Windows for a gazebo with a barbecue or barbecue - what shape and materials to choose. Do-it-yourself gazebo from scrap materials - photos of simple options, step-by-step instructions on how to make a gazebo for a summer house from window frames

DIY gazebo made from window frames. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Master class "Do-it-yourself gazebo from old window frames"

Master class on building a gazebo. Feng Shui gazebo

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The material can be useful to everyone who is interested in creativity, gardening and landscape design, to all those who love their garden and are involved in its improvement.
Purpose: the gazebo will serve as a wonderful relaxing place for the whole family, creating your own unique design and a great mood.
Target: creating a gazebo from old window frames.
Tasks: build a gazebo from scrap materials, create a resting place for the whole family from old frames, protected from wind and bad weather.

Hello, dear guests! The veneration of nature and the perception of it as part of man himself was previously manifested in pagan religions. But in Slavic countries, pre-Christian religions have long since died out. But the Chinese still believe that any tree, blade of grass or stream can influence a person’s destiny, giving him positive energy or, conversely, taking away part of his vitality. The harmony between people and nature is called geomancy, and Tibetan monks live by its laws. In the West, only one branch of geomancy is known - Feng Shui. This direction deals with the arrangement of a person’s personal space - his home, plot and even wardrobe. It is believed that a feng shui garden helps a person live in happiness and attracts the necessary energies (love, fame, etc.). And the more carefully you arrange every corner of the space, the faster you will achieve your goals.

Today we will talk about such an important element that must be in your yard or dacha, and to be more precise, this work will be devoted to an ordinary, but so necessary gazebo.
A beautiful gazebo on a summer cottage can become its main decoration and main highlight. Since ancient times, people have built small cozy houses in gardens, which allowed them to admire the beauty of nature. At correct location on personal plot a gazebo can attract positive energy.

Gazebos can perform various functions. This could be a small cozy building in the depths of the garden, conducive to contemplation and reflection alone. And there are others, those who are able to gather the whole family under their roof on a day off. There you can easily drink aromatic tea and have fun communicating with loved ones.
Depending on the sector in which the gazebo will be located, its shape is selected:
-North-round and octagonal gazebos;
-Northeast-square, rectangular, round;
-East – square, rectangular;
-Southeast-square, rectangular, octagonal gazebos;
-South - octagonal, square;
-Southwest-square, rectangular;
-West-square and round;
-Northwest-square and round gazebos;
-In the center of the site - octagonal.
Each direction of the world is responsible for a certain aspect of life: wealth, longevity, love, creativity, career, family and children.

Dimensions, shape and methods decorative design gazebos depend solely on the imagination and wishes of the owner of the site. The optimal place to place a gazebo is a space that is closed from the noise and dust of the street, from which there is a view of some decorative element or a composition pleasing to the eye. If there is a reservoir of artificial or natural origin on the site, then it is better to locate this structure on its shore.
It is advisable that the gazebo be protected from the wind by a hedge of bushes or a group of trees. It would also be useful to place flower beds, alpine slides, suitable garden sculptures and everything that will make this corner of the garden attractive to all family members. At the same time, we should not forget that all the details must be combined with each other and create a complete picture.

When installing a gazebo, you should take into account its lighting. It must be selected in accordance with its purpose and future functions. If you plan to gather in the gazebo in the evenings for any activities - board games, handicrafts or reading - then the lighting should be bright enough, but not blinding. If you want to give this corner of the garden a romantic look, you should illuminate the path to the gazebo and place sconces with dim light on its walls.

According to ancient Chinese proverb, a person has three main things: fate, chance and feng shui. Fate gives us a chance to get acquainted with Feng Shui to improve our health and our lives. Everyone has their own destiny. We cannot change our origin, gender, nationality or date of birth. But every person has a chance to get acquainted with Feng Shui in order to change and improve not only their health, but their entire life. Feng Shui is unique folk wisdom, which has collected centuries-old observations of nature, its changes and signs.

1.Don't sit on the corner.
“Seven years without reciprocity,” you say? If only that! According to Feng Shui, a protruding corner aimed at a person, be it the corner of a table, cabinet or any other, sends “poisoned arrows” at the poor fellow, which will leave him not only without reciprocity, but also without money, health and luck.
2. Don't say goodbye over the threshold.
“You’ll quarrel,” they say. That's right: the threshold is an energy barrier separating two worlds. On one side - “ours”, on the other - “alien”. The invisible border prevents contact from being established, and things and energy transferred “from world to world” are lost for both worlds. So it turns out that the connection between the “contact participants” is destroyed.
3. Don't cook when you're in a bad mood.
This is what mothers and grandmothers teach novice housewives. The older generation is absolutely right: food absorbs the surrounding energy, and we, by absorbing this same food, receive a corresponding energy charge along with calories and vitamins. Borscht and cutlets, “charged” with a quarrel, news of another terrorist attack, or emotions generated by a television “horror” movie, are quite capable of poisoning a family.
4. Don't stand behind someone's back.
- we say, shivering chillily, even if there is someone quite close and dear behind us. And the point is not in the ancient instinct that makes you fear a creeping enemy, but in the fact that the unprotected rear itself poses a threat. Feng Shui considers the lack of support and support from behind to be the weakest energy position. Moreover, this is equally important for both the person and the home. There should always be a wall or at least a screen behind you, and the rear of your house should definitely be protected by a high hill or at least a neighbor's house.
5. Don't paint yourself into a corner.
Another extremely unfavorable position according to Feng Shui. The corner is considered a place that can drain energy from a person - a kind of domestic vampire. It’s not for nothing that a child who has been naughty for a long time is put with his nose in a corner - so that he loses the excess of hooligan energy (the main thing is not to overexpose your beloved child there...).
6. Don't look in a cracked mirror.
According to Feng Shui, not only cracked mirrors are harmful, but also mirrors with patterns, mirror tiles, and other surfaces that break, crush the reflection. All this fragments and destroys energy, which will affect, first of all, health.
7. A mirror in your pocket will protect you from the enemy.
We still believe that when meeting an ill-wisher, a mirror placed in your pocket helps - of course, with the reflective side out. It will reflect all his bad thoughts and intentions. And also - all the negative energy directed against you is commented on by Feng Shui. And he advises hanging a mirror above the door or window to protect your home from adverse influences.
8. Don’t show it off on yourself.
We warn a person who talks about someone’s illnesses. According to Feng Shui, the mechanism of the evil eye in this case is as follows: by pointing with a finger, we send an energy charge. At the same time, naming the disease, we give this charge the appropriate “coloring”: we fill it with accurate information about the diagnosis.
9. Don't come back halfway.
- “there will be no way.” Of course, says Feng Shui! Remember what we told you about the threshold? All these leaps “from world to world” are quite energy-intensive - this is probably known to avid travelers who often cross state borders. If you had to return, restore your strength: sit down (take some strength at home), look in the mirror (reflecting, your energy doubles).
10. Run under the rainbow - you will be happy.
Of course, those who remember physics understand: it is in principle impossible to do this. But even seeing a rainbow - a symbol of the Gates of Heaven - is considered good sign. And Feng Shui recommends “taming” the rainbow and placing it in own home. That is why arched openings are so favorable - when passing under them, each time we “step under the rainbow” and receive the protection of Heaven.

Materials and tools:
- old window frames
-wooden beams 50:50 (6 meters 13 pieces)
-hammer, nails 3, 2*50, 3.5*80
-screwdriver, wood screws 3.8*32
- impact drill (metal drill)
-water-based stain (lemon), water-based emulsion, brush
- red enamel (terracotta) 6 kg, white spirit (solvent), brush
-cement, construction sand, river sand
-a bucket for cement mortar, 2 mayonnaise buckets, a trowel
-perforated fasteners and corners
-stapler, fabric paintings (painting on fabric)
The cement mortar is made in a ratio of 1:4. That is, for 1 bucket (mayonnaise) of cement you will need 4 buckets of sand. The sand should be sifted, or simply by hand, and that’s exactly what I did, remove large stones, sift the sand through your fingers. A construction bucket requires 2 buckets of cement, 8 buckets of sand and 2.5 buckets of water. When all the ingredients are poured into the container, they must be mixed using a hammer drill with a concrete mixer screwed into it, literally 7-10 minutes, until smooth.

Progress of the master class:

We begin work by preparing materials. The beam needs to be cut in half, three meters each, leaving one beam unsawn. Then the beams must be covered with stain to preserve the wood and ensure longer service life.

The timber has dried and we begin construction of the walls of the gazebo. We connect two large frames together using timber. We nail the timber to the frame from the bottom and top sides with large nails (80*). My area is very small, so I immediately place the finished wall at the intended location.

I'm not a builder, but I really like to make something useful out of unnecessary things. Therefore, I don’t have a specific construction plan; everything is a work in progress. As they say, appetite comes with eating! I paint the frames on the inside with the remains of water-based paint diluted with yellow gouache. In order for the background to have an even character, the color is applied by a kind of slapping of the brush on the glass.
In the art of Feng Shui, the color yellow indicates cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and brilliance. It symbolizes the hot and shining sun, a warm sunny day, gold, longevity. Light yellow color is best suited to create an atmosphere of friendship and creativity. Yellow and gold are the colors of the earth. They can provide a sense of stability, hope and happiness.

Next, I determine the place where the corner of the gazebo will be, and we will begin construction from there. Let me get ahead a little, I will secure each pillar with fragments of brick and subsequently fill it with cement.

We moisten the ground with water and pour in cement; the post should be left motionless for about a day.

Then you need to assemble the second wall of the gazebo, it is assembled in the same way as the first, we knock down the frames using a beam.

This side will consist of three frames, smaller in size, but of the same height.

Then two finished walls need to be installed at the first pillar in the shape of the letter "L". And fasten them to the base of the post using large nails driven from the edges of the frames. First, we nail one frame to the post, then the second, do not forget to monitor the level of the walls so that their edges are at the same height (1).
Near the end of the second unpainted wall, we dig a hole for the second post, place the post there close to the frame and nail it together with large nails (2). For greater connection strength, we use perforated fasteners for the timber. We attach them using wood screws and a Phillips screwdriver.
That part of the gazebo where the painted yellow the frame will be lower, the opposite side will be higher. This is necessary for the roof so that there is a good slope of water. For the lower part we need three beams, you need to immediately measure the length that suits you, and saw off the excess timber with a saw.

Now we move to the other side of the gazebo. We also dig a hole, install timber, and fasten it to the frame with nails.
Next, we will continue the wall with the frame from the interior door. At the required distance we dig a hole for the fourth pillar.

First, we knock down the outer beam with the door with nails, then install it in place.

We fasten the frames together using perforated fasteners (an iron plate with holes), wood screws and a screwdriver in several places on the inside and outside of the gazebo.

Using timber we measure the third side of our building. The line can be marked using a shovel, drawing a guide line on the ground.

This is how the frame turned out. The top beam is secured with nails and fasteners.
The gazebo has an L-shape, with a sofa located near the sides protected from the wind, and a large family hearth in the middle. Since our family loves fire very much, and a big fire is an integral part of our family evening, two walls must be left open.
The fire pit was laid out with stones and cement a year ago, but has not yet been fully completed.

Now I want to give the gazebo a look, let's paint it.

The color I chose was terracotta; according to Feng Shui, this is the color of earth, confidence and stability; it is considered very pleasant for human perception.
Terracotta color is suitable for people who cannot imagine their life without vivid emotions and impressions, who are gambling and passionate, who adore adventure. Let's break it down into its tonal components! The red hue is considered aggressive and ardent, but becoming clayey, it calms down a little. If scarlet color can be compared to the beauty of a young girl, then terracotta is mature femininity. From orange he got energy, unabashed joy, and the ability to cheer up with just his appearance. And from brown there is a certain balance, dimension, depth. With all this, terracotta - natural color, associated with nature, rocky mountains, sunsets. For those who cannot afford frequent rest, this shade can become a kind of pill from a routine lifestyle. There are so many emotions hidden in it that you can comprehend this color for a long time. But don't forget one simple thing– loving a color and feeling comfortable in its environment are completely different things. Terracotta color in details is suitable for a romantic and sublime interior; terracotta color practically does not combine with cool tones.
It is believed that this color is pleasant to the eye and can enhance the feeling of security and safety and goes perfectly with white and its shades (roof-white metal). Feng Shui recommends using terracotta color in paintings placed at the entrance to the room if you are afraid of theft in your home or workplace.

Since there was no construction plan, the material for the roof had not yet been purchased. Now we need to measure the size of the gazebo, I got the size of the gazebo 3 by 4 meters. We calculate this footage by the size of the corrugated sheets (1.5 by 1.2) - in total, we need 6 sheets.

While we are waiting for the delivery of corrugated sheets, we continue the construction of the walls of the gazebo. Let's make the area near the sofa more sheltered from the wind. We will work on the same principle as with other walls. First, we fill the bottom and top of the frame with timber, then we connect the frame with the corner beam.

We dig a hole under the timber on the other side of the frame and fasten the parts with nails.

Near the door frame we will also make a small extension of the wall using the same principle. Then we will completely paint the gazebo and the posts for the roof frame.

In some places there is no glass in the frames; I will disguise these voids using fabric paintings (painting on fabric) and a stapler.

This is how the picture gallery turned out. Moreover, all the paintings are placed in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations.
Rules for placing paintings according to Feng Shui.

Using the remaining canvases we create a tablecloth for the table in the gazebo area.

It's time for the roof. We lay out a sheet of corrugated board and beams on the ground; we need to distribute them evenly over the entire area of ​​the sheet.

Then you need to fasten the timber with sheets of corrugated board. This can be done using self-tapping screws, this method is more expensive (screws are sold individually). First, a hole is drilled with a drill (a metal drill), then a self-tapping screw is screwed in.

Open gazebos – a good place for relaxation in warm days. However, with the onset of frost or the beginning of the autumn rainy season, it becomes uncomfortable to be in an open room that is blown from all sides. In this case, experts recommend glazing the gazebos.

In addition to shelter from rain, a glazed gazebo has other advantages:

  • in summer its walls will protect you from mosquitoes;
  • inside you can organize a summer kitchen or cook kebabs on the grill;
  • the beautifully glazed structure serves well decorative decoration the entire area.
You can do the glazing of the gazebo yourself

Classification by methods

When planning to close a covered gazebo, it is advisable to decide what goals you intend to achieve. There are several types of glazing, each requiring its own set of building materials:

  1. Frameless. In this case, the entire veranda is covered only with transparent panels, allowing you to admire the surrounding landscape in a panoramic view. It turns out very beautiful, although expensive. Requires special tempered glass and connecting parts. The design turns out to be quite fragile, and replacing a damaged one causes a lot of trouble. It is better to entrust the work on frameless glazing to a specialist.
  2. Soft. In this case, instead of the usual glass panels, flexible transparent PVC film is used. The method is much cheaper than the previous one; you can perform all the necessary glazing steps yourself. Protection from adverse weather conditions is quite reliable; even in the fall the gazebo will be warm and cozy. There are multi-colored film coating options. But not everyone will like to smell plastic in the air while sitting in a gazebo at the dacha. But it will be possible to cover even large openings without any jumpers.
  3. Cold. Suitable for those who intend to use the gazebo exclusively in warm time of the year. The design is beautiful and reliable, all work can be done with your own hands. The windows are easy to make removable and put away when the hot summer days arrive. Even in winter, the temperature inside such a gazebo is 5-6 degrees higher than outside.
  4. Facade. The method resembles the frameless version, complementing it with a transparent roof. If the gazebo is located in a secluded place in the shade of trees, such glazing allows you to admire the surrounding landscapes without worrying about lighting. If you use polycarbonate panels as the material, you can stay in the gazebo even in winter, since the polymer retains heat well. True, in the summer it will be stuffy under the sheets, but the problem can be solved by installing vents or sliding windows.
  5. WITH sliding walls. Although the method is the most expensive, it is also the most rational. Using plastic structures to the entire height of the veranda (up to the roof), it is possible to get a gazebo in which it is impossible to freeze in winter if heating is installed, and it will not be hot in summer (with the walls fully extended).

Video “Building a gazebo with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to build a cozy gazebo with your own hands:

Separation by material

Various glazing options can be combined by combining certain structural elements. To completely close the gazebo, use the following materials:

  1. Double-glazed windows. There are cheap single-chamber ones and more expensive ones with two or more chambers. Their use allows you to organize warm glazing; even in winter, if there is heating, you can live in a gazebo, as if in separate room. Windows and doors provide good sealing and protect from street noise. If the gazebo is on sunny side, it is recommended to purchase expensive multi-chamber double-glazed windows, the chambers of which are filled with a special gas that protects against sun rays. The glazed structure has considerable weight, so glazing is performed only for gazebos with a strong foundation.
  2. Polycarbonate panels. The material is much stronger than ordinary glass, and transmits almost the same amount of light. It is easy to sheathe a gazebo with it, since the panels weigh little; for the same reason, the structure does not need a strong foundation. Flexible polycarbonate is suitable for glazing semicircular gazebos. One of the disadvantages is that in summer the panels do not dissipate heat, although they transmit it well; as a result, the gazebo risks turning into a “greenhouse”. You can solve the problem by organizing in the roof ventilation windows and choosing opaque white panels.
  3. Aluminum profile. Suitable for small buildings. Although most often it is used to organize cold glazing, if you have a barbecue or fireplace you can achieve quite comfortable conditions even in winter. Treated aluminum is rust-resistant, profile frames do not take up a large area and do not obstruct the view. The sashes are usually made of single glass, but you can also order a warm double-glazed window. Besides, in aluminum profile insert polycarbonate sheets or tinted glass.
  4. Glass. Traditionally, it is used for glazing summer unheated verandas. You can cook anything on the grill in a closed glass gazebo, but even with a good chimney, some of the soot will fall on the walls, causing them to darken.

Step by step instructions

Glazing is usually done on ready-made open gazebos. Most simple solutions You can do it yourself; more expensive ones will have to be ordered and the work entrusted to an experienced craftsman.

By doing independent work Follow safety regulations.

Let's look at the most popular glazing projects.

Old windows

Most a budget option– use old window frames, as long as there are enough of them for the entire gazebo. In this case, you will also need to work:

  • fasteners - it is better to use modern self-tapping screws and perforated corners with stiffeners;
  • paint – for decorative processing of old wooden frames.

You can use old window frames

For safety, it is better to remove the glass; empty frames are installed inside the finished frame of the gazebo. Sometimes it is first sheathed with boards, leaving openings of the required size. The frames are attached to the upper and lower frames. If voids remain (rectangular frames can be different sizes), the unfilled space is covered with boards or plywood. The entire structure needs to be reinforced with jumpers.

It is advisable to fasten old frames with perforated plates. They may not adjoin each other tightly, the cracks must be sealed polyurethane foam, then covered with slats.

When the gazebo is completely covered, to improve the appearance everything wooden surfaces paint.

After the paint has dried, the glass is placed on silicone and installed, securing it in place with new glazing beads.

Soft windows

The material used is the previously described PVC films. This coating lasts about 10 years, light transmittance is 90%. Even doors can be made flexible with a zipper.

The configuration of the windows should be ordered in advance - you need to know the exact dimensions of your gazebo, so it would be better to invite a measuring specialist. You can do the installation yourself:

  1. There are special metal parts for mounting on the canvases. They need to be inserted into the eyes and secured with straps.
  2. The eyelets themselves are attached to the upper and lower trim of the gazebo. Fix with dowels or self-tapping screws.
  3. Soft windows are attached to the finished eyes.


It is advisable to choose monolithic plastic with a thickness of 3–4 mm or cellular. As we have already mentioned, it is better to choose the color of the material white so that the room does not become too hot in clear sunny weather.

The sheets are attached to the finished frame of the building. It is best to use a special profile as a frame, for example, aluminum, into the grooves of which polycarbonate panels will be inserted. The required quantity of profile is ordered, measurements are taken in linear meters in relation to a specific gazebo.

If the gazebo is made of wooden beam, the sheets can be attached directly to the tree using self-tapping screws with rubber seals. If cellular polycarbonate was used for cladding, the ends of the sheets will have to be additionally covered special tapes, otherwise moisture and debris will penetrate into the internal voids.

Aluminum frames

To increase comfort, it would be better to combine the positive aspects of open and closed gazebos. For this purpose, the glazing is made sliding like an accordion. In winter, a tightly closed gazebo retains heat, but in summer, all moving parts are folded together, maximizing the interior space.

Not only windows, but also doors and even the entire wall panel can be made sliding; aluminum is excellent for this purpose. The dimensions of all parts are carefully calculated, so it is better to invite a master measurer. It is recommended to order roller versions (like wardrobe doors).

It is better to entrust the installation of all glazing to specialists; experience is required.


Ordering and installation in this case is similar to aluminum glazing:

  • Accurate measurements are taken of the openings in the gazebo, taking into account small gaps for polyurethane foam;
  • profiles with double-glazed windows are ordered from a company that is trustworthy;
  • The order is delivered at the right time, then experienced specialists install the windows and doors in their places.

PVC profile glazing is an expensive, but also the most reliable option. Theoretically, you can simply build a gazebo from such material from scratch - walls are built from ready-made PVC forms on a pre-prepared site, all that remains is to form the floor and cover the gazebo with a roof.

Features of the procedure in gazebos with barbecue

Since it is pleasant to spend time with friends in closed gazebos and organize barbecues, during construction you should first of all worry about fire safety. The same polycarbonate does not burn, but melts, without emitting toxic gases, but it is still better to focus on other, non-combustible materials.

Here are a few useful tips for those who are going to use the grill:

  • there should be a source of water near the gazebo;
  • It is better to build a stationary oven or barbecue from refractory bricks;
  • cover the floor with ceramic tiles.

Since the main detail of a glazed gazebo is glass, for a better design we recommend purchasing stained glass options. These can be painted patterns, cute drawings, or a mosaic made up of multi-colored fragments. Stained glass windows pleasantly diffuse the penetrating light, making the atmosphere more comfortable and even a little fabulous.

See how to make a pergola from old doors. From them you can make a gazebo, a washbasin, a tool shed, and from the windows you can make a greenhouse.

The content of the article:

The new summer season has begun. Those who like to work and relax fresh air they yearned for their hacienda over the winter, are looking for new ideas for inspiration, and are happy to implement them. To ensure that you have enough funds for all your ideas, use items that have served their time as materials. Using old doors you can make a pergola, a shed for equipment, a toilet, a gazebo, and a washbasin.

How to make a pergola with your own hands?

If you don't know what this design is, then read about it now. The word “pergola” comes from Latin and Italian words and means “building”, “canopy”. It is created for beauty, so that climbing plants can freely weave along this structure, protecting people from the scorching sun when they walk along this terrace.

The design consists of sections of arches that are connected into a single structure by transverse beams. Pergolas can be attached to buildings; they will decorate open terraces. Sometimes they are attached to gazebos or pergolas are built.

If you have a lot of material, then you can make a larger structure. If you have changed your balcony, interior doors, don’t throw away the old ones, then give them the opportunity to decorate the dacha.

This pergola in landscape design looks wonderful, to make it you will need:
  • two doors;
  • White paint;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • crushed stone.

To remove from doors old paint, use a special solution to remove such coating. You can put newspaper on the surface, iron it with an iron, after which the layer is removed with a spatula.

Sand the prepared surface; if it is not smooth, first go over it with wood putty. Once it dries, make the surface smoother with sandpaper, then prime the canvas and cover with 2-3 layers of paint.

These prepared blanks are connected by vertical crossbars. If you have a jigsaw, then shape them in the same way as in the photo, if not, just cut them to size. Make two notches in these crossbars on each side, put them on the doors, and secure them on the sides with screws.

To make the structure more durable, connect the parts at the top with boards sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees. They and the horizontal rafters also need to be painted. This pergola is installed on crushed stone; if you want to place it near the veranda, then attach it to a wooden floor.

Corner brackets can be used as fasteners. If you don’t want to bother with preparing the door and painting it, you can, on the contrary, artificially age it.

If you have roof elements left over from construction, then connect the doors using them. Below you can fix the pergola on wooden pallet using corners. Then it will not touch the ground, and the wooden parts will not rot.

If you want to not only admire such a structure, but also have the opportunity to sit there and relax, then take:
  • 4 door leaves;
  • four figured brackets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fastening metal corners;
  • white paint and brush.
Attach the top sheet to the vertical ones using openwork brackets of a contrasting color, and in the center using the corners. Also use the corners to secure horizontal door as a shop. This structure must be installed on a concrete base or crushed stone so that the lower door leaves do not touch the ground.

By the way, if you like an openwork design and don’t want to spend a lot of time with painting, look at how to make a pergola using carved pillars and balusters.

Each of the two pairs of carved pillars must be connected by railings and balusters at the top and bottom. A small one is made on top gable roof, which unites the right and left walls of the pergola. It is decorated with carved elements.

You can plant climbing plants outside one and the second wall or attach boxes and place flowers in them. Inner space You can use it to make a small bench here. To do this, beams or corner brackets are attached to walls 1 and 2.

There are other ideas for using old doors.

How to make a washbasin for a summer house from old doors?

To make one, take:
  • door;
  • bars;
  • planks;
  • fasteners;
  • table top;
  • hooks;
  • two figured brackets.
Making master class:
  1. Two bars will become the front legs of the sink. Choose from four boards for the table base. You need to cut a recess in the countertop in the shape of a sink, place it here, and place a container underneath, which will need to be poured out periodically. You can install a flexible hose under the sink and lead it into a drainage system or ditch so that water flows there.
  2. Four boards are fixed to the lower parts of the legs, and four more are stuffed onto them, which will become the lower table. Attach hooks at the top to hang towels and small garden tools.
  3. 2 openwork corners are attached even higher. A shelf is fixed on them, on which flower pots are placed.
You can put 4 beams perpendicular to the door so that inner dimensions were the same as a large sink. Such a washbasin for a summer house will be spacious. Here you can wash not only your hands, but also dishes.

The old door in the next photo also easily turned into a country washbasin.

If you don’t want to cut a hole in the countertop and install a washbasin, then make a comfortable table with shelves from the door leaf.

This makes it convenient to do small gardening tasks: picking seedlings, planting flowers in pots. You can attach hooks to the door and hang small gardening tools on them so that they are at hand.

It’s not difficult to make a flower girl out of an old washbasin. After attaching it to the door, pour soil here and plant plants.

Such a door doesn’t even need to be painted, just put it against the wall, but for better fixation, you can make hinges at the top, drive nails into the wall or attach self-tapping screws, and put hinges on them.

If you also have an old window that you don’t want to throw away, you can turn it into one of the sides of a table or washbasin.

Gazebo design made of doors and wood

To create such a vacation spot, you will need:
  • five doors;
  • floorboards;
  • hinges for doors;
  • metal corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a small sheet of corrugated board;
  • 4 beams;
  • crushed stone.
Creation plan:
  1. Level the area for the future building, pour crushed stone here, and use 4 beams to make a base for the floor. Place boards on top of it.
  2. Connect two doors that will become the back wall. Using metal corners and self-tapping screws, attach two more panels to it at an angle of 90 degrees. These doors will become the sides.
  3. These panels have glass, but for the top door you must use a door without glass. You need to place it at a slight angle so that the water drains and the snow melts away. To do this, either use side doors that are taller than those that became the back wall, or attach angled timbers to these side elements.
  4. Fix a sheet of corrugated sheeting on top so that it is slightly larger than the gazebo on all sides. You can use other roofing material. The bottom of the door can be attached to the floor, also using corners.
This design of the gazebo allows you to use recycled materials and save a lot of money.

The next structure is also created based on the door. There are 3 panels installed at the back and one on each side. Since this structure is slightly larger than the previous one, boards need to be attached to the ceiling, but you can fix the remaining doors here transversely, using them as the base of the roof.

To give rigidity to the structure, timber with a cross-section of 100 or 150 mm is placed at the corners; the structure must first be fastened at the bottom with floor fixing elements, and at the top? roof details. It’s nice to sit in such a gazebo without doors in the heat; here you can hide from the rain, since the roof will not let you get wet.

This structure will appeal to both adults and children.

By the way, we can recommend the following design to the kids. Of course, the doors must first be well connected to each other or securely fixed near the fence.

Various shelves and hooks are nailed onto them, where children can hang and put their toys and belongings. And adults can attach flower boxes to similar structures to decorate the area. You can fix the slate board and write messages to each other on it in chalk.

Even a single door, painted white, will become an excellent design element for a summer house if you attach a box to it and plant flowering plants in it.

Even if you only have the base of the canvas left, there is no longer glass and a plywood partition on it, such a door will still serve. At the bottom the box is fixed on it, and at the top the flowerpot is hung on a hook.

This vertical gardening It is also perfect for a gazebo, as you can place flowers on the back side of this structure. It’s nice to sit in such a building in the fresh air and admire colorful colors plants.

But let's return to our topic to see what other gazebo design there could be.

Four panels will become the sidewalls and rear wall, and the fifth will turn into the roof of a light structure. As you can see, the doors don’t need to be painted to give this corner of the dacha a slight touch of antiquity.

It seems that next building has also been on this site for many 10 years.

For its back wall he uses door panels, but for the side walls old windows are suitable. Unpainted board gray is hammered in as roof elements, the first one needs to be nailed at the bottom of the slope, the next ones are gradually attached on top, so that each one located above overlaps the previous one by 1-2 cm. Then the rain will not penetrate inside.

You can also use the doors to make a small shed for storing tools. For it you will need:

  • four doors;
  • boards;
  • bars;
  • roofing material;
  • fastening tools.
Make a base out of four bars, place it on cement slabs, fill the boards at the top, place 3 door panels here, secure them at the corners and at the bottom with corners and screws. Attach two bars vertically to the front panel. Screw to one of them door hinges, steam rooms need to be fixed on the door.

Nail four bars on top, fasten the rafters to them, fill the boards, and fasten the sheet of the roofing element.

You will get a pergola-pergola if you make a structure like this.

The doors can be used as side walls; inside there is a bench on which a mattress is placed so that you can sit on a soft one or lie down. Climbing plants are planted behind the side walls. This corner of the dacha looks amazing.

The next pergola is made in white and pink tones. Two doors without glass are suitable for it. If they have plywood underneath, leave it, if not, stuff boards in there. The slats are nailed to the top of the door at an angle of 45 degrees perpendicular to each other.

The gable roof is made from rafters, with boards placed on top. A bed is fixed inside. All this charm is covered with pink and white paint. All that remains is to secure the flower boxes outside, put soft pillows on the bench, and hang two tulle curtains at the entrance.

You can make a small garden greenhouse out of glass doors, look how amazing it looks.

Old windows will make a wonderful, reliable greenhouse. It is better to cover this issue in more detail.

How to make a greenhouse from windows yourself?

It will also require recycled material left over after the renovation. If you have glass doors, get them. If you don't have them, you can use a door frame with glass inside. Windows are perfect for your next mini-greenhouse.

Before you make a greenhouse yourself, see if you have:
  • cement blocks or bricks;
  • bars;
  • sand;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • there are enough windows.

The evenness of the horizontal structure during construction must be checked using a level, and adjustments must be made if necessary.

  1. First of all, you need to level the site on which you will build. Remove the turf around the perimeter to a small height and add sand here. Place blocks or bricks on top; it is better to connect them with cement mortar.
  2. When it dries, place the slats on top along the perimeter, fastening them with corners and screws.
  3. Now the bars are vertically attached to this wooden base; the distance between two adjacent ones should be equal to the width of the window. At the next stage, you will need to insert them here and secure them to the side with self-tapping screws.
  4. Now place the horizontal beams on top and also connect them together. Do not fill in the small side wall on one side yet, as this will be the entrance.
  5. Mark on the upper horizontal beams where you need to make small recesses for the rafters, make them. Secure the roof base on top. For this you can also use glass frames or durable cellophane. If you don’t want to remove it for the winter, then it’s better to fix transparent polycarbonate here. From this and from the frames you will make doors.
Here's how to properly make a greenhouse from scrap materials. You found out how many ideas for a summer house old doors and windows can give.

Finally, look at the intricacies of building a greenhouse using window frames. This may be useful for summer residents.

You will also probably be interested in a video review that tells how to assemble a gazebo structure alone.

A beautiful small gazebo with your own hands made from scrap materials (photo below) in the shade of dense trees will decorate any area. Relaxing on a hot day, drinking tea or chatting with family members are lovely country joys. Many people are stopped by difficulties in construction. You don’t want to take on overwhelming work, especially if you have little experience in construction or there are fears that the homemade gazebo will not be beautiful enough.

It is possible to build a gazebo using available materials in one day.

What material is considered handy?

What material is considered available? Bottles, flexible branches, old window frames and children's swings - all this will become great idea to create a unique futuristic design.

MaterialTrue density, kg/cub.m.Average density kg/cub.m.Porosity, %Thermal conductivity, VT
Pine boards1555 855 67 0,17
Granite (natural stone)2700 1400 1,4 0,5
Construction steel7800 7800 50
Solid brick2500 1800 32 0,75
Hollow brick2500 1400 50 0,55
Window glass2650 2650 0,56
Foam glass2650 300 85 0,11
Heavy concrete3000 1800-2500 5-15 1,16
Lightweight concrete2900 500-1800 30-80 0,2-0,35
Fiberglass2000 2000 0,5
Styrofoam1500 40-60 95-98 0,06

The table shows the properties of some materials from which such structures are reproduced.

DIY gazebo from scrap materials - photo instructions

We invite you to consider an example of how to make a gazebo with your own hands from scrap materials. Photo of the finished structure made of wicker rods at the end of the section. First of all, start designing.

Project and drawing

To design, decide on your own preferences - whether you want an open gazebo or a closed one. Do you want to install a canopy adjacent to the fence? How many windows? Where is the door located? As soon as you make a choice, sketch it.

If you are not a very good artist, there are a sufficient number of programs that will help you create a decent drawing. When drawing, it makes no sense to go into detail - the main thing is not to forget to indicate the dimensions of the gazebo and its components.

Choosing a place

Your simple and original gazebo made from scrap materials has already taken shape on paper - it’s time to bring the project to life. Inspect the area carefully. A flat place, free of hills and holes, is ideal for installation. They advise you to choose places with minimal clay soil, but the wicker structure is lightweight, and the likelihood that it will fall into loose soil is small.

Such structures look especially beautiful in shady corners of the garden.

Material selection

To quickly build a wicker gazebo from scrap materials, prepare tools:




Metal rods



When choosing rods, focus on their flexibility - it is best to choose young rods


Having chosen a place, we move on to the foundation. You will need to level the ground around the building and remove excess debris and grass from it. Solid tape, or monolithic foundation you won’t need it, but to strengthen the structure, it is recommended to dig a few pegs around the perimeter.

Decide on the boundaries of the gazebo and dig into the ground around the perimeter of the post. If you want to add stability, concrete the resulting holes (fill with concrete and cover with crushed stone on top), and then proceed to construction.

The earth has been cleared of unnecessary debris, it’s time to start weaving. To do this, take a rod, fix its end with wire and intertwine the stakes. You should now have a basket. The ends of the woven rods are attached to the post with wire.

The size of the building is any - it depends on your needs and imagination.

Since the construction is easy, do not load it on top with heavy materials such as tiles or slate. In addition to physical unpretentiousness, it will not look so beautiful. Roofs made of natural materials- reeds, reeds, straw. Remember that these materials are not durable.

To lay the roof, use metal rods or wooden beams(they are equally effective, we suggest choosing from what is at hand). After securing the rods or beams to the posts, lay the roofing material.


Such naturalness will serve as decoration better than other decorative things, but you can always add a little coziness - weave a couple of chairs from wicker, throwing several colorful pillows on them.

Place a stone or wooden path nearby. Place floor lamps around the edges - such a landscape will look fabulous at night.

Weave flowers into the walls or let them completely weave the walls themselves - you will get the impression of a real house in the forest.


Use the structure, woven with your own hands, only in the summer. For the winter, we recommend putting it away in a secluded place so that in spring and summer it will again please the eye on the site.

Gazebo options

Selection unusual material- it's profitable. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive raw materials; it is assembled with your own hands. The other side of the coin is the quality problem. There is no guarantee that construction carried out on a quick fix, will last a long time.

There are many options for making gazebos with your own hands from scrap materials (see photo below):

  • pallets;

Each of the listed designs will be a good addition to your country house design. Let's take a closer look at them.

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

Gazebo from plastic bottles has many advantages: the plastic is lightweight and easy to work with. To build a small structure you will need at least 400-500 bottles, which must be stored somewhere during construction. It’s easier to store them in a shed so as not to create the impression of clutter on the site.

A simple gazebo will become more interesting the more varied the bottles you use. In addition to the bottles, you will need a frame made of metal reinforcement.


If you have a sufficient number of pallets, use them to build remarkable gazebo. Pallets can be assembled independently or ordered from the store. When using used pallets, you will have to clean them of dirt, tamp them down and sand them.

The disadvantage of the structure is its fragility - if you do not make certain efforts to preserve the wood, the building will not last long. We recommend treating with antiseptics against rotting.

Old window frames

If you replace old windows with new frames, don’t rush to throw them away. They are suitable for building an unusual gazebo from old window frames. You will hardly have to spend money (all you need is materials for the foundation and roof).

The interesting design makes the structure desirable for everyone who loves the sun - the building will allow you to receive sunbathing and enjoy excellent views from several windows at once. This is also its downside - for lovers of shady secluded corners, such a choice is not very reasonable.

Installing window frames requires special care - this can somewhat slow down the construction process.


The wicker gazebo looks impressive, in particular. We do not recommend installing a barbecue in it, as there is a high probability of the structure catching fire.

If they call it pluses original design and attractive appearance, the disadvantages come from attempts to erect a building - you will have to spend a lot of time to make the structure.

The vine from which such structures are woven is not the only material. Use reeds and reeds. Durability is tested by wind and weather - do not install a heavy roof.

Video: simple gazebos

Photo gallery

Arranging a cozy corner for relaxation in a private home or country house where you can stay all year round, the owners prefer closed gazebos, . This makes it possible to observe nature in winter without leaving a warm room. But the key factor here is choice, installation quality windows and components.

Suitable materials

Windows of various shapes, colors, and prices go on sale en masse. Often owners choose the economy option. But veranda frames, glass, and fittings made from cheap material will not last long, which will entail new costs.

Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the raw materials that are used as the basis for the design, its appearance and strength.

Let's look at each of the materials in more detail.


In recent years it has gained popularity among the population. People began to replace old wooden veranda windows with a metal-plastic version. The main reason for choosing is the many benefits of use. Among them:

  • reliable noise and heat insulation;
  • do not require care;
  • assortment of colors;
  • custom-made models of any shape and design;
  • wide range of prices.

This material allows you to use the room regardless of the time of year.

Photo: veranda attached to the house with frame glazing

Plastic terrace windows also have disadvantages:

  • they are mounted in a building with a solid foundation, since the profile weighs a lot;
  • not being repaired;
  • they cannot be replaced;
  • service life does not exceed 25 years.

Installation of these structures is simple, so you can install them yourself, although most companies include installation in the price of the product.


If plastic ones are not suitable for you, you can choose wooden terrace windows. They will serve you for many years.

True, not all breeds are equally durable. The most reliable are considered:

  1. Oak The high cost of this raw material is compensated by its strength and unique texture.
  2. Larch. This wood has antiseptic properties. Resistant to moisture.
  3. Glued laminated timber. Does not deform. Durable. The service life of frames reaches 50 years or more.
  4. Pine . It's inexpensive. Light in weight. This breed will create natural air exchange. Compared to other species, it is least susceptible to decay.

When choosing windows for your terrace, remember that wooden ones are the most environmentally friendly. They can be repaired and restored, retain heat well indoors, and their unique texture will add naturalness and home comfort to the interior.

A significant drawback is that they require constant care. The surface must be periodically treated with anti-insect and fungal agents.

A popular option is wooden frames for the terrace with one or two glasses with a thickness of 2 mm. You can order several types of glass:

  • hardened;
  • tinted;
  • sun protection

If the owners have the necessary set of tools and materials, then you can make such a window with your own hands.

Video: choosing windows

Aluminum profile

Used only for cold glazing of buildings. Despite this, it has a lot of advantages:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • service life 80 years and above;
  • creation of dimensional products to order;
  • strength;
  • unlimited choice of colors.

The metal veranda frame allows you to choose different kinds opening systems.

Among them:

  • sliding;
  • rotary;
  • folding;
  • tilt and turn;
  • Lift-and-slide.

The main disadvantage is that aluminum practically does not retain heat. If you plan to use the material in a building where residents will stay all year round, you need to take care in advance about high-quality thermal insulation of the room.

Glazing methods

It is important to note that comfort inside a building depends not only on quality frames, but also the type of glass purchased. The most common types are:

  • stained glass;
  • laminated;
  • standard single;
  • energy saving;
  • hardened;
  • glass unit

An equally good solution is to use impact-resistant glass, which will provide good lighting and thermal insulation inside the terrace and will be cheaper than glass.

Popular country option- covering the building, but you can stay indoors only in the warm season.

Depending on the frequency of use of the veranda, cold or warm glazing is used. In the first case, the air temperature in the room will differ from the street temperature by only 5 0 C. For permanent residence The second type is better suited.

In addition, there are several installation technologies.

Frame and frameless

The first type involves installing glass in special frames. This method is the simplest and does not require special skills. The cost of the structure is several times cheaper than that of other types. Some parts must be replaced. Due to the small size of the glass, it is convenient to transport them. The disadvantage is the inability to create an original work of non-standard form.

Photo: terrace with magnificent sea views

It is rightfully considered the elite class of architecture. Its main advantages:

  • application sliding system discoveries;
  • maximum preservation of daylight;
  • panoramic effect;
  • embodiment of any design idea.

But elegant buildings also have plenty of disadvantages:

  • the seams at the joints are not sealed;
  • lack of thermal insulation;
  • high price for materials and specialist work;
  • The mosquito net cannot be secured.

Photo: veranda with frameless glazing for warm climates. Without an additional heat source, the room temperature is 10 0 -15 0 higher than outside.

Therefore, such a veranda or terrace will decorate the site, but it will not be possible to stay in it all year round. For year-round buildings, it is worth choosing frame glazing.

Partial and full

Partial installation is suitable for verandas where some of the walls are blank. The cost of work is several times lower than that of the second type of glazing. Damaged parts are easy to replace yourself.

Disadvantages - the view of the site is limited, the building looks like a continuation of the main building.

Continuous glazing allows you to enjoy nature from any angle. Suitable for terraces, pergolas, gazebos. In most buildings, 3 out of 4 walls and the ceiling are made transparent. Everything that is inside becomes open to others to see, so it is recommended to install mirrored glass.

Types of processing

Wooden frames require periodic inspection, care and repair - they are most susceptible to the influence of the external environment.

The following processing options are available:

It is important to note that traces of tape can be easily removed with vegetable oil and then with detergent.

Window decoration

Sprats can become a decoration, stained glass, cutters. For the safety of the building, forged grilles are used in the form climbing plants. An important element of window design is curtains and curtains. With their help, the room will become visually larger, brighter, or vice versa.

The fabric for curtains should be light and almost transparent. Better to use:

  • organza;
  • chiffon;
  • tulle;
  • grid.

Curtains provide protection from the scorching sun and prying eyes. Preference should be given to:

  • colored synthetics;
  • corduroy;
  • flax;
  • velvet.

But this part of the interior decor must be combined with the finishing material of the walls. Bright wallpaper or paint looks harmonious with the calm tones of the curtains.

If the room is small in size, then it is recommended to buy curtains with vertical stripes - they visually increase the height of the space, horizontal ones - make the room wider.

How to make windows at home

In theory, the process of creating such a product is quite simple, but in practice it is necessary to achieve the correct geometric shape in order for the structure to be airtight.

Let's look at the example of manufacturing a single-leaf wooden frame for a veranda.

The material must be dried so that it does not begin to deform over time.

The window consists of:

  1. Frames and glass. The frame is made from a block with a cross section of 5*5 cm.
  2. Boxes. It is cut from 5*15 cm boards and installed in the window opening.

The exact dimensions of the parts depend on the size and shape of the window and are calculated individually.

The work order is as follows:

  1. A 5*15 cm board is taken and a groove is cut out using an electric planer to make a profile in the shape of the letter G.
  2. 4 pieces of boards are sawed with dimensions corresponding to the window opening. They are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.
  3. You should check that at the joints the degree of inclination is clearly 90 0.
  4. The box is strengthened metal corners, mounted in the corners.
  5. The frame is created according to the same principle, but the fastening is made with a pin or an angle.
  6. The profile is made with 1–2 glasses. The lower groove will be needed to connect to the frame, and the upper one will be needed for the glass.
  7. The frame elements are being assembled.
  8. Glass is inserted.
  9. The hinges are attached.
  10. Wooden parts are treated with antiseptics.

Control measurements of the frame using a caliper

For a veranda used only in summer season, glass 0.4 cm thick is enough.

Prices for windows in companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Price finished products calculated based on the size, shape, frame material, type of double-glazed window and manufacturer.

Non-standard window designs made to order. The fittings are already included in the price of the product, but you will have to pay separately for installation. average cost installation of 1 m 2 is from 1 thousand rubles. For windows of non-standard shape or size, the work of specialists is estimated at 1,500 rubles per 1 m2 and above.

A single-leaf pine structure with screw-in hinges measuring 570*870 mm will cost 3,290 rubles, a blind window with the same parameters will cost 2,650 rubles. For a double-leaf window 870*1170 mm you need to pay 7090, and for a fixed window - 5230 rubles.

You can order a mosquito net. Its price ranges from 1300 to 1500 rubles per 1 m2.

In any case, factory designs, the quality of which has been tested over the years, are much more durable. If you need to save money, then it’s worth working on making your own windows.

Video: making window frames in production

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