Magic and rituals during a thunderstorm - the magic of nature - magic, witchcraft - catalog of articles - money magic, strong conspiracies, rituals, amulets, fortune telling.

Elemental magic. Rituals during a thunderstorm

Spring has come - the time of rains and thunderstorms.

From time immemorial this a natural phenomenon left no one indifferent. The most formidable and strong gods polytheistic pantheons: Thor the Thunderer, Perun, etc. Witches also love thunderstorms, despite the fact that flying in such bad weather is quite dangerous.

Some Christians believe that during a thunderstorm, Elijah the Prophet rides across the sky. Thunder is the roar from his chariot, lightning is the spears that he throws at the evil spirits, and rushes about there, trying to escape. For this reason, you should not open your mouth during a thunderstorm: you never know the demons will try to escape in the fragile and resilient human body.
    In a thunderstorm, not only small dirty tricks rush about and are in chaos, but also the horses of Elijah the Prophet/Thor's goats. Bad weather with thunder and lightning is a riot of elements and good time for strong rituals. However, one must be careful here: a thunderstorm is an uncontrollable, formidable force, and it can both give power to spells and crumple them and turn them against the caster.

    A thunderstorm is a good time for protection magic, because it is not for nothing that the deities and saints associated with it often also serve as protectors. In bad weather full of thunder, you can turn to the Thunderers for support and help. Rodnovers, for example, use a conspiracy:
    “Oh my god! I call you to help! Send the Heavenly Powers to me, Your grandson (Your woman) (your name), for protection. I will use a talisman to protect myself from all troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from sword and fire, from water and misfortune, from sorcerers and sorceresses, from evil eye and a bad hour.
    To Your glory, my Dazhbozh!

    You can do as our grandmothers did:

Protection from annoying people
. Needed for the ritual: thin rope/string
. Completion of the ritual: burying in the ground.

On the eve of a thunderstorm, when the sky is covered with gray clouds, but there is no rain yet, it is good to protect yourself from annoying and persistent people who are haunted by your personal life.
    You need to take a thin rope (clothesline), measure it so that it is as long as your height, and wrap it around your wrist like a bracelet, saying out loud the spell:

    “Like gray clouds hid mother earth from the clear sun,
This is how I hide my desires, my secrets, my covenants
from persistent people, from curious people.
    Let everything that is mine remain mine.
    Let it be so!"

Then the rope must be removed from the wrist, without untwisting, and buried deeper in the ground in a deserted place. It can be in the forest in the roots of an oak tree, for example.

Protection from all troubles
. Needed for the ritual: paper, pen, red candle
. Completion of the ritual: scattering in the wind.

Even in the most violent thunderstorm, you can provide protection from all the troubles that come to mind.
    They need to be written down on a piece of paper, set on fire with a red candle and the ashes scattered in the raging thunderstorm wind with the words:
    “I am freed from troubles now and forever.
    I won’t get into trouble, I won’t get into trouble.
    Let it be so".

Wiccan Rite of Protection
. Needed for the ritual: white candle, yellow candle

Wiccan Cunningham advises doing the following to protect your home and family:
    “Light two candles, white and yellow, on your altar (or in the most important place in the house if there is no altar). Then walk around the house, going into all the rooms, looking into the bathroom, pantry - any room, and finish your tour at front door. All the time, at least once in each room, say something like this: “Lord of Rain, Lord of Storms, protect from evil and harm, protect from trouble. And while the rain falls from the sky, while lightning flashes through the clouds, may your protection be upon us all until the storm passes!” Your home will be safe until the storm passes.”

thunder water
    Among other things, you can keep the thunder magic for yourself even after the bad weather has passed: collect water pouring from the heavens, it will later be useful in any magical work. For example, in the form of wormwood water, which increases the power of any talismans, and is also good for divination and fortune telling. You can hold amulets in it, you can wash mirrors and crystal balls with it.

During a rainstorm, place a container outside to collect storm water.
. Gather a handful of fresh wormwood and soak it in water.
. After a day, you can strain it, or you can put talismans and amulets directly into it. You can use spells and sentences, turning, according to your tradition, to the four elements or gods.
    We like to collect storm water in a clear glass bowl, or clay pots, but the material is not important, a saucepan will do :)

Lightning clothes for good luck
    There are, they say, clothes charged with thunderstorms. It's done like this:

When you hear distant rumbles of thunder, hang clean clothes on the street or on the balcony that will not be damaged by water and that do not need to be ironed (underwear is most suitable for this purpose). They should also dry outside after rain.

Then they are placed one at a time in bags made of natural fabric or large paper bags - so that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry herb that has miraculous properties to the package.

Such charged clothing should be worn at especially important moments in life: it sharpens intuition, gives endurance, protects against energy vampires and weakens enemies.

But if it’s hot, then a thunderstorm is a good time for any rituals in which you would like to add the power of nature and ensure success.

Watch the lightning carefully, try to capture this picture in your memory as accurately as possible, and if one day you happen to find yourself in difficult situation, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and evoke a thunderstorm in your memory with maximum reliability.

You will feel as if an energy discharge has pierced your mind and body. You will have the strength to overcome all difficulties, and you will find a way out of a situation that even seemed completely dead-end.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, and this miraculous power is also preserved in the rainwater left after a thunderstorm. Such water must be collected in glass or ceramic vessels with ground-in lids made of the same material - they isolate its energy.

Water becomes especially effective if you put several dried leaves of wormwood in the same vessel - a plant that is also capable of enhancing telepathic energy.

The vessel is left to stand under the moonlight for three nights preceding the full moon.

Then, on the night of the full moon, when it is completely dark, draw a circle on paper or on the ground in any way and place all the things you want to charge inside it.
From harmful people

"Charged" thunderstorm stone- a simple and reliable talisman that will help you cope with many problems. In particular, with the help of a “thunderstorm” stone you can silence a grumpy neighbor, spouse, harmful boss, in short, any brawler.

How to do it? If you find yourself outdoors during a thunderstorm, as soon as you hear the rumble of thunder, pick up the first stone you come across from the road with your right hand.

Having crossed the threshold of an apartment, office or other place where you have to constantly be in contact with your tormentor, speak while holding right hand stone:

“The thunder will subside, the storm will pass, and (name) will not approach me with evil. Just as a stone is strong, so is a curse. Amen".

Then place the stone under your bed or office desk and do not touch it for 7 days.

Love spell

"Thunderstorm" stone It can also become a love spell. Some difficulty is that to do this you will have to go out into the rain. As you pass the stone over your body, with each clap of thunder, recite the following spell:

“Mother thunder arrow smashed the seas and rivers with stones, with my words bring your loved one to me. Be my words strong and sculpted."

This must be repeated seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunderclaps must sound. You need to take the stone for your next meeting with the object of your feelings.

Love spell

For women there is another, simpler love spell (though its effect is less reliable).

When you hear thunder, light a wax candle (not a church candle), stand facing east and read the spell three times:

“As you, thunder, knock, thunder, so your heart trembles, takes your breath away, so the heart of a man (name) would knock and tremble for me, your woman (your name). He would have been tossing about, suffering, not sleeping at night, if he had not seen me, the woman (name), for a long time, had not breathed the same air as me. Just as you can’t stop thunder from thundering, you can’t interrupt my words, and you can’t separate a person (the man’s name) from me, you can’t alienate him. Truly!

Not only the stone - you yourself, or rather, your inner self can also be charged with a thunderstorm. To do this, you don’t even need to leave your home - just when you hear the first rumbles of thunder, go out onto the balcony or stand by the open window.

Increasing the power of talismans

Infused with wormwood "thunderwater" water will increase the power of any talismans, but it is especially good for items that are used in fortune telling and clairvoyance sessions - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulums.

Dip your fingers into this highly charged potion and moisten each object with it, saying the following words: “Thunder and lightning, wormwood and the Moon, your powers will soon pass into this amulet.” Then leave all the objects soaked in the medicine under the moonlight, but be sure to remove them before sunrise.

Storm Charged Clothes

When you hear distant rumbles of thunder, hang clean clothes on the street or on the balcony that will not be damaged by water and that do not need to be ironed (underwear is most suitable for this purpose). They should also dry outside after rain.

Then they are placed one at a time in bags made of natural fabric or large paper bags - so that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry herb that has miraculous properties to the package.

Such charged clothing should be worn at especially important moments in life: it sharpens intuition, gives stamina, protects from energy vampires and weakens enemies.

From diseases

Water collected during a thunderstorm has healing properties. She, too, should be allowed to stand overnight under the moonlight, and then at noon the ritual should begin.

Cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, light two wax candles(not church), put water on the table and speak on it twelve times:

“Lord, all-righteous and consubstantial! Water flowing from Your heavens, shot by thunder, scorched by lightning, wash the whole body of (the name of the patient) from black sickness, from exhausted illness! As the thunder thundered and subsided, as the lightning flashed and went out, so the itching pains will go away from (the name of the patient), the pain is prickly, and he may be healthy, according to God's work- and yellow bones, and white body. Truly!

This water should be used to wash the patient's face, hands, chest and legs - in exactly that order. The patient must stand in the basin. After washing, collect the water and pour it under the fence after sunset. Such a ritual will help a person quickly get rid of his illness.

From nitpicking

If someone else is picking on you, modern magicians advise performing the following simple ritual. Collect rainwater while thunder roars. Say about this water:

“As thunder subside, so do you (name) subside! Just as thunder doesn’t touch me (your name), so you don’t touch me!”

It is best to give this water to that person or mix it into his drink. If you can’t do this, then simply spray the place where he will sit or follow him. While spraying, say:

“Thunder (name) doesn’t touch me, and you (name) don’t touch me!”

Put protection

To protect yourself from possible troubles and blows when thunder strikes, immediately say:

“Oh my god! I call you to help! Send the Heavenly Forces to protect me, my grandson (your name). I will protect myself with a talisman from all troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from sword and fire, from water and misfortune, from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from the evil eye and a bad hour. To Your glory, my Dazhbozh! Truly!

On a scandalous husband

Wait for a thunderstorm, the stronger the better. Press your forehead against the glass and say seven times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Wash away grievances, quarrels, return kindness and joy. Amen".

After each reading of the plot, make the sign of the cross.

Never be afraid of thunder. If a thunderstorm begins, immediately place a broom on the threshold of your home (with the sweeping part up), at the same time presenting a huge shield of blue color. Lightning and all evil will pass through such a house.

If you are wondering what magical influence is used most often, then you will see that love spell is used most often. And this has always been the case.

Matters of the heart have always come first for people. Love spell They do it on their own and turn to a magician for help.

There are a huge number of love spells where absolutely everything is used. And the help of light and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below is a love spell for a man during a severe thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this particular natural phenomenon.

Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to have a photograph of a man with you; just knowing his name is enough.

The only difficulty with such a love spell for a city dweller is that it must be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. So if you want bewitch a man in exactly this way, then before thunderstorm you should go out of town. The place should be deserted. To make the love spell really strong, it is recommended to perform it at night.

How to cast a love spell on a thunderstorm:

You need to cast a love spell only on the waxing moon. At other times there will be no result or it will be completely opposite. You must personify the thunderstorm, addressing it as if it were a living creature. We must establish some kind of connection with her. Usually people are afraid severe thunderstorm, especially when lightning flashes and thunder roars. You should have no such fear at all.

So go out into the desert open place during a thunderstorm and remove all clothing. Stand in the rain, raise your hands up and turn to the raging elements for help. Words can be anything, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the storm how you dream of a man being yours. Say his name. Ask the storm for help.

Another love spell option:

It is based on the ancient Russian belief that during a thunderstorm, demons hide behind people’s backs. If in the first version of the love spell you turned to a personified thunderstorm asking for help, now you will turn to the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you don’t have to go out of town and stand naked in the rain. You can even do it from the balcony, standing under the canopy. The main thing is that you see the thunderstorm. The moon phase should be waxing.

So you stand on the balcony during a thunderstorm and cast the next spell:

"Come to me demon

I will hide you, protect you from the thunderstorm

And you will do me a service.”

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is standing behind you. You can't turn around. Make a request to the demon:

"Demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know that you are standing behind me

And I protect you from thunder and lightning

Do the devil a service to me

Let (man's name) be mine both soul and body

Let him come to me

May we be together

Help me, demon, and I will thank you.”

You need to stand for a while, and then go into the room and go to bed without talking to anyone.

The next day you need to give alms to three beggars. This will be the demon's payment for his work.

Love spell with lightning

There is one more simple conspiracy, which must be read when referring to lightning. It can be read through open window. When lightning flashes in the sky, say the following words:

"I conjure you, arrows of fire

I conjure you, heavenly creatures

Let (name) come to me

Let him have no peace if I'm not around

Let him think only about me

Let him only want to see me

Let only me be the one who wants to touch

I conjure you, arrows of fire

Do it like this!

Of these three love spells carried out during a thunderstorm, the first option is considered the strongest. So if you want to get a really good result, overcome your fear and do as described.

And don't forget that an important condition love spell is that you should not be the first to attempt to see the subject.

Since Old Testament times, in Slavic magic (as well as in the esoteric traditions of Ancient Hellas, Rome and Scandinavia), it was believed that thunder and lightning are independent, thinking entities under the power of the Higher Gods.

Among the Russians, for example, Perun was considered the supreme deity. And when necessary, our ancestors, the Magi, exclaimed: “Beat, Perune!”, and then indicated who or what exactly needed to be beaten: the names of opponents-bad-wishers were named, problems that needed to be gotten rid of were listed (hunger, pestilence, crop failure ), or requests to prevent bloody raids by enemy peoples (for example, Khazars, Polovtsians).

And to this day, healers, removing damage, in their conspiracies turn to Ilya the thunder-bringer, asking him to send thunder and lightning to help in the healing process...

Carefully observe the lightning - where and how far from you they strike (this is judged by the time interval between the flash and thunder), how their arcs bend.

Try to imprint this picture in your memory as accurately as possible, and if one day you happen to find yourself in a difficult situation, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and evoke a thunderstorm in your memory with maximum reliability.

You will feel as if an energy discharge has pierced your mind and body. You will have the strength to overcome all difficulties, and you will find a way out of a situation, even one that seemed completely dead-end.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, and this miraculous power is also preserved in the rainwater left after a thunderstorm. Such water must be collected in glass or ceramic vessels with ground-in lids made of the same material - they isolate its energy.

Water becomes especially effective if you put several dried leaves of wormwood in the same vessel - a plant that is also capable of enhancing telepathic energy.

The vessel is left to stand under the moonlight for three nights preceding the full moon.

Then, on the night of the full moon, when it is completely dark, draw a circle on paper or on the ground in any way and place all the things you want to charge inside it.

From harmful people

A stone “charged” with a thunderstorm is a simple and reliable talisman that will help you cope with many problems. In particular, with the help of a “thunderstorm” stone you can silence a grumpy neighbor, a spouse, a harmful boss, in short, any brawler.

How to do it? If you find yourself outdoors during a thunderstorm, as soon as you hear the rumble of thunder, pick up the first stone you come across from the road with your right hand.

Having crossed the threshold of an apartment, office or other place where you have to constantly be in contact with your tormentor, say, holding a stone in your right hand: “The thunder will subside, the storm will pass, and the slave (name) with evil won't suit me. Just like the stone of kre-pok, so the hex is strong. Amen". Then place the stone under your bed or office desk and do not touch it for 7 days.

Love spell

A “thunderstorm” stone can also become a love spell. Some difficulty is that to do this you will have to go out into the rain. Passing the stone over your body, with each clap of thunder, say the following spell: “Mother thunder arrow smashed the seas and rivers with the stone, with my words bring your loved one to me. Be my words strong and sculpted." This must be repeated seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunderclaps must sound. You need to take the stone for your next meeting with the object of your feelings.

Love spell

For women there is another, simpler love spell (though its effect is less reliable).

Hearing thunder, light a wax candle (not a church candle), stand facing east and read the spell three times: “As you, thunder, knock, thunder, so the heart trembles, it takes your breath away, so the heart would knock and tremble men (name) for me, your woman (your name). He would have been tossing about, suffering, not sleeping at night, if he had not seen me, the woman (name), for a long time, if he had not breathed the same air as me. Just as you can’t stop the thunder from thundering, you can’t interrupt my words, and you can’t separate a person (the man’s name) from me, you can’t alienate him. Truly!

Not only a stone - you yourself, or rather, your inner “I” can also be charged with a thunderstorm. To do this, you don’t even need to leave your home - just when you hear the first rumbles of thunder, go out onto the balcony or stand by the open window.

Increasing the power of talismans

“Thunderstorm” water infused with wormwood will increase the power of any talismans, but it is especially good for items that are used in fortune telling and clairvoyance sessions - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulums.

Dip your fingers into this highly charged potion and moisten each object with it, saying the following words: “Thunder and lightning, wormwood and the Moon, your powers will soon pass into this amulet.” Then leave all the objects soaked in the drug under the moonlight, but be sure to remove them before sunrise.

Storm Charged Clothes

When you hear distant rumbles of thunder, hang clean clothes on the street or on the balcony that will not be damaged by water and that do not need to be ironed (underwear is most suitable for this purpose). They should also dry outside after rain.

Then they are placed one at a time in bags made of natural fabric or large paper bags - so that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry herb that has miraculous properties to the package.

Such charged clothing should be worn at especially important moments in life: it sharpens intuition, gives stamina, protects from energy vampires and weakens enemies.

From diseases

Water collected during a thunderstorm also has healing properties. She, too, should be allowed to stand overnight under the moonlight, and then at noon the ritual should begin.

Cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, light two wax candles (not church candles), put water on the table and speak on it twelve times: “Lord, all-righteous and consubstantial! Water flowing from Thy heavens, shot by thunder, scorched by lightning, wash the whole body of Thy man (“the woman of God” - if the ritual is carried out to cure a woman) from black sickness, from exhausting illness!

As thunder thundered and subsided, as lightning flashed and went out, so the itchy pains, prickly pains will leave the man of God (woman of God) (name of the patient), and he may be healthy, according to God’s work - both his yellow bones and his white body. Truly!

This water should be used to wash the patient’s face, hands, chest and legs - in exactly that order. The patient must stand in the basin. After washing, collect the water and pour it under the fence after sunset. Such a ritual will help a person quickly get rid of his illness.

From nitpicking

If someone else is picking on you, modern magicians advise performing the following simple ritual. Collect rainwater while thunder roars. Say to this water: “As the thunder subsides, so do you (name) subside! Just as thunder doesn’t touch me (your name), so you don’t touch me!” It is best to give this water to that person or mix it into his drink. If you can’t do this, then simply spray the place where he will sit or follow him. While splashing, say: “Thunder (name) doesn’t touch me, and you (name) don’t touch me!”

Put protection

To protect yourself from possible troubles and blows when thunder strikes, immediately say: “My God! I call you to help! Send the Heavenly Powers to me, Your grandson (Your woman) (your name), for protection. I will protect myself with a talisman from all troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from sword and fire, from water and misfortune, from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from the evil eye and a bad hour. To Your glory, my Dazhbozh! Truly!

On a scandalous husband

Wait for a thunderstorm, the stronger the better. Press your forehead against the glass and say seven times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Wash away grievances, quarrels, return kindness and joy. Amen". After each reading of the conspiracy, sign yourself with the sign of the cross.

Never be afraid of thunder. If a thunderstorm begins, immediately place a broom on the threshold of your home (with the sweeping part up), at the same time presenting a huge blue shield. Lightning and all evil will pass through such a house.

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