Titles of positions in the company. Positions in the company: General Director, Chief Engineer, Technical Director

In reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of individual sectors of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production sectors), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees. From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees.

ConsultantPlus: note.

By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 367, on January 1, 1996, the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK 016-94 was put into effect.

When distributing workers by personnel categories in statistical reporting on labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR), approved by the USSR State Standard 08.27.86 N 016.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

classifier of workers' professions;

classifier of employee positions, which contains positions of managers, specialists and employees.

33. Workers include persons directly involved in the creation process material assets, as well as those engaged in repairs, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, provision of material services, etc. In OKPDTR, the professions of workers are listed in section 1.

Workers, in particular, include persons employed:

33.1. management, regulation and supervision of the operation of automatic machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as direct management or maintenance of machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the labor of these workers is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.2. production of material assets by hand, as well as with the help of simple mechanisms, devices, tools;

33.3. construction and repair of buildings, structures, installation and repair of equipment, repair of vehicles;

33.4. moving, loading or unloading raw materials, materials, finished products;

33.5. at work on receiving, storing and sending goods in warehouses, bases, storerooms and other storage facilities;

33.6. care of machines, equipment, maintenance of production and non-production premises;

33.7. sinking of surface and underground mine workings, drilling, testing, sampling and development of wells, geological surveying, prospecting and other types of geological exploration work, if their labor is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.8. machinists, drivers, stokers, switch post attendants, track and artificial structure linemen, loaders, conductors, repair and maintenance workers transport lines, communication lines, repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicles, tractor drivers, mechanics, crop and livestock workers;

33.9. postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, radio operators, telecom operators;

33.10. operators of computers and electronic computers;

33.11. janitors, cleaners, couriers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.

34. Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code of 1, refers to managers.

Leaders, in particular, include:

directors (general directors), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, work performers at enterprises, structural units and divisions;

main specialists: chief accountant, chief dispatcher, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, chief researcher, chief editor;

Employees with successful experience are always in demand. There are few good, effective managers on the open labor market; they usually work in those organizations where they are provided with conditions that meet their requirements. But applicants for vacant positions may be managers working in companies in which they are not satisfied with the lack of prospects for professional growth, or there are disagreements with business owners. Some specialists want to change their field of activity or implement a project that can satisfy their professional ambitions.

IN lately and top managers themselves are putting forward more stringent requirements for potential employers than 3-4 years ago. In addition to decent monetary compensation, intangible components are important for them: a clear company business strategy, specific goals, realistic expectations from the candidate, new level tasks and sufficient powers to solve them.

The main difficulties in hiring top managers lie in the motivation to move from one company to another, since they make the decision to change jobs very carefully. Therefore, classical methods of personnel selection based on databases and advertisements are not used when searching for top managers. As a rule, a direct search for candidates with preliminary market research is always necessary. The search begins with studying the business segment, conducting a survey of experts in this field, and identifying key players. For top managers, the experience of “failed” projects, work in semi-criminal structures, and negative reviews from colleagues are extremely undesirable. Often, at the initial stage of the search, media materials, information about the candidate and his places of work are studied. Personal communication between a consultant and top candidates is not limited to one meeting - as a rule, there are several of them. Close attention is paid to collecting and checking references. The most important and delicate moment is negotiations between the candidate and the employer. It is on this final stage any misunderstandings and even minor disagreements can lead to the top manager refusing to work in the company or not being able to complete the probationary period, which will cause displeasure on all three sides of the process - employer, employee and consultant (a “guarantee” for a top candidate, as usually one year from the date of his return to work).

Recently, there has been a tendency towards convergence in salary levels: Western firms have begun to respond sensitively to market changes, while Russian firms do not strive to hire only the best and highly paid candidates, since this choice is not always the most suitable for them.

The income of top managers is another " pain point"for employers. The shortage of strong professionals gives rise to competition, and in order to attract a top manager, companies often have to overpay. As a rule, “star” specialists have more than one offer to change jobs, and they have long been accustomed to weekly calls from headhunters. Also in Recently, all recruiters have noted an increasing number of counteroffers that candidates receive from companies. Often, in order to retain a strong employee, employers are ready to sharply increase his compensation package in a situation of leaving.

Particularly difficult is the selection of managers for regional offices manufacturing enterprises. As a rule, their searches turn out to be lengthy: Moscow candidates are not always suitable in this case due to lack of experience in real production, unpreparedness to move to another city for a long time, and inflated salary requirements. Therefore, successful regional managers are now in increasing demand on the labor market. As a rule, the longest and most difficult negotiations are about the working conditions and salaries of hired managers. Often, an applicant for this position refuses the position at the last moment: the potential employee and the business owner fail to reach a compromise.

The search for top managers reporting directly to the owner of the company is responsible and difficult, especially if he alone determines the strategy for its development. It is extremely important to find applicants who combine the work experience, motivation, personal qualities and ambitions needed by the organization. When selecting top managers, a lot of time and effort is spent on establishing mutual understanding between the parties - the candidates and the employer.

Search for a CEO

The most responsible and delicate thing is to fill the position of General Director in the company. He reports directly to the owners, and during the interview he often communicates with the director of personnel services or the recruiting manager, who in the future will be lower in status than the future manager. At the same time, some owners also do not discuss important details of the “profile” of the preferred candidate for the actual key position in the company with the employee of the personnel selection department and do not dedicate the HR directors to all the details regarding this position, so the stated requirements for it often do not correspond to reality.

Often, only one of the shareholders meets with the future CEO, and the opinions of other business participants are not taken into account at the time of selection. Subsequently, this can lead to a serious conflict, up to and including the dismissal of the CEO during probationary period. The most risky situation is when the owner of a company, who previously had complete control of the business, decides to invite an “outside” general director to the company for operational management. Often such a leader leaves the organization within a year. The reason is that the owner does not fully trust the hired manager in making management decisions and constantly interferes in his work. The result is separation after just a few months of cooperation. Perhaps that's why modern market"project" general directors are in vogue, who short terms solve a complex problem and change jobs. Later, instead of such an “anti-crisis manager”, a manager-functionary comes.

Top 10 most sought-after executives

The following positions of senior managers were in demand more than others in 2004:

  • commercial director;
  • general director, executive director;
  • Marketing Director;
  • production financial director;
  • HR Director;
  • Director of Logistics;
  • creative director, art director;
  • IT Director;
  • production director;
  • Head of the legal department of the holding.

Below is a table showing these important characteristics positions as level wages, required education, work experience, personal qualities, skills, etc.

Job title Min. salary,
salary/salary +%
(thousand cu per month)
Max. salary,
salary/salary +%
(thousand cu per month)
Typical salary
salary/salary +%
(thousand cu per month)


Education - economics, MBA degree preferred. Minimum work experience - from 3 years in this field: development and implementation of product distribution strategy, sales planning and management, development and maintenance of relationships with major clients, identifying new ways of cooperation, organizing procurement, supplies, logistics. For manufacturing companies, experience in planning production volumes and product range is important. A top manager must have strategic, flexible thinking, the ability to make management decisions and bear responsibility for them, have an active life position, and adapt to a rapidly changing situation. Knowledge of English is required only for Western companies. The position provides for the payment of a percentage of sales and bonuses based on performance.


From 5-10 to 15

From 10-20 to 30

From 7 to 14-21

Education - preferably financial, economic or technical; Russian MBA degree and knowledge of English is desirable. A top manager must have team management skills, have 3 to 5 years of experience in management positions (sales, finance, marketing) and established connections in the required market segment and government agencies, and have strategic thinking.

in Marketing

From 3 to 3.3-5.4

From 10 to 11-18

From 5-7 to 5.5-12.6

Education - preferably economic or technical; additional - on marketing; An MBA degree is desirable, as well as special courses, trainings, and seminars. 3-4 years of experience in branding related work required. English is required only for foreign companies. A top manager must have an analytical mind and strategic thinking, be communicative and result-oriented, and be able to think non-stereotypically. Western companies have a system of quarterly and annual bonuses, while Russian companies use a percentage of profits.

in production

Russian - 1-2
Western - 3-4

Russian - 3-5
Western - 4-5

Russian - 2.5-4
Western - 3.5-4.5

Education - economic or technical + economic; MBA degree, courses in ACCA, GAAP are desirable; having a professional accountant certificate. English is required by all foreign companies and about 20% of Russian companies. Experience in managing a team of 10-15 people is required, as well as knowledge of technology and production economics. Minimum 3 years of manufacturing experience required. A top manager must have an analytical mind, be able to build constructive relationships with other managers, have the ability and desire to train subordinates, and be stress-resistant.

on production

Russian - 1-2
Western - 2.5-5

Russian - 3-6
Western - 5-10

Russian - 2.5-5
Western - 3.5-7

Education - technical; preferably a second management (MBA), economics; courses on QMS (quality management system). Knowledge of the basics of economics is a necessary requirement for a modern leader. Unlike Russian companies, Western companies must own English. A top manager must be a charismatic person, have leadership qualities, have analytical skills and the ability to work in a team. Russian enterprises pay two types of bonuses to the production director: for fulfilling the plan and for achieving the required indicators for reducing costs, eliminating injuries, reducing “unliquid assets,” etc. “Project” bonuses are also provided (for example, for launching a new production, workshop, lines).

in logistics

From 4 to 4.4-5.2

From 8 to 8.8-10.3

Education - higher; MBA degree desirable. Minimum of 5 years of experience in logistics is required: managing the activities of a warehouse complex, with a unified control system and department reporting, personnel management. A top manager must have strategic thinking, organizational and managerial qualities, and an active life position. Bonuses are paid based on performance results.

IT Director

Education - higher technical; MBA degree. The top manager must have at least 5 years of experience: IT budget management, knowledge of IT service providers and equipment suppliers, project management (for example, implementation of an ERP system). Must have an analytical mindset, an active life position and strategic, systemic thinking. English is required only for Western companies. Bonuses and bonuses are paid, which depend on the performance of the organization and the IT director himself.

by personnel

Education - technical or economic (psychological, as a rule, is not suitable); MBA degree; completed courses for HR managers. A minimum of 3 years of work experience in a company of the appropriate level (in terms of size, industry, etc.) is required. A top manager must be a good leader, have strategic thinking, be flexible, sociable, loyal and result-oriented. Computer skills (Microsoft Office suite) with databases and legal frameworks are required. All foreign companies and 60% of Russian ones require English. Western companies pay an annual bonus - a percentage of profits; in Russian - “the thirteenth salary”.

* The first figure is salary, the second is salary plus interest, bonuses, bonuses and other payments.

Employers pay considerable attention to the social package: all consultants note its mandatory presence in the offer package. As a rule, all top managers are provided with good medical insurance (often also for family members), they are provided with a company car, and in some cases an MBA course is paid for (more often for marketers). If a top manager moves to another city, the package also includes the amount to pay for the apartment and/or an interest-free loan for its purchase.

Fundamental differences there is no relationship between top managers of Russian and foreign companies. The only exception is the position of “Marketing Director”: in Western companies the emphasis is on marketing research and analytical materials, and in Russian ones - on experience in advertising.

A break in work lasting at least three months is critical when an employer makes a decision to hire a candidate for an ordinary position, while in the case of top managers the situation is exactly the opposite. Many senior executive resumes list breaks of more than six months, sometimes up to one year. This is due to the fact that people of this level are very careful in choosing a new place of activity. Often they are motivated less by money than by interesting, large-scale tasks and the opportunity to take full responsibility for the project. The image of the employing company is also very important. If in a new place a top manager does not see the opportunity to use his management skills, develop and implement a strategy, and participate in the company’s profits, he is unlikely to agree to cooperate with her. But if the company is well-known and attractive, the tasks are serious and the company’s policy is respected, candidates are often willing to somewhat sacrifice their income and lower the initial salary level.

Portrait of a modern top manager

Today's leader is, as a rule, a man 40-45 years old, with two higher educations, often a Russian or Western MBA degree. Managers with domestic diplomas of business education are familiar with the realities of business in our country, for this they are valued Russian companies, and a top manager receiving a Western education somewhat loses touch with business. In the vast majority of cases, the top manager speaks English; has a number of successfully completed projects behind him and has extensive management experience; is a leader and charismatic personality.

An important quality of a leader is the desire to monitor the latest trends in various fields both professional and general. A top manager is obliged to maintain his reputation high level and in the eyes of his subordinates. If team members respect their leader, share his vision of the company’s development strategy, and are confident in his integrity and professionalism, then this increases employee loyalty and generally contributes to business development. Many line managers and middle managers make decisions about going to work, focusing not so much on the company, but on the personality of the person under whose leadership they will work. This is important for creating a successful management team, since it depends on the “captain” whether the “ship” can move forward at full speed.

M. S. Afinogenov,
marketer, consulting group"CONSORT", Moscow

4th edition, updated
(approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37)

With changes and additions from:

January 21, August 4, 2000, April 20, 2001, May 31, June 20, 2002, July 28, November 12, 2003, July 25, 2005, November 7, 2006, September 17, 2007 , April 29, 2008, March 14, 2011, May 15, 2013, February 12, 2014, March 27, 2018

The qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees is a normative document developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 N 37. This publication includes additions made by resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 24, 1998 N 52, dated February 22, 1999 N 3, dated January 21, 2000 N 7, dated August 4, 2000 N 57, April 20, 2001 N 35, dated May 31, 2002 and June 20, 2002 N 44. The directory is recommended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations various industries economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, in order to ensure correct selection, placement and use of frames.

The new Qualification Handbook is designed to ensure a rational division of labor, create an effective mechanism for delineating functions, powers and responsibilities based on clear regulation labor activity workers in modern conditions. The directory contains new qualification characteristics of employee positions related to the development of market relations. All previously existing qualification characteristics have been revised; significant changes have been made to them in connection with the transformations being carried out in the country and taking into account the practice of applying the characteristics.

In the qualification characteristics, the standards for regulating the labor of workers were unified to ensure a unified approach to the selection of personnel with appropriate qualifications and compliance with uniform principles for the tariffing of work based on its complexity. The Qualification Characteristics take into account the latest legislative and regulatory legal acts Russian Federation.

Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees

General provisions

1. The qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers) is intended to resolve issues related to regulation labor relations, providing effective system personnel management at enterprises*(1), in institutions and organizations of various sectors of the economy, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

The qualification characteristics included in this issue of the Directory are normative documents intended to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the job responsibilities of workers and the qualification requirements for them, as well as decisions made on compliance positions held during certification of managers and specialists.

2. The construction of the Directory is based on job characteristics, since the requirements for the qualifications of employees are determined by their job responsibilities, which, in turn, determine the titles of positions.

The directory was developed in accordance with the accepted classification of employees into three categories: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers). The assignment of employees to categories is carried out depending on the nature of the work primarily performed, which constitutes the content of the employee’s work (organizational-administrative, analytical-constructive, information-technical).

The names of employee positions, the qualification characteristics of which are included in the Directory, are established in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK-016-94 (OKPDTR), which came into force on January 1, 1996.

3. The qualification directory contains two sections. The first section provides the qualification characteristics of industry-wide positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), widespread in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily in production sectors of the economy, including those receiving budgetary funding. The second section contains the qualification characteristics of positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as editorial and publishing departments.

4. Qualification characteristics at enterprises, institutions and organizations can be used as regulatory documents direct action or serve as the basis for the development of internal organizational and administrative documents - job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities. If necessary, the responsibilities included in the characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

Since qualification characteristics apply to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their industry affiliation and departmental subordination, they present the most typical work for each position. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is possible to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and technical conditions, and establish requirements for the necessary special training of workers.

In the process of organizational, technical and economic development, mastering modern management technologies, introducing the latest technical means, carrying out measures to improve organization and increase labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of responsibilities of employees in comparison with those established by the corresponding characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties provided for by the characteristics of other positions that are similar in content of work, equal in complexity, the implementation of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

5. The qualification characteristics of each position have three sections.

The section "Job Responsibilities" sets out the main labor functions, which can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee occupying this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of the work, allowing for optimal specialization of employees.

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must use when performing job duties.

The section "Qualification Requirements" defines the level of professional training of the employee necessary to perform the provided job duties and the requirements for work experience. The levels of required professional training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

6. The characteristics of specialist positions provide for within the same position without changing its name an intra-position qualification categorization for remuneration.

Qualification categories for remuneration of specialists are established by the head of the enterprise, institution, or organization. This takes into account the degree of independence of the employee in performing job duties, his responsibility for decisions made, attitude to work, efficiency and quality of work, as well as lore, experience practical activities, determined by work experience in the specialty, etc.

7. The Directory does not include qualification characteristics of derivative positions (senior and leading specialists, as well as deputy heads of departments). The job responsibilities of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding basic positions contained in the Directory.

The issue of distribution of job responsibilities of deputy heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations is resolved on the basis of internal organizational and administrative documents.

The use of the job title “senior” is possible provided that the employee, in addition to performing the duties prescribed by his position, supervises the performers subordinate to him. The position of “senior” can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers directly subordinate to the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent area of ​​​​work. For specialist positions for which qualification categories are provided, the job title “senior” is not used. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate performers are assigned to a specialist of the first qualification category.

The job responsibilities of the “leaders” are established on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding specialist positions. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and responsible performer of work in one of the areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, organization or their structural divisions, or responsibilities for coordination and methodological management of groups of performers created in departments (bureaus) taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational units. -technical conditions. The requirements for the required work experience are increased by 2-3 years compared to those provided for specialists of the first qualification category. Job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of deputy heads of structural divisions are determined based on the characteristics of the corresponding positions of managers.

The qualification characteristics of the positions of heads (managers) of departments serve as the basis for determining job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of the heads of the relevant bureaus when they are created instead of functional departments (taking into account industry characteristics).

8. The compliance of the actual duties performed and the qualifications of employees with the requirements of job characteristics is determined by the certification commission in accordance with the current regulations on the certification procedure. At the same time special attention is focused on high-quality and efficient performance of work.

9. The need to ensure the safety of life and health of workers in the process of work raises problems of labor protection and environment among the urgent social tasks, the decision of which is directly related to compliance by the managers and each employee of the enterprise, institution, organization with current legislative, intersectoral and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, environmental standards and regulations.

In this regard, the job responsibilities of employees (managers, specialists and technical performers), along with the performance of functions provided for by the corresponding qualification characteristics of the position, provide for mandatory compliance with labor protection requirements at each workplace, and the job responsibilities of managers include ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, as well as monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

When appointing a position, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the employee’s knowledge of relevant labor safety standards, environmental legislation, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, collective and personal protection from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors.

10. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established by the qualification requirements, but have sufficient practical experience and perform efficiently and in full the tasks assigned to them job responsibilities, on the recommendation of the certification commission, as an exception, can be appointed to the appropriate positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

Where does any company start? From an idea and people who implement it together. Each participant has a specific role, a list of responsibilities and competencies. All this is determined by the position held. This article examines what positions there are in a company depending on the industry and area of ​​activity, the minimum composition of the staffing table, as well as a brief excursion into the responsibilities of management positions, specialists and workers.

What positions can be

Positions in a company are like the roles of actors in a theater - each has its own work scenario, responsibilities, competencies, tasks, functions. Each individual position requires a specific person with a specialized set of knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities. In any organization, all existing positions can be divided into three groups:

  • specialists;
  • working positions.

Each group requires certain knowledge and skills, experience and education.

The most important position

Any group of people united by common goals and interests cannot function normally without a leader. One person or group of people must be at the helm of the company, make important decisions, adjust the course of the organization's development and solve internal problems. In Russian companies, this role is performed by a person occupying the highest position in the company. Depending on the type of company, its legal form, number of owners and accounting policies, the leading position may be different names. In limited liability companies - director or general director. IN joint stock companies- board of directors or shareholders. In agricultural production cooperatives - the chairman.

An LLC can be opened by one person. In this case, the founder of the company and the director can be the same person, make decisions individually and independently manage all processes of the organization. It is already more difficult in OJSC and CJSC. In joint stock companies, directors are elected by the board of shareholders. While fulfilling his official duties, he is obliged to listen to the opinions of the company's shareholders.

Managers in the company

A newly opened LLC, whose staff does not exceed two or three people, is unlikely to need a large number of management positions. But if the company grows, departments appear that perform fundamentally different functions, and the staff increases to tens or even hundreds of people, then it simply cannot be done without middle managers. A person holding such a position does not have absolute power over subordinates and does not personally accept important decisions, does not manage the company as a whole. His task is to monitor the work of his department, coordinate the employment of his people, and resolve issues within his competence. Some of the most common leadership positions include:

  • financial director, or head of the financial department;
  • technical director;
  • director of production and production;
  • chief engineer;
  • head of HR department;
  • chief accountant;
  • head of trade department;
  • Head of Purchasing Department;
  • Head of Public Relations Department.

Of course, every organization has the right to include in the staffing table positions that are needed specifically in their area. The names of departments and positions of the people managing them may differ, but the functionality of the employees is quite similar.

Chief engineer's work

Chief engineer is a position that is found in organizations that produce products and maintain their own fleet of vehicles or a fleet of specialized equipment: agricultural organizations, plants, factories, transport companies, and so on. The job of a chief engineer requires higher technical education in the organization's field of activity. It is on him that the technical equipment of the enterprise with spare parts, fuels and lubricants, the necessary equipment and machines, and the well-coordinated work of mechanics and maintenance personnel depend. With his proposal, all technical units and their spare parts are purchased, and people who service all these machines and devices are hired. Working as a technical director has similar functionality. In some organizations these are identical concepts.

Production Director

Production Director is a position that makes sense in organizations that produce any product. This official is busy exploring the structure of the market, supply and demand, studying the offers of competitors, determining what needs to be produced, at what prices and in what volumes. The volume and quality of products produced, their price and placement on the sales market depend on the effectiveness of its work. His tasks include searching for suppliers of raw materials of proper quality and at an acceptable cost, launching the release process and monitoring it throughout the entire production cycle.


Company positions are not limited to managers different levels. Without ordinary specialists, there will simply be no one to manage it. Specialists are usually called applicants with higher or secondary vocational education who have completed educational institution in a certain specialty. In organizations, specialist positions include: accountant, managers in various areas, operations officers, engineers, doctors and others.

Job positions

There are also working positions in the company. Unlike the positions described above, workers do not require specific education, experience, or characteristics. Such work usually requires the performance of certain physical actions: loaders, order pickers, drivers, cleaners. To perform these jobs there is no need for higher education, work experience, organizational or leadership abilities. It is enough to have physical health and endurance.

What types of managers are there? This question is increasingly asked by teenagers entering universities, choosing between numerous bright booklets from educational institutions.

Ours names almost every specialist who has received a higher education. It comes down to managers who are doormats and light bulbs in hallways... It's time to figure out who can be called a manager? What are the specialties of managers? What should every manager know?

Who is a manager?

One of the largest online libraries defines a manager as a manager: “Is this a profession?” - you ask. “Not really.” - I will answer."

Let's understand the terminology. To do this, let's turn to All-Russian classifier. According to this document, only workers have professions, and a manager is not a worker. Employees are distributed according to positions, one of which is the manager. This position belongs to the category of managers, like, for example, a master.

In connection with the above, the question “What types of profession managers are there?” quite relevant, although a little linguistically incorrect.

So, a manager is one of the leadership positions for an employee.

Manager Responsibilities

The main ones include the range of decision-making actions in the area and at the level at which the employee is located. It should be mentioned here that there is an unspoken division of managers into 3 levels:

The main personal qualities of a manager

Main personal qualities of any leader are:

This list can be continued with other criteria for an “ideal” leader, however, all subsequent requirements for his personality will depend on the direction of activity. So, what types of managers are there?

Areas of training

Direction refers to the aspect of a manager’s activity, that is, what part of the company’s business he is called upon to manage. The areas are very different: from finance and investment to logistics and procurement. At the same time, you should not confuse areas of training with profiles (specialties). The first ones, as a rule, allow us to answer frequent questions from students entering universities: “What manager positions are there?” The latter determine the industry in which the manager specializes (tourism, construction, environmental protection, etc.).

Let's look at some areas of training for managers.

Marketing Managers

Marketing, or product promotion on the market, is a developing area of ​​activity for companies. Producing a service or product. Recently, special agencies have been created that, through an outsourcing system, provide organizations with services in this area. As a result, the demand for marketing managers has increased significantly.

What types of marketing managers are there?

They are usually divided by industry, since managers are required to have good knowledge of the market into which the product/service needs to be launched. The versatility here is practically zero. Managers are also divided according to their functions:

  • Marketing analysis.
  • Market forecasting.
  • Marketing budgeting.
  • PR managers, etc.

It is worth noting that marketers are engaged in strategic matters, that is, they generally set the course of the company’s movement, without working through emergency situations and specific solutions to possible minor problems.

Sales Managers

It is no coincidence that we placed the material about “sales people” next to marketers. Of course, their areas of work overlap in many ways. However, it is worth noting the significant features of production managers.

So, what types of sales managers are there?

The desire to work for results is the main requirement for all product managers. Selling products in person, by phone, via the Internet and by any other means is the main job of a sales manager. In the West, salespeople began to be called managers. Subsequently, this fashion came to us. However, it is worth mentioning that in this area there are real leaders who perform managerial functions in relation to such important processes, How:

  • Identification of potential sales opportunities.
  • Product development.

At first glance, these functions are duplicated with marketing, but in reality this is not the case. Sales managers work at a tactical level, solving pressing problems, pressing issues and pressing issues. Such employees must have special qualities: communication, stress resistance (to the highest degree), resourcefulness.

HR managers

Personnel management is perhaps the most ancient focus of managers. They perform a very wide range of work, providing the company with its main assets - employees.

What types of HR managers are there?

The areas of work are very different:

  • Personnel selection (recruitment, introduction of new employees to the team).
  • Training of company employees (program development, organizational support).
  • Office work in the field of personnel (registration of vacations, sick leave, business trips).
  • Ensuring corporate culture (development of regulations business communication, monitoring compliance with corporate ethics requirements).
  • Prevention and solution conflict situations in a team, and much more.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that, unfortunately, today many applicants do not have an understanding of what kind of managers there are, what kind of profession it is and what positions a specialist with a manager diploma can occupy.

We can only advise future students on the threshold of an important choice to be more attentive to their desires and try to find a “golden mean” between the extensive training of managers “in its purest form” and the need to obtain a basic set of knowledge in a specific sector of the national economy. After all, managing what you don’t understand is not only difficult, but also ineffective.

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