Poklonskaya Natalya: latest news. Natalya Poklonskaya: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Today we will talk about a woman who has become famous almost throughout the world. Popularity fell on her completely unexpectedly, but very effectively!

short biography

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya begins in March 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka (Lugansk region of Ukraine). When the girl was 10 years old, the whole family moved to permanent place residence in Evpatoria (Crimea). Today, the woman is a famous Russian lawyer and statesman. From 2014 to 2016, she was the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. It was precisely at this time that her popularity boomed. Let's find out how the career of a successful, beautiful and famous woman began.

Prosecutor's office

Natalya Vladimirovna’s career biography of Poklonskaya began in 2002, when she graduated from higher education educational institution in Evpatoria (branch of Kharkov University). Immediately after completing her studies, she got a job in the prosecutor’s office, where she went through all the stages of job growth. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as an assistant prosecutor in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea, after which, until 2010, she held the position of assistant prosecutor in Yevpatoria. Next year She dedicated her life to working in the Crimean prosecutor's office in the department for the control of institutions fighting crime.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was involved in a high-profile case (as a prosecutor) of a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, who was the head of one of the largest criminal organizations in the republic. In 2011-2012, Natalya Vladimirovna worked in the prosecutor's office of Simferopol. In the winter of 2014, the woman wrote a letter of resignation from her position. This happened after the change of power in the capital of Ukraine and large-scale events at Euromaidan. She justified her departure by saying that she could not live and work in a country where anyone could dictate their terms to the population. The top management did not want to let go of such a valuable personnel, so the woman was asked to go on vacation. Natalya Poklonskaya went to visit her mother in Simferopol, where she offered her professional help to prevent repeat events in Kyiv.

Prosecutor of Crimea

The professional biography of Natalia Poklonskaya has taken a new turn. In March 2014, by decision Supreme Council Crimea Natalya Vladimirovna became the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. She was appointed to this position after four other male candidates who had been deputies to the previous prosecutor refused to take the position. Poklonskaya's first case concerned precisely Kyiv events. It consisted of investigating a case of causing severe bodily harm to the Berkut unit. The accused was one of thousands of Euromaidan activists - A. Kostenko. According to the verdict, the man was found guilty.

At the end of March of the same year, Yuri Chaika (Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation) appointed Poklonskaya as acting prosecutor of Crimea. Already in April, he personally handed the woman a certificate stating that she was an employee of the Russian prosecutorial authorities. A little earlier, Poklonskaya conducted a special operation to detain an official at the time of receiving a bribe. The accused was an assistant to the Yalta prosecutor. A little later, the Russian President himself appointed our heroine as the prosecutor of Crimea.

Removal from office

In May, Natalya publicly warned the head of the Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, that extremist activities were unacceptable. The prosecutor added the Mejlis to the list of organizations involved in extremist activities. In the summer of 2015, she received the rank of State Counselor of Justice, 3rd class. In the fall of 2016, the woman wrote a letter of resignation due to her election as a deputy to the State Duma. In October, the President of the Russian Federation signed Poklonskaya’s statement.

Activities of the deputy

After the woman was elected as a deputy, she was immediately presented as an excellent candidate for the post of chairman of the commission to monitor the correctness of declaration of income of government officials. Former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya, whose biography is very eventful, represents the “ United Russia" The first initiative of a woman to become a deputy left everyone in amazement. She sent a request to the Russian Prosecutor General's Office to check the feature film "Matilda". The film told about the relationship between the ballerina M. Kshesinskaya and Nikolai Romanov.

A complaint about the film came from the “Royal Cross” (a public organization), which convinced Poklonskaya that the film was clearly distorting historical events, anti-religious and anti-Russian propaganda is carried out. However, the audit did not find these violations. Stanislav Govorukhin was very critical of Poklonskaya’s initiative, criticizing the woman’s actions to smithereens. In January 2017, Natalya sent another request for a re-verification. She insisted on checking the intended use of allocated budget funds. The woman was most indignant at the fact that the role of the crown prince, whom the Russian Orthodox Church had canonized, was to be played by an actor of German origin, known for his roles in “films for adults.”

Having gained courage, Natalya also mentioned all the monsters of the last century (in her personal opinion), among whom she named the names of Trotsky, Lenin, Mao and Hitler. This speech caused a storm of indignation among Russian communists, and deputy R. Perelygin sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office against Poklonskaya herself, indicating that her expressions were extremist.

Natalya Poklonskaya: biography, personal life

It is known that Natalya Vladimirovna was married twice. Today she lives with her second husband and daughter Anastasia. Who did Natalia Poklonskaya choose for the first time? Biography, ex-husband in which it does not play a special role, does not answer this question. There is information that the woman’s first chosen one was Vladimir Klimenko. But Natalya Poklonskaya herself does not want to answer this question.

Biography, husband, children and professional activities of a strong-willed woman - these are the questions that interest media representatives. It is known that today Natalya is completely happy in her family. It is her current chosen one who supports the woman and is a strong support, which Natalya Poklonskaya greatly appreciates. The biography, in which the husband is not openly present, since he does not want to become a public person, continues to excite the minds of the public. In all interviews, Natalya always correctly avoided answering questions about her personal life. This is not surprising, because such an active and thirsty person can earn many ill-wishers.

Who raised Natalya Poklonskaya herself? The biography, in which the parents are practically not mentioned, is closely connected with Crimea, the love for which was instilled by mom and dad. Poklonskaya’s grandfathers on both sides participated in the Great Patriotic War and died there. One of Natalia's grandmothers survived the period of German occupation.


Natalya Poklonskaya is a prosecutor whose biography is full of bright political events. But how does she herself feel about everything that is happening? It is known that Poklonskaya had an extremely negative attitude towards the coup in Ukraine. She connects the events that took place with the collaboration that occurred during the war during the occupation of Ukraine. She has repeatedly emphasized that she wants to raise her child in an honest country, not one ruled by Bandera and the Nazis. Natalya told an incident from real life: her 86-year-old grandmother called her, in tears, and said that a repeat of the horrors of the Ukrainian occupation was coming.

Poklonskaya herself cannot imagine how she can serve Ukraine after this. The woman zealously defends the Russian Federation, recognizing it as a great power. She is raising her daughter Nastya in the spirit of respect for the traditions of the past, especially military events. She also opposes the destruction of historical monuments.

Relation to Nicholas II

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya is impossible without her standard - Nicholas II. The emperor’s portrait even hangs in her office. In the fall of 2014, she transferred 80 photographs from the family album of the emperor’s family to the Livadia Palace. The woman herself received these historical monuments from a priest in the Holy Dormition Cave Monastery (Crimea). Natalya Poklonskaya, whose biography is full of bright marks, was present at the opening of the bust of Nicholas II in the Livadia Palace. There she publicly announced that she was planning own funds create a sculpture with members of the emperor's family. A little later, she made a loud statement that the emperor’s abdication of the throne had no legal basis. However, Evgeny Spitsyn (historian and author of history textbooks) criticized Poklonskaya’s statement, saying that she could not objectively assess events. He was supported by M. Sokolov. In the spring of 2016, a woman appeared at the “Immortal Regiment” event, holding an icon of the emperor in her hands.


Natalya Poklonskaya, biography of which is presented in the article, believes that every officer should be fit, beautiful and slender, as required by the profession. The woman herself fully complies with her principles. So, at the Olympics in Sochi, which was held between employees of the prosecutor’s office, she adequately completed the GTO program with the help of abdominal exercises. Krymsky's team federal district received two medals at these competitions (silver and gold).



Popularity fell on Natalia after the moment when video materials from a press conference regarding the discussion of problems with Crimea became publicly available. The video instantly went viral. Men write tons of comments to Poklonskaya about her beauty. The former Prime Minister of Japan said that he was fascinated by this woman. In this country, Natalia is depicted in the “moe” style, which emphasizes her pretty facial features. Moreover, famous bloggers make videos about her, musicians write songs, and recently an anime cartoon was shot about this woman. All this creativity, posted on the Internet, gains enormous popularity in just a few days. It is known that the developers of the most popular computer game GTA: San Andreas made some modifications to their creation, adding a new heroine (Poklonskaya herself).

The pursuit

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya cannot but amaze. Naturally, the woman made many enemies during her work. When she moved to Russia and became a Russian citizen, the Ukrainian authorities opened a criminal case against her: the woman was accused of participating in an operation to illegally seize power. In 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine put Poklonskaya on the wanted list, indicating that she was hiding from a pre-trial investigation. In Russia, these actions were not given much importance and were called an ordinary “bluff.” A little later, the decision to appoint Natalya as the prosecutor of Crimea was declared illegal. After Natalya became a deputy State Duma, the Ukrainian authorities opened a new case against her (charge of high treason).

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya already contains sanctions lists of a number of states. She is also on the list of government officials subject to financial and visa restrictions. Natalya has two state awards: the Order “For Fidelity” and the honorary medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia.” In addition, the woman can boast of a number of public awards.

Natalia Poklonskaya – statesman, lawyer, until recently the Prosecutor General of Crimea, born in the Lugansk region on March 18, 1980.


The girl’s family was completely ordinary and differed from the rest only in that a sense of justice always reigned in it and the principles of patriotism were professed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that both of Poklonskaya’s grandfathers gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War and their memory was sacredly honored by their parents.

The Poklonskys moved to Simferopol in 1990, when the girl was 10 years old. She quickly adapted to new school and thanks to her excellent communication skills, she even became one of the class leaders.

She liked the humanities and already in high school she realized that she wanted to connect her life with jurisprudence.

Studying had always been easy for her, so after receiving her certificate, Poklonskaya without any problems entered the Faculty of Law of the Crimean branch of the Kharkov University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Over the years of study, she only became convinced of the correctness of her choice. In 2002, Natalya completed her studies and received her first appointment - the post of assistant prosecutor in the Krasnogvardeisky district.


Natalya Poklonskaya showed herself well in her work, and her career took off quite quickly. Four years later, she moved to Yevpatoria to a similar post, and already in 2010 she became deputy head of the department that monitors the legality of the actions of law enforcement agencies working with gangster groups.

She headed her first high-profile case in 2011, when she became the prosecutor of members of the very large criminal group “Bashmaki”. The gang was charged with several particularly brutal murders and other serious crimes. But this was not Poklonskaya’s only high-profile case.

Got in the way organized crime the prosecutor immediately becomes a target. And in the same year, the first attempt was made on her life - an attack in the entrance, after which she received severe facial injuries. Poklonskaya’s facial expressions have still not partially recovered.

But this did not stop her from returning to her work very quickly and did not change her views. A year after these events, Poklonskaya was transferred to Kyiv, where she occupied a new post in the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine.

Return to Crimea

Who knows what career heights Poklonskaya would have achieved in Kyiv if not for the tragic events on the Maidan. Poklonskaya reacted extremely negatively to the change of power that occurred, which was illegal from a legal point of view. This immediately led to service problems.

Accustomed to making decisions quickly, Poklonskaya wrote a letter of resignation. However, it was never signed. Instead, she is sent on vacation, which she decides to spend in Crimea.

The Crimean events found her there. Having witnessed what was happening in Kyiv, Poklonskaya turns to the Crimean authorities with an offer of help. She is ready to do everything to prevent new deaths and repetition of tragic events.

That is why, having received an offer to take the post of Prosecutor General of Crimea, she agrees to it. Although several male candidates have already refused this position.

Possessing a bright and pretty appearance and a tough character with a firm position in life, a girl occupying such a serious position instantly becomes super popular. After the very first press conference, the recording of which was posted on the Internet, everyone started talking about Poklonskaya - both supporters and opponents.

The opponents again did not remain inactive, and in 2014 another attempt was made on Poklonskaya’s life. If it had not been prevented by the operatives, more than one person could have died. A bomb was discovered near the building of the Crimean Prosecutor's Office, the radius of which was about 350 meters. They really wanted to hit for sure.

Now Russia

Poklonskaya worked as the Crimean prosecutor for two years. The decree on her appointment was later signed by Putin, and he repeatedly emphasized that she was doing an excellent job with her duties. Poklonskaya gradually won the trust of the Crimeans, to whom she owes the recently received parliamentary mandate.

Unable to combine two positions, Poklonskaya leaves her post and moves with her daughter to Moscow. Now she works for the committee that controls the income of the Duma.

She does not talk about her personal life. What is known is that Poklonskaya is divorced and has a daughter. IN free time, which he practically doesn’t have, listens to music, plays the piano. She tries to play sports not only to keep fit, but because she loves an active lifestyle.

He also instills patriotism and love for Russia in his daughter.

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka (now Lugansk People's Republic. It is the LPR, and not Ukraine, that Poklonskaya calls her homeland in an interview). When Natalya was 10 years old, she and her parents moved to Yevpatoria (Crimea).
In 2002 she graduated from the branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs in Evpatoria. Then she worked in the prosecutor's office of Ukraine.

In 2011, when Natalya Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor in the case of the Crimean crime boss Reuben Aronov, she was attacked. That time she was beaten so much that she developed disturbances in the functioning of certain muscle groups on her face, which is why she developed a manner of speaking “through her teeth” and twisting her mouth a little when speaking.

Poklonskaya met February 2014, when the coup d'etat took place in Ukraine, in Kyiv, at that time she worked in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. On February 25, 2014, after the change of power in Kyiv, Natalya Poklonskaya wrote a letter of resignation, justifying her decision by saying that she was “ashamed to live in a country where neo-fascists walk freely in the streets and dictate their terms to the so-called new government.” According to Poklonskaya, she came to write her dismissal report with a St. George ribbon.

The resignation was not accepted; management only provided her with a vacation, which she decided to spend in Crimea, where her parents lived. There Poklonskaya offered her help to the authorities of Crimea, who did not recognize the new Kyiv government: “In Crimea, I went to Sergei Valerievich Aksenov and said that even though I would print ballots, I would only help so that the fascists would not come to Crimea. At that time I even I didn’t think that I would be a prosecutor of the republic.”

Poklonskaya believes that the starting point of the “Crimean Spring” was “the heroism of the Crimean Berkut fighters, who stood as human shields on the Kiev Maidan under bullets and Molotov cocktails.” It was they who forced the Crimeans to believe in themselves, straighten their shoulders and resist fascism, rapidly spreading throughout the country, the Berkut fighters are a symbol of the unbroken Crimean spirit, because they remained true to their principles to the end and throughout. Hard time were close to the Crimean people."

On March 11, 2014, Poklonskaya was appointed to the position of prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. That same day she gave a press conference. During the entire press conference, Natalya Poklonskaya smiled only once, but she was stern and at the same time very beautiful woman caused a lot of excitement on social networks, this wave reached Japan. The video of the press conference received 3.2 million views.

Videos using clips from the press conference also received millions of views. For example, the 2-minute video “Nyash Myash” by a Russian blogger with the nickname Enjoykin was watched more than 24 million times. The phrase “nyash-myash” is taken from Poklonskaya’s phrase “I am a prosecutor and therefore I will not allow any nyash-myash and the like.”

Many drawings have appeared on the Internet depicting Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (the style in which heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga).

The creators of the computer game Prime World, inspired by the image of Poklonskaya, created a new heroine named Accuser.

In 2014, Natalya Poklonskaya entered the top 30 most sexy women Russia according to the magazine "Maxim", beating Alina Kabaeva and other celebrities according to the results of the reader's vote.

How Natalia Poklonskaya became famous

March 11 - the first press conference of the acting head is held in Simferopol. prosecutor. Natalya Poklonskaya appears on Russian TV.

The night of March 12 - “informal” private photographs of Natalia during her vacation, etc. appear on the Internet.

March 14 - one of the Japanese Twitter users (nickname Affechan-Hausman) discovered a recording of the press conference and posted a link, commenting briefly: “New prosecutor of Crimea, oh, oh, oh.”

March 18 - based on fan art posted on the 4chan website, a community of Poklonskaya fans was created on Facebook.

March 19 - several interviews with Natalia are published on Russian TV channels, as a result of which the fan community grows even more big amount fans.

Model appearance, high-profile cases in court and closedness to the press. This is how Natalia Poklonskaya can be described in three words.

Our Natasha

– Natalya Vladimirovna, do people often give you flowers?

– My husband gives gifts all the time. I really like roses, they come first for me. You guessed it, I’m very pleased, thank you (smiles embarrassed). In general, I love different bouquets and I think that women should be given flowers, and the more often the better. This, first of all, paints a man who is real, noble, who knows how to look after and show signs of attention.

– Tell me about your husband?

- What to say? Profession, social status and position are not important. This won’t tell you anything, but for me the main thing is that next to me is a person who knows how to be gallant, devoted and reliable. It’s at work that I’m such a sweetheart with an iron character, but at home I just want to be a wife and mother.

- By the way, about Nyasha. Before they started writing about you as the prosecutor of Crimea and the symbol of the Crimean Spring, you became the heroine of numerous videos, songs and even anime comics. Is the nickname "nyasha" annoying?

– This is already a long story. At first it was offensive, I was worried. After all, the position of prosecutor of the republic is responsible and honorable, what kind of cuties can there be? Then I digested it and realized: this is how people express attention. This means that you are already attractive to them in some way. And if the Japanese made me an anime heroine, and not everyone gets such fame, I am pleased. The family also reacted positively. My daughter was especially happy and showed my friends comics. Children are our angels, I believe them. This means there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Ill-wishers, however, tried to take advantage of this. I remember the situation with my photographs was interesting when I was just appointed by the Presidium of the State Council to the post of prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Ukraine immediately published photos from social networks in which I was previously registered, and I deleted them all, but somehow they got them and posted them. These are my personal photos from my birthday and others family holidays. And deliberate comments poured in, like, look who was appointed prosecutor! But in the end, these cute photos only turned out to my advantage. The provocation failed.

Honorary work

– As far as I remember, four men, besides you, applied for the position of prosecutor of Crimea. Weren't you afraid that you wouldn't be able to withstand the competition?
- Of course, I was worried. But for me it is a great pride and honor. I am grateful that I was entrusted with such a responsible and honorable block of work. Former Ukrainian colleagues then instantly turned into enemies: they called, tried to convince me to come to my senses, there were threats, assassination attempts. But I am very glad that I did not refuse this position. And time has shown that everything was done correctly.

Our team of the Crimean prosecutor's office managed to gain authority among a huge machine, a system called the "prosecutor's office Russian Federation". And I am grateful to those men who gave me this place as the prosecutor of Crimea. Although I am well aware that at that time they were motivated not only by gentlemanly qualities. Surely they wondered why? They weighed all the risks. And, thank God, they honestly , having the courage, they said - they don’t need this. This is an act, they are great.

– At the very beginning, my colleagues and I ensured the legality of the referendum and gave the Crimeans the opportunity to exercise their right to self-determination. The same right that is spelled out in black and white in the UN Charter. Despite any threats, absurd criminal cases that were brought against not only me, but also all employees of the prosecutor’s office who transferred from the Ukrainian to the new legal system, we paid our duty as officers. For this I am very grateful to my fearless team.

After the referendum there was another difficult period - formation. Because it was necessary to move from one legal system to a completely different one. The first body that was built and began to work with 100% efficiency in the new legal field was the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Crimea. And such a wonderful team must be preserved, regardless of who takes the post after me. There are many prosecutors working here who have proven that they can be trusted. I would like the Prosecutor General to pay attention to them.

– It’s no secret that you are running for the State Duma, your name is on the list. Have you already decided on the direction in which you would like to apply your experience and knowledge if you win?

– I am interested in the committee on Eurasian integration and interaction with fellow citizens of the CIS countries. Why? Yes, if only because I want to help unfortunate Ukraine, which should become prosperous. This is our sister. Even Vladimir the Great, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince, baptized the fraternal peoples of Russia and Ukraine in the same font. And it will remain so for centuries. And let our enemies who want to destroy this be lost in their own recklessness. Our peoples must be together, they are suffering. Just look at the crippled children when they come to Crimea. We are trying to help.

We meet them with the staff of the prosecutor's office, settle them in boarding houses, and bring them gifts. There were especially many little ones last year. Just so as not to see these eyes full of pain, I am ready to give every part of myself. I think, being on this committee, I will be able to bring no less benefit than as the prosecutor of Crimea.

– The position of the Ukrainian authorities towards you is clear. And how do the residents of Ukraine feel about Natalya Poklonskaya? ordinary people?

“I didn’t have the opportunity to go and find out about this personally after I took the post of prosecutor of Crimea, but based on the comments that I read on social networks, they support me. Someone runs a whole VKontakte group for me, I am grateful to them, although I don’t know who it is.

There are also negative comments, but a lot of positive ones, mainly from the south-east of Ukraine asking for help. They even come to see me. And the fever that now exists in the law enforcement system of Ukraine and among the leadership in general only indicates that they are artificially trying to slander, induce people’s hostility towards my person, and deliberately give information that does not correspond to reality.

Recently, the Ukrainian media posted a photo of a girl using drugs with the caption “Poklonskaya”, and they showed it on the Ukrainian news. But this is bullshit! (He gets indignant and bangs his fist on the table.) At least they tried to fake it so that it would look similar in appearance!

And these absurd summonses that I receive! Ukraine officially banned me from entering the country and immediately accuses me of not coming to the trial of the case brought against me. I am not hiding. Here I am! But no one wants to talk, looking eye to eye.

– Let’s return to the topic of the State Duma. You have lived in Crimea since you were 10 years old and consider yourself a Crimean. What if the residents of the peninsula perceive your move to work in the State Duma as a betrayal?

– Even if I move to Moscow, to any other region, this is not a betrayal. I am a Crimean and I will defend the interests of Crimeans and Russia as a whole, I repeat once again, in any position wherever I am appointed.

– I see you are interested in Nicholas II. There is a chapel in the courtyard of the prosecutor’s office, in your office there is his portrait, even in the ranks of the “Immortal Regiment” you walked with his image. Where does this interest come from?

- This is our sovereign. And the fact that I walked with his icon is a great joy and honor for me. He and his family are holy passion-bearers who took care of Russia. This topic is very personal for me, connected with my worldview and attitude. I wouldn’t like to talk much about it publicly, because people still react negatively to Nicholas II. Very strange. After all, there is no such reaction when someone comes out with portraits of Lenin. Why, what happened? The Romanovs deserve to be treated differently. But this is my opinion, I am not agitating anyone.

– What other historical figures appeal to you?

– You don’t have to go far, we have the Crimean Saint Luke, a surgeon who treated people completely free of charge. He said a famous phrase. When they asked him: “Have you seen God?” - he answered: “When I operate and open the skull, I don’t see the mind there either, but it is there.” Therefore, blessed is he who believes.
– Based on your answers to some questions, as I understand, you are a deeply religious person?

– I’m just a believer, Orthodox. And I try not to sin.
– You play sports, you passed the GTO standards in Sochi. Will you give up sports?

- In no case. This is health. If I don’t have the opportunity, I’ll at least do the exercises at home. Now I try to swim in the sea to keep fit in my free time. You can't keep up with other beautiful Russian women.

We open a bottle of champagne, and Vladimir Vladimirovich speaks on TV in the Federal Assembly about the reunification of Crimea with Russia. It was such jubilation, just an extravaganza! And you say... Yes, I am the most happy man after that there was!

– How do you feel about Vladimir Putin?

- This is the best president in the world. And he is ours.

– What is your opinion about journalists? I heard you are reluctant to give interviews? Although you can’t tell from our conversation.

– I respect the work of journalists. We are, of course, talking about real professionals, and not about the yellow press, the example of which I gave at the beginning of our conversation.

To be a journalist means to be able to convey in the required format and direction the opinion of the person you are communicating with, without offending him. This is a colossal work that I appreciate.

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka (now the Lugansk People's Republic. It is the LPR, and not Ukraine, that Poklonskaya calls her homeland in an interview). When Natalya was 10 years old, she and her parents moved to Yevpatoria (Crimea).
In 2002 she graduated from the branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs in Evpatoria. Then she worked in the prosecutor's office of Ukraine.
In 2011, when Natalya Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor in the case of the Crimean crime boss Reuben Aronov, she was attacked. That time she was beaten so much that she developed disturbances in the functioning of certain muscle groups on her face, which is why she developed a manner of speaking “through her teeth” and twisting her mouth a little when speaking.

Poklonskaya met February 2014, when the coup d'etat took place in Ukraine, in Kyiv, at that time she worked in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. On February 25, 2014, after the change of power in Kyiv, Natalya Poklonskaya wrote a letter of resignation, justifying her decision by the fact that she “It’s a shame to live in a country where neo-fascists roam the streets freely and dictate their terms to the so-called new government”. According to Poklonskaya, she came to write her dismissal report with a St. George ribbon.

The resignation was not accepted; management only provided her with a vacation, which she decided to spend in Crimea, where her parents lived. There Poklonskaya offered her help to the Crimean authorities, who did not recognize the new Kyiv government: “In Crimea, I went to Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov and said that at least I would print ballots, but only to help so that the fascists would not come to Crimea. At that time, I didn’t even think that I would be the prosecutor of the republic.”

Poklonskaya believes that the starting point of the “Crimean Spring” was "the heroism of the Crimean Berkut fighters, who stood as human shields on the Kiev Maidan under bullets and Molotov cocktails. It was they who made the Crimeans believe in themselves, straighten their shoulders and fight back against fascism, which was rapidly spreading throughout the country. The Berkut fighters are a symbol of the unbroken Crimean spirit, because they remained true to their principles to the end and were close to the Crimean people in difficult times."

On March 11, 2014, Poklonskaya was appointed to the position of prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. That same day she gave a press conference. During the entire press conference, Natalya Poklonskaya smiled only once, but the stern and at the same time very beautiful woman caused a lot of admiration on social networks, this wave reached Japan. The video of the press conference received 3.2 million views.

Videos using clips from the press conference also received millions of views. For example, the 2-minute video “Nyash Myash” by a Russian blogger with the nickname Enjoykin was watched more than 24 million times. The phrase “nyash-myash” is taken from Poklonskaya’s phrase “I’m a prosecutor and therefore I won’t allow any babbles or anything like that.”
Many drawings have appeared on the Internet depicting Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (the style in which heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga).

The creators of the computer game Prime World, inspired by the image of Poklonskaya, created a new heroine named Accuser.

In 2014, Natalya Poklonskaya entered the top 30 sexiest women in Russia according to Maxim magazine, beating other celebrities in a reader vote.

However, some photos from Odnoklassniki still remained on the Internet. The most frank of them, with bare shoulders:

Another photo from Odnoklassniki:

Regarding her popularity, Poklonskaya said: “I always have only a positive attitude towards people’s attention. I, of course, am grateful that people perceive me... Indeed, I did not expect that there would be such a reaction. But to say that all this folk art would hinder or help me in any way “Yes, somewhere it pleases my vanity, so to speak. But I try not to delve into it too much.”

Congratulations to Natalya Poklonskaya on the New Year 2015, in which she assessed 2014, which was so important for Crimea:

Poklonskaya in her office:

On different photos it is clear that Natalya Poklonskaya is a monarchist and a fan of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II. She made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II had no legal force.

After being appointed prosecutor of Crimea, a criminal case was opened against Poklonskaya in Ukraine and she was put on the wanted list.
Poklonskaya made many statements about the events in Ukraine. At a press conference on March 11, 2014, she stated: “What is happening in Kyiv and other regions is simply chaos. And what legal framework is this regulated by? I don’t know such a legal framework.”
After the return of Crimea to Russia, Poklonskaya said: “I will do everything so that my child is proud of me and proud that he lives in such a great power as the Russian Federation. So that my daughter honors the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War. So that she honors the memory of my two grandfathers who died in this war. So that the monuments were not destroyed. I want my child to live in an honest country, and not in a Bandera, treacherous, Nazi country. I was ashamed that I was a citizen of that state. My grandmother called me and cried: the times when there was an occupation are returning. She remembers the Germans and remembers the Ukrainian policemen. How they mocked me! How will I look my grandmother in the eyes if I put on a uniform and serve this very Galicia? When you think about it, there is no fear.”

Natalya Poklonskaya is Russia's youngest female general.

Natalia Poklonskaya is a fan of dolphins

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

Many admirers of Natalia Poklonskaya are concerned about her personal life, but we only know that she is married for the second time and has an 11-year-old daughter, Anastasia. The first husband was 19 years older than Poklonskaya, now they do not communicate, and perhaps the first husband does not even know about her brilliant career. To the question “What is family, career, children for you?” Natalya Poklonskaya answers: “All these categories are inseparable from each other, and one cannot be given priority. Without a family, there will be no career. Why? Who needs a career and an unhappy fate without a family? It’s just a dry career - it’s not needed. And Alexander III, when in his will he indicated his parting words to Nicholas II, in his last lines he said: “Strengthen the family. A strong family is the basis of a strong state.” This is the historical, traditional value of our Russian nation, our multinational state. A strong family means a strong family and a strong state. You can’t go anywhere without family.”

In the video "From the Heroes of Bygone Times..." Natalya Poklonskaya starred with her daughter Anastasia.

Photo of daughter Natalia Poklonskaya:

Video "From the heroes of bygone times..."

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya, a well-known political figure, ex-prosecutor, and State Duma deputy, has gone through a long, thorny path from an assistant prosecutor to a deputy. Currently, there is very little news about the personal life and biography of the person presented; most likely, she is actively engaged in her professional activity. Recently, photos of Natalia Poklonskaya in a swimsuit appeared on the Internet, which caused a storm of emotions from users. Some wrote laudatory comments admiring her openness, while others, on the contrary, pointed out that the deputy should not be filmed in this form.

On March 18, 1980, Natalya Poklonskaya was born in the village of Mikhailovka, Lugansk region. At the age of 10, she and her family moved to the small Crimean village of Uyutnoye. Natasha studied there high school. Also during her school years, the girl received a musical education and learned to play the piano. After graduating from school, Poklonskaya decided on her future, deciding to devote her life to working in law enforcement. In 2002, Natasha successfully defended her diploma at a branch of Kharkov University. Education may have been the only aspect of her success, as she has incredible knowledge of law.

The first stage of work in the prosecutor's office was a small position. She was an assistant prosecutor for the environmental division. The girl’s professionalism was immediately noted by her superiors. In the period from 2010 to 2011, Natalya worked in the prosecutor's office and was deputy chief. This stage in her professional career is marked by incredible achievements that can only be dreamed of.

Appearing in the official uniform of a colonel in the photo, Natalya Poklonskaya caused a flurry of emotions from many people. Some were indignant at how such a nice girl could occupy such high positions, others expressed their distrust.

In 2011, in Simferopol, Poklonskaya became the head of the environmental prosecutor’s office and a year later she was appointed head of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. In 2014 difficult period Kyiv crisis, Natalya decided to resign from her position, but she was offered another option - to take a vacation. As a result, Natalya went to stay with her relatives in Simferopol.

In the spring of the same year, Natalya became the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. On the day of Poklonskaya’s appointment, a press conference was held that glorified Natalya. During the conference, Poklonskaya harshly expressed her opinion on the topic of the new Ukrainian government. That same spring, Natalya officially became a member of the Russian Prosecutor's Office. Poklonskaya took the oath of prosecutor of the Russian Federation and was appointed chief prosecutor of Crimea. In 2016, Natalya was appointed to the Duma.

Poklonskaya: photos from the wedding, personal life

In the biography of Natalya Poklonskaya, her personal life is of secondary importance. She devotes more time to the work that led her to such popularity. Natalya Poklonskaya claims to be one of the most discussed political figures. However, she talks little about her marriage. It is known that Natalya is divorced and has a daughter, Anastasia. Nastya bears her mother's surname.

Natalya stubbornly hid the name of her chosen one and unexpectedly in 2017, news appeared on Internet sources that Poklonskaya was not married at all.

Natalya admitted that she had to mislead the public in order to avoid unnecessary attention from fans. Questions about Natalya’s marriage began after she allegedly incorrectly filled out a declaration of her own income, without including her husband.

The public was also concerned about the question of why Natalya did not indicate in her declaration that she had her own car; Poklonskaya’s counter-argument was that she gave her car to her father for his birthday.

In fact, many tried to simply find a reason for a new scandal, but the legally trained Natalya was able to justify every action. Nowadays, many understand that all the accusations were groundless.

Natalya Poklonskaya was credited with having an affair with Alexei Uchitel, indicating that their personal life was extremely successful. But all the rumors arose around the scandal when Natalya submitted a request to the prosecutor’s office so that they check the Teacher’s film for compliance moral standards. In fact, the director himself wrote statements and letters to the State Duma so that they would sort out Natalya’s actions, but received only refusals.

In general, there are many rumors regarding Natalia’s personal life. For example, in 2014, rumors appeared that Poklonskaya secretly married her fiancé in one of the monasteries. However, Natalya later denied this fact.

Natalia Poklonskaya's husband Vladimir Klimenko

Natalya also does not officially name her first husband. And in general he prefers not to touch on this topic. According to some sources, Poklonskaya was married to the deputy head of Mariupol, Vladimir Klimenko. According to data from the official website of Mariupol, Vladimir oversees the activities of the department of housing and communal infrastructure. On this moment Natalya Poklonskaya is raising a daughter without a husband; she had no more children.

Assassination attempts

Over the course of Natalya’s entire professional career, two attempts were made on her life. The first was committed in 2011 at her entrance own home. As a result, Natalia received a facial injury. The next attempt was carried out in 2014, but fortunately, the attackers were not able to cause much harm to the girl’s health.

Many are interested in the title of Natalya Poklonskaya, which is how she rose to the rank of colonel. Her activities have great importance for the Russian Federation, therefore, the personality of Poklonskaya is riveted huge attention. Natalya has achieved results in her life thanks to a professional approach to her work and has never abused her powers. Therefore, she is treated with special respect. This is confirmed by joint photos of Natalia Poklonskaya with other famous deputies and the head of our country.

The scandals surrounding her personality did not stop until a certain point, but after the assassination attempt, many realized that it would not be possible to break Natalya.

Living in Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya took photos on the beach more than once, so there was no point in making a media sensation out of it. Despite this, they really inflated the whole story by presenting the State Duma deputy as a model for candid photo shoots. In fact, these are quite simple home photos that somehow ended up online.

Popularity of Deputy Poklonskaya on the Internet

After holding a press conference in 2014, Natalia gained the attention of people all over the world thanks to her pretty appearance. A large number of Natalia’s art drawings, made in Japanese style anime. Fans of Japanese animation call Poklonskaya “nyasha-Natasha.” Poklonskaya herself is not happy with this image and considers it frivolous.

Today Natalya has profiles in in social networks, posts photographs. She has many fans who dedicate songs, videos and even computer games. For example, the song “Oh, what a sweetheart, prosecutor Natasha!” posted on YouTube. The author Blagoev Slava from Odessa was watched by more than 100 thousand people in a day. A large number of Poklonskaya fan clubs have also appeared on social networks, but she is not a member of them. In the spring of 2016, Poklonskaya initiated the recording of a patriotic video for the song “From Bygone Times.”

Social activities and criticism

Natalya Poklonskaya donated a unique collection of photographs of the family of Emperor Nicholas II to the historical museum. In the process of transferring the photographs, Poklonskaya performed the composition on the piano, which was also a museum exhibit. This piano in the past belonged to the imperial family; the wife and daughter of Nicholas II played on it. Natalya treats Nicholas II with reverence; a painting of him is even in her workplace. In 2015, Natalya participated in the opening ceremony of the monument to Nicholas II.

In March, Poklonskaya made a loud statement that the monument had become myrrh-streamed. It is noteworthy that this happened in the year of the anniversary of the revolution. Natalya noted that her employees who take care of the chapel and the monument call her, and people come with their children to heal them of various ailments. On the holiday Great Victory Poklonskaya took part in the “Immortal Regiment” march. She carried an icon depicting Nicholas II. This action of Natalia provoked controversial comments and criticism from the public.

In the biography of Natalia Poklonskaya there was also a case in which her home photos in a swimsuit were leaked online. These are simple pictures with nothing extravagant or revealing. Despite this, many Internet users were able to stir up a whole scandal by presenting Natalia in a bad light. Thus, in Poklonskaya’s career there were an incredibly large number of cases when they tried to harm her in every possible way.

So, you can see that in addition to Natalia’s admirers, there are quite a few who, frankly speaking, do not like her and criticize her at the slightest opportunity. Natalya responds to criticism that she is not afraid of it at all and treats it as something temporary, easily coming and going. Poklonskaya believes that if her actions cause criticism from the public, then she is the right way. The main thing is that with her actions she managed to touch caring people, causing a public outcry.

The scandal surrounding the film "Matilda"

After Poklonskaya became a deputy, she was quite happy short time was able to ruin professional relations with some political groups. For example, one of the “victims” of the ex-prosecutor was the film “Matilda”, directed by Alexei Uchitel. The film created a lot of hype. In particular, MP Poklonskaya believes that some scenes in the film offend the feelings of believers and says that no one’s rights should be violated. Initially, Natalya sent a request to check the film's trailer because she saw in it a distortion of historical events.

At Natalya’s request, the prosecutor’s office conducted an inspection, but did not reveal any violations. Then Poklonskaya again requested a check, only this time not only the trailer was checked, but also the film script. The deputy did not wait for the inspection and eventually arranged an examination at her own expense. As a result of the examination, it was found that the film “Matilda” contains incorrect scenes that offend the feelings of believers.

However, an official inspection by the Ministry of Culture did not reveal any obvious violations. As a result, Poklonskaya began to highlight the situation in online communities, trying to get the film banned.

The scandal surrounding the film "Matilda"

Also, relatively recently, a video appeared on the Internet, thanks to which Natalya was subjected to harsh criticism. In the video, Poklonskaya mistakenly or inadvertently awarded Chatsky’s statement from Griboedov’s work to Suvorov. The latest news about Natalia Poklonskaya's personal life cannot but please, as she really attracts attention.


Natalya has quite a lot of different creative hobbies. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, but then decided to go to law school. Natalya still often plays the piano, draws pictures and loves to watch figure skating. Poklonskaya also loves sports and even participated in the Sochi Spartakiad.

The most important hobby in Natalia Poklonskaya’s biography is photography, she is incredibly photogenic and loves to take pictures. She also spends a lot of time with her daughter. Today there is no man in Natalya’s life, so she is raising her child on her own.

News appeared online that Natalya Poklonskaya took a photo for Maxim magazine. According to her statements, there were no explicit photo shoots, and representatives of the publication also stated the same. Therefore, you should not believe everything that is written on the Internet.

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