The sun line comes from the heart line. Location of Sun Hill

The line of happiness in the palm of your hand can tell you how much happiness, luck and glory awaits you in your life. life path. In this article the reader will become acquainted with detailed interpretation this palmistry sign.

In the article:

Happiness line in the palm - what does it mean and how to find it

The line of happiness on the palm has several names. The most famous among them are line of the Sun, line of Apollo, line of glory and others. Sometimes it is called and. This is not entirely correct, although a stable financial situation is an important component of happiness - this has been believed at all times.

In classical palmistry, the Sun sign is located vertically. It extends from the base of the palm and moves towards the ring finger. In most people, this line is weakly expressed or completely absent. This is not surprising, because there are few truly lucky people. It is sometimes called a sign of good luck, since people often associate the absence of problems and the successful achievement of goals with ordinary luck. This is not entirely the right approach, although luck can be called one of the components of happiness, just like wealth.

In general, the Sun trait in the palm usually indicates the success of a person’s endeavors. If it is on the passive hand (the left hand of a right-handed person, and vice versa), it means that luck was given to you from above and will haunt you from childhood. If it appears throughout your life on the active hand, it means that your happiness will be created personally by the person. Just the very fact of having such a line already indicates success and fame. It is especially good if it is combined with a good fate line - this promises even more happiness. Sometimes the happiness line indicates talent. It is often found among actors, child prodigies, and successful people.

Palmistry of the source of the line of the Sun and its location

Dedicated to art

If the line of Apollo in the palm originates from, and the line of the mind goes down and is clearly visible on the hand, this indicates success in creativity. The thicker and brighter this line, the greater potential you have. If she gets to ring finger, success and inspiration will become your companions from childhood. Celebrities who have achieved success thanks to their talent have such lines on their hands. Even if there is no fame, life will be devoted to art.

If you believe people who have devoted their lives to the study of palmistry, the sign of Apollo, originating from the Mount of the Moon, means dependence on the opinions of others. Your success will depend on people's assessments. If the fate line also starts from the Mount of the Moon, other people's opinions will significantly influence your life. Perhaps you will be engaged in activities whose profitability depends precisely on reputation, honesty and the degree of necessity of the service or product. In any case, you will have to learn to take other people’s opinions into account in order to achieve a lot.

The line of happiness begins from the middle of the palm - success will come to you after a series of hardships. Most likely, this will happen already in mature age. You shouldn’t stop working if it doesn’t arouse anyone’s interest and can’t glorify you. Most likely, in a few years your efforts will be rewarded.

The closer the line of luck is to the line of fate, the more your destiny is filled with luck and success. Basically, this refers to the period of life in which these two traits are side by side. This combination promises success in moving up the career ladder, and perhaps will bring good luck in other areas of life.

The line of the Sun comes from the line of the mind - success will be the merit of only your talents and abilities. You will achieve some fame, but only through personal efforts. Don’t rely too much on help, but also refuse sponsors and other useful people no need either. Do not forget that any wealth or fame can always be lost.

The Apollo trait, which comes from the heart line, only means the presence of talent and love for some kind of creativity or art. There are no opportunities to create a creative career or gain worldwide fame. However, if the sign of Apollo reaches the mount of Jupiter, dizzying success is possible in any chosen field of activity. Sometimes the line of happiness coming from the heart line indicates a late vocation. Many people find themselves and become famous only at retirement age.

What does the line of the Sun on the palm mean?

If there is no line of happiness, but the line of fate is well expressed, this indicates career success. Other areas of life are usually not very encouraging. Often this combination of features in the palm of your hand indicates that in front of you is a careerist who does not like to waste time on useless chatter. People with such marks on their hands avoid fame and unnecessary communication, which distracts them from work.

An even, clear and pronounced mark of the Sun indicates that in front of you is a real darling of fate. These people are lucky in literally everything. If there are no breaks or other negative signs, the luck will last until death. Such features on the hands are very rare.

A large number of islands, when the entire line looks like some kind of chain, speaks of a love of scandals and clarification of relationships. Such people rarely have a positive reputation. They are often associated with criminal methods of earning money, and this is where they usually reach unprecedented heights. These are successful thieves, cunning swindlers and high-ranking leaders of criminal groups.

Is there a lot of breaks in the line, or is it just little lines? This means that you cannot waste your strength. This will lead to lack of recognition. You won't be appreciated if you don't take the time to gather your thoughts and think things through carefully before starting work on a project. It is also important not to lose interest in your life's work. This is the only way for you to achieve success.

Apollo's double streak is a good sign. Sometimes there is also a triple one, its meaning is the same. It promises extraordinary talent, fame and wealth. But in order to succeed, such people have to work hard for some time. You will try many methods, start several projects, experience difficulties and failures. Only after passing all the tests is success possible.

Signs on the Apollo line on the palm

Star on the Mount of Apollo

Signs often appear on lines and even very small lines that have their own meaning. These include figures various shapes, which also have their meaning.

Thus, a star on the line or hill of Apollo speaks of recognition, fame, and possibly public life and wealth. Such signs are often found among world-class celebrities and politicians, but in order to determine such a future, you need to combine the interpretation of the star on the line of fame and some other symbols that indicate wealth, charisma, luck and other aspects of fame.

A star on the Sun sign often speaks of a certain purpose for which a person came into this world. Perhaps your destiny is to create a new direction in art or defeat corruption in your city? Whatever the goal, higher powers monitor its implementation. They can help in a difficult situation.

Squares indicate that higher powers are protecting you. They are interested in you living your life happy man, and are able to protect you from envious people, gossip and enemies. The latter are often constant problem famous and successful people.

The islands indicate that during the period of this island or cliff, the Apollo line loses its properties. Even the most popular celebrities are temporarily forgotten by the public. Everything goes out of style. For women, islands on this line can mean maternity leave. You may want to hire a property manager and live happily for a few years. If the line after the island remains the same as it was before it, it means that you will be able to restore everything that you missed or lost for any reason.

Crosses on the line indicate certain obstacles, financial troubles, problems. If such a sign is not at the end of the line, and after it it continues as usual, this means that all difficulties will be overcome. You may have to leave a failed project and take on the next one. Overall, this is a nuisance that will not have significant consequences over a lifetime. If the glory line ends with a cross, this indicates the collapse of a business, loss of a job, or end of a career.

Palmists in their interpretations pay a lot of attention to the line of the Sun, which indicates success and possible glory. Not every person has this feature on their hand, but if it is present, it always indicates an area in which success can be achieved.

Characteristics of the sign

In palmistry, each line on the hand is associated with a certain area of ​​life, innate talents. The line of the Sun is closely connected with the energy and qualities of the God Apollo, the god of the arts and the sun, so you can see this sign on the palms of famous actors, politicians, and scientists. The Sun line is also called the Apollo line or the success line.

This line extends vertically from the base of the palm, descending towards the ring finger. It can be short and vague, sometimes with branches. The place of the beginning and end of the sign is important - by its appearance and length you can predict at what age a person will begin to experience good luck. The line of the Sun appears most clearly in conjunction with a direct sign of fate and a clear and continuous line of mind.

The line of the Sun has many meanings. Its owner will not necessarily become a famous actor or a wealthy entrepreneur. The sphere of success is indicated by the place on the palm where the line originates.

A trait without intersections is a sign of a lucky person and an extraordinary personality. Those with a palm without the Apollo trait usually live a life without adventure or great achievements.

Location of the Sun line on the palm

Sign meanings

The line of the Sun on the hand does not automatically make its owner a darling of fortune - it provides the prerequisites for a bright life full of achievements. It is important to use talents and knowledge correctly.

The line of the Sun on the passive hand (left for right-handed people and vice versa) - luck is sent by the Higher Powers and will accompany a person from childhood. On the active (right-handed) palm, a person is the architect of his own well-being, and he should not expect easy victories.

Meaning different options Sun sign:

  • Direct, clearly expressed - an extraordinary, charismatic personality who can gain fame and a high position in society without making enormous efforts for this. A clear, continuous feature is that a person’s destiny is connected with creativity.
  • Fuzzy, weak - a person lacks the perseverance to bring bold plans to life.
  • Starting from the center of the palm, on the plain of Mars - a sign of military strategists and athletes with a difficult fate, success for whom will come after shocks and difficulties.
  • Starts from the line of Fate and ends at the Hill of the Sun - an energetic personality whose merits will be recognized, including through material means.
  • Close to the line of Fate - few shocks and difficulties are expected on the path of life. If the line of the Sun on the hand is marked more clearly than the line of Fate, this is a child of famous parents.
  • Begins on the Mount of Venus - an artistic, sensual nature, characterized by emotionality and touchiness, which does not always manage to get along with colleagues and even relatives.
  • It starts from the trait of Intelligence - success will come as a reward for your own enterprise, wisdom and originality of decisions.
  • Starts from the Heart line - a good-natured, decent person who will never stoop to intrigue to achieve a high position or wealth. Success comes to such people after 50 years.

Other interpretations

If the success line reaches the ring finger, the person is hardworking and honest. He is constantly improving and does not stop at the heights he has achieved.

If the sign connects with the Mercury trait, a person should seek success in commercial activities. This connection of lines is characteristic of wise people who work diligently to achieve their goals.

The line of the Sun, starting on the hill of the Moon, is an attractive, but contradictory person, who ceases to believe in herself as soon as she is no longer praised and approved. Often these are actors or writers who enjoy success and demand among the opposite sex.

If the end of the line enters a “tunnel” consisting of two lines accompanying it on the Hill of Apollo, fate promises the person not only a reward for his talents, but also a good reputation in wide circles.

Branches on the line

In most cases, there are branches on the line of the Sun that have their own meaning:

  • 2 or 3 branches at the end - a person has several talents, but is scattered between them and cannot fully realize himself in any one direction;
  • 2 branches, one of which stretches to the Mount of Saturn, and the second reaches the Mount of Apollo - nobility and isolation of the individual;
  • ramifications going down - obstacles and problems that can shake self-confidence at a certain stage of life. You will need the help of loved ones to regain success;
  • branches going upward are auxiliary lines that indicate the favor of fate;
  • branches going to the Mount of Saturn - a perceptive person who is difficult to deceive;
  • branching going to the hill of Mercury - a person will increase his well-being thanks to wisdom and the ability to get along with people;
  • ramifications going to the belt of Venus - parents will help in realizing career ambitions;
  • ramifications reaching the point of marriage - close friends or spouse will help achieve career growth in the future.

Crossing a line with other signs

The intersection of the line of the Sun and the lines coming from the Mount of Mercury - the unseemly actions or vicious dependencies of the spouse will damage success.

A deep transverse line that ends the line of the Sun - luck and glory will go away at a certain moment.

The intersection of the line of success and the belt of Venus is a sensual nature, whose love affairs will interfere with the realization of talents.

Dashes crossing the palm from the Mount of Mars and crashing into the line of the Sun - intrigues will interfere with career advancement.

Geometric shapes and drawings

Sometimes you can see islands and geometric shapes on the line of the Sun:

  • The star is the most auspicious sign, which promises fame in wide circles and wealth.
  • Square – protection of the Higher Powers from enemies and troubles.
  • A triangle, one side of which is a branch coming from the Apollo line, is a sign of remarkable mental abilities.
  • The cross is a warning about troubles and financial difficulties. If the streak of success continues, you will be able to regain your lost position or fame.

Sometimes the line of the Sun consists of 2 broken lines. If after the breakup the sign of Apollo remains as clear, you can be sure that the streak of bad luck will end and there will be an opportunity to regain a good reputation and well-being.

Negative values

It is a bad sign if the line of the Sun ends in a cross - this is the mark of large entrepreneurs who suddenly went bankrupt, or people of art who had to leave their profession.

Islands are considered a bad sign - luck and recognition may go away for some time.

The intersection of the success line with other lines is a sign of the cruel machinations of enemies. The more intersections, the more scandals or litigation with competitors there will be.

The line of the Sun is cut by a line extending from the Mount of Saturn - a person’s cloudless happiness will be disrupted by his own imprudent actions or selfishness.


Palmistry considers the owners of the Sun line on the hand as the chosen ones of good luck. This sign can be seen on the palm of a famous person: a writer, politician or athlete. The sign promises not so much a world calling, but many joyful emotions and discoveries associated with destiny.

Branches and geometric shapes are often found on the line of the Sun. By looking at the triangle with the line of the Mind, you can identify a person with colossal intelligence. Branches going from the line of success to the line of marriage speak of support and help from a life partner. If the line of the Sun ends with a cross, a person may go bankrupt or suddenly fall out of favor with influential people.

The line of the Sun on the hand tells about a person’s talents and abilities in the field of art, as well as about the possibilities for the successful implementation of these inclinations. Palmistry considers the line of the Sun to be an indicator of innate creative abilities, and interprets their magnitude depending on the shape of the line, complementary signs and the overall design of the hand. It is also called the line of Apollo, Happiness, Success or Talents - each of the names fairly describes the essence of this line.

Let's take a closer look at what the line of the Sun on a person's hand (or its absence) may indicate and how you can use this information to improve your own life.

Presence and absence

The presence of the Sun line on the hand speaks of a person’s innate creative abilities, which help him achieve success, fame and prosperity. However, you should not think that a clear line of the Sun on the palm is a guarantee of success in life, remembering that without due effort on the part of the owner of the hand, it may never come. To realize our talents, we need not only the line of the Sun, but at a minimum good performance, health, determination and many other components, without which the most brilliant inclinations are very difficult to develop and translate into reality. That is why palmistry strongly recommends considering the Apollo line in the context of the drawing of the entire palm, especially in combination with the hillock and the line of Fate, which are largely responsible for self-realization and human karma.

In addition, one should not assume that the absence of a pronounced Mount of Apollo or the line of the Sun labels a person as a mediocre loser. With other strong lines and positive signs, the owner of a hand without the “Sun” can live a happy and fruitful life, achieve success, fame and wealth.

It would be more correct to say that those who have the Sun line are given a hint: the shortest path to success lies through the development of their talent and it is in this direction that the greatest effort is worth making. For some people this path will be easier, but for others it will be full of difficulties and obstacles that will have to be persistently overcome.

Shape and outline

Of course, the ideal option is when the “Sun” in your palms has clear and regular outlines. It is good if the line of the Sun runs straight and continuous, starting close to the wrist and ascending to the Mount of Apollo, which is located under the ring finger. Gaps indicate that in some periods of life a person will not be able to develop his abilities (there will be other problems, health will not allow it, there will not be enough energy, etc.). If this line is clearly tortuous, then the path to realizing your talent will not be straight - you will have to try a lot and visit a lot of places.

The depth and clarity of the line can be used to judge the depth and potential of the intended talent. Deeply drawn, it means the opportunity to become a real creator, while a light and superficial “sketch” promises art in the form of a hobby or successful application artistry in other areas (for example, in business). Often it begins higher up the arm (on the plain of Mars, the Mount of the Moon, Venus) or ends before reaching the Mount of Apollo, showing at what stage of life a person will pay attention to his talents. Sometimes the line of Fate runs almost parallel to the “Sun” and, as if complementing it, is drawn more clearly in those areas where the first one fades away. In this way, Saturn compensates for the Sun - painstaking work makes up for the absence of luck, allowing us not to stop on the path to achieving our goal.


Signs on the “Sun” in palmistry also have great value. Negative ones include: island, cross, lattice, transverse lines, dots. A positive sign is a star, as well as a triangle and a square. However, you shouldn’t be too upset when you discover a “bad” sign, but just take it into account and prepare as best you can for a difficult period. Throughout life, the pattern of the palm changes, and this indicates that timely measures taken often help us “rewrite” our destiny for the better.


The island indicates a period of stagnation, often associated with depressive moods, physical ailments and energy decline (especially dangerous this sign at the end of the line, because it can overshadow recent years life, affect fruitfulness and worthy summing up of life). Crosses and hash marks indicate serious obstacles to the realization of talent. They can be associated with anything: illness, negative external circumstances, slander and intrigue. Cross lines indicate obstacles of a smaller scale, but they will also require effort to overcome. The dots indicate illnesses or troubles associated with a person’s reputation.


A star on the line of the Sun is considered very happy sign, especially if it is located at the very end. A similar star is clearly visible in photographs of the hands of many famous personalities who have made a significant contribution to world art or simply created extremely successful projects (artists, poets, writers, philanthropists, businessmen, etc.). However, with an abundance of negative signs on the hand, the star can change the sign of popularity from plus to minus. For example, a person can become a “star” in the criminal world or become famous in another negative way.

The triangle has positive meaning in almost every place of the palm, and specifically on the line of the Sun, it speaks of the successful realization of talents and creative abilities. In material terms, this sign promises to receive a large income, in other words - creative activity will be well paid. A square is also considered a good sign - it indicates protection from failures, gossip and ill-wishers. If the square is covered by some dangerous sign, this means that negative impact the latter will soften.

Line of Fate, Line of the Sun. Palmistry as an example

hill of APOLLO (hill of the SUN) / general characteristics/ Palmistry / THE TOP OF PALMISTRY


  • The place of origin of the “Sun” can tell a lot: starting from the Mount of the Moon, this line indicates a well-developed imagination; from the Mount of Mars - about perseverance, endurance and the ability to deal with obstacles on the path to success; from the Mount of Venus - about selectivity and self-sufficiency of character.
  • If the Talent line bifurcates at the end, this means that a person will pay attention to two directions in creativity. In this situation, it is important to avoid wasting energy and effort, so the best way out will choose one of the directions as the main one. At good signs double line of the Sun (along its entire length), it acquires a positive meaning: a person has a chance to successfully develop in two areas of the arts at once.
  • If the ascending branch from the line of Apollo enters the Mount of Mercury, this means that learning or communication skills will help a person achieve success. In general, all ascending branches have positive values and predict additional chances of success. Descending branches indicate the need for support from others.
  • All signs that mark the end of a line (positive and negative) increase their meaning. They reflect the possible outcome of all the work done, as well as the flow and characteristics of the line as a whole.
  • Palmistry recommends supplementing the decoding of this line by carefully examining the ring finger. If the longest phalanx is the first, the person’s talents belong to the sphere spiritual world. If the finger has the second longest phalanx, this means that a person’s abilities combine the spiritual with the material. With the third longest phalanx, the talents of the owner of the hand lie in the practical material sphere.
  • The sun line in palmistry has many names. It is called the line of happiness, the line of luck and the Apollo line. This is a sign of great luck and happiness on the hand. This line starts at the wrist and goes up, reaching the base of the ring finger.

    The meaning of the sun line on the palm in palmistry

    The most favorable sign on the hand is a clear, continuous line of the sun. Alas, such a line is very rare. This is a sign of a happy destiny that a person receives from birth.
    The sun line points to happy life, fame, respect and recognition. This line is often found on the palms of celebrities, artists, musicians, painters and writers.
    Most often, this line appears in adulthood. It arises at the moment when a person finds his happiness and achieves his goals. In such cases, this line will be short and will originate either on the line of the mind or on the line of the heart.
    If the sun line begins on the line of the mind, then a person will find his happiness and realize all his talents by about 35 years.
    If the sun line begins on the heart line, then the person will feel completely happy by the age of 50.

    Signs on the sun line

    When analyzing the sun line, it is important to take into account the signs located on it.
    - If the line is crossed by several or one short line, then this means temporary obstacles on the path to success.
    - If the sun line has breaks, then this indicates a risky nature and adventures in life.
    - If the line of the sun looks like a chain, then the person is looking for notoriety.
    - If there is a cross on this line, then this is a sign of disappointment. The asterisk speaks of incredible luck and luck.
    - Island - dissatisfaction with one's achievements.
    If you do not have a line of luck on your hand, this does not mean at all that you will not be happy in life. Yes, in this case you don't get it from birth good fortune, but you have the opportunity to find your happiness on your own, and not by definition.

    The line of the Sun on the hand is a sign of talent, creative imagination and success. It starts at the wrist, not far from the line of fate, and ends near the base of the ring finger, on the solar tubercle.

    Not everyone has it expressed; sometimes it is represented by a small segment in the area of ​​the Mount of the Sun or in the center of the palm. Some people don't have this line at all.

    General view of the trait

    The line of the Sun looks different for each person. If there is no line on the palm, then the person is unhappy, he is talented, but cannot use his abilities. Here are some options appearance solar branch:

    • Long and clear
    • Short
    • Wavy
    • Oiled
    • Intermittent
    • Consist of several lines.

    Each type of line of the Sun has its own meaning, indicating the degree of a person’s talent, his path to success, and influence on the lives of other people. Let's take a closer look at how the trait affects people's destinies.

    Long and clear line

    The line that stretches from the wrist to the very mound of Apollo, and is clearly visible even in the photo, is the most favorable sign. Its owner has a developed imagination and many talents.

    The trait promises success, fame and recognition. His character is cheerful and good-natured, he is happy and satisfied with himself. He infects everyone around him with confidence and good spirits. That's why he has many friends and fans.

    Short line

    A short line of the Sun indicates that its owner is interested in music, literature, painting, but his own talents are not very well developed. If he realizes himself in other areas, and art becomes his hobby, he will be happy. People with this trait are found among collectors and art critics. They are wealthy and know how to manage money.

    A line that is too short and barely noticeable is a sign of lack of talent. Such people often strive to gain fame and recognition, but do not have the prerequisites for this. Therefore they become envious and greedy, embittered towards the whole world. Palmistry advises owners of a short branch to look for themselves in other areas, and not to waste energy on useless attempts to achieve success in creativity.

    Wavy and blurry lines

    A person with a wavy line of the Sun is elegant, artistic, charming. But he has a negative trait - pessimism. He is subject to mood swings and often becomes depressed.

    Line of happiness, good luck, success, creative gift, talents... Line of the Sun.. Lecture No. 6. Palmistry

    Lines talking about luck, prosperity, happiness, love, material stability

    line of the SUN (line of APOLLO) / Palmistry / general characteristics / THE STORE OF PALMISTRY

    Emotional instability becomes an obstacle to achieving success. The owner of a blurred line cannot concentrate on one goal. He wastes his energy in vain and does not realize all the talents inherent in him.

    Intermittent and multiple line

    A break in the line is a sign of fatigue and unsolvable problems. If it is restored with dashes next to each other, it means friends or relatives will come to the rescue. If several parallel identical branches stretch towards the Hill of Apollo, it means that a person is confidently moving towards success and enjoys the support of loved ones. Dashes different lengths, coming next to each other, mean uncertainty. Their owner changes professions and cannot decide where he can best realize himself.

    When two lines in the shape of a Latin letter V approach the solar tubercle, two forces influence a person. Each of them pulls it in the opposite direction. It is important to decide which one is positive and which one is negative. A bunch of branches converging at one point on the Mount of the Sun belongs to a discerning person with good taste. But the diversity of interests does not allow its owner to correctly determine priorities, and slows down development.

    Beginning and flow of the line

    The Sun line begins in different places on the hand. Here are some options:

    • On the hill of the moon
    • On the hill of Venus
    • From the life line
    • In the center of the palm
    • Above the heart line.

    Lunar Rise

    The owner of this trait loves flattery and praise. He fiercely proves his opinion, citing many reasons and arguments, and has difficulty admitting that he is wrong. If the line begins on the hill of the Moon, it means success and luck accompany the person.

    Mount of Venus

    The line of the Sun, the beginning of which is at the Mount of Venus, characteristic of people self-sufficient and happy. They have a critical mind and are not easy to please. They often remain lonely because they do not want to connect their lives with a person who does not share their views.

    Life line

    Starting from the branch of life is typical for artistic natures. They choose creative profession, or revolve in the world of art. If the head branch is clearly visible in the palm, then great success awaits its owner. When the line of the sun comes from the line of fate, a person’s life will be especially happy.

    Palm center

    The Apollo branch, starting high in the center of the palm, is a sign of a protective nature. These people become patrons of the arts and promote young talents. They like gratitude, admiration. When a person is not spiritually developed enough, he becomes a tyrant and despot.

    Heart line

    When the solar branch originates above the heart line, it foretells success in adulthood. People with this line of the Sun are talented and gifted, but it will take them time to achieve fame and recognition.


    The line of the sun along its path often has branches that stretch in several directions. They are important in determining the fate and character of a person. Here are some options:

    • Twigs reach for your fingers
    • Branches go to the wrist
    • Branch to the Mount of Jupiter
    • Branch to the Mount of Saturn
    • Branch to the upper tubercle of Mars
    • Branches to the Moon or Venus.

    Branches to fingers

    Three clear branches going up mean ups in certain periods of life. They provide new opportunities and indicate positive changes. If there are a lot of branches, then the person has been plagued by failures. As a result, he is disappointed, afraid to change something, the fear of remaining a failure closes the path to real success.

    Branches to the wrists

    If branches going to the wrist are visible on the clear line of the Sun, it means that the person has made a lot of effort in life to achieve success. Unfortunately, not all of them were rewarded. As a result, he became frustrated and stopped. Palmistry advises looking at the problem from the outside in this situation. The decision, as always, is in the hands of the person himself.

    Branch to the Mount of Jupiter

    The line of the Sun with a clear branch to Jupiter is evidence of great ambitions and enormous patience. Such people devote all their energy and time to achieve success. Innate talents and hard work are rewarded, and the owners of the branch reach heights of fame and recognition.

    Branch to the Mount of Saturn

    The owners of this branch are energetic and sociable people. They know how to involve others in their projects. Apollo and Saturn complement each other, giving people a lively mind, a good sense of humor and restraint at the same time.

    Branch to upper Mars

    A person with a line of the Sun, which has a branch to the upper hill of Mars, is purposeful and independent. His talents are combined with endurance, aggressiveness and strength. He finds himself at the zenith of fame without anyone's support.

    Branches to the Moon and Venus

    A branch to the Mount of the Moon will bring happiness to a person with imaginative thinking. It can often be seen among writers and composers. When a branch reaches out to the Mount of Venus, it means a person will receive unexpected help. Perhaps difficult trials await him along the way, but all problems will be resolved, often thanks to his own efforts.

    Signs on the line of the Sun

    In palmistry, the line of the Sun is marked by a number of signs. The value of each of them can be positive or negative. Here are the most common marks found on the hand:

    • Trident
    • Trait
    • Star
    • Island
    • Triangle
    • Square
    • Cross.


    The fork at the end of the line, consisting of three branches, is called a trident. It is typical for people who love admiration and recognition of their own successes by others. They do not know how to distinguish between flattery and real praise; they prefer to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.


    A branch that crosses the line of the Sun speaks of delays on the path to success. Perhaps external circumstances or ill-wishers became an obstacle. The problem is serious, it will take time to solve it, but it is passing.


    The star sign, which is located on the hand in the area of ​​the Apollo branch, portends success and glory. Its owner is lucky, has a positive influence on other people, and is able to change the course of history. Often such individuals have acting talent.


    A small island or circle at the beginning or in the middle of the line is a sign of an idealist. He puts everyone he loves on a pedestal and does not notice their shortcomings. Such people often face disappointment and the collapse of illusions.


    The triangle sign is a sign strong personality. Its owner knows how to turn any circumstances to his advantage. He uses even unfavorable influences and outside pressure to achieve success.


    The sign is found among independent people who do not like to adapt to anyone. They are lucky, things go well for them, everything they start is completed.

    It is important to remember that the influence of lines on the course of our destiny is not final. With pictures and predictions he determines only general trends. The life of each individual depends on his own efforts. Without moving in the right direction, working on yourself, it is impossible to achieve success.

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