Are computer games dangerous? Are computer games harmful?

The American Psychological Association, which has made all kinds of arguments in favor of games, recently admitted that they are still . The other day, a 17-year-old teenager from Bashkiria. Are games really to blame, or are they just an easy target for blame? The Mail.Ru Health project looked into the harms and benefits of computer games.



Modern research refutes the popular belief that games “dumb you down.” Actually this is not true. What can you improve in yourself by playing?

Cognition and emotions

The same experts from the American Psychological Association believe that games, especially shooters, improve cognitive abilities: reaction speed, ability to concentrate and make decisions. They also believe (or at least used to believe) that aggressive games teach self-control and emotion management.

Scientists from the Singapore Technological University conducted an experiment: for a month, a group of volunteers played different computer games for an hour 5 days a week. At the end of the experiment, the researchers tested the participants' cognitive abilities and found that everyone had improved attention, memory, tactical and strategic thinking. Depending on the genre of the game, the individual mental capabilities of the participants became wider. A separate group of participants gained or improved their ability to find non-standard solutions tasks and thus achieve a specific goal.

The fact that computer games relieve stress is shown by another study from the American Psychological Association(the topic of the game is one of the most pressing for her). Experts surveyed 1,614 respondents. The subject of the survey was how much games help cope with different types stress (fatigue from work, household chores, stressful situations). The anti-stress effect was noted by all respondents, and among those who lacked support from others, it was more pronounced. This means that in a situation where it is not possible to get support from loved one, the game will help you stay afloat and cheer up.

The anti-stress effect of some games is also due to the fact that they allow you to throw out the aggression that a person is in Everyday life forced to suppress. Compared, for example, with aggressive or extreme sports, computer games are accessible (including financially) and non-traumatic, and this is a big plus. In first-person games, aggression is personalized - when an obstacle is removed, the hunter's instinct is triggered. Mentally healthy man is unlikely to think about repeating the plot of the game in real life - most likely, he will be glad that there is an activity with which he can unwind without harming himself or others.


Opponents are convinced that games isolate people from society and turn people into vegetables that exist in a fictional world. In fact, communities are formed around computer games (from small online parties to e-sports leagues), whose participants share a common interest. Offline meetings are a real opportunity to find friends for those who consider themselves socially phobic; It is precisely these “clubs of interests” that single girls (and young people, probably too) are advised to join in order to find a mate.


IN last years There is a lot of research being done on the effects of computer games on learning ability. There is evidence that they have great potential as teaching aids, since they provide feedback and motivate students to move on. So says psychologist in the field of motivation, personality and development, professor at Stanford University Carol Dweck.

It would seem that we are talking about teaching children, but a person learns all his life. If you don’t train your intellect and don’t develop, stagnation will come first, then degradation. This is why psychologists advise adults to constantly learn something new. And if the classes are unusual, even better. So for gamers, the game can be something like a simulator, and for those who do not play, it can be a new entertaining activity.


In 2008, researchers from Australia observed the physical changes that occur in the body of people addicted to a shooter game. Electrodes were attached to the gamers’ bodies to record changes in heart rate and other reactions; the game process was recorded on video, and at the end of the game the players talked about their feelings. As the complexity of the tasks increased, the experiment participants entered a state of flow and began to experience increasingly strong positive emotions. The body reacted accordingly - the pulse quickened, goosebumps appeared on the skin. Participants later reported that as they became more immersed in the game, they felt increasingly happy.

This is called a “flow state,” a term coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is absolute involvement in what a person is doing in this moment. Roughly speaking, this is “when the whole world disappears”, and there is only here and now - a person is in conditions where he is completely absorbed in solving a specific problem. You can get into flow by doing different things, including playing. The game also makes you happy because it gives you the opportunity to feel in control of the situation - this is sometimes so lacking in real life.



If the positive effects of computer games manifest themselves on a psychological level, then the “side effects” are mainly on the physical level.

It occurs due to compression of the median nerve (one of the nerves that controls the movements of the hand and fingers) in the wrist area. Those who spend a lot of time at the computer are susceptible to the syndrome, due to the frequent repetition of monotonous hand movements. On initial stages the syndrome is manifested by pain of varying intensity or numbness of one or more fingers. The condition is easily treated in the initial stages, but if left untreated, mobility in the hand and fingers may be limited.

Yes, those who spend a lot of time sitting are at risk of getting this complication of varicose hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum, and gamers are no exception. Due to too long a static position, blood circulation in the lower part of the body is disrupted, the balance between the inflow and outflow of blood is disrupted, including in the veins of the rectum - and here it is, hemorrhoids. According to statistics, the disease affects 10–15% of people, more often men in age group 21–30 years old.

Back problems

They also occur due to a long sitting position, the range of diseases is very wide: from in which the spine wears out prematurely, to poor posture due to incorrect positioning, dizziness and numerous neurological problems.

Osteochondrosis, for example, occurs in 9 out of 10 adults; this is one of the diseases that have become younger; today people aged 20–30 are increasingly affected. Not only the skeletal system suffers from forced static: the muscles of the neck and upper back become weak, since the load on them is reduced (hence the postural disorders); the lower back muscles, on the contrary, become overstrained due to too much stress.


Computer eye syndrome (or computer vision syndrome) occurs in 50–90% of people who spend 8 hours or more at the computer. Feelings of dryness in the eyes, blurred vision, irritation, painful sensitivity to light, and dizziness, neck pain - all these symptoms indicate that your eyes are suffering. When looking at a monitor for a long time, a person blinks less often and the eye does not receive enough moisture. In addition, those who are constantly at the computer may experience a spasm of the eye muscles, all of which spoils their vision.

Abuse of psychostimulants

This could be coffee or any other substances that make it possible not to eat, not sleep, not get tired and at the same time be ready for battle every minute. The issue of doping is especially relevant for eSports tournaments (why does the average gamer need to overclock?), where eSports players are subjected to intense stress, and large cash prizes and fame are at stake. Well-known Counter Strike player Corey Friesen used the drug Adderall during competitions - it is used to treat hyperactivity. After this statement, one of the largest e-sports leagues, the Electronic Sports League (ESL), decided to test all players for doping, but Friesen was not deprived of his awards, since at that time it was not possible to check whether the athlete was doping.

Drugs like Adderall (a compilation of amphetamine salts) increase alertness, reaction speed, and keep you calm. Some gamers claim that when the gap between opponents is negligible, doping allows you to win (however, they also claim that if a player used doping, it is obvious). Side effects Adderall and similar drugs can be very different: from palpitations and hypotension to respiratory dysfunction and various disorders of the nervous system and psyche, depression, and perception disorders. And in case of overdose, psychosis may develop. All these consequences threaten those who use the drug without a doctor’s prescription; in therapeutic doses it is considered less dangerous.

We came to the conclusion that games can be both harmful and useful - it all depends on who plays and how. Rather, they can be an indicator of health - mental and physical - and a predisposition to addiction.


Many modern children and teenagers literally “live” in virtual world, thereby becoming his “victims” and enemies for themselves. Unlike their peers who are interested in various sciences and activities, virtual children do not develop their memory and lose a sense of responsibility for what is happening around them.

A person’s well-being largely depends on physical activity. Sitting for hours without movement, children and adolescents cause considerable harm to their health. Prolonged stay in an unchanged position does not allow the body's lymphatic and venous systems to function normally and leads to blood stagnation. A consequence of a sedentary lifestyle excess weight diseases of the cardiovascular system become. It is likely that other diseases will also manifest themselves. Eye fatigue subsequently leads to decreased vision.

In children and adolescents addicted to computer games, their mental capacity. Only certain areas of the brain responsible for vision and movement can receive a positive effect. Most of the human brain is underdeveloped and even susceptible to degradation. Memory deteriorates, learning abilities and control over emotions and feelings are lost.

It's no secret that the number of people heavily addicted to computer games is not decreasing. This obsessive “disease” affects not only children and adolescents, but also adults. Their behavior is often characterized by imbalance, even aggressiveness. This happens due to loss of control over own actions. It is often not easy for a person suffering from such an addiction to get rid of the computer “disease,” and not everyone wants this. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that such an addiction develops very rapidly: six months to a year - and a person becomes a “prisoner” of this habit.

Teenagers often prefer computer games in which the plots are based on murders, shootings, and beatings. For skillful actions in them main character well rewarded. An insufficiently strong teenager’s psyche is capable of transferring actions taking place in the virtual world to the real world, since for a teenager absorbed in the game these worlds differ little.

A person who is passionate about violent games has a reduced level of sensitivity to unattractive scenes of humiliation and violence. Scientists have concluded that this contributes to the emergence of a tendency in adolescents to commit crimes. Such people are not able to show feelings of compassion towards others, they are indifferent and are in no hurry to help others. On the contrary, they strive to suppress the will of the weak. Often, teenagers truly believe in the possibility of going unpunished for any evil act.

However, there is a different opinion regarding the possibility of aggression among teenagers who are overly involved in violent games in a virtual environment. It is quite possible that these games help angry and cruel people “tame” their anger by taking it out in the virtual world. But the obvious fact is that games filled with scenes of violence will not add kindness and feelings of compassion to a person.

Many modern parents are in a hurry to buy a gift for their children that is far from cheap - a computer. The aspirations of the elders are clear: they see this thing as an assistant in the study and entertainment of their beloved children. But parents always need to remember that a large number of computer games negatively affects the child’s psyche that has not yet formed, and excessive passion for them can develop into a difficult-to-treat addiction.

As you know, there have always been a lot of disputes and disagreements around computer games. Most often, these debates are about whether games are harmful or beneficial. Some say that they are certainly harmful and then find cases that can demonstrate this, others say no and contrast their cases with the first. Well, let's figure out whether computer games are harmful to health or not?

First, let's look at the games themselves, what they are, and then draw a conclusion.

What is a game? This is, to put it bluntly, entertainment. This entertainment can be of many genres and with different age ratings. Games are now sold on every corner and there are no problems getting any of them.

Different genres of games

Game genres, for those who don’t know, are the main focus of the game. For example: Race - where the whole essence of the game is to control a car in order to overtake rivals and come first, Shooter, Action - this is a shooter with a view, most often from the first person, where the goal is the story passage of the game, the extermination of enemies with firearms and more.

Of course, if you compare these two genres in terms of cruelty, then the first is completely harmless, but the second often includes brutal scenes, where sometimes blood flows like a tap.

But on the other hand, isn’t it like that in films? Previously, you could only see this in horror films, but now not only.

For the most part, this is just a legal wash away of responsibility by developers from their own hands, so that later parents would not go to court when a 7-year-old boy, who outplayed Manhunt, chopped his grandmother into cabbage. This is all a joke, of course, it usually doesn’t come to this, but still, children under 10 years old are not recommended to play +21 games.

Ratings are determined by the violence of the game, the most violent games are legally intended for players 21 years of age or older. These games may contain some violence different forms, obscene language and everything else. And then the ratings, along with the cruelty in the game, decrease for players over 6 years old.

Why are games sometimes to blame for violence?

As you know, sometimes it is because of games that a person takes some kind of negative action towards others or any individual. There were several similar cases in the USA, when it was recognized that the culprit had overplayed GTA IV. Only people with a weak psyche, imaginary and impressionable, for whom the Ministry of Health would prohibit viewing even modern films, can be susceptible to this.

Are games harmful?

Cruel games can be harmful only for those who are obviously weak in their psyche and highly susceptible to received information. Such people, as was written above, will be harmed by cruel films. If you are not one of them, there is no danger from gaming cruelty for you.

Racing, for example, is not harmful in any way; on the contrary, it develops reaction and attentiveness.

The only harm that a game can cause is simply to temporarily addict you to itself, captivate you, drag you on. Most often these are online games; they were created precisely to become a gamer’s habit.

It should also be noted the strain on vision. If you take a 10 minute break every hour, you will compensate for this load.

Well, another harmful thing is when a gamer, having played too much, forgets to eat on time. Don’t let it get to this point - it’s better to bring food to the computer and eat while playing.

The benefits of games

Computer games have many positive properties. Shooters will significantly increase your reaction and attentiveness. Some games are specifically designed to improve thinking, logic, memory and they really help with this.

There is nothing more important and dearer than the health of our children. You can’t buy it with money and you can’t replace it like a used battery. It is very important to understand which organs and systems of the baby are affected by the computer. And take measures to prevent this from happening.

  1. Vision.

The eyes are the first to suffer. They are in constant voltage. When you stay at the monitor for a long time, symptoms such as double vision, temporary myopia, dryness and burning occur. Children's eyes quickly get tired due to their immaturity.

My vision is deteriorating and I will soon have to wear glasses. Most often, children play on a laptop or tablet while lying on the sofa, which increases eye strain. In recent years, according to statistical data, myopia (myopia) is twice as common among first-graders. This indicates the detrimental effect of computers on vision.

  1. Posture.

The computer also harms the posture of children. As a rule, the place for playing or studying at the computer is not equipped for the height of the child. For example, he plays on a laptop, sitting on the sofa, on the floor, lounging on an armchair.

The back is in the wrong position. The child slouches or cranes his neck too much because he cannot see the image. Over time, this leads to curvature of the spine. There are complaints of pain in the head and back.

  1. Nervous system.

Weak, not yet fully formed nervous system In children it malfunctions during prolonged contact with the computer. This is manifested by increased excitability, bad sleep, sudden change of mood.

Attentiveness decreases, appears unmotivated aggression. Subsequently, children develop computer addiction. Apart from his favorite “toy”, a dependent child no longer cares about anything.

Signs of computer addiction in children

  • the real world is replaced by a virtual one;
  • communication abilities are lost. It’s easier to find friends on the Internet than in person;
  • achievements in real life are replaced by completing a level of a game;
  • the desire to go out somewhere or do anything disappears;
  • contacts with other people are avoided;
  • appetite decreases;
  • sleep deteriorates;
  • studies and household responsibilities are ignored;
  • Aggression manifests itself in response to any attempt to limit contact with the computer.

This condition requires medical intervention. It is already difficult for parents to cope alone.

At what age can you play on the computer?

Children and computers are a much discussed topic. It is believed that the later a child gets acquainted with an electronic computer, the better. But you also need to consider the benefits of a computer.

When the baby is very small and is just beginning to explore the world, he is interested in watching funny pictures on the monitor and pressing keys.

At this age, the words “impossible” or “enough” cannot be explained. Trying to get them away from the computer will end in crying and hysterics. The benefit of this is doubtful.

It is preferable for children to start mastering a computer no earlier than 3-4 years old. They already understand the word “impossible.” And you can agree on a time with him.

Psychologists have come up with a formula. With its help, the approximate time that the baby can spend at the computer without harm to health:

Age × 3 = number of minutes allowed. Next, the received minutes × 3 = rest time.

Example. The baby is 5 years old. 5 × 3 = 15 minutes – game on the computer. 15 × 3 = 45 minutes – rest.

The computer gaming industry does not stand still. New games are released regularly, and each is better than the other. Quite a lot good games, which help children develop memory, logic, and thinking. Also, some games allow natural talents to reveal themselves and allow you to learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

Main - individual approach, which takes into account the character and interests of the little “gamer”. In addition to the benefits, there are also harms from computer games. It manifests itself in strong passion, which ultimately leads to addiction to computer games.

Children stop controlling the time they spend at the computer and forget about everything in the world. The result is overwork, memory loss, and problems at school.

Be sure to watch the presentation for the game you are going to buy. Make sure there is no violence, excessive gore, or erotic scenes. A game that is incorrectly selected for the temperament of a small user will quickly overtire him and put strong pressure on his psyche.

There are very susceptible children. They often transfer their impressions into the real world. This can manifest itself as aggression towards other people, fears, nightmares at night, and isolation.

Preventing computer harm

  • organizing a place for children to play computer;
  • correct position: back straight, elbows and knees at an angle of 90°. The distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least 70 cm;
  • good and correct lighting;
  • exercise after being at the computer with the obligatory performance of special exercises for the eyes;
  • limiting computer use time depending on age;
  • careful selection of games, taking into account individual characteristics children;
  • control over the sites that the child visits using special programs.

How to replace a computer?

Many parents are only happy about the advent of computers. After all, this is another way to captivate your child and mind his own business. But for those who know about the dangers of a computer and want to spend more time with children, this information will be useful.

How to diversify your leisure time?

  • use educational and board games;
  • show your imagination and come up with games with safe objects that you have at home;
  • walks on fresh air. It’s better to invite other children for a walk or meet them on the street;
  • attend educational clubs and sports sections;
  • reading books together, learning poems and songs, listening to music;
  • doing handicrafts or other creative activities.

And this is not the entire list. You can do anything with your child. The main thing is to find time and desire.

We live in an era of developed information technologies. Without computer knowledge to modern man it will be hard. We should be calm about the fact that our children will sooner or later master this “miracle machine.” This will help them in their studies and in finding a good job.

The main thing is to remember the harm that a computer can cause if you do not follow the basic rules of use.

Scientists' opinions on the influence of computer games on humans and their consciousness are divided. Some argue that the harm of computer games is great, others believe that they have an exclusively positive effect. In fact, both of them are right in their own way. Let's figure out what it is possible harm gameplay on PC.

Research by scientists has revealed that gamers who constantly play violent computer games are prone to committing crimes; they almost never help others and do not show compassion for the people around them.

This occurs due to a person’s decreased level of sensitivity to scenes of violence and humiliation that he sees every day in the game and takes it for granted.

Are computer games harmful?

However, the cause-and-effect relationship here is not entirely clear: a person who is cruel in life needs a release, and he plays, taking out his anger in virtual life, or is a calm and balanced player addicted to cruel games, so he himself becomes more aggressive? There is no clear answer to this question today.

Another interesting fact is that children playing violent video games are prone to violence and suppressing the will of a weak person.

As a rule, such a plot involves beatings, shootings, and murders, for which the main character receives a good reward. Often, for a teenager, the virtual and real worlds are no different, and he projects his actions in the game into real life, because his psyche is not yet strong enough to have such an impact on it.

Passive lifestyle

We all know that players are constantly in a sitting position, and this does not last an hour or even two. Of course, a prolonged immobilized state adversely affects his health.

Scientists have found that the level of physical activity of a person has a direct impact on the rate of aging of his body and on his well-being in general.

Probably everyone knows that when the body remains in the same position for a long time, blood stagnates, and the functioning of the venous and lymphatic systems also deteriorates.

In addition, a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle is prone to gaining excess weight and developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. You can also develop hemorrhoids or metabolic disorders in the body.


Often in modern society There are people completely addicted to the game. They are usually psychologically unbalanced, aggressive and cannot control their actions.

According to psychologists, computer game addiction develops much more rapidly than any other addiction (smoking, alcohol, drugs). Only about six months or a year passes, and the person is completely subject to the gameplay.

Gambling addiction is a disease that has virtually no cure. It is very difficult to get rid of it, and the person himself does not really want this, believing that he is completely healthy and does not need treatment.

Deterioration of brain function

With the development of bitterness, the gamer begins to lose his mental abilities. Scientists have found that any computer game has a stimulating effect only on certain areas of the brain that are responsible only for vision and movement, without paying due attention to its other parts.

As a result, the frontal lobes of the brain, which influence human behavior, improve his memory, are responsible for his feelings and emotions, as well as the ability to learn, do not develop and even degrade.

Harm of computer games for children and teenagers

Children who are interested in mathematics or other activities that enhance self-education, on the contrary, stimulate their brain and all its frontal lobes. They have a much better developed memory and awareness of everything that happens around them.

Children of virtuality are the most worst enemy for ourselves. For them, the boundaries between the virtual and real worlds are blurred, and there is no concept of responsibility for their actions.

As in the game, they want to remain unpunished for any crime, sincerely believing in the real possibility of this. The harm of computer games ultimately results in real life, where a teenager faces misunderstanding and discord.

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