Registration of a lawn at the dacha. How to choose and design flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos, useful tips and unique designs

We decorate flower beds and lawns at the dacha with our own hands

Flower beds, flower beds and lawns at the dacha are the best decoration of the site. With their help, you can create a holistic picture covering the house, garden and recreation area. Saturate the summer cottage with continuously blooming bright colors, attract the attention of guests with the unusual foliage of the flowerbed, which fascinates and inspires. To avoid mistakes when designing, let’s consider the main canons of landscape designers.

Types of flower beds for a summer residence

You need to start designing lawns and flower beds, photos of which are given below in the article, with careful planning. Flowerbeds should fit perfectly into the overall concept, become bright accents or a harmonious addition to the landscape design of the site.

A variety of design options allows you to choose an option that will satisfy all personal preferences and become a real highlight of the dacha.

Border flower beds will find their place along paths or as a frame for the edge of the lawn. To decorate them, low-growing flowers such as daisies are used. pansies, ageratum, purslane, forget-me-nots. They form dense bushes and remain decorative for a long time.

Rectangular flower bed shapes are typical for ridge gardens. Several types of plants are used to decorate it. You can arrange perennial flowers, diluting them with new annuals every year. When designing a flowerbed, it is enough to use your imagination and play with the color, height and texture of plants to create an original flowerbed.

Landscape design is popular where flower beds have a free shape, smooth outlines or strict perimeter geometry. These flower beds are called mixborders. The size and style of the mixborder largely depends on the size of the site, as well as its stylistic orientation.

The main rule of landscape designers, which should be applied when decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, is that the mixborder should always remain blooming. This is achieved by competent selection of plants, taking into account their flowering periods, height, decorativeness before blooming and after flowering.

In order for the flowerbed to delight you with the bright colors of flowering all summer long, landscape designers recommend using several dozen various plants. Planted in the foreground low-growing species, then higher ones. Tall plants can be placed behind the others and ornamental shrubs, which will become an excellent background for a mixborder.

When decorating beautiful lawns and flower beds, photos of which are presented in this article, you can use not only flowering plants, but also ornamental grasses and grains. Such compositions will add naturalness to the area, bringing them closer to natural landscapes.

The use of classic flower beds with decorative non-flowering plants harmonizes well with the garden design. Use them when planning to decorate your dacha with your own hands; a photo of a flower bed using Japanese spirea, hosta and thuja is presented below.

Create a bright accent on summer cottage it is possible using a monoflower bed, in which plants of the same species are used. For example, petunias, roses, lilies.

Original ideas for designing flower beds

In landscape design at the dacha, you can bring to life even the most daring ideas. Using available tools will help you create beautiful and, most importantly, original flower beds and flower beds.

Often used in landscape design car tires. By showing your imagination and spending a little personal time, you can use them to make interesting vases, as well as multi-level flower beds.

You can arrange flower beds in hollow wooden logs, planting succulents (juveniles, aloe, cacti) or low-growing flowering plants (petunia, nasturtium, daisies, etc.)

An original landscape design of a flower bed can be created using a garden wheelbarrow or cart.

Will also find its place in garden design old bed, if you take a creative approach to the process of creating a flower bed.

Old bath V in capable hands can become a real work of art in a summer cottage. Such a flowerbed will definitely not go unnoticed and will not go unnoticed.

Cottages occupy a special place in landscape design vertical flower beds. For their arrangement they use various materials. It could be pots old furniture, wooden racks and much more.

Do-it-yourself lawn decoration

Beautiful and extraordinary design of lawns at your dacha, photos of which you can find in this article, will create a unique atmosphere at your dacha. For many people, a lawn is grass that needs to be cut from time to time. But this is far from true. With its help, you can emphasize the geoplasticity of the site, frame flower beds, highlight individual zones and complement the design of the garden.

The most popular lawn in landscape design is the parterre lawn. Its rich green grass makes the area truly vibrant. You can complement such a lawn with catchy soloists. For example, hydrangea bushes, spirea, dwarf thujas.

Small islands with blooming flower beds.

By giving the lawn different shapes, you can emphasize the geometry of your summer cottage, or create new shapes of green islands.

The Moorish lawn near the house looks very romantic. Decorating lawns with delicate wildflowers creates the effect of a meadow in natural environment.

Bottom line

To design lawns and flower beds at your summer cottage, it is not necessary to contact landscape designers, whose services cost a lot. It is enough to use your imagination and our advice to make your dacha sparkle with new colors.

It can act as the main element of landscape design of a dacha. Despite the fact that the lawn has an attractive appearance, a few years after planting, you may become tired of the empty green surface. In order to restore mystery and creativity to the dacha without special financial expenses, it is recommended to decorate the lawn using the most original ones!

Additional decoration of the lawn does not require a lot of time and money, and a small modification of the area will practically not harm the grass itself.

Now we will look at the most original ideas lawn design!

Ways to decorate the lawn

Today, the following methods of decorating a lawn with your own hands are popular:

    Using painted barrels

    Lawn decoration bright trees and bushes

    Using hanging baskets on tree branches

    Decorating the lawn with flower beds and mixborders

    The use of small architectural forms and garden sculpture

So that you can imagine the advantages of each method, let’s briefly consider their essence and photo examples.

Painted barrels

Painted barrels appeared in landscape design quite recently and in a short period of time gained popularity among summer residents. All you need is to find a few 200-liter metal barrels, paint them to your liking and place them on the lawn.

Here are some photos of painted barrels:

Bright trees and shrubs

The second idea for decorating the lawn is to plant brightly around the perimeter of the area. flowering trees and bushes. Choose plants that have golden, crimson, purple and scarlet colors. It’s a good idea to plant even low-growing flowers with a contrasting shade along with trees.

Among the most beautiful trees, which will be combined with lawn grass, eelgrass, sea buckthorn and silver willow are distinguished. Blue forget-me-nots will look beautiful next to the trees.

Photos of trees and shrubs on the lawn:

Hanging baskets with flowers

Another pretty one creative idea to decorate the lawn is to plant a tree in the center of the green area. When the tree grows, it needs to be decorated hanging baskets with flowers, simply hanging the plants on the branches. This idea looks pretty good, but you’ll have to wait a few years.

Flowerbeds and mixborders

As in the first case with trees, bright and colorful trees are arranged along the contour of the lawn. You can see what these flower beds look like by following the appropriate links.

Photos of flower beds and mixborders on the lawn:

Green plants are the main detail of a beautiful landscape design. Their use will allow you to create compositions that will please the eye.

Just understand that when creating something with your own hands, you should not do everything spontaneously and without thought. First, it’s worth studying some information.

Even creating a beautiful lawn at your dacha is actually not such an easy task. There are many options for its design, and today we will talk about some of them. This will allow you to look at green grass creatively and from a different angle.

Do-it-yourself lawn decoration

Many people mistakenly believe that a lawn is just grass that does not require any attention or care other than mowing. However, this can only be said about natural grass cover, which is replete with weeds.

If you want to make a beautiful lawn at your summer cottage, then, following a certain technology, you sow it again. As a result, you should perceive the lawn as one large single-color flowerbed, because it requires no less care.

There are many types of lawns, among which the ground floor and lawn are the most decorative. However, regardless of the type, they all must be properly decorated. What is meant?

First of all, this is the edge of the lawn. It should be smooth and neat. To do this, you need to trim it with a sharp tool, such as a shovel. Moreover, it is best to do this using a template (stretched rope, flexible hose). Then make a shallow groove (3-4 cm) along the edge, which can be covered with mulch if desired.

To prevent the lawn from growing beyond the line you drew, it must be secured. It is suitable for this, and it should protrude no more than 2 cm above the ground, otherwise it will be difficult to mow.

If you do not secure the edge, then you should understand that the lawn will need to be trimmed several times a season. A well-groomed edge greatly transforms the lawn and makes it more beautiful. However, without proper care, which consists of periodic weeding, fertilizing, watering, aeration, etc. the lawn will not meet high decorative requirements.

Let's assume that the above points are met, but you are still missing something. I would like to dilute our “sea of ​​green” with bright accents. The use of ornamental plants will help you decorate your lawn beautifully.

For example, you can plant several groups of spring flowers (daffodils, tulips, hyacinths) located at some distance from each other. They will become bright strokes of paint on a green background.

Thuja, mountain pine, juniper, willow, hydrangea, forsythia, spirea and others look very good as tapeworms on the lawn. When decorating, try to select plants that are in harmony with each other in color.

You can arrange a flower bed on the lawn in front of the house. Greenery will be a wonderful background for decorative plants. Just remember that the flower beds in this case should also have a clear border in the form of a strip of bare earth or a decorative border.

And don't forget about the sculpture, decorative vases, which can be used to decorate the lawn. Another interesting technique– cutting various patterns. For example, when mowing, you can leave unmown areas in the shape of paws. You can come up with your own version.

You can also decorate your lawn with a path that crosses it or runs along the edge. Moreover, there are a lot of options for which track to make. And each of them will give the lawn its own unique characteristics.

How to give the lawn a certain stylistic direction?

If your landscape design is made in the Japanese style, then the lawn can be given a corresponding look. For this purpose, a characteristic element is used of this style– stones. They are laid out on the lawn, and a stone lantern can be installed nearby.

A perfectly leveled lawn surface does not quite correspond to this stylistic direction. It would be more correct to create small hills, slight smooth changes in height.

Do you want alpine meadows and mountains? Then we create on the lawn alpine slide. The use of stones, gravel dumps, and plants of the appropriate flora will allow you to fully convey a piece of the mountain alpine landscapes.

A smooth, neatly trimmed lawn is the embodiment of English style. Such perfect lawn It will become a decoration in itself.

And if you add a small parterre made of trimmed low-growing shrubs (for example, boxwood) in front of the house, then the lawn will take on the features French style.

The design of the lawns discussed above largely depends on the additional elements used for its design. The main thing is to choose them wisely, adhering to a certain style or simply a harmonious combination.

A high-quality lawn is an integral part of any completed architectural appearance of a garden area. In general, together with other parts of landscape design, a beautiful lawn can bring strong aesthetic pleasure. It is also necessary to create contrast in the relief and depth of the site, evoking the sensations of a natural landscape. However, it is capable of not only decorating - in addition to this, the lawn also performs other functions:

  • absorbs noise and dust;
  • helps maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the area. The humidity level increases and the temperature drops by 2-3 degrees;
  • cleanses the soil of harmful microorganisms.

How to decorate a lawn with flowers at your dacha?

How to decorate the lawn? Of course, with the help of flowers! In the summer, a beautiful lawn at your dacha with your own hands with planted flowers looks mesmerizing. They will look most attractive if you build a certain composition out of them. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems.

Beautiful lawn at the dacha

It is enough just to follow a number of rules of landscape designers:

  • It is necessary to decide on the goal - will it be a small lawn without flowers, a flower bed with constant flowering, or some seasonally bursting set of flowers.
  • It is necessary to take into account their height - taller ones should not block low flowers.
  • It is important to determine the location for the flower bed in advance in order to know the level of lighting. This determines what varieties of plants will need to be planted. Also here, a sub-clause includes the exclusion of plants that cannot grow normally in one flowerbed, for example, peonies and roses.
  • This rule consists in choosing the main and secondary plants. The main ones should be large and bright, while the secondary ones should beautifully fill empty spaces and emphasize the advantages of the main colors.
  • Without definition color range nothing good will come of it. There are two options here - choose either one predominant color and then the flower garden will look neat. Or create a motley palette of colors - then the flowerbed will attract everyone with its diversity.

Types of flower beds

Summer residents have already come up with dozens of types of flower beds, of which the most popular now are:

  • Regular flower bed. Its main difference from others is its resemblance to a strict geometric figure. Flowers should all bloom at the same time.
  • Irregular flower bed. Probably one of the most common types. Main attribute- wavy flowering. One species fades and another immediately begins to bloom.
  • Raised flower bed. The difference here is the design features. It looks like containers of flowers.

Beautiful lawn with flowers

  • Monoclumba. From the name you can understand that this is a flowerbed with one type of flowers inside.
  • Vertical flower bed. It especially helps out summer residents with a small area.

How to make a lawn at your dacha with your own hands

Designing a lawn with flowers is a difficult task, so many summer residents entrust the creation of a lawn design to landscape designers. However, this entire process can be done independently.

Decorating a lawn with flowers

The first step is to allocate the territory. The main requirements for it are the absence of soil contamination and smooth terrain without places where moisture accumulates. Only in this case will it be possible to easily design the lawn later

The second stage is to determine the time for disembarkation. Here you need to take into account many factors, ranging from the climate of the region to the provision of the future lawn with sufficient moisture.

Important! In addition to the soil conditions themselves, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the spring weeds grow much more actively than in late summer and early autumn.

The third stage is soil preparation. It is necessary to create a fertile layer at least 10 centimeters thick without debris, roots and weed roots. To prevent stagnation excess water, it is necessary to carry out drainage work. You also need to make complex mineral fertilizers so that the lawn has the resources to grow.

The fourth stage is sowing and further arrangement of the lawn. Before it, it is advisable to mix the seeds with sand for even distribution. Start sowing from one edge so as not to trample the seeds. After this, the soil is loosened with a rake, rolled with a lawn roller and watered with water.

Landscape design ideas and ways to care for a lawn with flowers

Almost any summer resident who decorates his territory is partly landscape designer. After all, by selecting gazebos, improving and decorating the lawn at a summer cottage, building alpine slides near the house, creating paths from the entrance to the yard and erecting flower beds, a person is creating landscape design.

Landscape design

It is important to determine in advance how to design a beautiful lawn and in general personal plot. The most popular styles landscaping:

  • country (rural);
  • classical;
  • landscape;
  • architectural;
  • Asiatic.

An integral part of each of them is the presence of a lawn in front of the house. Behind him is important proper care, which consists of several parts. Firstly, you need regular watering through small sprayers. Secondly, it is necessary to regularly trim the grass when it reaches a height of 5-10 centimeters. Thirdly, to accelerate the strengthening of the root system, high-quality soil aeration is needed.

The beauty of a lawn is not only the bright greenery and quality of the grass. The laboriousness of creation and cultivation will not bring the joy of contemplation without a worthy design of this landscape object. Creative people use it as a background for creating compositions. Let's talk about lawn design options.

Create a beautiful lawn

The fashion for lawns appeared among summer residents of our country not so long ago. Some simply mow the grass, but such an area is called differently - a natural grass cover formed from weeds. A real lawn is made using a certain technology and is sown with mixtures of specially selected grasses; in the future it requires attention and care.

There are several types of lawns. The most decorative is considered Moorish, consisting of flowering plants and not subject to bevel. They are also classified into parterre, decorative, sports, meadow, landscape, and universal.

No matter what type you choose, they should all have edging. The edge of the lawn should be neat and even. Spontaneity in breaking down such an object is inappropriate. Having decided on the scale of planting, stretch the tape/rope or lay out a template from a flexible hose. A shallow groove (4-5 cm) is made using this pattern. Strengthening the walls of such a fence will help prevent the growth of grasses; it is ideal for this border tape. It is almost completely dug into the ground, 2-3 cm remains above the surface, a higher protrusion will interfere with mowing.

It is the edging of the edge of the lawn that makes it well-groomed and beautiful; the border fixes the boundaries and transforms general form. But without regular pruning (once every two weeks), your efforts will be in vain. You will also need fertilizing, aeration, weeding, watering, only in this case the lawn will be decorative decoration plot.

Lawn Supplements

Do you have well-maintained grass? Such a lawn cannot be called a full-fledged decoration of the territory. This is a ready-made tinted background for realizing your ideas. "Green Sea" requires payment bright accents and additions.

Used for decoration ornamental plants. It is enough in several places, according to adjacent buildings, paved paths, to plant conifers, hydrangea, spirea or other bushes to be pruned in groups or separately. Mini-flower beds and islands with bulbous primroses will be bright strokes.

A good solution for a large area would be to plant mountain pine, thuja, willow, juniper, and forsythia. When using several plants, strive to select harmonious combinations in size, foliage tone and peduncles.

At the site adjacent to the house, you can create a full-fledged flower bed, for which green grass will be an ideal backdrop for flowering plants. In this case, it should be taken into account that the flowerbed must have a designated border in the form of a decorative border, a strip of bare earth or a stone edging.

Do not ignore the possibility of installing decorative flowerpots and sculptures. Individual zones in the form of mini-reservoirs, bridges, small inserts made of wattle fence, the arrangement of objects such as stumps, baskets, driftwood, carts with flowers planted in them look interesting. Some people cut patterns, that is, when mowing, they leave areas in the shape of a circle, oval, etc.

A natural addition would be a path running along the edge or crossing it. In this case, the trajectory and material are carefully thought out. Usually a step-by-step type is used from slabs, stone, wood. This will add individuality and reduce the likelihood of creating chaotic paths.

Creating a stylistic direction

On your site you are a full-fledged creator and sculptor. You can make anything out of a monotonous lawn. They help with this additional elements. For example, you can set the direction Japanese style. Build small mounds; for this it is enough to create two or three slight differences in height. Add characteristic elements - stones or a boulder with a stone lantern installed next to it. Exotic is ready.

If you want to have a semblance of alpine meadows and landscapes, build an alpine slide in some part of the lawn. To do this, use stones and plants of certain types. English style– this is the ideal condition of the grass surface with regular cutting. Adding a parterre strip of low trimmed shrubs will give the look of French style. When decorating, it is important to have a sense of proportion; any elements and style touches must be harmonious with the overall design.

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