Who serves in the temple? Titles in the Russian Orthodox Church

The hierarchical principle and structure must be observed in any organization, including the Russian Orthodox Church, which has its own church hierarchy. Surely every person who attends services or is otherwise involved in the activities of the church paid attention to the fact that each clergyman has a certain rank and status. This is expressed in different colors attire, type of headdress, presence or absence of jewelry, the right to perform certain sacred rites.

Hierarchy of clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church

Russian clergy Orthodox Church can be divided into two large groups:

  • white clergy (those who can marry and have children);
  • black clergy (those who renounced worldly life and accepted monastic orders).

Ranks in the white clergy

Even the Old Testament scripture says that before the Nativity, the prophet Moses appointed people whose task was to become an intermediate link in God’s communication with people. In the modern church system, this function is performed by white priests. The lower representatives of the white clergy do not have holy orders; they include: altar boy, psalm-reader, subdeacon.

Altar boy is a person who assists the clergyman in conducting services. Such people are also called sextons. Staying in this rank is a mandatory step before receiving holy orders. The person performing the duties of an altar server is secular, that is, he has the right to leave the church if he changes his mind about connecting his life with serving the Lord.

His responsibilities include:

  • Timely lighting of candles and lamps, monitoring their safe combustion;
  • Preparation of priests' robes;
  • Offer prosphora, Cahors and other attributes of religious rites in a timely manner;
  • Light a fire in the censer;
  • Bring a towel to your lips during communion;
  • Maintenance internal order in church premises.

If necessary, the altar server can ring bells and read prayers, but he is forbidden to touch the throne and be between the altar and the Royal Doors. The altar boy wears ordinary clothes, with a surplice on top.

Acolyte(otherwise known as a reader) is another representative of the white lower clergy. His main responsibility: reading prayers and words from holy scripture (as a rule, they know 5-6 main chapters from the Gospel), explaining to people the basic tenets of the life of a true Christian. For special merits he may be ordained subdeacon. This procedure is carried out by a cleric of higher rank. The psalm-reader is allowed to wear a cassock and skufia.

Subdeacon- assistant to the priest in conducting services. His attire: surplice and orarion. When blessed by the bishop (he can also elevate the psalmist or altar server to the rank of subdeacon), the subdeacon receives the right to touch the throne, as well as enter the altar through the Royal Doors. His task is to wash the hands of the priest during services and give him the items necessary for the rituals, for example, ripids and trikirium.

Church ranks of the Orthodox Church

The above-mentioned church ministers do not have holy orders, and, therefore, are not clergy. These are ordinary people living in the world, but wanting to become closer to God and church culture. They are accepted into their positions with the blessing of clergy of higher rank.

Deaconate degree of clergy

Deacon- the lowest rank among all clergy with holy orders. His main task is to be the priest's assistant during worship; they are mainly engaged in reading the Gospel. Deacons do not have the right to conduct worship services independently. As a rule, they perform their service in parish churches. Gradually, this church rank is losing its significance, and their representation in the church is steadily declining. Deacon ordination (the procedure for elevation to the rank of ecclesiastical rank) is carried out by the bishop.

Protodeacon- chief deacon at a temple or church. In the last century, this rank was received by a deacon for special merits; currently, 20 years of service in a lower church rank are required. The protodeacon has a characteristic robe - an orarion with the words “Holy! Holy! Holy." As a rule, these are people with a beautiful voice (they perform psalms and sing at services).

Presbytery Degree of Ministers

Priest translated from Greek means “priest.” Minor title of the white clergy. The consecration is also carried out by the bishop (bishop). The duties of the priest include:

  • Conducting sacraments, divine services and other religious ceremonies;
  • Conducting communion;
  • To carry the covenants of Orthodoxy to the masses.

The priest does not have the right to consecrate antimensions (a cloth made of silk or linen with a particle of the relics of an Orthodox martyr sewn into it, located in the altar on the throne; required attribute for the full liturgy) and to perform the sacraments of ordination of the priesthood. Instead of a hood he wears a kamilavka.

Archpriest- a title awarded to representatives of the white clergy for special merits. The archpriest, as a rule, is the rector of the temple. His attire during services and church sacraments- stole and chasuble. An archpriest awarded the right to wear a miter is called a miter.

Several archpriests can serve in one cathedral. Ordination to the archpriest is carried out by the bishop with the help of consecration - the laying on of hands with prayer. Unlike consecration, it is carried out in the center of the temple, outside the altar.

Protopresbyter- the highest rank for members of the white clergy. Awarded in exceptional cases as a reward for special services to the church and society.

The highest church ranks belong to the black clergy, that is, such dignitaries are prohibited from having a family. A representative of the white clergy can also take this path if he renounces worldly life, and his wife supports her husband and takes monastic vows.

Also, dignitaries who become widowers take this path, since they do not have the right to remarry.

The ranks of the black clergy

These are people who have taken monastic vows. They are prohibited from marrying and having children. They completely renounce worldly life, taking vows of chastity, obedience and non-covetousness (voluntary renunciation of wealth).

The lower ranks of the black clergy have many similarities with the corresponding ranks of the white clergy. The hierarchy and responsibilities can be compared using the following table:

Corresponding rank of white clergy The rank of the black clergy A comment
Altar Boy/Psalm Reader Novice A lay person who has decided to become a monk. By decision of the abbot, he is enrolled in the brethren of the monastery, given a cassock and appointed probation. Upon completion, the novice can decide whether to become a monk or return to secular life.
Subdeacon Monk (monk) A member of a religious community who has taken three monastic vows and leads an ascetic lifestyle in a monastery or independently in solitude and hermitage. He does not have holy orders, therefore, he cannot perform divine services. Monastic tonsure is performed by the abbot.
Deacon Hierodeacon A monk with the rank of deacon.
Protodeacon Archdeacon Senior deacon in the black clergy. In the Russian Orthodox Church, an archdeacon serving under the patriarch is called a patriarchal archdeacon and belongs to the white clergy. In large monasteries, the chief deacon also has the rank of archdeacon.
Priest Hieromonk A monk who has the rank of priest. You can become a hieromonk after the ordination procedure, and white priests can become a monk through monastic tonsure.
Archpriest Initially - abbot Orthodox monastery. In the modern Russian Orthodox Church, the rank of abbot is given as a reward for hieromonk. Often the rank is not related to the management of the monastery. The initiation into hegumen is carried out by the bishop.
Protopresbyter Archimandrite One of the highest monastic ranks in the Orthodox Church. The conferment of dignity occurs through hirothesia. The rank of archimandrite is associated with administrative management and monastic leadership.

Episcopal degree of clergy

Bishop belongs to the category of bishops. In the process of ordination, they received the highest grace of God and therefore have the right to carry out any sacred actions, including the ordination of deacons. All bishops have the same rights, the eldest of them is the archbishop (has the same functions as the bishop; elevation to rank is carried out by the patriarch). Only the bishop has the right to bless the service with an antimis.

Wears a red robe and a black hood. The following address to a bishop is accepted: “Vladyka” or “Your Eminence.”

He is the leader of the local church - diocese. Chief priest of the district. Elected by the Holy Synod by order of the Patriarch. If necessary, a suffragan bishop is appointed to assist the diocesan bishop. Bishops bear a title that includes the name of the cathedral city. A candidate for bishop must be a representative of the black clergy and over 30 years of age.

Metropolitan- the highest title of bishop. Reports directly to the patriarch. Has a characteristic attire: a blue robe and hood white with a cross made of precious stones.

The rank is given for high merits to society and the church; it is the oldest, if you start counting from the formation of Orthodox culture.

Performs the same functions as a bishop, differing from him in the advantage of honor. Before the restoration of the patriarchate in 1917, there were only three episcopal sees in Russia, with which the rank of metropolitan was usually associated: St. Petersburg, Kiev and Moscow. IN currently There are more than 30 metropolitans in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch- the highest rank of the Orthodox Church, the main priest of the country. Official representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch is translated from Greek as “the power of the father.” He is elected at the Council of Bishops, to which the patriarch reports. This is a lifelong rank, deposition and excommunication of the person who received it, possible only in the most exceptional cases. When the place of the patriarch is not occupied (the period between the death of the previous patriarch and the election of a new one), his duties are temporarily performed by an appointed locum tenens.

Has primacy of honor among all bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. Carries out the management of the church together with the Holy Synod. Contacts with representatives of the Catholic Church and high dignitaries of other faiths, as well as with authorities state power. Issues decrees on the election and appointment of bishops, manages the institutions of the Synod. Receives complaints against bishops, giving them action, rewards clergy and laity with church awards.

A candidate for the patriarchal throne must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a higher theological education, be at least 40 years of age, and enjoy a good reputation and the trust of the church and people.

The emergence of Christianity is associated with the coming to earth of the son of God - Jesus Christ. He miraculously became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, grew and matured as a man. At the age of 33, he went to preach in Palestine, called twelve disciples, performed miracles, denounced the Pharisees and Jewish high priests.

He was arrested, tried and shamefully executed by crucifixion. On the third day he rose again and appeared to his disciples. On the 50th day after the resurrection, he was ascended to God’s chambers to his Father.

Christian worldview and dogmas

The Christian Church was formed more than 2 thousand years ago. Exact time its beginning is difficult to determine, since the events of its occurrence do not have documented official sources. Research on this issue is based on the books of the New Testament. According to these texts, the church arose after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (Feast of Pentecost) and the beginning of their preaching of the word of God among people.

The emergence of the apostolic church

The apostles, after gaining the ability to understand and speak all languages, went around the world preaching a new teaching based on love. This teaching was based on the Jewish tradition of worshiping one God, the foundations of which are set out in the books of the prophet Moses (the Pentateuch of Moses) - the Torah. The new faith proposed the concept of the Trinity, which distinguished three hypostases in the one God:

The main difference between Christianity was the priority of God's love over the law, while the law itself was not abolished, but supplemented.

Development and dissemination of the doctrine

The preachers followed from village to village; after their departure, the emerging adherents united into communities and led the recommended way of life, ignoring the old principles that contradict the new dogmas. Many officials of that time did not accept the emerging doctrine, which limited their influence and called into question many established positions. Persecution began, many followers of Christ were tortured and executed, but this only strengthened the spirit of Christians and expanded their ranks.

By the fourth century, communities had grown throughout the Mediterranean and even spread widely beyond its borders. The Emperor of Byzantium, Constantine, imbued with the depth of the new teaching and began to establish it within the boundaries of his empire. Three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, developed and structurally presented the teaching, approving the order of services, the formulation of dogmas and the canonicity of sources. The hierarchical structure is strengthened, and several local Churches emerge.

The further development of Christianity occurs rapidly and over vast areas, but at the same time two traditions of worship and dogma arise. They each develop along their own path, and in 1054 the final split occurs into Catholics who professed the Western tradition, and Orthodox supporters of the Eastern tradition. Mutual claims and accusations lead to the impossibility of mutual liturgical and spiritual communication. Catholic Church considers the Pope to be its head. The Eastern Church includes several patriarchates formed at different times.

Orthodox communities with patriarchal status

At the head of every patriarchy is a patriarch. Patriarchates may include Autocephalous Churches, Exarchates, Metropolises and Dioceses. The table lists modern churches that profess Orthodoxy and have the status of patriarchy:

  • Constantinople, founded by the Apostle Andrew in 38. Since 451 it receives the status of Patriarchate.
  • Alexandria. It is believed that its founder was the Apostle Mark around 42; in 451, the ruling bishop received the title of patriarch.
  • Antioch. Founded in the 30s AD. e. the apostles Paul and Peter.
  • Jerusalem. Tradition claims that at first (in the 60s) it was headed by relatives of Joseph and Mary.
  • Russian. Formed in 988, an autocephalous metropolitanate since 1448, a patriarchate introduced in 1589.
  • Georgian Orthodox Church.
  • Serbian. Receives autocephaly in 1219
  • Romanian. Since 1885 it officially receives autocephaly.
  • Bulgarian. In 870 it achieved autonomy. But only in 1953 was it recognized by the patriarchy.
  • Cyprus. Founded in 47 by the apostles Paul and Barnabas. Receives autocephaly in 431.
  • Hellas. Autocephaly was achieved in 1850.
  • Polish and Albanian Orthodox Churches. Gained autonomy in 1921 and 1926, respectively.
  • Czechoslovakian. The baptism of the Czechs began in the 10th century, but only in 1951 did they receive autocephaly from the Moscow Patriarchate.
  • Orthodox Church in America. It was recognized in 1998 by the Church of Constantinople and is considered the last Orthodox Church to receive patriarchy.

The head of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ. It is governed by its primate, the patriarch, and consists of church members, people who profess the teachings of the church, have undergone the sacrament of baptism, and regularly participate in divine services and sacraments. All people who consider themselves members are represented by the hierarchy in the Orthodox Church, the scheme of their division includes three communities - laity, clergy and clergy:

  • The laity are members of the church who attend services and take part in the sacraments performed by the clergy.
  • Clergymen are pious laymen who perform the obedience of clergy. They ensure the established functioning of church life. With their help, they clean, protect and decorate temples (workers), provide external conditions order of divine services and sacraments (readers, sextons, altar servers, subdeacons), economic activity churches (treasurers, elders), as well as missionary and educational work (teachers, catechists and educators).
  • Priests or clergy are divided into white and black clergy and include all church orders: deacons, priesthood and bishops.

The white clergy includes clergy who have undergone the sacrament of ordination, but have not taken monastic vows. Among the lower ranks, there are such titles as deacon and protodeacon, who have received grace to perform the required actions and help conduct the service.

The next rank is presbyter, they have the right to perform most of the sacraments accepted in the church, their ranks in the Orthodox Church in ascending order: priest, archpriest and the highest - mitred archpriest. People call them priests, priests or priests; their duties include being rectors of churches, heading parishes and associations of parishes (deaneries).

The black clergy includes members of the church who have taken monastic vows that limit the freedom of the monk. The tonsure into the ryassophore, the mantle and the schema are consistently distinguished. Monks usually live in a monastery. At the same time, the monk is given a new name. A monk who has been ordained as a deacon is transferred to hierodeacon; he is deprived of the opportunity to perform almost all the sacraments of the church.

After priestly ordination (performed only by a bishop, just as in the case of the ordination of a priest), the monk is given the rank of hieromonk, the right to perform many sacraments, to head parishes and deaneries. The following ranks in monasticism are called abbot and archimandrite or holy archimandrite. Wearing them presupposes occupying the position of senior leader of the monastery brethren and the monastery's economy.

The next hierarchical community is called the episcopate, it is formed only from the black clergy. In addition to bishops, archbishops and metropolitans are distinguished by seniority. The ordination of a bishop is called consecration and is carried out by a college of bishops. It is from this community that the leaders of dioceses, metropolises, and exarchates are appointed. It is customary for people to address the leaders of dioceses as bishop or bishop.

These are the signs that distinguish church members from other citizens.

In Orthodoxy there are secular clergy(priests who did not take monastic vows) and black clergy(monasticism)

Ranks of the white clergy:

Altar boy- the name given to a male layman who helps the clergy at the altar. The term is not used in canonical and liturgical texts, but became generally accepted in this meaning by the end of the 20th century. in many European dioceses in the Russian Orthodox Church the name “altar boy” is not generally accepted. In the Siberian dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church it is not used; instead of it in given value the more traditional term sexton is usually used, as well as novice. The sacrament of priesthood is not performed over the altar boy; he only receives a blessing from the rector of the temple to serve at the altar.
the duties of the altar server include monitoring the timely and correct lighting of candles, lamps and other lamps in the altar and in front of the iconostasis; preparation of vestments for priests and deacons; bringing prosphora, wine, water, incense to the altar; lighting the coal and preparing the censer; giving a fee for wiping the lips during Communion; assistance to the priest in performing the sacraments and requirements; cleaning the altar; if necessary, reading during the service and performing the duties of a bell-ringer. The altar boy is prohibited from touching the altar and its accessories, as well as from moving from one side of the altar to the other between the altar and the Royal Doors. The altar boy wears a surplice over secular clothing.

(acolyte; earlier, until the end of the 19th century - sexton, lat. lecturer) - in Christianity - the lowest rank of clergy, not elevated to the degree of priesthood, reading the texts of the Holy Scriptures and prayers during public worship. In addition, according to ancient tradition, the readers not only read in Christian churches, but also explained the meaning of difficult-to-understand texts, translated them into the languages ​​of their area, delivered sermons, taught converts and children, sang various hymns (chants), engaged in charity work, and had other church obediences. In the Orthodox Church, readers are ordained by bishops through a special rite - hirothesia, otherwise called “ordaining”. This is the first initiation of a layman, only after which can he be ordained as a subdeacon, and then ordained as a deacon, then as a priest and, higher, as a bishop (bishop). The reader has the right to wear a cassock, belt and skufia. During tonsure, a small veil is first put on him, which is then removed and a surplice is put on.

Subdeacon(Greek; colloquially (obsolete) subdeacon from Greek ??? - “under”, “below” + Greek. - minister) - a clergyman in the Orthodox Church, serving mainly with the bishop during his sacred rites, wearing in front of him in the indicated cases a trikirium, dikiriya and ripids, laying an eagle, washing his hands, vesting him and performing some other actions. In the modern Church, a subdeacon does not have a sacred degree, although he wears a surplice and has one of the accessories of the deaconate - an orarion, which is worn crosswise over both shoulders and symbolizes angelic wings. Being the most senior clergyman, the subdeacon is an intermediate link between clergy and clergy. Therefore, the subdeacon, with the blessing of the serving bishop, can touch the throne and the altar during divine services and at certain moments enter the altar through the Royal Doors.

Deacon(lit. form; colloquial) deacon; Old Greek - minister) - a person serving in church service at the first, lowest degree of priesthood.
In the Orthodox East and in Russia, deacons still occupy the same hierarchical position as in ancient times. Their job and significance is to be assistants during worship. They themselves cannot perform public worship and be representatives of the Christian community. Due to the fact that a priest can perform all services and services without a deacon, deacons cannot be considered absolutely necessary. On this basis, it is possible to reduce the number of deacons in churches and parishes. We resorted to such reductions to increase the salary of priests.

or protodeacon- title white clergy, chief deacon in the diocese at the cathedral. Title protodeacon complained in the form of a reward for special merits, as well as to the deacons of the court department. Protodeacon's insignia - protodeacon's orarion with the words " Holy, holy, holy“Currently, the title of protodeacon is usually given to deacons after 20 years of service in the priesthood. Protodeacons are often famous for their voice, being one of the main decorations of the divine service.

Priest- a term that passed from the Greek language, where it originally meant “priest,” into Christian church usage; literally translated into Russian - priest. In the Russian Church it is used as a junior title white priest. He receives from the bishop the authority to teach people the faith of Christ, to perform all the Sacraments, except the Sacrament of Ordination of the priesthood, and all church services, except for the consecration of antimensions.

Archpriest(Greek - “high priest”, from “first” + “priest”) - a title given to a person white clergy as a reward in the Orthodox Church. The archpriest is usually the rector of the temple. Ordination to the archpriest occurs through consecration. During divine services (except for the liturgy), priests (priests, archpriests, hieromonks) wear a phelonion (chasuble) and stole over their cassock and cassock.

Protopresbyter- the highest rank for a member of the white clergy in the Russian Church and in some other local churches. After 1917, it is assigned in isolated cases to priests of the priesthood as a reward; is not a separate degree. In the modern Russian Orthodox Church, the award of the rank of protopresbyter is carried out “in exceptional cases, for special church services, on the initiative and decision His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus'.

Black clergy:

Hierodeacon(hierodeacon) (from Greek - - sacred and - minister; Old Russian “black deacon”) - a monk in the rank of deacon. The senior hierodeacon is called the archdeacon.

Hieromonk- in the Orthodox Church, a monk who has the rank of priest (that is, the right to perform the sacraments). Monks become hieromonks through ordination or white priests through monastic tonsure.

Abbot(Greek - “leading”, feminine) abbess) - abbot of an Orthodox monastery.

Archimandrite(from Greek - chief, senior+ Greek - corral, sheepfold, fence in meaning monastery) - one of the highest monastic ranks in the Orthodox Church (below the bishop), corresponds to the mitered (mitred) archpriest and protopresbyter in the white clergy.

Bishop(Greek - “supervisor”, “supervisor”) in the modern Church - a person who has the third, highest degree of priesthood, otherwise bishop.

Metropolitan- the first episcopal title in the Church in antiquity.

Patriarch(from Greek - “father” and - “domination, beginning, power”) - the title of the representative of the autocephalous Orthodox Church in a number Local Churches; also the title of senior bishop; historically, before the Great Schism, it was assigned to the five bishops of the Universal Church (Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem), who had the rights of the highest church-governmental jurisdiction. The Patriarch is elected by the Local Council.

In order to get a more detailed understanding of who conducts services in the church or who speaks on television from the Russian Orthodox Church, it is necessary to know exactly what ranks there are in the Church and the Monastery, as well as their hierarchy. We recommend that you read

In the Orthodox world, Church ranks are divided into ranks of white clergy (Rites of the Church) and ranks of black clergy (Monastic ranks).



In the worldly understanding, recently the Church rank of Altarnik has begun to disappear, and instead of it the rank of Sexton or Novice is increasingly mentioned. The tasks of the Altarman include the duties of carrying out the instructions of the rector of the temple; as a rule, such duties include maintaining a candle fire in the temple, lighting lamps and other lighting devices in the altar and iconostasis, they also help the priests put on clothes, bring prosphora, incense to the temple and perform other menial work. The altar boy can be recognized by the fact that he wears a surplice over his secular clothes.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with


This is the lowest rank of the church and the reader is not included in the priesthood. The reader's duties include reading sacred texts and prayers during worship. In case of advancement in rank, the reader is ordained subdeacon.


It is something of an intermediate rank between the laity and the clergy. Unlike the readers and altar servers, the subdeacon is allowed to touch the throne and the altar, as well as enter the altar through the royal gate, although the subdeacon is not a clergyman. The duties of this Church rank include assisting the Bishop in Divine services. We recommend that you read


The lowest level of clergy, as a rule, the duties of deacons include helping priests in worship, although they themselves do not have the right to perform public worship and be representatives of the church.

Since the priest has the opportunity to perform rituals without a deacon, the number of deacons is currently being reduced, since the need for them is no longer needed. CHURCH OFFICES – PROTODEACON OR PROTODEACON This rank indicates the chief deacon in


As a rule, such a rank is awarded to a deacon after at least 15 years of service and is a special reward for service. CHURCH OFFICERS – PRIEST Currently, this rank is held by priests, and is designated as a junior title of priest. Priests, receiving power from bishops, have the right to carry out

church ceremonies

, teach people the Orthodox faith and perform other sacraments, but at the same time priests are prohibited from conducting ordination as priests.

CHURCH OFFICERS – ARCHOPRISH CHURCH OFFICES – PROTOPRESTER The highest Church rank in the white clergy is not, as it were, a separate rank and is awarded only as a reward for the most deserved deeds before

Monastic orders or black clergy

CHURCH OFFICES – HIERODEACON: He is a monk with the rank of deacon.
CHURCH OFFICES – ARCHIDEACON: He is a senior hierodeacon.
CHURCH OFFICES – HIEROMONCH: He is a monastic priest with the right to perform Orthodox sacraments.
CHURCH OFFICES – IGUMENE: He is the abbot of an Orthodox monastery.
CHURCH OFFICES – ARCHIMADRID: The highest degree in the monastic ranks, but occupying a step lower than bishop.
CHURCH OFFICES – BISHOP: This rank is supervisory and has the third degree of priesthood and can also be called a bishop.
CHURCH OFFICES – METROPOLITAN: The highest title of bishop in the church.
CHURCH OFFICES – PATRIARCH: The most senior rank of the Orthodox Church.

The hierarchy in the Orthodox Church has big amount titles (rank). A person who comes to church meets with clergy who occupy certain positions and are responsible, as true servants of the Most High, for the flock.

Church hierarchy in Orthodoxy

Orthodox ranks

God the Father divided own people into three types, depending on the proximity to His Kingdom.

  1. The first category includes laymen- ordinary members Orthodox brotherhood who have not taken on the priesthood. These people make up the bulk of all believers and take part in prayer services. The Church allows the laity to conduct rituals in their homes. In the first centuries of Christianity, people had much more rights than they do today. The voices of the laity had power in the election of rectors and bishops.
  2. Clergymen- a lower rank who dedicated himself to God and put on the appropriate clothes. To receive initiation, these people undergo the rite of hirothesia (ordination) with the blessing of the bishop. This includes readers, sextons (sacristans), and singers.
  3. Clergy- the level where the highest clerics stand, forming the divinely established hierarchy. To receive this rank, one must undergo the sacrament of ordination, but only after spending some time in a lower rank. White robes are worn by the clergy who are allowed to have a family, while black robes are worn by those who lead a monastic life. Only the latter are allowed to manage the church parish.

About the various ministers of the church:

At the first glance at the clergy, you understand that for convenience, in determining the rank, the clothing of priests and holy fathers differs: few wear beautiful multi-colored robes, others adhere to a strict and ascetic appearance.

On a note! The church hierarchy is, as Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite says, a direct continuation of the “heavenly army,” which includes the archangels - the closest servants of God. The highest ranks, divided into three orders, through unquestioning service, transmit grace from the Father to each of his children, which we are.

Beginning of the hierarchy

The term “church account” is used both in a narrow and broad sense. In the first case, this phrase means a collection of clergy of the lowest rank, who do not fit into the three-degree system. When they speak in a broad sense, they mean clergy (clergy), whose association constitutes the staff of any church complex (temple, monastery).

Parish of the Orthodox Church

IN pre-revolutionary Russia they were approved by the consistory (an institution under the episcopate) and personally by the bishop. The number of lower-ranking clergy depended on the number of parishioners seeking communication with the Lord. The congregation of the large church consisted of a dozen deacons and clergy. To make changes in the composition of this state, the bishop was required to obtain permission from the Synod.

In past centuries, the income of the account consisted of payments for church services (clergy and prayers for the needs of the laity). Rural parishes, served by lower ranks, were provided with plots of land. Some readers, sextons and singers lived in special church houses, and in the 19th century they began to receive salaries.

For information! The history of the development of the church hierarchy has not been fully disclosed. Today they speak with confidence about three degrees of priesthood, while the early Christian titles (prophet, didaskal) have practically been forgotten.

The meaning and significance of the ranks reflected the activities that were authoritatively announced by the Church. Previously, the brethren and the affairs of the monastery were managed by the abbot (leader), who was distinguished only by his experience. Today, attainment of ecclesiastical rank is similar to an official reward received for a certain period of service.

About the life of the Church:

Sextons (sacristans) and clergy

When Christianity arose, they played the role of guardians of temples and sacred places. The duties of the gatekeepers included lighting the lamp during divine services. Gregory the Great called them “guardians of the church.” The sextons were in charge of the selection of utensils for the rituals; they brought in prosphora, blessed water, fire, wine, lit candles, cleaned the altars, and reverently washed the floors and walls.

Today, the position of sexton has been practically reduced to zero; the ancient duties are now assigned to the shoulders of cleaners, watchmen, novices and ordinary monks.

  • IN Old Testament the term "clergy" affects the lower ranks and the common people. In ancient times, representatives of the tribe (tribe) of Levi became clerics. The people were called all those who were not distinguished by “true” birth.
  • In the book of the New Testament, the criterion of nation is omitted: now the lowest and highest rank can be received by any Christian who has confirmed compliance with certain canons of religion. Here the status of a woman who is allowed to obtain an auxiliary position is increased.
  • In ancient times, the people were divided into laymen and monks, who were distinguished by great asceticism in life.
  • In a narrow sense, clergy are clergymen standing on the same level as clerics. In the modern Orthodox world, this designation has extended to priests of the highest rank.

The first level of the hierarchy of clergy

In the first Christian communities, deacons were the bishop's assistants. Today they minister the word of God by reading scriptures and offering pleas on behalf of the congregation. Deacons, who always ask for a blessing for work, burn incense in the church building, and help perform the proskomedia (liturgy).

The deacon assists the bishop or priest in performing divine services and sacraments

  • Naming without specification indicates that the minister belongs to the white clergy. The monastic order is called hierodeacons: their clothes do not differ, but outside of liturgies they wear a black cassock.
  • The eldest in the rank of diaconate is the protodeacon, who is distinguished by a double orarion (long narrow ribbon) and a purple kamilavka (headdress).
  • In ancient times, it was common to give the rank of deaconesses, whose task was to care for sick women, prepare for baptism and assist priests. The question of reviving such a tradition was considered in 1917, but there was no answer.

The subdeacon is the assistant to the deacon. In ancient times they were not allowed to take wives. Among the duties was the care of church vessels, the covers of the altar, which they also guarded.

For information! In the present, this rite is observed only in the services of the bishop, whom the subdeacons serve with all diligence. Students of theological academies often become candidates for rank.

Second level of the hierarchy of clergy

Presbyter (head, elder) is a general canonical term that unites middle-order ranks. He has the right to administer the sacraments of communion and baptism, but does not have the authority to place other priests in any place in the hierarchy or to bestow grace on those around him.

The priest at the head of the parish community is called the rector

Under the apostles, elders were often called bishops, a term meaning “overseer” or “overseer.” If such a priest had wisdom and honorable age, he was called an elder. The book of Acts and Epistles says that the elders blessed the faithful and presided in the absence of the bishop, they taught, performed many sacraments and received confessions.

Important! The Russian Orthodox Church puts forward rules that say that today this church level is available only to monks with a theological education. Elders are required to have ideal morality and an age above 30 years.

This group includes archimandrites, hieromonks, abbots and archpriests.

The third level of the hierarchy of clergy

Before Church Schism, which occurred in the middle of the 11th century, the two parts of Christianity were united. After the division into Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the foundations of the episcopate (the highest rank) were practically the same. Theologians say that the authorities of these two religious organizations recognize the power of God, not man. The right to rule is transferred only after the condescension of the Holy Spirit in the ritual of ordination (ordination).

In the modern Russian tradition, only a monk can become a bishop

A Christian theologian named Ignatius of Antioch, who was a disciple of Peter and John, reacted positively to the question of the need for one bishop in each city. Priests of the lower levels must unquestioningly obey the latter. Apostolic succession, which gives the right to ecclesiastical authority before the flock, was considered as a dogma in the doctrines of Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Adherents of the latter support the unconditional authority of the Pope, which forms a strict hierarchy of bishops.

In Orthodoxy, power is given to the patriarchs of national church organizations. Here, in contrast to Catholicism, the doctrine of conciliarity of hierarchs has been officially adopted, where each chapter is likened to apostles, listening to the instructions of Jesus Christ and giving orders to the flock.

Bishops (archpastors), bishops, patriarchs have complete completeness of services and administration. This rank has the right to perform all the sacraments and ordain representatives of other degrees.

Clergymen who are in the same church group are equal “by grace” and act within the framework of the appropriate rules. The transition to another level occurs during the Liturgy, in the center of the temple. This suggests that the monk receives the symbolic vestment of impersonal holiness.

Important! The hierarchy in the Orthodox Church is built on certain criteria, where lower ranks are subordinate to higher ones. In accordance with their rank, laity, clerks, clergy and clergy have certain powers that they must fulfill with true faith and unquestioningness before the will of the Supreme Creator.

Orthodox alphabet. Church hierarchy

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