Practice report: Characteristics of the enterprise, its functional activities and management features. Characteristics of the enterprise's activities using the example of Zhilservis LLC

Running a business is a process in which an entrepreneur is faced with a million different nuances and issues not directly related to his main activity. Especially if we're talking about about small business where you have to do everything yourself. There are many examples of such combinations, one of them is drawing up a profile for an employee.

Let's look at what an employee reference sheet is, why it is needed, and most importantly, how to draw it up correctly? In order to look like a worthy employer in the eyes of the surrounding business community.

What is an employee profile?

Characteristic is short review(in our case, the employer) about a specific person (employee) with clarification of his professional, business, personal qualities, as well as a description of his work experience at a specific workplace.

It should be noted that the job description does not indicate general biography or achievements and milestones labor activity outside this enterprise. That is, we write only about work in a specific company, other stages of life are indicated in the resume or individual characteristics. The situation is similar with indication of family status or education.

In most cases, the employee’s reference is issued on the company’s letterhead; if this is not available, then the full details of the company or entrepreneur must be indicated in the first section. Such a paper is signed either directly by the manager or by an authorized person with a wet stamp.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

This document must necessarily consist of three main parts (minimum).

The first part is general

In it we indicate:

  • - last name, first name, patronymic,
  • - date of birth
  • - in the absence letterhead indicate the full details of the company
  • - length of service in the employee’s specific company

The second part is work experience

We write in it

  • — stages of labor activity. Transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • — we describe incentives, awards, reprimands (with mandatory indication of reasons)
  • - indicate completion of advanced training courses, professional training, education.

The third part is personal characteristics

We write in it

  • — presence of professional qualities;
  • — experience and skills of a specialist to perform quality tasks quickly and efficiently;
  • - communication skills;
  • — the relationship of the employee in the team;
  • — ability to work, etc.

Of course, this is a general layout for writing a reference for an employee from the place of work and no one bothers you to make adjustments or add information from yourself, for example, about additional skills or knowledge (not related to professional activity but used in the workplace)

Examples of characteristics for an employee

Example one

Form for organizations (firms, enterprises, individual entrepreneur details)

Ref. No. ____ “______” _______________ 20___


Issued to Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov has been working at Sell Everything LLC since January 1, 2006. By ___________ (fill in if issued to a non-working employee)

Work experience at the company is 10 years.

Hired on January 1, 2006 as a sales consultant.

On January 1, 2010, he was transferred to the position of senior sales consultant.

On January 1, 2015, he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department.

On October 10, 2012, he received the title of seller of the year, for the most high level sales

During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, in marketing and management programs.

Ivanov S.I. has a large amount of knowledge in his specialty, systematically improves his lore through self-training, uses the latest developments in the field of sales. Has excellent business negotiation skills.

Personal qualities - punctuality, delicacy in communicating with clients and subordinates, is respected in the team, has leadership qualities. Demanding of himself.

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Example two

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic was issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in _________________________________________.

(name of organization and its details)

c “______” _______________ 20___ to present in the position of _________________.

The employee is a professional with ___ work experience. During this time, I did not go to advanced training courses; I carried out advanced training on my own. He has never been subject to disciplinary action.

With colleagues is in friendly relations, without bright leadership qualities. Friendly and reserved, always ready for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, conflict-free. Bad habits are missing. Life priorities and guidelines correspond to generally accepted moral principles. Systematically participates in public life team.

This characteristic was issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Sample characteristics from the robot site

Positive sample

Activities. The article will discuss what should be in it and a small example of its composition.

General information

Characteristics of the enterprise (brief) are needed in cases where the activity of the enterprise is being assessed. To get the best idea of ​​the real state of affairs, you need to know how to compile it correctly. Economics students usually practice this by describing the company or enterprise where they are doing their internship. Therefore, if you want to check how well the work meets the standards, you can contact the students. It should be noted that any brief economic description of an enterprise has general points that can be applied to any organization. How does the compilation take place? To do this, you need to be guided by a plan.

Outlines of the walkthrough

Since we are interested in a brief description of the enterprise, an example of this document will be divided into separate components throughout the article and points will be provided with explanations. Initially, it is necessary to obtain information about the company’s structure, its legal data and economic indicators. To begin with, it is compiled brief description of the subject, which indicates its legal form, time of foundation and other similar data. After this, it is necessary to describe the purpose of the enterprise and its capacity. In this case, the circumstances influencing it should be taken into account. These include external factors, the nature of the services provided or the type of product and its specificity. A big event is held here difficult work, during which it is checked economic activity. Depending on the requirements, implementation may vary for individual organizations. After such preparation, you should begin to analyze the activities of the enterprise itself (or several of its areas, which are fundamental from the point of view of existence).

Summing up the results of the inspection

A brief summary of the enterprise should contain the main indicators of the company’s functioning and financial results at least. It may also contain not only an analysis and description of the main production, but also its subsystems, branches and other structural units that are related to the company. This primarily applies to large enterprises. In such cases, it is necessary to understand the complex organizational structure, which includes production activities, numerous management and analytical departments, information collection services, materials distribution and finance, as well as other departments.

Why give a description?

This is necessary in order to analyze the activities of the enterprise and identify its problem areas. After all, the quality of work of any organization depends on the coherence of the work of its departments. The situation here is that you should constantly strive for the optimum. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the compliance of the work with the established goals and production conditions. When a brief description of an enterprise is compiled, then to facilitate the completion of the task, you can draw up a diagram of the structure of the entity. In this case, you should describe the responsibilities and functions of not only individual divisions, but also units. After this, the performance of each structural unit is assessed by calculating the indicators necessary for this. Particular attention here needs to be paid to security. In this case, interest is provided by their qualifications, level of training, staff turnover (and their reasons) and the effectiveness of their management. This highlights the structure labor resources. Usually they talk about service personnel, employees, specialists, workers and managers. Also, the characteristics should contain a description of the strategy for further development and adaptation to modern existing conditions.

Useful data

A brief description of the enterprise should also contain an assessment of the state of the subject economic activity at the current moment, its level of development and viability. Thanks to this you can get useful information about the rationality of maintaining this enterprise. But the greatest attention should be paid to the analysis of the company’s economic activities, which are based on key indicators. These include gross and net profit, current costs and economic effect. If desired, some more indicators can be added separately. Thanks to this generalizing approach, a complete assessment of the enterprise’s activities is obtained. And where this data will be used is a separate question. As a small example, a brief description of the LLC enterprise (limited liability company) will be considered.

Descriptive part

What should be here? A brief description of the enterprise includes the name organizational form ownership (that is, in this case it is a limited liability company) and address. After this, you should indicate what is the main activity for the company. After this it is indicated that it operates in accordance with the law Russian Federation and your status. Economic activities are carried out on their basis, and ultimate goal is making a profit. After this, the main activities should be indicated. But something similar was a few sentences ago, right? Why write again? The fact is that the scope of action is initially indicated, and then the specifics come. So, we can write that the main activity is construction, and the types are repair and installation work and the like. The main goals should also be noted. These include maintaining the company and its development, saturating the market with high-quality services or goods, maximizing the profit received by the enterprise and improving the level of well-being of employees.

Practical part

After this, attention can be given to existing tasks. One such example is the desire to make more efficient use of available production capacity, increase the volume of services provided and the like. As an addition, you can indicate that a company is a legal entity that has current accounts, a balance sheet, a seal, and property. The latter may include certain material assets and/or financial resources which are her property. You can also pay attention to what kind of organizational routine exists here. This applies both to the specifics of the staff’s work and to who is supreme body management. So, given that we are considering a limited liability company, this will be the meeting of founders. You can also touch upon organizational issues regarding the system of financial and economic services, personnel and accounting departments and other components of structural units.


So we looked at what a brief organizational characteristics enterprises. To receive the required minimum information can be described in the two parts of the example above. If desired, you can make a more detailed analysis, but remember that this is a brief organizational description of the enterprise. Therefore, there is no need to describe everything in detail here.

Industrial practice report

Introduction 3

1. Brief description enterprises 7

2. Organizational structure practice units 11

3. Job responsibilities intern 12

4. Description of the technology of activities in the workplace 13

Conclusion 17

References 19

Applications 20


As analysts of the Catering Consulting company note, catering for Russia is a fairly young industry, but at the same time it is actively developing. The first Russian catering restaurants appeared in the early 90s of the last century. Thus, today the history of catering in Russia goes back about 20 years. All these years, the service has been developing mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other large cities of the country, the catering market is exactly 10 years younger. In other words, the industry is at the very beginning of its formation.

Since the fall of 2008, much has changed in the structure of catering supply and demand. The middle price segment can rightfully be considered the most extensive. The premium offer was also well established before the crisis. At the same time, there was still no high-quality economical offer. Even the crisis did not provoke its appearance. The demand for high premium offers has remained almost unchanged, and the corporate events market (mainly the middle and upper middle price segments) has decreased, according to market participants, by 35-50%, forcing its players to adopt a more flexible pricing policy. Some openly dumped, sacrificing quality and not really thinking about what this would lead them to.

In the work of catering restaurants, seasonality is quite pronounced and companies make up to 25-35% of annual sales in December. It is noteworthy that the number of events that companies served in December 2009, compared to December 2008, increased by 20-250%.

But the changes have not been equally positive for all companies. Thus, the pioneer of catering in Russia, the French company Potel&Chabot, which opened its office in Moscow in 1986, sold its Russian assets to the oldest French gastronomic house Hediard. As often happens in periods of instability: someone leaves the market, and someone, on the contrary, begins to work in a new industry, expanding the scope of their activities.

It is noteworthy that event catering today does not seem to be as profitable as it was ten to twelve years ago. There are not a large number of stationary restaurants developing this service as an additional one. It’s clear why: market participants are now faced with the question of seriously increasing their own efficiency, and this is not an easy task. It’s safe to say that absolutely all catering companies, one way or another, have had to make serious changes in their work over the past two years. Everyone, as one, took seriously the task of reducing fixed costs, and many thought about a clearer positioning of their offer. And this is correct from the point of view of qualitative market development.

The crisis, of course, has exacerbated the need to search for new opportunities that previously, for one reason or another, remained unused. Almost all catering restaurants had to work much more actively with private customers. And also develop services such as customer pick-up of ready-made meals, delivery of snacks to the event venue without service, rental of banquet equipment, etc.

At the same time, it should be noted that most premium segment companies feel quite confident and see generally good prospects for the market. Some have even begun to make greater use of premium service attributes to attract new customers. For example, during a crisis period, City Catering actively offers free tastings, both on-site and in a special show-room in the company’s office, to get acquainted with the quality of the dishes offered. Concord Catering says that at the moment they are ready to offer almost any client the use of expensive collections of tableware, glass and textiles in the design of an event. Here everyone uses their competitive advantage, and it is important for any company to recognize it.

On the issue of competitive advantages, if exclusive equipment is the indisputable advantage of Concord Catering, a sophisticated approach to service and presentation of dishes is the strong point of City Catering, and 200 years of experience in serving the royal houses of Europe is the luggage of the French Potel&Chabot, then the majority catering companies are not yet able to clearly declare their competitive advantage. This is confirmed by the commercial offers of catering restaurants, with rare exceptions, the same. This applies to both form and content.

According to Catering Consulting, marketing activity has not become more aggressive to date. The emphasis is on targeted work with clients and a personalized approach to customer requests and expectations. In other words, the focus of attention of the management of catering companies has become the customer service departments. Customer-oriented service is now a mandatory requirement - from the moment the first call is received until the event is completed. The cost of attracting a new customer is often ten times higher than the cost of maintaining the loyalty of existing customers. And here you have to make concessions, provide individual service, respond to non-standard requests and always exceed expectations. Customers began to turn more directly to catering companies, however, on the other hand, the scale of events became more modest. Despite the fact that the Moscow record for the scale of banquet services is 11,000 guests, in the last two years events with even 1.5-2 thousand people have been held quite rarely. Just look at the latest catering portfolios posted on websites and sometimes included in commercial offers. The scope and scale of events two or three years ago remain only memories. At the same time, it should be noted that 2009 was still noticeably different from 2008; the number of events served increased by an average of 10-20% 1 .

1. Brief description of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Uley Catering" has been on the market since 2000 and is one of the first companies operating in the premium segment.

During this time, the company has held many catering events of the highest level. Worth mentioning are Russian Fashion Week (2004), Moscow Yacht Festival (2005), Vienna Balls in Moscow (2006-2009), Rolex Polo Cup (2007), Russian Ball in Baden-Baden (2007), presentations of Carrera y Carrera and Audi ( 2007), IIHC World Hockey Championship (2007), UEFA Cup final in Moscow (2008), Moscow Ball in Vienna (2008), Elle Style Awards (2008), Kremlin Tennis Cup (2008), Opening of the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture "(2008), Eurovision (2009).

TO The company was created on the basis of the Uley restaurant, from which it adopted the basic operating principles:

    individual approach to each client,

    exclusivity of the services provided,

    non-standard approach to solving client problems.

Another feature is the ability to serve a large number of guests - up to 5-6 thousand people without seating and up to 3000 when organizing a banquet.

The special pride of Uley Catering is its cuisine: a rich assortment of dishes made in the most diverse culinary traditions of the world, dozens of options for original animation stations that allow you to prepare food in front of the guests, an extensive wine list.

The company's brand chef, Michel Loga, has been working in restaurants in the capital since the early 90s 2 .

Thus, the main services:

    organization of banquets;

    organization of receptions and buffets;

    organization of picnics and barbecues.

Additional services:

    animated shows;

    bartender show;

    show cooking;

    ice sculptures;

    chocolate compositions;

    floral compositions, etc.

The structure of the enterprise is represented by the departments of accounting, marketing, personnel management, purchasing, warehouse, event organization, kitchen, service (waiters, bartenders, dishwashers, etc.), transport. The organizational chart is shown in Fig. 1.

As is known from theory, organizational structure is a set of ways by which the labor process is first divided into individual work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. Essentially, organizational structure determines the distribution of authority and responsibility within an organization. As a rule, it is displayed in the form of a graphic diagram, the elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (divisions, job positions). The most commonly used organizational structures are: linear-functional, matrix, divisional.

When the company begins its work, the number of employees is still small, it is advisable to use a linear-functional structure. Report directly to the General Director chief accountant, head of the marketing department, head of the purchasing department, head of the sales department (purchasing and sales are often combined into one department), etc. They, in turn, may have their own direct subordinates. For example, the head of the marketing department - senior market research specialist, senior advertising specialist, senior PR specialist, etc.

As the scale of the enterprise grows, the linear-functional structure may begin to interfere with operational and rational work. There should not be too large a chain of bosses, too many departments subordinate to one boss. In organizational theory, certain norms of controllability are called, however, it is preferable to establish them taking into account the individual specifics of a particular enterprise 3 .

Let us note that the organizational structure of Uley Catering LLC has a linear-functional type, which has not changed since 2000 to this day, although the size of the enterprise has grown. As of 2009, the company employed approximately 30 full-time employees.


Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the research object and main economic indicators activities.. 5

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise. 5

1.2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise under study 8

Chapter 2. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise 10

2.1. Sales structure analysis.. 10

2.2. Analysis of the customer base.. 13

2.3. Analysis of main competitors. 15

2.5 Assessment of the enterprise’s marketing costs by main functions. 21

Conclusion. 23

References.. 25


French economist J.-B. Back in the era of the Industrial Revolution, Sey formulated the basic rule in production management: “We need to reduce production costs in order to increase profits.” This statement is indeed wise in conditions where industries, markets and the range of products that are produced remain stable. But today, in a rapidly changing world, this rule is no longer as true as before.

In the era of post-industrial society, in the conditions of the information explosion, companies must pay attention to such areas as sales and distribution of products, increasing income and improving their financial condition much more attention than production management itself, in order to reduce costs.

Companies that operate on stable market, in industries that were not susceptible to rapid change, they usually fought for their own, fully defined market share. And the markets themselves usually grew insofar as the population grew. And here the classic market strategy of the company was to increase its share of the target market by reducing prices and production costs of its products. The market share controlled by this company could not be very large under these conditions. Partly because any monopoly was viewed by society as evil, and the government believed that competition was necessary to make prices for goods acceptable to consumers.

Today, if an enterprise is looking for ways to increase profits only by reducing production costs, it will sooner or later go out of business. Soon the management of this enterprise will become convinced that, with all their imagination, using all their creative abilities, they will not be able to reduce the level of production costs in their company below a certain limit. At the same time, if management turns its gaze in the other direction and begins to look for ways to increase the company's income through increased sales, then limitless opportunities open up before it.

In this paper, an attempt is made to analyze the main directions of the company’s activities in the field of marketing in modern conditions competition. The practical demand for this type of research indicates the relevance of this problem, which determined the choice of topic course project.

The main goal of the course project is to organize the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The set goal necessitated the solution of a number of interdependent tasks:

Characterize the object of study and the main economic indicators;

Analyze marketing activities enterprises.

The subject of the research is applied problems of organizing marketing activities of an enterprise.

The object of the study is a set of marketing activities of an enterprise aimed at increasing the efficiency of enterprise management.

The informative basis of the study is the works of Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the field of marketing; materials of scientific conferences; periodical press; annual reports of the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the research object and main economic indicators of activity

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise

The main activities are:

Work associated with increased danger industrial production and objects;

Construction of buildings and structures of 11th level of responsibility;

Civil works. Installation of lightweight enclosing structures;

Sanitary work. Work on the installation of external engineering networks, communications and equipment;

Installation of steel structures;

Work on the installation of internal engineering systems and electrical equipment;

Installation of technological equipment;

Commissioning works;

Commercial and intermediary activities;

Trade and procurement activities;

Opening of stores, departments and other retail outlets;

Purchase from the population and producers, production, processing and sale of agricultural and food products;

Production of electrical installation work;

Production of finishing works.

successfully cooperates with the Safonovo Municipality, the plant, and the Avangard Plant. The company's clients include both individuals and legal entities from different regions Russia, including: Moscow, Tver, Smolensk and other regions.

Name of work performed by the enterprise: foundation laying, box construction, roof construction, electrical work, plumbing work, interior decoration, floor finishing, installation of windows and doors, landscaping.

In 2009, there was a significant decline in production, and the enterprise's activities became less profitable. The company does not produce products for its own needs; all products are sold.

The largest volume of the year is occupied by the construction of the box. In second place in terms of volume of services provided in the year is laying the foundation, in third place is roofing construction.

The company carried out the largest number of transactions in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. both in 2008 and 2009.

The main competitors of the company are:

Construction company"Pace";

Construction company "Megalit";

Construction company "Rant".

The largest market share among them is occupied by:

2. Construction company "Temp" - 25%;

3. Construction company "Megalit" - 15%;

4. Construction company "Rant" - 10%.

The company under study is the most prestigious brand.

Most of the company's products are in the "Stars" segment.

In 2009, marketing costs decreased significantly. This is due to a decrease in production volumes.


1. Adams S. Successful sale. Practical guide seller. – M.: Amalfeya, 2003. – 224 p.

2. Aleksunin in industries and areas of activity. – M.: Marketing, 2002. – 516.

3. Golubkov research: theory, practice and methodology. – From “Finpres”, 2005. – 464 p.

4. Kumar V., Aaker D., Day George S. Marketing research. – 2004, 848 p.

5. Marketing in industries and fields of activity: Textbook / Ed. – M: Publishing and bookselling center “Marketing”, 2001. – 516 p.

6. 600 ways to promote a brand. – Publishing house “Business and Service”, 2003. – 352 p.

7. Churchill research. – From “Peter”, 2008. – 752 p.

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