Decoration of shrubs in the country. The best types of ornamental shrubs to grow in the garden

It's hard to imagine summer cottage plot without various flowering bushes. After all, they can not only decorate the garden, but also bear fruits, which can later be used as decorative elements or even medicinal products.

Many gardeners think about where to place this or that shrub, as well as how to correctly combine the group of shrubs that they want to plant on the site. All these nuances must be thought out in advance so that the plants delight the eye with their flowering all season long.

How to choose a flowering shrub for the garden

The main criteria by which it is necessary to select shrubs for planting on the site:

  • Decorative properties. You should think in advance about how this or that shrub will look on the site, and how it will combine with other plants. Among the variety of plant species, it is easy to choose a shrub to your liking, taking into account the wide variety distinctive characteristics: shape of leaves and flowers, variety of shades and even aroma. You can choose a composition from several shrubs, the flowering of which will change one after another.
  • The height and shape of the stems of shrubs also play a big role. For example, for a small area, a composition of tall and not wide shrubs that will compactly fit into the space allotted to them may be suitable.
  • Features of care. Before purchasing this or that shrub, it is important to take into account its climatic preferences and pay attention to the care that will need to be provided for the plant. For example, if a shade-loving shrub is planted in a sunny area, it is unlikely to delight with its flowering and vigorous growth.

The most beautiful winter-hardy shrubs for the garden:

  • Lilac is a very common and beloved shrub that reaches a height of up to three meters. However, lilacs can be trimmed and the crown given the desired shape. Lilac blooms in early summer.
  • tall bush, which can reach two meters in height, but some varieties can also be called low-growing. The plant is quite spreading, since flowering occurs over the entire area of ​​the bush. The flowers pull the branches down and are usually white in color. The flowering period occurs in spring and summer.
  • gardeners fell in love with its large inflorescences. However, it is important to remember that this shrub must be pruned twice a year: in spring and autumn. Hydrangea blooms in summer.
  • Buddleia is rarely seen in personal plot, however, it deserves attention, since the shrub blooms for quite a long period - from summer to mid-autumn. The plant can reach three meters in height, so it can be trimmed to the desired shape.

Two more important criteria by which you should choose a shrub for long-term planting are shade tolerance and being a perennial plant. These shrubs can cover unsightly places in the garden, as well as decorate the area around buildings.

The most popular types:

  • Deutzia has a compact size and begins to bloom in early spring. The white-pink flowers are pleasing to the eye, and the branches can be trimmed to give the desired shape.
  • refers to tall plants, because its height can reach 18 meters. Small flowers lilac color have a very pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs throughout the summer.
  • is a low-growing shrub, barely reaching a meter in height. Bright pink flowers begin to appear in mid-spring and may linger until the first frost.

These shrubs are also considered winter-hardy, but it is still recommended to insulate them with spruce branches. If main goal planting is design, then fast-growing shrubs will come to the rescue

The most common types of fast-growing shrubs:

  • Dogwood, in addition to its decorative function, will produce fruits that can be eaten. The shrub can grow up to five meters in height, and its spreading nature requires timely pruning and shaping.
  • Thorn is also a fast-growing and fruit-bearing shrub. It reaches three meters in height. Sloe flowers have a very pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits can be consumed after the first frost.
  • continues the chain fruit bushes. The height of the barberry can be adjusted correct selection varieties. The plant forms a thick impenetrable wall that must be formed in a timely manner.

In order to combine nice view plot and benefits for the body, you should plant several fruit bushes in the garden. As a rule, these shrubs are most often planted by amateur gardeners.

The most popular fruit shrubs that gardeners love to grow include:

  • Honeysuckle is a tall shrub, growing up to 2.5 meters in length. The plant can be given the desired shape. However, the shrub grows very slowly, so it is pruned 5-7 years after planting. Honeysuckle fruits are very beneficial for the body.
  • another representative of a tall bush. It blooms in summer, and the spherical inflorescences look good on the site. The fruits of viburnum remain on the bush until the first snowfalls.
  • and – familiar fruit bushes. They are self-pollinating, so there is no point in planting different varieties of these plants in one place. Shrubs grow very quickly and require annual thinning.
  • - one of the most unpretentious fruit bushes that does not require special care. The only weak point is low frost resistance and dislike for abundant watering.

How to care for bushes

Eat general rules for caring for shrubs, which should be followed:

  1. The most successful period for planting and replanting shrubs is autumn. The main rule is to meet deadlines. This is important, since the plant must have time to adapt and take root before the onset of frost.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. It involves the complete removal and digging of soil.
  3. Recesses for planting should be made with a margin so that the roots of the plant can be straightened, avoiding creases.
  4. At the bottom of the depression you can put fertilizer from or peat mixed with fertilizer.
  5. If the bush is spreading and will require garters, then you can prudently install a support in the center of the planting.
  6. It is important not to exceed the permissible distances between planted shrubs.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to water the bush abundantly; you can also apply soil around it.

Particular importance should be given to preparing shrubs for wintering. It includes the following steps:

  • Trimming
  • Soil cleaning and fertilizing
  • Pest protection

Pruning includes getting rid of dry and diseased branches, as well as giving the plant shape. This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • Remove dry and broken branches.
  • Then you can start removing weak shoots.
  • Branches that shoot upward and grow at right angles are trimmed.
  • The sections are treated with garden varnish.
  • Cut branches are burned.

To clean the soil, it is enough to recycle the cut branches, because fallen leaves will become a good fertilizer. The exception is the presence of diseased plants on the site. In this case, all fallen leaves and plants that cannot be treated must be disposed of. For feeding, it is good to use those applied under bushes.

You can begin the feeding process at the end of the summer period.

In order to protect shrubs from pests and frost, you can use the following methods:

  • Bandage the trunk of the bush with scraps of craft paper, and put spruce branches on top.
  • Use a protective net around the plant trunk.

Proper preparation of plants for wintering is the key to getting through this difficult period more easily, guaranteeing that all the shrubs will survive and delight with their beauty in the future. next year.

A few ideas for beautifully decorating your site:

  • It is believed that border shrubs go well with coniferous plants. You can create very successful group compositions from them.
  • A good combination can be achieved by combining yellow and red shades of foliage.
  • Weigela can be planted as part of an alpine hill, or next to trees.
  • Climbing shrub plants (for example, vineyard or liana) are well suited for decorating gazebos and hedges.
  • To cover the ground with a low green carpet, wintergreen is suitable.
  • Well suited for decorating borders and creating group compositions.
  • To build a hedge, you can use fast-growing shrubs (for example, barberry).
  • Or will help to emphasize any place on the site; they look good even in single plantings.
  • The highlight of the garden can be a shaped pruned shrub.
  • Often landscape designers resort to illuminating compositions of shrubs.
  • With the help of well-composed compositions of shrubs, you can highlight different zones in the garden: play with a small decorative pond, beautifully decorate the gazebo and paths, erect a fence, cover up unpleasant places on the site.
  • Can be done various types compositions of shrubs that will have the same crown shape (for example, round), or specially place shrubs that differ radically in the shape and width of the leaves.
  • The correct combination is to draw up a composition, taking into account the layering of the bushes. As a rule, they are arranged from highest to lowest, without mixing them in random order.

A huge number of different shrubs give full rein to imagination. Among them, you can choose your favorite plants and create unique compositions that will decorate the garden, attracting everyone's attention. However, it is important to remember that every shrub needs proper and timely care, because it is the key to healthy, beautiful and strong plants.

More information can be found in the video:

In almost every garden you can find decorative flowering shrubs. They have many advantages. Firstly, they are very beautiful, secondly, many of them are quite frost-resistant, thirdly, they come in high and low (which expands the possibilities of use for different types of landscapes). But the main thing is that with proper selection, you can achieve constant flowering of shrubs from the first days of spring until late autumn. They are valued not only for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers, but also for their decorative leaves, crown shape and various fruits. There is a great variety ornamental shrubs.

Most shrubs do not lose their decorative value throughout the warm season, and some remain attractive even in winter.

There are shrubs that attract with their bright and abundant flowering; they can be called beautifully flowering. And there are those who cannot boast beautiful flowers, but they have leaves of unusual color or shape. Such bushes can be called decorative deciduous.

The first group includes rhododendrons, lilacs, hydrangea, buldenezh, spirea, hawthorn, buddleia, euonymus and some types of barberry. And from the second group we can name Thunberg barberry, holly, privet, leather mackerel and others.

Flowering ornamental shrubs can also be divided into groups according to flowering time. In April, forsythia, wolfberry, and daphne delight us. A little later they are joined by chaenomeles, low almond, cotoneaster, spirea, and barberry. In May, viburnum, rosehip, lilac, and mock orange take up the baton. Summer gives us the blooming of roses, cinquefoils, and some varieties of spirea. In July, hydrangeas captivate with their beauty, decorating gardens until the coldest weather. In early autumn the following flowers bloom: heather and kalmia. Well, in winter the garden will be decorated with holly and its coniferous counterparts.

Autumn gardens look unusually colorful and elegant, thanks to some deciduous species of shrubs. When nothing else is blooming, barberry, euonymus, chokeberry, spirea, rosehip, scumpia and hybrid azaleas add bright colors in a variety of autumn colors with their foliage. Most shrubs bear fruits, which are also very decorative.

Shrubs differ in growth; you can choose both dwarf - low-growing and tall varieties. The shape of the crown can be dome-shaped, upright (pyramidal), fountain-shaped, or creeping.

In addition to beauty and decorativeness, the practical properties of shrubs should also be emphasized. They grow quite quickly and are long-lived (up to 5-8 years without transplantation). Most of them are unpretentious to light, soil composition, and are quite frost-resistant. Does not require constant care. Thanks to their superficial root system, they can grow on slopes, fixing loose soil.

Barberry (Berberis)- deciduous or evergreen thorny shrubs, barberry family. The color of barberry leaves is very diverse; in addition to the usual green, it can be variegated - with spots or a border, as well as purple or yellow. The height of the bush also varies, depending on the variety. The range is from low - up to 30 cm, to high - more than 3 m. The flowers of barberry are small yellow bells. Blooms in mid-May. A wonderful honey plant.

It will not cause much trouble, because it is a very unpretentious shrub. Loves light, but grows well in the shade. It is completely undemanding to soils, it only does not tolerate soaking. Not afraid of wind and drought. It is frost-resistant, especially the Thunberg barberry variety (Berberis thunbergii), but in the first three years a little shelter is needed for the winter. If the barberry variety is unknown to you, then you need to make a frame of arcs and cover it with non-woven material in two layers (since some variegated varieties may be less frost-resistant).

Low-growing species of barberry look gorgeous on rocky hills and in rock gardens. And the tall ones are like tapeworms and in group plantings. This bush is a leader in its use in hedges and borders, both trimmed and free.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare)- deciduous or evergreen shrub, olive family, 2-3 meters high. In June-August, cute paniculate inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, white or cream, appear. They are replaced by shiny black fruits. The leaves are leathery, dark green in most varieties, but there are also decorative forms with yellow, bluish-silver leaves.

Privet - unpretentious plant. Can grow in sun and partial shade. Any soil is suitable (except clayey with an acidic reaction). Drought-resistant; in very hot weather, rare but abundant watering is recommended. Winter-hardy, easily restored, only some varieties need to be covered.

The peculiarity of privet is that it responds very well to cutting and can retain its shape for a long time. Therefore, it is great for dense borders. It makes wonderful molded hedges. You can even create unusual living walls. Topiary figures cut from privet are an excellent landscape decoration.

Spiraea- deciduous shrub with beautifully arching branches, family Rosaceae. This is a large genus of shrubs, which is divided into spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Flowers come in a variety of inflorescence shapes and colors (from white to deep crimson). Its height does not exceed 2 m.

The plant is very unpretentious. Well adapted to urban conditions. Grows normally in partial shade, but prefers sunny places. Any soil is suitable, but slightly acidic is better. Watering is moderate. It grows quickly and blooms in the third year. Frost-resistant.

Has acquired well-deserved love from gardeners and landscape designers. The great variety of its varieties provides many opportunities for creativity. The shape of the bush can be pyramidal, spherical, flowing. The leaf color varies from green to yellow, orange or purple-red. Numerous small flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes. All these features of the crown, leaves and flowers allow you to create wonderful compositions. And if you choose the right varieties, you can admire continuous flowering spirea throughout the warm season. Used in rockeries, hedges, and as a frame for green-leaved groups of trees.

Bobovnik (Laburnum)- legume family, has 6 species of shrubs, valued for their beautiful flowering. The most common are Laburnum anagyroides and Alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). “Golden Rain” is a shrub with smooth green and later light brown bark. It can have either a pyramidal or dome-shaped drooping crown shape. The leaves are trifoliate, consisting of oval leaves, the underside of which is pubescent. At the end of summer they turn light yellow. Blooms in May. Inflorescences in the form of a large hanging raceme (up to 30 cm), consisting of yellow flowers with moth-like corollas. They have a weak aroma. The fruits are initially pubescent, then become smooth. Alpine bean is very similar to Golden Rain, although it is more frost-resistant. It has smaller branches and leaves, and the fruits are not pubescent.

The plant is poisonous! The fruits contain alkaloids - laburnine and cytisine. Children should not be allowed near him.

Bobovnik is light-loving. It is undemanding to soil, but good drainage is required. The bean tree requires constant pruning to prevent the shrub from growing into a large (up to 7 m) tree. While the trees are young, they need support. For the first three years, young plants should be mulched and covered with agrofibre. After a slight freezing, the crown quickly recovers.

Both in group and single plantings it looks very bright and beautiful, thanks to the large number of huge flower brushes. Bean plants make delightful canopies and pergolas.

Rhododendron- deciduous or evergreen shrub, heather family. Grows naturally in Western Siberia, Far East, Mongolia and China. There are many varieties with varied foliage: spear-shaped, round, oval. Inflorescences are corymbose. The shape of the flowers and their color are also very diverse; their beauty can rival even roses. They bloom from the end of April and almost all summer. They are gradually being grown in gardens, but you need to carefully select frost-resistant varieties that can survive the winter in our climate.

The area for planting rhododendrons should be protected from the wind and be in partial shade. The soil will be acidic or neutral. Regular watering is required.

In our area they do not reach large sizes. Having picked up various varieties rhododendrons, you can ensure their constant flowering throughout the season. They look very beautiful next to coniferous plants. Their low-growing varieties Great for rock gardens. Rhododendrons are used to create hedges near water bodies.

Irga (Amelanchier)- deciduous shrub or small tree, family Rosaceae. In spring, beautiful white flowers bloom on the serviceberry, often ahead of the leaves. Flowering is short-lived, after which small black-purple round-shaped fruits appear (similar to tiny apples).

The fruits are tasty, juicy, rich in vitamins (especially P). The green leaves of the serviceberry in the fall flash with bright colors: yellow, scarlet.

Irga is a very unpretentious plant. Light-loving, but also tolerates shade. Does not like waterlogging. Very winter-hardy. It is not afraid of either cold wind or spring frosts. Some types of this ornamental shrub are even suitable for decorating a garden in Siberia and the Far North.

This is not a complete list of frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.

Shadow lovers

Many ornamental shrubs can grow and develop normally in moderately shaded areas. True, this may affect the abundance of flowering. Some tolerate shading well; moreover, direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Dogwood (Cornus)- deciduous, highly branched shrub, dogwood family. In spring, dogwood decorates the garden with its blooms. Dogwood's small white, purple or yellow flowers are collected in a head or umbrella (depending on the species). There are varieties in which small flowers in inflorescences are unsightly, but are surrounded by large bright petal-shaped leaves (bractea).

In autumn, dogwood foliage also pleases the eye with bright yellow, orange and crimson colors. The fruits also ripen in the fall. Most often dark red, sometimes light yellow or pink, oblong in shape. They not only add decorative value to the bush, but are also tasty and healthy.

Dogwood leaves easily get burned in full sun, so shaded areas are suitable for it. Prefers moist soil and air. It is undemanding to soil composition. Most varieties are frost-resistant, but some require a little shelter for the winter. Dogwood is distinguished by its durability. In landscape design, dogwood bushes are used as tapeworms or in mixborders.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea)- Hydrangeaceae family, deciduous ornamental shrub. The flowers are collected in large dome-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. Most often they are white, but blue, red and pink are also found. The color of some plants may vary depending on chemical composition soil. IN
Depending on the variety, the height of the bushes ranges from 1 to 3 meters. There are also dwarf varieties.
The plant is moisture-loving, best planted in partial shade. Many varieties of paniculata and tree hydrangea frost-resistant. However, protection is necessary in winter: pinning branches to the ground, followed by spruce branches and agrofibre. Frozen branches are pruned in the spring and the plant grows back quickly.

In landscape design it is used both alone and in compositions with conifers or other ornamental shrubs, as well as bulbous flowers. The bushes look amazing due to the splendor of the inflorescences and their large number.

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) or holly- evergreen or deciduous shrub, holly family. In the wild it grows almost everywhere. This beautiful plant with dark green or bicolor leathery leaves. Flowering lasts only two weeks from May to July (depending on the variety). The flowers are small, white and fragrant. It is especially decorative with the onset of winter, when modest flowers are replaced by bright fruits made of beaded berries. Holly is an essential component of Western Christmas wreaths.

Many varieties of holly have been developed. Some have a white or yellow border around the edges of the leaves, or a hint of blue. The purely male variety Blue Prince is an excellent pollinator. It should be noted that holly is a dioecious plant and female varieties delight us with red berries only if a male specimen grows nearby.

Areas exposed to the sun are contraindicated for holly, as it may suffer from sunburn. It should be planted in a shady place with forest soil. Does not tolerate drought, requires regular moisture. Most varieties are frost-resistant.

Thanks to its dense and spiky foliage, holly is good for use as a hedge. It is a slow-growing bush that responds well to pruning, which is why it makes wonderful topiary. The beautiful leaves of holly in summer make an excellent backdrop for bulbs or other perennial flowers. Evergreen foliage and red berries make holly in winter bright accent in an empty garden.

Coniferous shrubs

There is also a type of ornamental shrubs that have neither beautiful leaves nor flowers, but that makes them no less attractive. These are coniferous shrubs.

Juniper (Juniperus)- an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The needles are needle-shaped or scaly. The fruits are blue-black cones (sometimes red-brown). The plant is dioecious. Exists
many types of juniper. Among them there are also tall bushes (more than two meters), and some that are completely dwarf (up to 30 cm). They are also presented in a variety of shapes: creeping, pyramidal, dome-shaped. Many frost-resistant varieties.

Junipers grow well in bright sunny areas. Undemanding to soils. Drought resistant. In dry summers, they need to be watered well several times. Even frost-resistant varieties require winter shelter. Junipers with a pyramidal crown must be tied for the winter so that the branches do not break under the weight of snow.

Low-growing and creeping varieties of juniper are used in alpine roller coaster and for securing slopes and slopes. You can also create very original borders from them. High varieties are used in single and small group plantings.

Thuja– evergreen trees and shrubs, cypress family. Leaves are scale-like. The fruits are oblong or oval cones with several pairs of scales. The seeds are flat with two wings. This plant is monoecious. It has many decorative artificially bred forms.

Grows in sunny areas and in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but it is well permeable. Regular watering and mulching of the root zone is required. Thujas are frost-resistant, but young plants require shelter for the winter in the first two to three years. Like junipers, tall pyramidal varieties of thuja must be tied for the winter to avoid damage to the branches under the weight of snow.

Due to its durability, winter hardiness and adaptability to urban conditions, thuja is very widely used in ornamental gardening in many climatic zones.

In landscape design it is used to create picturesque alleys. Living walls or hedges are formed from densely planted groups, depending on the height of the bush. Thuja also looks good as a tapeworm.

Ornamental shrubs, for the most part, are easy to care for, tolerate winter frosts well and at the same time are unusually beautiful. Everyone can choose the varieties and species that are suitable for their garden. Their diversity allows you to make your garden bright, blooming and delightful almost all year round!

To make your dacha landscape beautiful, you need to add as much variety to it as possible. Beds with vegetables, herbs and flower beds occupy the lower tier, fruit trees– the top one, but something is still missing. Ornamental shrubs are precisely the missing element of the composition that is placed in the middle tier. Even if you own a very small plot, this does not mean that you cannot place a couple of shrubs in it. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right ornamental trees and shrubs for your garden.

Agree that a garden where all the plants are lined up like in a parade is, at the very least, boring and unnatural. The art of landscape design lies precisely in not “going too far” and creating order in natural natural beauty and apparent chaos. It’s not difficult to learn this, the main thing is to know more varieties of plants and be able to combine them with each other. The easiest way to transform a garden is with the help of ornamental shrubs. These plants come in different heights, therefore, they allow you to fill all three tiers, creating a harmonious and complete composition.

Ornamental shrubs can serve not only as a treat for the eyes, but also perform useful features. For example, if you plant them along a lattice fence, you can create additional living protection from penetration and prying eyes. With the help of shrubs, you can zone the territory, separating, for example, a vegetable garden from a recreation area. Flowering shrubs cope especially well with this task, bringing life to the garden palette.

The classification of shrubs occurs according to several principles: frost resistance, flowering time, height, whimsicality, etc. For middle zone Russia, with its cold winters, is suitable for many interesting crops, both endemic and imported from other countries.

The most popular shrubs for the middle zone:

IN summer time you can enjoy the flowering of many shrubs: barberry, mock orange, rose, rose hip, weigela, etc. Some crops look most spectacular in the autumn: mahonia, rowan, cotoneaster, euonymus, abelia. In winter, nature rests, but even at this time you can enjoy the graceful forms of evergreen decorative coniferous shrubs. We will tell you in more detail about the seasonal selection of plants a little later.

"Lazy" garden

If a dacha for you is a place of relaxation and detachment from all pressing matters, then you should not plant fancy crops on it. There are a number of names of ornamental shrubs that are simply created to decorate a “lazy” garden. They develop well without excessive human intervention - you just need to water them occasionally and trim them with pruning shears.

To create a minimalist look at your dacha landscape design, when plants and eyes are pleasing and do not require special care, you should, first of all, abandon lush flowering garden flowers in favor of low ornamental shrubs. They can also bloom beautifully and produce interesting shape and foliage coloring, but require much less attention.

Be guided simple principle: minimum hassle with maximum effect. For example, if the shrub is beautiful, but requires specific conditions (special soil composition, frequent watering, loosening, climate), and you are not able to provide them, refuse it. The same applies if the shrub needs sunlight, and your site is in the shade of the crowns of perennial trees. If you plant it regardless, it will be weak at best and will never bloom (it needs sunlight to bloom).

It’s another matter if the plant “loves” shade. Even if there are no trees on the site, it can be planted on the north side of the house, fence, garage, barn, etc. Be sure to find out whether the plant can withstand winter and what the lowest temperature it can withstand. Of course, it is better to choose frost-resistant varieties, then they will not have to be insulated for the winter.

The most time-consuming work in a lazy garden is pruning. However, you can escape these responsibilities by choosing crops that naturally develop neatly. It is better if they are small in stature - such plants usually do not oppress neighbors and do not block their light, do not “spread” around the area and form a beautiful crown.

Flowering shrubs

If you like to care for plants and enjoy the fruits of your labors, an almost limitless assortment of ornamental flowering shrubs opens up before you. During flowering, such crops not only visually change the shape of the site, but also create an indescribable festive mood, lightness and joy. If you choose the right crops, you can enjoy this atmosphere most of the year, from early spring to late autumn.

Flowering shrubs can also perform useful functions, focusing attention on strategically important points of the site: the entrance to the house, gate, toilet, veranda, etc.

Helpful Hint: When creating a site plan, you should consider not only the maximum height of the shrub, but also its ability to grow in width. If necessary, both of these factors can be adjusted using pruning shears.

If the garden area is small, pay attention not only to the size of the bushes, but also to the timing of their flowering. You can plant the entire area with bushes that are inconspicuous and small at first glance, but they will bloom at different times, taking turns replacing each other and maintaining a festive atmosphere. Forsythia is one of the first to bloom. When the snow melts and the sun just starts to warm up, the small bush will bloom bright yellow flowers, but it won’t even put out any leaves yet. A very spectacular sight against the backdrop of flora that has barely begun to awaken. The second name of the plant is forsythia.

You can complement the flowering of forsythia with star magnolia with white fragrant flowers and frost-resistant Japanese rhododentron. And in mid-late May the lilac will bloom. Perfect for a small garden would be better suited Chinese lilac, which produces lush clusters, bending them to the very ground.

At the beginning of summer, the baton is taken over by the kolkvitsia with long branches strewn with flowers. And if you want to enjoy a riot of colors from July until the very beginning of autumn, plant Syrian hibiscus red, lilac, white and purple colors.

Spring blooming flowers for the garden

So, if you spend most of the warm season at your dacha, you should try to make sure that your time is enjoyable. To do this, you can plant special varieties of shrubs that will delight you with flowering from early spring until autumn.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs that bloom in spring:

  • spirea;
  • daphne;
  • japonica;
  • almond;
  • Canadian serviceberry;
  • forsythia;
  • Keria.

Wolfberry blooms with the first warm rays of the sun and gives off a rich aroma. However, the plant should be handled with care as it is poisonous. Too strong a scent of wolfberry can cause headache. In May, the Canadian serviceberry begins to bloom, blooming small flowers collected in clusters (very similar to bird cherry). This plant is also notable for the fact that in the fall it again attracts attention, changing green foliage to purple.

Elderberry, rowan and viburnum look great in a garden decorated in a rustic style. Traditionally, they were planted at the entrance to the site, near the porch or well. Late autumn and in winter they remain on the bushes bright fruits, effectively contrasting against a snow-white background.

In late spring and early summer, lilacs bloom, filling the air with a sweet aroma. The advantage of lilac is its diversity - you can choose a bush of any size with flowers of any color. It comes in white, pink, crimson, purple and lilac. Few people know, but lilac is absolutely hypoallergenic, so there is no need to fear a spring exacerbation. For regions with a mild climate close to the Mediterranean, magnolias and rhododendrons are suitable.

Summer blooming flowers for the garden

The peak of flowering of shrubs occurs in late spring and early summer. Among the summer-flowering varieties in the middle zone, the most popular are barberry, mackerel, hydrangea, mock orange and weigela. Also, many people like to grow honeysuckle - it gives lush color and healthy berries.

Leather mackerel blooms very interestingly - the bush is covered with small flowers collected in panicles. From a distance, such a sight resembles a light haze around a bush.

Deutzia blooms in June-July, decorating the garden plot with pink and white flowers. Another notable shrub is the Syrian hibiscus. It appeared not so long ago, but immediately gained extraordinary popularity thanks to wide color palette and the splendor of flowering.

Autumn-blooming flowers for the garden

At the beginning of autumn, luxurious hydrangea flowers begin to appear. If you plant it in the form of a hedge, you can create a very impressive composition.

Plant ordinary heather on your site and you will receive not only an autumn decoration of the landscape, but also useful medicinal raw materials. Heather has a calming, hypnotic, antiseptic and diaphoretic effect. Its lifespan can reach 45 years, so the plant will be beneficial for a long time.

And so that your garden continues to delight in winter time, plant European euonymus, yew berry, hawthorn or rowan in it.

Even the most unpretentious ornamental shrubs for the garden need to be planted correctly so that they grow and develop rapidly. Like all ornamental crops, planting and replanting should be done in early autumn, when the plant has already bloomed and has begun to go into dormancy (this way it is more likely to withstand stress). The most important thing is to ensure that the plant takes root before the onset of frost.

Rules for planting shrubs:

  1. Be sure to take into account the type of shrub, its frost resistance and requirements for care, soil, and watering.
  2. Before planting, remove all weeds by the roots and remove the top layer of soil.
  3. The hole for the bush should be 2-3 times larger than root system plants. To do this, try on a seedling and dig a corresponding hole.
  4. Loosen the walls and bottom of the hole with a pitchfork so that more oxygen gets into the soil. It is also recommended to add peat, compost or long-acting fertilizer to the soil for faster rooting.
  5. In the very center of the hole, it is better to immediately drive a peg for further staking of the plant. If you do this after planting, you can damage the root.
  6. Lower the roots of the seedling into the hole, straighten them and cover them with soil, then carefully compact it.
  7. To prevent water from spreading over the compacted soil when watering, but seeping into it, form an earthen barrier around the entire perimeter of the bush. After this, you can water the plant and tie it to a peg 25-40 cm from the ground.

That's all the trouble required for successful rooting and growth. Beautiful ornamental low frost-resistant shrubs can be planted without stakes, but the technology is basically the same. Now all that remains is to monitor the vigorous growth of your new pet and wait for it to bloom.

Ornamental shrubs: photos

The article presents the 10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer.
Also in the article you will find a description and care of flowering shrubs.

10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer

(lat.Philadelphus) - a plant that most people know as “jasmine” - is
one of the most common and winter-hardy flowering shrubs for central Russia.
Mock orange has an incredible number of varieties, differing in different bush heights, flower sizes and leaf shades.

Among the more compact varieties, the “Pearl” variety should be highlighted: the maximum height of the bush is about one and a half meters, the flowers are large, double.
Bushes of the "Snowstorm" variety reach two meters in height, and the flowers are smaller, but numerous,
it seems as if the bush is covered with snow. “Blizzard” can bloom for up to twenty days.

Flowering time: June—July (depending on the variety). Height: 1.5-2 meters.
Care: regular removal of old shoots (over two years); after flowering, removing damaged ones,
shoots directed inwards; monthly feeding with humus or mineral fertilizer.

Lilac(lat.Syrínga) is extremely common in Russian gardens It is a winter-hardy shrub and without proper control and pruning it often grows to the size of trees.
To prevent this from happening and for the lilac to remain a profusely flowering and well-formed shrub, it requires regular pruning.
In early spring, when buds have appeared on the bush and future flowering branches are visible, identify a dozen strong shoots on the bush,
which will determine the shape of the bush, cut off all the rest.

In this case, it is better to shorten some external shoots to the border of the main branches.
Among the white-flowering varieties, the terry lilac variety "Alice Harding" is recommended,
Of the varieties with blue flowers, the variety ‘Condorcet’ blooms most profusely and unpretentiously.

Of the classic purple varieties, the variety “Paul Thirion” (* “Paul Thirion”) blooms most luxuriantly.
All listed varieties are winter-hardy, flowering and decorative.

Flowering time: June. Height: 1.5-3 meters.
Care: after flowering, removal of damaged shoots directed inward; spring feeding three times with a solution of bird droppings at intervals of three weeks.

(lat.Chaenomeles japonica) is conditionally winter-hardy: this means that a harsh winter can damage the plant.
Those shoots that are above the snow level may freeze, and the plant will not bloom magnificently.
The decorative effect of the shrub is given not only by its beautiful flowering, but also by its flexibility to be pruned.

Every spring, sanitary pruning is required: all dry, lifeless shoots are cut off, including those damaged by frost.
The shaped formation of a bush can begin at the age of five, mercilessly removing shoots creeping along the ground and vertical or going deep into the bush.

But in no case should you cut off the horizontal shoots that form the “cap” of the bush.

After removing all unnecessary shoots, the remaining ones will be filled with more energy.
Upon reaching ten years of age, the Japanese quince bush is rejuvenated: the bush must be thinned out, reducing the number of branches to the ten strongest.

Flowering time: May, early June. Height: up to 1 meter.
Care: For more luxuriant flowering, the soil at the roots is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and the root area is mulched.

(lat. Spiraea) is a very attractive, profusely flowering shrub, extremely low maintenance.
There are two main varieties of spirea - spring-blooming and summer-blooming.
Spring-blooming spireas usually have numerous flowers. white, under the weight of which the bush takes a cascading shape.
All spring-blooming spirea undergo shoot pruning after flowering.

In May it blooms. Thunberg, in June - p. Arguta and s. Van Gutta.
Summer-blooming spirea have pink flowers, and their flowering usually begins in July.
Of the relatively miniature spireas, it is recommended to pay attention to varieties with. Japanese "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana" - their height is no more than 70 cm.
S. blooms for the longest time (from July to October). Billard, but such a shrub reaches a height of up to two and a half meters.

Flowering time: May-October (depending on the variety).
Height: 0.5 - 2.5 meters.
Care: the plant does well without fertilizers, only pruning is required; Spring-blooming spireas are pruned only for sanitary purposes after flowering.
Summer-blooming spirea is pruned from below early spring from the fifth year of life.

(lat. Buddleja) deserves special attention for its flowering time alone.
Winter-hardy shrubs blooming in autumn, not so much.
Although buddleia is heat-loving, it does require proper preparation for winter (hilling up, insulating roots, covering with spruce branches)
is able to survive the average winter and delight the eye next year with its flowering.

Flowering time: July—October. Height: 0.5 - 3 meters.
Care: sanitary pruning is necessary; reddened branches are removed; Curly haircut possible; for stimulation
growth - mineral fertilizers monthly; if the height of the bush has reached the desired level, it is enough to stop feeding; pay attention to preparing for winter.


Hydrangea(lat. Hydrangea) is more like a small tree, but it can also be formed into a shrub.
The easiest to care for and winter-hardy shrub is the Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), one of its popular varieties is “Annabelle”.
She also responds very positively to pruning.

In the fall, after flowering ends, all non-lignified branches and all thin shoots are cut off.

In the spring, with the beginning of spring work, fresh shoots are shortened to the outermost bud.
Other types of hydrangeas are no less popular - large-leaved, paniculate and petiolate.

Flowering time: August—September. Height: up to 2 meters.
Care: mandatory pruning; fertilizing with a special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing iron and magnesium.

(lat. Potentilla) is also known as " Kuril tea", this is a widespread plant.
All types of cinquefoil bush ( Potentilla fruticosa) are winter-hardy and not whimsical, so the choice depends entirely on color preferences.
For yellow-orange flowering, varieties “ Dakota sunrise», « Goldfinger», « Goldstar»,« Katherine Dykes» .
Of the white-flowering cinquefoils, one can note the varieties " Beani" And " Abbotswood", from pink - " Pink beauty».

Flowering time: May-August. Height: up to 1.5 meters.
Care: ensure good drainage in the soil; spring feeding mineral fertilizers;
in spring, shoots are shortened by about one-third of their length; In summer, regular pruning of weak shoots and faded inflorescences.

(lat. Rhododendron) - one of the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs,
but at the same time one of the most complex and so that rhododendron decorates the garden with its lush flowering as far as possible,
it is necessary to follow the secrets of its cultivation.

Rhododendrons have three varieties: evergreen, wintering (semi-evergreen) and deciduous.
When choosing a shrub for a garden in central Russia, you should focus on deciduous forms.
The most winter-hardy varieties are:

  1. "Lemon Lights"
  2. "Mandarin Lights"

If you still take a chance and try to grow evergreen rhododendrons in the garden, then choose better hybrid“Mikkei” (‘Mikkeli’)
Finnish selection, which has proven itself well in lately.
Growing conditions vary depending on the variety, but guaranteed correct position
there will be light partial shade during the hottest part of the day (for example, shade from trees or gazebos) and protection from the wind (for example, a fence or wall of a house).

Flowering time: June-July. Height: up to 3 meters.
Care: careful feeding after two years of age with slightly nitrogenous
fertilizers without calcium content; Organic acid can be added to the water for regular watering (1g/3l of water),
can be watered with rainwater heated in the sun; the ground around the bush must be mulched with peat and weeds must be removed manually;
removing dried inflorescences; It is better to cover it for the winter.

(lat. Calluna) is a low, creeping, winter-hardy shrub that usually blooms in late summer and early autumn.
The key to success in growing heather in the garden is the right soil.
Heather is a forest plant, which means it needs forest conditions: peat, sand, pine needles, sawdust.
Moreover, it is not enough to add a mixture of the above materials to regular garden soil,
The usual soil in the garden in the heather area must be completely replaced with one that suits it.
After replacing the soil, it must be moistened with a solution apple cider vinegar and water (100g/10l of water).
The most promising varieties are:

  1. "Allegro"
  2. "Mullion"
  3. "Alba Plena"

Flowering time: July—October. Height: half a meter.
Care: watering with oxidized water once a week; Fertilizing in the spring with dry mineral fertilizers, scattering at the roots and mulching with bark.
Weeding out weeds as they appear.
Shrub pruning is carried out in early spring if it is necessary to give the future bush a special shape.
Although the heather itself spreads very decoratively; shelter for the winter with spruce paws.

Rose wrinkled (winter-hardy)

(lat.Rosa rugosa) is a wild winter-hardy flowering shrub, better known as “rose hips”.
This rose is unpretentious to soils, but prefers sunny places.
The two oldest varieties are popular:

  • snow-white terry "White Grootendorst"
  • burgundy-raspberry “Grootendorst Supreme”.

There are also hybrid varieties: yellow rose variety:

  1. "Agnes"
  2. "Hansa" purple
  3. "Abelzieds" delicate pink flowers.

Flowering time: June-July. Height: up to 2.5m.
Care: young plant It is necessary to water once a week, and after the age of three, watering is necessary only during the driest periods.
Feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers is extremely rare, no more than once a year in early autumn and only after two years of age.

To preserve decorativeness and abundant flowering Regular pruning is required from the third year after planting.

It is necessary to remove all weak branches, and pinch the tops of the remaining shoots to create a lushabout the bush; does not need shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs.Video

10 shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

A shady corner of the garden looks sad, overgrown with plants withering without sun.
But sometimes this is where you want to put a sun lounger and hide from the scorching rays of the sun.
These shade-tolerant shrubs will help you easily solve the problem:

Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that does not like bright sun.
It blooms in May, the abundance of flowers is impressive.
Quite demanding in care.

Privet is a beautiful, deciduous shrub.
Blooms in mid-summer.
The flower raceme is paniculate, white, with a rich aroma. Good haircut.
In the first years it grows very quickly.
Grows on any type of soil.
Requires shelter in winter with insufficient snow cover.

Barberry Thunberg is a very ornamental shrub, thanks to its leaves,
which change color throughout the summer.
In late autumn, the red-purple leaves fall.
Thorns grow on the trunk and branches.


Euonymus is a shrub with a beautiful openwork crown.
Blooms in spring, flowers are not impressive.
In September, the leaves change color, and in almost a week the bush blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.
Each leaf is painted in several colors.
And even after the leaves have fallen, until the very frost, euonymus delights the eye with the variety of colors of fruits that look like earrings.

Mahonia holly - evergreen shrub with glossy,
leathery, dark green leaves.
Blooms in spring yellow flowers.
By autumn the leaves turn bronze.
Grows up to 1 meter.
Tolerates frosts well.

Rhododendron is one of the most beautiful deciduous flowering shrubs.
Low, about 60 cm.
Flowering begins in spring, along with the appearance of leaves.
Fragrant whites with barely noticeable pink tint star-shaped flowers are collected in brushes.
Beautiful green leaves turn sunny yellow in autumn.
Not afraid of frost.

Snowberry is an unpretentious shrub with thin graceful branches. Blooms all summer.
Looks spectacular in the fall, strewn with large berries, most often white or pinkish.

Chubushnik - more often called garden jasmine for white flowers fragrant with an incredible aroma.
Most varieties and hybrids tolerate frost well and are unpretentious to the soil.

Having made a choice in favor shade-loving shrubs You can easily transform a shaded area of ​​the garden into a comfortable relaxation area.

Shade-tolerant trees and shrubs

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