Attic how to insulate the ceiling and make sound insulation. How to create proper sound insulation for wooden floors

The knocking of raindrops on the roof, noise coming from the street and from the lower rooms - all these sounds will create acoustic discomfort if the attic is poorly insulated. This is especially noticeable if materials with high resonating properties are used to cover the roof - metal tiles, profiled metal sheets.

Thin rigid partitions dividing the attic space help to amplify sound. This is especially noticeable if the attic is equipped with a toilet and shower. People in the rooms under the attic will also suffer from sounds coming from above: knocking, footsteps, a working TV. So, the comfortable existence of all its inhabitants depends on high-quality sound insulation of the house.

Properties of materials and rules for arranging sound insulation

Protection from noise generated by falling raindrops and from sounds coming from the street is achieved by arranging the roof and insulating the roof using heat-insulating materials. The effectiveness of the created acoustic barrier directly depends on the characteristics and properties of insulation. All materials have a certain sound absorption index. For high-quality protection from extraneous noise, it must be at least 0.6. For example, mineral wool has a sound-absorbing index of 0.7-0.9, and polystyrene foam - 0.15-0.25. The density and elasticity of the material also affect its sound-absorbing properties. Fibrous materials reflect sound less well, therefore, mineral wool is better suited for roof sound insulation than foam plastic.

When installing insulating materials, it is necessary to leave a gap between their surface and the roofing material. To prevent vibrations occurring in the roof under the influence of sound waves from being transmitted through the rafters to the interior lining of the room, it is necessary to install an elastic gasket. For this purpose, for example, felt, porous rubber or polyethylene foam can be used.

In order for the partitions between rooms in the attic to transmit less sound, you need to make them three-layer. Soundproofing material is installed inside. For this you can use expanded clay or any foamed polymer.

Methods for arranging floors with sound-absorbing materials

Soundproofing the attic floor is necessary to create comfortable conditions both in itself and in the lower rooms. To do this, you can use both old proven methods and modern technologies and materials. In the first case, to create a soundproofing pad, foamed polyethylene is laid on the joists, covered on one side with foil (penofol), and a layer of sand about 5 cm thick is poured between the beams. Sand has high sound-absorbing properties. It is heavy and dense, which dampens vibration. In addition, sand is safe for health, unlike foam plastic, which releases harmful substances into the air during prolonged use.

Soundproofing of the floor is required to protect the lower rooms from so-called impact noise: steps, moving furniture, objects falling on the floor, as well as acoustic noise. To absorb sound, fibrous materials (mineral wool, glass wool, felt) or porous materials (foam plastic, foamed polymers) should be used. To weaken vibration and reduce the strength of impact sounds, sound-absorbing slabs made of basalt wool are used. This is a heavy, dense material, due to which it is able to dampen vibration and prevent the propagation of sound.

To prevent wooden elements from transmitting sounds, it is necessary to create an insulating layer between them. The material used for sound insulation is laid between the joists and floor beams. Sheets of heat-insulating and sound-proofing materials are laid between the beams on the subfloor. On top, the logs are covered with a layer of thin rolled material (foamed polyethylene, cork). Flooring from OSB boards or plywood is attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. It should not be tightly adjacent to the walls. A finishing coating is placed on top. Skirting boards are installed along the walls.

These methods are mainly used to create sound insulation for a wooden house. If the floors in the house are reinforced concrete, then the so-called “floating floor” can be used. The essence of the method is that a layer of soundproofing elastic material completely separates the floors and places of contact with the walls from the concrete or cement-sand leveling screed. The same materials are used for the sound-absorbing layer. The industry also produces special materials for arranging a floating floor system with a thickness of 3 to 20 mm. Thick materials are used for uneven surfaces. A layer of waterproofing – polyethylene film – is laid on top of the soundproofing material. A solution of concrete or cement-sand mixture is poured. After drying, a finishing coat is applied and the baseboards are installed.

Video - Noise and thermal insulation of the attic

For example, during heavy rain or wind, the structure itself may begin to make unpleasant sounds. To prevent this from happening, you will need a soundproofing layer.

Typically, standard building materials have high sound transmission rates. This is due to the presence of acoustic holes in their structure. Other materials - rubber, polymer lead, etc., do not have such holes in the audible range, so they are used to increase the sound insulation performance of a structure.

Noise can be reduced by absorbing it. Special sound-absorbing materials are installed inside the structure. The amount of noise dissipated in this case will directly depend on the density and elasticity of the soundproofing materials. Here it is permissible to use mineral wool, special soundproof materials, etc.

The design of the room itself will also contribute to its sound insulation. If you install soft chairs in the attic, lay carpets or rugs, and hang heavy curtains, this will significantly increase the sound absorption rates.

All considered points are valid for homogeneous partitions. A brick structure is not like this, since the vertical joints of the masonry are quite poorly filled with mortar. Real sound insulation values ​​are much lower than those provided for a certain partition weight. To restore real indicators and bring them closer to the calculated ones, you need to cover the wall with a layer of plaster or insulate it using special materials that have good performance sound absorption.

Improving the soundproofing characteristics of the internal partitions of the attic of a non-uniform plan: 1 - seams brickwork, not completely filled cement mortar, 2 - polymer lead, 3 - hollow blocks.

Each object, under the influence of acoustic vibrations, also begins to resonate at a certain frequency. If the wall consists of diverse materials, then sounds will be muffled in different ranges. To avoid this effect, fibrous materials that allow air to pass through should be used as a soundproofing layer inside the partition. They usually have a high level of dissipative power.

Double brick partitions: a) with an air layer, b) with a layer of fibrous material.

Another way to improve the soundproofing of a room is through sealing. The fact is that sound passes directly into the room not only through doors, windows, ceilings and walls. Waves of sound vibrations are able to freely pass through all poorly sealed joints, gaps, cracks, etc.

If you believe the experts in this field, it turns out that even the most massive wall with excellent soundproofing characteristics can sharply reduce these indicators if a hole with a diameter the size of a small nail head is made in it.

There may be cracks in the attic structural elements, since you will definitely have to make holes for communications and ventilation. They will become good paths for sound waves. They will have to be sealed with a special acoustic sealant that does not harden, shrink or crack.

When carrying out soundproofing work, polyurethane foam is not taken into account. The fact is that it transmits sound perfectly, even despite its porous structure. If the gap is sealed polyurethane foam, the sound will leak through it just as well as before. Ordinary acrylic or silicone sealants can cope with this problem much better.

When people walk on the floor, various objects fall on it, and various kinds impulse impacts from mechanical vibrations, they will spread not only throughout the attic itself, but throughout the rest of the building with enormous speed. This leads to vibration of those elements that are rigidly connected to each other. This is due to compression and rarefaction of the internal air space, which causes the appearance of an acoustic wave propagating throughout the room.

To prevent impact noise, vibration should not be allowed to occur. First of all, the energy from an impact is reduced by using materials with impact toughness. These include solid floor coverings with an elastic base, linoleum on a special base that has thermal and sound insulation characteristics obtained thanks to elastic foams and synthetic fiber.

However, even a high-quality layer of this type cannot solve all problems, since simply walking on the floor is also a source of vibration. There must be soft contact between the insulated elements of the installation.

To make such a structure, felt strips are placed under the partition or other soundproofing material is used. All holes intended for fastening are increased in diameter. Plastic or rubber gaskets are placed under the steel washers.

Airborne noise - wave vibrations of the air - is assessed by the Rw index and measured in decibels (dB). Impact noise - mechanical impacts on structures, index 1lc decibels. Structural noise is sound vibrations in the structure itself, derived from other noise.

To prevent the spread of mechanical vibrations, you can use a structure called a floating floor. It is isolated from the rest of the partitions and ceilings and lies on an elastic material. Making such floors is difficult and quite expensive, but the emergence of new building materials can reduce the time and money spent on this design by several times.

Today, simpler methods of sound insulation are available: for dry subfloors, special combined slabs are sold, on which a layer of insulation against impact noise has already been applied. They include two slabs glued together into one common structure. There is a stepped fold along the perimeter. Between the plates there is a special layer of hard foam with a thickness of 2 to 3 cm. Such designs are suitable for all types of floors.

It is necessary to take care of the soundproofing of the attic at the planning stage. The amount of noise is reduced due to the layout of the rooms in the attic. It should be taken into account that doors and large windows are not recommended to be installed on the side of the noise source. If the attic window already faces directly onto a noisy street, then the old window should be replaced with a plastic one, whose soundproofing characteristics are much higher. Doors should also be such that they can provide sufficient resistance to various types of noise.

If finances do not allow you to install a door with high-quality soundproofing indicators, then the usual door leaf should be covered with thick fabric. To ensure that the door closes as softly as possible and does not make additional noise, a thin rubber gasket is fixed between its leaf and the threshold. You can install another door and increase the overall sound insulation of the structure almost to the level of the main wall.

The ideal wall or floor to comply with all sound insulation aspects should be made of massive, but not rigid material. It is most convenient to increase sound insulation performance through multi-layer structures, which can dampen noise, but do not require an increase in the thickness of the partition or cladding of the structure. During production, they alternate at least two layers - hard and soft. Hard has a higher density and therefore a higher reflectance. Such materials include plasterboards, brick, concrete, etc. The soft layer is made of a material with an increased sound absorption coefficient. For this layer, mineral wool, porous fillers, etc. are used.

Part of the sound wave is absorbed by the first layer, and the remaining wave penetrates the thickness of the partition and is damped in the soft material. However, it must be remembered that even soft structures can reduce the noise threshold to only 15 dB. For walls and ceilings, this is actually the limit.

To combat high-frequency sounds, it is necessary to eliminate even the smallest sound leaks in building structures. When constructing partitions and covering rooms, the main thing is to prevent the propagation of sound waves.

One of the most effective means in this regard is correct layout rooms in the attic and installation of noisy structures. Vibration should be blocked if possible. This can be achieved through the use of shock-absorbing pads or by breaking acoustic bridges.

The disadvantage of a low-rise lightweight structure is that the soundproofing characteristics of partitions and ceilings do not reach those of a standard apartment in a multi-storey building. To create a normal sound insulation level, a special expansion joint will have to be made between sections of the building.

An air gap of 3 to 5 cm wide is left between the walls or partitions of the structure. It is filled using mineral wool or similar roll-type soundproofing material. This design will reduce the noise level to approximately 50 dB. Double walls made of cellular concrete or facing bricks are erected in such a way that a distance of approximately 25 cm plus an air gap is maintained between them.

They build such a wall as carefully as possible so that no mortar or other debris remains between the wall structures, which could negatively affect the soundproofing effect. From an acoustic point of view, the ideal soundproofing partition should be made of a massive, but not too rigid material.

The roof insulation material (mineral wool) also serves as sound insulation against airborne noise.

In order for the wall to have high sound insulation rates, it is necessary to use a multilayer structure. With its help you can muffle many noises. The wall structure must have at least two layers: hard and soft. Drywall, brick, etc. can be used as a hard material. Soft material should have a high absorption rate of sound waves. Mineral or glass wool is suitable here. It is also permissible to use various porous fillers.

In this case, part of the sound wave will be reflected by the hard layer, and the remaining sound will be absorbed by the soft one. The amount of sound absorbed depends not only on indicators such as the thickness of the material or its density, but also on elasticity.

The most difficult thing will be to get rid of low-frequency sounds - the hum of engines, musical bass, etc. They can only be dealt with by erecting thick brick or concrete walls.

To protect against high-frequency sound vibrations, even the smallest sound leaks during the construction of partitions and walls are eliminated. When laying sewer lines, all holes in the partitions through which sewer or water pipes will pass are made to the minimum acceptable size. All gaps between the partition mass and the pipes are filled with silicate sealant, which has good acoustic properties. The pipes themselves are additionally isolated from all structures using special hangers. They allow you to minimize the contact of existing communications with the building frame. Similar measures are taken when fixing sheets of drywall, laying electrical wiring and placing in the house technical devices, creating vibrations during their work.

If water pipes are located along the walls and even attached to them, then a soundproofing layer is then created by making an additional plasterboard box. It will help reduce noise. appearing when water flows.

Household equipment that operates quite noisily (refrigerators, washing and dishwashers), should be installed on special rubber mats. Also, instead of them, gaskets that reduce vibration are suitable. It is worth noting that doors to the kitchen or bathroom are made with an additional layer of sound insulation.

When constructing the system forced ventilation make sure that all connections of structural elements have elastic gaskets. If the air flow moves too quickly through the system, it will cause it to run continuously. Therefore, special elements are installed on the air ducts that dampen the generated noise. To make the noise in the ventilation ducts almost unnoticeable, you should choose a system with the lowest sound power level.

With a passive ventilation system, when the room is ventilated using outside air, the supply air duct is insulated with a material that can dampen sounds coming from outside.

Acoustic discomfort for people in the attic may be caused precisely by its shape. Often in rectangular structures a so-called standing wave occurs. In some places the sound becomes stronger, and in others it is simply not audible. Sometimes a number of other sound effects occur, one of the most unpleasant among them is the fluttering echo that occurs between parallel walls. Another effect is sound bounce, when sound bounces off multiple surfaces that intersect in a corner.

It turns out that all measures to create high-quality sound insulation can be divided into two main stages - sound absorption and sound insulation itself. Sound absorption is necessary to eliminate noise where it occurs. Simply put, building structure attics are erected in such a way that noise is absorbed and not reflected from obstacles in the room itself. This design is very effective when installed on the side of the noise source.

To create a high-quality soundproofing layer, you will have to take a number of protective measures in relation to both airborne and impact noise; for this it is necessary to install sound absorbers and sound insulators.

Sound-absorbing materials are divided into several groups depending on a number of characteristics, the key of which is the nature of absorption of sound waves. The production technology of the material and the type of its surface also play an important role. It is worth noting that many sound-absorbing materials can perform a finishing function.

Based on the type of absorption of sound waves, materials are divided into perforated and membrane. Most often, sound insulation is made from porous materials. The sound energy in them is reduced due to the effect of friction between air particles in the pores and capillaries, which differ greatly in size. As the porosity of the material increases, the sound absorption rate increases significantly. But it has a limit, and it is about 80%; the level of sound absorption rises above it in very rare cases. The shape and size of the pores present in the structure are no less important. With small sizes, sound energy is difficult to penetrate into the thickness, which is why the absorption rate will not be too high. Experts note that the most suitable size pores are within 1-2 mm.

Porous materials can have a fibrous, granular or cellular structure. They are also divided into groups, but only according to one indicator - rigidity: hard, semi-hard and soft.

Soft ones are usually made from mineral wool or fiberglass. They are commercially available in the form of rolls or mats. Their density, as a rule, does not exceed 70 kg/m3, and the sound absorption coefficient is in the region of 70-85%. This also includes more traditional sound absorbers, for example, cotton wool, felt, etc.

Semi-rigid sound absorption materials are slabs made of fiberglass or mineral wool; their volumetric mass is much greater (it can reach about 130 kg/m3), and their ability to absorb sound does not exceed 75%.

In order to correctly and reasonably choose the soundproofing material required in a particular case, you need to clearly understand the purposes for which it is purchased, since there are a lot of different materials and they all have their pros and cons.

Solid materials have the highest density - up to 400 kg/m3. The sound absorption characteristics of such materials are very good - they reach 80%. This indicator is observed in granulated mineral wool.

Their level of hygroscopicity is low, and they are not flammable. This also includes materials that include a variety of porous fillers - expanded perlite, pumice, plaster and slabs with sound-absorbing properties. In the production of such plaster, mineral binders are used - gypsum or colored cement. These materials are sold in dry form; the bags contain carefully mixed binders and fillers in a certain proportion. The average density of such plaster is about 700 kg/m2, but the sound absorption coefficient is quite low - no more than 60%.

In the production of acoustic slabs, mineral binders or synthetic resins are used. They are formed by pressing or vibration. The filler here is single-fraction, its grain sizes range from 2.5 to 5 mm. To obtain intergranular pores that communicate with each other in the thickness of the material, the consumption of the binder is usually limited. The length of these slabs is 50, 60 and 70 cm, width - from 50 to 60 cm, thickness - no more than 4 cm.

In terms of performance, a fine-fiber soundproofing system is superior to a foam one. This is explained by the fact that such means allow achieving multi-level energy dissipation. It occurs due to the production of viscous air between the fibers, friction of air against fibers and between fibers. Friction processes also occur in the crystal lattice of fibers. The result is a very high-quality sound insulation layer.

Such materials are capable of not disintegrating for a long time, so the durability of the soundproofing layer is immediately ensured. At the same time, elastic gaskets made from organic substances (these include polypropylene, polyethylene and fiberboard) will noticeably age throughout their entire service life.

Foamed products lose useful characteristics over time under the load of their own weight; air bubbles collapse in their structure. In addition, it must be said that due to the heavy load, residual deformation may begin to develop in them, which will greatly reduce the ability to absorb sound waves.

When using membrane-type materials, the strength of the sound wave decreases due to the consumption of energy during friction against massive and rigid membranes - MDF boards, plywood sheets, thick cardboard, elastic polymers with a high density, fabrics, etc. Perforated panels and other similar materials have in their the structure of the hole where passing air is trapped and creates a barrier to the passage of sound. Thanks to this, a good sound absorption effect is achieved. Many modern finishing materials are high-density polymer membranes that have micro-perforations. Due to this, the noise reduction coefficient for a material with a thickness of about 4 mm is about 30 dB. Due to their damping characteristics, similar membranes can be used in the manufacture of vibration-isolating surfaces.

Based on appearance and manufacturing technology, materials designed to absorb sound are divided into slab, roll and combined. Porous sound wave absorbers are most often sold in the form of slabs. They are fixed directly to wall surfaces. Their strength is quite high, so such slabs are used to reduce noise levels in foyers, corridors, staircases, etc.

If very stringent requirements are imposed on the sound-absorbing material, then membranes or fibrous materials processed using special technology are suitable.

Sound absorbers made from synthetic or wooden fibers, mineral or glass wool are used when carrying out construction work most often. These products are produced in the form of flat slabs that can be mounted on the ceiling or walls. They are found on sale in the form of curved and arched elements, as well as pile or velor wallpaper.

These materials are used for interior decoration attics where the source of noise is located, for example, a piano, stereo system, speaker system, etc. During the production process, sound-absorbing materials are impregnated with special porous paints that allow air to pass through well. For the same purpose, they are covered with breathable fabrics or other means. Acoustic slabs have a natural texture, pores or cavities. Their surface can be grooved or perforated.

Perforated sound absorbers have the highest sound insulation characteristics. In order to obtain a structure whose sound absorption coefficient will reach 90%, it is necessary to install a multilayer resonance system, which includes 2 or 3 layers of perforated panels. In this case, there must be an air gap between them. Panels are made from thin sheets of wood, plasterboard or plywood. They are fixed to the frame at a certain distance from the enclosing surface. When the natural frequency of the panel matches the frequency of the wave, the sound will begin to fade. When constructing such a system, fibrous sound absorbers are placed between the panels and the enclosing structures. As a result, broadband sound-absorbing systems are formed.

Today, perforated slabs made of soft, semi-rigid and even hard slabs, externally lined with perforated materials, are quite common. To obtain a high-quality soundproofing layer, thermal insulation boards are usually used. The surface of the attic is covered with plasterboard sheets or asbestos-cement materials with a thickness of 4 to 7 mm. Aluminum, steel, and laminated plastic are also suitable. Perforation usually has round shape, but there is a square or slit-like one. The diameter of the holes is from 3 to 10 mm. They can be arranged in a regular or staggered order. The area occupied by perforation is about 20% of the total area of ​​the installed sheet.

To increase hygiene indicators, as well as improve the adhesion of the sound-absorbing layer directly to the screen, a layer of gauze or fiberglass is placed between them. The length of the slabs ranges from 50 to 150 cm, width - 50 and 100 cm. The thickness very rarely exceeds 10 cm, while the sound absorption coefficient is quite high - 90%.

Wood fiber soundproofing boards are a two-layer material. Their dimensions are 50 x 50 or 100 x 50 cm. The sound absorption coefficient of the slabs is from 40 to 80%, it directly depends on the key acoustic characteristics of the room itself. This material has additional perforation. To increase fire-resistant properties, the fibreboard is covered with fiberglass or painted special compounds. These materials are cheaper than mineral wool or glass wool, but their durability and fire resistance characteristics are also significantly lower.

For soundproofing window openings instead of regular windows double-chamber double-glazed windows of increased thickness are inserted. External doors are hung in doorways - a metal sheet trimmed with wooden panels and with foam insulation.

When installing a soundproofing layer, it is permissible to use slabs made of special acoustic fiberboard. In its production, wood shavings with a width of 1.5-2 mm and a thickness of no more than 0.4 mm are used. To increase the strength index, more cement is added; to obtain 1 m3 of slabs, about 250 kg are consumed.

Modern fiberboard boards usually made from synthetic materials. On sale you can find painted fiberboard sheets, which have quite good decorative characteristics. The sound absorption coefficient of these slabs is not very high - it rarely exceeds 50%.

If sound-absorbing materials are used to protect a room from the penetration of various sound vibrations, then soundproofing agents are needed to prevent the spread of impact noise. Such materials are used as a cushioning layer in the construction of partitions, interfloor ceilings, etc. They are placed between the outer shells of boards or panels in a free state. A slight compression of soundproofing materials is allowed only in one case - when they are located between the load-bearing ceiling panels and the surface of the floor, made on an elastic base.

The implementation of a soundproofing layer is always in direct connection with the nature of the structure. This system differs from the production of sound-absorbing structures. If the base is homogeneous and made, for example, in the form of a solid slab, which can, under the influence of sound pressure and sound vibrations, produce certain movements with its entire mass, then sound insulation will increase depending on the mass.

If the structure is of a heterogeneous nature, that is, it includes two or more shells, between which there are layers of other materials, then the vibrations of each shell will differ from each other and gradually attenuate in the partition layer.

Semi-rigid mats and slabs made from mineral wool and glass wool materials can act as soundproofing materials. Foamed polymer products made from polypropylene foam and some types of polyethylene also insulate the room well from the penetration of sound waves. However, mineral water is most often used for these purposes. Due to its design (the fibers are arranged in a chaotic manner, and they are quite thin), this material significantly reduces the likelihood of sound waves propagating in the vertical plane. This allows you to improve the airborne sound insulation of the attic space. Additional useful characteristics of the material are fire resistance, resistance to water, increased permeability to water vapor and environmental safety.

Mineral wool absorbs sound much better than fiberglass, but the latter weighs much less. It is worth saying that both materials considered are excellent absorbers of sound waves, which have much in common.

Another high-quality sound absorber is polyurethane foam. This is an infusible thermosetting product with a well-defined porous-cellular structure. It has high performance in terms of protection against impact noise. However, its properties in relation to insulation from airborne noise are not too high, even when its thickness increases to 5 cm. Porous materials, other things being equal, are quite seriously inferior in terms of sound absorption to fibrous surfaces. In them, due to friction between the fibers, the attenuation of sound vibrations occurs much faster and better.

Technological features in the manufacture of soundproof partitions are associated with the need to take into account all possible sound vibrations. Often, when constructing an attic, the soundproofing layer is neglected in order to save money. This is categorically unacceptable; the lack of sound insulation will lead to very loud noise during precipitation.

A roof made of heavy materials will help against impact noise - ceramic tiles or slate on an elastic backing. From structural noise - hard materials in walls and ceilings, soft fastening of pipes.

During the construction process, the partition walls are made so thin that they are actually not an obstacle to the passage of sound waves. To ensure sound comfort in the attic room, the partitions must be made of fairly heavy materials.

It should be noted that a structure made of ordinary ceramic bricks does not have very good acoustic characteristics. Even if the construction work is carried out to a high standard, the wall design does not suit everyone necessary requirements soundproofing. But in any case, it is necessary to make just such a partition, since its rigidity is quite high and it is permissible to attach various types of slabs and finishing materials with good soundproofing properties to it.

The partition is sheathed with sheet building materials, placing special wooden slats under them less than 1 cm thick. The air gap between the sheathing and the base is made about 60 mm thick and filled with a soft material that absorbs sound waves well. It is not recommended to completely fill this gap; the most suitable thickness of soundproofing material is approximately two-thirds of the thickness air gap.

Compared to similar materials, sand-lime brick has higher acoustic performance. However, a partition made of iridescent brick is much better in this regard. Hollow red brick does not have very high sound insulation properties, so it is not recommended to build partitions from it. If there is no other material, then the voids must be filled with sand to slightly reduce the passage of the sound wave.

It is not advisable to make a partition that is too massive in the attic. It makes sense to build heavy structures only in the gable part of the attic, as they will additionally protect the room from the wind, insulate it and create a soundproofing layer.

The sound characteristics of the wall, as already mentioned, are improved with the help of additional cladding with wood fiber, plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets. Installing them on the frame is quick and easy, regardless of the nature of the frame - wooden blocks or special profiles produced using cold casting technology. If we take all materials from the point of view of soundproofing indicators, then the primacy here belongs to gypsum fiber boards.

Gypsum fiber materials have increased internal losses, i.e. they are less loud. However, there is an important drawback - the technology of external finishing of gypsum fiber boards is more complex, and this material costs much more than drywall or fiberboard.

When installing two layers of slab cladding, the tightness of the structure in terms of soundproofing is much higher. Install the sheets of the second layer so that the seams do not coincide with the seams of the first. In addition, rigid connections between the sheathing sheets and adjacent wall surfaces, such as the ceiling and adjacent walls, are avoided. This will require special substrates or gaskets made from sound-absorbing materials.

The frame is installed against the backdrop through its own guides. It turns out that it also does not connect to the sheathed wall; it will have to be fixed to the floor and ceiling, isolating it from them using a shock-absorbing tape, which greatly reduces the transmission of not only sound, but also any other vibrations. When installing a frame structure, it is necessary to insulate all areas of rigid connections. It is also done using elastic pads. This is required to prevent sound waves from propagating through the frame to the outer skin. Otherwise, the sound that has passed through the main mass of the wall will reach the sheathing. If the thickness of the air gap between the wall and the frame is 4-6 cm, then the soundproofing characteristics of the structure will increase significantly. Such a gap can be filled with fibrous material, using sound-absorbing material. You should not use ordinary insulation, although it is much cheaper. This is due to the fact that the acoustic performance of thermal insulation materials may differ several times from standard sound insulation.

Smaller ones also use similar technology. interior partitions directly in the attic, only the frame is sheathed on both sides. If the partition is made of plasterboard, then it should be made on a double frame, followed by double cladding and filling soundproofing materials. The average thickness of such a wall is 16-18 cm.

If it is not possible to assemble a frame from metal profiles, then wooden blocks are used. It is strictly prohibited to use fasteners such as nails or dowels, otherwise a sound bridge will be formed between the wall and the partition. It will significantly reduce the acoustic properties of the entire structure. The wood must be glued to the base through special rubber gaskets.

Special tongue-and-groove sandwich panels can be attached to the walls themselves. Their structure includes dense (gypsum fiber or plasterboard) and lightweight products (mineral wool, fiberglass, etc.). Such panels do not have an intermediate frame, but are equipped with special vibration-decoupled units through which they are attached directly to the wall. One panel can contain from 6 to 8 such nodes. For installation work, dowels with a diameter of 8 mm or more are used.

To make the installation of sandwich panels easy and the joint smooth, use closed joint. The panels can be installed directly on top of each other. Areas resting on the floor must have a special fiber padding. The same is done in areas where sandwich panels fit the walls or ceiling. When installation work finished, the perimeter of the junction of the panels to the ceiling, floor and walls is covered with soundproofing sealant. The use of hardening putties or other types of sealants is prohibited.

Sometimes it is easier and cheaper to isolate the source of noise, especially in the house itself. They make soundproofing of the relevant premises, for example, with acoustic systems, pumps for heating and water supply systems, build high fence, plant shrubs.

As finishing You can use sheets of dry plaster 12.5 mm thick. However, they are also secured in the area of ​​the walls, floor and ceiling through a two-layer soundproofing gasket.

If the attic is an old building, then you need to know that previously wood was used mainly in the construction of such structures. However, today this material is not entirely suitable.

The theory is that wood is an excellent sound insulator when combined with traditional plaster. However, previously the boards were attached to each other at significant intervals. As a result, the cracks were closed only with plaster, which caused sound bridges to arise, and therefore, the sound insulation of the room sharply decreased.

But if the entire attic is built of wood, then it makes sense to make a partition from the same material, and the financial costs will be quite low. But you will have to follow several mandatory rules. First of all, in the area where the partition connects to the ceiling, leave a small gap so that it does not deform when shrinking and drying. This gap is sealed with caulk. When plastering, this area is made more dense, but even this cannot prevent the appearance of cracks in the future, which significantly reduces sound and heat insulation.

When performing repair or construction work related to a wooden partition, it is imperative to increase soundproofing by laying a layer of felt and construction cardboard. Today you can even find a backfill-type attic partition. In this case, the backfill is brought directly to the ceiling, periodically compacting it, and all areas where the partition will join with various types of enclosing structures are sealed as thoroughly as possible. Upon completion of all work, the wall surface is covered with large-sized sheet materials and plastering. But even if all technological nuances are observed, such a partition will still have certain operational shortcomings. In this regard, if possible, it is recommended to replace it over time with a design made of more modern materials.

The soundproofing layer can be made even from massive structures, for example, from gypsum boards or gypsum concrete panels. When using such materials, it is taken into account that ordinary plaster is not waterproof. Due to increased air humidity, it can be severely deformed, and hairline openings will appear in the crack seams. When the gypsum partition shrinks, through cracks may form in the ceiling area.

In the process of constructing such partitions, the areas where they are connected to each other, walls and ceilings are sealed as tightly as possible. If there is such a possibility, then the partition is inserted directly into the thickness of the wall to which it adjoins. In this case, a furrow is made or tapped in the supporting structure. The junction areas are covered with tow, special sealant or mineral-based felt. Felt is pre-impregnated gypsum mortar. Then the junction area is thoroughly plastered.

If the partition is located close to the wall, then between its end section and the wall a small opening is left along the entire height - its width should be about 15 mm. The gap is filled with tow or mineral felt impregnated with gypsum or lime mortar. The thickness of the caulking material must necessarily be less than the thickness of the partition. A gap of 2-3 mm deep is left on each side, not sealed with caulking materials, and covered with a layer of plaster.

Partitions can only be installed on load-bearing elements of the attic structure, and sealing and leveling agents must be used - cement-sand mortar, cement paste and other similar materials. This is done so that sound does not pass through the cracks near the base of the partition. The technology for installing a panel partition on a ribbed ceiling is shown in the figure.

Installation diagram of a single-layer and separate wall structure: 1 - caulking, 2 - joists, 3 - elastic gaskets, 4 - mortar, 5 - screed.

If you plan to install such a structure across the joist or along the edges of the ceiling, when the underground space will be visible, then to prevent air noise from passing through it, brick diaphragms are installed under the partition along its entire length. The thickness of the diaphragm must match the thickness of the partition. All cracks are carefully filled with mortar.

If the attic space is quite old and cannot withstand large scale renovation work, you can get by with simple and easy-to-use technologies. If the structure is panel, then cracks may form in the areas where the internal and external wall structures are connected. One of the simplest methods to reduce noise entering a room is to remove a layer of wallpaper or other finishing material. finishing material and fill the gap with acrylic sealant.

It happens that electrical sockets and distribution boxes act as air bridges. They were carried out using old technologies in through holes. It was through them that noise passed from one room to another without encountering obstacles. To eliminate such a defect, it is necessary to remove the socket or junction box (this must be done in compliance with safety precautions - turn off the power to the branch to which the socket belongs), and place soundproofing material in the hole. Then it must be covered with a layer of putty so that the required amount of space remains in the hole for installing electrical equipment. This kind of work is not too complicated, but it does require some care and knowledge of the basic principles of fire safety, so it is better if it is done by an electrician.

If the ceiling or walls have built-in lighting equipment, it is necessary to seal the seams and cracks as tightly as possible, since they may cause the formation of a sound bridge. You can do it much simpler - hang a long-pile carpet on the wall that will cover the entire surface. Often, even such minor sound insulation can significantly reduce the noise level.

Today, attic spaces are increasingly used as living space. Attics are equipped as offices, lounges and even bedrooms. The only drawback of this room is insufficient sound insulation. Along with this, today there are a variety of soundproofing materials that will allow you to make an ideal soundproofing of the attic.

The attic is perfect for an office, library or bedroom. It is important to understand that work can only be effective when using high-quality soundproofing boards and mats; well, today there is plenty to choose from. With the use of high-quality soundproofing materials, you can optimize the space not only for work, but also for everyday life.

As is known in the home, just like in the attic, sounds are a negative factor; they can be shocking and airy. With high-quality sound insulation, their impact can be minimized.

If noise is constantly present in a person’s life, this can lead to constant fatigue and bad mood, but also to more serious diseases of the nervous system.

Why soundproof the attic?

The attic floor can be used for various purposes, however, high audibility in the room should be taken into account. To optimize conditions, it is necessary to initially make high-quality sound insulation of the attic. When designing sound insulation for the attic, it is important to take into account all the points. First, you need to understand that most of the sounds enter the room from the roof, windows and the house itself.

Today, increasingly in the form roofing structures use profiled sheets or metal tiles. By technical specifications Such products are characterized by a long service life and other positive aspects; the only drawback is low sound insulation. If the attic is located under a metal roof without sound insulation, then during rain it will be impossible to hear the person next to you.

Soundproofing materials and the right technology installation If you follow all the rules and installation techniques, you can create optimal conditions for living in an attic with a metal roof.

Soundproofing the attic floor. Basic methods

The first stage of soundproofing an attic is the floor. It is worth understanding that the floor of the attic is the ceiling of the lower floor, so the quality of insulation measures will have a positive impact not only on your room, but also on the one located below you. You can soundproof floors using any proven methods or innovative solutions.

One of the most effective and affordable financially insulation is considered to be the use of sand as a soundproofing layer. The procedure itself is quite simple and does not require special skills or knowledge from the master. The joists need to be covered with polyethylene foam film with a foil side. The foil goes to the floor, and the foam material goes to the top.

Fine sand is poured over the covering. Due to the density and weight of the material, a good insulating layer is formed. The thickness of the sand flooring should not be less than five centimeters. The main advantage of such insulation is its effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the material. It does not harm the health of humans and domestic animals.

Soundproofing the attic ensures comfortable conditions on all lower floors. Various materials can be used as insulation:

  • mineral wool;
  • felt;
  • foam;
  • polyurethane foam, etc.

Insulating the attic floor is one of the main works, since all comfort indicators depend on the quality of its implementation.

If you use fiber boards to soundproof the floor, then you definitely need to additionally cover the joists with chipboard slabs. In addition to leveling the surface, this material also helps absorb sound. The joints between the plates must be taped with a special soundproofing tape.

Internal roof sound insulation

There are different shapes of roofs, so it is not always possible to make sound insulation from the inside of the room. In some cases, soundproofing measures can be taken from the outside. To carry out the work, you need to take sheet sound insulation and lay it between the rafters.

It is important to know that for this method of sound insulation it is recommended to cut the material ten centimeters longer.

Such parameters are mandatory, since installing and holding the slabs yourself is problematic, and in this case, when pushed, the material will fit tightly between the rafters and will remain in place. To minimize the possibility of insulation falling out, you can stuff a wooden strip on top.

When working with sound insulation, you need to understand that there should be no gaps or breaks. Only tight adhesion of the material guarantees its effectiveness and insulating characteristics. Having special skills, the work is not difficult, but if a beginner gets down to business, he will need a lot of time to figure out how best to approach solving a complex problem.

Choosing material for sound insulation

The effectiveness of the soundproofing layer directly depends on the correct choice of materials. Today, the construction market offers buyers a huge selection of building materials that can be selected according to various criteria and parameters. Each sound insulation option has its own sound absorption coefficient. The higher it is, the better it is for the room. Fibrous structures are considered the most effective materials for absorbing airborne noise. Such materials include:

  • mineral wool;
  • basalt wool;
  • felt.

This sound insulation has a noise absorption coefficient from 0.4 to 1.0. Products based on these materials are considered the best not only because of their effectiveness, but also because of their cost.

An equally important indicator of the quality of a product is its degree of elasticity. The lower the elasticity, the higher the noise insulation characteristics. Handling fibrous materials is not difficult, the main thing is to sew up the wall surface after installation plastic film. This procedure is mandatory, since the products are formed on the basis of micro-parts, and if used frequently, they can have a negative effect on the body.

The film will protect the room from small fibers. All parameters and characteristics are selected individually for each type of roof.

Soundproofing and soundproofing of attics. How to avoid mistakes?

The attic is affected various types sounds that come not only from the external environment, but also from the structure of the house. When performing soundproofing work, it is important to take into account all impact options and study them well.

Of course, most of the sound comes from the roof itself, but if you properly treat the surfaces, you can minimize the level of impact. Also, do not forget that a lot of noise passes through the windows. In the attic, the location of window units can be different and the main requirement for such structures is high acoustic characteristics.

The correct installation of window units is also considered important. If the work is entrusted to professionals, the insulation characteristics will be high, and therefore the degree of noise insulation will be maximum.

As a rule, the roof has under-roof insulation, which also have sound insulation characteristics; if you use a combination of materials, you can achieve an optimal result.

IN present moment The abundance of materials allows you to select the most optimal building materials that meet the requirements and preferences of the home owner.

Soundproofing the attic floor

The attic itself is considered a cold room. When the entire house is heated in winter, most of the heat goes to the roof. The roof is cold and the air is warm, resulting in condensation. In addition to the fact that it can flow onto the floor forming yellow stains, moisture is the optimal place for the formation of fungus and mold.

This problem can be eliminated quite simply. A film is laid over the entire surface of the attic, blocking the passage of warm air to the cold. In addition to the fact that mold will not appear from moisture, all the heat to the maximum extent will remain in the house and not outside it.

Depending on how much the attic is visited, the floor covering can be made in the form of a walkway or completely covered with chipboard slabs. The main advantage of this type of sewing is that the result is a perfectly smooth floor and it absorbs vibration noise and airborne sounds well. When working with roofing, it is important to avoid the formation of cracks or poor fixation of roofing materials.

Only when everything is done according to all requirements can the maximum degree of protection of the attic from noise and other negative impacts environment.

Soundproofing the attic ceiling

To reduce noise levels in the attic, suspended ceilings can be used as an option. Of course, the design will be complex and it is necessary to carefully consider the dimensions, because the height of the ceiling in the attic is usually small and every centimeter is under attention.

The manufactured frame is filled with soundproofing boards, which act as heat and sound insulation. The installed building materials will provide the necessary level of comfort. The frame on the ceiling must be sewn up and absolutely any sheets can be used for this procedure.

It is good to use gypsum fiber for this purpose. Thanks to the porous base, such a ceiling will be able to more effectively retain street noise and sounds. You can also use plasterboard, decorative panels or gypsum structures as facing sheets.

An ancient method of soundproofing

The quality of sound insulation has been taken care of since ancient times. Of course, there were no such building materials as there are now, but the most suitable ones were selected. An excellent insulation option was straw and hay. The entire surface of the attic was covered with dried grass, and it guaranteed effective protection from the cold and various sounds.

In addition, dry grass is used in winter as feed for cattle and substrate for pigs and chickens.

Today you can no longer find roofs on which grass is stored. In the era of modern technologies and materials, you can choose the most effective ones, but nevertheless, just fifty years ago, hay and straw provided heat and sound insulation.

Installation of soundproofing material

The technology for installing sound insulation is practically no different from standard wall insulation. When making a frame base, slabs or sheets are placed in cells.

If you use floor joists, you can ensure the required level of silence by placing the slabs between the wooden rafters and additionally securing them with a batten. You can stretch a film over the sound insulation, which will not only protect the insulating layer from moisture, but will also add to the characteristics of the product.

Features of the roof soundproofing device

The roof, like any surface in the house, needs high-quality sound insulation. Today, the range of building materials provides great opportunities for arranging an attic.

It is worth understanding that the maximum effect in the work is achieved only when all sound insulation elements are correctly selected and installed. With the use of modern materials, you can achieve maximum effect and protection. The attic is increasingly no longer an ordinary attic for storing unnecessary things, but at the same time they are used as original and interesting paintings.

Among the amazing variety of roofing coverings, metal is, of course, in constant high demand. Metal roofs have excellent performance characteristics, however, a thoughtful consumer sometimes worries whether every light rain, not to mention a summer downpour, will cause too much noise? Are there any grounds for such fears and how to minimize the unpleasant consequences of the “talkativeness” of metal roofs - this is exactly what we will talk about.


A fairly wide range of metals are used for roofing work.

“Good old” galvanized or polymer-coated steel, the lightest aluminum, noble copper or extravagant titanium-zinc - metals for every taste and budget will equally reliably protect the roof from leaks and give it a solid and modern look.

The choice of metal is dictated largely by the specifics of the project and the personal preferences of the home owner - flexible plastic metals will help bring to life any complex roof shape.

For the most intricate exclusive roofs, piece metal elements are used - for example copper or titanium-zinc diamonds, for expensive high-quality roofs - rolled metal, the edges of which are folded in a special way (rebated) using special folding machines.

More economical and mass choice - metal tiles or profiled sheets, It is this type of coating that is most often meant by “metal roofing.”

Despite the fact that metal, by definition, is a rather loud material, proper soundproofing measures can make living under a metal roof very comfortable.

Even at the design stage, you can make sure that the angle of the roof is as large as possible. Rain hits much louder on a flat or almost flat roof.

In addition, you should not skimp on fastening elements - for example, for installation you should use at least eight roofing screws per square meter.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the sheathing - if it is uneven, then in some places the metal sheets will sag and at the first gust of wind they will joyfully flap on it.

Do not forget about temperature deformations - installation of “pull-in” incorrectly cut metal will lead to the fact that the roof will “sound” even in excellent weather!


However, even with proper installation, sound insulation metal roof far from ideal. What to do? Obviously, it is impossible to do without creating an additional soundproofing layer.

What materials are best to use?

The effectiveness of sound insulation is reflected by two parameters - the sound absorption coefficient and the modulus of dynamic elasticity. They describe two main ways to get rid of noise - absorption of sound waves and their reflection.

The sound absorption coefficient shows the proportion of sound waves successfully absorbed by the soundproofing material. It is evaluated in laboratory tests using sounds of different frequencies from 125 to 4000 Hz - this is the range of sounds that characterizes ordinary household noise.

To soundproof the roof, you can use materials with a sound absorption coefficient of at least 0.4-0.6. The sound absorption coefficient of wood is 0.07–0.14, a slightly higher similar figure for foamed polystyrene (foam) is 0.13–0.2, but mineral wool retains from 60 to 90% of sound waves, which makes it optimal sound insulator for roofs.


How to soundproof a roof during construction?

The insulation (also known as sound insulator) is placed between the rafters or counter battens, filling all the available space. WITH inside the insulation is protected by a vapor-insulating film - it prevents condensation in the thickness of the insulation of moisture rising in the form of steam from warm interior spaces. From the outside it is necessary to cover it with a waterproofing film or membrane. The panels are mounted with an overlap at horizontal and vertical joints of at least 15 cm and secured to the rafters with a construction stapler.

To ventilate the under-roof space, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap between the outer side of the membrane and the roofing covering at least 4-5 cm thick.

You should also think about eliminating vibration noise - the rafters are a kind of acoustic bridge that transmits vibrations to the wall cladding. To solve this problem, use gaskets made of any elastic material (felt, polyethylene foam) to insulate the rafters from the walls.

If sound insulation is required under the metal tiles of an existing roof, then in such a case layers of mineral wool are laid from the inside, between the rafter “legs”. It is advisable to completely eliminate crumpling or deformation of the material - the insulation should not be “squeezed out” towards the ventilation gap, much less block it. You also need to cut the insulation “with a margin”; the extra 7-10 mm of width will allow you to tightly insert the insulating board between the rafters. To avoid crushing the slab, it should be pressed in the direction from the middle of the inter-rafter space towards the rafters themselves. To increase the reliability of the structure, after installing the sound insulation, additional slats can be placed on the rafters to prevent accidental displacement of the insulation.

However, you should come to terms with the fact that the sound protection of an existing roof is always less effective than the sound insulation provided and carried out at the construction stage.


If the attic is “cold” and uninhabited, then it is possible (and necessary!) to insulate the attic floor (most often in private houses this is wooden floor beam type). Warm air, in accordance with the known laws of physics, rises to the top, and in frosty weather, condensation may form on the surface of a cold ceiling.

Wet spots not only look unsightly, but they can also cause mold growth, rotting of beams and - worst of all - loss of their structural properties by these beams.

The thermal insulation layer on the side of the warm room must be protected with a vapor-proof material; this will not only ensure the stability of the heat and sound insulating properties, but also increase the service life of the rafters and roofing materials. If the beams are not high enough to fix the insulation, then logs can be fixed perpendicular to the beams required height and lay the missing layer of insulation between them. The width of the joists is usually 50 mm, the pitch between them is 600 mm.

Depending on how much of a frequented place the attic will be, either light walkways or solid cladding made of chipboard, DSP or OSB are laid on the joists.

It is worth taking care of laying continuous cladding if the attic is intended to be used as a warehouse or workshop. If the option of installing walking walkways is chosen, then the surface of the insulation should be protected with any vapor-permeable material - so that moisture can freely leave the thickness of the insulating material.

For effective moisture removal, you should think about proper ventilation attic space- for this we need dormer windows, cornices, horse-

steel and slot vents. It is very important that the thermal insulation layer of the attic floor is close to the insulation layer of the external walls - otherwise the formation of “cold bridges” is inevitable.

Insulation and sound insulation of a slab-type attic floor, in essence, is no different from the corresponding procedures for beam floor. The only difference is that in this case you can do without creating a vapor barrier layer on the “warm” side, since the slabs themselves have minimal vapor permeability.


Suspended ceilings

For additional soundproofing of the ceiling, a suspended ceiling can be erected from the side of the rooms below. The principle is the same - the internal space is filled with soundproofing materials already known to us. A significant drawback of this design is its rather large thickness, because usually in attics every centimeter of ceiling height is literally worth its weight in gold!

Also, a serious problem with frame-cladding cladding is the presence of rigid connections between attic floor and ceiling frame. Vibration of metal sheets on the roof caused by falling raindrops or strong winds can be transmitted through a system of such “sound bridges” with virtually no loss, despite the use of highly effective soundproofing materials inside the ceiling.

But there are also “advantages” - ventilation pipes and sensors can be hidden behind the suspended ceiling fire alarm and various cables, as well as organize an effective spotlighting system, you just need to take care not to damage the wiring with the sharp edges of metal profiles during installation.

The problem of rigid connections is also partly solved by the use of special elastic gaskets and tapes, which are glued at the junction of the metal frame profiles with the supporting structures

There are also more complex solutions, for example, the use of special vibration-isolated suspension mounts that contain a spacer element made of an elastic elastomer. Ordinary or perforated plasterboard sheets can be used as the basis for a suspended ceiling.

If special acoustic panels are used as part of the ceiling, then the ceiling itself is called acoustic. Such ceilings serve not so much to soundproof the room from external noise, but to harmonize the acoustic properties of the room itself - in the children's room there will be no deafening echo from children's pranks, and in the home theater even the slight whisper of the characters of your favorite movie will be clearly audible.

Panels acoustic ceilings made from compressed fiberglass or stone wool and finished with glass canvas, fabric or glossy film. It is worth noting that models with a film front covering, all other things being equal, have worse sound absorption than models with a painted or fabric microporous surface.

The most famous acoustic fiberglass ceilings are Ecophon and Isofon, stone wool ceilings include the Rockfon system, and mineral fiber ceilings include AMF, Armstrong and Owa ceilings. Another type of acoustic ceilings is suspended ceilings with micro-perforation of polyester fabric.

Panels for frameless applications

If the ceiling height is clearly not enough to install a suspended ceiling, you may want to pay attention to frameless sound insulation systems, such as ZIPS panels. They are “sandwiches” 40-120 mm thick, consisting of tongue-and-groove gypsum-fiber sheets and layers of sound-insulating material.

The sound wave, alternately passing through the layers, is absorbed, reflected in the opposite direction, absorbed again and, as a result, attenuates. Thanks to this, the soundproofing ability of the structure increases significantly.

The panels are also mounted to the protected surface only through vibration-isolated fastening units. The ends of the panels are connected to the side walls and ceiling through elastic gaskets.


Insulation and soundproofing of the roof and floors is not the most difficult procedure, but it also requires some skill.

Thermal insulation boards must be laid tightly and evenly - without excessive compression, but not too loosely, there should be no gaps between them. You should also avoid the formation of “cold bridges” - vulnerable places in the structure where increased heat transfer occurs.

To do this, the structure must not contain materials with noticeably different thermal conductivities, and the thermal insulation layer must be continuous.

When working with materials that have non-zero moisture absorption, special attention should be paid to installing a vapor barrier layer that protects the insulation from moisture. Otherwise, the accumulating condensate will first catastrophically deteriorate the thermal insulation properties of the material, and then begin to destroy it.

Note: What types of sheet materials are there?


One of the most prestigious and expensive types of roofs. Over time, it becomes covered with a patina, which protects the copper from corrosion. Such a roof can last up to 300 years.


Sheet steel is cheaper than copper, but it rusts. Previously, galvanized steel was mainly used; today, materials with colored multilayers are used. polymer coating. They are weather resistant and last for 15 years. There are also materials with aluminum-zinc protective coating(aluzinc or aluzinc).


Anodized aluminum sheet roofing is lightweight: only 2 kg/sq.m. m. The coating costs much less than copper, but in terms of service life

Aluminum does not corrode like steel.


Like copper, it becomes coated with a protective layer over time, changing color. However, zinc sheet is less durable than copper sheet (lasts up to 50 years), so it was replaced by materials made of titanium-zinc alloy with the addition of copper - more durable, resistant and ductile. Sometimes they are coated underneath with a protective layer of composite varnish.

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