occur when the pressure of lava shooting high into the atmosphere weakens and part of the column collapses on the surrounding area in a huge avalanche, burning everything in its path. It will be impossible to survive in pyroclastic flows. At temperatures above 400°C human bodies They will simply cook, the flesh will separate from the bones.
The hot liquid will kill about 200 thousand people in the first minutes after the eruption begins. In addition, a series of earthquakes and tsunamis triggered by the explosion will cause huge losses. They will already claim tens of millions of lives across the globe. This is provided that the North American continent does not go under water at all, like Atlantis. Then the ash cloud from the volcano will begin to spread wider. Within 24 hours, the entire US territory up to Mississippi will be in the disaster zone. At the same time, volcanic ash represents no less dangerous phenomenon. Ash particles are so small that neither gauze bandages nor respirators protect against them. Once in the lungs, the ash mixes with mucus, hardens and turns into cement...
As a result of falling ash, territories located thousands of kilometers from the volcano may be in mortal danger. When the layer of volcanic ash reaches a thickness of 15 cm, the load on the roofs will become too great and buildings will begin to collapse. It is estimated that between 1 and 50 people in each home will die immediately or be seriously injured. This will be the main cause of death in the areas around Yellowstone bypassed by the pyroclastic wave, where the ash layer will be no less than 60 cm.
The Yellowstone giant will trigger the eruption of several hundred ordinary volcanoes around the world. Other deaths will follow from poisoning. The eruption will continue for several days, but people and animals will continue to die due to suffocation and hydrogen sulfide poisoning. During this time, the air in the western United States will be poisoned so that a person will be able to breathe in it for no more than 5-7 minutes.
Thousands of cubic kilometers of ash ejected into the atmosphere will cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by air in 2-3 weeks, and a month later will cover the Sun across the entire Earth.
Soviet scientists once predicted that the most terrible consequence of a global nuclear conflict would be the so-called. "nuclear winter". The same thing will happen as a result of the explosion of a supervolcano.
First, incessant acid rain will destroy all crops and crops, kill livestock, dooming the survivors to starvation. Two weeks after the sun disappears into dust clouds, the air temperature on the earth's surface will drop in various parts of the globe from -15° to -50°C and below. The average temperature on the Earth's surface will be about -25°C.
The “billionaire” countries – India and China – will suffer the most from famine. Here, in the coming months after the explosion, up to 1.5 billion people will die. In total, in the first months of the cataclysm, every third inhabitant of the Earth will die.
Winter will last from 1.5 to 4 years. This is enough to forever change the natural balance on the planet. Due to long frosts and lack of light, vegetation will die. Since plants are involved in the production of oxygen, it will become difficult for the planet to breathe. The fauna of the Earth will die painfully from cold, hunger and epidemics. Humanity will have to move from the surface of the earth for at least 3-4 years...
For the population North America chances of survival are minimal. In general, the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere will be almost completely destroyed. The greatest chances are in the central part of Eurasia. Most people, according to scientists, will survive in Siberia and the Eastern European part of Russia, located on earthquake-resistant platforms, remote from the epicenter of the explosion and protected from the tsunami.

Incredible facts

Yellowstone volcano is one of the largest known volcanoes in the world and a volcanic system in North America.

One of the strongest earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.8 recently shook the Yellowstone volcano.

Could a major earthquake be a sign that the Yellowstone supervolcano is beginning to awaken?

And if it starts to erupt, could this lead to the apocalypse?

Here are a few interesting facts about the Yellowstone volcano.

1. Yellowstone Volcano is a supervolcano sitting on a huge bubble of magma

Yellowstone Volcano is a supervolcano. A supervolcano is not an ordinary cone-shaped mountain. Instead, a supervolcano forms during a depression in the ground called a caldera. This is a huge basin that was formed after previous eruptions.

Some scientists even more often use the term " living breathing caldera" or " hot spot", denoting an area of ​​concentrated and active volcanism.

When a regular volcano erupts, lava gradually accumulates in the mountain until it begins to come out. At a supervolcano, when magma approaches the surface, it collects in a huge underground reservoir. It melts nearby rocks and becomes even thicker as pressure begins to build. This can continue for hundreds of thousands of years until an eruption occurs and it explodes, forming a new caldera.

Yellowstone is over hot spot, where hot molten rock rises to the surface. About 10 km below the surface lies a reservoir of hard rock and magma.

2. Yellowstone Caldera Is 2.5 Times Larger Than Thought

Last year, a study of this supervolcano showed that the underground storage of magma is 2.5 times larger than previously thought.

Its size reaches 90 by 30 km and it can accommodate 300 billion cubic kilometers of molten rock.

3. The eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano will turn into a global catastrophe

Supervolcanoes are second largest global catastrophic event after the fall of an asteroid. In the past, supervolcanic eruptions have led to mass extinctions, long-term climate change and " volcanic winters"when the ashes obscure sunlight.

The supervolcano's last eruption occurred about 71,000 years ago at the site of Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. This resulted in a volcanic winter that blocked sunlight for 6-10 years, and a cooling of 3-5 degrees. Anthropologists have calculated that only several thousand people survived, and three-quarters of all plants in southeast Asia died.

4. The Yellowstone supervolcano erupts approximately every 600,000 years.

First eruption Yellowstone supervolcano happened 2.1 million years ago, then 1.3 million and 640,000 years ago.

Scientists estimate that Yellowstone volcano erupts every 600,000 years, and the next eruption is long overdue.

The supervolcano in Yellowstone Park in the northwestern US state of Wyoming last erupted, sending 1000 cubic kilometers of ash and lava.

Researchers studied the movement of magma in Yellowstone Park and found that some areas of the earth have risen by 74 cm compared to 1923.

Scientists predict that the supervolcano's eruption could cause global temperatures to drop by 10 degrees over a decade, changing life on Earth.

5. Volcanoes and earthquakes: the largest earthquake in Yellowstone in the last 30 years

Due to the volcanic nature of this area, the caldera experiences between 1 and 20 earthquakes per day. However, they are very weak with a magnitude of no more than 3 points.

Earthquake magnitude 4.8 points, what happened March 30, 2014 years near Noris Geyser Basin in northwest Yellowstone, was the largest in Yellowstone in 30 years. But this did not lead to any serious consequences.

Earthquakes linked to volcanoes different ways, since they are located along the fault of tectonic plates, and earthquakes often coincide with volcanic eruptions.

6. Are animals leaving Yellowstone National Park in the USA?

Recent video of bison escaping from Yellowstone National Park, has caused people to be concerned that this could be a sign of an imminent supervolcano eruption.

Usually before an eruption, animals leave the dangerous area, and this video was taken 10 days before the earthquake. However, authorities say this is a normal migration of the animals and they have started leaving the park due to lack of food during the winter months.

There is little research into whether animals can predict catastrophic events, although some scientists have acknowledged that during major events some animals exhibit strange behavior.

7. Consequences of the Yellowstone volcano eruption

Analysis of molten rock from the Yellowstone supervolcano showed that an eruption is possible without any external mechanisms. Previous Yellowstone eruptions have released more than 1,000 cubic kilometers of magma into the environment.

That's enough to cover most of North America a blanket of ash up to 30 cm thick. Everything within a radius of 160 km will die immediately, and death toll could reach 87,000.

The ash will remain in the air for several days, causing breathing difficulties, enveloping plants and polluting water.

The rest of the world is at risk climate change for several years ahead. Volcanic ash in the atmosphere will block sunlight, and global temperatures could drop by 20 degrees. Chemical composition atmosphere will change for a decade or more.

Did you know that there is a supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park? Perhaps you've heard that an eruption could happen much sooner than expected, within months or even days?

Researchers from Arizona State University spent weeks studying fossilized ash deposits from the Yellowstone volcano and recently shared their findings. Minerals in these sediments showed that the critical changes in temperature and composition that precede an eruption accumulate over decades, not thousands of years, as previously thought.

"It's shocking how little time it takes for a volcanic system to be quiet and unchanged until it erupts," said Hannah Shamloo, a graduate student at Arizona State University who worked on the study.

The good news is that scientists will likely be able to predict an eruption a decade in advance.

Sometimes knowing about the world around us makes us more in control of our lives and survival. And sometimes such knowledge only emphasizes how small and helpless we are in front of the forces.

Here are some facts about the Yellowstone supervolcano:

Is Yellowstone the only supervolcano we need to worry about?

No, of course not. There are about 20 other supervolcanoes around the world. While Yellowstone hasn't had a super-eruption in 631,000 years, others have been active more recently. The Phlegrean Fields, a supervolcano in Italy, had its last largest eruption 12,000 years ago. According to the researchers, the Phlegrean Fields are in a “critical condition.” The Aug. 22, 2017, eruption, which killed several women and injured several others, was a minor event compared to the largest known eruption 39,000 years ago. Then there was a release of more than 200 km³ of magma, which probably contributed to the disappearance of the Neanderthals and led to prosperity modern people in Europe and Asia.

Which regions will be affected by the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano?

If this supervolcano erupts, more than 1000 km³ will enter the atmosphere rock and ash. This is five times more than the super eruption of the Phlegrean Fields in Italy. An eruption at Yellowstone would produce a cloud of volcanic ash more than 500 miles wide, extending across nearly the entire western United States.

The explosion could be so strong that there is a possibility of a volcanic winter across the entire planet. This means crops will no longer be able to be grown and current food stores will only last 74 days, according to a 2012 United Nations estimate (although progress has been made Agriculture allows you to grow plants underground).

Does the eruption mean the end of the world?

According to NASA, volcanic eruptions pose a greater threat to life on Earth than any asteroid. Fortunately, NASA has a plan to neutralize the threat from super-volcanoes by drilling into the volcano to a depth of 10 km to release heat and avoid a potentially dangerous eruption.

Thanks to this, a supervolcano can cool for hundreds or even thousands of years. There is another bonus: thanks to drilling, a source of geothermal energy will appear. But there are also significant risks. Such interference can also trigger an unexpected eruption.

What is the likelihood of the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting?

Even though new research confirms that conditions could be favorable for a Yellowstone volcano to erupt within a few decades, the likelihood of you personally witnessing an explosion of this magnitude is still very low.

According to the USGS, the odds of a supervolcano erupting within this year are 1 in 730,000. Here's a quick comparison: That odds are significantly better than your odds of winning the lottery and only slightly worse than the odds of being struck by lightning .

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Nature is unique, its creations often evoke delight and admiration, but this is not always safe. Look at the mountains, mighty, strong, which beckon you to embrace them in their vastness. , fraught with so many secrets, mysteries and assumptions. And there are a lot of such wonders of the world, but not everyone can master them.

Yellowstone Volcano - description, photo, video

Or as it is also called, the Yellowstone Caldera, located in Yellowstone National Park in the USA. The caldera is located in northwest corner Wyoming, which contains most of the national park. The height of the volcano reaches 2805 m. This is approximately 8 Eiffel Towers. It is also called a "supervolcano". A volcano, the eruption of which can lead to global destruction and climate change on the planet. Their peculiarity is that they do not just erupt, but sometimes explode.

This volcano is located in the famous Yellowstone Park. The park itself is called so because golden stones were once discovered in the Yellowstone River canyon. Literally, “Yellowstone” translates as “yellow stones.” The park was founded on March 1, 1872. The area of ​​this park is 8,983 km². Known for its natural picturesque landscapes and diverse wildlife.

In the area of ​​this Yellowstone volcano, earthquakes constantly occur. During the eruption, no matter how disappointing it may sound, America will be destroyed, and most people will die from hunger, cold and radiation. Over the past 2 years of observation by scientists, there have been suggestions that the eruption could occur much earlier, due to the following factors:

  • The number of earthquakes has increased;
  • The temperature in reservoirs increased significantly, which contributed to the extinction of fish;
  • Seismic activity has increased;

It can be assumed that if an explosion ever occurs, a nuclear winter may occur, which will destroy all plants and everything animal world. The power of the volcano can easily be compared to Armageddon. According to scientists, more than 10 million people will die out. However, residents living in the Eastern European part of Russia and the center of Eurasia do not face this danger.

Panorama of Yellowstone Volcano

Where is Yellowstone Volcano located?

The territorial location of this (United States of America), to be more precise, is in the northwestern corner of the state of Wyoming, most of Yellowstone National Park. Located above the Yellowstone hotspot covered by the Yellowstone Plateau.

Where is Yellowstone Volcano located?

  • From the border with Russian Federation— 14178 km;
  • From Wyoming - 400 km;
  • From Los Angeles (California) - 1635 km;
  • Las Vegas - 1180 km;
  • Cody Airport - 80 km.

Yellowstone Volcano coordinates:

  • Latitude – 44°25’42.0″
  • Longitude – 110°35’24.8″

Yellowstone volcano on the map

How to get to Yellowstone Volcano

Getting to this attraction is not difficult. There are vehicles that will help you reach your path. An airplane is suitable for those who live too far from the state of Wyoming. Anyone who lives in this state is lucky in that the journey does not take that long. There are two nearby airports: Cody (Wyoming) and West Yellowstone (Montana).

  • You can focus on Yellowstone National Park, where the caldera is located.
  • The best transportation option is a car.
  • Buses between Bozeman and West Yellowstone. But according to reviews from visitors, they are considered the most inconvenient movement.
  • There are no direct flights.

When is the best time to visit Yellowstone Volcano?

The weather conditions here are so unpredictable that your surprise at hail in July will be in vain. You need to be prepared for anything. But the average daytime temperature in summer is about +25 degrees Celsius. At night it is a little cooler, and at higher elevations it is even colder. Thunderstorms that occur in the afternoon are not uncommon here.

Spring and autumn are very similar because you don’t know what to expect. Be prepared for snow, or heavy rain. Temperatures during these periods are favorable and range from +5 to +20 degrees Celsius.

In winter, be prepared for white, snow-covered landscapes that will captivate you. Frequent snowfalls are typical at this time of year. Temperatures can reach up to -20 degrees Celsius. The record minimum temperature was -54 degrees Celsius. But usually most visitors come here in the summer.


The park is open 24 hours a day. Its size is so large that, in principle, there is no point in going there for one day. As a rule, to stay there for several days you need to rent and check into a hotel or inn. Prices range from $100 or more per night. The park also features shops and gas stations. But if your budget is low, you can consider camping.

There is an entrance fee to Yellowstone National Park. You will need to purchase a seven-day pass upon entry.

  • By car - $30
  • By motorcycle - $25
  • On foot - $15
  • Persons under fifteen years of age have free admission.

There you can also purchase a tour for a group of tourists, but everything will depend on the size of the group.

In addition to the volcano, you will have a unique opportunity to see wild animals, breathtaking geysers fraught with secrets, mighty mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing views. You can visit museums that will tell you the history of the creation of the national park and tell you what you can see in its surroundings.

What to see in the area

The fauna of Yellowstone Park is unique. Here you can find grizzly bears, coyotes, squirrels, you name it. There are a lot of wild animals living there, for which all conditions for their living have been created. According to some data, more than 300 species of birds, 16 species of fish and 4 species of amphibians, 67 species of mammals, 6 species of reptiles live there.

By the way, there is also an active one on the Hawaiian Islands, which tourists from all over the world come to see. And of course, we don’t forget about the legendary one in Italy, which erupted quite recently, in 1944.

Flora has never left anyone indifferent. More than 200 species of plants grow in the park. Rare plant species also grow, such as whitebark pine, Douglas fir, and broadleaf pine. All of them are under strict security. But due to a fire that occurred in 1988, about a third of all plants burned.

Geysers, there are more than 3000 of them. They are famous and popular because after a certain period of time they release steam to a height of over 40 meters. The sources are no less famous.

The most famous and visited are:

  • Great Prismatic Spring.
  • Emerald Spring, etc.

It is definitely worth visiting this place because it is unique and mysterious. Nowhere else will you find such picturesque landscapes, wild animals connected with people. This place is recommended for visiting with families, because seeing these open spaces is a great chance. But we advise you: before your trip, carefully study the weather forecast, because... she's really unpredictable there.

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