Brief description of the enterprise. Brief description of the organization

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Institute of Information Technologies and Engineering Education





Place of practice: LLC Management Company "Kommunalshchik"

4th year students

Nadezhda Anatolyevna Mikhalkova

Abakan 2014

1. Brief description of the organization Zhilservice LLC

2. Subject of activity

3. Organizational management scheme

4. Study of the work of the main departments of Zhilservice LLC

5. Instructions on the job and functional responsibilities of the construction and installation work foreman

6. Structural characteristics of the object

7. Scope of work

8. Organization of labor on site and in teams

9. Organization of control and quality of work

10. Compliance with safety requirements by workers


1. BriefcharacteristicorganizationsOOO"Zhilservice"

The construction contracting organization Zhilservice LLC was formed by the decision of the participants dated February 28, 2008, i.e. is a relatively new organization.

Organizational and legal form: limited liability company.

The Company in its activities is guided by the Charter and legislation Russian Federation and mandatory acts of executive authorities.

Full corporate name of the legal entity: Limited Liability Company "Zhilservis"

Abbreviated name of the legal entity: Zhilservice LLC.

The company has a round seal with its name, a corner stamp and letterhead, and may have an emblem, its own trademark registered in the prescribed manner, other symbols and means of individualization.

The Company is an independent economic entity operating on the basis of full economic accounting, self-financing and self-sufficiency, incl. and foreign exchange.

Legal address: 655150, Republic of Khakassia, Chernogorsk, Kosmonavtov, 24 "B".

The location of the organization is the permanent location of its management bodies and the main place of its activities.

The mission of Zhilservice LLC can be formulated as follows: “Saturation of the consumer market of the city of Chernogorsk with services for the maintenance, operation and maintenance of the housing stock.”

The specific end states that an organization strives for are captured in the form of its goals. Therefore, the goals of Zhilservice LLC are the following:

Providing services and performing high quality work;

Gaining a large market share;

High level of labor productivity;

Profit maximization;

Introduction of new effective technologies.

The organization is independently responsible for its obligations and bears responsibility for its obligations within the limits of the property in its ownership, the value of which is reflected in the independent balance sheet of the company.

2. ItemactivitiesOOO"Zhilservice"

functional responsibilities of the foreman team


Construction of buildings and structures of level 2 responsibility;

Sanitary works;

Work on the installation of external engineering networks and communications;

Work on the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

Special works;

Work on the installation of external engineering networks and communications

Work on the installation of internal external networks and equipment;

Installation of technological equipment;

Commissioning works;

Maintenance and repair of utility networks of service and technical buildings and structures;

Installation and maintenance of cold and hot water, electricity;

Carrying out current repairs of buildings, including through organizations special services enterprises;

Industrial and commercial activities;

Carrying out business activities, including the provision of paid services to the population;

Development and implementation of current and future plans for the renovation of housing stock;

Implementation of transactions for the sale of materials and equipment;

Other types of activities not prohibited by law.

One of the most important differentiators of a service industry is the nature of the design of those services and the process used to create them.

The service sector has a number of important characteristics. Firstly, here the consumer is usually present in the production process, i.e. there is closer contact or interaction with the consumer than in industrial production. Secondly, in the service sector, a higher degree of product customization is required in accordance with consumer requirements. Third, work in the service sector is usually more labor intensive than in industry. These features make service operations more difficult to manage in terms of efficiency. Indeed, the higher the degree of interaction with the consumer, the higher the degree of individualization of products, the higher the labor intensity of the process, the more difficult it is to ensure its high economic efficiency.

Zhilservice LLC is obliged to provide the consumer with services that meet the quality requirements of mandatory regulations and standards, sanitary rules and regulations and the terms of the contract.

Consumer properties and mode of service provision must comply with established standards:

· for heat supply - air temperature in residential premises, subject to the implementation of measures to insulate the premises in accordance with current standards and regulations;

· for power supply - parameters of electrical energy according to the current standard;

· for cold water supply - hygienic requirements on the properties and composition of the supplied water, as well as the calculated water flow at the point of analysis;

· for hot water supply - hygienic requirements for the properties, composition and heating temperature of the supplied water, as well as the calculated water flow at the point of analysis.

3. Schememanagementorganization

An analysis of the management structure of Zhilservice LLC shows that the duties and responsibilities of management specialists are clearly distributed here, a grouping scheme for individual divisions and the principles of their management are outlined.

The organizational structure of Zhilservice LLC is linear-functional. Among its main characteristics at the enterprise under study, the following can be distinguished:

A clear division of labor, which leads to the emergence of qualified specialists for each position;

Hierarchy, that is, at Zhilservice LLC it is clearly defined who reports to whom. Moreover, each lower level is controlled by a higher one and is subordinate to it;

Availability of formal rules and work standards.

The main disadvantage of the linear-functional management scheme of Zhilservice LLC, which uses mainly vertical rather than horizontal connections, is that it complicates the implementation of a quality management system. Problems with quality, or more precisely, problems of “lack of quality,” arise in the gaps between functional responsibilities. In addition, in this management structure there is no specific scope of control over the overall activities of the enterprise.

The number of employees of the organization is at the end of 2013. 74 people, including workers - 52 people.

The list of professions and the number of employees for each of them is presented in Appendix 5 according to the organization’s staffing table.

Hiring takes place in strict accordance with technical qualification requirements.

A small share of services consists of trade and purchasing activities - 3.5%, sanitary work - 5.7%, other services - 6.8% and installation and maintenance of metering devices - 8.4%.

The total volume of services provided and work performed by Zhilservice LLC for 2008 is 14,585 thousand rubles.

· for sewerage - wastewater disposal.

The composition of services provided to the consumer is determined by the degree of improvement of the residential building or apartment.

The main objectives of analyzing the volume of services provided by an organization are:

· correct assessment of the results of the production program;

· identification of positive work experience, shortcomings and omissions, as well as their impact on the implementation of the production program;

· finding reserves to improve technical and economic indicators, increase the level of customer service, reduce costs, and increase profitability.

The main indicator characterizing the production activities of an organization carrying out regulated activities is the total amount of income from sales for each type of service of the organization’s main activity.

Structure The range of services sold in 2013 is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure of the range of services sold

Type of service

Amount, thousand rubles

Specific gravity, %

1. Construction and installation work

2. Sanitary work

3. Work on the installation of engineering networks and communications

4. Equipment installation and commissioning

5. Installation and maintenance of metering devices

6. Maintenance and repair of utility networks

7. Current repairs of buildings

8. Trade and purchasing activities

9. Other services

According to the presented data, the largest share in the overall structure of the company’s services sold is the current repair of buildings - 21.6%. Also, a significant share is occupied by construction and installation work and maintenance and repair of utility networks, the share of which is 19.3% and 14.8%, respectively.

Rice. 1. Structure of the range of services of Zhilservice LLC

4. InstructionsOofficialsAndfunctionalresponsibilitiesmastersconstruction and installationworks

Job responsibilities:

Ensures the implementation of the construction and installation work plan at the foreman’s site in accordance with working drawings, work design, production plan and regulatory documents. Monitors compliance with the technological sequence of work and ensures its proper quality. If necessary, carries out alignment work, geodetic control of the progress of technological operations and measurement of the volume of construction and installation work. Organizes the acceptance of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting. Ensures rational use of construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles on site, and economical use of materials. Arranges teams and non-member units and individual workers on the site, sets production tasks for them, and provides production instructions to workers. Issues orders and accepts completed work. Organizes operational accounting of the daily execution of industrial buildings and the receipt of building materials, structures, and products. Carries out work to introduce scientific organization of labor, team and collective contracting. Makes proposals for assigning ranks to workers. Monitors the provision of teams and workers with tools, devices, small-scale mechanization, transport, special clothing, and protective equipment. Participates in the processing of the workplace certification commission. Introduces workers to safe methods of performing work, instructs them directly at the workplace, recording this in a special logbook for recording worker instruction. Ensures the use of technological equipment, scaffolding, scaffolding, protective devices, and other devices, vehicles and protective equipment for workers in accordance with their intended purpose.

Monitors compliance with the norms of carrying heavy loads, providing workplaces with safety signs, warning signs and posters. Does not allow the presence of unauthorized persons at workplaces, sanitary premises and on the territory of the site.

Ensures cleanliness and order in workplaces, aisles and access roads, and ensures proper maintenance and operation of crane tracks. Every day before the start of work, he checks the state of safety regulations and takes measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies, systematically conducts conversations with workers to review cases of violations of safety regulations and industrial sanitation. Monitors workers' compliance with labor safety instructions, production and labor discipline. Conducts an analysis of the economic activities of the site, controls the expenditure of the wage fund.

The foreman must know the regulations, instructions, orders of higher organizations and other guiding methodological and regulatory materials, technology and organization of production, norms and regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire protection, etc.

5. StudyingworkmaindepartmentsOOO"Zhilservice"

The production and organizational structure of the enterprise includes the following divisions (Appendix 6):

Production and technical department;

Planning and Economic Department;

Human Resources Department;


Legal department;

Emergency dispatch service;


Logistics Department;

Automotive workshop.

The production and technical department (PTO) is a structural division of the enterprise. Directly reports Deputy Director for Technical Affairs. The management of the activities of the VET is carried out by the Head of the department, who is appointed to the position and dismissed from his position by the Director of the enterprise.

In its work - the activities of the VET is guided by current legislation, orders, instructions and directions of a higher organization, the Director of the enterprise, other regulations on issues of competence of the department, as well as regulations on technical training.

The production and technical department develops together with the structural divisions of the enterprise:

Plans for preventive maintenance of housing stock and public utilities farms;

Proposals for designating residential buildings for major repairs;

Schedule of activities and volume indicators of work to prepare the housing stock for work in winter conditions.

In addition, the department promptly considers proposals, statements and complaints from the population when making decisions on issues within its competence and monitors their implementation. Prepares housing stock prepared for work in winter conditions with the relevant acts. Works with environmental enterprises. Maintains records of emergency housing stock.

One of the most significant structural divisions of the enterprise is the repair and construction shop (RCS). The activities of the RSC are managed by the head of the RSC, who is directly subordinate to the Deputy Director for Production.

The activities of the economic planning department are managed by the head of the department (leading economist), who is directly subordinate to the director of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the economic planning department are:

Organization and implementation of economic planning work.

A comprehensive analysis of the production and economic activities of production units, areas, services included in the enterprise.

Preparation and development of a detailed economic and financial plan, covering all aspects of the enterprise’s activities for the operation of the housing stock, as well as repair work.

Development of measures to increase labor productivity by improving the organization of production.

The economic planning department performs the following functions:

Rational spending of the wage fund;

Based on normative, actually existing data, develop a detailed annual plan for economic and financial activities in the context of production units and areas.

Submit developed plans for approval to the director of the enterprise, and after approval, bring them to production units and sites.

Ensure correct and timely accounting of the implementation of established targets in production units and areas.

Based on the information received from the accounting department, compile summary statistical reports using forms approved in the prescribed manner.

Timely submit the specified reports to the management body and higher organization.

Develop and, in the prescribed manner, draw up proposals for changed planned indicators by a higher organization, bringing them to production units.

Develops and compiles staffing table enterprises.

Exercises control over staff discipline and the use of the payroll fund in subordinate production units.

Study the possibilities and organize work on the introduction of progressive forms of management, computer technology and mechanization of management work.

Participate in the development of measures to save electricity, heat, fuel, water and other material resources.

Provide necessary assistance to production units and monitor the elimination of identified deficiencies.

Develop current wages at the enterprise.

Consider, in a timely manner, proposals, applications and complaints from citizens on issues within the competence of the department.

Perform other functions not directly specified in these regulations, but logically arising from the tasks and nature of the department’s activities.

The Emergency Dispatch Service (ADS) is a structural unit of the enterprise and reports to the Deputy Director for Technical Issues. The emergency dispatch service is headed by a senior dispatcher.

The main tasks of the ADF:

Monitoring the progress of production and its departments.

Operational communication with utility companies, city administration services and structural divisions.

Elimination of emergency situations in the provision of public services.

The functions of the ADS include:

Continuous collection and recording of operational information on the state of heat, water, electricity supply and sanitation serviced and assigned to the dispatch service of the housing stock.

Operational communication with utility companies and city administration services.

Operational communication with structural divisions of the enterprise.

Elimination of emergency situations in housing stock.

Restoring operational parameters.

Providing paid services to the population.

Other functions not specified in the regulations, logically arising from the tasks and nature of the unit’s activities.

The legal department of Zhilservice LLC ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the enterprise and the protection of its legal interests. Carries out legal examination of draft orders, instructions, provisions of standards and other acts of a legal nature. Organizes the preparation of opinions on legal issues and provides advice on them.

The accounting department of the enterprise, headed by the chief accountant, performs the following tasks:

Ensuring the organization of document flow. Compliance with established rules and forms of accounting documentation, correct formulation and reliability of accounting and reporting.

Exercising control over the correct expenditure of funds and material assets, strict adherence to the savings regime.

Organization of accounting of fixed assets, inventory items, cash.

Carrying out timely inventories of cash, inventory items and settlements.

Ensuring timely and accurate accounting of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

Ensuring timely and correct drafting balance sheets and financial statements and submitting them in a timely manner to a higher organization and MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 for the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participation in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in order to identify internal reserves, eliminate losses and unproductive expenses.

Appropriate services for tenants.

The HR department of Zhilservice LLC carries out work to provide the organization with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications. Studies the personnel of the organization and its divisions, established documentation for personnel records related to the hiring, transfer, employment and dismissal of employees, as well as the placement of employees, their business qualities in order to select them to fill vacant management positions.

The logistics department is entrusted with the functions of logistically supplying the organization with raw materials and all types of basic and auxiliary materials.

1. The motor transport workshop carries out the functions of transporting raw materials and supplies, transport support and maintaining the enterprise’s vehicles in working order.

A safety engineer performs the functions of technical and fire safety of the production process, engineering and technical safety.

Management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the sole executive body of the Company - the director.

The General Director manages, in accordance with the current legislation, production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

The director of Zhilservice LLC organizes the work and effective interaction of production units. He manages the current activities of the enterprise. Organizes production and economic activities on the basis of sound material, financial and labor standards. He resolves all issues within the limits of the rights granted to him and ensures compliance with the legality of the enterprise, ensures the implementation of current and long-term plans.

6. Constructivecharacteristicsobject

At the start of the internship, reconstruction of the RSC building begins on Cosmonauts Avenue.

The project of a repair and construction workshop with brick walls was developed for use in the city of Chernogorsk with the following data:

The calculated outside air temperature is assumed to be -38? C

standard values ​​of wind pressure for the second wind region are accepted as 23 kgf/cm 2

the standard value of snow cover per 1 m 2 of horizontal surface is taken to be 38 kgf/cm 2

Design solution:

External walls - brick 640 mm thick.

Gypsum concrete partitions 80 mm thick.

Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete flights and reinforced concrete solid platforms.

Roof - prefabricated reinforced concrete with warm attic and external drainage.

An asphalt blind area is installed around the building on a crushed stone base 150 mm thick. The width of the blind area is 0.8 m.

Water supply is provided from the existing water supply network.

Sewerage is carried out into the sewer network.

The heating is central. Ventilation is provided by natural exhaust from the kitchen, bathroom and basement through ventilation ducts.

The mains voltage is assumed to be 220 V with the neutral firmly grounded. Power supply reliability category - III.

7. Compoundproductionworks

The practice took place at the installation site of the above-ground part of a brick building.

Lifting building materials and products to the floor, moving them to workplaces must be carried out using lifting means and packaging means to prevent them from falling and being damaged.

Workers receiving loads at masons' workplaces must be trained and have a slinger's certificate. A stable radiotelephone connection must be established between the workers and the tower crane operator

It is prohibited to throw tools, fixtures, work equipment, construction materials and other items from the floor.

Before installing carpentry, all window and door openings in the external walls being constructed must be fenced or closed with safety shields (grids).

Tools, accessories and equipment used in work must comply with standards (technical specifications), be convenient, durable, safe for others and kept in good condition

8 . OrganizationlaboronareaAndVbrigades

When carrying out work on the construction of external and internal load-bearing walls, inter-apartment and interior partitions made of brick must comply with the requirements of SNIP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”. Organization construction production, SNiP 3.03.01-87. Load-bearing and enclosing structures, SNiP 12-04-2002 (section 9), as well as SNiP 12-03-2001. Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

Before starting masonry work, the following work must be completed on a typical floor of each section:

All work on the installation of interfloor ceilings, flights of stairs, blocks of elevator shafts, ventilation blocks and garbage chutes of the underlying floors has been completely completed;

A geodetic check was carried out and as-built diagrams were drawn up

Fencing of areas completed interfloor covering, subject to monolithization;

All necessary materials and products were delivered and stored at the construction site in the area of ​​the tower crane.

The necessary devices, equipment, personal protective equipment for workers, scaffolding and tools have been prepared for work;

Workers and technical workers employed in stone and related installation work familiarized with the work project and trained in safe working methods.

9 . OrganizationcontrolAndqualitywork

Quality control of work brickwork external and internal load-bearing walls and partitions on a typical floor includes:

Acceptance of previously completed installation work preceding brickwork;

Quality control of building materials and products used for masonry and mounted lintels;

Control of production operations related to the production of stone works and laying of lintels over openings;

Acceptance control of completed stone work with execution of inspection reports for hidden work.

Acceptance of previously completed work prior to the construction of external and internal load-bearing walls and partitions is carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 2, paragraphs 2.111+2.113 SNiP 3.03.01-87 and working drawings of the project.

Control of production operations is carried out according to the scheme of operational quality control of stone work and work on the installation of lintels over window and doorways walls and partitions. The operational quality control scheme is given in Table 9.1.

Acceptance of finished stone structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 7 paragraphs. 7.86+7.90 SNiP 3.03.01-87 before plastering their surfaces (Fig. 31).

10 . Performanceworkersrequirementstechnologysecurity

The organization of workplaces must ensure the safety of work. If necessary, workplaces are equipped with fences, and workers are provided with protective and safety devices and devices. The presence of unauthorized persons interfering with the work process is not allowed at the workplace.

Workplaces and passages to them at a height of 1.3 meters or more and at a distance of less than 2 m from the boundaries of the height difference are fenced with temporary fences in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-78.

The fence must consist of posts, a handrail located at a height of at least 1 m from the working deck, one intermediate horizontal element and a side board with a height of at least 15 m. Side boards protect a person from falling beyond the fence, and also prevent various objects from falling from the deck. The railing must withstand a concentrated load of 700 N applied to the middle of the span. Side boards should be installed on the flooring (floor), and railing elements should be attached to the posts from the inside. Handrails of wooden railings must be planed.

If fencing is possible or impractical, workers are provided with safety belts in accordance with GOST 12.4.089 - 80. The places where the safety belt carabiner is attached are indicated in advance by the foreman or foreman and are brightly colored.

Holes in openings and openings stairwells, to which people can access, must be covered with a continuous and dense flooring or have fences with side boards along the entire perimeter.

Open openings in the walls should be fenced off with one-sided adjoining of the flooring (floor) to the bottom of the opening less than 0.7 m.

When performing work along one vertical, protective places are equipped with protective devices. Design protective devices provided for in the work plan.

The installation of buildings is carried out according to grips, for which the boundaries of the installation zones along them and the sequence of transition of workers from one zone to the zone of the next grip are established. The boundaries of the occupations are marked at the construction site with clearly visible signs, which are installed on the outer surfaces of the walls and, upon completion of work on the occupation, transferred to the boundaries of the next one. During installation, inventory fences are installed for the installation horizon, elevator shafts, open openings and staircases and other hazardous workplaces in accordance with SNiP 12-03 - 99 and GOST 23407 - 78. The entrance to the enclosure where installation is being carried out is blocked, and a sign “No entry is allowed!” is posted above the entrance. Installation in progress." At the same time, in the area where installation is not carried out, combined work is allowed. There is a “Allowed Entry” sign above the entrance.

To protect workers outdoors from adverse meteorological conditions in winter, the construction site must provide rooms for heating workers with a total area determined at the rate of 0.1 m per person in the largest shift, at least 8 m. Temperature air in these rooms should not be lower than +22 C. Production premises at the construction site must be insulated. Length of working day and breaks during work negative temperature are established in accordance with resolutions of local Soviets of Workers' Deputies.

To ensure safe working conditions, driveways and walkways on the construction site should be constantly cleared of snow and sprinkled with sand. Snow and ice are removed when laying crane tracks, installing machines, mechanisms, scaffolding, and sanitary facilities.

Storage areas for building materials and structures must be completely cleared of snow and ice, otherwise the stacks of structures may collapse when thawed and cause accidents.

The accumulated ice icicles above building entrances, sidewalks, driveways and walkways are periodically removed. To avoid collapse of building roofs from snow load roofs are cleared of snow and ice, having previously fenced off the danger zone; while the snow is being dumped, they are locked or guards are posted to prevent people from entering the danger zone.

Work related to electrical heating of soil is carried out in exceptional cases according to a special project, taking into account electrical safety requirements. The heated area is fenced off, signals are installed, and it is illuminated at night. The distance between the fences and the contour of the heated area must be at least 3 m. To warm the soil with natural humidity, a current of up to 380 V is used. Electric heating of the soil is carried out under the supervision of an electrician with a qualification group of at least 3.

When laying walls using the freezing method, the area is fenced off at a distance equal to the height of the walls to prevent injury to people in the event of a wall collapse.

The organization creates healthy and safe working conditions. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions is the responsibility of the enterprise administration. The administration is obliged to introduce modern labor safety measures that prevent occupational injuries and provide sanitary and hygienic conditions that prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases of workers.

Industrial buildings, structures, equipment, and technological processes must meet the requirements to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.

These requirements include the rational use of territories and production premises, the correct operation of equipment and the organization technological processes, protection of workers from exposure to harmful working conditions, maintenance of production premises and workplaces in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, arrangement of sanitary facilities.


During the internship, we took an active part in collecting and processing documents for the acceptance of a residential building into operation, namely, we became acquainted with the following documents

Departmental commission act

Help from the Technical Inventory Bureau

Certificates of inspection of façade finishing and landscaping works

Energy sales act

Gorteploset Help

Help from Chernogorskvodokanal

City telephone network help

Radio center help

Help from Gorgaz

Heating system acceptance certificate with hydraulic test

Fire equipment acceptance certificate

Executive shooting communications

Passport for basic building materials

Acts for hidden work

Orders for the manufacture of products;

Orders for internal repairs of objects;

Certificates of inspection of sections of engineering and technical support networks (Gosgortekhnadzor);

An executive set of drawings, passports for materials, laboratory research materials;

Certificates for windows, balcony doors, double-glazed windows;

Roofing warranty certificate;

Certificate of completion of landscaping and landscaping work;

We wrote letters to various organizations.

Responded to customer requests (complaints). To do this, it was necessary to calculate the amount of work, select materials, develop a technological solution and submit an application for the manufacture of the necessary structures.

Filled out executive documentation(acts).

We worked with office equipment, made large volumes of photocopies of documents, printed them, stapled them, put documentation in multi-forms, in folders, and worked with other office equipment.

At the end of the internship, my work was rated excellent and given a positive reference.

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The highest governing body of the company is the general meeting of participants. Management of the current activities of the company is carried out by the sole executive body - the director, who is elected by the general meeting of participants for a period of three years.

The company is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, accounts in banking institutions, a standard seal with its name, stamps, forms, a trademark, an emblem and other details.

The efficiency of the Mercury LLC organization can be indicated by the data in Table 1 and Table 2, which shows general economic and financial indicators.

Table 1 - General economic indicators of the company Mercury LLC, thousand rubles.

New authors

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the object of study and the main economic indicators of activity. 5

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise. 5

1.2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise under study 8

Chapter 2. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise 10

2.1. Sales structure analysis. 10

2.2. Analysis of the client base. 13

2.3. Analysis of main competitors. 15

2.5 Estimation of the enterprise’s marketing costs by main functions. 21

Conclusion. 23

Bibliography. 25


French economist J.-B. Back in the era of the Industrial Revolution, Sey formulated the basic rule in production management: “We need to reduce production costs in order to increase profits.” This statement is indeed wise in conditions where industries, markets and the range of products that are produced remain stable. But today, in a rapidly changing world, this rule is no longer as true as before.

In the era of post-industrial society, in the conditions of the information explosion, companies must pay much more attention to areas such as sales and distribution of products, increasing income and improving their financial condition than production management itself, in order to reduce costs.

Companies that operate in stable markets, in industries that are not susceptible to rapid change, have typically fought for their fully defined market share. And the markets themselves usually grew insofar as the population grew. And here the classic market strategy of the company was to increase its share of the target market by reducing prices and production costs of its products. The market share controlled by this company could not be very large under these conditions. Partly because any monopoly was viewed by society as evil, and the government believed that competition was necessary to make prices for goods acceptable to consumers.

Today, if an enterprise is looking for ways to increase profits only by reducing production costs, it will sooner or later go out of business. Soon the management of this enterprise will become convinced that, with all their imagination, using all their creative abilities, they will not be able to reduce the level of production costs in their company below a certain limit. At the same time, if management turns its gaze in the other direction and begins to look for ways to increase the company's income through increased sales, then limitless opportunities open up before it.

In this paper, an attempt is made to analyze the main directions of the company’s activities in the field of marketing in modern competitive conditions. The practical demand for this type of research indicates the relevance of this problem, which determined the choice of topic course project.

The main goal of the course project is to organize the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The set goal necessitated the solution of a number of interdependent tasks:

Characterize the object of study and the main economic indicators

Analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The subject of the research is applied problems of organizing marketing activities of an enterprise.

The object of the study is a set of marketing activities of an enterprise aimed at increasing the efficiency of enterprise management.

The informative basis of the study is the works of Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the field of marketing, materials of scientific conferences, periodical press, and annual reports of the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the research object and main economic indicators of activity

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise

The limited liability company was created in 2004 to carry out joint economic activities and generate profit. may carry out any types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main activity of the LLC is construction, dismantling and installation of construction projects. acts on the basis of the Charter. The highest governing body of the company is the meeting of participants. The Chairman of the meeting is elected from among the participants, who organizes the keeping of minutes. For the ongoing management of the company’s activities, the meeting of participants appoints a director of the company, who is accountable to the meeting of participants and does not have the right to make decisions that are binding only for the company’s participants. The audit of the activities of the company's officials is carried out by the audit commission (auditor) on behalf of the meeting of participants.

The company is an independent economic entity and has the rights of a legal entity. has separate property in its ownership, as well as an independent balance sheet, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights, enter into all types of civil contracts with other business entities, bear responsibilities, dispose of property, be a plaintiff or defendant in an arbitration court.

The main activities are:

Work associated with increased danger industrial production and objects

Construction of buildings and structures of 11th level of responsibility

Civil works. Installation of lightweight enclosing structures

Sanitary work. Work on the installation of external engineering networks, communications and equipment

Installation of steel structures

Work on the installation of internal engineering systems and electrical equipment

Installation of technological equipment

Commissioning works

Commercial and intermediary activities

Trade and procurement activities

Opening of stores, departments and other retail outlets

Woodworking. manufacturing of joinery products, sales of products

Providing household services to the population (repair household appliances, cars, transport and operational services), including car service

Purchase from the population and producers, production, processing and sale of agricultural and food products

Maintaining foreign economic activity in accordance with established legislation

Wholesale trade in energy resources.

Cut out.

2.2. Customer base analysis

A customer database is a database containing information about all the company's customers who have ever purchased something from the company. Based on the client base, one way or another, one can judge the company’s policy towards clients: who becomes a client of the company, what kind of work is carried out with clients, who terminates cooperation.

In addition, sometimes information about a company’s potential clients is also included in the client base, but in this article we will mainly consider working with real clients.

Analysis of the customer base always provides a lot of new, valuable, and sometimes unexpected information. The language of numbers, which is used in the analysis, allows you to see the objective side of the sales situation and go beyond the “subjective picture of the seller” that the transaction was successful. The analysis presents answers to the questions “profitable - unprofitable”, and not “liked - didn’t like”, since it is quite obvious that the seller, involved in a complex multifaceted, emotional sales process, does not always notice those objective things that can be seen from the outside , or by performing an analysis.

IN general view, when analyzing the company’s client base, we get answers to the questions:

Which clients account for the largest sales volume and revenue?

Does cooperation with them bring significant income to the company (does the volume of discounts and benefits exceed the benefits of large purchases)

Which clients make purchases most frequently (ensure quick turnover)

Which of the other clients “devour” income (as a rule, this applies to those clients whose total sales volume does not exceed 15-20% of total revenue)

Which of your clients work with your target consumer.

Indeed, often with continuous growth in sales volume and expansion of the customer base, the company’s level of profitability decreases. One of the common reasons for this situation is the company’s unfocused activity. That is, they either worked with clients who were unprofitable for the company (for example, due to the specificity of their demand), or worked on unfavorable terms, agreeing to any demands of clients, just to retain them, or took a passive position and did not try to make any attempts to “ development” of the client, expansion of his order.

Cut out.

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The company under study is engaged in the following activities:

Carrying out civil works for the construction of buildings

Carrying out general construction work for the construction of other buildings and structures not included in other groups

Electrical installation work

Production of finishing works.

successfully cooperates with the Safonovo Municipality and the plant.” Avangard plant. Among the company's clients are both individuals and legal entities from different regions Russia, including: Moscow, Tver, Smolensk and other regions.

Name of work performed by the enterprise: laying the foundation, building the box, building the roof. electrical work. plumbing work, interior decoration, floor finishing, installation of windows and doors, landscaping.

In 2009, there was a significant decline in production, and the enterprise's activities became less profitable. The company does not produce products for its own needs; all products are sold.

The largest volume of the year is occupied by the construction of the box. In second place in terms of volume of services provided in the year is laying the foundation, in third place is roofing construction.

The company carried out the largest number of transactions in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. both in 2008 and 2009.

The main competitors of the company are:

Construction company "Temp"

Construction company "Megalit"

Construction company "Rant".

The largest market share among them is occupied by:

2. Construction company "Temp" - 25%

3. Construction company "Megalit" - 15%

4. Construction company "Rant" - 10%.

The most prestigious brand is the company under study.

Most of the company's products are in the "Stars" segment.

In 2009, marketing costs decreased significantly. This is due to a decrease in production volumes.


1. Adams S. Successful sale. Practical guide for the seller. – M. Amalfeya, 2003. – 224 p.

2. Aleksunin V. A. Marketing in industries and spheres of activity. – M. Marketing, 2002. – 516.

3. Golubkov E. P. Marketing research: theory, practice and methodology. – From “Finpres”, 2005. – 464 p.

4. Kumar V. Aaker D. Day George S. Marketing Research. – 2004, 848 p.

5. Marketing in industries and fields of activity: Textbook / Ed. Aleskulina V. A. – M: Publishing and book trading center “Marketing”, 2001. – 516 p.

6. Matantsev A. N. 600 ways to promote a brand. – Iz-vo “Business and Service”, 2003. – 352 p.

7. Churchill G. A. Marketing research. – From “Peter”, 2008. – 752 p.

Sample characteristics for a company employee

Characteristics of Nikolai Vasilyevich Zakharov, born in 1981, an employee of the Zarya company in the city of Svatovo

Nikolay Vasilievich Zakharov has been an employee of the Zarya company in the city of Svatovo since May 2000. During his time at the company, he established himself as a diligent, disciplined, attentive person.

The employee performs his duties responsibly. Performs his work at a high level.

Nikolai Vasilyevich has a creative mindset, and during his time working at the company, he received several awards. At his workplace he is always attentive, neat, and helps his colleagues at work.

Before carrying out instructions, the company administration treats it in good faith. He was appointed Deputy Director for Sales. Actively participated in the development advanced technologies in the production process.

Nikolai Vasilyevich, a cheerful, reasonable, disciplined person. He is respected among his colleagues. Has authority among management. Has no public complaints.

A good family man. Has a family. Zakharov's wife Nina Pavlovna. Children: son Zakharov Nikolai Nikolaevich, daughter Zakharova Vera Nikolaevna.

He had no criminal record and was not involved in the police.

The specification has been issued for provision at the place of request.

General characteristics of organizations

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A sociotechnical system is a work system consisting of a technical subsystem, a personnel subsystem, an external environment interacting with the organization, and an organizational design.

Currently, the concept of a sociotechnical system is actively used in macroeconomic analysis and the design of effective work systems.

An organization is the unification of a group of people to achieve strategic goals or perform a certain amount of work.

The organization unites people who, with its help, realize their own interests, including those before society. And society, in turn, contacts them through organizations. According to one of the leading experts in the field of management of the mid-20th century, Chester Bernard, “people are encouraged to unite in organizations and interact within their framework by the physical and biological limitations inherent in each individual.” In an organization, people complement each other, combine their abilities, which makes them stronger in the struggle for survival.

For successful management, an organization must be able to adapt and respond to problems that arise in the world. social environment to make this environment more favorable to the organization. Expenditures on social responsibility are justified by the fact that various segments of society are improving, as well as by improving public attitudes towards the company. This should lead to increased consumer loyalty to product manufacturers, a reduction in the level of regulatory government intervention and a general improvement in the state of society. Organizations must analyze their own direct actions and their environment and select social responsibility programs that will most benefit that environment.

To summarize, social responsibility for a company means more than just philanthropic activities. The implication is that the organization acts responsibly and in accordance with the concerns and hopes of the general public. Based on the above, the topic of the work has a fairly high degree of relevance. Purpose of the work: is to study the consideration of an organization as a sociotechnical structure.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

Define the concept, types, characteristics, General characteristics organizations

Study the main types of organizations in relation to their members

Find out what is included in the internal and external environment of the organization

Analyze the interaction between a person and an organization

Explore organizational culture and company philosophy

Learn all aspects of social responsibility

Determine what the ethics of a business or organization are

Analyze all of the above using the example of a specific organization. The object of the study is the organization, and the subject of the study is the sociotechnical aspect within the organization and surrounding it. Structure of the work: this work consists of an introduction, 10 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references containing 3 sources. The list of used literature consists of: textbooks.

1. Concept, types, characteristics, general characteristics of the organization

Organization is a multifaceted concept. In management theory, an organization is understood as a group of individuals interacting with each other through material, economic, legal and other conditions in order to solve the problems they face and achieve a common goal.

The organization, in this understanding, is subject to the following requirements. The first is the presence of at least two people who consider themselves part of this group. Secondly, there must be at least one goal (i.e., a desired end state or result) that is accepted as common by all members of the group. And thirdly, in order to achieve a goal that is meaningful to everyone, a certain relationship between group members is necessary.

Organizations are divided into 2 types:

Social - designed to satisfy the needs and interests of the population.

Production and economic - organizations that create material values in society.

Signs of organization are:

1) The presence of at least one goal that unites members of the organization. The officially stated goal gives meaning to the existence of the enterprise and determines the main direction of its activities. One of the main goals of any commercial organization is to make a profit

2) Separateness lies in the closedness of internal processes and the presence of boundaries separating a given organization from the external environment. Borders can be both material - in the form of walls and fences, and immaterial - in the form of prohibitions, restrictions, rules

3) Division of labor presupposes that members of the organization perform different functions

4) The existence of connections between elements of the organization helps ensure their mutual support. The connections between the elements of an organization are economic, technological, informational, social and managerial.

5) Self-regulation is the ability of an organization to independently resolve issues of internal life, taking into account the current situation and external instructions. This activity is carried out by an external center, the purpose of which is to coordinate the efforts and work of people to achieve the integrity of the organization

6) Organizational culture is a system of values, symbols, patterns of behavior and beliefs that determine the nature of relationships and the line of behavior of employees within enterprises, and at the external level. The fusion of subjective and objective elements forms the basis of a management culture, which can include leadership style, ways of solving problems, and the nature of behavior of managers. Vesnin V.R. Management M. 2006 - 54 p.

To achieve its intended goals, any organization needs resources to be transformed in the process of production activities. The main resources used by the organization are people (human resources), fixed and working capital, technology and information. The main task of the organization in the field of using resources is to achieve goals with: minimum costs and maximum efficiency.

Organizations are completely dependent on the world around them, both in relation to their markets and in relation to consumers. The term “external environment” includes economic conditions, consumers, trade unions, government acts, legislation, competing organizations, value systems in society, technology and technology.

The division of all work into its component components between the participants in the labor process is a horizontal division of labor. The work is distributed according to professional criteria. The classic example of horizontal division of labor in a manufacturing enterprise is production, marketing and finance. They represent the main activities that must be successfully completed for the organization to achieve its goals.

The vertical division of labor separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management. The vertical division of labor is carried out in the following directions:

general guidance

technological manual

economic management

operational management

personnel management.

All organizations, regardless of their areas of activity, have a structure that gives them integrity and the ability to realize their mission (purpose).

2. Main types of organizations in relation to their members

If we talk about the status of an organization in relation to its members, then in this sense organizations are primary and secondary. Primacy means that the organization for the people it unites acts as a kind of external reality, formed and existing independently of them. By joining an already existing organization, people recognize its supremacy over themselves, the inability to influence the solution of fundamental issues, obey its requirements, act in accordance with the rules it establishes, which indicates the primacy and absolute priority of the organization over them. An example of a primary organization is a government agency, which as a structure arises on the basis of a decision of higher authorities, and is then filled with people.

Secondary organizations are created, on the contrary, by their members, who endow them with certain rights and resources, establishing the “rules of the game”, which certain conditions ready to obey. They exist in two forms: corporate and associative organizations. Let's take a closer look at them.

Corporate organizations include those whose members are ready to sacrifice their own sovereignty to a certain extent to achieve their goals. The organization harmonizes these individual goals and promotes their achievement by subordinating the common goal, which formally serves as its goal. To do this, it must have some independence from the participants and temporary priority in relation to them. An example of this type of organization is a joint-stock company, which, in the interval between meetings of participants, dictates its will to them, and the latter obey its decisions. At the same time, at the meeting itself, they determine the fate of the organization, strategy and prospects for its development. Therefore, the priority of the corporation is conditional.

An organization of an associative type is created by its members for the daily coordination of their activities without losing their sovereignty, therefore they do not even have a conditional priority over them. Decisions here are made by general consent, and the principle of alignment of interests, protected by the right of veto on the part of the minority, strictly applies. This ensures that the interests of the organization's members prevail over the interests of the organization itself.

Based on the characteristics of the interaction of individual elements, organizations are divided into mechanistic and organic. The first are characterized by the inviolability of boundaries, the predominance of rigid “vertical” connections, the official nature of relations, comprehensive regulation and programmed activities resembling work technical devices, for example hours. When solving simple repetitive tasks in a stable environment and certain prospects, this is often even useful.

Such organizations usually demand unconditional loyalty from their members, limit freedom of information, actions, statements, and ignore people’s opinions and their very personality. Mechanistic in nature are all government organizations, as well as large and medium-sized commercial firms operating in traditional sectors of the economy, weakly exposed to the influence of scientific and technological progress and competition. However, today there are fewer and fewer of these zones of quiet existence. Today's life is characterized by instability of the economic situation, uncertainty of situations, constant change of priorities, connections, and guidelines. Success here can be achieved by organizations operating on the basis of completely different principles - the so-called organic ones.

The latter are characterized by such features as blurred boundaries, significant independence of individual units, their broad specialization, weak hierarchy, few rules and procedures, freedom to choose activity options, assessment of results based on real market effects rather than centrally established indicators, and the predominance of informal relations.

At the same time, they are not free from many shortcomings, therefore, in practice, depending on the nature of production and economic activity, traditions, abilities of the team and management, there is often a reasonable combination of both forms.

From the point of view of the legitimacy of the activities of organizations, they can be divided into official and unofficial. Official ones are created to solve specific production, economic and other problems, are legally legitimized, exist in a certain legal space, and their activities are regulated by relevant regulations. In such organizations, there are two types of relationships: official - between positions and informal (informal) between living people, personalities.

Unofficial organizations develop spontaneously and exist as a set of legally undocumented, mostly non-official contacts between people pursuing certain personal goals, the achievement of which is not ensured by their membership in official organizations. Based on the nature of the connections, such organizations are often called informal. Vikhansky O.S. Management. - M., 2006 -108 p.

3. Internal and external environment of the organization

Each social control system has its own internal environment and is connected with the external environment in which it exists. The main internal variables of an organization are goals, structure, objectives, technology and people.

Goals are the desired results that a person or organization seeks to achieve. During the planning process, management develops goals and communicates them to organizational members. This process is a powerful coordination mechanism because it allows members of the organization to know what they should be aiming for.

The structure of an organization is the logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, built in a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Tasks are prescribed work, a series of work, or a piece of work that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined time frame.

Technology is any means by which inputs to production are converted into outputs; it includes machines, mechanisms, tools, infrastructure, skills and knowledge.

People are the central factor in any management model. The results of the organization’s work, the quantity and quality of products produced (or services provided) ultimately depend on their activities.

All internal variables are interrelated. Taken together, they are considered as sociotechnical subsystems. A change in one of them affects all others to a certain extent. Improvements in one variable, such as technology, may not necessarily lead to increased productivity if those changes have a negative impact on another variable, such as people.

Information about the internal environment of the company is necessary for management to determine the internal capabilities, the potential that the company can count on in the competitive struggle to achieve set goals. Analysis of the internal environment also allows you to better understand the goals and objectives of the organization. It is important that in addition to producing products and providing services, the organization provides an opportunity for existence for its employees, creates certain social conditions for their lives activities.

Analysis of the internal environment is carried out in the following directions:

production: volume, structure, production rates, product range of the enterprise, availability of raw materials and materials, level of reserves, speed of their use , inventory control system, available equipment stock and the degree of its use, reserve capacity, technical efficiency of capacity of production locations and availability of information structures, production ecology, quality control, costs and quality of technology patents, trademarks, etc.

personnel: structure, potential, qualifications, number of employees, labor productivity, staff turnover, labor costs, interests and needs of employees

management organization: organizational structure, management system level of management, qualifications, abilities and interests of senior management corporate culture g and company image organization of the communication system

marketing: products produced by the company, market share, ability to collect necessary information about markets, distribution and sales channels, marketing budget and its execution, marketing e plans and innovation programs image, reputation and product quality sales promotion, advertising, pricing

finance and accounting: financial stability and solvency, profitability and profitability (by products, regions, sales channels, intermediaries) own and borrowed funds and Their relationship is an effective accounting system, including cost accounting, budgeting, and profit planning.

The success of an organization also critically depends on forces external to it and operating in the global external environment. Organizations are forced to adapt to their environment in order to survive and remain effective.

External factors are usually divided into two large groups: forces of direct and indirect influence on the organization from the outside (Fig. 1.1).

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Rice. 1.1 Elements of the direct and indirect impact environment

The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the organization's activities. These include suppliers, shareholders, labor resources, laws and government regulatory agencies, trade unions, consumers and competitors.

The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization, but affect its functioning. We are talking about factors such as the state of the economy, scientific and technological progress, sociocultural and political changes, the influence of group interests and events that are significant for the organization in other countries.

The following main characteristics of the external environment are distinguished:

interconnectedness of environmental factors - the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. A change in any environmental factor may cause changes in others

complexity of the external environment - the number of factors to which the organization must respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor

environmental mobility is the speed with which changes occur in the organization's environment. Environment modern organizations changes with increasing speed. The mobility of the external environment may be higher for some parts of the organization and lower for others. In a highly fluid environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions.

uncertainty of the external environment is the relationship between the amount of information about the environment that an organization has and the confidence in the accuracy of this information. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

4. Person and organization, their interaction

Systematically, human behavior in an organization can be presented from two positions: 1) from the position of interaction of a person with the organizational environment (in this case, the person is at the center of the model) and 2) from the position of an organization that includes individuals (in this case, the organization as a whole is starting point of consideration).

If the starting point in considering the interaction between a person and the organizational environment is a person, the model of this interaction can be described as follows (Fig. 1.2).

* A person, interacting with the organizational environment, receives stimulating influences from it that encourage action.

* A person, under the influence of stimulating signals from the organizational environment, carries out certain actions.

* Actions carried out by a person lead to the performance of certain jobs and at the same time have a certain impact on the organizational environment.

Fig 1.2 Model of inclusion of a person in the organizational environment

In this model, the organizational environment includes those elements of the organizational environment that interact with a person. Stimuli cover the full range of possible stimuli, which may include speech and written signals, the actions of other people, light signals, etc. In the model, a person appears as a biological and social being with certain physiological and other kinds of needs, experience, knowledge, skills, morals, values, etc. The results of the work consist of two parts. The first is what a person has achieved for himself by responding to incentives, what problems he has solved caused by stimulating influences. The second is what he did for the organizational environment, for the organization in response to the incentives that the organization applied to the person. When considering the interaction of a person with the organizational environment from the perspective of the organization as a whole, the system model of this interaction has the following form (Fig. 1.3).

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Rice. 1.3 Model of inclusion of a person in the organizational environment from the perspective of the organization

An organization as a single organism that has an input, a transformer and an output, interacting with the external environment in a certain way, corresponding to the nature and content of this interaction, includes a person as an element of the organization in the process of organizational and material exchange between the organization and the environment. In this model, a person is considered as an integral part of the input and acts as a resource of the organization, which it, along with other resources, uses in its activities.

In this work, consideration of human interaction with the organizational environment will be given from the perspective of the first model. A person’s work in an organization is a process of constant interaction with the organizational environment. This is a very complex and multifaceted process, which is extremely important for both parties. Often this process is painful for both parties. It's very difficult to debug.

Every person entering a new organization faces many problems of interaction with the organizational environment. Many collisions also arise in the organizational environment, since it necessarily undergoes deformations and changes with the advent of a new member in the organization.

In the future, painless interaction between the individual and the environment within the organization can be established. In its most general form, the organizational environment is that part of the organization that a person encounters during his work in it. First of all this workplace and his immediate environment.

However, for most people, the organizational environment is much broader than their workplace and includes such characteristics and components of the organization as production profile, position in the industry, market position, size of the organization, its location, leadership, organizational structure, rules of conduct and internal regulations, working conditions , payment system, social guarantee system, philosophy of organization, communication, labor relations, colleagues and much more.

The possibility of a person’s inclusion in an organizational environment, called socialization, depends not only on the characteristics of this environment, but equally on the characteristics of the person. Each person has a multifaceted personality structure, and he interacts with the organization not as a mechanism performing specific actions and operations, but as a rational and conscious being with aspirations, desires, emotions, mood, imagination, sharing certain beliefs and following a certain morality .

In each specific situation of the emergence of difficulties and problems in the interaction of a person with the organizational environment, specific reasons corresponding to the given situation that gave rise to these problems can be found.

However, despite the situational nature of these problems, it is possible to point out two fundamental points that underlie most of the reasons that cause misunderstanding, opposition and conflicts in human interaction with the organizational environment.

These points are:

* expectations and ideas of the individual about the organizational environment and his place in it

* the organization's expectations regarding the individual and his role in it.

Having a certain idea of ​​himself and his capabilities, possessing certain knowledge about the organization, having certain intentions regarding the organization and, finally, based on his goals and current capabilities, the individual interacts with the organization, intending to take a certain place in it, perform a certain work and receive a certain remuneration.

The organization, in accordance with its goals, organizational structure, specifications and content of work, intends to hire an employee with the appropriate qualifications and personal characteristics so that he plays a certain role in the organization, performing a certain job, giving the required result, for which a certain reward is due (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4 The basis of conflict in the interaction of an individual and an organization

Very often, it is the discrepancy between the role that an organization offers a person and his claims to occupy a certain place in the organization that is the basis of the conflict between a person and the organizational environment.

There are two possible approaches to establishing role-place matching. The first approach is that the role is fundamental in establishing this correspondence; in the second approach, the starting point is the place to which the person is applying and his potential for performing roles. In the first approach, a person is selected to perform a specific job, perform a specific function, i.e. to fulfill a specific role in the organization. In the second approach, a job is selected for a person in such a way that it best matches his capabilities and his claims to a certain place in the organization (Fig. 1.5)

Brief description of the organization

Andrey Nesterov. 05/11/2010

When completing course work or a diploma in economic disciplines, it is necessary to characterize the basic enterprise that is the object of research.

Characteristics of the organization in coursework or in diploma work- this is a kind of report about the enterprise, on the basis of which research is carried out on a specific subject.

The section Brief description of the organization briefly outlines the main characteristics of the organization, which are given in the assignment for the course work or diploma.

In addition, a brief description of the organization must be supplemented with information that more fully reveals certain aspects of the organization’s activities.

The management functions, planning system and long-term and short-term goals of the organization are revealed.

Brief description of the organization - contents

A brief description of the organization is usually the first paragraph of the analytical or practical part of the diploma or coursework. When writing coursework and a diploma, you must consider the following: in entrepreneurial business, there are two types of organizations: enterprise and firm. The difference between them is that:

  • An enterprise is an organization in the form of a plant, factory, store, bank, etc., which performs one or more functions of production, commerce, or provision of services.
  • A company is an organization that owns one or more enterprises and carries out its activities at them.
  • Brief description of the organization in course work and the diploma is drawn up according to the scheme below:

  • General information about the company: name, company address, country of registration.
  • Form of organization of the company.
  • Type of economic activity of the company: industrial trade, freight forwarding, consulting, etc.
  • Range of products produced, services provided: main goods or groups of goods, specialization services.
  • The most important counterparty firms and competing firms in the main types of products produced or sold.
  • Number of employees, incl. management personnel.
  • A brief description of the organization necessarily contains a description of the form of the organization, which determines the general conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. In a brief description of the organization, it is necessary to describe how this form of ownership (for example, an individual entrepreneur, a partnership or limited liability company, a closed or open joint-stock company) differs from others.

    Brief description of the organization - management aspect

    Besides, in brief description of the organization management and planning functions need to be considered. These are fundamental aspects of the activity of any enterprise, without which its existence is not possible. You need to rely on the actual state of planning and the use of management functions in the enterprise, and not describe “how it should be.”

    A brief description of the organization does not allow the use of theoretical texts from textbooks. Only an independent description of the base enterprise.

    The management functions in the brief characteristics of the organization contain a rationale for the approach on which the choice of management functions is based. It is necessary to describe who is responsible for the implementation of management functions and delegation of authority, if any. The management methods used in the enterprise should also be described. If this is discussed in more detail in other paragraphs of the diploma or coursework, then there is no need to specifically talk about it as part of a brief description.

    Planning at an enterprise can be organized in several forms, and can also be centralized, decentralized or combined. A brief description of the organization should contain a description of the features of the planning system at the enterprise, and it is also necessary to identify those responsible for planning at the enterprise. In addition, there are two main stages in planning: strategic planning and implementation of the chosen strategy. The organization profile may also include a description of these stages. But again, if the elements of the planning system are analyzed in detail in another section of the coursework or diploma, then it is inappropriate to describe them within the framework of a brief description.

    Brief description of the organization - results

    At the end of the paragraph, you should summarize the results, which are expressed in the form of a statement of company-wide goals. Company-wide goals are formulated and established based on the overall mission of the organization and the defined values ​​and goals that senior management focuses on. A brief description of the organization ends with the formulation of the enterprise’s mission and the identification of goals. In this case, goals should be specific, measurable if possible, time-oriented, long-term or short-term, achievable and cross-supported.

    To do this, in a brief description of the organization you must:

  • Formulate and divide the organization's goals into long-term, medium-term and short-term/
  • Formulate the goals of performers based on constructing a tree of goals.
  • Next:

    • Characteristics for VTEK sample filling for students
    April 01, 2019


    Determine what phase of the life cycle the enterprise you are considering is in (inception, growth, maturity, decline (“rejuvenation”)). Each stage of the life cycle has its own that must be taken into account. These features include: functional priorities, research and development (R&D), production, marketing, product distribution, personnel policies, financial policy, standards and control.

    Complete the description enterprises. Describe how effectively management and communication between organizational units is carried out. Review the job responsibilities of management personnel enterprises. Determine the effectiveness of the control system enterprises. Describe the ratio of all categories of employees (managers, specialists, employees, junior service personnel) in their total number. Determine the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure, suggest ways to change if necessary.

    A document describing personal and business qualities, work activities and acquired skills is drawn up HR department enterprises. Most often, a reference from the place of work is required by students following the results of practical training, as well as by employees intending to change their place of work.


    There is no strict form for such a document. But there are several generally accepted rules, knowing which you can easily create the necessary characteristics. First, you need to know that you can do it by hand or use a computer. Of course, the second is preferable. In this case, insert the standard one into the printer and start typing text, starting with specifying the details.

    Write “Characteristics” in the center of the document sheet. Below please provide the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, position and title organizations. Next, proceed to filling out the section reserved for personal data. Here indicate the date of the employee, his education (indicating the time of training and titles educational institutions), qualifications in accordance with regulatory documents, scientific titles (if any).

    In the next part, describe his work activity at this enterprise. Start by indicating the date he was hired and the position for which he was hired. Report changes in the type of activity within the enterprise, career growth, job responsibilities, work performed, advanced training, etc.

    Next, indicate his personal and business. Personal skills include communication skills, team building skills, friendliness, moral principles etc. When describing business qualities, emphasis should be placed on his ability to work, his propensity for analytical, leadership or other work. Especially note his desire for professionalism through self-education, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and experience to obtain high work results. In addition, depending on the type of his activity, it is worth paying attention to such features as punctuality, commitment or creativity and initiative.

    In conclusion of his work at your company. In relation to the accumulated experience and demonstrated knowledge, one can use the terms “extensive experience”, “sufficient level of skills”, “good specialist”, etc. Be sure to justify your assessment with a brief transcript. For example, write about high quality work performed or lack of required experience and unwillingness to learn.

    Sign characteristics should the manager organizations. It is also acceptable to place an additional immediate supervisor or personnel officer here. In addition, be sure to certify the document with the seal of the company. For characteristics compiled at the request of third-party companies, this fact must also be indicated, reflecting data about the company that requested the document.


    The characteristics are drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the requesting party, and the other remains at the enterprise.

    Tip 3: How to create an organizational structure for an enterprise

    The effective functioning of any organization, public or commercial, depends on how well its activities are structured. To do this, it is necessary to draw up the organizational structure of the enterprise: determine management levels and functional blocks, methods of interaction between them, and, in addition, resolve personnel issues. The organizational structure establishes the optimal number and composition of the required units and the subordination of positions.


    When drawing up the optimal organizational structure, you must take into account the goals that are set for your enterprise, the tasks that it will solve, and take into account external factors that influence its activities. This will ensure effective interaction with the external environment. Effective structuring will allow you to optimize staff efforts, meet the requirements and needs of consumers of your products, and achieve your goals. At the initial stage, you will need to analyze the company's activities.

    Bibliographic description:

    Nesterov A.K. Brief description of the organization [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

    When completing course work or a diploma in economic disciplines, it is necessary to characterize the basic enterprise that is the object of research.

    The characteristics of an organization in a coursework or dissertation are a kind of report about the enterprise on the basis of which the study of a specific subject is carried out.

    The section briefly outlines the main characteristics of the organization, which are given in the assignment for the course work or diploma.

    Besides, brief description of the organization it is necessary to supplement with information that more fully reveals certain aspects of the organization’s activities.

    The management functions, planning system and long-term and short-term goals of the organization are revealed.

    Brief description of the organization - contents

    It is usually the first paragraph of the analytical or practical part of a diploma or coursework.

    When writing coursework and a diploma, you must consider the following: in entrepreneurial business, there are two types of organizations: enterprise and firm. The difference between them is that:

    • An enterprise is an organization in the form of a plant, factory, store, bank, etc., which performs one or more functions of production, commerce, or provision of services.
    • A company is an organization that owns one or more enterprises and carries out its activities at them.

    The course work and diploma are compiled according to the scheme below:

    • General information about the company: name, company address, country of registration.
    • Form of organization of the company.
    • Type of economic activity of the company: industrial; trading; freight forwarding; consulting, etc.
    • Range of products produced and services provided: main goods or groups of goods, services; specialization.
    • The most important counterparty firms and competing firms in the main types of products produced or sold.
    • Number of employees, incl. management personnel.

    It must contain a description of the form of organization that determines the general conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. IN it is necessary to describe how this form of ownership (for example, individual entrepreneur, partnership or limited liability company, closed or open joint stock company) differs from others.

    Brief description of the organization - management aspect

    Besides, in brief description of the organization management and planning functions need to be considered. These are fundamental aspects of the activity of any enterprise, without which its existence is not possible. You need to rely on the actual state of planning and the use of management functions in the enterprise, and not describe “how it should be.”

    does not allow the use of theoretical texts from textbooks. Only an independent description of the base enterprise.

    The management functions in the brief characteristics of the organization contain a rationale for the approach on which the choice of management functions is based. It is necessary to describe who is responsible for the implementation of management functions and delegation of authority, if any. The management methods used in the enterprise should also be described. If this is discussed in more detail in other paragraphs of the diploma or coursework, then there is no need to specifically talk about it as part of a brief description.

    Planning at an enterprise can be organized in several forms, and can also be centralized, decentralized or combined. should contain a description of the features of the planning system at the enterprise, and it is also necessary to identify those responsible for planning at the enterprise. In addition, there are two main stages in planning: strategic planning and implementation of the chosen strategy.

    Brief description of the organization - results

    At the end of the paragraph, you should summarize the results, which are expressed in the form of a statement of company-wide goals. Company-wide goals are formulated and established based on the overall mission of the organization and the defined values ​​and goals that senior management focuses on.

    To do this, in a brief description of the organization you must:

    • Formulate and divide the organization's goals into long-term, medium-term and short-term/
    • Formulate the goals of performers based on constructing a tree of goals.

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