A small fence at the dacha. Types and options of fence for a private house: budget wood and corrugated board

A summer cottage is not only a great place for family vacation and self-expression in growing useful crops. This is the same house, only they use it, as a rule, temporarily. Although, it is not uncommon for a dacha to be used for permanent housing. This means that great importance must be given to fencing the site. First, it must hide to some extent privacy from prying eyes, and secondly, to ensure the safety of property. What to build a country fence from? Whether you can do it yourself and how exactly – we will consider all these points below.

Fences for cottages

The fence in this case is a real attraction, especially since when using any non-standard building materials, you can show a lot of imagination and add any elements to the building: flowerpots with plants, stained glass windows, various decorative elements. Such building options usually cannot be found on the Internet; they are implemented according to ideas that came to mind.

However, speaking technically, the following types of fences are the main acceptable and more or less popular:

  • Wooden,
  • Metal,
  • Slate,
  • Brick

In this article, let's look at the main options to understand which would be the ideal choice in your particular case.

Wooden fence

Probably the most popular already long years, material. Today, it is not going to give up its position and occupies a leading position among possible products for the manufacture of fencing. This is especially true in dacha conditions, since wood is not so expensive, but at the same time beautiful and quite durable, with correct installation and care, of course.

The fact is that there are a huge number of options for wooden fences, as well as wood materials for their manufacture. Wood is different from tree - not only the final appearance of the fence, but also the technology of its manufacture and service life will depend on what type of wood you have. First of all, wooden fences are good because you can easily install them yourself.

Log palisade fence

For the manufacture of log palisades are used wooden logs- This is not only an antique-looking design, but also a reinforced structure that has significant protective properties. It is preferable to choose logs that are even, identical, optimal thickness- approximately from fifteen to twenty centimeters.

The technology for making a palisade is quite simple, but painstaking. The main task here is to protect that part of the logs that will be in the ground - after all, the tree is very susceptible to destruction in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, after trimming the logs to the required size - keep in mind that a third of the log will be in the ground - be sure to treat this part with hot tar. This simple precaution will allow the palisade to last for decades. More beautiful fence It will look good if the bark is removed from the logs before installation and treated with a special primer.

Under the palisade fence, it would be correct to lay strip foundation, this will prevent its subsidence and premature destruction. During the construction of such a fence, do not forget to install the logs level - then the finished fence will delight the eye with its even appearance. As a rule, a palisade is mounted in a specially dug trench, on a foundation or a bed of gravel - installing logs and carefully covering their base with earth.

It would be best to cover the above-ground part of such a fence with stain and drying oil to avoid cracking and damage to the wood from weather conditions. It is not uncommon for a strong foundation to be made under the palisade - it prevents moisture from entering the fence and additionally has a decorative function.

Fence for a summer house made of a vertical picket fence

The most common type of wooden fence. Picket fences were installed many centuries ago, and they are still relevant today. It's simple, beautiful, budget-friendly and convenient.

Installing a picket fence involves making a frame for it. For this, it is most convenient to use a metal strip or pipe. The frame is welded level, and its base is concreted in the ground. To assemble pickets onto the frame, you can use wooden poles - this will save money, since they are much cheaper than metal ones. The poles should be parallel to the landscape and perpendicular to metal supports firmly concreted into the ground.

But in installing a picket fence, the flight of imagination is not limited - just one continuous sheet, sections, pairs, herringbone, there are many already thought-up options, and also, no one will stop you from creating your own individual design.

Picket fence – universal look fence, it can be used for almost any area. By playing with its finish you can get absolutely various styles. For a strict classical building, a plain fence of not bright colors is suitable.

If at the dacha there is a small house surrounded by greenery, a rare picket fence painted white or another light shade will look great. A tall, two-story building with a large plot of land requires a high fence; the pickets can be opened with varnish, and climbing plants can be planted under the fence. If the owners prefer to completely hide their yard from prying eyes, a high, dense picket fence would be a good fence - it can be covered with stain or paint of a suitable shade.

Horizontal picket fence

This is, as a rule, a low structure, the principle of which is: long poles attached to posts dug into the ground. The posts are located at the same distance from each other - depending on the length of the poles. It is also necessary to build the structure precisely according to the level - this is the main condition for obtaining an even and beautiful fence.

The processing of materials for such a picket fence is completely identical to the previous version of the fence. It can be paint, drying oil, stain or varnish, or maybe a combination of these ingredients.

Wicker wooden fence

We can say that this is one of the varieties of horizontal picket fence, since the poles in it are also located horizontally.

Weaving a fence is not particularly difficult, but it requires perseverance. The exact execution technique can be found on the Internet or performed at your own discretion, acting purely intuitively.

Of course, the fence does not have protective qualities as such; it is, rather, decorative look fence - you can use it to decorate garden plot or perform zonal division dacha area. This type of fencing is not particularly durable, although it is possible to extend its life by several five years by removing the bark from the poles and treating them special means, protecting wood from pests, dampness and temperature changes.

Wooden lattice fence

The structure is openwork and outwardly very attractive in its lightness. This fence consists of flat wooden slats, crossing each other. These planks are placed on a base - a frame made of wooden beams. The grating can be thick or large, at different angles, here it all depends on the desire of the performer.

Fencing of this type is convenient both for façade and for internal delimitation of a site; often the same gratings are used to construct gazebos or recreation areas. They can be painted, treated with stain or colored varnish.

Metal fence for a summer residence

Metal materials for constructing a country fence are also not uncommon. This is a durable and resistant to atmospheric phenomena - frost, precipitation, material. From metal products, for fences in this case only a few options are relevant:

Chain-link metal mesh fence

With its help you will get the simplest, visually unpretentious fence. It is not very suitable for the facade, especially if the dacha is located in a busy place, since the mesh itself does not hide anything that is on the site from prying eyes. She is completely transparent.

Climbing plants planted near the fence can help save the situation a little, but this is only a solution summer time year and will be useful if only the dacha is used seasonally.

The most secure way to secure the mesh is on specially welded frames. Frames can be made from a metal corner or strip. A mesh is attached to each such section, and then each section is attached to supports pre-concrete in the ground. In more primitive versions, you can do without frames - simply attach the mesh directly to the supports - it is best to use a metal pipe. But such a fence will not be as strong and stable as the first option.

The advantage of metal mesh is its corrosion resistance to precipitation, provided, of course, that it is simply made of ferrous metal and is additionally processed, for example, galvanized.

Such a fence, due to its ability to allow unhindered air circulation, is perfect for a garden or vegetable garden - where air flows are important and there is nothing special to hide from strangers.

When installing a chain-link fence, it is important to set the support posts as evenly as possible - this must be done level and firmly secured - for this they need to be concreted, filled with a sand-cement mixture, with the addition of crushed stone.

Second important point: when stretching the mesh onto the frame, you need to avoid the slightest distortions, otherwise the mesh will form a “sail”, which will spoil the entire appearance of the finished fence. Galvanized mesh does not require treatment, therefore, only the frames and supports need to be primed and painted.

Fence made of corrugated sheets

Fences made from wood have been popular for several decades due to their strength characteristics, low cost and aesthetic appearance. A country fence made of corrugated sheets is beautiful and long lasting.

What is needed for this? Actually, the profiled sheet itself - it comes in several sizes, the width and height vary and it’s easy to choose required sizes. As for the appearance, there is room to roam here: corrugated sheeting can be both galvanized and painted, and even if there are not so many shades, there is nevertheless plenty to choose from.

Installing a fence made of corrugated sheets is not difficult; a foundation is not required for it; just support pillars firmly concreted into the ground are enough. Metal pipes are also excellent as supports. Before attaching a fence to them, they need to be opened with a primer and painted to avoid rust from exposure to precipitation. Horizontal logs are attached to the finished supports - they can be made of wooden beams (this also needs to be opened with a protective agent), or even better, from a metal strip or corner.

Now you can install metal sheets. The corrugated sheet is made of thin metal, 2-5 mm thick, therefore, this material is lightweight and is simply attached - with special screws, keep in mind that if your corrugated sheet is colored, then you need to take the same colored screws under it - then they will not stand out on finished fence.

It is necessary to install the profiled sheet not end-to-end, but overlapping each other - each subsequent sheet should overlap the previous one with at least one fold. Only in this case, the fence will be strong and beautiful - the sheets are butted and will separate over time, even from gusts of strong wind.

This material is also successful in that it can be perfectly combined with other building materials. For example, a fairly popular combination: brickwork is the basis of a fence, in each section of which a colored sheet of corrugated sheeting is attached.

Or an equally common option: corrugated sheets with elements of figured forging or stamping. You can come up with a lot of your own, completely exclusive variations with corrugated sheets, since it is easily attached and will fit almost everything.

There is no need to treat the corrugated sheet with anything, no matter what it is - painted or galvanized. It is absolutely resistant to moisture, low and high temperatures. Its only disadvantage is that colored corrugated sheets can change their color if they are exposed to straight lines for a long time. sun rays. But this is not particularly critical, since in this case, the color will change the entire fence.

Metal picket fence

The picket fence is a very popular design for fencing, including for dachas, thanks to modern technologies, it became possible to manufacture picket fences from metal. This is the perfect combination of excellent durability and classic design. The metal picket fence is both resistant to aggressive weather conditions and at the same time a lightweight, well-ventilated and beautiful fence.

This type of material is available for sale in two versions: it can be purchased in the form of ready-made sections or disassembled. The finished sections consist of a set of pickets on a base; they just need to be secured to the supports, and the fence is ready. But in disassembled form you will purchase the pickets themselves, fasteners, and guides separately. The metal picket fence is not picky to assemble; it is quite easy to install it yourself, and if you decide to buy ready-made sections, installation will take a minimum of time and effort.

The pickets visually have some resemblance to a solid sheet of corrugated board - they are given the profiled edges of the planks. This also gives them rigidity - the structure as a whole will be strong, despite the presence of gaps between the pickets.

However, a picket fence can also be completely closed, this is possible in the case of double covering - when the pickets are attached to both sides of the transverse guides - of course, such a fence will cost much more, but it will not allow prying eyes to penetrate further than the fence.

A metal picket fence can be the same as corrugated sheeting, galvanized or colored - depending on the preferences of the buyer and the overall design of the summer cottage. The outer surface of the picket fence is protected with a special film, which must be removed after installation on site.

Despite the growing popularity metal picket fence- This is an inexpensive and easy-to-install type of fence; it is perfect for fencing a summer cottage, no matter what area it is located in - both in the city and in the countryside.

Slate fence for a summer residence

Although this is a roofing material, it is very often used for fencing, and such a fence is just right for a summer cottage. Firstly, because of its low cost - if we are not talking about new slate, and secondly, because such a fence is reliable in terms of protection from strangers.

For the construction of a fence, it is better to take smooth slate rather than wavy - in this case, it is more convenient to attach it, and it looks much more aesthetically pleasing. It is mounted on frames made of metal corners specially welded for it.

Slate, of course, is convenient because it is not afraid of any weather disasters - neither rain, nor heat, nor frost can spoil its appearance. But on the other hand, as a material that has a different main purpose, slate is quite fragile and cannot withstand serious mechanical loads - it is easy to split.

Concrete fence

Popular because they are durable and look good. Available for sale in the form of ready-made sections, standard sizes– they can be solid or openwork – it all depends on the wishes of the buyer. Both solid and openwork sections can have different design under stone, brick, in the form of flowers, various ornaments and the like. As a rule, two or three solid sections are usually selected, and one openwork section on top - it makes the structure visually light and beautiful.

The production of concrete sections to order is also very common. Almost any design can be made according to your sketch. Concrete fences are made by casting. In this case it is used cement mortar, which is used to fill out pre-made forms. To give the finished section greater strength, before pouring liquid concrete into the mold, it is laid with medium-diameter reinforcement, this gives the installed fence additional rigidity and impact resistance.

The installation of concrete sections is carried out using specially made profiled concrete pillars, or ordinary metal pillars or pipes are used - but in this case, the appearance is not as harmonious as in the first version. The sections are held together horizontally with cement mortar.

The main advantages of concrete fences are:

  1. Strength,
  2. Resistance to weather conditions, they are not afraid of moisture, high or low temperature, and so on,
  3. The fence does not require maintenance. If desired, it can be painted, but if done correctly, the painting procedure can be carried out quite rarely.

The disadvantage, perhaps, is the fact that concrete fences are not so easy to install; often, due to their heavy weight, there may even be a need to use special equipment.

The main requirement for constructing a concrete fence is the construction of a high-quality foundation. Otherwise, the concrete sections simply cannot be installed. The foundation must be built strictly according to the level and be perfectly leveled - otherwise, subsidence of the fence and its premature destruction will inevitably occur.

If we talk about more massive concrete fences- monoliths, then they are, of course, even more durable and reliable, but their main drawback, given their large weight, is their external unattractiveness. Such a fence is more suitable for industrial fencing than for a summer cottage.

This is a fence that can turn your home into a real fortress! – this is not only a spectacular appearance, but also strength, reliability, and confidence. The saying “like behind a stone wall” is also relevant in life.

Various types are used for the construction of fences natural stone:

  1. Booth. Stone extracted from rocks. In nature, there are several varieties of it, which differ in appearance from each other.
  2. Cobblestone. Also natural stone, however, is of relatively low cost. The cobblestone looks rustic because of its gray, but the fence made from it is very durable.
  3. Dolomite. It is obtained from rock explosions - a beautiful flat stone.
  4. Limestone. Shellfish breed - quite soft look stone Its durability is not so great, since this stone absorbs moisture like a sponge, which contributes to its gradual destruction. There are special materials on the market for coating shell stone and limestone; they protect the stone from external factors.
  5. Sandstone. Popular stone for construction and finishing works, in particular for the construction of fences. It can be natural and hewn. Its properties are durable and frost-resistant.
  6. Granite. Natural stone, characterized by the highest durability. Granite structures can last hundreds of years without changing their appearance.

Making a stone fence is not particularly problematic. Its main disadvantage is the cost of the material itself. For such a heavy structure, of course, a solid foundation is required. Made according to the level, it can last for a long time.

Stone fences are durable and beautiful, and despite their cost, these fences are worth the trouble of constructing them.

Brick fence

A stable, beautiful and, one might say, classic version of the fence. This design is suitable for both a country house and a summer cottage. Modern construction stores They offer bricks in a variety of modifications and shades. This can make your fence individual and unique.

The brick fence is also installed on a solid foundation, this is a prerequisite for such a heavy structure. It is best to fill the foundation with concrete, in which supports for the future fence are already installed. It is best to use round or square metal pipes as supports.

The fence is laid using cement-sand mixture. For it, it is advisable to use high-quality cement, grade 400M and sifted river sand.

Brick fences are good because they combine well with other building materials. For example, brickwork does not have to be monolithic, but can be decorated with inserts made of forged gratings, colored corrugated sheets or stone sections.

Brick, although not a natural stone, is known for its properties as a durable building material; it is resistant to precipitation, temperature changes, and if performed well, will last for many years.

Non-standard solutions for finishing fences for dachas

For those who want to attract outside attention to their summer cottage, unusual options for fencing it are suitable. No matter how beautiful a wooden fence is, it doesn’t matter if a fence is made of plastic bottles, they will pay much more attention.

These decisions, as a rule, are the fruit of the imagination of homeowners and are carried out by them, with their own hands. But, if you wish, if there are no suitable ideas, you can find them on the Internet. To make fences, you can sometimes use completely unthinkable materials. In particular, old car ramps, hedges, mirror panels, various types of weaving.

A separate type of unusual fences are gabions - these are fences made of natural stone laid in special sections, a kind of mesh.

Unusual fences are often not made entirely of building materials, but various types of material processing, originality, and brightness make them more interesting than the highest quality standard fence.

Choosing a fence for your dacha is a responsible and interesting activity, it is best to do this with construction professionals who can advise and take into account important nuances. When planning to build a fence, remember that this structure is installed for more than one year and must be strong, beautiful and durable. And also be sure to complement the overall style country house, protect it and delight its owners with its appearance.

The fencing of the site plays not only a protective, but also a decorative role. Thanks to the variety of materials available modern market, you can build a fence not only from wood or chain-link mesh, but also from brick or corrugated board.

You can find instructions, ideas and drawings for building a fence with your own hands in this article. It provides useful information for those who want to make a durable and beautiful fence for their site.

DIY fence

Permanent fencing requires both general and legal requirements. Among the common ones are:

  • Reliability of supports, their resistance to wind loads, as well as to rain and melt water;
  • No shading of residential buildings and green spaces;
  • Neat appearance;
  • The construction of blind fences is allowed only from the street side.

Guided by these requirements, you can independently create a project and erect a fence on the site, selecting the most suitable material for this.

How to make a wooden fence

Recently, wooden fences are becoming less and less common, because wood is being replaced by more modern building materials that have high quality. However, a picket fence structure is often erected on summer cottages, as it combines ease of construction with an attractive appearance and low cost.

Installation materials

To build a wooden picket fence you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden poles for supports;
  • Cut or planed boards, the length of which depends on the expected height of the future structure;
  • Beam, 2 - 2.5 m long and 40x40 section;
  • Cord and stakes for marking;
  • Construction nails (screws);
  • Crushed stone (concrete) for installation of pillars;
  • Roofing felt (roofing felt) for waterproofing supports.

In addition, you will need an antiseptic or bitumen mastic to treat the pillars. Without this, supports can quickly fail and the integrity of the structure will be compromised.

Construction of a wooden fence

Given the budget cost of a wooden fence, it can serve its owner from 10 to 15 years. In addition, its construction does not require special construction skills, so it is quite possible to complete all the work yourself without spending money on the services of professional builders.

Stages of building a wooden fence

Let's consider the sequence of work during the construction of a wooden fence made of picket fence:

  • Carrying out markings with determining the locations of the pillars (2-3 meters from each other);
  • Preparation wooden poles for installation in soil: treatment with an antiseptic and bitumen mastic. As an option, you can wrap the ends of the supports with roofing felt or roofing felt;
  • Digging recesses for supports in accordance with the markings. In this case, the depth of the immersed support must be at least a quarter of the total height of the structure;
  • Arrangement of a sand and crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the recesses. Its thickness should be from 10 to 25 cm. It is mandatory to spill the layer with water and thoroughly compact it;
  • Installation of supports and their concreting;
  • Fastening the wooden beam to the installed supports after the concrete has hardened;
  • Attaching pickets to cross beams. In this case, the minimum distance from each picket fence to the ground surface should be at least 5 cm.

At the final stage, the wooden structure is treated with colorless mastic, impregnation or oil paint.

How to make a chain-link fence with your own hands

In small conditions summer cottages Due to the risk of shading, fences cannot be built from corrugated board, slate or brick. In this case, a chain-link mesh becomes indispensable, the fencing of which does not prevent the sun from entering the area and allows air to pass through well.

In addition, the chain-link is inexpensive and lasts a long time. Let's take a closer look at the features of constructing a structure made from this material.

Construction of a chain-link fence

The most in a simple way construction of a chain-link fence is to secure it between posts made of various materials(metal, wood, concrete). Wherein optimal distance between the supports is 2.5 meters, and their height is calculated in a special way.

To the width of the mesh, add the height of the clearance from the fence to the ground (5 - 10 cm) and an additional meter - one and a half. The resulting number will indicate average height pillar At the same time, the length of the corner pillars exceeds the rest by 20 cm, since these supports carry a greater load, and therefore they need to be buried deeper.

If you use wooden posts, be sure to treat them with an antiseptic before installation. It is also recommended to concrete the bases of all installed supports for greater stability.

Next, hooks for mounting the mesh are attached to the supports using screws, nails, wire, and welding. They begin to install the mesh from the corner post, straightening it from post to post and hanging it on hooks using a rod. Then reinforcement is threaded into the mesh from above and below, located horizontally, at a distance of 5 cm from the edges, and the rods are welded (attached) to the posts. Construction work is completed by bending the hooks and painting the supports.

Stages of work during sectional construction of a fence

Another option for constructing a chain-link fence is to attach it to sections. As in the case of the tension model, work begins with marking and installing pillars. Then they begin to manufacture the frame. It will require a corner measuring 40/5 mm.

Plan for building a chain-link fence

Next, you need to calculate the required dimensions of the frame. To determine the length of the section, it is necessary to subtract 10-15 cm from the distance between the pillars, and to calculate the width, the same number is subtracted from the height of the support above the soil level. In accordance with the calculations, the corners are welded into a rectangular structure and the mesh is attached, forming sections. Then between the pillars it is necessary to fasten metal strips 15-25 cm long, 5 cm wide and 5 mm in cross-section. Finished sections are welded to these strips. The work is completed by painting the metal elements.

How to build a fence from corrugated sheets

Corrugated fences are widely popular due to a number of advantages. The profiled sheets are reliable and durable, and their range of colors and different sizes can satisfy even the most demanding consumer. Such a fence protects well from dust, wind and noise, it is easy to install, and its service life is quite long.

This material is excellent for constructing a stepped fence on a site that has a slope. Having some construction skills, it is quite possible to build such a structure from corrugated sheets on your site. Let's look at how this is done.

Fence installation

The construction of a fence from corrugated sheets begins with precise marking and installation of posts. You should know that in this case the supports are installed at a distance of no more than 3 meters from each other. For these purposes, you can use pipes with square or round. In the first case, their size should be 50/50 mm, in the second - at least 76 mm. The upper holes of such supports must be welded to prevent moisture from entering them.

Stages of constructing a fence from corrugated sheets

To install the posts, you will need holes with a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters and a width of 15 cm, which depends on the height of the fence and the diameter of the supports themselves. The bottom of the pits must be filled with medium-fraction gravel, then the pillars must be installed strictly vertically and concreted. In the case of soil where groundwater comes too close, a strip foundation will have to be built to install the pillars. It consists of a box 20 cm high, the boards of which are fastened with bars or wire. The walls of the box are covered with a layer of waterproofing material and filled with concrete. After the solution has completely hardened, they proceed to the installation of lags - transverse strips to which the corrugated sheets will be attached. As a log, you can use a profiled pipe with a cross section of 40/25 mm. In this case, the number of logs depends on the height of the future fence: with a height of up to 1.7 m, you will need to install two logs, with a higher height - three.

The upper and lower logs are attached at a distance of 4 cm from the top of the sheet and the edge of the ground. Metal structures mounted in this way must be treated with a special primer to protect them from rust. Sheets of corrugated sheets are attached to the joists using metal screws. In this case, the sheets are joined with an overlap.

What is needed for construction

For self-installation you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sheets of corrugated sheets;
  • Pipes for support pillars;
  • Pipes for logs;
  • Cement, crushed stone, sand for preparing concrete mortar;
  • Rope, level;
  • Primer;
  • Welding machine;
  • Container for solution;
  • Drill and drill bit;
  • Riveter with rivets or self-tapping screws
  • Antiseptic and bitumen primer for wooden posts.

How to make a brick fence: video

Brick fences remain popular due to their strength, durability and decorative properties. However, this type of fencing is expensive and requires special construction skills. Therefore, most often the fabric is made combined, using various materials.

Construction stages include:

  • Selection of material and calculation of its quantity
  • Drawing up a drawing
  • Marking on the ground
  • Laying the foundation
  • Bricklaying
  • Plastering

Since building a brick fence requires certain skills, we recommend that you watch the video, which shows the main stages of this process.

To build a fence you need a foundation. Moreover, its type depends on several factors: soil type, type of supporting structures, material of the canvas. It should be taken into account that the foundation must withstand the loads applied to it from the side environment, soil and the fence itself. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right type of foundation. For example, the tape type is necessary for brick and concrete fences. Under a fence made of corrugated sheets, it will be enough to lay a point foundation in the places where the supports are installed. Let's take a closer look at the construction technology of different types of foundations.

Laying the strip foundation is preceded by marking along the perimeter of the site using pegs and twine. This is followed by digging a trench according to the markings. Moreover, its depth reaches half a meter, and its width should not be less than the thickness of the future fence. The bottom of the ditch is covered with a mixture of sand and crushed stone, and then compacted.

Main components of the foundation

Next comes the implementation of formwork from boards, the height of which above the ground level is about 15 cm. You should know that its inner surface must remain smooth, so all fastenings of the boards are made from the outside. Reinforcement is placed inside the box: scraps of pipes, metal, reinforcing mesh. Where supports are installed, the reinforcement must form a three-dimensional structure.

The next step is pouring the formwork concrete mortar, leveling it and removing air bubbles. Once the concrete has hardened (after 1-2 weeks), the formwork is removed, however construction works do not continue, since the foundation will still gain strength for about a month and cannot be disturbed. Only after final installation can you begin to install the fence itself.

For light types of fencing, a pile foundation is used, erecting it in the following sequence:

  • Site marking;
  • Drilling wells for supports, 0.8 m deep for the fence and about 20 cm in diameter;
  • Laying a sand-crushed stone cushion in the wells, with a height of 10 to 15 cm;
  • Installation of supports with their preliminary processing (if necessary), securing them with supports;
  • Concreting the pillars from the outside;
  • Concreting wells from the inside to ground level;
  • Further construction of the fence after the concrete solution has completely hardened.

Fence posts

Support posts play an important role in the process of arranging any fence, because they not only increase the strength of any structure, but also complement it in style. Therefore, it is so important to choose the most optimal type of supports when constructing a fence.

Types of pillars

Most often, wooden, brick and metal poles are used as supports. The choice of material depends not only on financial capabilities, but is also determined by the expected load created by the sections, as well as mechanical and wind loads.

Thus, metal poles are universal, since they can be used to mount both sections of chain-link mesh, as well as wooden picket fences and corrugated sheets. In addition, metal poles have a long service life (up to 50 years). Wooden supports, on the contrary, can last no more than 20 years even with proper treatment due to their tendency to rot. Therefore, wood posts are recommended for use in the construction of temporary barriers, front gardens, or low fences. Brick (concrete) pillars are erected during the construction of heavy fences, however, in some cases they are used for decorative purposes.

Installation methods

Installation of pillars can be carried out in several ways, the choice of which depends on the design features of the fence and the nature of the soil. So, metal, reinforced concrete and wooden structures on soils with a low level of groundwater, mounted in a universal way. This means that a hole of the appropriate size is drilled (dug) for each support, a post is installed, and the remaining space is filled with concrete mortar.

The simplest and cheapest way is to drive in pillars using the so-called “headstock”. In this case, the supports are installed on a strip or columnar foundation. Another option is the use of piles, which are easily installed by hand and serve as reliable support for heavy fence structures.

Materials for building a fence

As mentioned above, you can build a fence from almost any material. For small areas, chain-link mesh is most often used, but if the structure needs to be more reliable, preference should be given to wood products.

Brick fences are considered the most reliable, but their installation requires special construction skills or the involvement of specialists. One of the simplest and most modern is considered to be a fence made of corrugated sheets, which is easy to install but has a long service life.


Calculating the foundation for the fence is enough complex process and requires special knowledge. In addition, you should know the characteristics of the soil on which the fence will be located, the prevailing direction and strength of the wind. Therefore, if you are building a fence yourself, it would be best to resort to a combined strip-point foundation, which is considered the most reliable. With this design, any type of load will be distributed along the entire length of the fence.

Here is a simple calculation of a fence made of corrugated sheets. With a span length of 2.5 meters and a height of 160 cm, the area of ​​the corrugated sheet will be 4 square meters. Taking into account the aerodynamic coefficient for flat vertical surfaces (1.4) and the magnitude of the wind speed (about 40 kg), the wind load will be 224 kg for each support. By distributing the load evenly over the entire surface of the fence, and taking into account the resistance coefficient (225), we obtain a foundation depth of 80 cm.

However, it should be noted that this calculation was made without taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, in practice, the foundation is buried to the depth of soil freezing for each specific area. Most often it is 120 cm and guarantees a strong installation of the pillars.

Which boards to choose for cladding

Inexpensive non-woven materials are most often chosen as fencing cladding. edged boards. They can be placed vertically or horizontally. The first option is considered the simplest. In this case, horizontal crossbars are attached between the supports, and pickets made of boards are attached to them.

It is worth considering that a wooden fence can be through or solid. In the first case, a certain distance is left between the boards, and in the second, they are nailed tightly on both sides of a horizontal beam.

Before installation, the boards must be carefully inspected and cleaned. The optimal width is 20 cm, since in this case the material will not dry out or crack.

Calculation of fence cladding

The main structural elements of any fence are the foundation, supports and materials that will be used to cover the spans. But, if for calculation wooden planks The calculation is simple (the width of the span and boards is measured, and the distance between the pickets is determined), but for products made from corrugated sheets, the required number of sheets must be calculated more carefully.

An example of calculating materials for building a fence

First of all, you should decide how the sheets will be attached, and what brand of corrugated sheeting you will use. The last point is especially important, since sheets of different brands have different widths.

Let's consider several common calculation options:

  • Horizontal placement without gaps for supports: in this case, the grade of the sheet does not matter. The only thing to consider is the overlap on the posts (subtracted from the length of the sheet). This figure should be half the width of the support plus 10-15 mm.
  • Horizontal fastening with gaps for supports: with this arrangement, the calculation is carried out similarly to the first example, with the only difference that no margin is left for overlap. In other words, you need to measure the width of the span and buy sheets 10-20 mm less than the obtained value. This will allow you to build an even and symmetrical fence even if there are unevenness on the supporting posts.
  • Vertical fastening without gaps for posts requires careful calculations. First of all, it is necessary to determine the working width of the sheet, since the width of one span will depend on this indicator. Next, depending on this indicator, sheets of suitable width are selected and multiplied by the number of spans. For example, if 3 sheets are required for one span, then for a fence of 5 spans - 15 sheets.

However, with the vertical fastening method, there is a risk of uneven consumption of material and the formation of a large amount of waste, so when purchasing a profiled sheet, you should make a small reserve.

Construction tool

To build a fence you will need a standard set of tools. First of all, a tape measure for taking the necessary measurements, as well as a drill for digging holes for supports.

In addition, you need to prepare a drill, a screwdriver and fasteners (screws) to secure the structural elements together. It is better not to use a grinder for cutting profiled sheets, as it leads to heating of the metal and damage to the integrity of the protective coating. For this purpose, it is better to use electric metal scissors.

How to make a budget fence

There are situations when the site must be fenced, but there are no extra financial resources to build a fence made of brick or corrugated board. In this case, it is better to give preference wooden products or chain-link fences.

It should be borne in mind that a wooden fence needs to be painted regularly, and a mesh fence has a decorative rather than a protective function, and can only serve as a temporary structure or a delimiter for several areas.

The fence is an important part of arranging a summer cottage. The main purpose of this design is to differentiate land plots and ensuring the protection of the yard from the intrusion of strangers and even from their views (if the fence is solid).

A well-designed fence performs not only these functions: it completes the landscape decor and demonstrates the respectability of the owners of the summer cottage.

Corrugated fencing

Which fencing is most suitable for a suburban area? First of all, the costs of which are offset by quality. Budget fencing on suburban area, made with your own hands, is easiest to design and make with your own hands from corrugated sheets.
A fence for a dacha made of corrugated sheets is the optimal solution - both in terms of cost and quality.

This fence has a number of advantages:

  • acceptable budget cost;
  • long service life;
  • big choice color options profiled sheets;
  • ease of installation;
  • low maintenance requirements (the fence doesn’t even need to be washed; rainwater is enough).

Corrugated fence: photo at the dacha

The corrugated sheet fence is erected in several steps:

  1. Holes for supports are prepared at a distance of 2 to 2.5 m, their depth is in the range of 0.8-1.2 m.
  2. The bottom of the holes is covered with a layer of crushed stone (the thickness of the layer is about 20 cm).
  3. A supporting structure made of metal is installed (even placement of the supports is achieved using a level).
  4. The recesses are filled with a mixture of concrete and sand (the solution is prepared in proportions of 1:8).
  5. After the concrete-sand mixture has hardened, two diameters of profile pipe.
  6. The profile sheets are connected to the joists using self-tapping screws.

It is not difficult to design a budget fence made of corrugated sheets for a summer cottage, made by yourself, it will not take much time and will not require large expenses.

Metal fence

As a fence for a country house the plot is suitable And metal structure. How to make a metal fence at the dacha? It's simple - we draw a fencing diagram, purchase materials and erect the fence using welding.

The technique of designing a metal fence is similar to the construction of a fence made of corrugated sheets, the only difference is in the cladding. To create spans, mesh and metal rods are used. During the manufacturing process of the frame, structural elements are connected by welding.

The specificity of a metal fence is that it can do without a foundation.

Forged structures, mesh fencing, sectional fences or corrugated sheet fencing.

Fences and enclosures for summer cottages, photos

Wrought iron fencing is not a budget option, and besides, to erect it on summer cottage, you need to work hard.

On a note! Fences constructed from iron rods belong to the economy category fences, but such structures are not blind: the courtyard will be open to the views of passers-by.

Plastic enclosing structure

Plastic fencing is considered an innovation in the improvement of suburban private areas. Plastic fences are easy to install, which is especially valuable for those who have the skills to assemble PVC fences and plastic profiles.

For the construction of such a fence, high-strength plastic is used, which has increased resistance to damage.

There are plenty of advantages to a plastic fence:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of care;
  • easy installation;
  • presentable appearance of the assembled structure;
  • resistance to moisture, fire and deformation;
  • resistance to fading under the influence of sunlight.

Fence for a summer cottage, photo

Plastic is a material that allows you to create various variations of fencing - solid, picket-type or imitating wattle fence.

Important! The plastic fence does not dry out and is resistant to cracks.

Brick fence

Construction of a brick fence is a responsible task, for the implementation of which a number of rules must be followed. Having worked on the construction, the owner will receive a durable fence, characterized by increased strength and aesthetic appearance.

Brick makes it possible to design beautiful, solid fences that fit seamlessly into any landscape design.

A properly constructed brick fence can withstand even heavy wind gusts.

How to install a brick fence at your dacha with your own hands? The construction of a brick fence is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. We take measurements of the length of the future fence and create an estimate.
  2. We mark the site and dig holes for the construction of a strip foundation.
  3. After installing the supports, the base is immediately poured.
  4. To avoid joints and increase the strength of the fence, the foundation should be built in one approach.
  5. After the foundation hardens, brickwork is done. The bricks can be arranged in one row or made a combined version. If the fence is high, the masonry is done in two rows.

Do-it-yourself country fence, photo

If you don’t have the skills to work with bricks, use the help of professionals. Brickwork should be level. If there is not enough experience, the structure may turn out to be unstable and unpresentable.

Chain-link fencing

The first fences to be built using chain-link fence showed how well this material was suitable for designing light-transmitting fencing to define property boundaries. By installing a mesh fence on your property, you don’t have to worry about the indignation of your neighbor-dacha owners that the fence is shading their plantings.

There are several types of construction mesh:

  • with galvanized coating;
  • regular;
  • coated with plastic.
Important! An ordinary mesh will not last long, because rust will quickly appear on it, so you should discard such a fence right away. Make a choice in favor of a coated mesh - galvanized or plastic.

Plastic coated mesh is a more suitable option for warm climates and coastal areas.

Plastic provides mesh fencing reliable protection from moisture, but does not tolerate temperature changes. The most acceptable solution would be a galvanized mesh: it is considered the most durable.

Do-it-yourself fence inexpensively, photo

  1. The location of the supports is marked. We place intermediate supports in a three-meter range, tension elements - at a distance of 9 m. As load-bearing sections we use a metal profile with a diameter of 60 mm, the size of the corners is approximately 50 mm or a little larger.
  2. For intermediate supports, we drill the soil to create approximately 40-centimeter recesses. For tension supports, holes 60 cm deep are needed. If the soil on the site is clay or there are its impurities, there is no need to concrete the holes. Such soil has the property of heaving, this can lead to the appearance of cracks in concrete in winter time of the year. Sandy or loamy soil should be concreted when installing pillars.
  3. After installing the tension supports, connect them to other poles using bolts and metal angles using a welding machine.
  4. When installing only intermediate supports used as load-bearing structures, the mesh will be taut. But the fence will not be very reliable - for the reason that the sheathed lower part can be easily lifted, which makes it possible for illegal entry into the territory, both by nimble children and thieves. To make the fence more reliable, pass 3 mm wire through the mesh cells in three horizontal directions. To tighten, make three holes in each support with a drill - they should be through.
  5. We fix the mesh on the supports. We are located in vertical position roll the mesh at the support and check that the folded ends are at the top. We attach the top section of the mesh to the top of the support and move to the next one, slowly unwinding the mesh. The wire should be passed through the mesh between the supports and its ends inserted into the existing holes. The wire rod is tensioned and secured with bolts.

Wooden fence

What can you make an inexpensive fence from? The classic and simplest option for a summer residence is considered to be a wooden fence. Among wooden structures there are such popular variations:

  • wattle fence;
  • fence;
  • slab fence.

There is also a modern type of wooden fencing - “American ranch”.


To erect a fence on a site, you should prepare branches, supports and pipes. Provided that the supporting structure will have approximately 8 cm in diameter, it is preferable to use willow, birch, poplar branches, willow or flexible vine as spans.

To build a simple wicker fence, branches of trees growing in the garden are suitable. But it is important that they are cut at an angle of 60 degrees.

Cheap fence for a dacha with your own hands, photo

Stages of fence construction:

  1. Use logs as bases deciduous trees. The number of bases depends on the size of the proposed fence. The approximate installation distance of the pillars is 50 cm. If the rods are thick enough, the interval can be increased. Place the last three supports at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  2. Treat wooden elements with protective impregnations, flame and resin. Particular care must be taken to treat the bottom of the supports, which will be located in the soil: this will prevent the destruction of the wood.
  3. Weave branches between the supports. Insert the first rod into the soil 15 cm and install it vertically. The remaining ones, regardless of how they are located, braid the wire rod around the frame and secure the end that is thicker first, and place the thin branch along the support through the attached vine. Tap the fabric with a hammer every fourth row. Arrange thin twigs in several pieces and move the edges inside the fence so that they are not visible.
  4. Cover the finished fence with varnish and plant plants along the fence that can climb along it, for example, ivy. A simple fence is ready.

Are you landscaping the area around your house? We suggest using it for this purpose, you can create useful and beautiful things that will originally decorate the local area.

Read reviews from owners of container houses: evaluate for yourself the advantages and disadvantages of building housing from shipping containers.

Picket fence

A picket fence is a ventilated fence consisting of wooden planks. The construction of a picket fence begins with the installation of metal supports (pipes with a diameter of 60 mm are needed).

Having concreted the holes, design the logs. Weld the cross-sections to the core elements, overlapping them, and remove excess welding.

The next step is the installation of the gate and fittings. Cover the end part of the pipes with plastic plugs to protect the supporting elements from moisture getting into them and to prevent rust. Using self-tapping screws, secure the wooden planks to the cross-sections at a distance of 3 cm.

Cover the fence ridge strip to make it more presentable. Air flows pass through the picket fence unhindered, which has a positive effect on the growth of garden crops.

Original wooden fences, photo

Fencing lined with slab

A slab is lumber with one sawn side, and the other can remain intact or have a partial sawn. When working at a sawmill, there are usually logs left over, which can be used when filling the spans, thereby saving on materials.

Croaker perfectly imitates wood; This material makes it possible to obtain an inexpensive but aesthetically pleasing fence.

Covering a fence with a slab is quite simple:

  1. Remove the bark with an ax or sharp shovel to prevent insects from damaging the fence. Polish the sanded material and treat it with an antiseptic.
  2. The supports can be installed from either metal or wood. If you choose the second option, larch, pine or oak wood with a diameter of 200 mm and a length of 2 m is suitable. Treat the bottom of the supports with heated resin. If the fence will have purlins, leave a distance of 2.5 m between the posts.
  3. If the soil is loamy, there is no need to strengthen the supports. Make holes in the places where the pillars are placed with a drill and hammer the pillars in with a sledgehammer. If the soil is sandy or black soil, first make holes with a depth twice the diameter of the supports. Cover the bottom with crushed stone (a layer of about 10 cm) and compact it. Place each support in the center of the recess and fill it with crushed stone, checking the evenness of the installation with a level.
  4. Sheathing is done in any direction. First you need to leave small cracks, and then seal them with a slab, with the bulge outward.
  5. Cover the fence with varnish or paint it.
  6. To protect the end part of the supports, install metal or plastic cones.
    If the material is located horizontally, secure the beam to the supports using nails or self-tapping screws, overlapping it on one side and the other. To sheathe a fence vertically, cut the material transversely and fix it on the purlins with the convex part.

Fence at the dacha, photo

American wooden fence

To assemble an inexpensive fence in the style of an American ranch, treat the wood with antiseptic compounds, especially the bottom of the supports - the part that will be in the ground. After this, mark the territory and place supporting elements in the corners of the marked area of ​​the territory, concrete them and cover them with earth.

To ensure an even installation of the pillars, stretch a rope between them - this way you can optimally fill the space between the sections - and place intermediate supports at a distance of 2 m.

Do-it-yourself fence at the dacha, photo

The transverse elements are attached to the posts with nails; Self-tapping screws are also used for this purpose.

The fence is varnished or painted.


The choice of foundation depends on what material the fence will be made of.

Important! Brick and wood fencing needs a solid foundation. If you fill it correctly and correctly install the supporting elements, the fence will last for many years.

To design fences, two main types of foundation are used:

  • tape;
  • columnar.

Tape-type bases are designed in the following situations:

  • when constructing bulky fences;
  • if the work is carried out on heaving soils;
  • when you need to design a massive solid fence that serves as an obstacle even for animals.

In order to build a strip foundation, you first need to dig a trench: its depth is 30-80 cm and even more if the soil is unreliable. After this, a sand and gravel cushion is prepared, the foundation is filled with water and tied with reinforcement.

The next step is erecting the formwork and pouring it with concrete.

The post base is great for lightweight fencing. A properly designed pillar foundation can last no less than a strip foundation.

Stages of pouring a pillar base:

  • Using a drill, we drill holes 1-1.5 m deep and 15-30 cm larger in diameter than the supports.
  • We make a sand cushion (you can add crushed stone), a layer of 20 cm and fill it with water.
  • We install the supports evenly and fill the recesses with cement.
  • We install spans.

Ways to decorate a fence

The fence at the dacha should not only be reliable, but also presentable in appearance, even if the economy class option is chosen. After all, owners of summer cottages spend a lot of time in their gardens, and any owner would like the fence to be pleasing to the eye.

After looking through many photographs, you will probably select a photo or picture with an option for a cheap decorative fence that suits you, or use our ideas for decorating a homemade fence.

The best way to decorate a fence is to plant climbing plants next to it - for example, grapes or pleasantly smelling hops. You can also plant climbing annual plants.

Nothing pleases the eye more than flower beds along fences. Moreover, not only flowers, but also shrubs are planted next to the hedges for decoration.

Another original way decorate the fence at your summer cottage - paint it and make a gazebo or fountain next to it.

Pots with bright flowers, which will delight not only with their attractive appearance, but also with a pleasant aroma, are also great for decorating a fence.

There are plenty of options for creating a fence at your dacha with your own hands. This work is not so difficult to cope with: if you wish, it is quite possible to make both a beautiful and reliable fence.


Other original ideas building a fence for a dacha with your own hands - look at the beautiful and unusual options and choose which fence to make for your country dacha:

A beautiful and reliable fence will decorate and secure any land plot. When you are just planning to build it, the question arises - what is the best material to make a fence from so that it fully performs its functions? To do this, you should take into account the location and purpose of the structure. If the fence will protect the area from the street, then it is made from more durable materials. For example, from stone, corrugated board, concrete, brick, wood. To fence from neighbors or to zone your site, you can build a fence from chain-link, plastic, or picket fence. Sometimes such a structure is made of two different materials, successfully combining them with each other.

Combined fence options are practical and often economical without losing “presentability”

Let's take a closer look at what to make a fence from. We list the most popular building materials for fences, from which durable and presentable structures are made.

Concrete blocks

Concrete block fencing

If you make a fence from two elements, concrete pillars and blocks, then it will last longer than the cottage can stand. This is a symbol of inaccessibility and reliability. The main advantages of concrete include:

  • Simple and quick assembly.
  • High strength to all types of impacts.
  • It can be built on any soil.
  • There are many block design options available. Their sizes may also vary.
  • Durability.

And now a few disadvantages:

  • High construction cost.
  • The area will not be sufficiently ventilated.
  • To do it, you need to use construction equipment.
  • If the manufacturing technology is not followed, the fence may warp after the winter season.

Profiled sheet

Fencing made of corrugated sheets with posts made of profile pipes

Often the choice of material for a fence often depends on the availability of those on the local market. Profiled sheeting is one of the most common materials for arranging fencing, especially for dacha fences. It combines ease of installation, affordable cost and durability of the structure. Completely blocks visibility of the area. There is a variety of material available for sale, and the sheet sizes allow you to make fences of various heights. It is recommended to use sheets that are not just galvanized, but also coated with a polymer layer, as a result of which the service life of the corrugated sheet increases significantly.

Advantages of a fence made of corrugated sheets:

  • It is being built quickly. You can build a fence yourself.
  • The light weight of the sheets eliminates the need to build a strong foundation.
  • They combine well with stone and brick pillars, but the sheets can also be installed on a frame made of metal pipes.
  • Resistant to moisture, frost and heat.
  • Does not fade in sunlight.
  • To make the new fence beautiful, it is better to make it from shaped corrugated sheeting, the upper part of which resembles domes or peaks.
  • Relatively inexpensive

Curly profile

Disadvantages of the material:

  • An impenetrable wall is formed in the area, which the plants do not really like.
  • The fence looks monotonous, in the form of a solid monochromatic wall.

Forged metal fence

This fence looks very stylish. It can be made in combination with or stone pillars. Usually it consists of two elements: an elevated foundation and directly forged gratings.


  • Presentable appearance.
  • The fence can be made according to an individual drawing, taking into account the desired section sizes.
  • Variety of manufacturing options.
  • The area is well ventilated.
  • Proper processing of the metal provides high-quality protection against corrosion.


  • The site will be completely visible from the inside. In some cases, some kind of facing materials are installed on the sections, due to which the visibility of the area is partially blocked.
  • Periodically, metal elements must be tinted.

Wooden fencing

Horizontal checkerboard fence made of wood - a completely modern version

It is advantageous to make a structure made of wood if there is an excess of wood or there is an option where to get it, substandard wood, maybe of decent quality, . In all other cases, the cost of its production will be quite high (with the exception of the picket fence). There are the following types of wooden fences:

  • Fence. Can be thinned out or solid.
  • Boards. Can be mounted horizontally, at an angle or vertically.
  • Wooden grate. The slats are usually located at an angle.
  • fence made of boards.

Which fence is best to make is up to each site owner to decide for himself. The location of the fence and the need to ventilate the area are taken into account.

Pros of wood:

  • Eco-friendly material.
  • Nice appearance.
  • Easy to install.
  • It can be successfully integrated into the design of the site.
  • Compatible with any other materials.
  • It is light in weight, which is why it does not require a powerful foundation.

Disadvantages of fencing:

  • High price.
  • The need for periodic treatments against pests and dampness (pillars in the ground are especially affected).
  • The service life of wood is not very long.


Brick fencing is considered traditional. It has been used successfully for many years. Brick is a symbol of constancy and reliability, emphasizing the taste of the owners.


  • Reliable fencing.
  • It harmonizes with almost all building materials: stone, metal, wood, glass.
  • Durability.
  • Does not require repair or maintenance.


  • When a brick fence is made, a powerful foundation is poured due to the significant weight of the structure.
  • The cost of such a structure is considered one of the highest.
  • Laying requires the involvement of qualified craftsmen.


Exterior view of a fence made of wild natural stone

To make a fence, stone can be used either artificial or artificial. Last option will cost much less. The advantage of a stone fence:

  • Excellent appearance.
  • Durability.
  • Reliability.
  • Lack of care.


  • High price, especially if you make a fence from natural stone. You also need to take into account the cost of delivery of materials.
  • The lead time for its production can take a long time.

Gabion - a fence made of stones in a grid


Green mesh fence

For fencing, galvanized or polymer-coated mesh is used. It is better to use a material with a polymer layer, if possible. The mesh dimensions are selected depending on the height of the fence.

Advantages of the chain link:

  • The entire area is well ventilated.
  • Inexpensive price - the lowest among all materials used for the construction of fences.
  • Simplicity and speed of installation are important in a summer cottage.
  • You can choose the cell size you need.
  • Lightness of design.


  • The site is completely visible.
  • Using a special tool, the mesh can be cut and penetrated into the area.
  • The net can be stolen from the site in your absence.


Chess board made of dark plastic picket fence

Plastic fencing is not suitable for fencing a site from the street, but it is successfully used for zoning an area, as well as for establishing boundaries between neighboring sites.

Pros of plastic:

  • make the area more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Functional zones are successfully demarcated. For example, flower beds, playgrounds, recreation areas.
  • Plastic is resistant to temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture, and does not rot.
  • Over time, plastic fencing will not change color.
  • There are many design options from which you can choose the most suitable type of fence.
  • The sizes of the plastic sections provide even more choice for creativity.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • Insufficient resistance to mechanical damage.
  • It is advisable to use only inside the site.
  • The service life usually does not exceed 12-15 years.

We have analyzed the most popular materials for constructing fences. Which one is better to choose and what the fence can be made from is decided on an individual basis, taking into account many related factors. Consider the purpose of the fence, the location of the site (house or cottage), your financial capabilities, and possible labor costs.

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