Ending verbs and participle suffixes. Spelling personal endings of verbs


§ 80. Spelling of suffixes and verb endings

In spelling verbs, the main difficulties are associated with the right choice suffix and ending.

TSYA and TTSYA in verbs

It is necessary to distinguish the indefinite form of verbs (infinitive) from the form of the 3rd l. units hours present and future vr. To avoid mistakes in writing these forms, you should ask a question. The infinitive answers the questions what to do? what to do? (in these forms b is written), forms 3rd l. answer the questions what does it do? what are they doing? what will he do? what will they do? (in these forms b is not written). Compare: He(what does it do?) goes swimming. Necessary(what to do?) practice regularly.

Ex. 110. Make up phrases with verbs.

Meet - meet, free - free, reflect - reflect, return - return, have fun - have fun, sit down - sit down, clean - clean, worry - worry, quarrel - quarrel, wake up - wake up, get acquainted - get acquainted.

Ex. 111. Write down, insert the missing letters.

I had to hurry. After two kilometers the length suddenly became narrower. Clay shale began to appear. The width of the length either narrows... up to a hundred meters, then expands by more than a kilometer. The branches of the river form a labyrinth in which it is very easy to get lost if you do not stick to the main channel. Along a ridge overgrown with forest, you must walk carefully, you must often stop and look around, otherwise you can easily lose your way. (V. Arsenyev)

Verb suffixes

In the infinitive form, verbs most often have the following suffixes:
-A- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark);
-e- (to see, to offend); -And- (nursing, nagging).
Remember: 1) a suffix is ​​never written after the vowel letters of the root in the infinitive -e-. In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -And- (stand, water, milk). In unstressed position the suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, tea, smell, and the suffix -And-- in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;
2) after soft consonants (except h) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e-- in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, freeze;
3) in suffixes of past tense verb forms the same vowel is retained as in the infinitive. Wed: get welle th - get welle l, laI blah blah blahI l, glueAnd t-kleAnd l.

Ex. 112. Fill in the missing letters in the infinitive forms.

Clean...t, talk...t, spoil...t, wash...t, hate...t, mean, argue...t, desolate...t, mad. ..t, t...t, right...t, believe...t, cough...t, cry...t, ride...t, roll...t, notice... t, hope, depend..., offend.

Ex. 113. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Indicate the test words (verb in the infinitive form).

Lele...l, hoped...l, heard...l, looked...l, saw...l, offended...l, means...l, tha...l, finished. ..l, hanged...l, cured...l, hated...l, dispute...l, cl...l, str...l, sat...l.

Spelling verb suffixes-yva- (-iva-) And-ova- (-eva-)

Suffix -yva- (-iva-)
written if the present tense verb ends in -I am (-I am):
lateyva t (lateI feel ), crustwillow th (nowadaysIvayu )

Suffix -ova- (-eva-) written if the present tense verb ends in -yu (-yu):
conversationsova t (demonI'm going ),
managerova t (headI'm going )

Note. Verbs ending in stressed -vat (-vayu), have before the suffix -va- the same vowel as in the indefinite form without this suffix: overcomee t - overcomee overcome, overcomee vayu; zabAnd t-zabAnd forget itAnd vayu.

Ex. 114. Fill in the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes and explain their spelling.

Authorize a meeting, participate in a picket, find out a secret, exert influence, order a subordinate, untwist a rope, explore a coal deposit , report...on the results, profess...Islam, preach...good, serve dumplings, command...an army, try out new weapons, use... achievements of technology.
Remember: transitive verbs with prefixes un- (obes-) have a suffix in the infinitive and past tense -And-(to weaken someone), and intransitive ones - the suffix -e- (become weak yourself).

Ex. 115. Make up phrases with the verbs below. Explain why there is a difference in their spelling.

To weaken - to become weak, to become icy - to be iced, to weaken - to weaken, to become depleted - to become deprived of money, to bleed - to bleed, to become sterile - to sterilize, to become depleted - to deplete.

Personal verb endings

Stressed personal endings for verbs of I and II conjugations are written as they are heard. Wed: eideat , goingno , goingI eat , goingyeah , goingut - I conjugation; silentlylook , silentlyit , silentlythem , silentlyite , silentlyat - II conjugation.
Particular difficulties arise when writing unstressed personal endings of verbs of the first or second conjugation. The endings of the present and future forms of verbs depend on the conjugation.

I conjugation

II conjugation

-UT (-YUT)
(You) you read(You) you are reading(He) reads(They) read

-AT (-ЯТ)
(You) you believe(You) believe(He) believes(They) believe

If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, the conjugation is determined by the indefinite form.

II conjugation

I conjugation

1. All verbs in -it, except shave, lay.
2. Exception verbs:
a) on -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear);
b) on -to (see, depend, hate, offend, endure, watch, twirl)

All other verbs -at, -ot, -et, -ut, -et etc. (sunbathe, weed, fly, yawn), as well as exception verbs shave, lay

Ex. 116. Rewrite. Highlight the endings and determine the conjugation of the verbs.

The bast doesn’t knit, you can’t go far, you can’t lure it with a roll, as soon as the ground suffers, your hands don’t reach, you can’t get up to speed, it hurts your ear, all the bumps fall on poor Makar, you can’t bear your own burden, the truth stings your eyes, it doesn’t dote on your soul, it’s on the tip of your tongue , spreads like a carpet, won't hurt a mosquito, you'll lick your fingers, a mosquito won't hurt your nose, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ex. 117. Determine the conjugation of verbs, form the form of the 2nd line. units tsp and 3 l. pl. h.

To sow, to become familiar, to winnow, to drive, to spread, to hate, to hear, to prick, to melt, to depend, to hope.

Ex. 118. Write out the verbs and fill in the missing letters.

(He) will find a job, (he) will complete the answer, breathe easily, sow the field, cover it with wallpaper, wipe it dry, peg. ..there are banners, the people are fighting, the snow is...t, everything depends on the circumstances, wandering through the alleys, he hates lies, what is said cannot be said... Hey, you can do anything, the sun is warm, the window is frosty, you can hear all the rustling sounds, you want to win.

Ex. 119. Write down the proverbs. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

1) If you chase two hares, you won't catch either one. 2) You will know a lot - you will soon grow old. 3) True, the eyes are sharp...t. 4) The horse breaks out - you will catch up, you cannot turn back the words spoken. 5) If you don’t stretch out your hands, you won’t be able to get them from the shelf. 6) The rain will wet...t, but the sun will dry...t. 7) Lay down softly, but sleep hard. 8) Man, he can do everything: he plows...t, he and so...t.

Ex. 120. Fill in the missing letters. Explain the spelling of personal endings of verbs.

1) At the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks. (M. Lermontov) 2) A mournful wind drives a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven, a broken spruce groans, muffledly whispers...the dark forest. (N. Nekrasov) 3) The watchman slowly struck the clock: strike...t once and wait until the sound melts...t in the blue air. 4) The gloomy mountains look menacingly from under the clouds. (A. Maikov) 5) In the dark gray sky, stars are blinking here and there; a damp breeze occasionally comes in a light wave; you can hear the restrained, unclear whisper of the night. (I. Turgenev)

§ 81. Test tasks

1. In what form is b written?
a) is being done
b) I don't like...
c) will be under construction
d) nettle stings

2. In which version is b not written?
a) I can’t take...
b) will try
c) I don’t want to be angry
d) the rod bends...

3. In what form is b written?
a) the bolt will be secured...
b) the patient is being treated...
c) the question will be clarified
d) need to make arrangements

4. In which version is not written b?
a) The dream can come true.
b) The rain must stop.
c) He won't turn to anyone.
d) The student cannot concentrate.

5. In which word is the letter I written?
a) you are struggling
b) we chop...m firewood
c) the face is full of health
d) we'll get enough sleep

6. In which word is the letter E written?
a) the laundry is being rinsed
b) endure the pain
c) won't offend anyone
d) you foresaw everything

7. In which word is the letter I written?
a) the bush withers...t
b) everything will be forgotten
c) saw a friend
d) you won’t be tempted by a roll...

8. In which word is the letter I written?
a) breathing heavily...t
b) say goodbye silently
c) make the bed
d) didn't see anything

9. In which word is the letter Y written?
a) they grind coffee
b) cereals spoil...
c) they can handle it
d) classes will end

10. In which word is the letter I written?
a) they will open the seams
b) parents are busy...t
c) they are lo...ing around idle
d) children build a house out of sand

11. In what variant is I written?
a) you'll get well soon...you'll get better
b) dog la...t
c) the night breathes coolness
d) wind wind...t

12. In what variant is A written?
a) they don't hope for anything
b) they will hear your voice
c) won’t tell you the whole truth
d) the grass is swaying

13. In what variant is E written in the verb?
a) the war has orphaned many...la
b) the air is intoxicating for us...l
c) made the guys happy
d) the region is depopulated...l

14. In what variant is I written in the verb?
a) the estate is impoverished
b) I'm exhausted from hard work
c) the soldier was bleeding from a wound
d) hunger weakened the body

15. In which version of the verb has the suffix -ИВА-?
a) head the department
b) justify a friend
c) profess Christianity
d) envy agreement

16. In which version of the verb has the suffix -OVA-?
a) experience sadness
b) call for reconciliation
c) think about your fate
d) try to look into the future


Theoretical information and language analysis

§ 82. Participle and its grammatical features

Communion * - a special form of the verb, which denotes a characteristic of an object by action and combines the characteristics of a verb and the characteristics of an adjective. The participle answers the questions what? which? which? etc.
The participle is formed from a verb and has the following properties:
1) imperfect and perfect form: burning(not from burn); burnt(Soviet from burn out);
2) time - present and past: burning(present), burnt, burnt out(past);
3) can be returnable: rising, rising smoke.
The participle, like the adjective, answers the question what?, naming the attribute of the object associated with the action, and has the following properties of the adjective: it changes in numbers, cases (and gender - in the singular) for connection (coordination) with the noun on which it depends : burning forest, burning forest etc.; burning pine trees, bushes; burning pine, burning pine etc.
According to their meaning and form, participles are divided into active and passive.
Valid participles denote the attribute of an object that itself does or has done something. For example: 1) battalion attacking the enemy(attacker - active present participle; the one who attacks); 2) battalion that attacked the enemy(attacked - active past participle; the one who attacked).
Active participles are formed from both transitive and intransitive verbs using suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-) (present tense); -vsh- (-sh-) (in past tense).
Passive participles denote the attribute of the object to which someone’s action is directed. For example: 1) enemy attacked by battalion(attacked - present passive participle; the one who is being attacked); 2) enemy attacked by battalion(attacked - passive past participle; the one who was attacked).
Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs using suffixes -eat- (-om-), -im- (present tense); -ni-, -enn-, -t- (in past tense).
Passive participles have full And brief form. For example: mown grass - grass has been mown.

§ 83. Morphological analysis of the participle

Parsing order
I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General meaning. What verb is it derived from? The initial form is the masculine nominative singular.
II. Morphological characteristics.
Constant signs: a) active or passive, b) tense, c) aspect, d) reflexivity.
Inconstant features: a) full or short form (for passives), b) case (for participles in full form), c) number, d) gender.
III. Syntactic role.
Sample parsing
In an empty 3 the walls of the room were covered with paper 3 old wallpaper.
I. Pasted - participle (denotes the attribute of an object by action, answers the question what?). N. f. - pasted over. Image. from verb. paste over.
II. Constant signs - suffering, past. vr., owls c., non-return; inconsistent signs - short. f., pl. h.
III. The walls (what were they like?) were covered(the participle is part of the predicate).
I. Empty - participle (denotes the attribute of an object by action, answers the question which?). N. f. - empty, image. from verb. empty.
II. Permanent signs - current, present. vr., nesov. c., non-return; inconsistent signs - full. f., sentence p., units h., w. r.
III. In the room (which one?) (definition).

Ex. 121.

Of all the words of the mighty and primordial Russian language, full-voiced, meek and formidable, throwing 3 sounds like an explosive waterfall, babbling with an elusive stream, filled with the talk of a dense forest, rustling steppe feather grasses, singing in the wind that rushes and rushes and lures the heart far beyond the steppe, shining brightly silver spills of full-flowing rivers flowing into the blue sea - of all the uncounted gems of this inexhaustible 3 treasury of a living language, created 3 and yet tirelessly creating 3 , most of all I love the word - will. It was so in childhood, and so it is now. This word is the most precious and comprehensive. (K. Balmont)

1. Find participles in the text.
2. Determine their category (real and passive) and tense.
3. Name the verbs from which they are formed. Determine which suffixes are used to form participles.
4. Determine the syntactic function of participles in the text. Come up with sentences in which participles act as predicates.

Ex. 122. From these verbs form all possible forms of participles. Highlight the participle suffixes.

Write, build, approach, discard, offend, meet, arrange, sow.

§ 84. Test tasks

1. In which series are all words participles?
a) turned over, sitting, out of place, spreading
b) jumped over, solved, taken out, unfortunate
c) persecuted, darkened, heated, assigned
d) divided, holding, parting, entraining

2. How many participles are there in the two sentences given?
These were people scorched by the summer sun, tired of hard work. Their hands were scratched, their feet were stained with earth.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

3. In which variant is the participle form formed from the verb incorrectly?
a) twist - twisted
b) decide - decided
c) return - returning
d) study - studied

4. In which variant are the grammatical features of the participle defined incorrectly?
a) removed - perfect passive participle, past tense
b) running - active imperfective participle, present tense
c) accepted - perfect passive participle, present tense
d) heard - active participle of the imperfect form, past tense.

5. Which version contains an error in determining the grammatical features of the words highlighted in the sentence?
In the appearance of this street one can discern ancient features: in some places surviving two-story and even one-story houses with mezzanines; vacant lot in place demolished houses and an open courtyard without fences or gates, with overgrown thick with poplars and maples, from behind which one can see sheathed yellow boards, a two-story building that served in the old days as a utility room, and was later adapted for housing.
a) preserved - participle, active, past tense, perfect form, reflexive, complete, in the form of the nominative case, plural, in a sentence is a definition
b) demolished - participle, passive, past tense, perfect form, irrevocable, complete, in the masculine form, genitive case, singular, in a sentence is a definition
c) overgrown - participle, active, past tense, perfect, reflexive, complete, in the instrumental case, plural, in a sentence is a definition
d) trimmed - participle, passive, present tense, perfective, irreversible, complete, in the form of the neuter gender, nominative case, singular, in a sentence is a definition

§ 85. Participle and its grammatical features

Participle ** - a special unchangeable form of the verb, denoting an additional action in relation to the main one, conveyed by the predicate verb, and combining the characteristics of a verb and an adverb. The participle answers the questions how? how? Why? doing what? what did you do? etc.
There are gerunds:
- imperfect kind (for example, read - reading, draw - drawing, hear - hearing) And perfect kind (for example, read - having read, draw - having drawn, scream - screaming);
- irrevocable(examples above) and returnable(For example, turn - turning, turn - turning).
Imperfective participles are formed from the stem of present tense imperfective verbs by adding suffixes -a- (-i-). Perfect participles are formed from the base of the indefinite form of perfect verbs using suffixes -V-, -lice-, -shi-.
Participles can have the same dependent words as other forms of verbs, for example: read a newspaper - reading a newspaper, meet a friend - meeting a friend.

§ 86. Morphological analysis of gerunds

Parsing order
I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General meaning. What verb is it derived from?
II. Morphological characteristics: a) appearance, b) recurrence.
III. Syntactic role.
Sample parsing
I looked at his face intently for several minutes, trying 3 notice at least a slight trace of repentance.(M. Lermontov)

Ex. 123. Read the text and complete the tasks.

Learning good, calm, intelligent speech takes a long time and carefully - listening 3, remembering 3, noticing 3 and studying 3. But even though it is difficult, it is necessary, necessary. Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul, our mind. (D. Likhachev)

1. Find gerunds in the text.
2. Determine their type.
3. Name the verbs from which they are formed. Determine which suffixes are used to form participles.
4. Determine the syntactic function of gerunds in the text. Pay attention to the author's punctuation marks.
5. Make a morphological analysis of the indicated words.

Ex. 124. Form imperfect participles from the verbs and indicate suffixes. Make up two sentences using the gerunds you formed. Name the verbs from which imperfective participles are not formed.

Formulate, can, worry, manage, sour, breathe, cut, destroy, twist, circle, acknowledge, rub, enjoy, fade, erase, protect, knock, reap, rest, plow, tremble, write, beat.

Ex. 125. Form perfect participles from verbs, indicate suffixes, emphasize the vowel before the suffixes -lice, -in-. Make up two sentences using the gerunds you formed.

Bring, get carried away, fulfill, formulate, sift, run, place, get acquainted, wipe, be offended, save, get confused.

§ 87. Test tasks

1. In which series are all words participles?
a) straighten, falling, walking, talking
b) running, looking closely, forgetting, looking
c) headlong, having completed, rejoicing, covering
d) supine, overeating, white, moving

2. How many participles are there in the sentence?
The captain stands with his head pulled into his shoulders, holding on to the railings, not moving from his place, as if petrified before a thunderstorm, and it’s as if he doesn’t care about me.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

3. In which variant are the grammatical features of the gerunds defined incorrectly?
a) having seen - perfect participle, irrevocable
b) having stumbled - perfect participle, reflexive
c) remembering - imperfective participle, irrevocable
d) parting - imperfective participle, irrevocable

4. Which version contains an error in determining the grammatical features of the highlighted words?
Not holding on behind the wheel, leaning back And crossed with his arms on his chest, he drove along the highway and the city and looked at the poles and wires, checking network status.
a) without holding on - an imperfect gerund, reflexive, is part of a separate circumstance
b) leaning back - a perfect participle, irrevocable, part of a separate circumstance
c) crossed - a perfect participle, irrevocable, part of a separate circumstance
d) checking - an imperfect gerund, irrevocable, is part of a separate circumstance

International University of Nature,
society and people "Dubna", Dubna, Moscow region.

Spelling verbs and verb forms

Spelling personal verb endings


1. Verbs with a prefix You- The conjugation is determined by the prefixless verb:

they get enough sleep - sleep (2nd conjugation)
he will raise a son - he will raise(2nd conjugation)
his son will grow up - growing up(1st conjugation)

2. Remember different conjugated verbs: want, run, honor (honor, honor), dawn (the dawn is dawning, the dawn is dawning).

3. Verbs to -yat belong to the 1st conjugation: baat, bleat, winnow, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt(not to be confused: hide– “hide”), find fault.

4. Verbs recover, become frosty, become disgusted, become moldy V literary language change according to the 1st conjugation (you will get better, you will become frosty, you will become disgusted, you will become moldy).

5. There are different literary and colloquial forms: torment(liter.) – torment(colloquial); measure(liter.) – measure(colloquially).


№ 1 . Determine the verb conjugation: take(1),swerve(1),twist(1),own(1),hear(2),cut(1),hang(2),be able(1),offend(2),want(diversified), whistle(2),rub (1).

№ 2 . Fill in the table with these verbs according to the example: glue, hate, build, shave, grind, hope, sway, melt, twirl, want, conceal.

№ 3 . Write it down, insert the missing letters, indicate the conjugation.

1. Drops in puddles splash more regularly and mutter their psalm. 2. The knight trembles involuntarily: he sees the old battlefield. (A. Pushkin) 3. He laughs - everyone laughs, frowns - everyone is silent. (A. Pushkin) 4. The pale blue sky breathes light and warmth and greets Petropol with an unprecedented September. 5. People will clear the paths, trample, leave footprints, and the snow will fall again and cover everything with almost weightless down pillows.

Spelling verb suffixes

-ova-(-eva-), -yva-(-iva-)

-i-, -e- in verbs with a prefix obez(s)-

vowel before -l-

-ova-(eva-) in the form of units hours alternates with -u-, -yu- ; -yva-(-iva-) are saved

Before -va- the vowel of the root is preserved (do not confuse -va- With -Eve-, (-willow- )

In a transitive verb it is written -And- , in intransitive it is written -e-

Before -l- the vowel of the infinitive is retained

Conversations ovat b – conversations at yu

Obv And t - obv And-va-th

The athlete is exhausted And li (hard training),

Stuck e l - frozen e t

Perception yva t - look yva yu

Zap e t - zap e-va-th

the athlete is exhausted e l (after the performance)

I heard A I heard - I heard A there is


1. When selecting the form of the 1st person, units. h. to check the spelling of verbs with suffixes -ova-/-eva-, -yva-/-iva- It is necessary to take into account the type of verb.
dispel(nonsov. v.) – dispelling(unsov. v.) (wrong I'll dispel, because verb owl Here dispel).
Scout(nonsov. v.) – I'm scouting(unsov. v.) (wrong I'll scout out, because verb owl Here reconnoiter).

2. Pay attention to the spelling of verbs with roots -ved- :
confess - I confess; preach - I preach; manage - I'm in charge; taste - taste; visit - visit; find out - find out.

3. Remember the spelling of verbs: stuck e wat(Although stuck I t); eclipse e wat(Although eclipse And t); once e wat(Although once And no); extended e wat(Although extended And t); molested e wat(Although molested And t);intention e get involved(no pair of owl species).

4. Differentiate between verbs admonition e wat- “to persuade, advise” and admonishing And wat- “to conscience, to shame.”

5. Differentiate between verbs potch e wat- “treat” and almost And wat- "sleep".


№ 1 . Put it in imperative form and indicative mood verbs: repeat, wait, drive out, shake out, crawl out, say, see.

№ 2

Flag re_t. Burevestnik re_l. Didn't see anyone. Can't see anything. Success depends on effort. Dependent on parents. The cloud has cleared. The box doesn't stick well. The conversation didn't go well. Everything is disgusting.

№ 3 . Write by inserting the missing letters.

Advise to rest, study the map, not limit yourself to persuasion, preach mercy, darken the sun; the mountain was deforested, the singer was deprived of her voice, the peasants were deprived of land, the village was depopulated.

Formation and spelling of participles

Active participles
(denote a sign of an object that itself produces an action)

Passive participles
(indicate a sign of the object to which the action is directed)

Present tense

(from nons. v.)

Past tense

(from owl species and non-owl species)

When forming passive past participles, it is important to choose the correct form of the infinitive (only owl form) and take into account lexical meaning words (see table).

Infinitive, owl.view


Context check

hang up
Give short weight
Hang up
Dump out
Roll out

curtained window
Hung door
Buyer weighed down by the seller
Tea hung in portions
Garbage dumped from a container
Kneaded dough
A barrel pumped out of a barn
Shot boar

Window curtains And whether
Door canopy And whether
Buyer's body kit And whether
Tea by weight And whether
Garbage dumping And whether
Dough kneading And whether
Roll out the barrel And whether
Boar shot And whether

hang up
hang around
hang up

Walls hung with bunches of herbs
Posters hung on the walls
Ships hung with flags
Laundry hanging everywhere
A sheepskin coat dumped in the snow
Involved in an unpleasant story Water pumped out of a barrel

The walls are curtained A whether
Hang it on the walls A whether
We'll cover the ships A whether
Hang out the laundry A whether
Short fur coat vyval I in the snow
Knead A whether into an unpleasant story
Pumping out water A whether
Shot I is there a gun


№ 1 . From these verbs form all possible forms of participles: love, lie, make up, laugh, create, dress, glue.

№ 2 . Indicate the verbs that cannot be formed from passive participles past tense: buy, announce, be surprised, build, open, insist: 1) on something, 2) liqueur.

Answer : these are verbs build up, be surprised, insist 1.

№ 3 . Among the forms on -my indicate participles: dependent, audible, combustible, readable, tireless, discernible, surmountable.

Note. Participles on -my These are present passive participles. They are formed from transitive imperfective verbs. Consequently, forms formed from intransitive verbs or from perfective verbs will not be participles.

Answer: audible, readable.


Test No. 1

Indicate the numbers of words that are written with the letter y(y) .

1. they mumble
2. they are trembling
3. they see_t
4. they are swearing
5. they get enough sleep
6. they hope
7. they cherish_t
8. they are brezh_t
9. snow ta_t
10. the grass is swaying
11. they seem to be
12. dogs la_t
13. sheep ble_t
14. they are fighting

Test No. 2

a mistake was made .

1. he pecks
2. he shaves
3. it will melt
4. he is unsteady
5. he drives
6. he grinds
7. he lays
8. he cherishes
9. he sways
10. it rumbles
11. he shines
12. he is spinning
13. he will hear
14. he hopes

Test No. 3

Indicate the numbers of words in which a mistake was made .

1. preach
2. to manage
3. renew
4. outshine
5. admonish
6. posted
7. recovered
8. built on
9. open
10. treat

Test No. 4

Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which the letter is missing And .

1. When you see him, give him this letter.
2. If you don't take out the trash, you will be punished.
3. He didn’t see anyone.
4. The conversation is not going well.
5. If you hold the pen tightly, your hand gets tired quickly.
6. He will raise a son.
7. You will get better soon.
8. Clouds obscure the sun.
9. He won't last long.
10. The hike left the tourists exhausted.

Indicate the numbers of words in which mistakes were made.

1. they are dreaming
2. they are toiling
3. they are holding
4. they are driving
5. they cherish
6. they lay
7. they peck
8. they are bubbling
9. they mumble
10. they sway
11. they bark
12. they hope
13. they bleat
14. they are amusing themselves

Indicate the numbers of phrases and sentences in which mistakes were made .

1. They hope not to make a mistake.
2. The guys covered the book.
3. He was advised to undergo treatment.
4. Explore the secrets of the earth.
5. No one hoped for success anymore.
6. The horses are barely dragging along.
7. The tournament weakened the athlete.
8. Dawn is just breaking.
9. If you say too much, you will regret it.
10. Constantly spinning.
11. The grass sways in the wind.
12. They toil for a long time.
13. Treat yourself sweetly.
14. Encourage a friend.
15. The waters are bubbling.
16. They mutter.
17. Were not dependent on our parents.
18. Extend the holidays.
19. Something seems ahead.
20. If you see him, tell him.

Spelling participles

Test No. 1

Write down the missing participles (if participles cannot be formed, put a dash).


Valid prib.

Sufferer. prib.

Present tense

Past tense

Present tense

Past tense





4. hope


Test No. 2

From the given participles, choose the passive past participle. Please provide numbers.

1. discarded
2. studied
3. offending
4. persecuted
5. adhesive
6. melted
7. infused
8. swept

Test No. 3

Indicate the numbers of words in which letters are missing A or I .

1. wobbly
2. adhesive
3. struggling
4. raving
5. racing
6. chalk_shchy
7. breathable
8. trembling
9. hopeful
10. shaking
11. laying
12. thinking
13. penitent
14. jumping

Test No. 4

e .

1. rope hanging from the roof
2. ball dropped in the mud
3. targeted beast
4. mixed ingredients
5. ships are hung with flags
6. hung by the seller
7. shotgun
8. clothes hanging in the closet
9. hinged door
10. hanging grain
11. arrow sparrow
12. a barrel pumped out of a barn
13. involved in a crime
14. the walls are hung with paintings
15. dumped garbage
16. mixed solution
17. infused with herbs
18. promised help
19. Shepherds of glory
20. overheard conversation

Test No. 5

Indicate the numbers of phrases in which a letter is missing a(i) .

1. glue stick
2. shuffled cards
3. glued notebook
4. melted snow
5. melting snow
6. kneaded dough
7. posted goods

Test No. 6

What part of speech are the highlighted words? Choose the correct answer:

A) participle, B) adjective, C) noun.

1. part mourners
2. think about past
3. closed syllable
4. devastated Human
5. devastated city
6. orbital poplar
7. faded bush
8. room for waiting


Spelling verb endings and suffixes

Test No. 1: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Test No. 2: 1, 5, 7 (from grind), 12, 13.
Test No. 3: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17.
Test No. 4: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
Test No. 5: 3, 4, 7, 14.
Test No. 6: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 17, 18.

Spelling participles

Test No. 1: 1. solved; 2. solvable; 3. adhesive; 4. hopeful.
Note: present participles are formed only from imperfective verbs, and passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs.
Test No. 2: 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15.
Test No. 3: 2, 5, 12.
Test No. 4: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16.
Test No. 5: 2, 4, 10, 14. (In No. 7, two spellings are possible: hung goods, i.e. the one that was hung was divided by weight; hung goods, that is, the one that was hung, placed in some space.)
Test No. 6: A: 5, 6, 7; B: 3, 4; B: 1, 2, 8.


1. Russian language: Tutorial For in-depth study in high school / Bagryantseva V.A. and others. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2000. pp. 58–84.

2. Valgina N.S., Svetlysheva V.N. Russian language. Spelling and punctuation. Rules and exercises. M.: Neolit, 2000. pp. 107–122.

3. Tsarenkova T.A. Collection of tests on the Russian language. Dubna: Int. University of Nature, Society and Man “Dubna”, 2002.

4. Steinberg L.Ya. 1000 questions and answers. Russian language: A textbook for applicants to universities. M.: Book House "University", 1999. pp. 57–70.


What students need to know to correct execution tasks:
1. Spelling personal endings of verbs

· The spelling of personal endings of verbs depends on the conjugation of the verb.

· To determine the conjugation of a verb, you need to find out whether it is stressed or unstressed
his personal ending.

· To do this, put the verb in the third person singular (he, she, it) and
see which vowel is clearly heard:

· If the vowel letter E is clearly heard, this is a verb of the first conjugation: to swim -

· If the vowel letter I is clearly heard, then this is a verb of the second conjugation: fly -

· If a verb has an unstressed personal ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive.



1. Verbs - exceptions: SHAVE, STEEL,

2. All verbs that do not end in initial form-IT (except verbs DRIVE, HOLD, BREATHE, DEPEND, SEE, HEAR, OFFEND, TOLERATE, TURN, HATE, WATCH)

REMEMBER:SOW, WINDOW, CULTURE, MELT, BARK, REPENT, ROAR, BLAT, START, COUGH, SMELL, HOPE (these verbs are often mistakenly classified as verbs II conjugations, because when pronounced, yat sounds like it) .

1. Verbs ending in initial
form in -IT (except for the verbs SHAVE,
LAY, LAY UP - they belong to I

2. Exceptional verbs: DRIVE, HOLD,

· If we have determined that the verb belongs to the I conjugation, the vowels E, U, Yu are written in its unstressed personal endings:




1st person (I) -U, -Yu

(we) -EAT

2nd person (you) - EAT

(you) -ETE

3rd person (he, she, it) -ET

(they) -UT, -YUT

· If we have determined that the verb refers to II conjugation, in its unstressed personal
The vowels I, A, Z are written at the endings:




1st person (I) -U, -Yu

(we) -IM

2nd person (you) -ISH

(you) -ITE

3rd person (he, she, it) -IT

(they) -AT, YAT


v the verb SCREAM has a stressed ending in which the letter I is clearly heard (he screams), therefore, it is a verb of the second conjugation, in the endings of which the vowels I and A are written.

v FIGHT - this verb has an unstressed personal ending (In the 3rd person singular, it is not clearly heard which vowel letter should be written at its ending: E ​​or I). Knowing the conjugation of this verb will allow you to choose the correct spelling.
The conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending is determined by the initial
form. What to do? - fight, does not end in IT, is not one of the exception verbs of the second conjugation (DRIVE, HOLD, BREATHE, DEPEND, SEE, HEAR, OFFEND, TOLERATE, TURN, HATE, WATCH), therefore this verb of the first conjugation, in unstressed personal the endings of which
the vowels E, U, Yu are written: you fight, you fight, you fight, you fight, you fight.

v The verb GLEIT is a verb with an unstressed personal ending (in the 3rd person singular it is not clearly heard which vowel letter should be written at its ending: E ​​or I). Knowing the conjugation of this verb will allow you to choose the correct spelling. The conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending is determined by the initial form. What to do? - glue, ends in -IT. Therefore, this verb of the second conjugation, in the unstressed personal endings of which the vowels I, I are written (remember the password word for verbs of the second conjugation - donkey IA): glue,
glue, glue, glue, glue.

Notes e :

1 . The reason is not correct spelling Personal endings of a verb are often an arbitrary change in the form of the verb in question. You must be able to distinguish between aspect pairs of a verb, since depending on the type of initial form of the verb, its conjugation may change.
Remember that all forms of the verb in question must be of only one type.

Console (what to do?): I console, you console, he consoles, we console, you console, they console.

Comfort (what to do?): I will console, you will console, I will console, I will console, I will console, I will console.
Decide - decide

offend - offend

distinguish - distinguish,

let go - let go,

leave - leave,

give in - give in

announce - announce

commit - commit,

listen - hear,

drive - drive,

force - force,

separate - separate,

stop - stop

expand - expand, etc.

2. Pay attention to the verb to grind, which is often found in task A 16, relating to the first conjugation:


2. Spelling of participle suffixes

1. Spelling of the suffixes of the participles -УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -ЭМ-, -ИМ- depends
from the conjugation of the original verb from which they are derived.

Original verb

Active participles onworth the time

Passive participles onworth the time




Formed from the base of the present

current tense of the original verb

na using suffixes



Whisper (l conjugation) - whisperUT - whispering;

Lay (1 conjugation) - stelYUT - creeping

Formed from

bases of the present tense of the original verb

using a suffix

EM- (-OM-)

Vesti (1 conjugation) - vedUT -




Formed from the stem of the infinitive of the original verb using suffixes

АШ-, -ЯШ-.

Breathe (2 conjugation) - breathing,

Paint (2 conjugation) -

Formed from the stem of the infinitive of the original verb using the suffix -IM-

See (2 conjugation) - visible

Exception: movable

2. Spelling a vowel before past participle suffixes
-VSH-, -NN-

The vowel before the suffix -ВШ-
active participles past

The vowel before the suffix -НН-
passive past participles

Before the suffix -ВШ- the same vowel is written as before Ть in the initial form of the verb:

see - seen,

hear - the one who has heard,

melt - melted.

If the original verb ends in -AT or -YAT in the initial form, then the vowel
the letter A, I is preserved before NN in suffering
corporal past participles:
heard At - heard,

sow - sown.

If the original verb ends in -IT or -ET, then only

see - seen,
build - built

3. Spelling a vowel before a suffix -L- of the past verb tense.

Before the suffix -L- the same vowel is written as in the infinitive before -T: depend-depend.

Algorithm for completing the task

1) Find out in which part of the word the vowel is missing:

· at the end

· in the suffix

2) If the vowel letter is missing at the end, then use the indefinite form to establish
verb conjugation:

  • in the personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation the vowels E, U are written, Yu.

· in the personal endings of verbs of the second conjugation the vowels I, A, I.

3) If a vowel is missing in the suffix, then analyze the nature of the spelling:

· a vowel is missing in the suffixes of participles - УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -
IM-, -EM-.

· a vowel is missing before the suffix of the participles -ВШ- and -НН-.

4) Spelling of participle suffixes - УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -ИМ-, -ЭМ- depends
from the conjugation of the original verb:

· in participles formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, suffixes are written
-USH-, -YUSH-, -EM-;

· in participles formed from verbs of 2 conjugations, suffixes are written
-ASH-, -YASH-, -IM-;

5) The spelling of the vowel letter before the suffixes of the participles -ВШ- and -НН- depends
from this, the initial form of the original verb ends in АТ, ЯТ, ИТ ИJИИ АТ:

· if the original verb ends in -AT or -YAT in the initial form, then
the vowel letter A, I is preserved before NN in passive past participles:

· if the original verb ends in -ITE or -ET, then it is written before НН
E only;

· before the suffix -ВШ- and –Л- the same vowel is retained as before the ending Ть in the initial form.

The Russian language is quite difficult to learn. Therefore, it is very important to constantly refresh your memory by remembering school curriculum to maintain your language proficiency. Even if you got straight A's at school, repeating the rules of your native language is necessary. And those for whom Russian is a foreign language should pay great attention to complex topics, for example, the topic of spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles.

But first you need to understand the concepts themselves.

What is a verb?

Verbs act as independent parts of speech. Verbs are characterized by questions such as: “what to do?”, “what to do?”. As a rule, Russian verbs act as predicates in sentences and express the action or state of a certain object or being.

It is important to note that verbs can be transitive and intransitive, as well as reflexive and non-reflexive.

and writing rules. Russian language: personal endings of verbs

Verb endings play a very important role in our native language. But first you need to figure out what function they perform. help determine the conjugation of a particular verb.

So, conjugating a verb in the Russian language is a direct change in its numbers and persons. There are only two conjugations.

Verbs of the first conjugation have the following endings: -у(-у), -ет(-ет), -еж(-еж), -ет(-ети), -ем(-ом).

The second conjugation is characterized by the following endings: -у(-у), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat).

Knowledge of verb conjugation is necessary for the correct spelling of the letters “e” and “i” in unstressed endings.

It is also important to note that there are exceptions to this topic that you need to know. So, the second conjugation of verbs with unstressed personal endings includes:

  • verbs that end in -it. The exceptions are: shaving, laying, laying;
  • seven verbs ending in -et: depend, offend, endure, twirl, see, watch, hate;
  • This also includes four verbs that end in -at: hold, drive, breathe, hear.

Verbs of the first conjugation include other words (verbs) that end in -at, -ity, -et, -yat, -ut, -ot.

Now the main task is to determine which conjugation a certain verb belongs to and which vowel letter should be written in the word. To find out, you need to determine where the stress falls in the word. This is very easy to do, because if the stress is at the end of the word, then, as a rule, there is no doubt. Because if the ending is stressed, then the conjugation is easily determined by the personal ending of the verb. But if the emphasis is not on the ending of a specific verb, then you need to put the verb directly into the indefinite form, and then look at which vowel letter comes before -t.

What is a communion?

The participle is often called a special form of the verb that acts as a sign of the subject. And also the participle answers the same questions as the adjective. However, sometimes you can come across the statement that the participle does not act as a special form of the verb, but is directly an independent part of speech. But it's not that important. It is important to know the rules for writing participles and their features. Participles are of two types - perfect and imperfect, and are also used in the present and past tenses. Most often in sentences they act as a definition, in more rare cases they can appear as a predicate.

The topic of participles and verbs in the Russian language is given quite a lot of attention, because mastering the spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles is the key to language proficiency at a fairly high level.

Common mistakes in using participles

Participles are a particularly incomprehensible topic for foreigners in the Russian language, because they are not present in all languages. This is why Russian language learners are often confused about this topic. The main cause of errors is a lack of understanding of the very structure and nature of the origin of the participle.

The most common errors in participles are expressed in the incorrect use of the form and its incorrect formation. It is also a mistake to replace a verb with a participle.

Participles and their suffixes

Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes is considered one of the most difficult topics in the Russian language. Because errors in this category of rules are very common.

As for participles, they have such features as: aspect (perfect and imperfect), past and present tense, active and passive voice and reflexivity.

So, -ushch, -yushch are suffixes of participles, indicating the first conjugation of the verb from which they were formed.

And the suffixes of the participles -ashch, -yashch indicate that the verb from which this word form was formed belonged to the second conjugation.

Active voice of participles

Participles are used extremely often in Russian oral speech and in writing. After all, they make the sentence much softer and simpler in sound, giving it a more artistic look, which helps make speech smooth and beautiful.

The active voice indicates the attribute of a specific animate or inanimate object that independently performs an action. For example: “a girl who loves her mother.”

But in order to correctly formulate sentences using participles, you need to know the suffixes of present participles. So, the suffixes of the present tense include: -ushch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch. For example: singing, blooming, standing, loving.

There is also the use of the active voice in the past tense. The following suffixes are typical for such participles: -вш, -ш. Example: “a boy reading his father’s magazine” or “a father taking his daughter to the forest.”

Passive voice

Participles of the passive voice contain a sign of a specific animate or inanimate object to which the direct action is directed.

Such participles in the present tense are formed by the suffixes: -ем, -ом (for the 1st conjugation) and -im (for the 2nd conjugation). For example: loved, treasured, read, revered, etc.

As for the rules for spelling suffixes of passive participles in the past tense, they are formed with the help of such suffixes as: -н(н) - from verbs ending in -at, -yat, -et; -en(n) - is formed from words with the stem -it; -t - from verbs with stem endings -nut, -ot, -eret.

There are a certain number of exceptions. For example, verbs such as revenge, sew, beat, write, etc. do not have passive participles in the present tense.

In the past tense, such verbs: to love, to seek, to take - as a rule, do not form passive participles.

Suffixes of short participles

It is important to note that participles in Russian have two forms. This is the full form of participles and the short one. As for the short form, such participles can only be in the passive voice. For example, adored - adored.

In the present tense, short participles are almost never used. As a rule, they are replaced by a more simplified construction with a verb. There is an opinion that short form participles in the present tense do not exist in modern Russian. They were willingly replaced by gerunds.

Short form participles have the same functions as an adjective. They do not change at all by case. Short participles change according to numbers, and if such a participle stands in plural, then they vary by gender.

As for the suffixes of short form participles, they include: -н and -en. For example, burned - burned, applied - applied, etc.

In conclusion, it must be said that correct use in oral and written speech, participles indicate a decent level of proficiency in the Russian language. And with the help of them you can decorate your speech. Therefore, spelling the personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes is a necessary topic to study in the Russian language. Because verbs and participles play a huge role and are used very often.

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