Meditation to attract a loved one and favorable events. Meditations to attract a man

There are a number of meditative practices that will help attract love and happiness into a woman’s life. To achieve these goals, you need to engage in the following types of meditations: Slavic practice, “Secret Marriage”, with visualization, practice “Meeting with Cupid and Vesta”, for the next meeting, to attract a soul mate, “Flame of Love”.

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A man will be helped to meet his soul mate by reading the Klim mantra.

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    What benefits does meditation give?

    This technique brings positive changes in the life of a practicing person. Scientists have confirmed that long-term meditation can even cure cancer.

    Changes that occur in the body for the practitioner:

    • the emotional background is stabilized;
    • blood pressure returns to normal;
    • heart muscles are strengthened;
    • immunity increases,
    • the nervous system is stabilized;
    • the body can recover quickly under heavy loads.

    Meditations to attract a loved one

    There are several popular meditation practices that will help you find your other half.

    Slavic meditation

    Since time immemorial, Slavic women have performed various kinds of rituals to attract the right man, this goal formed the basis of meditative practices.

    It is important to know that this type of meditation should only be done with a teacher. This practice is suitable for those women who are looking for love or want to protect their family hearth.

    During the classes, the teacher will conduct the first Rodosvet training. Students will discover important knowledge about the life and family traditions of the Slavs, without which it is impossible to carry out meditative rituals. The first lessons are devoted to rituals in which you need to learn how to properly communicate with the goddess Ladoslava.

    The ritual is aimed at opening the love chakra and releasing its flows. Meditation takes place exclusively in a group, accompanied by meditative music (conducted similarly to the “Secret Marriage” practice).

    Practice to attract your star soulmate

    The practice is carried out daily for forty days, early in the morning or after sunset. The girl needs privacy for 15 minutes.

    Practice order:

    1. 1. You need to close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself in a favorite and quiet place - it could be a forest, stakes, mountains, river, sea, park, etc. Feel surrounding nature, hear the birds singing.
    2. 2. Visually imagine your Guardian Angel. The practitioner should greet him and express gratitude for his constant support and assistance in all endeavors. After thanking you, you need to ask for an acquaintance with suitable man, trusting the choice to your Angel. He will appear in a girl’s life at the right moment.
    3. 3. While in heaven in the Angel’s tent, you need to sit in the center of the dwelling and open the heart chakra. It should emit a bright light, illuminating the tent. You need to imagine how the light begins to spread around, filling all the free space.
    4. 4. Imagine that the man whom the woman has long dreamed of is approaching. It is also filled with the light of the heart chakra.

    You cannot immediately leave meditation practice. You need to visualize yourself in the sky, lying on snow-white clouds. Flower petals are served around, giving a state of happiness. Now the meditation is over.

    Practice “Meeting with Cupid and Vesta”

    The practice should be done early in the morning or before bed, in absolute silence. It won't take much time.


    1. 1. You need to close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in a temple surrounded by musical fountains. You can hear birds singing all around. In the Holy Place, angels dressed in golden clothes approach. They are taken to a hall where gentle and calm music is heard. It is decorated with flowers, there are carpets on the floor self made, and there are various treats on the tables. In the center of the room there are two thrones - Cupid and Vesta. With a gesture the Gods ask to come over.
    2. 2. They should be greeted and asked to remove the blocks. They are the ones who prevent you from finding your other half. The gods fulfill the request, and the person practicing the mantras is filled with golden light.
    3. 3. It is necessary to imagine how the body rises, negativity, fear and worries go away, the spirit is filled with love. After this, you need to stand on the floor again. The entrance doors will open and a young man will enter the room. He will extend his hand and stand next to him, Cupid and Vesta will join their palms, blessing this couple.
    4. 4. You should say words of gratitude to the Gods and open your eyes with a feeling of complete peace and happiness.

    Practice “Flame of Love”

    Meditation will help you find happiness and resolve troubles in your personal life. By practicing daily, it is possible to achieve harmony with the world around you.

    Practice procedure:

    1. 1. Relax, take a comfortable position.
    2. 2. Imagine how a small light lights up in the center of your chest. This is the flame of love for the world. A flow of energy should be directed at it so that it becomes even greater.
    3. 3. You need to feel the warmth that the flame gives. You need to get enough of this feeling and fill your whole body with it.
    4. 4. At the end of the practice, you should hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.

    Practice "Secret marriage"

    Practice will help a person meet his spiritual other half. It helps to attract a loved one into your life and establish relationships with the opposite sex.

    Meditation will help you get rid of energy blocks that interfere with building your personal life. Esotericists claim that every person has a soul mate that needs to be found.


    1. 1. You need to turn on music for meditation. She must play quietly and calmly.
    2. 2. Close your eyes and take a comfortable position, it is better to lie on the bed. Relax, free your thoughts.
    3. 3. Imagine yourself on the seashore. The body is warmed by the rays of the sun, the weather is beautiful, the sky is light blue, without a single cloud. The sound of waves can be heard in the distance. There is no one on the island, now you can relax and let go of all your worries. Now loneliness does not frighten, but, on the contrary, gives a feeling of joy and bliss.
    4. 4. You should look around, along the shore a man is walking. It is also filled with a feeling of love, tenderness and peace. This is the desired “other half”.
    5. 5. You need to imagine spending time together: swimming in the ocean, playing, talking. It is important to feel the person who is nearby, his breath, his voice.
    6. 6. When the soul is filled with warmth and tender feelings, the other half will leave. You need to let him go without regrets.

    Visualization Meditation to Attract Men

    The procedure for carrying out the practice is the same as in the “Secret Marriage” meditation. A woman should be able to escape from everyday thoughts, plunging into her own illusions.

    Meditation techniques will allow you to get a deep energy exchange. There is no need to imagine a specific person, the image should come on its own. stranger may not fit the ideal, but it cannot be rejected. By accepting it, the girl will open the internal energy flow.

    Practice for the next meeting

    This technique must be used for 30 days. The lesson will not take more than 15 minutes. Meditation will tune the subconscious to a quick meeting with your ideal.

    Order of conduct:

    1. 1. You need to imagine yourself on the seashore in a summer restaurant. Next, the practicing girl admires the local landscape and drinks delicious coffee or tea. There are people nearby who give unusual gifts. They should be thanked for this.
    2. 2. Resting nearby small company young people, where a special young person is located. This is the other half.
    3. 3. The state of happiness and peace does not leave the girl. Now you can open your eyes, the long-awaited acquaintance will soon happen.

    Meditation practice for men

    A practice based on the ancient mantra “Klim” will help you meet your love. A man needs to do the following:

    1. 1. Choose a comfortable position, clear your mind of thoughts and completely relax.
    2. 2. Say “Klim”, listening to the sound of the mantra. Special attention focusing on the letter “I”.
    3. 3. The mantra must be spoken 12 times, focusing your attention on the back and umbilical chakras.
    4. 4. Repeat “Klim” 6 times for each solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra.

    The mantra should be written on a piece of paper 108 times and read the same amount daily. You must believe that the long-awaited meeting will soon occur, and the ancient prayer will bring this joyful event closer.

    General rules for attracting your loved one

    There are a number of rules that must be followed when conducting meditation. They will help the practicing girl achieve maximum results.

    The technique should be aimed at a positive result. Don't try to harm ex-boyfriend or husband.

    Rules for conducting meditation to attract a loved one:

    • You should concentrate your thoughts on pleasant moments, filling your soul with bright energy and cleansing your subconscious.
    • There is no need to introduce a specific person. In this way, the will of others will be influenced. The technique is to attract a soul mate into your life.
    • You should meditate alone. You can turn on relaxing music and light candles in the room. You should clear your mind and let the energy of love and happiness into your soul.
    • It is necessary to practice several times a week. It takes 15-20 minutes, but will give you the opportunity to meet your loved one in the near future.

    Meditation to attract happy events

    The technique must be performed with full faith in a positive result. Simply by reading mantras, it is impossible to achieve success and fulfillment of desires.

    To attract happy events into life, you must follow the following recommendations:

    1. 1. You need to clear your mind and remove blocks. You need to believe that nothing is impossible. And all the boundaries are only in the head. And in the process of meditation you should imagine your heart. It emits a bright light that is directed at all surrounding people.
    2. 2. It is necessary to change your lifestyle: learn to thank the Higher powers for what they have given. commit good deeds and don't expect anything in return.
    3. 3. For meditation to bring positive results, you need to learn to love and respect yourself. The practice is a process of visualization. It is necessary to present the desired event, gift. Visually you should draw the smallest details. If it is a car, visualize its model, color, moment of purchase or donation.
    4. 4. The practice must be performed daily or several times a week. Placing the text in a prominent place will enhance the effect of meditation.

    Mantras to bring love and happiness into your life

    The number of reading the mantra must be equal to or a multiple of 9. Example: 9,18, 27, 36, etc.

    The strongest mantras for attracting love, happiness, harmony into life:


This is an attitude towards the spiritual “magnetic” attraction of the (loved) desired person in order to establish happy life events in a joint relationship.

"Energy of Love"

Before you take the time to do love meditation, you must fall in love! If your heart is already fluttering from this state, then you can start right now!

Set aside a few days completely to think about your future soul mate. Think about the kind of man you want to meet until he clearly begins to emerge in your mind.

Sit down on the most comfortable sofa in your apartment. Close your eyes. Do this in such a way that relaxation quickly comes to you. Start breathing calmly and evenly. Imagine that you are falling asleep, but drive away the sleep. In general, we recommend drinking strong coffee before starting meditation so that thoughts about dreams do not distract you.

Is your head free of thoughts? Now imagine there is a small ball (glowing) in the center of your head. Focus your attention completely on him. Start counting from one to ten. Did you count? Repeat the count a few more times.

Keep imagining. Imagine the night, the sea, yourself in light clothes white…. Imagine standing on the seashore... A light and pleasant breeze blows over you... You well…. You are at peace... You feel how your heart opens, how it strives for love and is filled with it... The light coming from this love warms the soul... Spread your arms out to the sides, with your palms facing the imaginary waves. Imagine how the light of love slowly spreads across your body.... Two lightning bolts fly out of your palms... Their flashes charge the sea of ​​love... Gradually open your eyes. You should feel a huge surge of strength if you did everything right.

Meditation to attract a loved one and happy life events

"Energy of Love Breath"

Meditation “Love Breath”. Relax in the same way as in the previous meditation.

Imagine that a ray of love is passing from the heart of the Mother of God into your heart. Absorb it into yourself, repeating that you are the main component of love. Breathe love out of your heart.

Imagine that every molecule of your body is filled with sincere feeling. Say “I love you” and repeat until you feel a slight tingling sensation throughout your body.

This meditation helps to attract not only a loved one, but also to attract happy events that must certainly happen in the near future.

Meditation to attract love events


Try the strawberry love meditation.

Lie down on your back. Spread your arms in different sides. Spread your legs. Use your imagination.

You are walking through the forest... You admire different flowers, pick strawberries from fragrant bushes... You enjoy the birdsong... You watch how a cute squirrel deftly jumps from one branch to another... You continue your fascinating journey through an imaginary forest... You come out into a lovely clearing... You see a lot on her sunlight, scattered throughout the clearing... You see a smooth lake filled with sunbeams... You sit down on the shore to admire your reflection in the lake... You take off your clothes and dive into warm water…. You plunge into the lake, but leave your face outside... You see how the water surrounding you turns grayish... All this “grayness” is the negativity that has accumulated in you over the long days of your life. You will feel warm. This means that everything bad and unsuccessful goes away, crawls away, runs away from you. After some time, the water in which you bask becomes clear and clean. You come out of this water and see a man coming towards you... A man approaches you (closely), hugs you and kisses you…. Don't be surprised if you fall asleep when the meditation ends. Be glad that you have the opportunity to watch wonderful dreams and continue your vacation!

Homemade love meditation for happy Love

Have you heard of meditation involving men's slippers? Buy them at any store. There are several conditions. You should buy them on the new moon. And the second condition is that you buy only those shoes that you really like. Don't pay attention to the price tag! You must wait three days (after purchase). Do not show your purchase even to your closest people, do not carry it around the room. Is the third day of “waiting” over?

You'll have to wait a little longer (until it's midnight). Place slippers on the palms of your hands. Get on all fours, open it slightly front door. Point the toes of your slippers towards the doorway. Tap your slippers three times. Say your wish (about what kind of man you want to meet in your life). Relax. Close the door, close your eyes and go to sleep. Don't take off your slippers. Stay in them until you wake up. It will be great if no one and nothing interrupts your sleep. Otherwise, you will have to repeat this unusual meditation from the very beginning to the very end. Try to remember all the details that you notice in your dream. Write down everything you remember in your notebook (with a black marker). Keep the notes until you meet your betrothed. Then give the “magic” notebook to your single friend. Recommend this meditation to her too. Be her “instructor” in “meditation” development. Good luck with this! And happy life events to you!

Imagine that you are the owner of an unearthly, unprecedented beauty. Imagine that you are dressed very Nice dress. You are on the sea coast... Your gaze is directed somewhere into the distance... You feel the waves either approaching you or moving away from you... Your feet are enveloped in sea foam... Listen to the noise sea ​​water. Enjoy the sensations until you tire of the pleasures of meditation. Go about your usual activities. Return to this meditation when sadness, melancholy, sadness comes to you.

Everything you learned will definitely work!

Believe it!

Remember that thoughts are the most important “provocateurs” of your actions.

Do not laugh or smile during meditation to attract Love unless the conditions require it. Otherwise, meditation will “decide” that you are not serious about it and will begin to help someone else.

You will meet your Love!

Don't rush things and know how to wait. Every person living on our earth is worthy of Love and deserves it.

Do not miss. . .

Find out… -

The meeting that gave me Love... -

Love meditation is designed to attract your soulmate into your life and open your heart to pure and sincere feelings. This is an effective way to find personal happiness.

Meditation practices have been known since ancient times. Some use them to relax, others try to tune in to the positive and attract what they want into life. In order for love meditation to be effective, it is worth remembering that sincerity and a positive attitude increase your chances. Selfish motives and intentions to achieve a goal by any means are harmful and often lead to disastrous results.

Love Meditation

Thanks to this technique, you will be able to completely open up and allow the flows of the love energy of the Universe to circulate freely in your biofield. Stay alone, relax and take a comfortable position. For greater immersion, use quiet relaxing music, candles, aromatic and essential oils. Imagine being where you are happiest. It could be a spring meadow with the first flowers, or a warm summer evening, or maybe it’s surrounded by loved ones who love you. Imagine how you are enveloped positive energy , taking with it negative feelings and memories. Say your wish out loud or mentally, starting with the wording:.

Focus on the image of the person who will become your soulmate in the future. Summon him with the help of an inner spiritual impulse. Feel how you, like a rosebud, bloom towards him. Imagine it as a clot of warm and bright energy, pass it through your heart. Your body is filled with sparkling happiness and the first echoes of approaching love. Lose yourself in this feeling.

Discovering additional sources of energy within yourself is also within the power of your mind. To do this, you need to imagine that you are standing in front of a locked door. This door symbolizes your heart. Believe in yourself and open that door. Behind it you will see pure energy shimmering like a diamond. Feel this wonderful moment of uniting your feelings and desires. Let this light into yourself and enjoy the warmth and comfort of overwhelming emotions.

Inhale and exhale slowly several times to come out of the trance state. Use this practice at least twice a week and you will feel your soul spreading its wings and soaring upward. The feeling of boundless happiness and positivity stays with you for a long time and opens all the roads to achieve what you want.

There are many ways to attract love. One of the most effective ways is to create and color a love mandala. It also helps strengthen existing relationships. We wish you mutual and pure love. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.01.2017 02:05

Many things in our home bring back pleasant memories or are simply dear to us as memories...

By the date of birth of a person, you can determine not only his fate, but also his energy potential. Thanks to...

“I don’t know when love ends, but if love ends, then it wasn’t her.”

Sergei Bodrov Jr. wrote these lines in a letter to his wife Svetlana.

These words made a deep impression on me. How strange it is: some people get together almost from school, and live happily until old age, others change relationships, get married, get divorced and start all over again, and still others, often very beautiful, smart and kind-hearted, remain lonely for years. for a long time. Sometimes this loneliness can last for several years. Meditation on attracting a loved one and happy events will help open the way for a life partner and bring joy into life.

Someone came up with a myth that beautiful girl can't be lonely. She must have a line of admirers vying with each other to offer their hand and heart. However, in practice, everything is completely different: a beautiful, smart, kind girl, ready to turn herself inside out for the sake of a relationship, often ends up lonely. My friend Olya was one of these girls. During our get-togethers with candy and cookies, she complained that another of her potential suitors had chosen a girl with bright makeup, vulgar short dress and not too far of a mind, but she once again, as they say, “flew by.”

Unable to bear such injustice any longer, I suggested that she try meditation to attract love. Olya, a passionate fan of tarot cards, readily responded to the call. After a couple of weeks, I noticed a change in her. She became beautiful from the inside, her eyes shone, even when her partner had not yet come into her life. After some time, “the one” appeared and now they are planning to live together and get a dog. What techniques can be used to achieve results and what needs to be done, I will tell you further.

Self love

Meditation on happiness and love will certainly attract a bright feeling into your life, but relationships will become full-fledged when you can love yourself. The most eminent authors of self-development books argue that how a person treats himself is how others treat him. If you often neglect yourself for the sake of someone, then your partner will neglect you, if you consider yourself ugly, “not like that,” then men will not appreciate you. Accept yourself, your body, as it is. Yes, with all the figure flaws and freckles on the nose. Accept your explosive or too soft character. Forgive yourself for not knowing how to cross-stitch or bake cakes.

Everything about you is beautiful and there will be someone who will be delighted with the way you look in the morning and cook dumplings. All the shortcomings are in the head. Allow yourself the greatest luxury in the world - to be yourself without the desire to fashion an ideal invented by your head. Think about what is attractive about you, what do you like? Go to the mirror and admire these features. Regularly remember compliments or how great you did something. Savor the sensations. Remember the most “delicious” kisses, touching moments that brought happiness and focus on them. Go deep into the sensations.

Forget your loved one

Meditation “Forgetting a Loved One” will help in working through past negativity and grievances that prevent you from moving forward and meeting new love:

  • take a comfortable position, make sure your back is straight;
  • close your eyes, focus on breathing;
  • relax;
  • breathe deeply until thoughts remain on the side;
  • imagine the internal situation and the man who needs to be released;
  • greet him and tell him that you want to express the feelings that remained suppressed, the words that remained unspoken, in order to become free and happy in your new life;
  • I am very offended by you for... and list all the reasons;
  • when everything is listed, say: I’m angry with you because...;
  • I am disappointed…;
  • I was scared…;
  • I'm in pain...;
  • I'm upset…;
  • I forgive you here and now no matter what. I want to start new life I forgive you... forgive me for.... I didn't do it out of malice;
  • I accept you as you are, with all your flaws, because you will not become different. I accept you. I accept myself as I am. I love myself this way and thank you for everything good and warm and for the experience gained. I thank you for... And for our parting;
  • I'm letting you go here and now. Give me back everything that I gave you that belonged to me. Let the man hold something out to you. Accept it as your own, returned to yourself and feel it in your hands;
  • and now, I want you to take everything that is yours - and give him what is in your hands. Let him accept it, be grateful for what you received.

Give thanks and let go, feel complete. Say goodbye, gently return to reality.

Breaking energy ties

Meditation on breaking energy ties with a man helps to ensure that your energy does not go to a person who has long been in the past or simply negative connections.

  1. Tune in for cleansing, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Keep breathing until your thoughts stop.
  3. Imagine a white shining space.
  4. You see people connected to you from different periods of your life, even those you have forgotten.
  5. Look at them.
  6. You are connected to each person by threads from the solar plexus. For some they are bright, for others they are neutral. Dark threads are people who take away energy. These are both men and ex-girlfriends.
  7. Say goodbye to them.
  8. Cut these threads with the purple light one at a time.
  9. Look these people in the eyes and say “I forgive and let go, thank you.”

The attraction of a loved one

I tried this method several times and each time it really surprised me. Speaking about self-love, I have already mentioned the point that you need to focus on sensations. Then the law of attraction comes into play, which always operates. This is a kind of meditation to attract love, but it is performed without reading mantras and paraphernalia. Although, mantras won’t ruin things. This method is especially good when you need to restore relationships. I used it as a meditation for the return of a loved one after a quarrel, but it can be used in other areas of life. I read in Niko Bauman’s book:

  1. Turn off your phone and computer.
  2. Try to turn off your internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine the image of your loved one, his smile, his eyes, everything that you like about him.
  4. Remember the pleasant moments associated with him. Concentrate on pleasant sensations, again feel the hugs, kisses, gaze and surroundings.
  5. After some time, you will feel that you are starting to “lift”, as it were. This means that you have switched to a different energy frequency associated with a loved one and the law of attraction has begun its work. Stay in this state for some time.

What is very important here: it is better to do this work before going to bed, I will explain why: most of us become attached to the result. Endless checking of mail and SMS will give reverse effect: You will be upset that there is no result, the law of attraction will respond and everything will be in vain. When I first practiced this method, I stayed in memories for about forty minutes, after which I went to bed. Four hours later, my lover stood on the threshold of my apartment. Before this day, I tried to talk to him for about four months. This is a comprehensive meditation for attracting loved ones and happy events.

Sending love

Meditation of tenderness and love, proposed by Klaus Joule:

  • imagine that your heart has an imaginary valve;
  • open it and start sending love from your heart to another person;
  • continue to do this for three to four minutes every day;
  • Send the person love, but don't overwhelm them.

Most likely, you will immediately notice the result, but do not rush to rejoice too much. You have discovered the source of the most powerful energy of all. The love that you will experience will begin to wash away from your soul all the worst things that have accumulated throughout your life. You and your partner will experience outbursts of emotional outbursts. This is fine. This way it will come out negative experience. Allow yourself and your loved one to free yourself from all the burden that prevents you from moving forward.


The feeling of gratitude is the shortest meditation on marriage and the acquisition of any good. When we are grateful, a transition occurs to the frequency of reality where what we want already exists. With the help of gratitude for future benefits (love, health, prosperity), other people managed to achieve what they wanted, and you can too.


Meditation on forgiving a man will help overcome resentment and guilt:

  • close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • imagine the image of your loved one, how you are standing on different banks, the water is muddy and dirty, there is a lot of mud and frogs. This is energetic stagnation;
  • look at your loved one or former loved one, what is he like? Pay attention to his eyes, emotions, feelings;
  • pay attention to yourself and your feelings, image;
  • look at each other;
  • mentally say hello and speak out;
  • ask for forgiveness and say that you feel guilty, talk about your emotions;
  • let healing light flow from your heart and body, say “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry”;
  • the water becomes clean and transparent;
  • light energy comes to him;
  • look at the reaction and change of image;
  • look at the clean water;
  • everything is healed between you;
  • hear that he also asks for forgiveness;
  • thank;
  • watch how the image dissolves in water.

Repeat this practice twice a day for two weeks.


The best meditation on love before bed. Imagine how happy you are with a man. Feel it with every cell. Look at your common Home, pets, garden or anything else. See how happy your loved one is and focus on your feelings. Practice for at least 10 minutes before bed. Then the subconscious mind itself will build the necessary circumstances.

Meditation to attract a soul mate will save you from having to push through external walls. With its help you can attract new relationships or heal old ones. The main thing is to believe in the result.

She glows with love - you've probably heard these words at least once. But are you glowing? Fireflies (and men) fly to the light. Is there a sparkle in your eyes? Or are you immersed in sad thoughts about your own love misfortunes?

I think everyone has noticed in life that men are literally circling around one woman, courting her, showering her with compliments, they are drawn like a magnet to that woman, although she may not be a beauty. And no one shows interest in another woman at all, although she may even be very beautiful and smart.

There is such a concept of energy as femininity, reproductive energy, sexual energy, these are the main criteria for assessing attractiveness for men. And if a wave of such energy comes from a woman, then a man is attracted to it like a bee to honey, this woman will be in demand, there will be many fans. And it is the beacon of attractiveness that creates the stimulation and accumulation of such energy.

Special work with human energy helps to create a special program that attracts men to women. When such a program is applied to a woman, she radiates energy that attracts men.

The beacon of attractiveness will launch a person’s energy centers. What is most important is that such care does not bring negativity, it does not change someone else’s fate, it does not make adjustments to the fate of the one targeted. The work changes your energy both at the chakra level and at the subtle bodies. As a result, the person will generate positive, positive energies. This will change a person, make him stronger, healthier, more creative, witty, sexier, which will attract him to a person the right people, soulmate, partner. The beacon of attractiveness can be placed on both men and women and used as a remedy for loneliness.

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not enough to look good and/or wear a fashionable outfit. You need to have a special aura emanating from you - the energy of sensuality and sexuality. It is to her that fans and admirers react, it is she who gives a person the charm and charm of rock.

Many handsome men and beauties remain alone only because they do not know the main thing: in order to know love, you need to attract it! This is what we will do: we will try to learn how to emit in the world subtle vibrations of love charm. But first, let’s focus on the images that we will operate with in this meditation.

Remember some beautiful and strong flower with a mass of strong and lush petals forming a powerful fragrant ball (for example, an aster, chrysanthemum, dahlia or peony).
Remember the highest, most powerful, beautiful tree like you've ever seen. Do you remember? Very good. This means that you can begin to create a “beacon of attractiveness” with the help of a meditation called “Flowers of Love”.

First, let's stand up straight, close our eyes and breathe. Slowly drawing in air through your nose, try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, releasing the air through slightly parted lips.
After taking three deep breaths, imagine that air enters your body not only through the respiratory organs, but also through the energy centers (chakras) located along the spinal column.

Sit upright, place your hands on your knees, keep your chin straight. Relax.
Concentrate your attention on the tailbone area.
Imagine that the fiery red ball located there begins to grow and increase in size. And you feel a pleasant tingling sensation in the lower abdomen! The tingling zone becomes wider, increasing along with the ball.

The ball strives to go beyond the boundaries of the body; it turns into the bud of a large red flower.
The bud grows very quickly, enlarges and opens before our eyes, “throwing out” with lightning speed, stretching its juicy petals in all directions to the right, left, back and forth, up and down.

The petals straighten, grow, unfold further and further a meter, two, three, as far as imagination and strength is enough!
Having blossomed into a huge, beautiful terry ball, the flower of your first chakra begins to exude an amazing aroma that attracts and attracts all living things around.

Focus on this amazing experience, feel how you send vibrations of sexual attractiveness into the world that captivate the opposite sex! Remember this feeling.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and say out loud (out loud or to yourself):

“From now on, I am the bearer of a magical bright red flower with a magical aroma that attracts men (women), with pulsating vibrations of a strong, sexual nature that spread far around. I hypnotize and charm men (women) at first sight.”

Nod vigorously and exhale. Repeat the phrase while holding your breath twice.

Relax, let your attention “go free” for a couple of minutes. Now you don't need to concentrate it on your lower chakra. From now on, the flower you created blooms and sends its signals to the world around you, attracting the attention of the opposite sex to you!

Imagine that the ball begins to enlarge, it grows, reaches the boundaries of the body and blooms into a huge fiery red flower. Strengthen its glow, imagine it even more expressive, shimmering! Let it pulsate, flare up and go out, like a real lighthouse on the seashore, breaking through the clouds and fogs!

Take three deep breaths and, holding your breath, say loudly and confidently:

“My sex chakra has turned red, beautiful flower magic lighthouse. With its fiery light and powerful pulsations, it attracts attention and attracts men (women) to me!”


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