Urolithiasis in cats: treatment, signs, symptoms, diet, medications, medicinal food. A cat has urolithiasis: symptoms and treatment What you need to know about urolithiasis in cats

Urolithiasis disease– Urolithiasis is the most common and dangerous disease in cats. The high mortality rate of animals confirms this. It is characterized by the presence of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system - kidneys, bladder.

According to statistics, cats most often suffer from urolithiasis at the age of 5.

The risk group includes:

  • males;
  • age category 2 – 6 years;
  • obese animals;
  • long-haired breeds;
  • males after sterilization;


The disease has genetic roots and is chronic, with acute relapses.

The latent course can last up to 2 years, after which an exacerbation occurs and it is difficult to do without surgery.

Factors in the occurrence of urolithiasis

This ultrasound shows urolithiasis in a cat. Although cats are much less likely to suffer from this disease than cats.

The fact that sand and stones appear in the pelvic organs depends on several components. These components, in turn, are divided into external and internal.

External factors

Water quality plays a direct role in the development of urolithiasis in cats.

To the list external factors relate:

  • climatic conditions – depending on how hot it is in the house, urine becomes highly concentrated and it becomes impossible to filter it through the kidneys;
  • quality of liquid consumed – the presence of salts in water leads to the accumulation of salts in the urine and, as a result, the formation of stones;
  • nutrition– excess or lack of proteins in food leads to accelerated concentration of urine;
  • hypovitaminosis, – lack of vitamins provokes a lack of nutrition of the epithelium, accelerating its destruction.

Internal factors

Predisposition to urolithiasis can be transmitted genetically.

Factors acting from within the body are called internal or endogenous. These include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • anatomical feature;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • heredity;
  • infections, viruses.

Causes of urolithiasis in cats

The resulting stones are of two types: struvite and oxalate.

Struvites were removed after surgery to treat urolithiasis.

The most common cause of urolithiasis is metabolic disorders.

Minerals entering the cat's body react with toxins. Dying cells Bladder become centers for the appearance of crystals. Passing through the urinary canals, the crystals injure their mucous membrane. An excessive amount of such crystals is the cause of blockage of the lumen, preventing the release of urine. The kidneys continue to produce urine, but it accumulates in the lumen, which causes it, leading to severe intoxication.

The peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring. The presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract plays a significant role in the occurrence of pathology. The consequence of these processes may be the formation of crystals. Individual predisposition is also a significant factor in the development of the disease.

Features of the anatomy - the lumen of the urethra is too narrow, which makes it difficult to remove fluid, forming a “congestion”.

Video about the five main causes of the disease

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of urolithiasis.

The presence of stones or sand is diagnosed in the laboratory, but at home a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on some signs.

  1. The cat urinates frequently, sometimes uncontrollably, sometimes with difficulty and in small portions.
  2. During .
  3. The urine becomes darker, has a reddish tint, or contains blood.
  4. The animal tries to move less and refuses food and water.
  5. Due to the small waste of urine, the stomach becomes larger.
  6. Intoxication of the body occurs.
  7. The temperature rises to 39–40 degrees. It is aggravated by convulsions and trembling of the whole body.

Such symptoms indicate a long-term illness, at least 1–2 years. It is important to prevent a severe form and constantly undergo veterinary examination, otherwise fatal outcome is 80%. With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is favorable. A veterinarian draws up a complete clinical picture based on a visual examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment and diet for cats

Therapy for urolithiasis is carried out comprehensively, using radical methods in the form of surgical removal of stones and cleansing of sand from the genitourinary tract.

Insertion of a catheter through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia.

The treatment period is complex and lengthy and requires considerable effort on the part of the attending physician and the cat’s owner. The first emergency aid is to allow urine to pass freely. A catheter is inserted through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia. Difficulty in inserting a catheter is an indication for immediate surgery, during which a catheter is inserted and left in place for 1–2 weeks.

Intensive treatment involves the use of symptomatic therapy: painkillers, antispasmodics. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, immunostimulants, diet. Along with the use of narrowly targeted drugs, medications that support the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract are indicated. Through .


PHYTOAELITA® HEALTHY KIDNEYS (PHYTOAELITA® SANUS RENES). Consultation with a doctor is required.

Drugs often used in the treatment of KSD with the possibility of urine patency: nitroxoline tablets, “Healthy Kidneys” phytoelite, phytolysin solution, neurovital tablets, baralgin injections.

In more difficult cases, with surgical treatment, therapy is indicated: injections of amoxicin, baralgin. Inside – phytoelite “Healthy Kidneys”, phytolysin. Catheterization is carried out using an anesthetic duo in the form of xylazine and ketamine.

To clean and prevent infection, a solution of metragil is injected into the catheter with saline solution. During the rehabilitation period, restorative therapy is required. Use Cotervin, Nephrocat, Renal powder, suspension or tablets, or Urinari tract support tablets.

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis at home

The prescription of a diet for urolithiasis depends on the type of stones located in the animal’s genitourinary system.

The presence of oxalates prevents the entry of oxalic acid into the body. It is found in liver, kidneys, and tea. Food containing calcium is subject to restriction: dairy, fermented milk products.

Veterinary hospitals sell special food for cats that suffer from urolithiasis.

Recommended saturate the body with alkali , which is found in beets, legumes, and cauliflower. Products shown rich in magnesium : peas, boiled meat, fish, rice, other types of cereals. Avoid completely dry food and use canned meat and fish.

Struvite damage

Struvite damage implies the exclusion of foods rich in calcium and its compounds. This group includes: dairy and fermented milk products, egg yolk.

Special food for cats and kittens with urolithiasis.

You can dilute it with: oatmeal, liver, cabbage. Use canned meat and fish food. Dry food - only medicinal, with useful additives for the cat. The diet should be agreed with the doctor and strictly adhere to the feeding regimen and norms.

Throughout the rehabilitation, periodically carry out laboratory urine test , exercise strict control over the animal’s well-being. Combining ready-made dry or canned food in the same container with homemade food is strictly prohibited.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Complex preventive measures urolithiasis in cats is available to everyone. It is necessary to control the quality of your pet’s food and its quantity. Overeating can lead to increased alkalinity in the urine. Insufficient intake of calcium in the body contributes to the formation of phosphate formations, so moderate consumption of foods rich in calcium compounds is important.

Monitor your cat's drinking. The water must be purchased, soft or boiled and settled. Do not use - only as complementary food; if possible, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

Complementary feeding with dry food should be provided with sufficient water. Feed the animal not only solid food. Add soups and liquid cereals to your diet. Keeping the pet in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions to prevent the occurrence of other infections.

To avoid the occurrence of urolithiasis or its recurrence, mandatory medical examination is indicated. Being in a safe environment, the animal has a minimum risk of developing pathologies of the genitourinary system.

First days after surgery

We specially selected this picture. Quarantine after surgery must be strictly observed!

The first few weeks after surgery require strict quarantine of the animal. A balanced diet, a ban on leaving the house and contact with other animals. Do not allow “accidental” food or eating outside the regime. Do not skip mandatory medications indicated for rehabilitation.

Sand, and in advanced cases, stones in the kidneys or bladder of an animal are called urolithiasis. Cats that have not only undergone surgery to remove the testicles, but also those that have not been sterilized are several times more susceptible to urolithiasis than cats. It is the ICD that is the most common cause fatal outcome in pets. Knowing the reasons why an animal develops this disease and the main symptoms, the cat owner will be able to quickly guess that there is a problem and contact a veterinarian. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier and more successful the animal’s treatment will be.

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    Causes of urolithiasis in cats

    Urolithiasis, or otherwise urolithiasis, can occur in cats different ages regardless of gender . However, scientists have found that cats are less susceptible to this disease. It's connected with different structure urinary tract. In cats they are narrower and more curved.

    Many believe that castration is the cause of the disease. This is far from true. Castration can only complicate the course of the disease. Removing the testicles at too early an age (before six months) contributes to the fact that the urethra remains underdeveloped. As a result, KSD will be very difficult to tolerate in castrated cats. Grains of sand will quickly clog the narrow lumen of the urethra and the pet simply will not be able to go to the toilet normally. With such a pathology, there is a high probability of death.

    One of the common causes of urolithiasis is considered to be improper metabolism.

    Often, pet owners do not adhere to the nutritional sequence for their pet. Hand-feed your pet fatty or salty foods, which are strictly contraindicated for animals. Such food leads to obesity, and, as a result, urolithiasis occurs. This is especially true for castrati, who already move little.

    Factors contributing to the occurrence and development of the disease:

    • The presence of too much fresh fish in the diet.
    • Feeding the animal with cheap economy class food.
    • Including regular food in the animal’s diet along with dry food.
    • Insufficient supply of fresh water or poor quality water to the pet.
    • Overweight or insufficiently active lifestyle.
    • Congenital pathologies of the urinary tract.
    • Genetic factors, heredity.
    • Presence of infection in the genitourinary system.

    Another important factor is the climatic conditions where the cat lives. If the room is too heat air, urine becomes concentrated and it becomes difficult to filter through the kidneys. Most often, urolithiasis occurs in animals aged from one to seven years.

    The main symptoms by which you can determine the presence of urolithiasis in a cat

    The early stage of the disease is practically invisible to the prying eye. It is difficult to determine that a pet has urolithiasis and not something else. Many animals for a long time live with the disease until it worsens and the owner notices the cat’s poor health. But there are some signs, if you notice them, you need to consult a veterinarian. You should not try to help the animal at home, this can lead to the death of the cat.

    Symptoms of urolithiasis:

    1. 1. The cat often lies down and stops playing and moving.
    2. 2. The pet lost his appetite and began to refuse food and drink.
    3. 3. The animal fusses around the tray, then comes and then leaves. Often sits down, but does not urinate. He may scream and seem to be pushing.
    4. 4. After using the toilet, he licks his genitals too hard.

    As the condition worsens, the following signs appear:

    1. 1. The cat may sit in the litter box for a long time, trying to go to the toilet.
    2. 2. Urination becomes more frequent.
    3. 3. Screams when peeing.
    4. 4. Blood clots may be observed in the tray, and the urine itself is pink.
    5. 5. The cat stops going to the litter box and urinates in other places.
    6. 6. The pet becomes restless, hides in corners, tries to hide out of sight.
    7. 7. Temperature may rise. Convulsions begin. The animal often vomits and trembles.

    If the last 7 symptoms are present, the animal’s life is at risk. Salt deposits have already begun to move along the urethral ducts. The ducts become clogged and urine begins to accumulate in the bladder. This leads to intoxication.

    If urine does not leave the body for more than a day, this is fatal for the animal. You should contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

    The animal will, of course, be treated at home, but under the mandatory supervision of a veterinarian.

    Under no circumstances should you give your cat diuretics, this will only worsen the situation. To alleviate the animal’s condition and remove spasms, you can give a no-shpa tablet. If there is blood in the urine, Travmatin pain-relieving injections are acceptable. This homeopathic remedy will relieve pain and promote healing of wounds caused by the movement of stones along the duct. This is where pre-medical care should end. The decision on further treatment should be made by a specialist based on research results.

    Diet therapy

    In the treatment of urolithiasis proper nutrition cats is of great importance. Animals that eat natural and not dry food must follow a diet. Cat owners must adhere to certain feeding rules:

    • Follow the regimen recommended by your veterinarian. After the cat has eaten, the food should be removed and not given until the next feeding. Exceeding a certain portion of food increases the mineral content in the urine.
    • If struvite stones (soluble stones) are found in an animal’s kidney, dairy products and eggs should be excluded from the diet. The urine will need to be acidified. If the cat does not refuse to drink the acidified liquid, you can drip lemon or blackcurrant juice into a container of water.
    • If oxalate stones (insoluble stones, their formation occurs due to an excess of calcium in the urine) are found in the animal’s body, acidic vegetables and fruits, liver and foods rich in calcium are excluded from the diet. Boiled meat, fish and dairy products are given with caution.
    • Fresh information should always be freely available pure water. It is necessary to soak the food if the cat does not drink.

    The doctor should also prescribe medications that help remove stones and sand from the kidneys.

    Medicinal feed

    Often, specialists insist that the animal eat special factory feed during treatment. But pets do not always agree to this. Owners can try combining natural food and medicinal food.

    It is important not to combine natural and medicinal food.

    Therapeutic food is selected depending on the type of stones found in the animal’s kidneys:

    • Foods such as Hills Prescription Diet Feline S/D and Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula help dissolve struvite and remove it from the body.
    • If oxalates are detected in the kidneys, pets are fed Hills Prescription Diet Feline X/D or Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula.
    • If both types of stones are found in the body, then give Royal Canin Urinary S/O Feline.

    Drug therapy

    If urolithiasis is detected on time, surgical intervention is not required. But just following a diet and eating regimen cannot solve all problems. Need help cat drug treatment.For urolithiasis, the following drugs are usually prescribed:

    1. 1. Antibiotics. The doctor prescribes them if there is a concomitant infection in the body. Cats are given cephalosporin antibiotics such as Cefarin or Kefzol. The cat should drink them for 5-7 days, one tablet twice a day.
    2. 2. Uroseptics. These medicines act directly on the genitourinary system. Cats can take medications such as 5-NOK or Furagin, 1/4 of a tablet 2 times a day.
    3. 3. If the cat is severely dehydrated, Regidron is prescribed. Dilute as recommended by a doctor and pour into the cat in small portions.
    4. 4. The homeopathic remedy Kantaren is prescribed if the cat has severe spasms and pain. Also acts as a diuretic. The course of treatment usually lasts from 7 to 10 days.

    You cannot treat a cat without the knowledge of a specialist. Not all human drugs are suitable for animals.


    A catheter is placed if the cat is unable to urinate on its own. A special tube is inserted into the urinary canal through which urine exits the bladder. If the bladder stones are excessively large or the urethra is too swollen, the tube may be sutured for several days.

    After the procedure, it will be necessary to cure the intoxication that occurred in the cat due to the accumulation of urine. The specialist will prescribe the animal a drip with Detox.

    Traditional medicine

    Folk remedies can only be used at the initial stage of the disease. Before starting treatment, you should consult a veterinarian.

    TO folk remedies for cats usually include herbal decoctions that are given to pets to drink. They can be made from plantain, lingonberry, heather, and bearberry. This is also a good prevention of urolithiasis.

    Surgical intervention

    Cats need surgery in the following cases:

    • Stones in the kidneys or bladder are very large and cannot pass on their own.
    • Calcium oxalates are found in the body. Since they do not dissolve, they will have to be removed surgically.
    • The urinary ducts are blocked.

    There are two types of stone removal operations:

    • Urethrotomy. A small hole is made in the urinary duct through which the stones are removed. Until the cat's health improves, the hole is not allowed to close.
    • Cystotomy. This operation is used only in the most severe cases, when there is little chance of cure. The essence of it is that the cat’s bladder is opened and stones are taken out. Such complex intervention is undertaken only when the stones are very large and cannot be removed in any other way.

    Prevention of ICD

    Urolithiasis has frequent relapses. Therefore, both recovered and never sick animals require prophylaxis aimed at controlling the acidity of urine:

    • From the age of one year, take a urine test every six months.
    • Follow dietary dosages.
    • Monitor the freshness of the water and change it regularly at least once a day.
    • Monitor your urination frequency. The norm is twice a day.
    • Play more with the cat so that the metabolism does not slow down.
    • Buy special food for the prevention of urolithiasis.

    It is important to remember that the disease is easiest to treat in its early stages. It is necessary to observe your pet and notice signs of illness. And, of course, pay attention to preventive measures.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


The formation of sand, and then stones (uroliths) in a pet’s bladder and kidneys is a common cause of death in pets. In veterinary practice the following designations are used: ICD, urolithiasis. If urolithiasis in cats is diagnosed early, treatment at home will be effective. In advanced cases, hospitalization and surgery will be required.

Causes of the disease

Males are more susceptible to urolithiasis than cats. Urolithiasis is common in castrated people, just like in their non-sterile counterparts. Castration is not one of the causes of the disease, but if it was done when the kitten was less than six months old, the animal’s urethra will remain underdeveloped. Urolithiasis will be severe; deposits will quickly clog the narrow lumen of the urinary canal. Topping the list of causes of urolithiasis in cats is improper metabolism.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

  • excess fish;
  • fatty food;
  • cheap feed;
  • mixing regular food and feed in one feeding;
  • lack of fluid, bad water;
  • obesity, low activity;
  • congenital disorders of the genitourinary system, heredity;
  • infections, staphylococci, streptococci.

Main signs and symptoms

Notice the disease on early stage difficult. Many owners begin to sound the alarm, already observing obvious signs urolithiasis in a cat, when the situation is close to critical. Without timely help, the animal may die, so it is important to take action without waiting for an aggravation. Pet owners need to respond to possible symptoms urolithiasis in cats:

  • the cat has become “sad” and moves less;
  • the animal has lost its appetite;
  • The cat behaves restlessly when urinating, approaches the litter box several times, does not urinate on the first try, and intensively licks the genitals.

Later, more serious symptoms appear:

  • Urination becomes more frequent, the cat sits in the tray for a long time.
  • Soreness appears, the cat screams while urinating.
  • Urine is colored pink color, blood clots remain in the tray.

At this stage, the cat's life is already in danger. Salt deposits move along the urinary tract, stones get stuck in the urethra, the ducts become blocked, and fluid accumulates in the bladder, which leads to intoxication. If urine does not leave the body for more than a day, it is deadly. During illness, the cat’s bladder is distended, and the abdomen is greatly enlarged.


The symptoms of the disease are so obvious that the veterinarian will make a diagnosis the first time you contact him. To choose a method of treating a cat and prescribing medications the most important condition– drawing up a complete clinical picture. The chemical composition of stones varies. Stand out:

  • struvites (they contain magnesium, phosphate or ammonium), soluble stones;
  • calcium oxalates (insoluble, surgically removed);
  • cystines;
  • Ammonium urate.

In cats, struvite predominates, but oxalates are also found, as well as the disease mixed type. It is necessary to determine the type of deposits in order to prescribe the appropriate medicine. A detailed study of the disease includes:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • x-ray (to determine the size, shape, location of stones);
  • Ultrasound (bladder, kidneys);
  • chemical analysis of stones.

How to treat urolithiasis in cats

It is possible to cure a cat at home, but under the guidance of a veterinarian. It is impossible to give a diuretic in the absence of urination, this will aggravate the disease. To relieve spasm, it is permissible to give “No-shpu”. If there is blood in the urine, homeopathic injections “Travmatin” are recommended, they relieve pain and heal wounds. This is where pre-medical care ends. A specialist will decide how to cure a cat, based on the course of the disease.

Diet therapy

Nutrition for a cat with urolithiasis is of paramount importance. Not all animals agree to eat dry food; they prefer natural products. In this case, diet will help. It is important for owners to adhere to the rules of feeding the animal:

  1. Follow the regime, feed the cat up to 3 times a day, removing leftover food. During breaks between feedings, the animal does not have access to food. Exceeding the recommended dose of food increases the content of minerals in the urine.
  2. If you have struvite stones, it is important to enrich your cat’s menu with food that acidifies the urine. Dairy products, eggs (yolk) are excluded, food is mainly meat. If the cat agrees to drink acidified water, drip lemon, cranberry, and red currant juice into it.
  3. When a cat has oxalates, fish, eggs and boiled meat are given in limited quantities. If the animal likes sour vegetables and fruits, remove them from the diet. Liver and foods rich in calcium are not allowed.
  4. The water must be clean and fresh; a sick animal needs a lot of liquid. If the cat drinks little, soak the food.

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis

The diet for urolithiasis in cats always includes medicinal food. Many veterinarians insist on using only factory-made food, dry or wet, during illness, with the rejection of natural products. If owners decide to combine food with regular food, they should not do it in one meal. Special therapeutic nutrition is selected depending on the composition of the deposits:

  1. Hills Prescription Diet Feline S/D and Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula will help with struvite uroliths. These foods help dissolve stones and remove them from the body.
  2. For oxalates, Hills Prescription Diet Feline X/D, Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula is prescribed.
  3. If the disease is of a mixed type, Royal Canin Urinary S/O Feline is recommended.

Drug treatment

If the pet's condition is not severe, conservative treatment will help, without surgical intervention. With the help of diet, the acidity of urine changes, struvite, cystine and urate stones dissolve. But proper cat nutrition does not solve all problems; drug support is necessary. For urolithiasis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. If the disease is complicated by an infection, the veterinarian prescribes Lincomycin or antimicrobials from the cephalosporin group (Kefzol, Ceparin, etc.). Give 5-7 days, 0.2 g twice a day.
  2. Uroseptics are antibacterial drugs that act on the genitourinary system. Cats are prescribed “5-NOK”, “Palin”, “Furagin”. Take 7 days, one fourth of the tablet, 2-3 times.
  3. Rehydration products (for dehydration) – “Regidron”. Pour into the cat’s mouth in small portions, every half hour if severe dehydration occurs.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. These include "Kantaren" for injection. Relieves spasms, acts as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic. For urolithiasis, inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 1-2 ml up to three times a day. The course lasts 7-10 days.


When a cat cannot urinate for a long time, catheterization is performed. A tube is inserted into the urinary canal to drain fluid. Sometimes the catheter is sutured for 2-3 days. This is required if the calculi (stones) are large or the urethra is very swollen. After catheterization, it is necessary to remove the intoxication; during the time that the urine did not pass, the cat’s body received poisoning, which could damage the kidneys. The pet is given an IV.

Surgical intervention

A cat needs surgery if:

  • the stones are very large and do not come out after washing;
  • oxalate stones, insoluble;
  • The cat's urethra is blocked.

There are two types of surgical treatment for cat disease:

  1. Urethrostomy. A hole is made in the urethra through which the stones are removed. Until the cat's condition becomes stable, the hole is not allowed to close.
  2. Cystotomy. A more radical method of intervention is used in severe cases course of the disease. The cat's bladder is opened and the uroliths are removed. Such an operation is necessary when the stones are very large, and otherwise they cannot be removed.

Disease prevention

Some animals experience urolithiasis once, but in most it recurs. Cats, both those who have recovered and those who have never had urolithiasis, need prevention. It is aimed at controlling the acidity of your pet’s urine and includes the following points:

  • Starting at one year of age, take a urine test every six months.
  • Divide the animal's daily diet into equal portions and give it according to the dosage.
  • The cat's diet should be balanced.
  • There should be water in the bowl: fresh, not hard, from a filter. Check whether it decreases properly.
  • Monitor your cat's urination; if it is infrequent, the urine will be concentrated, as will the substances dissolved in it. The norm is twice a day.
  • The cat needs to move more so that its metabolism does not slow down.
  • Use food for the prevention of urolithiasis, for castrated cats (if the animal has undergone surgery).

Video: how urolithiasis manifests itself in cats

The video details how an owner can prevent a dangerous disease in their pet. If you recognize the first “bells” of ICD, this increases the chances of helping your pet without surgical intervention and complications. The “risk group” is covered - cats and cats who are likely to receive an unpleasant diagnosis.

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Urolithiasis in cats

Probably every cat owner has heard about such a disease as urolithiasis (UCD) . What is it and when should you start to be afraid of it?

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease characterized by the formation of urinary stones or sand in the kidneys, bladder, or their retention in the lumen of the ureters and urethra.

And you should be afraid of it from the moment you decide to get a kitten, because according to statistics, up to 13.5% of cats are susceptible to this disease, i.e. approximately every seventh or eighth. KSD, along with viral infections, diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors and traumatic lesions, is the main cause of death in cats aged 1 to 6 years.

Scary? But “who is forewarned is forearmed”!

Where does ICD come from?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Possible factors for its occurrence are:

Genetic predisposition . Cats are descended from the African wild cat and retain the ability to easily maintain fluid balance in the body and a reduced sense of thirst. This leads to a high concentration of urine, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of stones.

Animal diet - food with low fluid intake, water and food with increased content minerals

Sedentary lifestyle

Improper metabolism - obesity

Infections And inflammatory processes in the urinary system, for example,

What types of stones are there?

Probably every veterinarian, like a geologist, has his own collection of stones. Their chemical composition very diverse: uric acid, urates, oxalates, carbonates, phosphates, cystine, xanthine, etc. The number of stones formed in the urinary organs ranges from one to one hundred or more. Their size also varies from millet grain to nut.

The most common in cats are:

Struvite(tripelphosphates) are solid or loose formations in the form of an elongated prism with diamond-shaped edges that form and grow in alkaline urine. Struvite makes up 80% of stones and is characteristic of cats from 1 to 6 years of age. The main reason is unbalanced nutrition, excess magnesium and phosphorus in the feed.

Oxalates(oxalic acid salts) are less common. Calcium oxalate is a rounded formation in the form of an open rose. It occurs mainly in cats over 7 years of age, most often in long-haired Burmese, Himalayan and Persian cats. The reason is an increase in calcium levels in the urine (urine acidification) due to improper feeding.

Symptoms of ICD

Symptoms of urolithiasis depend on the shape, size and location of the stones.

If the stones do not clog the lumens of the urethral canal and do not have sharp edges that scratch the mucous membrane, then the disease may not appear externally. There have been cases when animals were found to have stones more than two centimeters in diameter. During the entire period of formation of such a stone (which is about one and a half years), no signs of the disease were observed.

Urolithiasis in cats manifests itself only when there is difficulty urinating: the animal often sits on a potty or in the wrong place, strains, but urine is released weakly, drop by drop, often mixed with blood and fine sand. If the urethra is blocked by a plug, the bladder stretches, causing a constant urge to urinate. At the same time, the animal’s condition noticeably worsens: the blood vessels of the bladder burst, blood enters the urine, and vice versa, urine enters the blood, poisoning the body. The cat refuses food and water, moves little, and constantly tries to urinate. Over time, vomiting and convulsions appear as a sign of severe poisoning by urine components. Bladder rupture is also possible. This life-threatening condition requires immediate medical attention.

With urinary retention, time is a decisive factor; every hour of delay leads to a deterioration in the animal’s condition. Therefore, please do not delay, do not wait for “everything to resolve itself,” but take your pet to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible!

Diagnosis of ICD

Urolithiasis occurs in both cats and cats, but clinically it is more often visible in cats due to the anatomical structure - a narrower and more curved urethra. In cats, KSD is diagnosed when a stone forms in the bladder or kidney, accompanied by bleeding and confirmed by x-ray or ultrasound.

A diagnosis can only be made by taking into account clinical signs, laboratory urine analysis, and the results of an X-ray or ultrasound examination, since similar symptoms are inherent in other diseases. Thus, difficulty urinating or its absence can occur in the presence of a tumor, inflammatory swelling, and blood in the urine and pain can occur in acute cystitis, etc.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats and kittens comes down to the following steps:

1. Restoration of urine outflow. To do this, it is necessary to remove the blockage of the urethra with a catheter and rinse the lumen of the urethra with an antiseptic solution. This is usually done under general anesthesia. In advanced cases, surgery is performed (creating a female-type urethral opening) or cystotomy - abdominal surgery to remove large stones from the bladder.

2. Stabilization of the general condition. To restore the water-electrolyte balance and relieve intoxication, an intravenous drip is placed (from 1 to 5 days - depending on the condition of the animal) and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is carried out (up to two weeks).

3. After stabilization of the condition, it is prescribed lifelong prevention: diet (medicinal food), herbal medicine (diuretics, etc.), as well as regular (every 3-6 months) diagnostics: urine analysis, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

The doctor can also give recommendations on how to provide first aid for relapse of the disease. You can alleviate the animal's condition with the help of an antispasmodic (no-spa, etc.), the drug "Cat Erwin", as well as a special therapeutic diet, and in the presence of an infection - a course of antibiotics (only with a doctor's prescription).

Treatment is always selected individually, taking into account the diagnostic results, the sex and age of the animal, the complexity of the disease, the presence of other diseases, etc.

As a rule, complete recovery does not occur, but it is possible to control the course of the disease and prevent exacerbations. And then the animal can live a long and full life.

With insufficient control and in severe cases, frequent blockages of the urethra occur with urinary retention. Every relapse makes it worse general state and destroys the kidneys, which can ultimately lead to kidney failure.

Prevention of ICD

The best approach to the problem of ICD is its prevention.

The most important factor in this case is .

When feeding natural food, you should avoid using foods rich in salts (fish, milk, various seafood, mineral supplements, etc.), as well as hard food. drinking water. The diet must be enriched with vitamins.

It is widely believed that KSD occurs in cats as a result of feeding them dry food. This is wrong. On the contrary, ready-made food is a carefully balanced product, a combination nutrients, microelements and vitamins in which are calculated with maximum benefit for the health of the animal. In addition, it contains components that prevent urolithiasis. You just need to remember to give your pet fresh water and ensure that it is consumed sufficiently(!). Of course, all of the above applies only to high-class food(!). Economy class food (Kitekat, Darling, Whiskas, Katinka, Friskies, etc.) can really harm the health of the animal.

To prevent the formation and dissolution of stones existing in the bladder, the doctor prescribes a special dietary food . The choice is made depending on the type of stones that caused the disease. Since struvite is formed in alkaline urine, and oxylates are formed in acidic urine, normalizing the pH of urine leads to a slowdown in the formation of crystals and their dissolution. The action of medicinal foods is based on the control of urine acidity (Royal Canin Urinary S/O, Hill’s C/D, Hill’s S/D, Purina UR).

Among the many diseases associated with metabolic processes, urolithiasis in cats in Lately came out on top in terms of prevalence. With this type of disease, sand or stones form in the animal’s kidneys and bladder. At the same time, it becomes difficult for the pet to go to the toilet; metabolic processes, without proper assistance, blockage of the urinary canals may occur, followed by death.

It is clear that it is easiest to treat the disease with initial stages. However, urolithiasis in cats is very difficult to recognize at the very beginning. At this time, the cat behaves completely as usual. And only at a later stage the signs of urolithiasis in a cat become externally pronounced.

Urolithiasis in a cat can cause the following symptoms:

  1. The cat often sits on his tray, but cannot go to bed.
  2. A very tense posture of the animal when urinating, with an arched back and bowed head.
  3. The cat may cry in pain while sitting on the tray.
  4. The cat's tummy is often tense.
  5. The heyday of the disease is characterized by the fact that the pet becomes obsessive, tries to cuddle the owner all the time, and draws attention to itself in every possible way.
  6. Urine may contain traces of blood, and its usual color may change.
  7. Your pet can often lick the urethral area for a long time to facilitate the process of emptying the bladder.
  8. Even the most well-mannered pet can begin to relieve itself not on the tray, but in completely different, unusual places for it. This is due to the fact that the cat wants to hide and go to the toilet in a secluded place.

When describing the signs of urolithiasis in cats, one cannot fail to mention the possibility that a stone may completely block the urethra. Then the cat cannot empty its bladder at all, and its tummy becomes enlarged. The cat's temperature rises, it refuses to eat, tries to hide in a far corner, and shows signs of fear.

At this moment, it is very important to immediately take the animal to a veterinary clinic to provide emergency care to the pet. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe intoxication and bladder rupture. In this case, without medical assistance, death is inevitable within one to two days.

You need to understand that owners of males, rather than females, are more likely to encounter urolithiasis. This is mainly due to anatomical differences in the structure of animals. The symptoms of urolithiasis in cats are exactly the same as those of ICD in cats.

Causes of the disease

As mentioned earlier, urolithiasis is less common in cats than in cats. But unsterilized and sterilized cats suffer from urolithiasis with the same frequency, the same can be said about castrated and non-neutered cats. Only castration at an early age (up to six months) can prevent the urethra from reaching its full development; the narrow lumen of this organ will make urination difficult. Then urolithiasis for the cat will be more severe due to clogging of the lumen with deposits.

Highlight following reasons, provoking the occurrence of urolithiasis in cats.

  1. Poor nutrition for pets. In particular, if the cat’s food contains excessive minerals. This happens if you frequently eat fish, fatty foods, or cheap dry or wet food. Those dry foods that are premium and higher are safe for animals.
  2. Mixing different types feed If a cat randomly eats either dry food or natural food, this leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to urolithiasis.
  3. Use poor quality water from the tap or insufficient fluid intake by the animal.
  4. Obesity in a cat and its sedentary lifestyle in most cases lead to illness.
  5. Congenital pathologies and hereditary predisposition also cause the disease.
  6. Past infectious diseases, infection with staphylococci or streptococci.
  7. Disorders and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of urolithiasis in cats can only be carried out under the full supervision of a veterinarian. In no case should you self-medicate, as an ignorant person can harm the cat, and if veterinary care is not provided in a timely manner for this disease, it can even lead to the death of the pet.

When starting treatment for urolithiasis in cats, the doctor will certainly conduct all the necessary examinations of the animal, send blood and urine for tests, take an x-ray, possibly conduct an ultrasound examination and take the stones themselves or urine sediment for analysis to determine the susceptibility of solid formations to dissolution by one or another drug .

Depending on the results obtained, the doctor will decide whether the purring can be treated conservatively or whether the help of a surgeon will be required.

First of all, with urolithiasis, the doctor helps the cat restore the flow of urine. To do this, under general anesthesia, a catheter is inserted into the cat, with the help of which pebbles or sand are removed and the urethra is washed with a special antiseptic. If an x-ray shows the presence of large stones that are interfering with the proper functioning of the kidneys or bladder, abdominal surgery may be required. After the operation, the cat will certainly be prescribed restorative therapy (drips, injections) to relieve the effects of intoxication and recovery normal operation kidneys and urinary tract.

If the doctor decides to treat a cat conservatively, he will prescribe the necessary medications that will relieve inflammation, dissolve stones, and alleviate the pet’s general condition. It should be understood that treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Even if the cat owner has friends who allegedly healed their pet with the help of a miraculous folk method, you should not blindly trust such a recipe. In any case, you need to consult a doctor who will direct the treatment in the right direction and explain whether it is possible for a particular cat to use one or another treatment method.

It is mandatory for treatment and subsequent rehabilitation to prescribe a diet for urolithiasis in cats. In this case, only a veterinarian can give recommendations on the pet’s nutrition, based on the results of a study of the stones, because their composition determines what foods the cat can eat.

After completing treatment for a pet, owners must do everything to avoid exacerbation of the disease. If you do not pay attention to the reasons that led to your pet’s illness, the disease will worsen again and again.

Disease Prevention

After the end of treatment and the rehabilitation period, the cat owner will have to take all necessary measures to prevent a relapse.

  1. The animal is shown special diet, which will not contribute to the formation of sand and kidney stones. For animals that already have MBD, the diet is prescribed by the doctor after testing. For healthy cats, it is recommended to follow simple rules when preparing a diet:
  • if the cat eats ready-made food, it must be of high quality;
  • Do not mix natural food with industrially produced feed;
  • Consumption of fish and dairy products is not recommended;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates and minerals is contraindicated for cats;
  • The consumption of fatty meats, as well as fried, spicy, salty, sweet and smoked meats is prohibited.
  1. The water the animal drinks should not be taken from the tap; boiled or filtered water is recommended.
  2. It is necessary that the cat does not lead a recumbent lifestyle. Active games and physical activity serve as excellent disease prevention.
  3. It is recommended to take urine tests so as not to miss the onset of the disease. If the cat is predisposed to the formation of stones, it is recommended to have an x-ray and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder every six months.


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