Outdoor pool cladding - all types. Finishing swimming pools with PVC film, tiles, mosaics, wood and other materials Finishing the pool bowl with film

If you built a concrete pool, then you will have to finish its bowl. Finishing a pool is not a simple procedure, because the internal surface of the structure is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of water and additional hydraulic load. Therefore it is important to buy suitable materials and apply a certain technology of work. Optimal options Pool finishes are PVC film, tiles and mosaics. Let's talk about this in more detail!

Pool plastering

Any casting of a pool bowl will not turn out perfectly smooth, so the first step is finishing works is the alignment of the walls. In this case, the adhesive method of applying plaster or applying plaster over a mesh is used.

Plaster on mesh

Plastering on a mesh involves the use of conventional sand-cement mixtures. However, these materials for finishing the pool do not provide reliable adhesion, which is why it is customary to first attach the steel plaster mesh and then apply the plaster. This method has its drawbacks: during the use of the pool, water can penetrate through the layer of plaster to the metal mesh, causing corrosion of the metal, and the plaster can fall off along with the tiles.

Therefore, an anti-corrosion coating should be applied to the mesh, but, nevertheless, such an outcome is quite possible. To solve this problem, it is worth improving adhesion by creating a slightly rough surface of the pool bowl. You can use not steel, but glass or synthetic plaster mesh, as well as waterproof compounds plaster mixture, which have good adhesion to concrete.

Applying plaster to glue

The adhesive technique for applying plaster is as follows: concrete surface Before plastering, it is necessary to clean and treat with special impregnations that have deep penetration. Such impregnations contain different polymers: acrylic and epoxy resins, urethanes and others. They are capable of creating an adhesive layer to which the next leveling layer is glued.

There are certain requirements for the quality of the conducted plastering works. When plastering and finishing the pool, bulges, depressions and cracks are not allowed. Small unevenness, up to 1 millimeter in size, are allowed in quantities of no more than 2 pieces per 4 square meters. Vertical surfaces can have deviations of no more than 1 millimeter per meter.

Pool finishing materials

An individual pool is usually finished with glass or ceramic tiles, PVC film or mosaic. It is very rare to find finishing with natural stone, for example, marble. When choosing colors, preference is given to different shades of blue and green, which create the impression of freshness and sea depth. The darker the color you choose, the deeper the pool will appear.

The design and finishing of the pool walls around the perimeter can be made of exotic wood or coping stone. Plants around the pool should be planted in such a way as to create a protected area, the illusion of peace and the effect of privacy. You can decorate the pool with evergreens and bright ornamental shrubs. On one side you can make a Roman staircase that is immersed in water.


Tiles are installed differently in a swimming pool than in a bathroom. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the mechanical effect of water on the material. The walls of the pool bend by several millimeters under the pressure of the mass of water. Thus, the tiles are laid at some distance from each other, and the grout and glue are chosen to be more elastic. Otherwise, when deflected, the coating will not withstand the upcoming load and, like the mosaic matrix, will become covered with microcracks.

You should use special porcelain tiles for finishing the pool, as they are more dense and have less water absorption than regular ceramic tiles for lining a bathtub. By the way, simple porous tiles quickly absorb water and become a breeding ground for algae and microorganisms.

Porcelain tiles are more frost- and heat-resistant, which is especially important for outdoor pools, have high plasticity and do not absorb dirt. It is customary to lay tiles with an anti-slip, corrugated, rough surface next to the pool and in the area where it rises and descends.


Mosaic is considered a reliable, wear-resistant material suitable for lining a swimming pool. It is customary to buy glass or ceramic mosaic tiles for a pool for similar reasons to choosing porcelain tiles. Such a mosaic has a high density, practically does not get dirty and does not spread fungus. The principles for preparing the pool base for finishing with mosaics and tiles are the same.

Glass mosaic does not absorb water at all. The cost of such a mosaic is quite high. The impressive price of laying a pool with such material will be paid off over time by its excellent appearance and wear-resistant qualities. Mosaic for pools is good because it can be used to create any ornament and pattern. In addition, it is easy to tile any curved surface and corners that are inaccessible to regular tiles.

PVC film

Pools can be covered not only with mosaics or tiles, but also with PVC film. This material is lightweight, has good waterproofing properties and is reasonably priced. True, the film on the walls will not last forever; its useful life is approximately 7 years. It is best used for an indoor pool.

The thickness of the film is 1-1.5 millimeters and it consists of 4 layers, which contain, in particular, a durable layer of synthetic material - Kevlar or polyesterol. The film is resistant to chemicals and ultraviolet rays. The coating is not attractive to harmful microorganisms and is easy to clean.

The market of modern construction and facing materials offers two types of film. Polyvinyl chloride film is made on the basis of plasticized PVC and has a special impregnation that protects the pool from negative influence fungus, bacteria and spores present in water. Color palette is quite diverse, and you can choose the material in accordance with your fantasies and preferences.

Butyl rubber film is characterized by improved durability and ductility. It can be easily cut with scissors and glued together. This material is indispensable for tanks large sizes when strength comes to the fore. Butyl rubber film is not afraid of the change of seasons; it tolerates fluctuations in temperature and pressure well, so it is ideal for working with any surface, even in harsh winter.

Do-it-yourself pool finishing

When the pool is built, a layer of plaster is laid using one of the above methods, created waterproofing layer and the facing material has been chosen, you can begin finishing it with peace of mind. Mosaics and tiles are laid almost identically, but working with PVC film, naturally, has its own nuances. Below is brief instructions on how to finish a swimming pool with your own hands.

Pool wall cladding

Typically, pool lining begins 1-5 days after plastering and applying a waterproofing compound. Mosaics and tiles must be laid using special adhesives or cement-sand mortar.

Cladding is usually done in horizontal rows, starting from the walls. Using a plumb line and nails, you need to install vertical beacons, and then hang a horizontal mooring cord made from ordinary fishing line along the upper edge. As you work, this line should be moved up row by row to control the straightness of the joints.

Adjacent tiles must be oriented with their entire plane along the vertical hanger and mooring cord; the tile should be lowered to the desired level by lightly tapping it with the handle of a spatula. The thickness of the facing seam is fixed with two steel pins or nails of the same cross-section. It is recommended to fill the joints with mortar only half the thickness of the porcelain tiles. After the row has been laid, you should attach a lath to the tile and lower it to the desired level.

If pattern and symmetry are important, then they start decorating the pool with their own hands from the middle of the row, and finish the row at the corners with halves or thirds of tiles. Although it is worth calculating the required number of full-sized tiles in a row from the very beginning of work. In this case, you won’t have to cut the material, and the pool lining will look neater. The joints that form between laid tiles are usually treated with frost-resistant and moisture-resistant grout, which matches the color of the tile or contrasts with it.

Pool bottom finishing

Laying the bottom of the pool requires special attention; it should be done at the corners of the triangle, and not in rows, or “in an envelope.” This applies to the case when the floor in the pools is not level, but has a certain slope towards the hole for draining the water.

If drainer is located in the center of the pool, then first it is worth identifying and marking the cut lines connecting the corners of the structure with the opposite corners of the drain hole. After carrying out such markings, the bottom will be conditionally divided into 4 triangles - the lining is made along them.

In each triangle, the laying of tiles begins with the wall row, without a slope. Next, it is customary to lay out a lighthouse row perpendicular to this row. Referring to the tiles in the lighthouse row, it is necessary to horizontally cover the surface of the triangle using incomplete tiles along the edges. Other triangles similarly begin to be laid out from the wall and lighthouse rows.

Finishing the pool with PVC film

It is customary to lay the film on carefully sanded surfaces, since otherwise it will rub off in uneven areas. First, a fastening strip should be attached to the surface of the pool with screws, which is a metal strip that is 2 meters long, 5-6 centimeters wide and 2 millimeters thick.

On one side, a plastic coating must be applied to the strip. The film is not glued to the surface, but is covered from the inside of the pool, pressing it tightly against the walls with water. If the bottom has a complex uneven terrain, then installation of the film should begin from there. Geotextile is placed under the material - a polymer non-woven fabric that has a thickness of 0.5-1 centimeter. It can protect the film from condensation and damage. The edges of the film must be welded with hot air and rubbed liquid plastic for complete sealing.

PVC film is also used when reconstructing an old pool or finishing a pool with your own hands, which is tiled and has problems with waterproofing due to the formation of cracks. In this case, the film is laid directly on the tile. In order not to overpay in the future for shortcomings and mistakes, we present to your attention a video on finishing a pool.

Thus, tiling a pool is a very labor-intensive process, which, despite this, is within the power of every avid and hardworking developer. After reading the article, you learned how to choose the right material for finishing, because there are many offered on the market various options, and how to lay the coating properly so that no water escapes. All you have to do is look at the photos of the pool finishing and you can start doing the work.

Finish or fine finishing the internal surfaces of a home pond is the most exciting and painstaking stage. It is after finishing work is completed that the pool acquires the aesthetic appearance of a finished structure. But this is a stage that requires certain knowledge of the procedure and technology for performing the work.

Preparing the reservoir bowl for finishing

It is considered a mistake that immediately after acquiring the design strength using concrete laid on the floor and walls of the bowl, you can begin lining the internal surfaces with any option. Before these processes begin, it is necessary to complete a whole range of preparatory work.

Plastering works

In the process of casting concrete walls, it is not always possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface of the bowl due to natural factors uneven shrinkage, appearance of roughness. To eliminate this drawback, plastering work must be carried out.

Before plastering, cracks and seams, if any, are cleared and filled with seam sealant. The presence of joints requires filling with sealing tapes and cords. The plaster layer must have a smooth surface, no cracks, or deviations in the vertical and horizontal planes of more than 1 mm per 1 m of length.

Plastering is performed using fiberglass mesh, regardless of the applied layer waterproof plaster. Attach the mesh to the surface with dowels. The mesh gives additional strength, which allows you to increase the time between overhauls service life lined surface. Plastering is carried out with a special waterproof sand- cement mortar.

In the recent past, metal mesh was used. It has now been replaced by fiberglass mesh. This is due to both cost savings and simplification of work technology without affecting the load-bearing characteristics of the plaster.

To improve the adhesion of the plaster to the concrete surface, the latter is cleaned of dust, sagging, dirt and treated with special, deeply penetrating impregnations. They contain polymers that ensure high adhesion of the solution to concrete.

It is better to level the bottom of the home pool bowl with a specially designed cement mortar.

Upon completion of plastering work, the period for complete drying of the plaster and its acquisition of mechanical strength should be at least 14 days.

The service life of the pool depends on the quality of plastering work and strict adherence to technology.

Waterproofing works

The main purpose of insulation work inside the bowl of a home artificial tank is to prevent water from entering concrete walls with reinforcement, prevent metal corrosion and destruction of concrete stone by water, which is noticeable in winter time when water in the micropores of the walls freezes and expands.

Waterproofing is a complex of works. Surface preparation and plastering is one of the stages. In practice, several methods are used to insulate the surface of pool bowls, which are more often used when finishing it yourself:

  1. Penetrating waterproofing– coating the surface of the walls and the bottom of the tank with a special composition. Filling capillaries, microcracks and surface pores, it crystallizes and clogs them. Simplicity of execution allows you to do this work yourself.
  2. Polymer-cement compositions– the most popular method due to its ease of execution and reliability. A one- or two-component composition (cement, sand, plasticizers and various polymer additives), applied to the surface in 2 layers, forms a monolithic waterproof coating of the bowl. Those who have the skills to carry out plastering and putty work will perform this operation without much difficulty.
  3. Polymers– this is the name given to waterproofing material for swimming pools in the form of mastic. The composition includes components based on polyetheramines and diamines. Used to cover walls and bottoms with polyvinyl chloride film. This material is not used when tiling with ceramic tiles and mosaics.
  4. PVC film– performs 2 functions: decorative and waterproofing. The film glued to the surface can withstand minor deformations and requires careful gluing of the joints.
The presented video provides examples of the use of various materials when sealing the walls and bottom of the pool, methods of their application, and technical characteristics:

Sealing a water bowl is a responsible and doable task. When starting such work, it is necessary to first thoroughly study the technology of this process.

Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation of a home artificial tank with my own hands– a difficult task, but quite realistic. The main purpose of insulation is to save energy for heating water.

Insulation of the structure in question is carried out on its external side (protection from the penetration of cold from the bowels of the earth to the enclosing structure) and internal (prevention of premature cooling of water due to heating of the walls and floor of the pool bowl).

Since a pool can be made of various materials, the insulation technology is accordingly different.

Selection of material for insulation

Wide modern assortment insulation materials, which can be used for aquatic home features, has no restrictions. The same polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay concrete, and mineral wool slabs have one common drawback - seams. These “cold bridges” reduce the thermal insulation properties of the insulation.

As practice shows, on modern stage For the development of the industry of heat-saving materials, the most acceptable is polyurethane foam, which has a number of significant advantages over other types of insulation:

  • multifunctionality - simultaneously performs the function of insulation and waterproofing;
  • high adhesion to wall materials of any structure;
  • seamlessness;
  • resistant to a wide range of temperature changes;
  • low dead weight;
  • non-flammability.
Polyurethane foam is applied to the insulated surface by spraying and does not have special fasteners. This process not only reduces the time required to complete insulation, but also simplifies the execution technology.

Insulation of a concrete tank bowl

To insulate a concrete bowl, polyurethane foam is applied layer by layer onto a pre-prepared concrete surface using a special portable installation.

The hardened insulation is sanded and plastered with water-repellent cement mortar using reinforcing mesh. The resulting surface is suitable for finishing with both tiles and rolled decorative materials.

Insulation of a plastic bowl

To make a plastic bowl we use various materials(polypropylene, fiberglass, various composite materials). They can be of various configurations.

Insulation of such mini-tanks is carried out only from the outside before the installation process begins. Having a mini-installation in use, external spraying of a given thickness is performed. The thickness of the insulation is determined by a special calculation, which must be carried out by appropriately qualified specialists.

After spraying, the bowl is lowered into a previously prepared pit and reinforced with soil using a certain technology.

A complex, responsible and interesting stage in the construction of a swimming pool on an individual site. The aesthetic perception of the structure, reliability during the operational period, and high self-satisfaction (“I did it myself”) depend on the quality of the cladding.

The palette of materials used for cladding is very wide. Each of them has its own characteristics both during operation and design. The most commonly used materials when finishing the pool bowl:
  • pre-prepared natural stone;
  • fired ceramic tiles;
  • smalt or ceramic mosaic;
  • reinforced special polyvinyl chloride film.
Less commonly, painting, spraying polypropylene or liquid rubber is used to finish the pool.

Basic requirements for facing materials:

  • the ability not to deteriorate and maintain its performance characteristics during prolonged exposure to water;
  • resistance to the appearance and development of mold, fungi, microorganisms;
  • resistant to chemical reagents for various purposes;
  • simplicity with regular maintenance.

Finishing with PVC film

The easiest way finishing for both outdoor and indoor home pools. Among specialists, the film has a second name - liner. Anyone can do it, having previously studied the technology of this process and acquired necessary tool(hair dryer) and consumables.

Before starting work with the liner, a special heat-insulating gasket is placed on the glue - geotextile, a polymer fiber that performs insulating functions and hides all roughness.

The liner is attached around the perimeter of the bowl to a special fastening strip using gluing. The vertical and bottom joints are overlapped: vertical (on the walls) - up to 50 mm, horizontal (on the bottom) - up to 150 mm.

Gluing the joints is carried out with a hairdryer, observing the heating technology. The liner is not glued across the entire plane, forming a bag that, when filled with water, stretches and fits tightly to the bottom and walls.

To seal water drainage areas, nozzles, skimmers, and lamps, special sealing flanges are used to ensure reliable sealing of connections.

Positive traits liner finishes:

  • speed of installation;
  • high resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  • versatility;
  • durability;
  • reasonable price.
  • susceptible to reagents containing chlorine;
  • high degree of damage from sharp objects;
  • there is no range of colors;
  • not applicable in pools with complex configurations.

Mosaic and ceramic tile finishing

The most common type of finishing work in the pool. Mosaics come in ceramic (small glazed tiles) and glass. With the help of mosaics, any design solution can be implemented.

Glass mosaic or smalt is the most commonly used type. The most common type of ceramic tiles for finishing a pool is glazed tiles.

The technology for laying tiles and mosaics is identical. To secure both small and large trim parts, a special, waterproof white glue is used. Grouting of joints is carried out with an antibacterial composition developed specifically for water structures.

When buying glue and grout for joints, you need to study the included instructions. Not all options are designed for swimming pools and therefore some of them are not durable.

The presented video clearly demonstrates the technology of gluing mosaics in the pool bowl, the nuances of preparing and applying glue:

Advantages mosaics and tiles:
  • attractive appearance of the finished structure;
  • unlimited design innovations and colors;
  • reliability of performance;
  • finishing of a swimming pool of any configuration.
  • more expensive than using film material;
  • increased finishing time;
  • applies only to stationary, monolithic pools;
  • requires additional protective measures in winter.
You can do the finishing with tiles or mosaics yourself only if you have the skills to work with ceramic tiles.

Natural stone finishing of the pool bowl

Application of natural natural materials for finishing fonts has been known since prehistoric times. Marble and granite are the main ones rocks, used for both indoor and outdoor pools.

The technology of fastening and grouting is not much different from working with ceramic tiles: waterproof glue, antibacterial grouting.

Advantages of cladding with natural stone


  • aesthetic appearance;
  • various natural colors;
  • long service life;
  • plaque and mold do not form on the surface of the stone;
  • ease of daily maintenance;
  • resistant to changes, consistently low or high temperatures atmospheric air;
  • does not lose its original appearance under direct sunlight;
  • easy to process and polish with special compounds.
  • abrasion resistant, high natural strength;
  • resistant to chemicals used for water treatment;
  • does not absorb water;
  • neutral to temperature changes;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • Various colors and shades allow you to create a designer masterpiece.

Weaknesses when facing with natural stone


  • does not tolerate contact with chemicals containing chlorine;
  • slippery when wet;
  • has the property of abrasion in the most frequently used places;
  • high price.
  • high cost of finished tile products;
  • heavy weight
Usage facing tiles made of natural stone - not a cheap pleasure. Laying them requires skill, concentration and patience. You can do this kind of cladding yourself if you have some experience in this field.

When starting to independently cladding a water feature, you need to understand that the expected result depends not only on the quality of the cladding materials, but also on the technologically correct sealing and plastering of the water feature. If you wish, you can handle this yourself.

Interest in finishing swimming pools with PVC film is a global trend due to excellent performance qualities material and affordable cost. Finishing a pool with film is several times cheaper than similar work using ceramic or glass tiles (mosaics).

Time required to finish the pool PVC coated, significantly less than what is required for finishing work with other materials. This finishing option does not require preliminary waterproofing of the bowl. The material, in addition to good decorative and heat-shielding properties, is an excellent waterproofing agent that ensures complete tightness of the structure.

Finishing the pool bowl with PVC film - beautiful, reliable, fast.

To finish the pool bowl with PVC film, we offer the Italian Flagpool coating, made on the basis of plasticized polyvinyl chloride, Spanish film with CeFil reinforcement, non-woven insulation as a base, fastening strips and corners, as well as seam seals in the color of the selected base material. The Aqua Flagpool coating is impregnated with a bioprotective composition that prevents the development of microorganisms. CeFil film has a special varnish coating and impregnation with additives that prevent the formation of mold. Film color range: white, blue, blue, blue with imitation of solar glare, mosaic. The Caraibi Flagpool material used for finishing will make you believe that you have plunged into the waters of the Caribbean Sea!

Finishing the pool bowl with film PVC is better entrust it to specialists - in addition to accuracy and precision, dexterity is required. Laying is usually performed by 2-3 people. The process consists of the following steps:

  • the bowl is checked for surface irregularities, leveled if necessary, then thoroughly cleaned;
  • the non-woven insulation is laid out and secured with a fastening strip (this operation is not always performed);
  • the material is cut - the film should cover the entire surface;
  • the seams are fastened with a welding gun, then treated with a seam sealant to match the color of the material;
  • corners of steps and other differences are fixed with mounting angles;
  • the bowl is filled with water (approximately 300 mm in height), the strips of material are tightened so that there are no creases left;
  • the film is welded and then fixed with a fastening strip.

What is PVC film and its distinctive features, about the advantages and disadvantages of the material, how to prepare a pool for wallpapering, basic work, final finishing.

Features of using PVC film for a swimming pool

When deciding to build a swimming pool, it is important not only to determine its location, but also to take into account where the groundwater, decide what shape the pond will be, but also choose what material it will be finished with inner side.

Tile, mosaic and PVC film are offered to consumers as finishing materials. If laying the first two will take up to 3 months, then installing a film coating will take a short period of time, and even a non-professional can do it, following our instructions and recommendations.

If we take into account the decorative properties of PVC films, they are inferior to tiles and mosaics, but not everyone wants to turn a pool into a work of art; the main asset of the film material is its waterproofing qualities and reliability. The film is exposed special treatment, which prevents the development of microorganisms on the surface of the water. This allows you to clean the pool less often.

PVC film for pools also has other names - “liner” or “alkorplan” (manufacturer’s name). It consists of polyester fiber, to which a stabilizer has been added that protects against the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays. An acrylic layer is also added to the material, which gives it a shiny, attractive appearance.

This material is widely used for interior decoration both outdoor and indoor pools. 60% of indoor and 90% of outdoor reservoirs are finished with liner.

Customers are offered two types of film:

  • Regular PVC Film for Pool. This synthetic material, it is based on plasticized PVC. The liner is produced in rolls, its width is as follows - 1.6 m, 2.4 m and 6.8 m, the length has one size - 25 meters. One roll is enough to cover a pond with an area of ​​40 m2. The film thickness is 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm. For pools with shallow bowls, a 0.5 mm or 0.8 mm film is used. For deeper ones, 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm, respectively. Both smooth versions and those with an anti-slip surface are available for sale. Corrugated material is used to finish steps, as well as the bottom in small areas of the bowl for the safety of swimmers, especially children. The liner tolerates temperature fluctuations well and is therefore used to cover outdoor ponds. In addition to plain film, consumers are offered materials with patterns that imitate tiles, marble and even mosaics. The cost of such a coating is slightly more expensive than a smooth one.
  • Butyl rubber film. It has the following qualities: strength, as well as a significant service life. This film cuts and glues well, suitable for large bodies of water where it is necessary high strength. The material tolerates temperature fluctuations well, which means that you can work with it even in harsh winters. It is produced in the following sizes: thickness - 1 mm, width - 3.05 m, 6.1 m, 9.15 m, 12.2 m, 15.25 m. Roll length - 15.25 m, 30.5 m , 45.75 m, and 61.0 m. The two-layer nature of the film increases its strength and durability.
Owners of small pools can be offered the first, more economical type of film. For owners of large and relief structures, it is necessary to choose the second, more durable and expensive option. When choosing a PVC film for covering pools, you need to consider two of them: important properties: elasticity, that is, the ability to stretch well and not lose its properties, as well as the thickness of the material, on which the service life of the coating depends.

Liner - very durable material, it is suitable both for installation on new pool bowls and for the reconstruction of old ones. The relatively low price makes it affordable for buyers and ensures high waterproofing properties of the pool.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC film

The service life of film coating is up to 10 years, which is much less than covering with tiles or mosaics. But the installation of such finishing is carried out quickly, it is easily repaired and, if necessary, replaced with another, while changing the appearance of the pool.

The main advantages include the following:

  1. Easy to install.
  2. It is not exposed to the sun, frost, or ice, so it is used for outdoor pools.
  3. Acceptable price for wide categories of customers.
  4. It has universal properties and is used for bowls made of any materials (brick, concrete, stone, etc.).
  5. Long service life.
  6. Prevents the development of microorganisms.
Disadvantages of PVC film:
  • Damaged by a cutting object.
  • In direct contact with chlorine it is destroyed.
  • The liner has a limited selection of colors.

Technology of waterproofing a swimming pool with PVC film

Before waterproofing the pool with PVC film, prepare the following tools that you will need to attach it: welding machine with attachments, metal ruler of maximum length, dyeing cord, sharp scissors. In addition, you will need the following materials: film, backing, fastening strip, elastic glue, screws.

Preparatory work

To perform technologically correct cladding reservoir, it is necessary that the surface of the bowl is perfectly smooth. If there are small deposits of plaster on the walls and bottom, they must be removed using ordinary tools - a spatula, sandpaper. If there are potholes on the surface, they must be filled with putty.

The brick bowl of the pools is first plastered, then sanded, and the concrete bowl is putty. It is necessary to give importance to the corners and sides; here all materials must be particularly well connected to the surface.

At the preparation stage, you need to ensure that the embedded parts are installed flush with the surface of the bowl and have sealing flanges. If these parts are recessed, then covering the pool with PVC film will be difficult. Typically, flanges are made of plastic or steel; they are equipped with a rubber gasket that does not react to the effects of chlorine. Screw connections allow flanges with embedded parts to be hermetically secured.

PVC film is also of no small importance for the restoration of reservoirs lined with tiles that have lost their waterproofing qualities. Here the liner is laid directly on the tile or mosaic finish. If the surface is damaged, it is necessary to dismantle the coating, level it, and then lay down the film material.

Laying the underlay and fastening strip

Finishing a pool with PVC film usually begins with laying the backing material under the liner and attaching the fastening strip. The backing material is used to protect the film from contact directly with the surface of the pool.

On the sides of the reservoir, the substrate is mounted between concrete wall and a metal fastening strip, to which the film itself is then attached. The edge of the material must hang down. When fastening, it is necessary to prevent overlapping of the material and, accordingly, the occurrence of thickenings.

The substrate is laid randomly on the base of the reservoir. When the pool has embedded elements, you need to cut holes in the underlying material equal to the size of the flange.

In the case when it is attached to the stairs, you should use special materials, for example, foil, which protect the substrate from burning when welding to the fastening strip.

The fastening strip is a tape made of metal, coated with plastic, where PVC film will be attached in the future. Strip length - 2 m, thickness - 2 mm. Fastening is done using screws at intervals of 10-15 cm.

If a body of water complex design, then the fastening strip must be installed at its bottom. If the base of the pool is pyramid-shaped, then it is fixed to all edges. In a situation where the base has the shape of steps, the fastening strip is installed, as on the sides.

If there is a ladder in the pool, a fixing angle should be used to attach the film. In this case, all corners of the structure will be covered with corners.

The most difficult thing is to secure the fastening strip for round-shaped pools. Moreover, the smaller the roundness, the more difficult it is to fix it. Additional costs for fittings may apply.

Installation instructions for PVC film

Before gluing the PVC film for the pool, prepare a welding machine that is equipped with various attachments. Most favorable temperature regime for welding material - +15 degrees and above. Welding work will be carried out more efficiently if the air temperature is high.

To preserve the hermetic properties of the film and give it an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to follow the technology of welding the material and prevent debris from getting on the sheets being welded, cut the film coating correctly to prevent unnecessary expense material.

Installation of film material is carried out as follows:

  1. Laying the coating begins from the bottom of the reservoir. When installing, PVC films are removed from the walls of the pool by 1-2 cm, making an overlap of 5-8 cm. If the bottom of the reservoir complex shape, they spread it out and give it the opportunity to rest.
  2. Before starting welding, you need to check the sheets for debris and other contaminants.
  3. When starting to weld surfaces, you should grab the sheets; for this, use a low temperature. The tack is done so that the panels being welded do not change their position, since during the process they can move, and then folds appear that cannot be smoothed out when the pool is filled with water.
  4. With large voltage drops, you need to ensure uniform heating of the surfaces being welded.
  5. When welding PVC film for a pool, you need to ensure that carbon deposits do not form. When it appears, remove it using a metal brush.
  6. After installing the film on the bottom, they begin to place sheets on the vertical parts of the reservoir, making an overlap of 5-8 cm. In the area of ​​the wall-bottom seams, wall-wall in the corner, an overlap of 15 cm is maintained. The PVC film is laid on the vertical parts of the reservoir by welding to the fastening strip. Here, too, before making welding, it is necessary to weld it.
  7. Work on welding the material at the corners of the pool is done last.

Note! When making a wall-bottom seam, it is necessary to take into account that the stretching of the film coating occurs in the horizontal plane. In this regard, it is recommended to move the sheet away from the edge of the pool by 3 cm along the entire bottom.

Treatment of seams with sealant

After completing the welding, you need to check the seams to see if any part of them is missing somewhere, or if there is a defect during welding. Then it is recommended to treat them all with a so-called sealant. It is a liquid that has the property of hardening when exposed to air, but remaining soft during the hardening process. It is the same color as the main material.

The sealant is distributed using a special oiler. When applying the substance to vertical joints, work must be done from top to bottom. Then it must be allowed to dry for at least 30 minutes, after which you can pour water into the pool.

After installing the film covering, you can fill the structure with water, always warm, about 40 degrees, to approximately a height of 30-40 cm. Next, install the flanges of the embedded elements. At the same time, holes are made in the film, ensuring the necessary tension of its sheets. Once the flanges and other embedded parts are in place, the pool can be filled to full level.

How to glue PVC film for a pool - watch the video:

The pool is now completely ready for use! It's time to enjoy relaxing on the shore of your pond.

Despite the fact that lining a pool is the final stage of its construction, this procedure directly affects not only the aesthetic qualities of the structure, but also its functional characteristics, safety and durability.

The pool lining is carried out immediately after the walls and floor of the bowl have been brought to a perfectly level state and waterproofing tests have been carried out. The market today offers a huge amount finishing materials, and the choice of a particular one depends on the requirements that the pool must meet and the allocated budget. Let's look at the features of the most common options for facing materials.

  • A natural stone. The most commonly used are granite or marble tiles. Finishing a pool with natural stone is characterized by the highest cost, but it allows you to add respectability and aesthetic appeal to the structure. For laying marble or granite tiles, a special adhesive with an adhesion degree of at least 1 MPa is used.
  • Ceramic tile. A More Affordable Alternative natural stone, which has become the most widespread. Unlike classic bath tiles, they have greater mechanical, chemical and temperature resistance. Different kinds textures and patterns allow you to create real pictures on the walls and bottom, turning the pool into a work of art. Laying is also done using glue and sealing the seams.
  • Mosaic. Modern varieties of ceramic mosaics are tiny variations of regular tiles. This feature not only allows you to create more sophisticated patterns and ornaments, mosaic finishing of the pool transforms uneven curving surfaces into smooth, bright transitions. Another material for mosaics is special colored glass - smalt. This is a rather expensive material that has an interesting visual effect of refraction of light rays. The mosaic finishing of the pool is carried out with tiles and glue with a high degree of adhesion (at least 2.5 MPa).
  • PVC liners. This is a modern inexpensive artificial material For high-quality finishing allowing significant savings on facing works. Structurally, the material is a multilayer reinforced polyvinyl chloride film. It has good resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as well as biological and chemical exposure. But this type of pool finishing is not suitable for all customers, because... The service life of this coating is no more than 20 years for internal structures and about 7 years for external ones.
  • Plastic. By using of this material Pool finishing can be done on surfaces of any shape. In addition, it has the functions of heat and waterproofing. In addition, the coating is practically non-slip and is environmentally friendly and chemically resistant. In terms of cost, the material is only slightly ahead of ceramics. The only drawback is that the range of shades is not as wide as that of ceramic tiles.

    Order any types of cladding and finishing of the pool with the material of your choice, quality tiles or mosaic, you can do it at Inzhstroytekh LLC. We have 17 years of experience in carrying out such work and guarantee highest quality and reasonable prices for all our services.

Work on lining the pool bowl with material

construction cost for a swimming pool of the correct shape

Waterproofing the pool bowl (with material)

Plastering the bottom and walls of the pool (with material)

construction cost for swimming pools irregular shape

cost of work with material

cost of work with material

Pool steps lining

film with material

mosaic with material

Work on lining the pool bowl without material

construction cost for a swimming pool of the correct shape

construction cost for a swimming pool of the correct shape

Waterproofing the pool bowl (without material)

construction cost for irregularly shaped swimming pools

Plastering the bottom and walls of the pool (without material)

construction cost for irregularly shaped swimming pools

Cladding the pool bowl with mosaic

cost of work without material

Lining the pool bowl with film

cost of work without material

Complex installation of mosaic panels

100% of the cost of m2 panels without material

Pool steps lining

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