DIY New Year's snow globe from a jar. How to make a New Year's snow globe from a jar? Christmas toy from a jar

With a figurine and falling snow inside - a Christmas souvenir known all over the world. It is believed that the French were the first to make such crafts back in the 19th century. Today on the eve New Year's holidays You can buy a similar product in any store, but it’s much more interesting to make snowball with your own hands.

Preparing the necessary materials

To make this Christmas craft, you will need: a jar with a lid, any waterproof glue, decorative figures, glitter or foam, glycerin, water. You can make a snow globe with your own hands from almost any container. Jars from baby food and others food products. Remember than more interesting shape container, the more original the finished craft will look. You can put any figures inside the jar: factory-made souvenirs, small children's toys, you can make decor yourself from polymer clay. Before starting to make the craft, rinse and dry the container thoroughly.

Making interior decor

New Year's snow globe homemade can stand on the lid or bottom of the jar. Decide in advance what you like best and start decorating the part that will become the bottom.

Option one: glue the selected figures directly onto the lid or bottom. Fill the remaining space around with glue and sprinkle with foam shavings or glitter. Leave the decor to dry for a while. It is believed that a snow globe made by yourself will look most impressive if you install the interior decor on a slight elevation. The easiest way to achieve this effect is to use a piece of plasticine. Make a cake of suitable shape and size and glue it to the lid or bottom with glue. Next, install the decorative figures by drowning their bases in plasticine, and then mask the base with foam or glitter.

The magic begins

As soon as the blank with the interior decor is dry, you can begin filling our container and assembling it. at home? To fill the container you will need glycerin - you can buy it at the pharmacy. Pour distilled water into the jar - 2/3 full. Fill the remaining space with glycerin. Don't forget to add sparkles, sequins, beads or other small elements that imitate falling snow. If you don’t have anything suitable at hand, you can make “snowflakes” from finely chopped rain, foil or waterproof confetti.

Sealing and finishing touches

Even if the lid of your jar closes tightly, it is a good idea to coat it with glue before screwing it on. WITH ready-made souvenir handle very carefully. Remember, if the glass snow globe leaks or breaks, you will ruin the textiles or very dirty the furniture.

Your magical New Year's craft ready, but if desired, you can add a few finishing touches. Decorate the outside of the lid using foil, wrapping paper, or pretty fabric. If the top of the souvenir is flat, you can glue a small decorative figurine onto it.

Is it possible to make a ball with falling snow without glycerin?

A popular question among those who decided to make a snow globe with their own hands for the first time is whether it is possible to use ordinary water without additives to make this craft? Actually it's not best idea, since glycerin slows down settling to the bottom and extends the “shelf life” of the souvenir. Ordinary water will deteriorate faster, interior decor may become covered an unpleasant touch or the liquid itself will become cloudy.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, start creative process I want it right now, you can replace it with refined vegetable oil or very sweet clear syrup. But remember, no matter what product you choose, in any case it will go bad in a few months. This also applies to glycerin.

It is believed that the smaller the snow globe and the more interesting its shape, the prettier it looks. Whether to follow this rule or not is your personal choice, but do not use jars larger than 1 liter for this craft.

A souvenir with falling snow can also be made from plastic container. The main condition is a tightly closing lid, transparency of the vessel and the absence of unnecessary edges and unsightly seams on its surface. A glass jar is selected using a similar principle. A container with smooth walls or a small number of edges is best suited for making this craft. But a complex cut will interfere with viewing a fascinating inner world compositions.

Now you know how to make a snow globe, but still wondering what to put inside? Small houses, Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus, figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters - if you create with your child.

Crafts with “falling” snow can be not only New Year’s. Try making such a souvenir for March 8 or Valentine's Day. Accordingly, the interior decor should support the holiday theme, and only glitter, multi-colored beads and confetti can fall in such a ball; foam chips are not needed.

Another one interesting idea- make a ball with a postcard or photo inside. You will need paper photo or Nice picture suitable size. Cover the workpiece clear tape so that it doesn't get wet. Next, as always, place the decor inside and mask its base, add glitter and finish the craft by pouring the solution and sealing the lid tightly.

Last year we bought my daughter shower gel, with a cute girl posing on the bottle. I don’t want to repeat myself, and besides, the very idea of ​​a man-made winter is attractive, so I collected information from the Internet and today I am sharing it with readers. I planned to call the article “New Year’s ball with snow,” but I came to the conclusion that it was difficult to make one at home due to the lack of transparent balls. But cylindrical glass jars are found in every kitchen, and it is they that craftswomen use to create homemade winter-themed decorations.

The figures are glued to the lid, dried, then “snow” is poured into a clean jar and filled to the top with “winter air”. All that remains is to connect the two parts of the product and conduct a test: whether snow falls, whether the contents leak out.

Which plot to choose for the craft?

In tall jars, slender fir trees look impressive, next to which children and animals walk; in low jars you can also place one item each: a snowman, Santa Claus, the animal symbol of the year, a resident of the North; tree, winter house, etc. Beautiful and touching Christmas compositions with angels and Christ's nurseries. Sometimes it is appropriate to use a background cut from a postcard. In order for the craft to acquire a complete design, it is worth decorating the lid-base: with paint, fabric, self-adhesive film, bright tape, a bow, varnish.

What materials are needed for snow in a jar?

  • Actually a jar with a tight screw-on lid.
  • Small toys that are not afraid of moisture. Ideal - penguins, bears and princesses made from chocolate kinder eggs.
  • Supermoment glue for attaching toys to the lid.
  • Artificial snow or glitter, crushed rain, foam balls, grated white paraffin candle.
  • Transparent liquid filler. Filtered water, a mixture of water and glycerin, or pure glycerin from a pharmacy will do. The higher the density, the slower the snowflakes fall down - it’s more interesting.

What I wouldn't do

Photos with children's heads in jars give off a dismembered look, so I don't like this experiment. I don’t include pictures so as not to offend the authors of the crafts, but they are easy to find on the Internet. But the full-length figurine of a child against the background of a Christmas tree and under the snow looks very cute. They write that the photograph must first be laminated or generously covered with tape, but I’m not sure of absolute tightness, so I won’t risk it.

A transparent ball with snow can be a good competition craft for kindergarten or at New Year. Little children should explore this toy with their parents, because the can is not only fragile and dangerous, but also quite heavy.

How to make beautiful New Year's ball on a stand, you will learn from a very good video.

Surprise guests and family, and simply create a festive mood.

Almost every housewife in her house has a separate cabinet or place where glass jars are stored. If you have a similar corner, and the number of different jars there has already reached a critical level, and you still haven’t figured out what to do with them, we suggest you use them for New Year’s decor. These cans will create an additional atmosphere of celebration and comfort.

These holidays will be a good incentive to find other things. After all, this way you don’t just get a new one original item, without spending a penny, but also saving the environment.

Snow globe from a glass jar

The most beautiful winter option interior decor that can be made from a glass jar is. And you don’t have to fill it with water for the snowflakes to cover everything inside the jar. You just need to fill the jars with mini trees, animals, toy houses And . Then place it on shelves and bedside tables to create a winter atmosphere.

So, you can take a variety of jars, not necessarily spherical in shape.

Christmas tree made from cans

Risks being knocked over or hit. But one of these cans will create a holiday even in the tiniest room. Fill six small jars, arrange them in a pyramid, decorate with a garland and a Christmas star. Your unusual Christmas tree is ready!

Holiday cookie or candy jar

For the New Year and Christmas period, forget about tin cans, in which you store sweets all year round. Paint an ordinary glass jar with bright colors, decorate it with festive ribbons, fill it with cookies or candies and place it on the table.

To stay fresh longer, choose a glass jar with a convenient lid that is easy to open and close.

Christmas lights in jars

If you place LED garlands in transparent jars, you will get creative New Year's decorations. And if you decorate such an installation with cones, pine needles and other winter elements, you will get a truly fabulous decor.

Night lights made from cans

Children will be delighted with such night lights. On the outside of the jars, paste cut-out paper templates of winter landscapes and New Year's characters, and place candles in the middle.

Candlesticks made from glass jars

Painted jars with candles inside are the easiest way to decorate festive table and an apartment on . Involve your kids in such crafts, because they will certainly enjoy painting jars in different colors.

Berries, cones and pine needles will add a real winter mood from the jars. Decorate jars with them to create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort.

Vases made from glass jars

On winter period replace ordinary vases with beautifully decorated jars. In such improvised ones you can put spruce or pine branches, or winter flowers to fill the house with beauty.

Flavors in jars

They create a festive mood and calm you down. It’s very simple, and so that the special aroma of the New Year spreads throughout the apartment, place it in a jar.

Edible terrarium in a jar

Do you want to surprise your guests with something unusual? Make them edible terrariums in jars! Use crushed cookies, coconut, marzipan to make trees or succulents, and crushed chocolate for an earthy layer.

Drinking containers from cans

In the New Year, for example, instead of cups in winter, use decorated jars. And such drinking containers can be distributed to guests during the winter holidays. Fun and original!

New Year's stands for kitchen utensils

So that in the kitchen, where culinary masterpieces will be created, New Year's table, you also felt the spirit of the holiday, make festive stands for different things out of cans kitchen utensils. With such decorative elements, the dishes will turn out even tastier, because you will cook in a cheerful mood.

Decorating your apartment for New Year 2018 will inspire you to be creative!

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Christmas tree in a jar. You've probably seen such New Year's toys: a glass ball filled with liquid, and inside there is some kind of snow-covered panorama, a house or a tree, and there is an imitation of snowfall. You can do something similar with your own hands.
Let’s call the project “Christmas tree in a jar,” well, I’ll just have a Christmas tree in a jar, and maybe you’ll have something else.

For the project we will need:
1. Jar with a lid.
2. Distilled water.
3. Glycerin (sold at any pharmacy).
4. Ceramic or plastic figurines of animals, trees and figurines of people.
5. Artificial snow, crumbly or glitter.
6. Epoxy resin and hardener (you can buy it as a set in the store).
7. Sandpaper.

First of all, you need to make sure that the jar is clean, you can, if you have it, take a round jar now there is a lot different forms, I will have a conical shaped jar. Next, you need to glue the figures, in my case the Christmas tree, to the bottom of the lid. We clean the bottom with sandpaper for better adhesion and glue it epoxy resin Christmas tree The resin is resistant to water and will last a long time, although it has a specific smell, but it will disappear.

Fill the jar itself with distilled water (do not fill the jar to the top). Be sure to add a little glycerin to the water, just a little (although I don’t know what kind of glycerin you have, add a little, if necessary, then add more). Glycerin changes the viscosity and density of water, it will stop our sparkles, our artificial snow, prevent them from falling to the bottom and guarantee our toy the effect of snowfall. Now we add our sparkles, or artificial snow to the jar (very small snow is not necessary for a good effect from large sparkles).

Then we screw in the lid with our Christmas tree, turn the jar over and shake it well. That's it, the Christmas tree is in the jar - it's snowing.
You can give the toy an additional design and place it on a pedestal, for example, a board in the form of a cut of wood. Add to that a couple of animal figures or fairy-tale characters. The lid can also be decorated, painted or covered with something, it is desirable that it be possible to open it, in case you decide to modify the toy, and that’s basically it.

DIY New Year's snow globe from a jar

You can very easily make a New Year's snow globe with your own hands from scrap materials. This is one of the most popular Christmas souvenirs around the world. To decorate a souvenir, you can make some kind of figurine, for example, like here, a snowman. You can sculpt from any modeling mass, except salted dough, which dissolves in water

For work we will need:

glass jar with a tight-fitting lid,
boiled or distilled water,
glycerin solution;
waterproof glue (two-component transparent waterproof epoxy glue, florist clay, aquarium sealant, glue gun in the form of silicone sticks)
snow substitute (artificial snow, body glitter, crushed foam, broken eggshell, coconut flakes, white beads);
various chocolate egg figurines
polymer clay toys,
various little things - you can use anything to decorate a souvenir, except salt dough, which dissolves in water.

The inner surface of the jar must be washed and dried. On inner part We glue the prepared figures onto the lids.

If we need to use any metal parts, we must first coat them with colorless nail polish - otherwise they risk corroding and ruining the craft.

Now we pour boiled water mixed with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio into the jar, but you can add more antifreeze - then the snow inside the dome will be very slow and “lazy”.

Pour “snowflakes” from the selected material into this liquid, and if they fall too quickly, add more glycerin.

After testing the snow is completed, we are left with the last step: screw the lid tightly and treat the joint with glue. When the craft is dry, you can turn it upside down and admire the result!

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