People in which professions are more likely to experience depression? How to avoid leg problems when constantly standing

Any monotonous activity or specific profession is associated with a certain risk of undermining one’s own health. Occupational diseases are inherent in almost any enterprise or institution, and the degree of morbidity largely depends on the level of preparedness of a person for his position and for his workplace. Great importance also has compliance with occupational health and safety requirements.

There was even a study conducted on this matter, which showed that up to 15% of porn stars suffer from chlamydia, and 5% suffer from gonorrhea. Among women participating in the filming of porn films, more than 70% have some kind of sexually transmitted diseases. By the way, a person who has had a similar disease runs the risk of getting sick again in 26% of cases.

In addition to the listed pathologies, porn stars, like other people, are susceptible to diseases such as viral infections, laryngitis, colds etc.

Occupational diseases of pianists

Musicians who play keyboard instruments most often experience hand diseases - inflammation of the muscles, joint capsules, tendons, joints, etc. Such pathologies are accompanied by pain and limit the ability to play music.

If we list all the most common diseases of pianists, the list will look something like this:

  • diseases of the upper extremities and shoulder girdle (epicondylitis, legamentitis, bursitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diseases of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, scoliosis).

However, most often pianists suffer from dyskinesia. This is a pathology, which is otherwise called “coordination neurosis” - a disorder of motor coordination, combined with a slowdown in the muscle response to stimulation, or with muscle spasm.

Occupational diseases of guitarists

Professional guitar playing combines with increased stress on the wrist and hand. This can provoke the development of certain pathologies that negatively affect the function and mobility of the limb.

Occupational diseases of guitarists include:

  • osteochondropathy of the wrist joint is aseptic necrosis of a bone element that occurs due to constant load;
  • deforming arthrosis is wear and tear of the joint;
  • ligamentitis of the annular ligaments of the fingers is a lesion of the tendons and ligaments, leading to dysfunction of the fingers;
  • bursitis is an inflammatory process in the joint capsule associated with impaired lubrication production;
  • Dupuytren's contracture is a scar transformation and shortening of the palmar tendons, palmar fibromatosis;
  • hygroma is an accumulation of serous fluid in the synovial bursa;
  • neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve fibers of a limb;
  • disturbances in vascular tone of the extremities.

Occupational diseases of firefighters

The profession of a firefighter is always related to danger and risk, including the risk of developing occupational diseases. A number of factors directly influence the health of a firefighter:

  • increased likelihood of danger, which entails neuropsychic disorders;
  • work at elevated temperature conditions;
  • risk of body poisoning.

External tissue damage, burns, electrical injuries, poisoning carbon monoxide– this is not a complete list of pathologies inherent in firefighters. With age, this can lead to the development of serious and large-scale diseases:

  • cancer of the lungs and other organs;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • pulmonary pathologies (due to inhalation of harmful chemical compounds and hot air).

Many firefighters also have psychological problems that develop as a result of frequent stress. These could be depressive conditions, neuropathies, etc.

Occupational diseases of car painters

Most occupational diseases of car painters are explained by constant contact with chemical dyes, adhesives, putties, etc., as well as stress on the upper limbs and back.

Diseases of the upper extremities are most often represented by epicondylitis - an inflammatory process in the elbow tendons.

Chemical components of paints, leveling mixtures and solvents can lead to serious intoxication of the body. With prolonged and constant use chemical substances they can accumulate in tissues and organs, which can subsequently lead to cancer, dermatological problems, ulcers and lesions of the respiratory system.

The most common diseases encountered by car painters are:

  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • epidermitis;
  • eczema;
  • cancerous tumors.

Diagnosis of occupational diseases

To correctly diagnose occupational diseases, doctors follow the following technology:

  • When interviewing a patient, it is necessary to clarify the details of his professional activity: the presence of harmful conditions, the degree of likelihood of injury, etc.
  • It is important to collect thorough information about the patient’s sanitary and other working conditions, evaluate it objectively and record it in the medical history.
  • It is imperative to conduct research:
    • instrumental diagnostics - X-ray examination, ultrasound, MRI, abdominal imaging, etc., depending on the suspected disease;
    • tests - general blood and urine tests, biochemical analysis, examination of biopsy and secretions (fluid, pus, sputum, etc.): often in case of chronic intoxication, residues of a toxic substance are found in the urine.
    • For the treatment of occupational diseases, depending on the indications, medications such as antibiotics, sulfonamides, glucocorticoid hormones, bronchodilators, cardiac and other drugs can be used. For chronic poisoning with metal compounds (lead, mercury, etc.), antidote therapy is prescribed using complex agents - succimer, penicillamine, pentacin. The use of antidotes accelerates the removal of metals from the body.

      For diseases nervous system the emphasis is on improving blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, on activating metabolic processes. Preferably vitamin, vegetotropic and nootropic drugs are prescribed.

      For diseases caused by previous injuries, it is successfully used manual therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, ultrasound, hydro- and electrotherapy, balneotherapy, traction, paraffin baths. At the same time, it is recommended to balance your diet and get more rest.

      Often, for chronic injuries and impaired joint function, surgical treatment is used:

      The question of the need for surgery is decided on an individual basis, since in some cases after surgical treatment the patient needs to undergo extensive rehabilitation. Often there is a need to transfer the patient to another place of work, where there will be no current occupational hazards.

      Homeopathy for occupational diseases

      Homeopathic remedies often help restore the body's immunity without the use of chemicals. Homeopathy involves the use of only natural ingredients in preparations.

      Reception homeopathic remedies allows you to balance all functions in the body, including those related to the development of occupational diseases. There are virtually no side effects or contraindications.

      For the general strengthening of the body and to combat diseases, means of both domestic and foreign production are actively prescribed:

      Traditional treatment of occupational diseases

      Is it possible to protect yourself from occupational diseases with the help of traditional methods? Indeed, much is known effective recipes, which allow you to cleanse the body of harmful toxic substances, strengthen the immune system and eliminate Negative influence external factors. For example, you can use herbal treatment, which is presented in the following recipes:

    1. Mix 50 g of pomegranate color, the same amount of blackhead and pour everything with a glass of water. Boil and leave for 10 minutes. Filter. Add 50 ml of cognac to the cooled infusion and stir. Take a tablespoon in the morning.
    2. Drink 100 ml of soybean decoction per day.
    3. Drink chicory and motherwort tea three times a day, 1 hour after meals.
    4. Drink milk with ground garlic added to it at night, 150-200 ml.
    5. Mix 20 g of aloe pulp, 30 g of badger fat, 5 ml of cognac and 10 g of cocoa powder. Take 1 tablespoon daily with warm water.
    6. Prepare an infusion of 50 g of coltsfoot, 40 g of plantain and 50 g of knotweed (per 400 ml of water). Drink 150 ml 1 hour before each meal.

    If occupational diseases are complicated by other pathologies, or become chronic, then other folk recipes aimed at eliminating a specific disease.


    Measures to prevent occupational diseases must be observed at any enterprise. Such activities should be aimed at:

    • improving the socio-economic situation of able-bodied people;
    • establishing acceptable wages;
    • strengthening social protection of workers;
    • improvement of health protection measures, minimization of harmful and dangerous working conditions;
    • increasing the social responsibility of employers, involving them in improving working conditions and ensuring the health of workers;
    • providing timely medical care upon request.

    In turn, taking into account its professional activity, any person should be attentive to their health and regularly undergo preventive medical examinations and examinations. The prognosis of occupational pathologies can significantly improve if the patient seeks medical help in a timely manner.

    Unfortunately, occupational diseases can make themselves felt even several years after cessation of work. dangerous looking activities. Therefore, prevention methods should be given special attention.

The choice of a future profession depends on many factors: your interests, abilities, and the demand for the profession in the labor market. But the most important thing is that each job places its own demands on a specialist. In some places there is a demand for creative, energetic minds, while in others there is a demand for leisurely, deeply analytical employees. The type of temperament significantly influences the choice of future profession. How? Let's try to determine which type of temperament, of which there are four (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic), you belong to.

You love difficulties and obstacles and are able to overcome them beautifully and creatively. At times you tend to overestimate your capabilities, but that's okay. You quickly get involved in work and always finish everything. You strive for independence and do not obey authority well. They say you're assertive, but not assertive enough.

Conclusion: you are choleric

Cholerics are characterized by increased excitability and intermittent actions. They are characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, being carried away by a task, they tend to act with all their might and become more exhausted than they should. Having public interests, his temperament shows initiative, energy, and integrity. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, affectivity, incontinence, hot temper, and inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.

Suitable professions: TV reporter, commodity expert, artist, diplomat, journalist, supplier, entrepreneur, surgeon, pilot, dispatcher, driver, coach, manager, builder, director, cook, investigator, geologist, electrician, etc.

Among the famous choleric people, Peter I, A.V. should be noted. Suvorova, A.S. Pushkina, D.I. Mendeleev.

Among your classmates, you stand out for your high efficiency and easy concentration. Doing several things in parallel is as easy as shelling pears. You easily get excited about a new job, but you also quickly lose interest in it. Alas, I am not able to delve into details and cannot stand monotony and monotony. But you show organizational skills and quickly master new specialties. Not a single important event takes place without your participation.

Conclusion: you are sanguine

Quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly gets along with people, and is sociable. Feelings arise and change easily, emotional experiences are usually shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not regulate his impulses sufficiently, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine of life or work system. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity superficiality and inconstancy are developed.

Suitable professions: manager, teacher, doctor, psychologist, educator, organizer, salesman, waiter, process engineer, etc.

N. Bonaparte, P. Beaumarchais, A.I. Herzen - famous stories sanguine people.

Slow in your studies and slow in your work? You achieve success through perseverance and patience. Doing monotonous work is your thing. If you are not rushed, you will think through all the little details and bring the matter to perfection. But you do not strive to take on the responsibilities of a leader, so you are often called uninitiative. A disruption to your usual rhythm and a change in your work environment frightens you, and the hustle and bustle can lead to depression.

Conclusion: you are phlegmatic

It is characterized by a relatively low level of behavioral activity, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to emotions, calculating his strength, brings things to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, and does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy and doesn’t waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform only habitual actions.

Suitable professions: mechanic, electrician, engineer, agronomist, driver, scientific - botanist, astronomer, physicist, mathematician.

Among the great minds in this category: I.A. Krylov, M.I. Kutuzov, I. Newton.

You are a person of mood. Yesterday you were able to move mountains, but today you are too lazy to get out of bed . You get tired quickly and find it difficult to adapt to a new team. In your work you need constant support and regular rest. Everyone calls you an incredibly subtle and observant person, capable of noticing details in people’s behavior that they want to hide.

Conclusion: you are melancholic

His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus; there is depth and stability of feelings with weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on anything for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in melancholic people (“give up”). He is characterized by restraint and muted speech and movements, shyness, timidity, and indecisiveness. Under normal conditions, a melancholic person is a deep, meaningful person who can be a good worker and successfully cope with life’s tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, he can turn into a closed, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences of life circumstances that do not deserve it.

Suitable professions: teacher, artist, artist, seamstress-fashion designer, painter, pattern copyist, composer, writer, veterinarian, geologist, agronomist, livestock specialist, accountant, typing specialist, car mechanic, mechanic, turner, radio mechanic, etc.

It is not difficult to guess that among melancholic people there are many writers, composers, for example, A.A. Blok, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov, P.I. Chaikovsky.

Pure choleric or sanguine people are extremely rare. A person is a mixture of all types of temperaments with a predominance of one. There are no bad or good views temperaments. So don’t bother yourself with the question of who is better to be. It’s just that each type of psyche is more suitable for some activities and professions than others.

High school students think little about the pros and cons of their temperament. And as a result, after receiving a diploma, they find themselves in unfavorable conditions for them. Conditions when most and the best part of the day that a person spends at work turns into flour, and the remaining time is spent on recuperation.

If you still don’t know what type of temperament you have, I suggest taking a simple test:

Choose future profession wisely, and do not forget to consider your capabilities. Then your work will become interesting and loved for you.

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Yulia Bozhok

Are there professions for such people - people who need constant variety, change, movement? Or will you simply be forced, as adults say, to calm down and settle down?

Of course, you will have to make a decision in any case, because every profession requires responsibility and the performance of certain professional functions, whether you want it or not. But you can still try find a compromise between your temperament and reality. It is difficult to completely remake yourself, because such inconstancy is largely an innate property. Instability of interests, speed of switching of attention, increased emotionality are characteristic of people with a choleric temperament- Monotonous, monotonous work is truly contraindicated for them. I will offer several options that are suitable for such people.


Perhaps this is the type of activity that, if desired, gives the opportunity to work in a very diverse way. In the printed publication, on television, on the radio, in the electronic publication, in the press service and PR service of the organization, the specifics of journalistic work differ. When changing jobs, a journalist receives completely new tasks each time. It also has a fairly wide selection of labor objects. Yes, as a journalist, you, one way or another, work with words - but you can talk about both people and theater premieres, as well as scientific achievements, and about economic news... A journalist has the opportunity with each new material to immerse himself in a completely new and unfamiliar world. And the activity itself varies from intense communication (note: again with a variety of people) to quiet research work with documents. Such diversity is perhaps not found in any other profession.

Event organizer

If you are a sociable, sociable person, consider becoming a holiday organizer. This means working with customers, directly holding the event, and intensive organizational activities. And creativity: for each order you have to develop a unique script. Holidays follow each other quickly, and there is an opportunity to switch to the next order - there is no time to be bored.


In general, any creative profession gives you a better chance of not getting bored - actor, artist, director, musician, photographer, designer, image maker... Traditionally, work on television is also considered quite varied.

Project Manager

Not long ago, the profession of project manager appeared. The task of such a specialist is to launch a business project from scratch. Each time the specifics of the project change: today this person organizes a recruitment agency, tomorrow - a cosmetology clinic, and the day after tomorrow - a furniture production workshop. You need to quickly understand the intricacies of a new business, select appropriate specialists, and resolve all organizational issues. After the project is clearly organized, the manager moves on to the next one, leaving current tasks to other specialists.


A constant change of impressions is also ensured in professions associated with traveling around the country and the world: guide, geologist, geographer, archaeologist...


Good teachers and educators also say that there is never a dull moment in their profession: every day presents new challenges, each child requires an individual approach.

But at the other pole there are professions for which, alas, monotony and monotony are more typical: working with documents (archivist, storekeeper, librarian, operators various mechanisms, bank teller, accountant), work as a transport driver, cashier, proofreader, laboratory assistant.

Does the above mean that when choosing one of the recommended professions, you guarantee yourself: “I will never get tired of it”? Of course not. Yes, these professions provide more chances for varied activities, but then everything depends only on the person himself.

After all, in fact, almost any profession can be perceived as boring and monotonous, or as exciting and versatile. This largely depends on the mood, on the approach to business.

Even the most interesting work can get boring - even by the very fact of its diversity. And at the same time, you can develop in every business, mastering new facets of skill. In any profession, you can get stuck in a routine, but you can add a dose of creativity to your work. If there is movement, change, you won’t be bored. Waiting for someone to come and diversify your life is pointless. You can put it this way: you quickly get bored with something you don’t put your soul into, a part of yourself. You will always quickly get bored with what is being done because “that’s the way it is,” “that’s the way it’s supposed to be,” everything that is somehow imposed and not consciously chosen. Take this into account when choosing a profession.

And one last thing. If you feel “bored” every month or two, no matter what you undertake, then you should take a closer look at yourself and look for the reasons for this situation. In addition to the points described above, think about this. Maybe you use the word “tired” to cover up your disappointment when you haven’t achieved the desired success in your activities? Or do you quickly get “bored” of everything exactly at the moment when you encounter the first difficulties? Or maybe it’s just overload, and general fatigue takes its toll, which also very often makes you feel like you’re “tired of everything.” Or is this a search for some kind of essence? Well, look for her! After all, what exactly is it that bores you? Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. Only then will you be able to make an informed choice. Good luck!

Does your work bring you true satisfaction and joy? Do you feel like your job is a good fit?

Temperament and professions: how to choose a profession based on your character

I think many readers know their type of temperament. Do we choose a profession taking into account the characteristics of our temperament and character?

Before you talk about how to choose professions taking into account temperament, I'll tell you about general features temperament and its differences from character.

Firstly, There are 4 types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic.

Secondly, pure temperaments do not occur in nature. There are several types in the character of every person.

Thirdly, unlike character, temperament does not change with age and is an innate quality; it is not chosen. If you were born choleric, then you are choleric now, and in 20 years you will remain so.

Fourthly, temperament - component character, besides him, there are many other qualities in character.

Fifthly, the type of temperament depends on the nervous system. It is not influenced by upbringing, living conditions, etc.

Sixth, each person's temperament is as unique as a fingerprint. A person's character combines types of temperament in a unique combination!

If suddenly you don’t know your leading temperament type, there are a lot of tests on this topic on the Internet!

Now, having dotted the i’s in understanding temperament, let’s figure out how knowing it can help choose a profession.

Sanguine- a type with a quick reaction. He adapts quickly and well, instantly switches attention, does not focus on one thing for a long time, is easily carried away, but quickly cools down, loves novelty, variety, hates routine, instantly immerses himself in new job(until you get bored). There is prudence in his character. The ability to choose is important!

Representatives of the sanguine temperament have a colossal capacity for work. It is preferable to choose professions that require quick reaction and balance. With such a temperament, variety and periodic changes in activities are necessary. A sanguine person can realize himself in professions of an intellectual and physical nature. If you have a sanguine temperament, choose a profession where there is no constant concentration. It's easier to work when there is clear objectives and rules. Suitable profession, in which you can show character traits: ingenuity, activity, resourcefulness. It is better when the profession is connected with live activities and communication with different people. Sanguine people can make their way in a business that they choose based on their interest.

Examples of suitable professions: teacher, journalist, administrator, manager, lawyer, manager, psychologist, educator.

Phlegmatic person- a type with a slow reaction. It is in his nature to follow the established routine. Phlegmatic people have stable attention, which is difficult to switch, have little initiative, and are self-organized. It is difficult for them to quickly choose and make decisions. They are often called "slow." At the same time, they are diligent and reliable! Typical character traits: calmness, balance, perseverance, perseverance, hard work, self-organization.

People with a phlegmatic temperament are good at doing work of a routine, monotonous nature, in which there is no need to make a lot of choices and decisions. A phlegmatic temperament is useful where stability needs to be maintained. For a phlegmatic person, work that has consistency, a schedule, and clear deadlines is important. Phlegmatic people are better off choosing professions that do not have high requirements for speed, variety, or frequent switching. A quiet nature of work is preferable. If a phlegmatic person has chosen a profession, retraining for a new one can be problematic.

Areas to which you can devote yourself: science, research.

Examples of professions that phlegmatic people choose: laboratory assistant, system administrator, doctor, veterinarian, mechanic, electrician, driver, proofreader, jeweler.

Choleric- a type in which nervous processes proceed quickly. Character traits: imbalance, initiative, hot temper, aggression, straightforwardness. Sometimes all this in the character of a choleric person is too much! People with this temperament tend to overestimate themselves and underestimate obstacles. They speak loudly and quickly, their speech is emotionally charged.

Choleric temperament is characterized by cyclical work. They can either devote themselves to their work with all passion, or (if they are depressed) they can give up work altogether. More often they choose professions that require immediate execution. Choleric temperament is a trump card in professions that require flexibility and the ability to adapt to new things. It is better to choose specialties that require communication with people. High resistance to stress will help in professions with a stressful nature of work. It is better for a choleric person to choose a profession in which they need to communicate. They can be successful in entrepreneurship and business. The ability to choose is important to them! The freer the nature of the work, the better. It is advisable to choose a flexible schedule. If you are a choleric person, choose a profession in which activities are assessed by results!

Areas that are preferable for people with a choleric temperament: law, service, politics.

Examples of suitable professions: artist, diplomat, journalist, manager, director, investigator, PR agent.

Melancholic- a type with high emotional sensitivity and vulnerability. Typical character traits: isolation, tendency to internal experiences, attention to detail, scrupulousness, pedantry. They find it difficult to get close to people, much less open up to them. Quiet speech, cautious, timid movements.

Professions that are more often chosen by individuals with a melancholic temperament- these are those that require perseverance, attention to detail, a specialty with a monotonous, even character. If a melancholic person fits into a team, he works much more effectively. It is successful when a melancholic person chooses professions of a technical, intellectual, and creative nature. The profession should be both calm, stress-free, without the need to choose and make management decisions, and at the same time, providing the opportunity to reveal intellectual and creative abilities.

Examples of professions that you can choose with a melancholic character: auditor, programmer, editor, analyst, consulting psychologist, artist, writer, painter, composer, car mechanic.

Of course, your temperament type is by no means the only thing worth considering when choosing a profession! In addition to this, character traits, mentality, interests, and much more play a significant role. That is why there is a whole branch of psychology - career guidance.

On my blog you will find many other interesting and useful articles and tips for every day. Good luck and all the best to you!

Modern palmistry is far from the myths that have developed in society, this is a developing science with an evidence base, working very effectively for warning and relief of negative manifestations.
It is impossible to determine by hand what exactly a person works. But it is possible to identify his abilities and advise the most suitable type of profession. you can see if it's on yours place in a person’s life, how satisfying the job is, how psychologically it suits him. And unfortunately, I quite often see the hands incorrect choice profession. I really love working with children and teenagers - you can guide a person to the right choice. Let me use the materials of my original articles and show how career guidance is carried out by hand.
There are four main types of hands - water, earth, fire, air. Attention - our chirological system has nothing to do with the elements in astrology!


Ah, these water hands! Among our clients, most of our clients have water hands. These hands are almost always problematic in one way or another. It is sometimes difficult for beginning palmists to figure it out in intricacy lines and signs on the hands of this type.


If in doubt, pick up a ruler. The water hand has a long palm and long fingers. If the palm is not very difficult yet, its rectangularity(an indicator of reduced practicality and spirituality) is visible to the eye (can be measured - the length is greater than the width), then with the size of the fingers there are doubts - are they long in relation to the palm? The easiest way to determine this is this: measure the width of the palm on the line between the two tubercles Mars and compare with the length of the middle finger. If it is longer than or equal to the width of the palm, the fingers are considered long.
The whole hand looks narrow, as if it was pulled and stretched out. The look is quite elegant - it’s not for nothing that in past centuries, when painting portraits, artists painted water hands for customers, regardless of what the hands actually were. It’s just that water hands have an aristocratic look. Here, take a look:
Another striking sign of a water hand is a large number of lines and signs on the palm. Sometimes to such an extent that the hands of a young man look as if they are old. It is difficult for beginners to figure it out. But there is no need to try to interpret every small line on water hands. After all, this large number of lines is an indicator of high emotionality. First try to simply highlight the main lines on these hands , track their beginning and end, interpret there are a large number of them fine lines on the water hand they can go across the palm from the Mount of Venus. These are stress lines. The more there are, the worse this person knows how to cope with stress. Do not confuse them with the main lines.


So, the main one distinguishing feature water - increased emotionality. This is their reward and at the same time their curse. They live by feelings, emotions. Receptive, vulnerable, sensitive, often touchy.their bright emotions give them charisma and can increase their attractiveness.But - at the same time, they can greatly interfere with their personal relationships and career. What initially attracts, with constant close communication, can begin to irritate others. After all, it is really difficult to withstand the whims and mood swings of a very emotional person for a long time. A large number of stress lines on the hand may not mean at all, that this man is deep unhappy.Rather - it does not hold stress. After all, to the same event different people treat differently. Water - give a sharp emotional reaction due to developed imagine yourself very strongly they are cheating..Therefore - The main and main recommendation for water people is to learn to cope with their emotions, to control themselves. They must be given a choice: either you will learn to control your emotions, or they will control you all your life. It is very worth looking at the water hand to see if there are any islands on lines of the mind - signs of periods of increased neuroticism. Emotional waters are more susceptible to blues than others (especially with a strongly inclined line of mind). They are often poor fighters, they need support, which is why they come to us so often. And their spirituality is usually higher, than other types of hands.
On watery hands It almost always makes sense to look for innate creative abilities. Aquatics are often gifted and have a creative streak. Unfortunately, these abilities are not always properly developed by parents from childhood.
But those who feel acutely both joy and suffering aquatic have the ability to sense other people, often capable to empathy.U many of them are a good “vest” for other people’s tears. Very often they are quite intuitive, often showing interest in occult practices.
Often they gullible, in everyday life aspects of life, they may be somewhat naive and slightly helpless. Not practical, for them usually spiritual values ​​may be higher than material ones. They should be wary of cynical people who may use them. Career.

Difficulties in building a career are not uncommon in water hands. The fact is that the ideal professions for water people are related with creativity, bohemian.and for This is why their creative abilities need to be developed from childhood, which, oh, how far from always happens. As a result, water people find themselves out of place in life. And it’s not easy to build relationships with colleagues with poorly managed emotionality. creative professions Aquatic people are suitable for professions related to mental work. Aquatic people are attentive to details and can even get stuck on them. They can perform work related to with care attention to detail, thoroughness. Good and for them and related works with communication (if there are no other signs of problems in communication), usually aquatic people have a good sense of people (doctors, psychologists, social workers, etc.) Work can be recommended to all aquatic people with beautiful, aesthetic objects, the contemplation of beauty gives them additional energy. If they have occult abilities, they can engage in occult practices. Heavy physical labor is absolutely contraindicated; it can seriously take away the health of aquatic people.
Recommendations: learn to control your emotions. Have a creative hobby.


1. Those with fiery hands always have a rectangular palm, i.e. palm length is longer width. If you doubt it - take a ruler (by the way, transparent rulers are very convenient in our work) and measure the length of the hand - from the top bracelet to the base of the middle finger. Then measure the width of the hand along the line of the location of the hillocks of Mars. The length should be greater than the width!
2. The fiery hand is a combination of a rectangular palm with short fingers. When in doubt (in fact, it is often difficult to determine by eye whether the fingers are long or short in relation to the palm), we resort again to measurement. Compare the length of the middle finger with the width of the palm on the line of the location of the tubercles of Mars. Fingers are considered short only if the length of the middle finger is less than the width of the palm. If these dimensions are the same, the fingers are considered long.
3. The line of life bends around the Mount of Venus in a wide arc, passing at a great distance from the thumb. This is a sign of a large supply of energy, which is characteristic of fiery ones.

These three signs - a long palm, short fingers, the life line runs far from the thumb (energy) and are the main ones. Of course, you can find other signs of a fiery hand, but they will be secondary, these three are absolutely enough.

Here is an example of a fiery hand open


First of all, fiery people are energetic, enterprising, impulsive people. They are overwhelmed with energy. They do not tolerate monotony well. In childhood, most children who are unable sit quietly for 45 minutes lessons in which teachers complain: fidget, get distracted, play around - owners of fiery hands. When I worked at school, it was enough to ask such fiery hands to erase the blackboard, go get chalk, etc. They just need physical release. Fiery children need to be raised by giving them enough movement and independence - otherwise, you can get problems, especially in adolescence. Fiery adults are always busy and active. They do not know how to keep track of all the little things, they often “burn” on them in various aspects of life. They are capable to scale, scope, large projects, but by little things just slip through the cracks. In everyday life fast, but careless. Not They know how to calculate their strength, they can take on more than they can bear.
They usually have leadership qualities and can be good organizers.
If the fiery energy does not find worthy use, they can become irritable and depressed. That is why so often on the fiery hand with clearly defined main lines we see a decent number of stress lines (comets) coming from the Mount of Venus. By tracking the end of these comets, we can determine in which aspect this person does not find correct application their stormy energy. Most of all, these comets often cut the line of fate - career, work are very important for fiery ones. It is not for nothing that they often ask about career first.
Please, when working with fiery ones, take into account their natural inattention. And if you see something important, emphasize it, focus on it, you can repeat yourself. Otherwise good part from what you give him tell me, he can Just not notice, perceive not serious enough. This is true not aquatic, which Every little thing can cause a storm in a glass. Fiery On the contrary, he may brush it aside and forget. There is no need to hammer everything in, but the most important thing should be repeated point by point at the end of the analysis during counseling.
Despite the inherent ease negligence, fiery - quite emotional people, often quite receptive. If a water person is more emotional about problems, a fire person strives to act. These are usually good fighters in life. But they don’t always see ways to solve problems, unresolved problems begin suppress them, accumulate stress (often hidden), irritability appears. And this often happens due to the fact that fire people feel much worse than water people people because of their globalities suffer because of little things.


Career is very important for a fiery person. This is often the first question they ask the palmist. We look at the line of fate. If it is weak, poorly and partially expressed, you can be sure that this person is not in his place in life. Here it is worth advising change of profession, especially since fire people, with their irrepressibility, often ask about the most suitable profession for them. Fire people are suitable for professions related to with scale, scope, energy and speed of execution. First of all, this is business, people management, all work related with movement, movement, travel, business trips. if put a fiery one in an office on a chair from bell to bell under the eyes of the boss, load him with a bunch of tedious, monotonous work with tracking all the little things - neurosis is guaranteed for him if he doesn’t run away in time. Ideally for a fiery one - come, quickly, energetically and a little carelessly do the work - and leave.
But! There may be signs on the hand that counteract fiery manifestations or, on the contrary, complement them. For example: bad weak Mercury is an obstacle in business, signs problems in communication (for example, tightly clenched fingers) can interfere with the manifestation of organizational abilities. Elements of the sybarite hand (the lower phalanges of the fingers expanding downwards) will give laziness, and such a fiery person will have many projects, but his energy will drain more for entertainment than to work (Pharaoh's plans, vaults -
Agathon the stove maker). On the other hand, a fiery person with square fingertips can show much more business qualities and work better with documents in general It’s better to keep track of little things. And those with an angular protruding joint at the base of the thumb can endure work more easily than other fiery ones. with repeating cycles.
I often suggest that businessmen with fiery hands have an assistant with a water hand. Water people feel people better and can warn in time about danger with their sides.besides The water assistant perfectly monitors little things and pitfalls.



1. Square palm combined with short fingers. The length (from the upper bracelet to the base of the middle finger) and width (along the line of the hills of Mars) are approximately equal, the differences are not great. The length of the middle finger is less than the width of the palm.
2. Relatively small number of lines, often well-defined main lines, relatively small number of minor lines.
3. The flexibility of the finger joints is somewhat reduced.
This is what an earthly hand looks like

earthly hand


Square palm sets practicality, materialism. Earthly - realists, much more materialistic than fiery ones and aquatic. I think exactly for this reason, they come to us much less often than water and fire - they trust less in everything that cannot be touched with their hands and used in practice. Often They are brought in by representatives of other types - after all, they are flexible and trusting. Hard time come on their own due to the fact that many of them are quite superstitious.
Earthly - reliable, practical. Collectivists. Good-natured, open, simple-minded (although there may be practical acumen, everyday cunning - but easy to read, sewn with white thread. They can willingly provide help, responsive.
Their gullibility and naivety may border on with simplicity. But Here we should not assume that all earthly people have limited intelligence. Their intellectual capabilities are different, many of them are very smart. I would highlight here the case when the hand has a rough shape with poorly formed lines of the mind - the so-called primitive (elementary) hands as a subtype of earthly ones. But with primitive hands, a person is usually not inclined to study a lot, and is more inclined towards physical labor.
Because of openness and earthly gullibility often become victims of deceivers and swindlers, especially in cases where they are promised material benefits. They should be strongly advised to always remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
Earthly ones love very much nature, plants, animals. This is - the source of their vitality, they need to take this into account and apply in life. Constantly those living and working in the city are in a state of tension; they definitely need to visit more often out of town, keep plants and pets in the house to maintain energy potential.
Peace-loving, good-natured, but - In a state of passion, it may be difficult for them to restrain themselves, they can be overly straightforward, harsh, and sometimes even rude.
Many earthly people are talented (if they have the appropriate signs), but they gravitate more toward applied creativity, creating things that can be applied in life (carving, knitting, needlework, etc.) If they have the appropriate signs, they can also engage in occult practices.


Ideal professions for earthlings should be somehow connected with nature (for example, forestry, ecology, etc.), the earth (geology, work in mines, land management, reclamation etc.), plants(agronomy, horticulture, floristry, landscape design, agriculture, etc.), animals (agronomy, veterinary medicine, cynology, biology, animal husbandry, etc.). They can make good doctors - provided that the profession involves manual work (surgery, dentistry, prosthetics, etc.). Various manual crafts and physical labor are also good for them. Owners of primitive hands can be good workers, with pleasure perform peasant labor.
Unfortunately, now, when the country’s agro-industrial potential has suffered so much, many earthly hands have a broken line of fate. As a rule, these are people working in distant professions from their type. It is especially difficult for earthlings in business, trade - because of their gullibility and naivety in these areas, they are often deceived and set up. And as practical people, they themselves often strive in these areas. look at the hands of sellers in the market - there are many earthly ones. Talk to them - they will confirm that it is not easy for them it is necessary. It is somewhat simpler if the goods are natural objects, plants, animals (here - energy recharge), but the risk remains to be deceived.
diligent, diligent, good at work performers.some earthly elements of the sybarite hand are found (the lower phalanges of the fingers thicken downward) - these are prone to laziness, but even in these cases necessary work perform


How to recognize an air hand

Main distinguishing feature air hand- a combination of a square palm and long fingers. If it is difficult for the eye determine whether they are long fingers in relation to the palm. As always, take a ruler, measure the length and width of the palm - they should have similar values. Next, compare the length of the middle finger with the width of the palm (on the line of the location of the hillocks of Mars). If middle finger equal to the width of the palm or longer - we consider the fingers long.
In addition, there are a number of other less obligatory signs of an air hand

Signs of an air hand:

1.Combination of a square palm with long fingers
2. Very often the air palm has a characteristic inclination of the fingers - all fingers noticeably lean towards the thumb.
3.Fingers are often flexible, hands are dry and soft.
4.The main lines are very sharp, minor - very thin.


The main character traits of aerials are intelligence and sociability.If water people live by emotions, air people live precisely with their minds. Their heads are always occupied with thoughts, they have a keen cognitive interest, they are curious. Air people have good logic, they let everything pass through them. they don’t just live with their minds - namely with their minds, they don’t really rely on on other people's opinions, they prefer to think everything over themselves and analyze.B In practice, we encounter this type of hands the least often. I thought for a long time - why? And the answer is on the surface.they much less emotional.their emotions are under strict control of the mind. They prefer to figure it out themselves in the situation. not very love to ask for advice. at the same time, these people sociable, happy support the conversation. During a personal consultation they can be somewhat critical; they first try to identify the logic, suspecting a purely psychological approach.
But in severe stress and psycho-traumatic situations, air creatures, with all their developed intelligence, can behave quite helplessly. After all, everything is fine in moderation. Some Poverty of emotions leads to the fact that the air one does not experience his emotions to the fullest force, but prefers analyze them, think them over. in such In some cases, it is useful for them to keep something like a diary, to write down their experiences. Almost all the air ones that I consulted, contacted came to me precisely in a state of severe stress, which was difficult for them to cope with using their usual logic.
The bright mind of the air requires a new one information.From here - They are characterized by some changeability and inconstancy. They may get tired of some activity that no longer brings new information. They may also become bored with a person who“spoke out” and began to repeat himself.
So, the main components of the air character are a good logical mind, sociability, a somewhat impoverished emotional world, and some inconstancy.


The ideal profession for an airman, in accordance with their character, should be associated with mental work or communication. Mental work professions should have specificity - the airman's mind requires new information, not routine. And this flow of new information should ideally be present.
Sociable airies cope well with works related with communication. of them They make excellent teachers and journalists. Many of them are able to work with a large number of people - among actors and show business representatives there are a lot of airheads. In my practice there have been cases when airheads contact me about their choice profession. I advised The profession of animator is quite popular now, this offer was accepted with joy (especially since it is, in principle, possible to try yourself in this field first as a hobby, parallel income).
If a profession is not associated with mental stress and communication, a person may become suddenly bored and change jobs and occupations. An airy person may study something that is “not his” out of curiosity, but he will get tired of it too quickly.

Of course. in practice you need to look at the hands as a whole, taking everything into account. Indeed, often, despite the clear type of hand, there may be signs that prevent a profession suitable for the type. Usually in this case, working on character gives positive results, because by looking at the hands you can quite easily identify which character trait is so interfering person... There are also mixed types of hands, here identifying suitable professions requires considerable experience.

If you have the desire and interest, you can take a photo of your hands in macro mode and post it on the website (or just send it to me, I’ll give you the address if you want)
Here my colleagues and I do it for free brief analyzes hands, we answer questions. My nickname on the forum is Martagon.
Be sure to indicate your leading hand (i.e., are you right-handed or left-handed), your age, your main question. Don’t ask a bunch of questions at once, if you want to get free services, it’s better to ask one or two specific questions, wait for an answer, and then you can more ask. don't be angry if there is no answer for several days - sometimes we are overwhelmed with work (many also do personal consulting, and in general we are living people, sometimes and we are sick, and others things may be wrong), but we will definitely try to help as quickly as possible!

Read the answers very carefully. On the forum we work for free, so we give short answers, so every word is important! Please note that hands do not carry sentences, they show what paths you choose in life in accordance with your mental type, and how this can affect your future. Chances and risks in different areas of life are important warnings to them It’s really worth listening carefully! Your hands can help you cure your fate.

The site employs palmists with different practice experiences, be understanding of the comments of beginners, appreciate people who are selflessly ready to help you in any way they can, be correct. If you want to thank the master, you can increase his reputation, the button under the master’s avatar.

We will try to help you. Please note: You can get answers for free to important questions warnings. But of course, incomparably more complete information will be provided by a full analysis of your hands. This is a lot of work, sometimes we analyze and write down information for one person for several days (examples of complete analyzes can be found here–1, look through, there is more than one page). Therefore, this is a paid service. If you want, you can order a full analysis of your hands to any of our masters. To do this, you need to write him a personal message.
In a complete analysis of your hands, you can get detailed information about your personal relationships, health, career, life course, receive important warnings, tips on how to prevent negativity in fate. Based on a photo of two pairs of hands (his and hers), we can make an analysis for compatibility couples. Identify untapped abilities, determine the best profession. We also work with the hands of children.
Don’t be surprised by the abundance of free services on the site, we are practitioners, we constantly need to work with our hands to improve our skills.

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