Why is the middle finger an obscene gesture? When the middle finger became an obscene gesture

Consisting in the fact that the middle finger is raised up or forward, and the other four fingers are pressed against the palm. The middle finger acts as a phallic symbol. Sometimes the thumb is not pressed against the palm, but placed to the side, but this does not change the essence of the gesture.

The gesture serves as a direct insult or a rude demand to leave alone, to “get rid of” (in particular, middle finger put it to the camera lens, demanding to stop filming). In English-speaking countries, the verbal equivalent of this gesture is a curse word. Fuck you! or a requirement to leave behind Fuck off!.

History of the gesture

According to anthropologist Desmond Morris, the display of the middle finger, symbolizing an offensive display of the genital organ, is one of the oldest gestures known to us. IN Ancient Greece pointing the middle finger at someone was called πκιμαλίζειν and was considered a grave insult, and the middle finger itself was called shameful ( καταπύγων ) .

In Rome, the gesture, and with it the middle finger itself, was called digitus impudicus- “shameless finger”, also digitus information- “shameful finger”. The gesture is mentioned in a number of Roman classics, for example, in one of Martial’s epigrams, an old man proud of his health shows his middle finger to doctors. Another epigram of Martial (II, 28) says: “Laugh, Sextilius, at those who call you a pederast, and show them the middle finger.”

At the same time (and in connection with its obscene meaning), the gesture served as a talisman against the evil eye: in this role it is mentioned, for example, in the second satire Persia.

At the turn of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the gesture was perceived as an accusation of “shameful acts” (passive homosexuality), as evidenced by Isidore of Seville.

The gesture also has an analogue in Sri Lanka, which is performed by clenching the palm turned upward into a fist and sticking the index finger up.

see also


  1. Daniel Nasau. When the middle finger became an obscene gesture (Russian). BBC Russian Service (February 7, 2012). Retrieved February 7, 2012. Archived May 19, 2012.


One of the American television channels had to apologize to viewers after the singer M.I.A showed the middle finger during the famous Sunday Super Bowl TV show. This obscene gesture is familiar to everyone, but do you know who first showed the middle finger and when this gesture became indecent?

You might think that showing the middle finger is something relatively new. Actually this is not true. The middle finger was first shown as an indecent gesture and an expression of contempt by the philosopher Diogenes. Showing his middle finger and saying “What a big demagogue,” Diogenes expressed his attitude towards the orator Demosthenes. It turns out that people have been holding up their middle finger as a symbol of insult for over two thousand years!

Phallic gesture

"This is one of the oldest offensive gestures. The middle finger symbolizes the penis, and the clenched fingers symbolize the testicles. By sticking out the middle finger while clenching the other fingers, you are demonstrating a phallic symbol," says anthropologist Desmond Morris.

The ancient Romans called this gesture "digitus impudicus", which means "indecent" or "offensive" finger.

In one of the epigrams of the poet Martial, who wrote in the first century AD, the hero declares his good health and makes a well-known indecent gesture to three doctors.

"The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Germanic tribal warriors gave Roman soldiers the middle finger," says Thomas Conley, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois.

The ancient Greeks showed the middle finger as a reference to the male genitals.

In Aristophanes' comedy The Clouds, written in 419 BC, the hero first shows his middle finger and then his penis.

Indecent gesture in different cultures

The French have their own phallic gesture called "bras d'honneur", which means "hand of honor". This gesture consists of a bent arm, on which the second hand is placed at the elbow.

The British, as an indecent gesture symbolizing the phallus, show the Victoria sign (raised middle index and middle fingers), while turning their hand with the palm facing themselves.

Despite the fact that many nations have their own obscene gesture, the middle finger has long transcended cultural boundaries and is now understood by everyone.

Scandals around the middle finger

During the broadcast of one of the most popular American TV shows, Super Bowl, British singer M.I.A showed her middle finger during Madonna's performance. In this regard, the TV channel had to apologize to viewers.

"This obscene gesture during the speech was completely unacceptable," said Brian McCarty, a spokesman for the National Football League.

In December, Liverpool striker Luis Suarez was photographed giving the middle finger to Fulham fans after his team lost. For this, the football player received a reprimand from the English Football Federation and a one-game disqualification.

In 2006, Britney Spears gave the middle finger to photographers she suspected of stalking her. At the same time, some fans of the singer took this gesture personally, and therefore the singer had to apologize.

Is the middle finger really that indecent?

While many people view the middle finger as a personal insult, not everyone considers the gesture obscene or suggestive of male genitalia.

Ira Robbins, a law professor at the American University in Washington DC who has studied the role of this gesture in the history of criminal jurisprudence, has a different opinion.

“This gesture is so ingrained in everyday life as a demonstration of protest and anger that it has already lost its phallic symbolism,” says the professor.

Ira Robbins even disputes the view of an Associated Press journalist who called the gesture "blatant."

“What’s frank about it?” Ira Robbins wonders. “Dancing can be frank, that’s a fact. But a finger? I don’t understand.”

Latin name Blood supply Venous outflow Innervation Catalogs

Middle finger- the third, middle of five, finger on the human hand.

The middle finger is the longest on the hand. The tip of the middle finger is the extreme point of the outstretched arm, so the middle finger is taken into account when determining some units of measurement related to anatomy (span, elbow, etc.)

In many cultures, showing the middle finger is a particularly obscene gesture, see middle finger (gesture).

When playing the piano it is indicated by the number 3, on string instruments - by the number 2.

In Spanish, the middle finger is literally called the “finger of the heart.” In Hebrew, the name of the middle finger coincides with the name of the measure of length “cubit”.

In some cultures, the middle finger represents limitation. The finger is believed to limit the skills that the other 4 fingers provide.

Where did it come from to show the middle finger and send everyone to hell.

The middle finger, or fak (from the English fuck) is an indecent gesture consisting in the fact that the middle finger rises up or forward, and the other four fingers are pressed against the palm. The middle finger, in this case, acts as a phallic symbol. Sometimes the thumb is not pressed against the palm, but placed to the side, but this does not change the essence of the gesture.
The gesture serves as a pure insult or a rude request to be left alone, to “get rid of” (in particular, the middle finger is put to the camera lens, demanding to stop filming). In English-speaking countries, the verbal equivalent of this gesture is the curse word fuck you!

There are references to an obscene gesture with a finger already in antiquity, by Aristophanes in the comedy “Clouds” and by the Romans (lat. digitus impudicus). The French chronicler Jean Froissart writes that the British during Hundred Years' War showed the middle finger to the French. In 1976, US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller gave the middle finger to a booing crowd.
The middle finger among football fans is known as the Effenberg gesture: German footballer Stefan Effenberg showed the middle finger to fans in response to insults and whistles at the 1994 FIFA World Cup, after which he was expelled from the national team and played only two friendly matches four years later. . It is curious that in the footballer’s homeland, Germany, such a gesture (German: Stinkefinger) can officially result in a fine being imposed by law.

This gesture has a number of equivalents. For example, in Iran, an analogue of this gesture is a gesture with a clenched fist and protruding thumb. It is still used in Italy to mean good or bad.
The gesture also has an analogue in Sri Lanka, which is performed by clenching the palm turned upward into a fist and sticking the index finger up.
It is curious that in Great Britain and Ireland the analogue is a modified “victory” gesture, in which the index and middle fingers raised up form the letter V, the thumb, ring and little fingers are pressed against the palm, and the hand is turned with the back side towards the person to whom the gesture is addressed.
Existing urban legend claims that during the Hundred Years' War, the French cut off the middle and index fingers captured English and Welsh archers. Thus, they could not use the bow to shoot at the French. After the Battle of Agincourt, the victorious British showed their middle and index fingers to the French, demonstrating that they were in place. According to another version of this legend, before this battle the French threatened to defeat the British, and especially boasted of crossbowmen as their main striking force (the crossbow release is pressed with the middle finger). After the French lost the battle, the British mockingly reminded them of their boast by giving them the middle fingers. This legend also talks about the appearance of the “Victory” sign.

What do the index and middle fingers raised up mean?


The first answer was good and correct, but it’s a pity that it’s not of high quality (there are no 200 characters), so the credits for the question don’t go to anyone.

I will try to correct this situation.

We most often see this gesture on our television screens - it is shown by athletes or other participants in competitions (KVN, Golos, etc.) who achieved victory in competitions.

This is an international sign, understandable to all nations - V - Victoria or Victory.

By the way, for complete accuracy, I would like to note that the second version of the previously given answer cannot be considered accurate, since fingers to the throat (forks) cannot be considered fingers raised up (they are in a horizontal position).


The index and middle fingers raised up form the Roman numeral five "V" or the letter English alphabet"V".

The letter V stands for Victory, which in English means victory.

Surely you have seen, when athletes win some competition, they make such a gesture for spectators or television cameras.

On May 9th, often when a military parade is shown, joyful citizens wave their hands, making such gestures of victory.

I also want to note one nuance. Some people mean peace when they make this gesture. These are pacifists.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that Jesus Christ is depicted with a similar gesture on many icons. I think that the pacifists took this gesture from the icons of Jesus Christ. See for yourself.

Is it really a similar gesture?

And now a picture for comparison.

And now a picture to make you smile :)

What does the 2 finger gesture mean: index and middle?

What does such a gesture mean? Where did you come from?

This gesture is truly international. Even people who do not speak English know this cheerful and playful word - victory!

I don't know when this gesture was first shown. But it is so successful and appropriate in a situation when a person is overwhelmed with delight and jubilation - Victory! I don't think anything more significant will be offered in the near future.

Marina Kurdyukova

IN various countries gestures can mean different things. This gesture means victory in most countries, but I don’t remember in which country it means, I want two girls of easy virtue. There was such an embarrassment with some American civil servant. He was riding in a car and greeted people in a foreign country, and the next morning the newspapers were full of headlines about the indecent behavior of the American ambassador


Those who watched the qualifying round of the TV project “Voice 4” used this gesture - 2 fingers, index and middle, palm facing outward - when Grigory Leps turned to the contestant. This tin means victory by showing the letter V from the word victory.

This gesture represents the letter V of the Latin alphabet, with which the word "victory" begins. English language(Victory). Used in appropriate cases when a person wants to show that he has won. Shown with the palm facing forward. The same figure, but with the palm facing backwards, is used in our country to show the number “two”. But in England they will be offended by this gesture, since it is considered very indecent.


This gesture is customary to denote Victory, which in Latin spelling begins with the letter “V” from the word Victory - victory. It is also customary for monarchs to use this gesture to greet their subjects, their people, which is also a kind of victory. A Lately also a gesture of the singing competition "Voice" in the English version of Voice. And another less popular option is the designation of the Arabic numeral 11 or the Roman numeral II, i.e. 2.


If you search the Internet, you can find a definition of this figure of two fingers and basically it will mean victory.

But today’s youth have more often begun to use this as a greeting and farewell, just like that, in photographs or when they can’t say it, there’s no point in shouting, they show these two fingers with forked fingers.

The gesture is called "Victoria" (victory hand) and means victory. The gesture is shown with two fingers (index and middle), the remaining fingers are bent, and the hand is usually raised up.

A gesture common all over the world. There is a version that it dates back to the time of the Hundred Years War (XIV-XV centuries).


The gesture is very famous. denotes victory. Two fingers apart are very reminiscent of the letter V, which is Victoria. that is, victory. But many are interested in the gesture when the index and middle fingers are together, and not open.

I would just like to know about two fingers folded together, and not open apart.


I heard that this is Victoria's victory. But I know not only about victory, but also about Peace (hippies seem to greet each other with this gesture and say goodbye).

In any case, a good gesture that does not carry any negativity.

In some countries, the gesture may not be decent, but what I don’t know, I don’t know.


Many people use this gesture in a completely different way, with a completely different meaning that this gesture was endowed with earlier. In fact, a gesture with two fingers will mean “Victoria”, that is, it means “victory” in another way.

The English language regularly supplies us not only with generally accepted and purely everyday terms, but also expands the choice of obscene language. It would seem that Russian obscene vocabulary is so rich that only flowery oriental curses can compete with it, why add English-language curses? Some people deliberately introduce new swear expressions into their vocabulary, while others accidentally “catch” them, often from popular films. Even our children seem to know what a fak is, although they are unlikely to be able to clearly explain the meaning of the expression or equivalent gesture. What are we talking about in this case, and how to use the phrase correctly?

Meaning and use of the word

The English word fuck in a literal reading means a rough designation of sexual intercourse. Consequently, the phrase fuck you transparently hints that the opponent’s opinion or actions do not matter at all, since the arguer is in an intimate relationship with him, and is unlikely to ask permission. The focus of obscene vocabulary on the genitals and intimacy is characteristic of almost any language; in this, English and Russian are extremely similar. What is fak and all derived phrases? In the vast majority of cases, this phrase is used with a negative connotation, to express disapproval, aggression, irritability and even disappointment. Having migrated into the Russian language, the curse practically did not change its meaning and is used as one of the conditionally acceptable substitutes for similar Russian curses.

Gesture of obscene coloring

IN nonverbal communication You can use a gesture instead of a phrase. This is quite convenient - it is not always convenient to shout insults at your opponent, he may not hear, but you really want to throw out aggression and somehow express your attitude towards him. In such cases, an angry person shows a fak - a clenched fist with the middle finger extended, turned with the back of the hand towards the addressee. The Russian analogue can be a chopping gesture on a slightly bent arm slightly above the elbow. In both cases, this refers to a figurative image of a penis.

In most cases, when people ask “what is a fak,” they mean a gesture, not a word. The universal popularity of the gesture was facilitated by the ubiquity of entertaining Hollywood cinema. The gesture is very simple, easy to use, and does not require the use of both hands or additional freedom of movement.

Acceptability and prevalence

They say that the fak shown on the fingers is a gesture of powerlessness. This is not entirely true, although very often it is used as a kind of “patch” for wounded pride. In such cases, he is shown in the back of the offender, in closed door and generally secretly, so as not to get into trouble. If it has a positive psychotherapeutic effect, then it can be used if the environment allows it. But at the same time, it is better to refrain from publicly showing the middle finger and somewhat moderate emotional gestures with an obscene coloring, if there is a significant risk of causing excessive aggression towards you.

Other meanings

Most obscene expressions can be used with both negative and positive connotations. There is “fuck yu”, there is “fuck off”, and all these are rude expressions, but what is “fuck yeah”? This is pronounced with enthusiasm, and if you choose a conventionally censored version of the translation, you will get something like “yes, damn it, this is cool!” - no negativity.

Finally, there is a simplified Russification of the abbreviation FAQ, that is, frequently asked questions - frequently asked questions. And it is also pronounced “fak” or “fakyu”, a direct transliteration of the abbreviation, although this is incorrect. In this case, everything does not go beyond the bounds of decency, we are just talking about explanations, a collection of questions and answers. On almost any website you can find a section dedicated to standard user questions with comprehensive answers. It may be called FAQ, FAQ, or simply “Questions and Answers.”

1. Middle finger

Thanks to Hollywood, the exposed middle finger has become famous all over the world. However, in no country does this gesture mean something positive or peaceful. The classical meaning of this phallic gesture is very harsh, and it means an abrupt end to a conversation and a wish for travel in a certain direction.

According to anthropologist Desmond Morris, showing the middle finger, symbolizing an offensive display of the genital organ, is one of the oldest gestures known to us. In Ancient Greece, pointing the middle finger at someone was considered a grave insult, as it meant accusing them of passive homosexuality.

In Aristophanes’ comedy “The Clouds,” Socrates, having undertaken to teach the sciences to the ordinary peasant Strepsiades, asks if he knows the poetic size of the dactyl (literally “finger”), to which Strepsiades readily shows his middle finger. The philosopher Diogenes said that “most people are only one finger away from madness: if a person extends his middle finger, he will be considered crazy, but if he extends his index finger, he will not be considered crazy.” It was said about him that “when visitors wanted to look at Demosthenes, he pointed his middle finger at him with the words: “Here is the ruler of the Athenian people.”

In Ancient Greece, pointing the middle finger was an accusation of homosexuality.

In Rome, the gesture, and with it the middle finger itself, was called the “shameless finger.” The gesture is mentioned by a number of Roman authors, for example, in one of Martial’s epigrams, an old man, proud of his health, shows his middle finger to the doctors.

2. Thumb up or down

Gesture using thumb often demonstrates a person’s attitude towards what he happened to see. Thumbs up - “I like it!”; finger down - “I don’t like it.”

This sign is often associated with the tradition of ancient Roman gladiator fights. French historian and archaeologist Jerome Carcopino in the book “ Everyday life Ancient Rome. Apogee of the Empire" noticed that when the crowd seemed to be defending himself with all his might, the spectators waved their handkerchiefs, raised a finger in the air and shouted: "Let him go!" If the emperor agreed with their wishes and raised his thumb up, the defeated person was forgiven and released from the arena alive. If the spectators, on the contrary, believed that the defeated deserved defeat by his cowardice and unwillingness to continue the fight, they put their finger down and shouted: “Cut!” Then the emperor, with his thumb down, ordered the slaughter of the defeated gladiator, and he had no choice but to expose his throat for a “strike of mercy.”

In Iran, a thumbs up is a threat of violence.

The thumbs up is interpreted differently in many countries. If in Germany it is peacefully neutral and means the number 1, then in Greece this gesture will be similar to the phrase “Fuck you!” In Uruguay and Iran, a proudly raised thumb symbolizes the male genital organ, and the gesture itself means a threat of sexual violence.

The sign in the form of a ring formed by the index finger and thumb was given to people by divers, who thus inform their partner that everything is fine with them. There is also a version that this is an invention of journalists who sought to shorten the most popular phrases.

However, in France, Portugal and some Latin American countries, the “OK” gesture, beloved by Americans and many Europeans, is perceived as indecent and symbolizes the anus. This can be felt especially acutely in Turkey, where a finger ring is an open accusation of homosexuality. But in Tunisia, this gesture can be interpreted as a threat to kill a person. In the USA and Russia, the OK gesture is perceived as normal, but this cannot be said about Brazil, where it is considered very obscene.

In France, the "OK" gesture is a symbol of the anus.

Note also that the OK gesture has a history of more than 2500 years. Among the ancient Greeks, it was a symbol of love, personifying kissing lips. It was also used to praise a speaker for his speech.

4. V (Victoria)

This is one of the most common gestures in culture, meaning victory or peace. Shown with the index and middle fingers pointing upward in the shape of the Latin letter “V”.

The history of the origin of the Victoria gesture goes back to the Middle Ages. According to this version, during the Hundred Years' War, captured English and Welsh archers who terrified the French had these two fingers on their right hand cut off so that they could no longer use their bows. The archers, knowing this, teased the French before the battle by showing them their intact fingers - “Be afraid, enemies!”

During World War II, this sign was heavily popularized by Winston Churchill to indicate victory, but to do this, the hand is turned with the back of the hand towards the person showing it. If during this gesture the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture takes on an offensive meaning - “shut up.”

During World War II, Churchill popularized the "Victoria" gesture.

Another meaning of this gesture is associated with the popular film “V for Vendetta”, in which the sign V stands for main character, an anarchist terrorist wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.

5. Sign of the Cross

In Christianity, this gesture denotes a prayer ritual, which is an image of a cross with the movement of the hand. The sign of the cross is performed in different cases, for example, when entering and leaving the temple, before or after saying a prayer, during worship, as a sign of confession of one’s faith and in other cases; also when blessing someone or something.

In Orthodoxy, the sign of the cross characterizes the bodily expression of Christian dogmas, the confession of faith in the Holy Trinity and the God-Man Jesus Christ, the expression of love and gratitude to God, and protection from the action of dark forces. Three variants of finger formation are used: two-fingered, three-fingered and nominal finger formation.

Thus, double-fingering was adopted along with the Baptism of Rus' and prevailed until the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the 17th century and was officially recognized in Moscow Rus' by the Stoglavy Council of 1550.

It was practiced until the middle of the 13th century in the Greek East. Later it was supplanted by triplicate. When performing double-fingering, two fingers right hand- the index and middle fingers are joined together, symbolizing the two natures of the one Christ, while the middle finger is slightly bent, which means divine condescension and incarnation. The three remaining fingers are also joined together, symbolizing Holy Trinity; and in modern practice the end of the thumb rests on the pads of the other two, which cover it on top. After which, the tips of two fingers (and only them) touch the forehead, abdomen or lower part of the chest (chest), right and left shoulders in succession. It is also emphasized that one cannot be baptized at the same time as bowing; a bow, if required, should be made after the hand has been lowered.

Using three fingers to perform sign of the cross fold the first three fingers of the right hand (thumb, index and middle), and bend the other two fingers to the palm; after which they successively touch the forehead, upper abdomen, right shoulder, then the left. Three fingers folded together symbolize the Holy Trinity; the symbolic meaning of the other two fingers could be different at different times. So, in Rus', under the influence of polemics with the Old Believers, these two fingers were reinterpreted as a symbol of the two natures of Christ: Divine and human. This interpretation is now the most common, although there are others (for example, in the Romanian Church these two fingers are interpreted as a symbol of Adam and Eve falling to the Trinity).

An Orthodox priest, when blessing people or objects, puts his fingers into a special formation called a nomenclature. It is believed that fingers folded in this way depict the letters ICXC to form the name Jesus Christ in ancient Greek spelling.

Catholic prayer books, speaking about the sign of the cross, usually cite only the prayer pronounced at the same time (In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti), without saying anything about the combination of fingers. Even traditionalist Catholics, who are usually quite strict about the ritual and its symbolism, admit the existence here various options. The most accepted and widespread option in the Catholic world is to make the sign of the cross with five fingers, an open palm, from left to right, in memory of the five wounds on the body of Christ.

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