Is it possible to make a pond without waterproofing? Waterproofing of ponds and reservoirs made of liquid rubber

A picturesque lake or pond in your country house has a lot of positive aspects.

In addition to its pleasant aesthetic qualities and high decorative value, the presence of a small reservoir contributes to the formation of a favorable microclimate on the site, especially for plants growing nearby.

If desired, a pond can also perform utilitarian functions: use for fish breeding, a source of water for irrigation. And growing ornamental aquatic plants will allow you to diversify your assortment.

However main question, which this article is devoted to, is pond waterproofing, the high role of which cannot be underestimated.

Why is waterproofing needed? Basic ways to do it

The main purpose is to retain water in the reservoir, which is especially important if the soil is sandy, permeable, and the groundwater level is low. Waterproofing of a reservoir can be different. The durability of your structure and its functionality will depend on what type you choose.

What will be the consequences of incorrectly performed work, as well as the wrong decision when choosing a waterproofing technology? The answer is to the pond drying out, silting up the bottom, etc.

When choosing a method, you should pay attention to the size of the pond, its shape, purpose, under what conditions it will be used, and what features the design will have.

The most common methods of waterproofing include the following:

1. Using special film . Suitable for ponds of any shape and size. The cheapest material option is polyethylene, but it has some disadvantages (short-lived, low elasticity, low ultraviolet resistance).

A more durable and elastic coating is a geomembrane based on low- and low-grade polyethylene. high density. However, the most famous and widely used option is PVC film, which is superior to previous materials in all respects. There is also a film based on rubber.

2. Use of ready-made molds made of plastic and fiberglass , which you can easily find in specialized stores. The cost depends on the shape, size, volume and quality of the container material. So, a 370 liter polyethylene pond costs approximately 5000-6000 rubles.

3. Concrete . This is one of the most expensive and labor-intensive methods, but also the most durable and durable. It can also be safely classified as traditional. However, it is worth remembering that this material is sensitive to sudden temperature changes and soil subsidence.

In addition, not everyone can arrange such waterproofing. If you can lay down a film or install a ready-made form with your own hands without any problems, then you can do concrete waterproofing yourself if you have special skills.

4. Waterproofing with clay, or making a clay castle . Clay must be laid on the bottom and walls of the reservoir with a thickness of 20-50 cm, and not in one step, but in several layers.

5. Soil compaction using the Sepp Holzer method . It consists of placing an excavator into a pond pit filled with 30-40 cm of water, which begins to press (compact) the bottom with a bucket.

6. Made of liquid rubber. That's enough new way, which has many advantages. Suitable for both decorative ponds, and for swimming pools, ponds for fish breeding.

The material itself is a two-component mastic based on a polymer-bitumen water emulsion, applied by spraying. Withstands frosts down to -60˚C, service life is at least 20 years. Compared to film waterproofing, liquid rubber has high puncture resistance.

Before you begin work on creating a pond, you should decide on the method of waterproofing and choose the option that suits you.

Waterproofing the bottom of a pond with your own hands - basic rules

Whichever method you choose, there is general rules which should be followed. First of all, you need to dig a pit under the pond the right size and shape, carefully form the bowl of the pond. Then you need to level the bottom and walls, add a layer of sand, which is compacted into the ground.

The next stage depends on the selected waterproofing material.

If we use film, we first lay the geotextile fabric(to protect the film from germinating plant roots and sharp stones). The edges of the film should extend 50 cm beyond the pond; they are well secured and masked with stones and earth. Next, fill with soil and gravel and fill with water.

If you are using a ready-made form, then you simply insert it into the pit so that the edge protrudes a couple of centimeters above ground level. Pour water into the container and use a level to adjust the position of the pond. Then fill the free space between the walls of the mold and the pit with sand, compact it, periodically moistening it.

In case of using concrete, it is better to contact a specialist. But when using clay, the base of the pit bowl should be sprinkled with ash from insects living in the soil. Then we lay a layer of clay (10-15 cm) on the bottom and walls, which should be compacted well and covered with straw from the sun. When the layer dries a little, we lay the second one, which we also tamp.

Remember that when drying clay shrinks up to 20%. As a result, the thickness of the clay castle will be 20-50 cm. After this, pour crushed stone (fractions with a diameter of 3-4 cm) and compact it. Plus we make a layer of gravel and river sand, which will serve as additional protection against erosion of the clay by water. It's worth knowing what to put clay on vertical wall impossible, so the banks must be flat.

When using liquid rubber, geotextiles are laid out first., securing it with staples, and then using a sprayer, several layers of liquid rubber are applied.

Properly performed waterproofing is the basis of a beautiful pond, always filled with water.

The pond on the site has long become a popular and widespread element of the area’s decor. Lakes and ponds, having a high decorative value and pleasant aesthetic qualities, are liked by many people. In addition to its decorative functions, the pond also provides a favorable climate on the site.

To ensure the long-term functionality of your pond, during its construction it is necessary to pay special attention to waterproofing. Good waterproofing will hold water in the pond, which will provide for many years services. Excellent insulation is essential if you have sandy soil or high level occurrence of groundwater. There are several ways to waterproof a reservoir. If you do wrong choice or make a mistake when conducting waterproofing works, the reservoir may dry out or silt up. Which method is correct for a particular body of water depends on several factors: the size of the pond, its shape, the purpose of use, operating conditions, and others. So let's figure out what methods of waterproofing a pond exist and how to do it correctly.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

The most common methods of waterproofing a reservoir are:

Film waterproofing of a pond is suitable for reservoirs of any shape and size. To waterproof a pond, you can use a special waterproofing film, or you can reduce the cost of the process and use polyethylene.

  1. Polyethylene - cheap material, accordingly, it will serve less, it is less durable, it has low percentage elasticity and unstable under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Geomembrane is a special waterproofing material characterized by good strength and elasticity. There are low and high density geomembranes.
  3. PVC film is the most common and popular waterproofing material; it is stronger, more elastic, and more durable than all the previously listed materials. It is quite possible to make waterproofing film yourself. The main thing is to choose the material good quality and prepare the pit.

A ready-made plastic mold is another way to waterproof reservoirs. Such forms are sold in many stores, and they can be made from either ordinary polyethylene or hydroplastic. The price of the mold depends on the complexity of the design, size, and volume of the pond. If the size of the reservoir is not very large, it is quite simple to install the form in the pit yourself (an example of such a reservoir is in the photo).

Concrete waterproofing is a labor-intensive and costly process, but very common. Concrete, as an insulation material, is quite durable and has a long service life. But the disadvantages of this material are its susceptibility to temperature conditions and the possibility of soil subsidence. You can make waterproofing from concrete with your own hands, but this process is quite complex and difficult, and without the necessary experience and skills, it is also long.

Clay is another material for waterproofing work. Clay is laid on the bottom and walls of the pond in several layers, each of which is 20-50 cm.

Sepp Holzer pond waterproofing is a method in which an excavator compacts the soil of a pond where water already exists. The excavator bucket sinks to the bottom and presses hard, thereby compacting it. This method is good in that it can be used for natural reservoirs where there is a threat of siltation.

Waterproofing with liquid rubber is a fairly new, but very high-quality, and already popular method. This waterproofing is perfect for ordinary ponds, and for swimming pools, and even for lakes in which fish will be bred.

Liquid rubber is an insulation material made from bitumen with the addition of stabilizers and polymers.

Waterproofing with liquid rubber occurs by spraying it onto the bottom and sides reservoir

The main advantage of waterproofing with liquid rubber is the frost resistance of the material. The dangerous temperature for liquid rubber is considered to be below 60 degrees, and the service life of liquid rubber is 20 years.

We have listed the main methods of carrying out waterproofing work, with all the advantages and disadvantages. You just have to make a choice based on the parameters of your reservoir, soil properties, temperature readings and personal preferences.

How to make waterproofing yourself

Choosing the right and convenient method of waterproofing the floor is a matter of work, it still needs to be done correctly. There are a number of rules and recommendations that should be followed when carrying out such work with your own hands.

  1. Any body of water begins with preparing a pit of the desired shape and size. Having carefully formed the bowl of the reservoir, you need to thoroughly level and compact the bottom and sides with sand. Then you can begin to carry out waterproofing work with your own hands using the method you previously selected.
  2. If you use a material such as film, then first of all lay geotextiles on the sand, which will protect the film from damage by stones and the root system of trees. Lay a waterproofing film on top of the geotextile film, so that the edges extend beyond the boundaries of the reservoir by half a meter. These edges should be well secured with stones, soil or crushed stone. Then the edges of the film can be decorated accordingly.

  1. If you decide to use a ready-made container for waterproofing, then work should begin by installing this container in the pit. Doing this yourself is quite simple, but make sure that the upper part of the form extends a few centimeters beyond the pit. After installing the form in the pit, pour water into it and check with a level that it is installed correctly - it is better to avoid distortions for the integrity of the structure. The space between the soil and the side walls of the container must be filled with sand and compacted.
  2. It is better not to do concrete insulation yourself, but to invite professionals to do it.
  3. And when carrying out waterproofing work with clay, it is necessary to sprinkle the bottom of the pond with ash, this will protect the pond from insects that live in the soil. After the ash, a 10-15 cm layer of clay is placed on the bottom. The clay layer is well compacted, and straw is placed on top of it. After the first layer of clay has dried, a second layer is placed on the straw. Then pour coarse crushed stone onto the dried clay and compact it. Then we make the next layer - from gravel mixed with sand, preferably river sand. To carry out waterproofing with clay, you should remember that the banks of your pond must be flat. Clay will not adhere to steep slopes.
  4. Waterproofing with liquid rubber begins with laying a geotextile film on the bottom of the pit. The geotextile film is secured with staples and a layer of liquid rubber is sprayed onto it. It is better to spray a pit with rubber using a special installation. After the rubber has dried, and it dries quite quickly, you can pour water into the pond.

In essence, the construction of an artificial reservoir consists of creating a sealed depression filled with water on the site. The main task when arranging a pond is precisely to ensure 100% tightness of the prepared excavation. To ensure tightness, a complex of waterproofing materials is used. In each artificial pond, it is necessary to create a certain consistency in waterproofing, which will prevent the absorption of moisture into the soil and allow the pond to remain operational for a long time.

Creating a waterproofing system with your own hands is a process that only from the outside seems simple and accessible. Very often, such work does not lead to the result that was expected. An unreliable, low-quality waterproofing coating can quickly become damaged, crack due to temperature changes, not survive the winter, and then all the work on arranging the pond will be in vain. During our work, we have seen many neglected, abandoned ponds that remain on the site, reminding their owners of trying to save money and do everything on their own.

The ProfPokrytie company offers a professional approach to the issue of arranging waterproofing for artificial reservoirs. We have more than 20 years of experience in this field; our employees are 100% proficient in the technology of creating high-quality and reliable waterproofing.

What materials do we use?

Is thin roll material black, which is laid on the bottom of the pond, fixed along the coastal line and then filled with water. This type of waterproofing can be classified as budget options. It is suitable for ponds with straighter banks to avoid a lot of wrinkles.

Advantages: quick and simple installation, affordable cost, no need to use specialized equipment, maintainability.

Flaws: the possibility of damage, the formation of folds during installation, fragility, without proper decoration it looks little presentable.

A polymer material reinforced with a special fabric is applied to the prepared reservoir bowl with a brush or airless spray method. forms an even, monolithic, seamless sealed layer.

Advantages: durability, maintainability, strength and durability, attractive appearance Even without decoration, the pond, due to its flat surface, prevents plant germination. The material has three main colors: Blue, gray and black.

Flaws: higher cost, requires compliance with the sequence of waterproofing layers.

In our work, we use the latest generation polymer Professional coating, which ensures absolute tightness and allows you not to drain water for the winter, i.e. can winter under ice, designed for a longer service life than previous generation polymers. Its service life is at least 30 years.

Durability, repairability, strength and durability, no wrinkles.

Butyl rubber film (membrane)

Easy installation, affordable cost, no need to use specialized equipment, maintainability

Advantages of waterproofing services for artificial reservoirs from the ProfPokrytie company:

  1. We provide high quality works, thanks to compliance with technology, the use of high-quality consumables;
  2. You don't need to rent or buy liquid rubber coating equipment;
  3. We have the opportunity to purchase materials according to favorable prices due to partnerships with trusted suppliers;
  4. We strictly adhere to the deadlines for carrying out work, fixing them in an official contract;
  5. We provide a guarantee for the work performed, materials and equipment used;
  6. We carry out a full range of works on the arrangement of artificial reservoirs of any complexity in Moscow and the region.

Be the master land plot- Amazing. But when it is located and own pond- it's a real pleasure. You can breed fish, grow amazingly beautiful aquatic plants and just enjoy the picturesque view of the lake, sitting on a bench and savoring your favorite tea. The pond can also be used for cooling after a bath. Unfortunately, not all dachas have natural bodies of water. However, this is not a reason to give up your dream. You can build an artificial pond on your own. It's really possible! And the most convenient and practical option Such a lake is a pond without waterproofing.

Advantages of a pond without the use of waterproofing

Ponds without waterproofing are widespread in both Europe and the USA. In Russia you can also see on summer cottages Such reservoirs have a clay bottom. The popularity of the idea is explained by many advantages.

Environmental friendliness. Clay - natural material, which is safe for environment, plants and aquatic animals. This is an environmentally friendly solution.

Economy. The construction of an artificial reservoir can often be expensive, precisely because of the presence of a waterproofing system. In the absence of such an installation, the price of the pond is significantly reduced.

Easy to care for. Since the design of this reservoir does not imply the presence of waterproofing, then, accordingly, there is no need to maintain or change it.

How to arrange a pond

The construction of a pond without waterproofing takes place in several stages and requires certain skills and knowledge.

  1. Site inspection and preparation. When planning artificial pond Without a waterproofing system, you need to study the area where you will build a pond. You will need information about the condition of the soil, its characteristics, as well as the presence and nature of groundwater. This will require requesting hydrogeological studies. Experts will tell you whether it is possible to build a pond with clay walls and bottom on your property. As a rule, problems rarely arise - most types of soil are suitable for this task. Especially clay and loam.
  2. Digging a pit. Using an excavator or even on your own (relatives and shovels), dig a hole in the area you need. Make the banks sloping - that is, no steeper than 25 0. The depth of the pit should be about a third of the planned depth. The fact is that the excavated soil will become a continuation of the shore and approximately 3 times increase the depth of the pond.
  3. Organization of drainage. With a slope from the dug hole, make a special ditch - a small ravine for drainage. Depending on the area of ​​the lake, select a pipe required diameter(if the pond is small, the pipe is narrow) and lay it from the wall of the reservoir to the drain. This will provide care excess water into the ravine.
  4. Laying clay. Thoroughly knead the brought clay with water using shovels. The material should resemble soft and elastic dough. If the clay no longer sticks to the tool, then you can begin processing the walls and bottom of the reservoir. The mass is laid in layers 15 cm thick. When the first layer dries, lay the next one and compact it. You should get a thickness of about 40 cm. Keep in mind that each layer shrinks by 3 cm.
  5. Strengthening the edges. The banks of the artificial pond are being strengthened. Place the clay along the edges 15-20 cm above the expected water level. When the material has dried, compact coarse gravel on top - approximately a layer of 3-4 cm. Then add a layer of sand or small crushed stone (layer 6-8 cm).

Rainwater, groundwater will fill your pond. The pond bowl must have the required level of fullness.

Construction Features

Several years ago we mastered new technology construction of garden ponds. And since then we have been making ponds at our facilities only this way. This technology allows us to implement any design ideas and wishes of clients, and easily decorate a pond with plants. For example, without using liquid rubber it is almost impossible to make a gazebo on stilts that hangs over the water, or it is very difficult to create a bank so that the lawn goes directly to the water.

This is the most modern technology installation of garden ponds. Ponds made in this way have undeniable advantages in front of ponds made of concrete and film. When creating a pond, fiberglass is used as a reinforcing material and a special waterproofing composition, which has long been used in the construction of bridges. The combination of these two components results in a pond bowl that is strong yet flexible enough to withstand seasonal ground movements and ice pressure.

The technology for manufacturing ponds from liquid rubber allows you to implement any idea, create beautiful pond with a winding coastline and islands with absolutely no risk of punctures, cracks, or bulging of the bowl. Such ponds look very natural, deep, clean, the surface of the water above the black bottom reflects well, like a mirror, they are very easy to operate.

In terms of cost, creating a reservoir bowl is more expensive than using film. But when creating reservoirs from film or concrete, the bottom has to be filled with stones, which reduces the size of the reservoir and adds to the cost square meter another 3000-5000 rubles, not counting the cost of laying this stone. Thus, reservoirs made of liquid rubber are more profitable and cheaper than reservoirs made of film, not to mention concrete ones. Of course, you can use stones to decorate a pond made of liquid rubber. But even in order to cover the entire bottom, the consumption of stones is much lower than in other cases. And the stones are securely glued to the same composition from which the bowl is made. It is very convenient and easy to make filling from small stone chips, gravel, which is also securely glued with liquid rubber.

Using this technology, you can make reservoirs of any size and shape. It is very convenient to use it for creating small ponds, mini-reservoirs on patios and terraces. We can make a bowl without any folds (as is the case with film) with neat edges.

Since we have mastered liquid rubber technology, there is no other alternative for us. This technology is the best today. She gives optimal combination beauty, manufacturability, reliability and cost.

Comparison different technologies construction of reservoirs

film concrete liquid rubber

Formation of cracks

no cracks form

high danger

no cracks form

puncture hazard


waterproofing damage

high puncture resistance, easy repair

The ability to create ponds in a natural style


very difficult


Possibility of creating reservoirs of any shape, with islands

impossible without folds and gluing (gluing is a weak point)

very difficult


Possibility of constructing “steps on water” bridges and gazebos hanging over the water

almost impossible




There are always folds that need to be covered with stones, which visually greatly reduces the depth

it is necessary to decorate the entire bottom with stones

the bottom is black, without folds, good mirror qualities of the reservoir, a feeling of great depth


mandatory border around the entire perimeter of the reservoir

it is possible to bring the lawn and flowers directly to the water line

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