Computer training program. Free step-by-step computer training course

More than 150 video lessons
with a total duration of more than 30 hours

This is the most complete and only video course on working with a computer in RuNet, relevant for today and tomorrow!

As the name suggests, the course is designed to show you that mastering a computer is truly very simple! And make of you independent user.

After completing these lessons, you will no longer need to contact specialists or friends to install Windows, or take your computer to the seller or service center to replace it. HDD, increase the amount of RAM, etc.

You will learn to do everything yourself!

The knowledge that you acquire from this video course will always be relevant!

They have no expiration date!

Whatever Windows comes out, be it Win-8, Win-9, Win-10, etc... What you learn from these video lessons will remain with you in 5-10 years! Like a multiplication table that remains the same...

Make the right investment in your education. The knowledge you need. And which will benefit you throughout your life!

What level of user is this course designed for?

This course is designed for novice users, and for those who know how to work in the operating system and are familiar with some programs, but do not know how to assemble a computer, replace devices or install Windows, drivers, etc. And also, for those who decided to expand their knowledge in the field of computer literacy.

All lessons from the course were tested on my friends who knew how to use a computer, but their knowledge was very limited.
Of these there were: one accountant, one secretary, two gamer neighbors and my father, who bought himself a computer literally three days before the completion of recording this course.

When my father bought a computer, using its components (in disassembled form), he was able to assemble it himself after watching the first discs of the course.

As I recorded the material, I gave all the above-mentioned people my video lessons, and today, they have a basic understanding of computer components, install and reinstall the operating system, drivers and programs. And of course, they work on the computer without any problems.

So, what does the whole course consist of?

In this course, I will not focus on one operating system, I will not tediously talk about various functions of programs that hardly anyone will access... Also, I will not talk about outdated devices and ports... These the devices are outdated and out of use... I don’t think it’s necessary to waste your time studying “Computer History”. I will also not talk about rarely used devices, or devices intended for a limited group of users.

And yet, I got it
the largest and most complete Russian-language course on computers.

In this course, I will try to give only the most necessary information. So that you can fully, independently, without any help from outsiders, understand the computer, operating system and software.

The entire course is divided into topics. Naturally, you can view it in its entirety, or you can view only the topics that interest you.

Even if you are now interested in only one or a couple of topics from this course, this does not mean that tomorrow you will not be interested in some more.

You can always insert a disc and watch a lesson on a topic that interests you.

The following courses are recorded on the discs:

Disc 1."Iron" - Theory and practice
62 lessons. Duration: 3 hours 35 minutes

In this course, we will look at the types of computers, consider and select devices, analyze their purpose, installation and connection, and also consider step-by-step assembly and disassembling the computer system unit.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you can view this disc both on your computer and on a home DVD player. This disk can be used as reference material, for example, if your computer fails...

Disc 2."Operating systems" - Theory and practice
29 lessons. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

In this course we will look at all kinds of operating systems. Let's install operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7. Let's understand the basic BIOS settings. Let's learn how to boot from removable media such as CD, DVD and Flash card.

The disc is recorded in DVD-Video format. This means that you can view this disc both on your computer and on a home DVD player. This disk can be used as reference material, for example, if you need to reinstall the operating system...

Disc 3."Operating systems" - Settings
34 lessons. Duration: 13 hours 44 minutes

In this course, we'll look at how Right configure operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows 7 (these lessons may be applicable to other operating systems in the Windows line). Let's deal with installing drivers, creating backup copy system disk for system recovery in case of failures...

Disc 4."Programs and utilities" - Installation, Configuration, Operation...
19 lessons. Duration: 12 hours 53 minutes

In this course, we will install, configure and understand how to work in various programs... We will analyze where, how and which programs are best to install... We will analyze how to work with archivers, how to burn discs, how to work with video, sound and images, how to work with text documents and e-books, how to work on the Internet, with websites and mail, and what programs we may need for this, we will understand computer security, etc...

This disc is intended for viewing on a computer. The lessons are made in the format of WMV files that can be opened with any player in the Windows environment.

So a miracle happened. Finally, a personal computer or laptop has appeared in your home. But here’s the problem: you don’t know which side to approach it from. And you start thinking about how to learn to work on a computer. The first thing you need to do is stop being afraid of him. It won't break, burn or explode if you press the wrong button. You know how to drive a car, use household appliances, mobile phones. This knowledge is not innate, but acquired. Believe me, a computer is simpler than your microwave oven.

How to learn to quickly use a computer?

  1. It is necessary that the computer be at your fingertips every day in order to gradually master it.
  2. Tutorial on studying computers should be written in the simplest and most understandable language with maximum number pictures.
  3. It is advisable that at first you be advised by someone who is familiar with the computer.
  4. If you use educational materials, do it gradually, do not get ahead of yourself and do not try to learn everything at once.

Essential skills for those who want to know how to master a computer:

  • correct switching on and off;
  • loading text editor and typing;
  • Internet access;
  • email and working with it;
  • working with search engines;
  • adequate perception of antivirus program signals.

An excellent opportunity for those who want to quickly learn how to use a computer is various audio and video courses, tutorials, trainings and special literature. The Internet is full of similar advertisements. Moreover, not all of the courses offered are paid. But there is one point: to take advantage of these offers you need to at least be able to turn on a computer, use the Internet and a browser. You can also ask one of your family members to help you master the basics of computer terminology and understand the buttons.

How to learn to use a computer?

You don't need to be a genius to master the basics of computer literacy. Of course, you will have to assimilate a certain amount of information, understand some specific terms and the operating principle of several computer programs. Programs you need to know to fully use most useful functions computer:

  • Windows operating system. The basis of a computer, without it it is just a piece of iron or plastic;
  • typing programs (for example, Notepad and Word);
  • programs for playing music and films (audio and video players);
  • programs that protect your computer (antivirus);
  • programs for accessing the Internet (Internet browsers);
  • archivers;
  • email client, communication programs (for example, Skype or icq);
  • programs for viewing photographs, pictures, drawings;
  • programs for downloading information from the Internet;
  • programs for cleaning unnecessary files and for system recovery in case of failure.

If you want to learn how to work on a computer, you need to master at least the above programs. In fact, there are many more, but this is enough for you to start with.

How to learn to type on a computer?

In order to print, you will need to open Word. At first everything seems complicated. Briefly the basics of the program:

How to learn to type quickly on a computer?

There are two categories of people who type on a computer. Some do not take their eyes off the monitor (touch typing), others from the keyboard. Of course, touch typing is preferable, since you are not distracted by searching the desired letter on keyboard. But learning this method is also more difficult. In any case, when typing, you should use all ten fingers. It is best to first study the correct finger layout on the keyboard. Practice a little, perhaps use special training.

As a rule, pensioners have to devote more time to master new concepts and phenomena - the principle of intuitive clarity, on which the curriculum for people who own any modern gadgets is based, is not so effective in this case. Therefore, teaching computer literacy to older people requires a special approach. For example, a deep dive into the technical aspects of a PC will be unnecessary, but more attention needs to be paid to the functional purpose of each element, program or device that you will encounter when using a computer.

What you need to know to work effectively on a PC:

  • Key components of a computer or laptop and their purpose;
  • What is an operating system (OS) and why is it needed?
  • Basic control elements (menus, buttons, scroll bar, cursor), places and principles of organizing files and folders on a PC (desktop, control panel, system drives);
  • Input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, printer) and data storage (disks, flash drives);
  • Turning the PC on and off, opening, closing and saving files and folders;
  • Built-in programs and applications in the Windows operating system;
  • Internet access, browsers, email registration;
  • Principles of information retrieval in search engines;
  • Addresses of useful sites and portals for various tasks;
  • Social media: registration and search for contacts;
  • Registering and making calls in Skype/

As you can see, the list is not so extensive - after just a few weeks of careful and consistent study, you will be able to do everything yourself necessary operations. Don’t give up if something doesn’t work out: the path from ignorance to knowledge goes through practice. By performing the same operation several times, you will develop a skill that will become natural to you over time. Spend a couple of hours a day learning and you will see how easy it is!

It is important for older people to pay attention to eye protection when working with a PC. Ask your family or computer literacy teachers to teach you how to set a comfortable font size and icons on the screen, periodically look away from the monitor and do simple eye exercises. You can also order special glasses for working with a PC - they will help relieve eye strain.

Another important point- information security when using the Internet. Reasonable caution when dealing with strangers will never be out of place on the Internet. Do not tell anyone your account passwords and personal accounts, as well as passwords and data bank cards. You should not share personal details and details of financial affairs, especially on public online platforms and when communicating with virtual acquaintances. Computer literacy courses will teach you safe online shopping procedures and other ways to stay safe while online.

When teaching computer literacy, you need a systematic approach and the opportunity to get answers and clarifications on unclear points. That's why self-study computer use by retirees is much less effective than courses designed with the perception of older people in mind and taught by experienced and friendly teachers.

The SCDP regularly recruits for PC courses for pensioners in Moscow. Training takes place in equipped classrooms near the metro, and prices are affordable for absolutely everyone - only 2900 rubles for 12 classes!

The article will tell you what a computer is and how to use it.


Nowadays, a huge number of people can use a computer and laptop. But people are not born with these skills; everything starts from scratch.

Beginners are interested in how to master a computer and laptop from scratch? Where to start learning about a computer/laptop on your own? Let's talk about this in our review.

What is the difference between a computer and a laptop?

Almost nothing. The main difference between a computer and a laptop is portability. If a computer is a stationary device, then a laptop is a mobile device. That is, the computer needs to be installed on the table and used in the future, but the laptop can be freely carried with you, which is what it is intended for.

Both a computer and a laptop consist of a keyboard, monitor, mouse, processor, RAM, etc. Only on a computer all these components are connected to each other, while a laptop is like a single monolithic device.

An operating system is installed on both the computer and the laptop, for example, “ Windows" (most common) or " Linux" If you master, say, a computer, then you can work on a laptop without difficulty and vice versa. Therefore, in this review we will not provide two instructions, but will talk about how to use the computer.

operating system- This is a kind of “soul” of the computer. This software, which makes it possible to work on a computer. When you turn on the computer, it is the operating system that starts working first, we see this when the monitor lights up:

Let's start studying the computer with the operating system

If there were no operating system, we would only see a black screen and some incomprehensible letters and numbers that are of no use to us. Working on a computer is actually working with programs that, as a whole, make up the operating system.

You see how the mouse cursor runs across the screen - this is the work of the operating system. What about typing? Photos? Video? Even sounds from speakers are only possible thanks to the operating system. In the last century, music was listened to from the record on which the song was recorded. Nowadays audio and video files are presented in digital format, that is, in the form of programs.

The operating system allows you to “revive” your monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers and all the devices that together make up your computer. Without it, a computer is just a “non-living” iron organism. Remember, the operating system is the soul of the computer.


In general, operating systems can be different. Some of them are very well known, others are not very common among ordinary ordinary users.

« Windows" refers to the most common operating systems, which is distinguished by its convenience and is excellent for use not only by specialists, but also ordinary people at home.

« Windows" also comes in different versions: " Windows 95», « Windows 7», « Windows XP», « Windows 8», « Windows 10" etc. The most common are seven, eight and ten. The once popular Windows XP"is officially considered obsolete, although it is quite possible to work with it now.

Distinguish versions " Windows» between themselves you can by appearance:

There is also another easy way to find out what version of the operating system is installed on your computer:

  • Click on the button in the lower left corner " Start» left mouse button
  • Next, click on the item “ Computer" (or " My computer") with the right mouse button.
  • Then in the new window that opens, left-click on the item “ Properties»

  • After this, a folder will open containing information on your operating system

Let's find out what operating system is installed on our computer

So, we briefly learned what an operating system is. Now let's start examining the computer itself.

Studying the PC device

Computer parts

In order to learn how to use a computer, you first need to study its design. That is, you need to know what devices are part of such a concept as a “personal computer”.

In principle, most people have an idea of ​​what the components of a computer are called, but we will explain everything in more detail to make it easier for beginners to operate these parts.

So, the computer consists of:

  • Internal parts- these are the elements that make up the system unit (a large box with a power button). In principle, the system unit is the computer itself. And everything else, for example, a mouse, are simply components of this computer.
  • External parts– these are, in fact, the components of the computer that we connect to the system side (keyboard, etc.).

In turn, all the described parts of the computer can be classified based on their interaction with humans:

  • Input devices– these are devices that allow a person to give instructions to a computer (mouse, keyboard).
  • Output devices– devices that transmit information from a computer to a person (monitor, speakers).
  • I/O devices- these are, accordingly, those devices that combine the concepts described above (disk drive).

Now let's talk about the main devices, without which working on a computer will be impossible.

System unit

What does the system unit look like?

So, the system unit is the brain of the computer. To understand why the system unit is such an important component of a PC, you just need to study what is inside it.

Inside the system unit there is motherboard- this is a kind of huge microcircuit into which, in fact, absolutely all elements of the computer are built in: processor, RAM, video card, sound card, disk drive, as well as all connectors (to which a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. network cable And all the rest).

You can also connect a Wi-Fi device, a TV tuner, and gaming consoles. This is a matter of taste and needs. When purchasing, you yourself order what kind of computer you need: for games, for watching videos, or just for accessing the Internet. On the basis of this, the system unit with all its constituent elements is assembled.

There are at least two buttons on the system unit: turning on the computer and rebooting:

Power button on the system unit

All other important parts of the PC, such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard and speakers, are already selected for the system unit. That is, when buying a computer, you need to start with the system unit, and then select everything else for it. By the way, you can freely change your monitor or keyboard if they break down or no longer meet your requirements. But with a laptop, this number will no longer work.


computer monitor

Everyone knows what TV is. Everyone was watching him. A computer monitor is not exactly a TV, but it performs the same function, that is, the function of displaying information on the screen. If, in the case of a TV, such information is transmitted through an antenna or television cable (analog signal), then information is transmitted to a computer monitor from the system unit. Even more precisely, the signal comes from the video card, which is located in the system unit, as we learned above.

Monitors have various sizes, which is determined, for example, by the long diagonal of the screen and is measured in inches. The picture quality does not depend on the screen size. The quality of the image is determined by a parameter such as screen resolution. That is, the number of pixels (electronic dots) per square inch. These dots on the screen make up the image. Accordingly, the more dots (the higher the screen resolution), the better, clearer and more vibrant the picture.



Just like a monitor, speakers receive a signal with information from the system unit, but they only output it not in the form of an image, but in the form of sound. This signal is transmitted from the system unit via the sound card.

Computer speakers differ from regular classic speakers in that they also have an audio amplifier inside. The sound card transmits only an analog signal (for example, like a player), and then the signal, as usual, is processed in an amplifier and goes to the speakers. Computer speakers have a cord with an outlet precisely because they connect an audio amplifier (not speakers) to the network.


Computer keyboard

Above we discussed output devices, now let's talk about input devices and start with the keyboard.

Everyone knows that the keyboard is designed to type text, which we then (or rather not “later”, but immediately) see on the screen. The keyboard, accordingly, has all the necessary keys with letters, numbers and other symbols.

There are also keys here, thanks to which we can give the computer certain commands. For example, if we press the key " Caps Lock", this will give us the opportunity to print the text in capital letters, or start a word (name, title) with a capital letter. By pressing the keys that have arrows on them, we can scroll the page (on the Internet, or in some folder on the computer) up or down.


The computer mouse received this name because it slightly resembles a living mouse, that is, it has a body and a tail (cord):

PC mouse

A computer mouse is designed primarily so that we can move the cursor on the monitor screen with the greatest comfort. If we used only the keyboard, it would cause us unnecessary trouble and take a lot of time.

A standard mouse has two buttons (left and right) and a wheel. The left button provides, as it were, basic actions when we, for example, hover the mouse cursor over a folder and open it by clicking on this button. In the same way, we close windows and programs - hover the cursor over the cross icon and click on the left button.

The right button is responsible for additional actions, for example, opening a menu or additional windows. The wheel allows you to scroll the page up and down, as is done with the corresponding keys on the keyboard.

Video: How to master a computer and laptop quickly and easily?

Video: What does a laptop consist of?

The computer course training program for beginners is designed for users who have never worked with a computer before and want to take computer courses from scratch. The course program is practical and is designed to teach a person of any age - from schoolchildren to pensioners - to work on a PC to the extent sufficient for comfortable work on the Internet.

You will get acquainted with the operating room Windows system(XP/Vista/10), Word and Excel programs, in which you will learn to create text documents, letters, tables, and also study in detail Internet browsers and working with by email. Professional teachers pay attention to each student, regardless of their level of training. Well-equipped computer classes with high-performance computers and LCD displays will help students quickly and easily learn to work on personal computer. We will teach you how to be comfortable with a computer!

Cost of computer courses for pensioners:

Start dates

date Studying time
March 01, 2019 Day
March 07, 2019 Evening
March 09, 2019 Weekend

PC course program for beginners

1 lesson. Microsoft Windows operating system.
1.1.Basic concepts (file, folder, desktop, taskbar, shortcut, window).
1.3.Structure of a Windows window.
1.4. Units of information
1.5.Using the help system.

Lesson 2. Program "Explorer", "This Computer".
2.1.Creating folders; movement.
2.2.Deleting and copying a file and group of files
2.3. Working with USB flash drives.
2.4.Creating a shortcut on the desktop.
2.5.Setting up the mouse, keyboard, date and time, monitor.
2.6.Installation and removal of programs.

Lesson 3. Microsoft program Office Word.
3.1.Structure of the Word program window.
3.2.Text input.
3.3.Selecting text
3.4.Editing text
3.5.Working with fonts.

Lesson 4. Microsoft Office Word program. (Continuation)
4.1.Saving, opening, creating a new document
4.2.Paragraph formatting
4.3.Text alignment.
4.4.Setting page parameters.
4.5.Preview of the document.
4.6.Print a document.

Lesson 5. Microsoft Office Word program. (Continuation)
5.1.Creating a frame and background.
5.2.Inserting pictures
5.3.Inserting shapes
5.4. Spell check.
5.6.Upper and lower indices.
5.7.Page numbering.
5.8.Creating headers and footers.
5.9.Inserting symbols.
5.10.Changing the case of text.

Lesson 6. Microsoft Office Excel program.
6.1.Program interface
6.2.Entering data and editing cell contents.
6.3.Formatting cells (borders, fill, data format).
6.4.Setting page parameters.
6.6.Print a document.
6.7.Creating number sequences.
6.8.Creating formulas.
6.9.Copying formulas. 6.10.Using autosum.
6.11.Creating formulas using the Function Wizard.
6.12.Working with sheets (inserting, renaming, deleting, moving, copying).

Lesson 7. Internet and email.
7.1.Basic terminology of the Internet.
7.2.Connecting to the Internet.
7.3 Internet Explorer browser programs Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
7.4.Methods of viewing and searching information
7.5.Saving information on your computer.
7.6.Saving photos, music, videos on your computer.

Lesson 8. Working with email.

8.1. Create your own mailbox.
8.2. Receiving and sending letters using the mailbox.
8.3. Processing letters (changing encoding, sorting, deleting, saving attachments).
8.4.Using and filling out the address book.
8.5.Adding attachments to letters as a file.
8.6.Indicating the importance of the message.
8.7. Purpose of the magazine and favorites folder.
8.8.Introduction to email clients.

Test. Interview. Base price Discount Final cost Pay
38 academic hours
32 ac. hour.- Auditory lessons
6 ac. hour.- independent studies
7550 rub. 5900 rub.

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